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UK Utilities Sector Product/Service Code Guide 8th Edition UK Utilities Sector Product/Service Code Guide

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UK Ut i l i t ies SectorProduct/Service Code Guide8th Edit ion

UK Ut i l i t ies Sector











Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:

Benefits� Supply Chain efficiencies

� Demonstrable compliance to Safety, Health, Environment & Quality (SHEQ)

� Independent assessment and benchmarking

� Credibility in the market place

� Applicable industry specific assessments

Verify was launched in 2001 as an extension to UVDB. It is focused on Safety,Health, the Environment and Quality (SHEQ) assessments. Over 25 utilities and 35of their contracting partners use the system to qualify their supply chain, through

an assessment of their management systems and site performance.

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FAXService Desk 01235 838096

INTERNET Visit our website





PHONEService Desk 01235 861118

Demonstrate your Safety, Health, Environmental & Quality capability

to the utility industries

Demonstrate your Safety, Health, Environmental & Quality capability

to the utility industries

V1 – 06/08

1 New Product Code

Product Code



Reference page in current guide


Subsea Cables


15 & 69

2 New keywords in existing categories

Product Code




page in current guide


Specialist Business

Software (excl.


Development - use


Software - Safety, Health,

Environment and Security

Software - Energy Trading

System Software – Metering

Software - Traffic Management


28 & 68



Network Services

Audio Conferencing Services

31 & 71



Maintenance &



Fire Restoration Services

Flood Restoration Services

35 & 48

3.71.16 Subsea Cable


Subsea Cable Installation

Rock Dumping


37 & 69

UK Utilities Sector Product/Service Code Guide

Addendum – June 2008

Achilles Information Limited 30 Park Gate, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SH T: +44 (0)1235 861118 F: +44 (0)1235 821093 E: [email protected]

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide


Section 1 Introduction Page 2- How the UVDB Works- Help is at Hand

Section 2 Getting Started Page 3- How to Access the Online Questionnaire- Navigating Around the Questionnaire- Overview of the Questionnaire

Section 3 Adding Product Codes Page 5

and Keywords- How to Select Product/Service Codes for

Your Company- How to Use the Keywords- How to Add a Product Code and/or Keyword(s)

to the Online Questionnaire

Section 4 Completing the Questionnaire Page 7- The Quality Checking Process- How to Access Quality Checking Messages

Section 5 Making the UVDB Work Page 8

for you- Marketing Activities to Support Your

UVDB Registration- Keeping Your Information Up-To-Date

Section 6 Administration of Users Page 9- Adding New Users- Deactivating Users

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UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



INTRODUCTIONThank you for registering your company on the UVDB – the UK Utilities sector supplier pre-qualification scheme.Over 50 utilities use the UVDB to source and pre-qualify suppliers for forthcoming contract opportunities above EUthresholds in order to comply with EU procurement legislation.

How the UVDB works The utilities have access to a search engine, which they use to identify suppliers for specific contracts. Purchaserspick out key requirements for potential suppliers and then apply this to the UVDB as search criteria. Selecting aproduct/service code is the primary tool used to initially identify suitable suppliers. Further filters such as keywords,financial turnover, quality accreditations, documented environmental or health and safety policies can also beincluded within a UVDB search.

It is critical that your company completes the UVDB questionnaire with comprehensive information. Sections 2 and3 of this code guide look at each of the key areas of the questionnaire and explain how to achieve this. Accurate andup to date information on your company’s working capabilities will optimise the chance of being involved in utilitytenders.

Help is always at hand… Achilles is always willing to provide guidance and assist you with the completion of the UVDB questionnaire. Achillesrun regular supplier workshops to help suppliers make the most of their UVDB registration. If you would like to attenda workshop or have any queries relating to your questionnaire please contact our Service Desk.

PHONE Service Desk 01235 861118

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FAX Service Desk 01235 838096

INTERNET Visit our website

POSTService Desk Achilles Information Ltd 30 Park Gate, Milton Park Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SH





UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:




GETTING STARTEDThis section focuses on explaining how suppliers should complete the UVDB questionnaire. This includes looking athow to access, navigate and populate the questionnaire with the critical information that utility companies require.We would recommend all users read this section before accessing the questionnaire.

1. Go to your web browser and enter the website address:

2. Enter your username and password and click on the login button. (If you do not know your usernameor password then please click on the ‘Forgotten password’ link or alternatively contact the Service Desk).

3. Once successfully logged on, the Achilles Online Services (AOS) home page will be displayed.

4. All of the Achilles services to which you subscribe are accessible on the left hand side of the screen under ‘My Services’.

5. To access the questionnaire click on the ‘Questionnaire’ link.

6. To input or change information click on ‘Update Questionnaire’.

� The different sections of the questionnaire are listed on the left hand menu. By clicking on these links you can move between sections.

� Selecting ‘General Information’ will take you to the start of the questionnaire.

� Use the Validate/Save button on the top menu bar to save any information added. This will also highlight in red any mandatory questions that have not yet been completed.

Useful TipsIf completing the questionnaire for the first time we would recommend systematically working through eachsection, starting from the top.

Use the ‘Validate/Save’ button every time you complete a section of the questionnaire.

Questions used as search fields by Purchasing Organisations are marked with a magnifying glass. It is thereforecritical that you populate these questions with suitable responses.

Help Tip: While using the questionnaire, positioning the cursor in an entry field will automatically cause the helptext box to be displayed relevant to that question.

Help: There are also Help buttons on the questionnaire, which explain what information is required in eachsection.

Tip: Please use calendar to select dates to keep in same format throughout database

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:

Overview of the questionnaire sections The content of the UVDB questionnaire is determined by the utility purchasing companies, via the UVDB SteeringGroup. Every question has been included as a direct result of the utilities requesting the information. It is criticalthat you complete all the questions with comprehensive answers, enabling buyers to gain a better understanding ofyour company and also improving your chances of being selected for tender lists.

In the table below we have summarised some of the key sections, picking out points to consider when completingthe questionnaire.

Questionnaire Section Key Points

General Information The contact details provided in these sections are used by Utilities to contact supplierswhen issuing a tender list or to request information (RFI). These are often sent

Personnel Information electronically so ensure an appropriate email, telephone number and postal address is provided.

Legal Information If registered in the UK ensure you enter all the digits of your company registration number. The registration number is used to collect financial information from Companies House.

Financial Information You are required to provide figures from your last 3 years financial accounts. It is critical that you provide this information, as financial data are often used as searchcriteria.

Where possible Achilles will ask a third party provider to populate your information for review. Please check the accuracy of the data when available. All suppliers will however berequired to state their approximate number of employees and the % of turnover relating to each industry sector.

Parent Company If you have a parent company you will need to populate this section; if not, leave blank.

Office Locations You will need to enter at least one office location in this section. This section is used by the Utilities to evaluate a company’s geographical coverage. If applicable this should include all factories, offices, warehouses or any other significant locations.

Region of Supply This section reflects where a supplier can supply to, not necessarily where they are based. Ensure you tick all relevant regions, as the utilities can specify a region of supply within their search criteria.

Customers Provide details of key customers in order to demonstrate whom you presently work with. We would recommend including utility customers, major contractors, or recognised blue chip companies if possible.

Products and Services It is important that all your company’s capabilities are covered by selecting the appropriate product codes.

Within each product code remember to check and include the provided keyword descriptions if appropriate (keywords are frequently included in utility searches).

For each product code ensure you add at least one company you have provided this product or service to, in the Contract History section. Note: you can only include companies you have listed in the Customers section.

Quality Systems, Ensure you include information about any accredited or certified management systems

Health, Safety and that your company has implemented. If you have your own in-house system then you

Environmental will need to provide details.

Declaration Ensure the declaration is completed and authorised.


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:




How to select product/service codes foryour company This booklet contains all of the available product/servicecodes and their associated keywords, listed both in codeorder and alphabetical order. As a starting point wewould recommend you use the alphabetical listing at theback of the code book, to identify and pick out therelevant codes or subsections to review in further detail.You can, however, work through the 3 tiers of codingstructure, in order to identify the appropriate productcodes. Once you have identified the right product code,remember to check for available keywords. These arelisted in italics beneath the code in the guide book, andare often incorporated into the utilities search criteria.

At the first tier of the coding structure, the product and service codes have been divided into the following 3 areas:

1 - Goods or Products2 - Non-Engineering Services3 - Works and Engineering Services

It is important to ensure that your company registersunder the appropriate section, as there will be similarcodes in different sections.

Example 1 – whether to select a product and/or service code

1.11.16 Flue Gas Exhaust Systems & Spares

3.73.21 Flue Gas Exhaust System Services

If a company were able to supply flue gasexhaust systems, spares or components as aproduct, then selecting 1.11.16 would be thecorrect code to use.

If a company provided a refurbishment andinstallation service for flue gas exhaust systems,but could not provide the product, then selecting3.73.21 would be the correct code to use.

If a company could both supply a flue gasexhaust system and also install and maintain thesystem then they should register under both1.11.16 and 3.73.21.

How to use the Keywords Most of the product codes have a selection of keywords,which are designed to make identification of the correctproduct/service code easier for suppliers, contractorsand buyers. The keywords have been selected by thebuying organisations to help ensure they source themost appropriate suppliers for tender opportunities.They work by providing a further level of classification tothe product/service code, which can sometimes be quitegeneric. The keywords are often incorporated into utilitysearches for suppliers and therefore it is essentialappropriate keywords are included.

Example No.2 – how to use keywords1.07.02 Transformers - Distribution Ground-Mounted (2000kVA & Below)

11kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed)11kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed)20kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed)20kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed)33kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed)33kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed)11kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated11kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated)20kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated)20kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated)33kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated)33kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated)

The keywords are listed beneath each product code initalics. In the above example, 1.07.02 is the correctcode for a supplier of ground-mounted transformersrated 2000kVA or below. The keywords clearly enablesuppliers to demonstrate the specific type of ground-mounted transformers they can provide (you can selectone or all of the keywords as appropriate). Wherekeywords do not exist, or existing keywords areinappropriate, you may enter your own description.

If there is insufficient space to add all the appropriatekeywords you should add the code twice to ensure thatall the relevant keywords are included.

ADDING PRODUCT CODES AND KEYWORDSEnsuring that your company is registered under the product/service codes that match your capabilities is one of the most important aspects of completing the questionnaire. The product/service codes are the primary meansfor buyers to source suppliers and/or contractors to match their contract requirements. It is therefore essential thatcareful consideration and adequate time be allowed to review all of the available product/service codes and keywords, in order to maximise your company’s chances of being found by a buyer for a relevant contractopportunity.

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:

How to add a product code and/or keyword(s) to the online questionnaire 1. Click on the ‘Products and Services’ section on the left hand menu. This will list any codes you may have

entered previously. 2. Use the ‘Add New’ button on the menu bar at the top of the page to enter a new product code. 3. A new dialogue box will open, displaying the first tier coding structure. Select the sub-categories for the

product code you require, until your desired product code is highlighted in yellow. Note: If this box does notappear, please click “change code” button

4. Click on the ‘OK’ button and a new page will open, with information that needs to be completed for the new product code. Underneath the Product/Service Code there is a ‘Description field’, where you can select keywords and include your own description ofyour capabilities.

5. Click on button to access the list of keywords associated with the product code (if there are no keywords set up for the product code, the text ‘no items available’ will be displayed). Click on all the appropriate keywords you would like to add from the list or add your own specific description. Every time you select a keyword it will automaticallybe inserted into the lower description box.

6. Once you have selected all the desired keywords click on ‘OK’, which will take you back to the product code page. You should now see the selectedkeywords displayed in the description box.

7. Continue to complete the rest of the information for the product code. Once all the questions have been answered click on ‘Validate/Save’ on the top menu bar. To enter another product code click on ‘AddNew’ and repeat the process again.


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


COMPLETING THEQUESTIONNAIRE Once you have completed all sections of thequestionnaire, you need to submit the data to Achillesfor Quality Checking. To do this, click on the “submit”button on the menu bar of the questionnaire. Ifthere are any mandatory fields with no data provided,these will be marked in red. In order to input therequired data just click on the red text, which will takeyou to the relevant page. Once completed click on thesubmit button again.

The Quality Checking Process When adding or amending data in your questionnaire it is essential that you submit the data to Achilles for QualityChecking. If you do not submit the questionnaire the changes you make will not be visible to the utility companies. Allchanges must go through the Quality Checking process, whereby Achilles ensures you have provided all the requiredinformation for the utilities.

Once you have submitted your questionnaire the information will be Quality Checked within 2 to 3 days. You will receivenotification by email when your information has been quality checked and successfully uploaded to the UVDB for thepurchasing organisations to view. If there are quality checking issues to be resolved, individual questions are marked witha red exclamation mark and you will receive an email advising you to review your submission.


How To Access Quality Checking Messages 1. Logon to and select the questionnaire option

2. Click on Update questionnaire to access the quality checking messages

3. The Quality Checking section is displayed on the bottom third of the questionnaire screen. Click on the text “Please click here to see your messages” to view the Quality Checking messages.

4. At the bottom of the page the number of quality checking messages are displayed, along with a description of the information we are checking. Use the ’Enter New Values’ or ‘Keep My Answer’ buttonsto respond to each message. To move on to the next message use the arrow buttons.

5. Once all Quality Checking messages have beenresolved resubmit the questionnaire to Achilles for review.

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


MAKING THE UVDB WORK FOR YOU Whilst Registration on the UVDB is critical in order to work with utility companies, we would strongly recommendyou continue your existing marketing activities. You can proactively support your UVDB registration with any of thefollowing activities.

Marketing Activities to Support Your UVDB Registration� Use of the UVDB Logo and Supplier NumberAll registered suppliers have the right to use the UVDB logo or their supplier number on any of their literature. Anumber of suppliers have included this logo on their letterhead, sales brochures, and business cards or even onexhibition stands. To request a high resolution logo, log onto

� UVDB CertificateThere is a UVDB certificate that suppliers can print, which confirms their company is registered on the UVDB andlists all of the product codes under which they are registered. A number of suppliers include this certificate in theirutility tender submissions or marketing activities. By logging on to with a username and passwordyou can print or download your UVDB certificate.

� Procurement contactsThe Service Desk can provide a Utility Contacts List, which provides a contact name and telephone number withinthe procurement departments for most of the Utility companies. This could be used to introduce your company topotential clients and help find out about forthcoming tender opportunities.

