uk role in open grid services architecture towards an architectural road map a report to the...

UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force Malcolm Atkinson Director of NeSC 20 th March 2002

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Page 1: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

UK Role in Open Grid Services ArchitectureTowards an Architectural Road Map

A Report to the Technical Advisory Groupfrom

The Architecture Task Force

Malcolm AtkinsonDirector of NeSC

20th March 2002

Page 2: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force


Background — What is OGSA?The Confluence of

Web Services & Grid

Why Engage with OGSA

What should the UK do

How should we do it

Page 3: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Web Services Grid Technology

Grid Services

Page 4: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Web ServicesRapid Integration

Dynamic binding

Commercial PowerFinancial & Political

IndependenceClient from ServiceService from Client

SeparationFunction from Delivery

DescriptionWSDL, WSC, WSEF, …

Tools & PlatformsJava ONE, Visual .NETWebSphere, Oracle, …

www. w3c. org / TR / SOAP or TR/wsdl

Page 5: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Grid Technology

Virtual OrganisationsSharing & Collaboration

SecuritySingle Sign in, delegation

Distribution & fast FTPBut Various Protocols

Resource MangementDiscoveryProcess CreationSchedulingMonitoring

PortabilityUbiquitous APIs & Modules

Gov’nm’t Agency Buy in

Foster, I., Kesselman, C. and Tuecke, S., The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Virtual Organisations, Intl. J. Supercomputer Applications, 15(3), 2001

Page 6: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Open Grid Services Architecture

Virtual Grid Services


Multiple implementations of Grid Services

Using operations

Implemented by

OGS infrastructureFoster, I., Kesselman, C., Nick, J. and Tuecke, S., The Physiology of the Grid: An Open Grid Services Architecture for Distributed Systems Integration

Page 7: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Why Change?

Fire fighting safetyEruption, Flood & Pollution ResponseDiagnosis & Treatment PlanningWhole population health monitoringEpidemic Detection & ManagementUnderstanding Cells & OrgansIn Flight problem managementOceans, Climate, Ecosystems, …

Ambition Data ChallengeDeluge of Data

•More, Faster Digital Streams

•Heterogeneous evolving models

•Uncertainty about data quality

Finding the Nuggets

Reason to Trust the Answer

Software ChallengeComposing Software

•Encapsulating understanding•Multiple technologies•Heterogeneous evolving models •Uncertainty about component quality

Solving a ProblemReason to Trust the AnswerAn Answer in Time

Dependability ChallengeGeographic Distribution

•scientists, resources & instruments•Diverse: Organisations & Countries•Mobile: equipment, people & phenomena•Uncertainty about communication quality

Sustaining the Computation•Problem Detection & Recovery, Security, …

Reason to Trust System DependabilityAffordable

Do it often

Run it for everyone

Do it for everything

Do it quickly

Keep it runningPay for it

Change it often

Page 8: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Why Change?

Fire fighting safetyEruption, Flood & Pollution ResponseDiagnosis & Treatment PlanningWhole population health monitoringEpidemic Detection & ManagementUnderstanding Cells & OrgansIn Flight problem managementOceans, Climate, Ecosystems, …

Ambition Data ChallengeDeluge of Data

•More, Faster Digital Streams

•Heterogeneous evolving models

•Uncertainty about data quality

Finding the Nuggets

Reason to Trust the Answer

Software ChallengeComposing Software

•Encapsulating understanding•Multiple technologies•Heterogeneous evolving models •Uncertainty about component quality

Solving a ProblemReason to Trust the AnswerAn Answer in Time

Dependability ChallengeGeographic Distribution

•scientists, resources & instruments•Diverse: Organisations & Countries•Mobile: equipment, people & phenomena•Uncertainty about communication quality

Sustaining the Computation•Problem Detection & Recovery, Security, …

Reason to Trust System DependabilityAffordable

Description Driven Dynamic Integration (WS)Automated Generation of Code (WS)Resource Discovery (WS & Grid)High-level Platform (WS & Grid)Tools (WS)Distribution & Heterogeneity (WS & Grid)…

Page 9: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Why Change?

