uid™ subsea docking station...internal 28 may 2018 uid subsea docking station • provides power...

UID™ Subsea Docking Station Jan Christian Torvestad, Equinor

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Page 1: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

UID™ Subsea Docking StationJan Christian Torvestad, Equinor

Page 2: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Internal 28 May 2018

1. Philosophy (generic interfrace)

2. Shallow water (Dora)

3. Trondheimsfjorden

4. Åsgard

5. Potential projects

2 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Docking station devlopment

Page 3: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Internal 28 May 2018

• Wireless interfaces in SWiG

• Harmonize interface towards major drone suppliers

• Formalize and harmonize with DeepStar

3 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

U I D ™ g e n e r i c s u b s e a d o c k i n g s t a t i o n

Page 4: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Internal 28 May 2018

U I D ™ s u b s e a d o c k i n g s t a t i o n

• Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones

• Combines several technologies

• Industry standard on interfaces

• Interoperability

4 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Base structure

API 17D interface

Charging plate

Page 5: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Internal 28 May 2018

Junction box

5 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Page 6: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Internal 28 May 2018

Dora dry dock testing

6 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy 6

Width 20m


ht 14m

Fire hose

Page 7: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

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7 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Page 8: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

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Åsgard pilot

8 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Page 9: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Internal 28 May 20189 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Potential use in Snorre Expansion Project (SEP)

Page 10: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

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Potential integration in structures

10 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Page 11: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Internal 28 May 2018

Stand alone with cover

11 | Underwater Intervention Drone (UID™) strategy

Page 12: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

© Equinor ASA

This presentation, including the contents and arrangement of the contents of each individual page or the collection of the pages, is owned by Equinor. Copyright to all material including, but not limited to, written material, photographs, drawings, images, tables and data remains the property of Equinor. All rights reserved. Any other use, reproduction, translation, adaption, arrangement, alteration, distribution or storage of this presentation, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Equinor is prohibited. The information contained in this presentation may not be accurate, up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case, despite our efforts. Equinor cannot accept any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions.

Jan Christian Torvestad - M.Sc.Equinor

UID™ Subsea Docking Station

Always safeHigh value Low carbon

Page 13: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

S u bs ea U S B – S tan dard I n terface

Qual i fication for BOP appl ications

On the m ark ed since 2 005

Page 14: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

I t took 12 Years to be acceptedFFU 2 006 – S tatoi l I B Cen ter:


Page 15: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

I n du cti v e S u bs ea Con n ectorsH i s tory an d Produ ct R an ge





Page 16: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

I m pl em en tati on

• Standardized system• Low cost• Short tim e to m arked• Low power & perform ance

Custom solution

• Flexible s ize and shape

• Power & com munication

• Bi-directional power

• High power & perform ance

Standard solutions

Page 17: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Wi rel es s Pow er B l ock Di agram

Input Filter & Protection

Internal supply voltage







Output Filter & Protection

Internal supply voltage







Primary Side

Secondary Side

Page 18: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Wi rel es s S u bs ea U S B fu tu re

• AUV applications• Replaceable Sensors• Semi-permanent electrical tooling• Retro Fit on Brown Field• Distributed UPS – Fail safe Energy• Reduced umbilical s ize and cost• Tricle Charging• Subsea Power Bank's• CE-Marking• DC-FO


Page 19: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

M u l ti Dog Li fti n g 13,5 WLL M al e

Page 20: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

I n s tal l ati on of U I D Fou n dati on T ron dh ei m


Page 21: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Nex t Gen erati on 10k W Ch argi n g U I D P l ate

Major challenges :• Navigation and accurate pos itioning during docking to charge efficiently• Com m on m echanical locking interface• Com m on Mechanical Skid interface• Com m on Tool interface

H ow can the indus try agree on a lis t of UID interfaces ?In the following s lides we will present areas where we see challenges and potential solutions. This is not m eant to be a list of conclusions, but rather an invitation to discuss potential solutions. We have performed several interface m eetings with different service providers and are happy to discuss ways to improve the design for common benefit

S ubs ea has one com petitor: “ P latform ”



Page 22: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Nex t Gen erati on 10k W Ch argi n g U I D P l ate


Page 23: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

4 x 2 ,3k W Fl at con n ector – 9,2 k W 32 5VDC


Page 24: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Nex t Gen erati on 10k W Ch argi n g U I D P l ate


Room for 3 connectors in each corner:Exam ple 1 off 2kW and 2 off 50W for utility services:Video, Blue Com , Tool box, Navigation (Water Linked)


Page 25: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Nex t Gen erati on 10k W Ch argi n g U I D P l ate


Dom e connector with m echanical lock:Drone can land, res t, and charge on docking plate The Drone can s pin around the connector

Page 26: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Nex t Gen erati on 10k W Ch argi n g U I D P l ate


On-board navigation system detects the charging station and enables m anoeuvring within approx. 50cm with high accuracyCharging Station prim ary s ide inductive connectors activates active Hom ing Mode and the Drone detects the m agnetic field

When the Drone is approaching the m agnetic field, identification inform ation is received and correct pos ition and charging station is verified. The Drone enters into Hom ing m ode and will use the m agnetic field to precisely dock onto the inductive connectors.

Magnetic H om ing Field

Page 27: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Nex t Gen erati on 10k W Ch argi n g U I D P l ate”GPS”, M M S, SM S i n tegrated i n the Subsea U SB


Page 28: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

E l ectri cal T orqu e T ool m ou n ted on tool Carri er


Neutral Buoyant Electrical Toque Tool with buoyancy that can be m ounted on a AUV with subsea change out. Inductive Tool Carrier for Subsea Change out of tooling:

1) Cutting Tools2) Survey Tool3) CP probe4) Cleaning Tool5) Gripper Tools6) Torque tools7) UPS Power bank8) Tether connection

Page 29: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

S m art I n du cti v e Pow er Gri d

Connected at Riser base

Template 4Every system will pull or deliver power on the common DC Grid (300- 400V DC)

Template 3

Template 2

Template 1

Subsea UPS 10-500 kWh possible to connect several in parallel that will work together to maintainvoltage in grid if 10kW charge

Retro-fit of UPS

Page 30: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

S u m m ary

• Firs t docking s tation in the proces s of being ins talled

• Flat charging s tation to fit all

• UID docking s tation is an true open s tandard

• 3D m odel of s tation is available to all

• NTNU national tes t centre for autonom ous vehicles

• B lue Logic is working on the future im provem ents and are collecting input on next generation des ign.


Page 31: UID™ Subsea Docking Station...Internal 28 May 2018 UID subsea docking station • Provides power and communication to Underwater Intervention Drones • Combines several technologies

Ques tions ?Helge Sverre Eide+47 917 64 815hse@ bluelogic.no