� UVDB UpgradesUVDB offers two optional upgrade packages to enhance your UVDB subscription. UVDBnotice identifies relevantcontract opportunities from across Europe and emails them directly to you on a daily basis. Potential contracts areautomatically filtered based upon your company’s capabilities.

UVDBshowcase provides a personalised profile to support your UVDB information. You can include marketinginformation and any photos or images to help differentiate your company. For more information on eitherUVDBshowcase or UVDBnotice please contact the Achilles Service Desk.

� Registration DataSuppliers can print a report that contains all of their UVDB information. This can then be used to support other pre-qualification tenders outside of the utility sector.

IMPORTANT: ENSURE YOU KEEP YOUR UVDBINFORMATION UP TO DATE� It is essential that suppliers keep their UVDB information up to date and accurate. If information has not

been updated in over 12 months, a purchaser can exclude a company from a potential tender list.

� Also always ensure appropriate contact details are provided, including a telephone number, email and postal addresses. These are the details Utilities will use to forward tender information.

� If your company undergoes any changes, such as a merger with another company or a new product launch, ensure you update your UVDB registration. You can update your information as many times as you like at no extra cost.

� In particular we would recommend keeping your insurance, HSE statistics and all annual data up to date as failure to do so will give a bad impression to potential clients.

NOTE: If you do not find the right code for your company e-mail codes@achillescom.


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide

1. Go to your web browser and enter the website address:

2. Enter your username and password in the login section and click on the login button. If you do not know your username or password then please click on the “Forgotten password” link or alternativelycontact the Service Desk.


ADMINISTRATION OF USERS You can easily set up multiple users within your company to access your UVDB information. This can help whenupdating the information, as various departmental personnel, logging onto using their own detailsand checking relevant parts of the questionnaire.

How To Set Up Additional Users

3. Once you have successfully logged on you will need to use the left hand navigation menu. Under “My Services” simply click on “Co Admin” as shown on the screenshot above.

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4. Click on “add new user” and enter the user’s detailsand then click “save”.

5. Select the Access Groups tab and then “Add Access Groups” to assign appropriate privileges to the user. Next Click on ‘UAL Settings’ and select the level of access required.

Deactivating Users To deactivate a user click on the “Co Admin” link under “my services”. Against the desired user click on the “editbutton” . Next to the active tab select “false” and then “save”. This will prevent the user accessing your company’sUVDB information with their own username and password.

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


1 Goods & Products1.01 Building/Civil Products1.02 Chemicals1.03 Clothing, Footwear & Personal Protective Equipment1.04 Telecommunications Equipment1.05 Cables & Accessories1.06 Overhead Line Equipment & Accessories1.07 Transformers, Reactors & Capacitors1.08 Electrical, Control & Instrumentation Equipment1.09 Electrical Protection Equipment1.10 Energy, Water, Fuels, Oils & Greases1.11 Generation Plant & Equipment1.13 Mechanical Machinery, Equipment & Spares1.14 Pumps, Accessories & Spares1.16 Meters & Associated Equipment1.17 Office/Depot Materials & Equipment1.18 Pipes & Accessories1.19 Valves, Actuators & Spares1.20 Transport & Mobile Plant1.21 Tools & Specialist Equipment1.22 Nuclear & Reactor Plant & Equipment1.23 Computer Equipment & Supplies1.24 Switchgear1.25 Water/Waste Water Treatment Plant & Equipment1.26 Industrial Gases1.27 Gas Transmission/Distribution Plant & Equipment1.28 Substation Materials

2 Non - Engineering Services2.40 I.T. & Telecommunication Related Services (Excl. Consultancy)2.41 Consultancy (Excl. Engineering Consultancy)2.42 Financial & Accountancy Services (Excl. Consultancy)2.43 Hotel, Travel & Catering Services (Excl. Consultancy)2.44 Sewage, Scrap & Refuse Disposal Services2.45 Business & Administrative Services

3 Works & Engineering Services3.70 Building, Civil Engineering & Associated Services3.71 Underground Cable Services3.72 Pipe Services3.73 Generation Services3.74 Transport, Storage & Hire Services3.75 Substation Services3.76 Engineering Consultancy3.77 Nuclear & Reactor Services3.78 Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control & Automation Services3.79 Overhead Line Services3.80 Meter & Associated Services


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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1.01.10 Security EquipmentPadlocksKeys & LocksDoorsAlarmsSirensSecurity SealsSecurity Equipment - Gas Storage

1.01.11 Enclosures & Kiosks (excl. Meter Housings - use 1.16.19)

Noise Abatement EnclosuresGRP EnclosuresComposite EnclosuresConcrete EnclosuresMetal EnclosuresSubstation Doors (Metal)Substation Doors (GRP)Substation Roofs (Metal)Substation Roofs (GRP)Instrument Shelter - SmallAcoustic Louvres & Doors

1.01.12 Signs (excl. Road Signs - use 1.01.13)Signs - PlasticSigns - MetalSigns - DirectionalSigns - Runway & Taxiway GuidanceSigns - EngravedSigns - TrafficSigns - Safety

1.01.13 Road FurnitureBarriersRoad ConesRoad SaltRoad SignsBus SheltersLetterboxesSeatingLamp Posts - ConcreteLamp Posts - SteelRoad Danger Lamps

1.01.14 FencingFencing - WoodFencing - MetalFencing - Chainlink/Wire MeshFencing - SecurityFencing - PalisadeFencing - Gas StorageGates - SecurityFencing - ElectricFence Posts - WoodFence Posts - MetalFence Posts - Concrete

1.01.15 Steel/Metal Materials (excl. Cables & Pipes)Iron - CastIron - SoftIron - WroughtSteel - CastSteel - Galvanised Sections & FlatsSteel - Mild Black




1.01.01 SandSand - Light Building SandSand - Heavy Building SandSand - Washed Concreting SandSand - SharpSand - ScreenedSand - MilledSand - Mixed

1.01.02 GravelGravel - WashedGravel - Bredon Amber

1.01.03 Aggregate & StoneWashed GraniteIronstone ChippingsLimestoneRoadstoneHardstoneCoated StoneRecycled AggregateRailway Ballast

1.01.04 Reinstatement ProductsCementTarmacBar Hole Plugs

1.01.05 Concrete Ready Mixed1.01.06 Pre-Cast Building Products

BricksConcrete BlocksCulvertsManhole Covers - ConcreteConcrete PostsConcrete RingbeamsSlabs & Nibs

1.01.07 Paints & VarnishesPaint - Micaceous OxidePaint - EmulsionPaint - GlossPaint - UndercoatPaint - Heat ResistantVarnish - Water BasedVarnish - Oil BasedPaint - Road Marker

1.01.08 Insulation Equipment & MaterialsAcoustic InsulationHeat Insulation - LaggingHeat Insulation - PlasticHeat Insulation - Pipe SectionsHeat Insulation - MattressesHeat Insulation - Slabs

1.01.09 Mobile Accommodation Units (excl. Hire - use 3.74.29)

Mobile OfficesMobile ToiletsRecycled Mobile Accommodation UnitsAnti-Vandal Units

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Steel - CarbonSteel - AlloySteel - Rust & Heat ResistingSteel - Case Hardening & NitridingAluminium & Aluminium AlloysCopperCopper - AlloyLeadNickel AlloysZincSteel ReinforcementTrench SheetingMetal FabricationsScaffold Poles & FittingsWire MeshStructural SteelworkTubular Steel PolesManhole Covers - SteelGrating SumpholesTinLead/Tin AlloysWire RopesPole Cable Guard - Steel

1.01.16 Timber Materials (excl. Wood Poles - use 1.06.13)

Timber PilingTimber GroynesSleepers

1.01.17 Horticultural ProductsTreesSaplingsBushesPlants & FlowersWeedkillerFertiliserGrass SeedWild Flower Seed Mixes

1.01.18 Underground Marker MaterialsMarker TiesMarker TapeCable Covers - Plastic or ConcreteProtection StripsMarker Post Face PlatesMarker Slabs

1.01.19 Insulation/Plastic TapeAnticorrosionElectrical InsulationJointingSemi-ConductingWarning/Hazard

1.01.20 Fasteners & FixingsBolts - Non FerrousBolts - Mild SteelBolts - High TensileBolts - High TemperatureScrews - Non FerrousScrews - Mild SteelScrews - High TensileStuds - Non Ferrous



Studs - Low Carbon SteelStuds - High TensileStuds - High TemperatureNuts - Mild SteelNuts - High TensileNuts - Non FerrousWashersWood ScrewsCotter PinsNailsRivetsMiscellaneous Fixings

1.01.21 Flood Defence/Landscaping Building ProductsGabionsRock ArmourGeo-textilesCoir MattingLandscaping MaterialsBeach Recharge MaterialsReclaimed Building ProductsSandbagsCladding

1.01.22 Domestic AppliancesBoilers - Domestic Hot WaterCookers - GasHeaters - GasCookers - ElectricHeaters - Electric

1.01.23 Adhesives & Sealants - General1.01.24 Airport/Port Security Equipment

Baggage X-Ray MachinesPassenger Sensor EquipmentSecurity Screening Equipment

1.01.25 Environmental/Reclaimed Building Products1.01.26 Prefabricated Buildings1.01.27 Industrial Consumables1.01.28 Off-shore Structure Equipment1.01.98 Other Quarry Products


1.01.99 Other Building/Civil Products


1.02.01 Aluminium SulphateAluminium Sulphate - AlumAluminium Sulphate - LiquidAluminium Sulphate - SlabAluminium Sulphate - Kibbled

1.02.02 Activated CarbonActivated Carbon - GranularActivated Carbon - Powdered

1.02.03 Calcium HydroxideLime - HydratedLime - SlakedLime - Powdered

1.02.04 ChlorineLiquid Chlorine

1.02.05 Ferric ChlorideCoagulant - Ferric Chloride

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Protective Rainwear - Breathable1.03.02 Protective Clothing

Jackets - High VisibilityVests - High Visibility

1.03.03 Work Wear/Corporate ClothingBoiler SuitsDungareesGlovesJacketsJumpersOverallsShirtsSkirtsTiesScarvesUniforms

1.03.05 Footwear (excl. Protective - use 1.03.06)Wellington BootsShoesWadersBoots

1.03.06 Personal Protective EquipmentProtective FootwearEye ProtectionHearing ProtectionBody HarnessBreathing ApparatusFall Arrest EquipmentHead ProtectionHydraulic Platform Escape KitNylon RopesSafety BeltsSafety HooksShock Absorbers - RetractableVisors / Safety Glasses

1.03.08 First Aid Kits & Supplies1.03.99 Other Clothing & Footwear


1.04.01 Telecommunications Equipment & Accessories (excl. PABX - use 1.04.23)

Answering MachinesPublic Address SystemTelephonesMobile Phones (Without Service Agreement)Car PhonesMobile & Car Phone AccessoriesPaging Equipment

1.04.03 Voice Processing & Other Speech Related Products

1.04.04 Telecommunication Transmission EquipmentVoice Transmission EquipmentData Transmission Equipment

1.04.05 Telemetry EquipmentOutstationsRemote Terminal UnitsOther Telemetry EquipmentFlood Warning Systems

1.04.06 Scada & Telecontrol Equipment

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1.02.06 Ferric SulphateCoagulant - Ferric Sulphate

1.02.07 Hydrogen Peroxide1.02.08 Phosphoric Acid

Orthophosphoric Acid1.02.09 Poly Aluminium Chloride1.02.10 Potassium Permanganate1.02.12 Sodium Chloride

Alkali Metal Bromide SaltBrine SolutionSalt

1.02.13 Sodium HydroxideCausticCaustic SodaCaustic Soda LiquorRayon GradeDiaphragm Grade

1.02.14 Sodium HypochloriteSodium Hypochlorite 14/15%Sodium Hypochlorite - HypoLiquid Bleach

1.02.15 Sodium Silicate1.02.16 Sodium Thiosulphate

Sodium Thiosulphate - Anhydrous1.02.17 Sulphuric Acid1.02.18 Polyelectrolytes1.02.19 Trichloroethane1.02.20 Distilled Water1.02.21 Laboratory Chemicals1.02.22 Reagents/Buffer Solutions1.02.23 Hydrochloric Acid1.02.24 Ammonium Sulphate1.02.25 Sodium Carbonate

Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate (Light)Soda Ash (Light)Soda Ash

1.02.27 Hydrazine Hydrate1.02.28 Sodium Bicarbonate1.02.29 Sodium Bisulphite1.02.30 Hexafluorosilicic Acid1.02.31 Ferrous Sulphate1.02.32 Ferrous Chloride1.02.33 Calcium Nitrate1.02.34 Calcium Oxide1.02.35 Molten Sulphur1.02.36 Odourant - Mains Gas1.02.96 Other Sodium-based Chemicals

Sodium HexametaphosphateSodium Phosphate

1.02.97 Other Calcium-based Chemicals1.02.98 Other Iron-based Chemicals1.02.99 Other Chemicals

Anti Freeze for Gas HoldersCitric Acid


1.03.01 Waterproof ClothingProtective Rainwear - PVC

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (Gas Assisted)Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (Gas Assisted)

1.05.04 Underground Mains Cable - 100kV to 199 kVUnderground Mains Cable - 110kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 110kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 110kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 110kV (Gas Assisted)Underground Mains Cable - 132kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 132kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 132kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 132kV (Gas Assisted)

1.05.05 Underground Mains Cable - 200kV & AboveUnderground Mains Cable - 220kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 220kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 220kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 220kV (Gas Assisted)Underground Mains Cable - 275kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 275kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 275kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 275kV (Gas Assisted)Underground Mains Cable - 400kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 400kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 400kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 400kV (Gas Assisted)

1.05.06 Underground Cable Joints, Terminations & Jointing Materials - Below 1kV

1.05.07 Underground Cable Joints, Terminations & Jointing Materials - 1kV to 19kV



1.04.07 Mobile Radio Equipment1.04.08 Microwave (incl. UHF Scanning)1.04.09 Antennae/Aerial Masts

Aerials - SupplyAerials - Supply & InstallAntennae & Feeder Equipment - SupplyAntennae & Feeder Equipment - Supply & Install