Fire fighting safetyEruption, Flood & Pollution ResponseDiagnosis & Treatment PlanningWhole population health monitoringEpidemic Detection & ManagementUnderstanding Cells & OrgansIn Flight problem managementOceans, Climate, Ecosystems, …

Ambition Data ChallengeDeluge of Data

•More, Faster Digital Streams

•Heterogeneous evolving models

•Uncertainty about data quality

Finding the Nuggets

Reason to Trust the Answer

Software ChallengeComposing Software

•Encapsulating understanding•Multiple technologies•Heterogeneous evolving models •Uncertainty about component quality

Solving a ProblemReason to Trust the AnswerAn Answer in Time

Dependability ChallengeGeographic Distribution

•scientists, resources & instruments•Diverse: Organisations & Countries•Mobile: equipment, people & phenomena•Uncertainty about communication quality

Sustaining the Computation•Problem Detection & Recovery, Security, …

Reason to Trust System DependabilityAffordable

Grid Data Management (Giggle)Grid FTP

Databases & Transactions (WS)Data Mining

Knowledge Management

Page 10: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

Why Change?

Fire fighting safetyEruption, Flood & Pollution ResponseDiagnosis & Treatment PlanningWhole population health monitoringEpidemic Detection & ManagementUnderstanding Cells & OrgansIn Flight problem managementOceans, Climate, Ecosystems, …

Ambition Data ChallengeDeluge of Data

•More, Faster Digital Streams

•Heterogeneous evolving models

•Uncertainty about data quality

Finding the Nuggets

Reason to Trust the Answer

Software ChallengeComposing Software

•Encapsulating understanding•Multiple technologies•Heterogeneous evolving models •Uncertainty about component quality

Solving a ProblemReason to Trust the AnswerAn Answer in Time

Dependability ChallengeGeographic Distribution

•scientists, resources & instruments•Diverse: Organisations & Countries•Mobile: equipment, people & phenomena•Uncertainty about communication quality

Sustaining the Computation•Problem Detection & Recovery, Security, …

Reason to Trust System DependabilityAffordable

Grid Protocols & ServicesSOAP multiple mappings

Grid Monitoring & ManagementSecurity (WS & Grid)

Page 11: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

UK Focus: Data Knowledge

Page 12: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

The Picture from Space

Phase 1: Foundations & PlanningGGF Collaboration on OGSA Design & Prototyping

Common InfrastructureEducation & Consultation

Baseline DB Access & IntegrationValidation & Testing

Baseline Logging Infrastructure

Phase 2: Automation & InformationRefining & Exploiting Description Languages

Data Information Semantic GridAdvanced DB Integration

Scheduling for Data Intensive ComputationComputational Grid Economies

Trustable ServicesPerformance EngineeringDependable EngineeringDesign for TestabilityEngineering for ChangeManagement & Ops SupportPrivacy, Ethics & Legal

Page 13: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

The First Steps

Best available platform from industry & Globus

Pilot Project & Community Consultation

Web Services & GSI & Axis

Infrastructure: GS APIs, Types & Primitives

Grid DB Access Services

Demo., Design & Review

Beta release to selected projects

Logging & Monitoring

Semantics of WS Description Languages

Advanced Information Handling

Trials of Web Services & GSI & Axis

Requirements & Standards

Trials: Grid DB Access Services

Page 14: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force


Page 15: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

OGSA Features



Tools & PlatformsApache axis…

InvocationSOAPRPC / RMI…

RepresentationsXML + Schema

Life Time Management

FactoriesTransient & Persistent GSGS HandlesGS RecordsSoft StateNotification

AuthenticationCertificates +Delegation

Change ManagementPlatform

Foster, I., Kesselman, C., Nick, J. and Tuecke, S., The Physiology of the Grid: An Open Grid Services Architecture for Distributed Systems Integration

Page 16: UK Role in Open Grid Services Architecture Towards an Architectural Road Map A Report to the Technical Advisory Group from The Architecture Task Force

OGSA Development

More DescriptionMore Languages

Trustworthy services Owners, Costs & Charging Transaction & Coordination Work Flow

Precision & Semantics

Tools & PlatformsPartial Models

Varied, open, analysis, synthesis

Directed composition Change Managers

Invocation & RepsStandard SchemasNamespaces

EngineeringFactoriesTransient & Persistent GSGS HandlesGS RecordsSoft StateNotification

Design for TestabilityDynamic Testing

Change ManagementDynamic Evolution

PlatformsMapping to host, invocation, notification, protocol transmission, authentication

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OGSA Development 2

Higher-Level Description


Tools & PlatformsHigher-level Models User-Guided Automation

Invocation & RepsAgreed Semantic ModelsTrustworthy Translation

EngineeringAccessible Trade-offsDynamic ControlAutonomic

Design for QAQ Testing & Certification

Change ManagementDynamic Evolution

PlatformsRaising their level

More high-level facilities

Coherent Understandable Specified