1.04.21 ISDN Equipment1.04.22 C.L.A.S.S. Equipment1.04.23 PABX Equipment1.04.24 Payphones & Spares1.04.25 Communication Tower Steel Structures1.04.26 Radio Clocks1.04.27 Synchronising Equipment (incl. Interfacing

Equipment)1.04.28 Satellite Communications Equipment1.04.29 Radar Equipment

Vessel Traffic Management Information Systems

1.04.99 Other Telecommunications Equipment


1.05.01 Underground Mains & Service Cable - Below 1kV

1.05.02 Underground Mains Cable - 1kV to 19kVUnderground Mains Cable - 10kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 10kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 11kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 11kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - Below 10kV (4 Core A2X2Y)Underground Mains Cable - Below 10kV (4 Core A2XY)Underground Mains Cable - Below 10kV (XLPE Insulated)

1.05.03 Underground Mains Cable - 20kV to 99kVUnderground Mains Cable - 20kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 20kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 22kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 22kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 25kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 25kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (Paper Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (XLPE Insulated)Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (Oil Filled)Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (Gas Assisted)

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Underground Cable Joints - 10kVUnderground Cable Joints - 11kV

1.05.08 Underground Cable Joints, Terminations & Jointing Materials - 20kV to 99kV

Underground Cable Joints - 20kVUnderground Cable Joints - 22kVUnderground Cable Joints - 25kVUnderground Cable Joints - 33kVUnderground Cable Joints - 38kVUnderground Cable Joints - 66kV

1.05.09 Underground Cable Joints, Terminations & Jointing Materials - 100kV to 199kV

Underground Cable Joints - 110kVUnderground Cable Joints - 132kV

1.05.10 Underground Cable Joints, Terminations & Jointing Materials - 200kV & Above

Underground Cable Joints - 220kVUnderground Cable Joints - 275kVUnderground Cable Joints - 400kV

1.05.11 General Wiring CableLT Cable & FlexiblesAXCY Service Cable

1.05.12 Telecommunications Cable1.05.13 Fibre Optic Cable1.05.14 Fibre Optic Cable Accessories1.05.15 Cable Accessories (excl. Ducting - use

1.18.17)Buckle ClipsCable BearersCable BracketsCable GuardsCable Kit ClosuresCable OilCable Pulling Lubricant & EquipmentCable TiesCleatsCompression LinksCompression LugsPolythene SleevesSF6 GasSheath ClosuresUnderground FittingsGalvanised Steel AccessoriesCable Trays

1.05.16 Control & Instrumentation CableControl Cable - AYY SubstationControl Cable - 110kV (rated upto 1kV)Control Cable - 132kV (rated upto 1kV)Control Cable - 220kV (rated upto 1kV)Control Cable - 275kV (rated upto 1kV)Control Cable - 400kV (rated upto 1kV)

1.05.17 Control & Instrumentation Cable Accessories1.05.18 Solder1.05.19 Link Boxes1.05.99 Other Cables (excl. Underground Marker

Materials - use 1.01.18)

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1.06.01 Covered Overhead Line ConductorConductor - BLXConductor - ABCConductor - Aerial CableConductor - ABC Suspension & TerminatingConductor - Insulated CopperConductor - Insulated HDAConductor - Insulated SCAConductor - Insulated SteelConductor - Insulated ABC NFA2X (Below 10kV)

1.06.02 Bare Overhead Line ConductorConductor - Aluminium Alloy (AAAC)Conductor - Aluminium Alloy Steel Reinforced (AACSR)Conductor - Aluminium Alloy Reinforced (ACAR)Conductor - Aluminium (AAC)Conductor - Aluminium Steel Reinforced (ACSR)Conductor - Copper CadmiumConductor - Hard Drawn CopperConductor - Optical Ground Wire (OPGW)Conductor - MulberryConductor - SCA

1.06.04 Conductor FittingsCompression Joints & ToolingLine TapsConductor Compression FittingsReinsulated Compression Conductor - ABCFacade Saddles - ABCService Aerial Clamps - ABCStrain Clamps - ABCSuspension Clamps - ABCWaterproof IPC - ABCAluminium Tension ConnectorsBi-metal Barrel ConnectorsCompression Tap Connectors

1.06.05 Helical FittingsPreformed WrapsHelical Conductor FittingsHelical Wraps & Ties

1.06.06 Insulator FittingsInsulating Piercing ConnectorsClamps - OHL

1.06.07 Electrical Insulators - PorcelainInsulators - 10/11kV (OHL)Insulators - 10/11kV (Post)Insulators - 10/11kV (Stay)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (OHL)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Post)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Stay)Insulators - 33/38kV (OHL)Insulators - 33/38kV (Post)Insulators - 33/38kV (Stay)Insulators - 66kV (OHL)Insulators - 66kV (Post)

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Insulators - 66kV (Stay)Insulators - 110/132kV (OHL)Insulators - 110/132kV (Post)Insulators - 110/132kV (Stay)Insulators - 220/275kV (OHL)Insulators - 220/275kV (Post)Insulators - 400kV (OHL)Insulators - 400kV (Post)

1.06.08 Electrical Insulators - GlassInsulators - 10/11kV (OHL)Insulators - 10/11kV (Post)Insulators - 10/11kV (Stay)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (OHL)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Post)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Stay)Insulators - 33/38kV (OHL)Insulators - 33/38kV (Post)Insulators - 33/38kV (Stay)Insulators - 66kV (OHL)Insulators - 66kV (Post)Insulators - 66kV (Stay)Insulators - 110/132kV (OHL)Insulators - 110/132kV (Post)Insulators - 110/132kV (Stay)Insulators - 220/275kV (OHL)Insulators - 220/275kV (Post)Insulators - 400kV (OHL)Insulators - 400kV (Post)

1.06.09 Electrical Insulators - PolymericInsulators - 10/11kV (OHL)Insulators - 10/11kV (Post)Insulators - 10/11kV (Stay)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (OHL)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Post)Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Stay)Insulators - 33/38kV (OHL)Insulators - 33/38kV (Post)Insulators - 33/38kV (Stay)Insulators - 66kV (OHL)Insulators - 66kV (Post)Insulators - 66kV (Stay)Insulators - 110/132kV (OHL)Insulators - 110/132kV (Post)Insulators - 110/132kV (Stay)Insulators - 220/275kV (OHL)Insulators - 220/275kV (Post)Insulators - 400kV (OHL)Insulators - 400kV (Post)

1.06.10 Overhead Line TowersOHL Tower - Lattice Steel Self-SupportingOHL Tower - Lattice Steel Guyed

1.06.11 Overhead Line AccessoriesRezapsReclosuresSpacersDampersBird Flight DivertersSpiral Vibration DampersAerial Cable Clamps & Hooks



Assembly ClampsBall SocketsCattle Guards & StayblocksDuplicate Strain & Suspension Arcing HornsDuplicate Strain & Suspension Arcing RacketsFlat SteelGalvanised Accessories for Bundled ConductorGalvanised Distribution IronworkInsulator PinsOperating Rods and HeadsPole Top ShroudingSingle Strain FittingsSingle Suspension FittingsSteel 'D' Brackets and FlatsStrain Yoke AssembliesVibration Dampers - ACSR & Shieldware

1.06.12 Overhead Line SteelworkTransmission Insulator SteelworkPole Top SteelworkTransformer PlatformsPole Cross BracingStay Rods

1.06.13 Overhead Line PolesPoles - WoodPoles - CompositePoles - SteelPoles - ConcreteWood BlocksPoles - Wood (Creosoted)

1.06.14 Stranded Wire ProductsDropwireDropwire ClampsWire - StayWire - BindingWire - BarbedWire - Razor

1.06.99 Other Overhead Line Equipment & Accessories


1.07.02 Transformers - Distribution Ground Mounted (2000kVA & Below)

Transformers - 11kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed)Transformers - 11kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed)Transformers - 20kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed)Transformers - 20kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed)Transformers - 33kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed)Transformers - 33kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed)Transformers - 11kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated)

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Transformers - 11kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated)Transformers - 20kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated)Transformers - 20kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated)Transformers - 33kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated)Transformers - 33kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated)

1.07.03 Transformers - Distribution Pole Mounted (315kVA & Below)

Transformers - 11kV - Single PhaseTransformers - 11kV - Three PhaseTransformers - 20kV - Single PhaseTransformers - 20kV - Three PhaseTransformers - 33kV - Single PhaseTransformers - 33kV - Three Phase

1.07.04 Transformers - Generator1.07.05 Transformer Ancillary Equipment

Cable BoxesNeutral Earthing ResistorsResin Repair KitsSolid InsulationTransformer FansTransformer PumpsTransformer Radiators

1.07.20 Transformers - CurrentTransformers - 132kV (Metering)Transformers - 132kV (Protection)Transformers - 275kV (Metering)Transformers - 275kV (Protection)Transformers - 400kV (Metering)Transformers - 400kV (Protection)Transformers - 10kV (Metering)Transformers - 20kV (Metering)Transformers - 20kV (Indoor)Transformers - 20kV (Outdoor)Transformers - 38kV (Indoor)Transformers - 38kV (Outdoor)Transformers - LT MeteringTransformers - Current/Voltage Transformers (Combined 110kV)Transformers - Current/Voltage Transformers (Combined 20kV)Transformers - Current/Voltage Transformers (Combined 38kV)

1.07.21 Transformers - VoltageTransformers - 132kV (Metering)Transformers - 132kV (Protection)Transformers - 275kV (Metering)Transformers - 275kV (Protection)Transformers - 400kV (Metering)Transformers - 400kV` (Protection)Transformers - 10kV (Metering)Transformers - 20kV (Metering)Transformers - 20kV (Indoor)Transformers - 20kV (Outdoor)


Transformers - 38kV (Indoor)Transformers - 38kV (Outdoor)Transformers - 110kV (Indoor)Transformers - 110kV (Outdoor)

1.07.24 Substations - Unit/CompositeSubstation - UnitSubstation - Pad-Mounted (Single Phase)

1.07.27 Transformers - Primary (Below 10MVA)Transformers - 3MVA Interface (Power)Transformers - 5MVA (Power)Arc Suppression Coil - 38kV (Power)

1.07.28 Transformers - Primary (10MVA to 100MVA)Transformers - 10MVA (Power)Transformers - 110kV 20MVATransformers - 110kV 31.5 MVATransformers - 110kV 63MVA

1.07.29 Transformers - Grid (Above 100MVA)Transformers - 275/132kV 180MVATransformers - 275/132kV 240MVATransformers - 275/33kV 180MVATransformers - 275/33kV 240MVATransformers - 275/66kV 120MVATransformers - 275/66kV 240MVATransformers - 400/132kV 240MVATransformers - 400/132kV 500MVATransformers - 400/275kV 1000MVATransformers - 400/275kV 1100MVATransformers - 400/275kV 750MVATransformers - 220kV 125MVATransformers - 220kV 250MVATransformers - 400kV 125MVATransformers - 400kV 250MVA

1.07.30 Tap Changing Equipment1.07.31 Transformer Bushings1.07.32 Quadrature Boosters1.07.33 Voltage Regulators

Voltage Regulators - 10/11kVVoltage Regulators - 20/22/25kVVoltage Regulators - 33/38kV

1.07.34 ReactorsReactors - 145kVReactors - 72.5kVReactors - Below 1kVReactors - 11kV (Shunt)Reactors - 11kV (Series)Neutral Earthing Reactor

1.07.35 CapacitorsCapacitors 22kVCapacitors -Below 1kVCapacitors 11kV (Indoor)Capacitors 36kV (Outdoor)Capacitors Banks 11kVCapacitor Banks 132 kV

1.07.99 Other TransformersTransformers - InstrumentTransformers - ToolTransformers - MeasuringAuxiliary TransformerAuto Transformer

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UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Actuators (Excl. Valve Actuators) - C&IAlarm System Equipment - C&IAmplifiers (Electronic) - C&IAnalysers - C&IAnnunciators - C&IComparators - C&ICCTV Systems - C&IControl Equipment - Analogue (Pneumatic) - C&IControl Equipment - Analogue (Electrical) - C&IControl Equipment - Digital & Sequence - C&ICounters - C&IDetectors - C&IDisplays - C&IFilters & Attenuators (Electrical/Electronic) - C&IFlow Primary Elements - C&IFeed Water Systems - C&IGas Turbine Control Equipment - C&IGauges - C&IGovernor Control Equipment - C&IHeating & Ventilation Control Equipment - C&IIndicators (Analogue) - C&IIndicators (Digital) - C&IIntegrators - C&IInterface Equipment Plant/Control - C&IInstrumentation Supply Equipment - C&IManometers - C&IMeters - C&IRegulators (Electrical) - C&IRelays (Hydraulic & Pneumatic) - C&ISampling Systems - C&ISignal Conditional Equipment - C&ISwitches (Instrument) - C&ITimers - C&ITransducers - C&ITransmitters & Receivers - C&ITrip Units - C&ITurbine Supervisory & Generator Output Equipment - C&ITurbine Protection Equipment - C&IAlarm Annunciation Panels - C&IThermocouples - C&IElectrofusion Control Leads

1.08.22 Control & Instrumentation Automation Hardware

1.08.23 Optical Instruments1.08.24 Instrumentation & Associated Equipment

(excl. Optical)Global Positioning System (GPS) EquipmentSpectrometersRain GaugesPressure Instruments - SubmersibleWater Quality Meters - SubmersibleWater Quality Meters - Non-submersibleGas Analysers




1.08.05 Distribution Boards (1kV & Below)1.08.06 Earthing Equipment

Fixed Earthing EquipmentPortable Earthing EquipmentAnodes

1.08.07 Electrical MotorsMotors - DCMotor Spares - DCMotors - ACMotor Spares - AC

1.08.10 Primary Cells, Batteries & ChargersPrimary CellsBatteries - Non-rechargeableBatteries - RechargeableBattery Chargers

1.08.11 Portable Power Supplies/Mobile Generators (excl. Fixed Generators - use 1.11.06)

Generators - Mobile DieselGenerator - SparesPower Supplies - Instrument

1.08.13 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Equipment (excl. Power Station - use 1.11.18)

Central Heating SystemsHVAC Equipment - SupplyHVAC Equipment - Supply & InstallHumidifiers

1.08.14 Trace Heating Equipment1.08.15 Busbars & Support Structures

Concentric Connectors & ConesBusbar Copper

1.08.16 Motor Control Centres & Spares1.08.17 Electronic Cards & Systems

Electronic Cards - SecurityElectronic Cards - Fuel

1.08.18 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's)1.08.19 Lighting & Accessories (excl. Street Lighting)

Bulbs & TubesLighting FittingsEnergy Efficient LightbulbsTorches & Battery Lamps

1.08.20 Electrical/Electronic ComponentsBells & BuzzersDials, Knobs & PointersSemiconductorsSwitches & Switch AccessoriesPlugs, Sockets & AdaptorsRheostatsIntegrated CircuitsResistors - FixedResistors - VariableIndicators - Lamp & DisplayPhotoelectric Switches

1.08.21 Control & Instrumentation Systems & Spares (excl. Nuclear - use 1.22.12)

Control & Instrumentation Systems - Complete Units

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Multi-spectral ImagersFlow Metering SystemsPressure Instruments - Non-submersibleTemperature InstrumentsInstrumentation Calibration EquipmentData LoggersChart RecordersCable Pressurisation MeterElectroclocksPressure Gauges, Indicators & TransmittorsInstrument ValvesDisturbance RecordersEvent Recorders

1.08.25 Photographic Equipment1.08.26 Detection/Monitoring Equipment (excl. Leak

Detection - use 1.18.25)Cable LocatorsPipe LocatorsHydro-Acoustic EquipmentMonitoring EquipmentSampling EquipmentPortable Gas Monitoring EquipmentPortable Water Sampling EquipmentChromatographsCable/Pipe Locator SparesPortable Gas Monitoring Equipment - Nox Emission

1.08.27 Evaporators, Refrigerators & Cryogenerators (excl. Air Conditioning - use 1.08.13)

Evaporators - Live SteamEvaporators - Bled SteamRefrigeration PlantRefrigeration Units (Industrial)CryogeneratorsHeat ExchangersCable Cooling Equipment

1.08.28 Docking Guidance Systems1.08.29 Car Park Equipment & Systems

Ticket DispensersTicket AcceptersCar Park Barriers

1.08.30 Airfield Lighting1.08.31 Ticket Vending Machines1.08.99 Other Electrical, Control & Instrumentation



1.09.02 Cut OutsCut Outs - DomesticCut Outs - Street LightingCut Outs - Pole MountedCut Outs - Heavy DutyCut Outs - House Service

1.09.05 RelaysRelays - GeneralRelays - ProtectiveRelays - Electric

1.09.09 Fuses - Below 1kVFuses - Domestic


1.09.10 Fuses - 1kV to 11kVFuses - Pole Mounted Fuse IsolatorsFuses - MV Cartridge Fuses

1.09.11 Fuses - Above 11kV1.09.12 Surge Diverters/Arrestors1.09.13 Distribution Fuse Cabinets/Pillars

Pillars - MiniDistribution Panels - DIN Standard LV

1.09.14 Fault Passage IndicatorsFault Passage Indicators - Pole MountedFault Passage Indicators - OverheadFault Passage Indicators - Underground

1.09.15 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems1.09.16 Lightning Protection Equipment

Sectionaliser LinksSmart Link

1.09.17 Control & Protection Cabinets/Cabins for Substations (38kV & Above)

1.09.99 Other Electrical Protection Equipment


1.10.01 ElectricityElectricity - Solar EnergyElectricity - Wind PoweredElectricity - Waste GeneratedElectricity - Hydro-ElectricElectricity - Other Renewable SourceElectricity - Non-renewable Source

1.10.02 Natural GasLiquid Petroleum Gas

1.10.10 Solid FuelCoal (Generation)Coal (Non-generation)

1.10.11 PetrolPetrol - UnleadedPetrol - Low Sulphur UnleadedPetrol - Lead Replacement (LRP)Petrol - Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)Petrol - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

1.10.14 Insulating Oils1.10.15 Lubricating Oils

Lubricating Oil - TurbineLubricating Oil - Compressor Station

1.10.16 Paraffin1.10.17 Heating Oils1.10.18 Fuel Oil

KeroseneHeavy OilLight OilRoad DieselLow Sulphur DieselRed DieselGas Oil

1.10.19 Hydraulic FluidsHydraulic - SyntheticHydraulic - MineralHydraulic - Vegetable

1.10.23 Degreasants & Solvents

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Rectifiers - RotaryInvertersAlternatorsAlternator/Turbo Rotating SparesGenerators - Supply OnlyGenerators - Supply & InstallFixed Generators

1.11.06 Engines & Engine Spares (excl. Mobile Generators - use 1.08.11)Diesel Engines - 500bhp & BelowDiesel Engines - Above 500bhpGovernors - Diesel EngineDiesel Engine SparesEngines - Supply OnlyEngines - Supply & InstallReciprocating Engines

1.11.07 Cooling Systems & SparesSteam CondensersCooling Systems - Supply OnlyCooling Systems - Supply & Install

1.11.08 Fuel & Oil Systems & SparesFuel & Oil Systems - Supply OnlyFuel & Oil Systems - Supply & Install

1.11.09 Feed Water Systems & SparesDeaeration EquipmentBoiler Feed PumpsFeed Water HeatersFeed Water Systems - Supply OnlyFeed Water Systems - Supply & InstallFeed Water System Spares - Supply OnlyFeed Water System Spares - Supply & Install

1.11.10 Turbines & Spares - SteamSteam Turbines - 20MW & BelowSteam Turbines - 21MW to 54MWSteam Turbines - 55MW to 129MWSteam Turbines - 130MW to 400MWSteam Turbines - 401MW to 550MWSteam Turbines - Above 550MWSteam Turbines - Auxiliary (All Ratings)Steam Turbine SparesSteam ChestsCMV PipeworkFire Resistant FluidGovernors - Steam TurbineOverspeed HeadsSteam Turbines - Supply OnlySteam Turbines - Supply & InstallSteam Turbine Spares - Supply OnlySteam Turbine Spares - Supply & Install

1.11.11 Solid Fuel Supply Systems & SparesStokers - Chain & Travelling GateStokers - SpreaderStokers - RetortStokers - OtherGrinding BallsMagnetic SeparatorMill Grinding MediaMill Primary Air System



DegreasantsSolventsSolvents - High Purity

1.10.24 GreasesGreases - LubricatingGreases - Special PurposeGreases - Compressor Station

1.10.25 Biodegradable Oils1.10.26 Fuel Additives1.10.27 Mains Water (Potable)1.10.28 Alternative/Emergency Water Supplies

Emergency Water SuppliesBottled WaterStatic Water TanksWater Tankering

1.10.99 Other Energy, Oils & FuelsFilming OilFogging Fluid


1.11.01 Industrial Hot Water Boilers (excl. Domestic Boilers - use 1.01.22)

1.11.02 Steam BoilersBoilers - Main SteamBoilers - AuxiliaryBoilers - Heat RecoveryBoilers (Steam) - Supply OnlyBoilers (Steam) - Supply & Install

1.11.03 Boiler Ancillary EquipmentAir HeatersBoiler Circulation PumpsBoiler DowncomersBoiler DrumBoiler Flues & DuctsBoiler HeadersBoiler QuarlsBoiler Refractory LiningBoiler ReheatersBoiler SuperheatersBoiler TubeGas Burners - Low NOxOil BurnersPulverised Fuel BurnersPulverised Fuel PipeworkTube NestsBoiler Desuperheaters (Attemperators)Boiler EnclosuresBoiler FittingsIgnition EquipmentSootblowersBoiler Ancillary Equipment - Supply OnlyBoiler Ancillary Equipment - Supply & Install

1.11.04 Generators - Power StationGenerators - ACGenerators - DCRectifiers - StaticConvertorsDC Link EquipmentExciters

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Mill SparesSolid Fuel BunkerSolid Fuel Sizing & Crushing PlantSolid Fuel FeederSolid Fuel Mixing/Blending PlantSolid Fuel Sampling/Weighing/Weighing EquipmentSolid Fuel Screening PlantSolid Fuel Drying & Conditioning PlantSolid Fuel Stacking/Reclaiming SystemBoiler Plant HoppersTippers & TipplersSolid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply OnlySolid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply & InstallSolid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply OnlySolid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply & InstallLiquid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply OnlyLiquid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply & InstallGas Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply OnlyGas Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply & Install

1.11.12 Liquid Fuel Supply Systems & SparesOil Handling PlantLiquid Fuel Supply TankLiquid Fuel Pumping/Heating/Transport SystemLiquid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply OnlyLiquid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply & Install

1.11.13 Gas Fuel Supply Systems & SparesGas CompressorGas Cooling SystemGas Pressure Reducing SystemGas Fuel Supply Systems - Supply OnlyGas Fuel Supply Systems - Supply & Install

1.11.14 Ash/Residue Disposal Systems & SparesAsh & Dust Handling SystemsAsh CrusherAsh HopperFurnace Ash Removal/Deslagging SystemAsh PrecipitatorAsh/Residue Disposal Systems - Supply OnlyAsh/Residue Disposal Systems - Supply & InstallAsh/Residue Disposal System Spares - Supply OnlyAsh/Residue Disposal System Spares - Supply & Install

1.11.15 Combustion Air Systems & SparesFlue Gas Air PreheaterForced Draught FanCombustion Air Systems - Supply OnlyCombustion Air Systems - Supply & InstallCombustion Air System Spares - Supply


OnlyCombustion Air System Spares - Supply & Install

1.11.16 Flue Gas Exhaust Systems & SparesElectrostatic Dust PrecipitatorFlue Gas Desulphurisation PlantFlue Gas Ducting/DampersInduced Draft FanFlue Gas Exhaust Systems - Supply OnlyFlue Gas Exhaust Systems - Supply & InstallFlue Gas Exhaust System Spares - Supply OnlyFlue Gas Exhaust System Spares - Supply &Install

1.11.17 Turbines & Spares - GasGas TurbinesGas Turbine Spares - Supply OnlyGas Turbines - Supply OnlyGas Turbines - Supply & InstallGas Turbine Spares - Supply & Install

1.11.18 Power Station Heating & Ventilation Equipment

HVAC (Power Station) - Supply OnlyHVAC (Power Station) - Supply & Install

1.11.19 Wind Power Production EquipmentWind TurbinesWindmill Blades & AccessoriesWindmill Brakes & AccessoriesWindmill Yaw Systems & AccessoriesWindmill Controllers & AccessoriesWindmill Towers & AccessoriesWindmill Power Production Equipment - Supply OnlyWindmill Power Production Equipment - Supply & Install

1.11.20 Hydro-Electric Power Production PlantSalient Pole Generator MotorsDraft Tube ValvesPelton Turbines & AccessoriesFrancis Turbines & AccessoriesKaplan Turbines & AccessoriesPump Turbines & AccessoriesTurbine Controllers & AccessoriesGovernors - Water TurbineHydro-Electric Power Production Plant - Supply OnlyHydro-Electric Power Production Plant - Supply & Install

1.11.21 Bio Energy Production EquipmentBio Energy Production Equipment - Supply OnlyBio Energy Production Equipment - Supply & Install

1.11.22 Wave Motion Power Production EquipmentDust Abatement EquipmentWave Motion Power Production Equipment - Supply OnlyWave Motion Power Production Equipment - Supply & Install

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UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Ejectors/Eductors - Steam OperatedEjectors/Eductors - Air OperatedEjectors/Eductors - Liquid Operated

1.13.04 Conveyor Systems incl. BeltsConveyors - Fixed/Radial/Shuttle BeltConveyors - Portable BeltConveyors - BucketConveyors - ScrewConveyors - Luffing & SlewingConveyors - Stocking & Reclaiming MachinesConveyors - ScraperConveyor Belting - ConventionalConveyor Belting - Fire ResistantBaggage Conveyor SystemsBelting Accessories & Pulleys

1.13.05 Tanks & Covers (excl. Fuel - use 1.20.21)Tanks - GRPTanks - Glass Coated SteelTanks - Stainless SteelTanks - SludgeTanks - Bulk Storage

1.13.07 Filters (excl. Car Filters - use 1.20.15)Intake Filters - Industrial AirFilters - Gas ModuleFilters - Gas (< 7 Bar)Filters - Gas (> 7 Bar)

1.13.16 Compressed Air/Gas Systems (incl. Fixed Compressors & Vessels)

Air Compressors - Fixed ReciprocatingAir Compressors - Fixed RotaryAir Compressors - OtherAir Compressors - PortableGas CompressorsPressure Vessels - SteelBursting Discs (Pressure Vessels)

1.13.17 Fire Fighting EquipmentFixed Fire SystemsFire ExtinguishersFixed Fire Systems - IT/Electrical Equipment

1.13.24 Oil & Gas Powered MotorsMotors - Pneumatic

1.13.35 CentrifugesCentrifuges - SeparatorsCentrifuges - Purifiers

1.13.36 Drive Belts, Chains & Couplings1.13.37 Cranes (Fixed Location)

Cranes - Gantry (Unpowered)Cranes - Gantry (Electric Powered)Cranes - Jib TypeCranes - PillarCranes - Other

1.13.40 Rubber Hoses & Couplings1.13.41 Lifting Gear, Winches & Other Lifting

EquipmentGrabs, Buckets & HooksOverhead Rail Conveyors & TransportersWinches & Hoists - UnpoweredWinches & Hoists - Electric PoweredWinches & Hoists - Pneumatic



1.11.23 Combined Heat & Power (CHP) PlantCHP - Supply OnlyCHP - Supply & Install

1.11.98 Other Boilers & Boiler Spares1.11.99 Other Generation Plant & Equipment


1.13.01 Bearings & Transmission ProductsBearings - White MetalBall Bearings - Radial Single RowBall Bearings - Radial Double RowBall Bearings - Angular ContactBall Bearings - DuplexBall Bearings - Single ThrustBall Bearings - Double ThrustRoller Bearings - Cylindrical Single RowRoller Bearings - SphericalRoller Bearings - NeedleRoller Bearings - SplitRoller Bearings - TaperedBearings - Phosphor BronzeBearings - Journal & ThrustBearings - Spherical PlainShaft Couplings - RigidShaft Couplings - FlexibleGear Units - Worm (Single Reduction)Gear Units - Worm (Double Reduction)Gear Units - HelicalGear Units - Bevel, Straight & SpiralGear Units - SpurGear Unit Bed PlatesGear Unit Spares

1.13.02 Mechanical Seals & GasketsSeals - MechanicalSeals - PreformedGaskets'O' Rings

1.13.03 Blowers, Exhausters & FansBlowers - Reactor Gas CirculatorsBlowers - Transformer CoolingBlowers - Turbine Oil AirBlowers - Alternator CoolingBlowers - OtherExhausters - Pulverized FuelExhausters - Surface Cleaning PlantExhausters - OtherFans - Force DraughtFans - Primary AirFans - Secondary & Tertiary AirFans - RecirculatingFans - Induced DraughtFans - Secondary CollectorFans - Sealing AirFans - OtherFans - Ventilation & CoolingInjectors - Steam OperatedInjectors - Air OperatedInjectors - Liquid Operated

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Winches & Hoists - Diesel EngineWinches & Hoists - OtherCapstans

1.13.42 Overhead Gantries & Walkways1.13.43 Gas & Air Treatment Plant

Mechanical Dust CollectorsElectrostatic PrecipitatorsGas Treatment PlantDriers & BreathersGas Additive Injection EquipmentPackaged Boiler HousesScrubbers

1.13.44 Lubrication Equipment1.13.45 Skid Units/Pressure Reduction Modules1.13.99 Other Mechanical Machinery, Equipment &



1.14.01 Pumps - Centrifugal1.14.02 Pumps - Submersible

Pumps - Dry WellPumps - Cutter

1.14.03 Pumps - Positive DisplacementPumps - PistonPumps - DiaphragmPumps - Gear PumpPumps - Sludge

1.14.05 Pumps - Split Case1.14.06 Pumps - Double Disk1.14.09 Pumps - Washwater Pump Sets1.14.10 Pumps - Metering & Dosing1.14.11 Pumps - Borehole1.14.12 Pumps - Macerator1.14.13 Pumps - Peristaltic1.14.14 Pumps - Portable1.14.15 Pumps - Hydraulic1.14.16 Pumps - Screw1.14.17 Pumps - Axial1.14.18 Pumps - Vacuum1.14.19 Pumps - Progressing Cavity1.14.99 Other Pumps, Accessories & Spares



1.16.01 Water Meters (Encoded)1.16.02 Water Meters (Non-Encoded)1.16.03 Electricity Meters - Credit

Electricity Meters - DomesticElectricity Meters - CommercialElectricity Meters - Single PhaseElectricity Meters - Three Phase

1.16.04 Electricity Meters - Prepayment1.16.05 Electricity Meters - Programmable1.16.06 Electrical Metering Control Devices

Time SwitchesTeleswitchesTelemeters

1.16.07 Meter Accessories & SparesSecurity Vridges, Collars & Blocks


Meter Jewels & PivotsMeter Shear & Terminal ScrewsMeter BearingsMeter Termination Units - HVMeter Termination Units - LVMeter BridgesMeter BoardsMeter Security LabelMeter Auto Read UnitMeter Battery Packs - PrepaymentMeter Security WashersMeter Testing Equipment - In ServiceMeter Door Key - MouldedMeter Installation StrapsMeter BracketsMeter BrasswareMeter Temperature/Pressure CorrectorsMeter Batteries - LithiumMeter Shear Head BoltsMeter Connectors - Semi RigidMeter Installation Kits - GasMeter Tube & Orifice Plates

1.16.08 Meter Tokens & CardsElectronic Cards - Meter TokenElectronic Cards - PrepaymentElectronic Cards - Meter Resetting

1.16.12 Electrical Meters - Power Station/Grid1.16.13 Gas Meters - Credit

Gas Meters - DomesticGas Meters - Industrial/Commercial LPGas Meters - Industrial/Commercial MP

1.16.14 Gas Meters - Prepayment1.16.15 Gas Meters - Electronic

Gas Meters - RPD Gas Meters - TurbineGas Meters - UltrasonicGas Meters - VortexGas Meters - RPD Prefabricated Module

1.16.16 Governors, Regulators & Associated Equipment

Regulators - LP (Domestic)Regulators - GasRegulators - LP (Non-Domestic)Regulators - MP/LP

1.16.18 Prewired Meter Cabinets1.16.19 Meter Cabinets & Housings

Meter Cabinets - PlasticMeter Cabinets - GRP (Free Standing)Meter Cabinets - GRP (Wall Mounted)Governor HousingsMeter Boundary BoxMeter Box Repair KitsMeter Cabinet Doors

1.16.99 Other Meters & Associated Equipment


1.17.01 Office Equipment (excl. Printers - use 1.23.04)

Photocopiers - B&W

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


Photocopiers - ColourFax Machines

1.17.02 Office Furniture1.17.03 Office Stationery1.17.04 Office Furnishings & Fittings (excl. Furniture -

use 1.17.02)1.17.05 Audio & Visual Equipment & Accessories

Video ConferencingProjector ScreensProjectors - OverheadProjectors - MultimediaAudio & Visual EquipmentAudio & Visual Accessories

1.17.07 Drawing Office Equipment & SuppliesDrawing Office EquipmentDrawing Office Stationery

1.17.09 Paper & CardRecycled Paper - 100% Post Consumer Waste ContentRecycled Paper - 90% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 80% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 70% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 60% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 50% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 40% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 30% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 20% Post Consumer WasteContentRecycled Paper - 10% Post Consumer WasteContentPaper - Cut SheetPaper - CopierPaper - ReelPaper - Continuous/Pack-to-PackPaper - Laser PaperPaper - Inkjet PaperCard

1.17.13 Pre-Printed Stationery/SuppliesDiariesEnvelopesContinuous Stationery - BillingFormsBusiness CardsContinuous Stationery - Other

1.17.16 Publications (Off-The-Shelf)PeriodicalsBooksManualsNewspapers

1.17.17 Paper Maps1.17.18 Janitorial Equipment & Supplies

Soaps & DetergentsToilet/Bathroom Tissue



Refuse SacksHand Care Products

1.17.21 Printing & Photographic Chemicals & Materials

1.17.22 Catering EquipmentCatering Equipment - SupplyCatering Equipment - Supply & Install

1.17.23 Catering SuppliesCatering Supplies - Disposable

1.17.24 Storage/Warehouse Equipment & SuppliesRacking Systems - Supply OnlyShelvingPalletsArchiving EquipmentRacking Systems - Supply & Install

1.17.25 Packaging Equipment & SuppliesCarrier Bags - PlasticCarrier Bags - PaperPacking Supplies - TapePacking Supplies - StringRoll-On/Roll-Off CagesLetter Sorting FramesMail BagsCartons & Boxes

1.17.26 Security PrintingChequesStampsPostal OrdersSecurity Printing - Billing

1.17.27 Pre-Printed Plastic Cards1.17.99 Other Office Materials & Supplies

Wallets - Leather


1.18.01 Pipes & Fittings - Fibre CementPipes - Fibre CementPipe Fittings - Fibre Cement

1.18.02 Pipes & Fittings - ConcretePipes - ConcretePipe Fittings - Concrete

1.18.03 Pipes & Fittings - Ductile IronPipes - Ductile IronPipe Fittings - Ductile IronPipe Fittings - Ductile Iron End Caps

1.18.04 Pipes & Fittings - CopperPipes - CopperPipe Fittings - Copper

1.18.05 Pipes & Fittings - ClayPipes - ClayPipe Fittings - Clay

1.18.06 Pipes & Fittings - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Pipes - HDPEPipe Fittings - HDPE

1.18.07 Pipes & Fittings - Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE)

Pipes - MDPEPipe Fittings - MDPE

1.18.08 Pipes & Fittings - MOPVC

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Pipes - MOPVCPipe Fittings - MOPVC

1.18.09 Pipes & Fittings - PVCPipes - PVCPipe Fittings - PVC

1.18.10 Pipes & Fittings - SteelPipes - Mild SteelPipe Fittings - Mild SteelPipes - Carbon SteelPipe Fittings - Carbon SteelPipes - Alloy SteelPipe Fittings - Alloy SteelPipe Fittings - Blind Sealing PlugsPipe Fittings & Flanges - Carbon Steel (Gas <7 Bar)Pipe Fittings - Non-Tap PlugsPipe Fittings - Steel (Gas <7 Bar)Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Induction BendsPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Welded BranchPipes - Carbon Steel Spiral WoundPipes - Carbon Steel PupsPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Flanges > 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Bends > 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Tees > 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel End Caps > 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Insulation Joints> 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Plug Valves > 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Forged Reducers> 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Fabricated Reducers > 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Stopple Equipment > 7 BarPipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Studbolts > 7 Bar

1.18.11 Pipe Fittings - Clamps & Collars1.18.12 Pipe Fittings - Couplings & Flanged Adapters

Mechanical Mains Connectors1.18.13 Pipe Fittings - Electrofusion Fittings1.18.14 Pipe Fittings - Gunmetal1.18.15 Pipe Fittings - Plastic

Gas Mains-to-Meter Fittings1.18.16 Pipes & Fittings - Stainless Steel

Pipes - Stainless SteelPipe Fittings - Stainless SteelPipe Fittings - Compression Fittings

1.18.17 Ducting1.18.18 Water Flange Joint Sets1.18.19 Pipe Accessories, Consumables & Associated

SuppliesHeat Shrink SleevesAnti-Shear SleevesPipe WrapsSleeve BendsPipe Silencers - In LinePipe Centralisers

1.18.20 Surface Boxes & Chambers

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Surface Boxes & Chambers - Ductile Iron/SteelSurface Boxes & Chambers - GRPSurface Boxes & Chambers - PlasticSurface Boxes & Chambers - Concrete

1.18.25 Leak Detection, Control & Repair Equipment/Materials

Anaerobic Sealant - InternalAnaerobic Sealant - ExternalLeak Detection FluidMonoethylene Glycol (MEG)Leakage Repair SealantsLeak Repair FittingsEncapsulation KitFoam-off KitsLive Insertion EquipmentDead Insertion Equipment

1.18.26 Pipes & Fittings - GRPPipes - GRPPipe Fittings - GRPService Riser Covers - GRP

1.18.27 Standpipes1.18.99 Other Pipes


1.19.01 Valves - Air1.19.02 Valves - Gate/Sluice/Knife

Valves - Wedge GateValves - GateValves - SluiceValves - KnifeMechanical Mains Valves & Fittings

1.19.03 Valves - Hydrants1.19.04 Valves - Non-Return/Reflux/Check

Valves - Non ReturnValves - RefluxValves - CheckValves - RecoilValves - Non SlamValves - Non Return (Gas < 7 Bar)Valves - Non Return (Gas > 7 Bar)

1.19.05 Valves - Penstock1.19.07 Valves - Needle/Globe

Valves - NeedleValves - Globe

1.19.08 Valves - Flap1.19.09 Valves - Butterfly1.19.10 Valves - Ball

Valves - Ball (Gas < 7 Bar)Service Isolation ValvesValves - Ball (Gas > 7 Bar)

1.19.11 Valves - Diaphragm1.19.12 Valves - Pressure Control

Valves - Excess FlowValves - ReducingValves - SustainingValves - Governor Safety Vent

1.19.15 Valves - Solenoid1.19.16 Valves - Safety

Valves - Safety Pressure Relief

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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1.19.17 ActuatorsActuators - ElectronicActuators - GasActuators - Hydraulic

1.19.18 Valves - Float Operated1.19.19 Valves - Plug1.19.99 Other Valves, Actuators & Spares

Valves - Traps & EliminatorsValve Alarms (High/Low Water)Valves - SilencersValves - Double DiscValves - Parallel SlideValve Cabinets


1.20.01 Passenger Cars1.20.02 Vans - Car-derived1.20.03 Commercial Vehicles

Commercial Vehicles - Four Wheel DriveCommercial Vehicles (2 - 3.5 Tonne GVW)Commercial Vehicles (3.5 - 7.5 Tonne GVW)Commercial Vehicles (Above 7.5 Tonne GVW)Coaches

1.20.06 Specialist Vehicles, Tankers, Bodies & TrailersVehicles - All TerrainTrailersTrolleys & Trucks (Powered)Trolleys & Trucks (Non-powered)Vehicles - Overhead Line MaintenanceBodywork / CabsDe-icing EquipmentVehicles - FireTrucks - High LiftMobile Substation TrailersSnow Clearing EquipmentTractorsTrucks - VacuumAmbulancesTrucks - Refuse

1.20.07 Tyres & TubesTyres - Low Rolling ResistanceTyres - Passenger Loading Bridge

1.20.08 Cable/Pipe Laying Plant1.20.09 Mobile Plant (excl. Mechanical Handling Plant

- use 1.20.13)Excavators - MiniExcavatorsBulldozersScrapersTractors

1.20.10 Trenchless EquipmentMoling EquipmentMoling Equipment Spares

1.20.11 Access Platforms & EquipmentAccess Platforms - HydraulicAccess Platforms - PneumaticAccess Platforms - Electrically Insulated

1.20.12 Horticultural Equipment


Grass Cutting EquipmentMowers - HandStrimmersMowers - Flail

1.20.13 Cranes (Mobile) & Mechanical Handling Plant/Equipment

Cranes - MarineTrucks - ForkliftCranes - MobileTrucks - HandCranes - LorryTrucks - PalletTrolleys

1.20.14 Garage EquipmentHydraulic RampsHydraulic LiftsSpraying EquipmentJacks & HoistsPneumatic EquipmentManual Ramps & Lifts

1.20.15 Vehicle/Mobile Plant Parts & AccessoriesCar FiltersAnti-freezeExhausts - Vehicle/Mobile PlantBatteries - Vehicle/Mobile PlantBrake Assemblies & Clutches

1.20.16 Boats & Marine VesselsBoatsCoastal Survey VesselsMulti Purpose Vessels/WorkboatsTugsPilot Launches

1.20.17 Bicycles & Spares1.20.18 Railway Equipment1.20.19 Passenger Loading Bridges

Passenger Loading Bridges - TelescopicPassenger Loading Bridges - Non-Telescopic

1.20.20 Baggage Trolleys1.20.21 Fuel Delivery, Storage and Dispensing

EquipmentFuel Delivery and Dispensing EquipmentFuel Storage Tanks and Equipment

1.20.98 Other Transport1.20.99 Other Mobile Plant

Mobile Compressors


1.21.01 Tools & Equipment - Cable JoinersCompression ToolsCable Joiners - Dies

1.21.02 Tools & Equipment - Overhead LineClimbing Equipment & Accessories

1.21.03 Insulated Tools1.21.04 Hand Tools (Non-Powered)

WrenchesPliersKnivesCutters/CroppersHacksaw & Blades

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical



1.21.05 Tools & Equipment - DrillingBorehole Casings

1.21.06 Power Tools (incl. Pneumatic/Hydraulic)Power Tools - Electric (Mains)Power Tools - Electric (Rechargeable Battery)Power Tools - PneumaticPower Tools - Hydraulic

1.21.08 Test & Inspection EquipmentMultimetersImpact Soil Testers

1.21.09 Workshop Machinery & EquipmentMilling & Hole CuttersBroaches & ChasersBrushing & Grinding WheelsLathe, Planer & Shaper ToolsArbors, Chucks & ColletsTaps & DiesGaugesAnvils, Chisels & PunchesMeasuring ToolsFiles, Rasps & Scrapers

1.21.10 Industrial Cleaning Equipment1.21.11 Workshop Cleaning Consumables

Cloths & RagsAbsorbentsWipes

1.21.13 Abrasive Products1.21.14 Welding & Cutting Equipment (incl.

Consumables)Welding ElectrodesBrazing/Welding Filler Rods & WireWelding & Cutting EquipmentFluxesElectrofusion Control BoxesButt Fusion MachinesElectrofusion Tooling

1.21.15 Tools & Equipment - PipelinePig Traps & ClosuresPipe Fitting ToolsPig Spares - Mechanical ComponentsPig Spares - Polyurethane ProductsBag Stops - IrisBag Stops - E4Line Stop EquipmentSearcher Bars

1.21.16 Weighing EquipmentWeighbridgesWeighing Equipment - BaggageWeighing Equipment - Post Office

1.21.17 Laboratory EquipmentCod TubesPET TubesSampling Equipment - Stainless SteelLaboratory GlasswareLaboratory Apparatus

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Laboratory Consumables1.21.18 Pollution Control Equipment

Booms - Pollution ControlBuoys - Pollution ControlDispersant - Pollution ControlAbsorbents - Pollution ControlSuction EquipmentFiltering EquipmentInterceptors - Pollution Control

1.21.19 LaddersLadders - InsulatedLadders - Step

1.21.20 Port/Marine Tools & EquipmentBuoys Navigation AidsMarine RampsMarine FendersLife RaftsLife JacketsBuoyancy AidsCatenary Safety Buoys

1.21.99 Other Tools & Specialist EquipmentAutomatic Barriers


1.22.01 Nuclear Gas Reactor & Core1.22.02 Nuclear Fuel Assembly1.22.03 Nuclear Gas Baffle1.22.04 Nuclear Gas Diagrid & Support Skirt1.22.05 Nuclear Shielding1.22.06 Nuclear Pressure Vessel & Liner1.22.07 Nuclear Gas Circulators1.22.08 Nuclear Control Rod & Assembly

Control Rod Drive & Monitoring Equipment1.22.09 Nuclear Reactor Pumps

PWR Reactor Coolant Pumps1.22.10 Nuclear Fuel Route Equipment1.22.11 Nuclear In-Service Inspection Equipment

Lower Boiler Annulus ManipulatorHoist UnitSub-Diagrid ManipulatorChannel Bore Measurement UnitInterstitial Manipulator

1.22.12 Nuclear Island Control & Instrumentation Systems & Spares

Health Physics InstrumentsActive Maintenance EquipmentIrradiated Fuel Handling EquipmentReactor Monitoring Systems - Neutron FluxReactor Monitoring Systems - In-Core FluxReactor Monitoring Systems - Core Exit Temperature

1.22.13 Nuclear Reactor Protection Systems & SparesReactor Protection Plant InstrumentationHigh Integrity Reactor Protection SoftwareReactor Trip Switchgear

1.22.14 Radioactive Waste Handling & Reprocessing Equipment

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Digital CamerasPrinters - Laser (Colour)Printers - InkjetPlotte+E2014rsComputer Connection Leads

1.23.05 Network Equipment & AccessoriesNetwork RoutersModemsNetwork HubsNetwork CablesNetwork Cards

1.23.06 Software Development ToolsDatabasesApplication GeneratorsData Administration ToolsJava Development Tools

1.23.07 General Business Software (Off-The-Shelf)Software - Project ManagementSoftware LicencesSoftware - Word ProcessingSoftware - SpreadsheetSoftware - GraphicsSoftware - Desktop PublishingSoftware - AntivirusSoftware - Route Planning

1.23.08 Specialist Business Software (excl. Software Development - use 2.40.02)

Software - CRMSoftware - Call CentreSoftware - BillingSoftware - ProcurementSoftware - FinancialSoftware - LogisticsSoftware - PersonnelSoftware - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Software - Ecommerce

1.23.09 Technical SoftwareSoftware - GISSoftware - HydrologySoftware - CAD/CAMSoftware - Instrumentation Control AutomationSoftware - Document Image Processing SystemsSoftware - Digital Records Systems

1.23.10 Utility SoftwareSoftware - Access ControlSoftware - Web Content ManagementSoftware - Security SystemSoftware - NetworkSoftware - Communications

1.23.11 Computer Consumables (excl. Laser/Inkjet Paper - use 1.17.09)

Floppy DisksToner CartridgesPaper - TractorToner Cartridges - RecycledComputer Switches



Caesium Removal SystemRadioactive Waste Reprocessing EquipmentRadioactive Waste Handling EquipmentRadioactive Waste ContainersRadioactive Waste Treatment Processing Plant

1.22.15 Nuclear Primary Circuit Pipework, Vales & Penetrations

1.22.16 Nuclear Sampling Systems1.22.17 Nuclear Cooling Water & Heat Removal

Systems1.22.18 Nuclear Containment & Ventilation Systems1.22.19 Dosimetry Equipment & Control Systems1.22.20 Nuclear Fire Barrier & Containment

Penetrations1.22.21 Nuclear Fuel Storage Racks & Equipment

Nuclear Fuel Storage - Wet FuelNuclear Fuel Storage - Dry Fuel

1.22.22 Nuclear Robotics/Remote Operations Equipment

1.22.23 Nuclear Fuel1.22.24 PWR Pressure Vessel & Internals1.22.25 PWR Pressuriser & Pressure Control Systems1.22.26 PWR Steam Generator Plant1.22.27 PWR Chemical & Volume Control/Reactor

Make-up Systems1.22.28 PWR Emergency Boration & Charging Systems1.22.99 Other Nuclear & Reactor Plant & Equipment

Resin Regeneration Unit


1.23.01 Computer Hardware & Accessories - Workstations/Servers

Midrange ServersDesktop PC'sPC ServersNetwork ServersInternet ServersApple Mac ComputersUNIX ServersPC Power SuppliesMemory BoardsComputer ProcessorsTape/Disk Drives

1.23.02 Computer Hardware & Accessories - PortableLaptop/Notebook PCsPersonal Digital Assistants (PDAs)Handheld Terminals

1.23.03 Computer Hardware - MainframesComputer CPUsComputer StorageMainframe Equipment

1.23.04 Computer PeripheralsPrinters - Laser (B&W)Computer KeyboardsComputer MiceComputer Monitors (Flatscreen)Computer Monitors (CRT)Computer Scanners

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Compact Disks1.23.12 Computer Systems

Turbine Vibration Monitoring SystemPOS EquipmentFlight Information Systems

1.23.99 Other Computer Equipment & Supplies


1.24.01 Switchgear - Indoor (Below 1kV)1.24.02 Switchgear - Indoor (1kV to 19kV)

Switchgear - 10kV (Oil)Switchgear - 10kV (SF6)Switchgear - 10kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 11kV (Oil)Switchgear - 11kV (SF6)Switchgear - 11kV (Vacuum)

1.24.03 Switchgear - Indoor (20kV to 99kV)Switchgear - 20kV (Oil)Switchgear - 20kV (SF6)Switchgear - 20kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 22kV (Oil)Switchgear - 22kV (SF6)Switchgear - 22kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 25kV (Oil)Switchgear - 25kV (SF6)Switchgear - 25kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 33kV (Oil)Switchgear - 33kV (SF6)Switchgear - 33kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 38kV (Oil)Switchgear - 38kV (SF6)Switchgear - 38kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 66kV (Oil)Switchgear - 66kV (SF6)Switchgear - 66kV (Vacuum)

1.24.04 Switchgear - Indoor (100kV to 199kV)Switchgear - 132kV (Oil)Switchgear - 132kV (SF6)Switchgear - 132kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 132kV (Air Blast)Switchgear - 132kV (Gas Insulated)

1.24.05 Switchgear - Indoor (200kV & Above)Switchgear - 275kV (Oil)Switchgear - 275kV (SF6)Switchgear - 275kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 275kV (Air Blast)Switchgear - 275kV (Gas Insulated)Switchgear - 400kV (Oil)Switchgear - 400kV (SF6)Switchgear - 400kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 400kV (Air Blast)Switchgear - 400kV (Gas Insulated)

1.24.06 Switchgear - Outdoor (Below 1kV)1.24.07 Switchgear - Outdoor (1kV to 19kV)

Switchgear - 10kV (Oil)Switchgear - 10kV (SF6)Switchgear - 10kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 11kV (Oil)


Switchgear - 11kV (SF6)Switchgear - 11kV (Vacuum)

1.24.08 Switchgear - Outdoor (20kV to 99kV)Switchgear - 20kV (Oil)Switchgear - 20kV (SF6)Switchgear - 20kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 22kV (Oil)Switchgear - 22kV (SF6)Switchgear - 22kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 25kV (Oil)Switchgear - 25kV (SF6)Switchgear - 25kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 33kV (Oil)Switchgear - 33kV (SF6)Switchgear - 33kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 38kV (Oil)Switchgear - 38kV (SF6)Switchgear - 38kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 66kV (Oil)Switchgear - 66kV (SF6)Switchgear - 66kV (Vacuum)

1.24.09 Switchgear - Outdoor (100kV to 199kV)Switchgear - 132kV (Oil)Switchgear - 132kV (SF6)Switchgear - 132kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 132kV (Air Blast)Switchgear - 132kV (Gas Insulated)

1.24.10 Switchgear - Outdoor (200kV & Above)Switchgear - 275kV (Oil)Switchgear - 275kV (SF6)Switchgear - 275kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 275kV (Air Blast)Switchgear - 275kV (Gas Insulated)Switchgear - 400kV (Oil)Switchgear - 400kV (SF6)Switchgear - 400kV (Vacuum)Switchgear - 400kV (Air Blast)Switchgear - 400kV (Gas Insulated)

1.24.11 Switchgear - Multi Motor1.24.12 Switchgear - Power Factor Correction1.24.13 Switchgear - Variable Speed/Soft Driven1.24.14 Switchgear - Direct Current (DC)1.24.15 Switchgear Parts & Accessories1.24.16 Circuit Breakers

Circuit Breakers - GeneratorCircuit Breakers - TransmissionCircuit Breakers - Distribution PrimaryCircuit Breakers - Distribution RMU (Ring Main Units)

1.24.17 DisconnectorsDisconnectors - Autoreclosing (Indoor)Disconnectors - Sectionalising (Indoor)Disconnectors - Airbreak (Indoor)Disconnectors - Autoreclosing (Outdoor)Disconnectors - Sectionalising (Outdoor)Disconnectors - Airbreak (Outdoor)

1.24.99 Other Switchgear

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UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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1.25.01 Digestors - Sewage & Sludge1.25.02 Macerators1.25.03 Odour Control Equipment

Odour Control - MaskingOdour Control - Wet Chemical ScrubbingOdour Control - Dry Chemical ScrubbingOdour Control - BiofiltrationOdour Control - UltravioletOdour Control - Thermal Oxidation

1.25.04 Dewatering EquipmentWaste Water BeltsWaste Water Presses

1.25.05 Waste Water Scrapers1.25.06 Screens & Associated Equipment

Screens - Curved BarScreens - VerticalScreens - MicroscreenScreens - StepScreens Handling Equipment

1.25.07 Disinfection EquipmentChlorination EquipmentOzone PlantUltraviolet Plant (Open Channel)Ultraviolet Plant (Pressurised)

1.25.08 Dosing Plant1.25.09 Sulphinators1.25.10 Mixing Units

Mixing Units - StaticMixing Units - Rotating

1.25.11 Incineration Equipment1.25.12 Comminutor (Pulverization) Equipment1.25.13 Detritor (Grit Removal) Equipment1.25.14 Classifier Equipment1.25.15 Aeration Equipment

Aeration Systems - Diffused Air1.25.16 Surge Suppression Equipment1.25.99 Other Water Treatment Plant


1.26.01 Propane1.26.02 Butane1.26.03 Oxygen1.26.04 Nitrogen1.26.05 Carbon Dioxide1.26.06 Sulphur Dioxide1.26.07 Sulphur Hexafluoride1.26.08 Argon Free Oxygen1.26.09 Hydrogen1.26.10 Methane1.26.11 Acetylene1.26.12 Helium1.26.12 High Purity Methane1.26.13 Laboratory Gases1.26.13 Liquid Argon1.26.13 Liquid Nitrogen1.26.14 Medical Gases1.26.15 Argon


1.26.16 Argonshield1.26.17 Oxygen Free Nitrogen1.26.99 Other Industrial Gases


1.27.01 Compressor Station/Aero Engines & Spares1.27.02 Compressor Station Plant & Spares

Compressor Station Mechanical Plant Spares1.27.03 Compressor Station Consumables

Compressor Station Electrical ConsumablesCompressor Station Mechanical Consumables

1.27.04 Compressor Station Fire & Gas Equipment1.27.05 Compressor Station Safety & Test Equipment1.27.06 Compressor Station Emission Stacks1.27.07 Gas Holder Antifreeze Units1.27.08 Odorisation Equipment1.27.09 Water Bath Heaters1.27.10 Fogger/Gas Conditioning Units1.27.11 Integrated Gas Analytical Systems1.27.12 Gas Storage Plant & Equipment

Compressors1.27.99 Other Gas Transmission/Distribution Plant &



1.28.01 Hybrid GIS 275kV (includes integrated control systems)

Hybrid Gas Insulated Switchgear1.28.02 Hybrid GIS 145kV (includes integrated

control systems)Hybrid Gas Insulated Switchgear

1.28.03 Dynamic Reactive Compensation and Voltage Support

Static var CompensatorSVCSTATCOMSynchronous Condenser

1.28.04 Comms Multiplexers PDH Multiplex EquipmentSDH Multiplex Equipment

1.28.05 PLC Terminal Equipment1.28.06 Insulators - Station Post1.28.99 Other Substation Materials



2.40.01 Hardware ServicesComputer InstallationComputer TestingComputer ConfigurationComputer LabellingMainframe RentalComputer Equipment Maintenance & RepairUNIX MaintenanceNT Server Consolidation

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


2.40.02 Software Development ServicesDatabase DevelopmentResource Management SystemBilling Application DevelopmentFinancial Application DevelopmentEnergy Trading SystemProcurement Application DevelopmentGlobal Development Centres

2.40.03 Software Support Services2.40.03 Application Maintenance2.40.04 IT Training

IT Training - TechnicalIT Training - General Business Software

2.40.06 Facilities Management Services - IT2.40.07 Recruitment Services - IT

Staff - IT (Temporary)Staff - IT (Permanent)

2.40.08 Telecommunication Network ServicesLine RentalCall ChargesMobile Phones (With Service Agreement)Freefone Numbering SystemData Transmission ServicesAsynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)Frame Relay NetworksPaging ServicesSatellite Communication ServicesVideo Conferencing Services

2.40.10 Data Collection & Handling Services (excl. Meter Reading - use 3.80.07)

Data PreparationData CollectionData HandlingData ArchivingData Archiving - MicroficheData ModellingGas Consumption Data - Daily

2.40.11 IT Network ServicesLAN servicesWAN services

2.40.12 Internet/Intranet ServicesWeb Server HostingInternet Service ProviderEmail Service Provider

2.40.13 Telecommunication Equipment & Associated Services

Telephone Exchange & Associated Equipment MaintenanceMobile Radio MaintenanceTransmission Equipment MaintenanceModem MaintenanceScada & Telecontrol Equipment MaintenanceMicrowave & UHF Scanning MaintenanceTelemetry Equipment Maintenance & RepairMobile Phone MaintenancePaging Equipment MaintenanceAerial Mast & Communications Tower MaintenanceAntennae Maintenance

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InspectionMicrowave & UHF Scanning - Installation

2.40.14 Call Centre ServicesCall Handling - EmergencyCall Handling - Inbound BureauCall Handling - Inbound DedicatedOutbound CallingMid Call Transfer FacilitiesContract/Application ProcessingData CaptureCall Handling - Voice AutomatedWebsite Response HandlingData TransfersTranscriptionTelephone Sales

2.40.15 E-commerce ServicesMarketplace ServicesElectronic Cataloguing ServicesReverse Auction Services

2.40.16 Escrow Services2.40.17 IT Disaster Recovery Services2.40.98 Other Computer Services2.40.99 Other Telecommunication Services (excl. Line

Construction, Maintenance & Repair)


2.41.02 Financial ConsultancyConsultancy - PPP/PFIConsultancy - Financial ManagementConsultancy - Private FinanceConsultancy - TaxationConsultancy - Economic

2.41.03 IT Consultancy (excl. E-commerce - use 2.41.17)

Consultancy - Infrastructure/HardwareConsultancy - IT Market Analysis/InformationConsultancy - Software ImplementationConsultancy - UNIXConsultancy - ERP ImplementationConsultancy - IT BenchmarkingConsultancy - IT Contingency Planning

2.41.04 Change Management Consultancy2.41.05 Energy Management Consultancy

Consultancy - Government Energy EfficiencyStandards of PerformanceConsultancy - Energy Efficiency

2.41.06 Estates & Property Consultancy2.41.07 Health & Safety Consultancy

Consultancy - Legionella Risk AssessmentCDM Services incl. Planning Supervisor

2.41.08 Procurement & Materials Management Consultancy

2.41.09 Public Relations Consultancy2.41.10 Security Consultancy2.41.11 Telecommunications/Telemetry Consultancy2.41.12 Environmental Consultancy

Consultancy - IPPCConsultancy - Environmental Management

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



System2.41.13 Quality Assurance Consultancy

Consultancy - QA Management System2.41.14 Personnel/Human Resources Consultancy2.41.16 Retail Consultancy2.41.17 E-commerce Consultancy2.41.18 Corporate Planning & Strategy Consulting

Consultancy - OutsourcingConsultancy - Parliamentary Information Services

2.41.19 Facilities Management Consultancy2.41.20 Marketing & Advertising Consultancy2.41.21 Fisheries Consultancy2.41.22 Risk Management Consultancy

Project Risk Management Services2.41.23 Value Management Consultancy2.41.99 Other Consultancy


2.42.01 Banking ServicesProject Financing

2.42.02 Insurance Services2.42.03 Pension Funding Services2.42.04 Financial Leasing Services2.42.05 Cash Collection Services

Receipting ServicesBill Payment ServicesToken SalesPayment Scheme PaymentsCounter Services

2.42.06 Accountancy Services2.42.07 Shareholder Services2.42.08 Financial Audit Services

External Audit ServicesAsset SurveysAsset Life Review

2.42.09 Debt Collection Services2.42.10 Claims Management Services2.42.11 Licensing Services

Operating Licences - Mobile Radio2.42.12 Recruitment Services - Finance

Staff - Financial (Temporary)Staff - Financial (Permanent)

2.42.13 Auction Services2.42.14 Credit/Procurement Card Services

Credit Card ServicesProcurement Card Services

2.42.99 Other Financial & Accountancy Services


2.43.01 Travel Agency ServicesTravel - RailTravel - Air

2.43.02 Hotel/Accommodation ServicesAccommodation - Agency ServicesAccommodation - HotelAccommodation - Other than Hotel


Conference/Exhibition Facilities2.43.03 Catering Services (Offsite)2.43.04 Catering Services (Onsite)

Catering ConsultancyCatering Equipment Maintenance & Repair

2.43.05 Vending Machine ServicesTicket Vending Machine Maintenance & RepairFood/Drink Vending Machine Maintenance & Repair

2.43.99 Other Hotel, Travel & Catering Services


2.44.01 Sewage/Sludge Disposal ServicesTankering Services - EmergencyTankering Services - Routine

2.44.02 Scrap Disposal ServicesScrap Disposal - FerrousScrap Disposal - Non Ferrous

2.44.03 Refuse/General Waste Disposal Services2.44.04 Sanitation Services2.44.05 Vermin Control Services2.44.06 Hazardous Material

Handling/Treatment/Disposal Services (incl. Asbestos)

Asbestos HandlingAsbestos TreatmentAsbestos DisposalContaminated Oil (PCB) DisposalContaminated Soil (Cable Oils) DisposalBoiler Dust Handling/Treatment/DisposalMedical Equipment Treatment & DisposalBaggage X-ray Machine Dismantling and Disposal

2.44.07 Non-hazardous Disposal ServicesIT Equipment Disposal & Re-marketingVehicle Disposal ServicesPlant Disposal Services

2.44.08 Decontamination/Pollution Control ServicesDecontamination/Pollution - Industrial WasteDecontamination/Pollution - Chemical WasteDecontamination/Pollution - Organic WasteDecontamination/Pollution - Oil Spill

2.44.10 Recycling ServicesRecycling - Waste PaperRecycling - AluminiumRecycling - PlasticRecycling - GlycolRecycling - Copper

2.44.11 Waste Skip Hire2.44.12 Waste Management Services (excl.

Radioactive - use 3.77.09)2.44.99 Other Disposal Services


2.45.01 Legal ServicesCommercial Litigation

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Criminal LitigationPPP/PFI AdviceConveyencingEuropean Law AdviceEmployment Law AdviceContract Law AdviceEC Procurement Law AdviceLegal Counsel Services

2.45.02 Photographic ServicesAerial Photography

2.45.03 Printing & Publication Services (excl. Pre-printed Stationery - use 1.17.13)

Proof ReadingCompany Publications - DesignCompany Publications - PrintingPrint Management ServicesReprographics

2.45.04 Public Relations ServicesPress CuttingsBroadcast MonitoringPublic Relations

2.45.05 Recruitment Services (excl. IT & Finance - use 2.40.07 & 2.42.12)

Staff - Secretarial (Temporary)Staff - Administrative (Temporary)Staff - Data Entry (Temporary)Staff - Clerical (Temporary)Staff - Laboratory (Temporary)Staff - Drivers (Temporary)Staff - Technician (Temporary)Staff - Engineering Support (Temporary)Staff - Procurement (Temporary)Staff - Human Resources (Temporary)Staff - Senior Management/Director (Temporary)Staff - Other (Temporary)Staff - Other (Permanent)Staff - Secretarial (Permanent)Staff - Administrative (Permanent)Staff - Data Entry (Permanent)Staff - Clerical (Permanent)Staff - Laboratory (Permanent)Staff - Technician (Permanent)Staff - Engineering Support (Permanent)Staff - Procurement (Permanent)Staff - Human Resources (Permanent)Staff - Senior Management/Director (Permanent)Staff - Drivers (Permanent)

2.45.06 Security ServicesKey Holding ServicesSecurity Guard/Patrol ServicesSecurity Equipment - Gas Storage

2.45.07 Training & Education Services (excl. IT Training - use 2.40.04)

Education WorkshopsEducation Material ProductionE-learning ConsultancyTraining - Leadership


Training - DriverTraining - Further EducationTraining - Electrical SafetyTraining - Manual OperatorTraining - Field HydrometryTraining - Confined SpacesTraining - Signing & Guarding (NRSWA)Training - Stack EmissionsTraining - Personal SkillsTraining - SimulatorTraining - Environmental (Air)Training - Environmental (Water)Training - Environmental (Land)Training - PlanningTraining - Mechanical HandlingTraining - ChainsawTraining - CITBTraining - MediaTraining - BoatsTraining - Mobile PlantTraining - TechnicalTraining - ManagementTraining - DevelopmentTraining - Fire MarshallTraining - Procurement

2.45.08 Occupational Health ServicesOccupational Health ServicesStress Counselling ServicesChildcare Voucher ServicesChildcare Advice & Information ServicesDisplay Screen AssessmentsMedical AssessmentsHealth Club Services

2.45.09 Hygiene Services2.45.10 Conference/Event Management Services

(incl. Entertainment)Exhibition Equipment ServicesConference ManagementEvent ManagementCorporate Entertainment

2.45.11 Office & Depot Cleaning ServicesCleaning - Computer/VDUCleaning - TelephoneCleaning - Daily OfficeCleaning - Depot

2.45.12 Window Cleaning Services2.45.13 Laundry Services

Laundry ServicesDry Cleaning ServicesLaundry Token Services

2.45.14 Market Research Services2.45.15 Postal & Mailing Services (excl. Courier

Services - use 3.74.05)2.45.16 Real Estate Services

Land Asset ValuationLand AuctionsLand AgentsOffice Rental

2.45.17 Furniture Maintenance & Repair Services2.45.18 Office Equipment Services

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


Pumping Station - Clean Water (Operate)Pumping Station - Clean Water (Maintenance & Repair)Pumping Station - Clean Water (Refurbishment)Pumping Station - Clean Water (Installation)Pumping Station - Clean Water (Turnkey)Pumping Station - Clean Water (Finance)

3.70.02 Pumping Station - Waste WaterPumping Station - Waste Water (Design)Pumping Station - Waste Water (Construct)Pumping Station - Waste Water (Operate)Pumping Station - Waste Water (Maintenance & Repair)Pumping Station - Waste Water (Refurbishment)Pumping Station - Waste Water (Installation)Pumping Station - Waste Water (Turnkey)Pumping Station - Waste Water (Finance)

3.70.03 Treatment Works - Waste WaterTreatment Works - Waste Water (Design)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Construct)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Operate)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Maintenance & Repair)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Refurbishment)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Installation)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Turnkey)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Activated Sludge)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Granular Activated Carbons)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Biology Aerated Flood Filter)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Sequencing Batch Reactor)Treatment Works - Waste Water (Finance)

3.70.04 Treatment Works - Clean WaterTreatment Works - Clean Water (Design)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Construct)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Operate)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Maintenance & Repair)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Refurbishment)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Installation)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Turnkey)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Granular Activated Carbons)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Biology Aerated Flood Filter)Treatment Works - Clean Water (SequencingBatch Reactor)Treatment Works - Clean Water (Finance)

3.70.05 Water TowerWater Tower - Design



Access Control Maintenance & RepairPhotocopier Maintenance & RepairFax Machine Maintenance & RepairAccounting Machinery MaintenanceFranking Machine MaintenanceArchiving Equipment MaintenanceMailing Handling Machine Maintenance

2.45.19 Facilities Management (excl. IT - use 2.40.06)Car Park Management Services

2.45.20 Meteorological ServicesFlood ForecastingGale/Hurricane ForecastingSnow ForecastingGeneral Weather Forecasting

2.45.22 Technical/Procedural Writing Services2.45.23 Subscription Services

Subscriptions - Professional Organisations2.45.25 Removal/Relocation Services (excl. Storage

Services - use 3.74.07)Office RemovalsOffice Relocation

2.45.26 Wayleave ServicesEasementsLand Agreements

2.45.27 Promotional/Corporate GoodsFlorist ServicesGift VouchersCorporate CrockeryLong Service Awards

2.45.28 Graphic & Media Design ServicesCorporate Material Design ServicesWebsite Design ServicesCorporate Video Production

2.45.29 Personnel/Human Resources ServicesPayroll AdministrationPension AdministrationRedeployment ServicesPersonnel Relocation Services

2.45.30 Language Translation ServicesWelsh Language Services

2.45.31 Marketing & Advertising Services2.45.32 Audit Services (excl. Financial - use 2.42.08)

Audit Services - Health & SafetyAudit Services - EnvironmentalAudit Services - Quality Assurance

2.45.33 Asset Management/Operation ServicesWater Network ManagementElectricity Network ManagementGas Network ManagementMulti-Utility Network Management

2.45.35 Plastic Card Fulfilment Services2.45.99 Other Business & Administrative Services



3.70.01 Pumping Station - Clean WaterPumping Station - Clean Water (Design)Pumping Station - Clean Water (Construct)

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Water Tower - ConstructWater Tower - OperateWater Tower - Maintenance & RepairWater Tower - InstallationWater Tower - TurnkeyWater Tower - Finance

3.70.06 Reservoir/Dam/Weir/LockLagoonsReservoir - ServiceReservoir - Raw WaterDamsLocksWeirsFish PassesReservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - DesignReservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - ConstructReservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - OperateReservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Maintenance & RepairReservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - InstallationReservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - TurnkeyReservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - FinanceCoffer Dam

3.70.07 Tunnelling & Shafts (incl. Penstocks)Tunnelling & Shafts - DesignTunnelling & Shafts - ConstructTunnelling & Shafts - OperateTunnelling & Shafts - Maintenance & RepairTunnelling & Shafts - InstallationTunnelling & Shafts - TurnkeyTunnelling & Shafts - Finance

3.70.08 Gas Storage LeachingProcess Plant DesignWorkoverSnubbingWellheadsInstallation & Commissioning

3.70.11 Carpentry Services3.70.12 Plumbing Services3.70.13 Electrician Services

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)Appliance TestingAppliance Maintenance & Repair

3.70.14 Industrial Painting & Specialist Coating Services

Powder CoatingChrome PlatingShotblasting ServicesSluice Gate PaintingCorrosion ProtectionErosion ProtectionPolymeric CoatingsMulti-storey Car Park CoatingsTin PlatingPainting & Line Marking

3.70.15 Building/Office Maintenance & RefurbishmentServices

Lighting MaintenanceLocksmith ServicesGlazing Services


Door Installers & MaintenanceSuspended Ceilings/PartitionsPainting & Decorating ServicesFlooring, Carpet Laying & Floor FinishesIndustrial Floor FinishesCavity Floor, Wall & Roof InsulationPlastering & Wall TilingCurtain & Blind InstallationSafety Platforms & WalkwaysDrain ClearanceHot Water Boiler Maintenance & RepairCladding ServicesTanking & Waterproofing Services

3.70.16 Grounds Care MaintenanceSeedingCultivationTurfingGrass Cutting ServicesGardeningHorticultural ServicesArboricultural ServicesVegetation ManagementVegetation Management - Hydrometric

3.70.17 Fire Protection & Maintenance Services (excl. Substation - use 3.75.09)

Respiratory Protective Equipment MaintenanceFixed Fire Systems MaintenanceFixed Fire Systems AuditMulsifyre SystemsSprinkler System Maintenance & RepairSprinkler System Installation

3.70.18 Demolition & Clearance WorkGas Holder Demolition & DisposalDebris Clearance Services

3.70.19 Lift/Escalator ServicesEscalator InstallationEscalator MaintenanceLift InstallationLift Maintenance

3.70.20 Roofing ServicesRoofing - Maintenance & RepairRoofing - InspectionRoofing - Construction

3.70.21 Concrete ServicesConcrete RepairsConcrete ShutteringConcrete GroutingConcrete WaterproofingConcrete Drilling & CuttingConcrete Recycling

3.70.22 Fencing ServicesFencing DesignFencing InstallationFencing Maintenance & RepairSafety Fencing SurveysFencing - Gas Storage

3.70.23 Land Reinstatement ServicesContamination AnalysisContaminated Ground Clearance

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


Contaminated Ground Waste DisposalTop Soil Import

3.70.24 Landscaping Services (incl. Earthworks)Habitat Enhancement & DevelopmentLandscapingEarthworks

3.70.25 Foundation Services (incl. Piling)Ground Stabilisation ServicesPiling - CFAPiling - BoredPiling - DrivenPiling - WoodenPiling - SheetDiaphragm WallingCaissonsPiling - MicroPiling - UnderpinningPiling - Plastic

3.70.26 Road Construction & Surfacing ServicesRunways & TaxiwaysSurface CarparkingApron PavementsRoad Construction & Surfacing - ConcreteRoad Construction & Surfacing - AsphaltRoad Construction & Surfacing - DesignRoad Construction & Surfacing - Turnkey

3.70.27 Rock Anchor Services3.70.31 General Building incl. Offices

General Building - DesignGeneral Building - ConstructGeneral Building - OperateGeneral Building - Maintenance & RepairGeneral Building - InstallationGeneral Building - TurnkeyGeneral Building - Finance

3.70.32 Security Equipment Installation & Maintenance

Anti-climbing DevicesCCTV Systems - SecuritySecurity Alarm Systems - VehicleSecurity Alarm Systems - BuildingAccess Barriers & Control SystemsSecurity Alarm Maintenance & RepairSecurity Barrier Maintenance & RepairMobile Tracking SystemsSecurity Equipment - Gas Storage

3.70.33 Modular Structures3.70.34 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

Services (excl. Power Station - use 3.73.22)HVAC System InstallationHVAC Maintenance & RepairHVAC RefurbishmentHeat Exchanger Maintenance & Repair

3.70.35 Insulation ServicesInsulation Services - ThermalLagging ServicesInsulation Services - Acoustic

3.70.36 Flood Defence ConstructionEstuarial Defence Works


River Defence WorksCoastal Defence Works

3.70.37 Carpark Construction3.70.38 Airport Construction

TerminalsHangarsAirport Construction - DesignAirport Construction - TurnkeyAirport Construction - Design & ConstructAirport Construction - Construct only

3.70.39 Pipeline ConstructionPipeline Construction - DesignPipeline Construction - Design & ConstructPipeline Construction - Construct onlyPipeline Construction - Gas High Pressure

3.70.40 Harbour & Marine Engineering WorksHarbour ConstructionQuay ConstructionPier ConstructionDock ConstructionBreakwater ConstructionEmbankment WorksDry Docks WorksHarbour & Marine Maintenance and RefurbishmentHarbour & Marine Installations

3.70.41 Land Reclamation Works & Services3.70.42 Railway Construction3.70.43 Gas Transmission System Plant Construction

Plant ConstructionPlant InstallationPlant Modification

3.70.44 Gas Transmission System Plant Repairs & Upgrades


3.70.45 Minor Civil WorksMinor Civil Works - Gas NetworkMinor Civil Works - Water NetworkMinor Civil Works - Telecoms NetworkMinor Civil Works - Electricity NetworkMinor Civil Works - AirportsMinor Civil Works - PortsMinor Civil Works - Rail NetworkMinor Civil Works - Gas Storage

3.70.46 Bridge ConstructionRailway Bridge ConstructionRoad Bridge ConstructionRailway Bridge Construction - SteelRailway Bridge Construction - ConcreteRailway Bridge Construction - Composite

3.70.47 Off-shore StructuresEquipment/Material - InstallationEquipment/Material - Commissioning

3.70.48 Gas Drying PlantGas Drying Plant - DesignGas Drying Plant - ErectionGas Drying Plant - Commissioning

3.70.49 Gas Storage Plant Site Services


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


(Fluid Filled)3.71.26 Underground Cable Jointing - 20kV to 99kV

Underground Cable Jointing 20kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 20kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 22kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 22kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 25kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 25kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 33kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 33kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 38kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 38kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 66kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 66kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.27 Underground Cable Jointing - 100kV to 199kVUnderground Cable Jointing 110kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 110kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 132kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 132kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.28 Underground Cable Jointing - 200kV & AboveUnderground Cable Jointing 220kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 220kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 275kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 275kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 400kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 400kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.29 Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair - Below 1kV

3.71.30 Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair - 1kV to 19kV

Underground Cable M&R - 10kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 10kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 11kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 11kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.31 Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair - 20kV to 99kV

Underground Cable M&R - 20kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 20kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 22kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 22kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 25kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 25kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 33kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 33kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 38kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 38kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 66kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 66kV (Fluid Filled)

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



3.70.50 Bridge MaintenanceRailway Bridge PaintingRailway Bridge Maintenace & RepairRoad Bridge PaintingRoad Bridge Maintenace & Repair

3.70.99 Other Building, Civil Engineering & AssociatedServices


3.71.16 Subsea Cable Services3.71.17 Underground Telecommunication Cable

Laying (incl. Excavation & Reinstatement)3.71.18 Underground Telecommunication Cable

Maintenance & Repair3.71.19 Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &

Reinstatement) - Below 1kV3.71.20 Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &

Reinstatement) - 1kV to 19kVUnderground Cable Laying - 10kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 11kV (Solid)

3.71.21 Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - 20kV to 99kV

Underground Cable Laying - 20kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 22kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 25kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 33kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 33kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Laying - 38kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 38kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Laying - 66kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 66kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.22 Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - 100kV to 199kV

Underground Cable Laying - 110kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 110kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Laying - 132kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 132kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.23 Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - 200kV & Above

Underground Cable Laying - 220kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 220kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Laying - 275kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 275kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Laying - 400kV (Solid)Underground Cable Laying - 400kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.24 Underground Cable Jointing - Below 1kV3.71.25 Underground Cable Jointing - 1kV to 19kV

Underground Cable Jointing - 10kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing - 10kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable Jointing 11kV (Solid)Underground Cable Jointing 11kV

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



3.71.32 Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair - 100kV to 199kV

Underground Cable M&R - 110kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 110kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 132kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 132kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.33 Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair - 200kV & Above

Underground Cable M&R - 220kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 220kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 275kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 275kV (Fluid Filled)Underground Cable M&R - 400kV (Solid)Underground Cable M&R - 400kV (Fluid Filled)

3.71.34 Multi-utility Cable & Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation & Reinstatement)

3.71.35 Trenchless Cable Laying3.71.36 Street Lighting Connection3.71.99 Other Underground Cable Services


3.72.01 Water Service Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation & Reinstatement)

3.72.02 Water Mains Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation & Reinstatement)

3.72.03 Sewer Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation & Reinstatement)

3.72.04 Marine/River OutfallOutfall Renovation

3.72.05 Water Service Pipe Maintenance & Repair3.72.06 Water Mains Pipe Maintenance & Repair3.72.07 Sewer Pipe Maintenance & Repair

Manhole Maintenance3.72.09 Pipe Surveying Services

Drainage Area Studies (DAS)Pipeline Geometric SurveyLeakage Patrol SurveysLeakage Detection Services

3.72.10 Trenchless Pipe Laying (incl. Pipe Replacement)

Pipe JackingThrust BoringDirectional DrillingMicrotunnellingSlipliningMoling ServicesPipe BurstingSoft Felt LiningScrape & LineEpoxy LiningSleeving

3.72.11 Borehole & Well DrillingBorehole Construction WorkBorehole Sampling Services


3.72.13 Pipework Fabrication & InstallationPipework Refurbishment & Replacement

3.72.15 Transmission Pipeline ServicesGas Transmission Pipeline MaintenanceOnline Gas HP Pipeline InspectionOil Pipeline Maintenance

3.72.18 Heating Pipe Services3.72.19 Flexible Structures, Waterproof Lining

Services3.72.20 Pipeline CCTV/Inspection Services

Pipeline Inspection ServicesPipeline CCTV Services

3.72.21 Pipe Coating / Lining Services3.72.22 Sewer Jetting Services3.72.23 Gas Service Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation &

Reinstatement)3.72.24 Gas Mains Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation &

Reinstatement)3.72.25 Gas Service Pipe Maintenance & Repair3.72.26 Gas Mains Pipe Maintenance & Repair

Line Stop OperationsUnder Pressure Drilling - Gas Mains

3.72.27 Sub-sea Pipe Laying3.72.97 Other Gas Pipe Services

Pipeline Pressure TestingCarbon Steel Pipe InspectionNitrogen Purging

3.72.98 Other Water Pipe Services3.72.99 Other Pipe Services


3.73.01 Boiler ServicesBoiler Outage & Mini Outage ServicesBoiler Reheater Drum Replacement (Supply & Install)Boiler Reheater Drum InstallationBoiler SurveysBoiler MaintenanceBoiler RefurbishmentMill MaintenanceBoiler Pipe Support MaintenanceSootblower Maintenance

3.73.02 Engine Services3.73.03 Feed System Services3.73.04 Turbine Services

Gas Turbine Maintenance & RepairGas Turbine RefurbishmentWind Turbine ServicesSteam Turbine Maintenance & RepairSteam Turbine RefurbishmentTurbine Performance TestingWater Turbine Maintenance & RepairWater Turbine Refurbishment

3.73.05 Generator Services3.73.06 Fuel System Services

Oil Burner Ignitor Maintenance & RepairFeed & Drain System Outage ServicesSolid Fuel Feeder MaintenancePulverized Fuel Pipework Maintenance & Refurbishment

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


Solid Fuel Samples - Collection & PreparationConveyor Belt Maintenance

3.73.10 Generation Operation & Maintenance ServicesCoal Plants, Bunkers & Hoppers OperationCoal Plants, Bunkers & Hoppers MaintenanceCoal Stock SurveysCoal Bunker InspectionAsh Plant Operation & Maintenance

3.73.11 Energy Supply Plant Installation & Operation Services

3.73.12 Power Station - Combined Heat & Power Gas Turbine (CHP)

CHP Power Station ConstructionCHP Maintenance & Repair

3.73.13 Power Station - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT)

CCGT Power Station ConstructionCCGT Maintenance & Repair

3.73.14 Power Station - Reciprocating Engine Combined Heat & Power

Reciprocating Engine Combined Heat & Power Station ConstructionReciprocating Engine Combined Heat & Power Maintenance & Repair

3.73.15 Steam System Services3.73.16 Cooling Water System Services

Heat Exchanger Inspection, Cleaning & TestingCondenser Inspection, Cleaning & TestingCondenser Cleaning Equipment MaintenanceCooling Tower MaintenanceCooling Tower Overhaul

3.73.17 Bulk Storage Services3.73.19 Ash/Residue Disposal System Services

Ash Plant ServicesDust Plant ServicesAsh HaulageAsh SalesLagoonsAsh/Dust Disposal

3.73.20 Combustion Air System Services3.73.21 Flue Gas Exhaust System Services

Chimney & Flue MaintenanceChimney Inspection & RepairsFlue Gas Desulphurisation ServicesFlue Gas Conditioning ServicesBunker Air Blasters - Repair & MaintenanceDraught Plant MaintenanceElectrostatic Precipitator Maintenance

3.73.22 Power Station Heating & Ventilation Services3.73.23 Wind Farm Construction

Wind Farm Construction - Onshore InstallationWind Farm Construction - Offshore Installation

3.73.24 Wind Power Plant Services (excl. Construction)

3.73.25 Hydro-Electric Power Plant ConstructionTailworks

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TailgatesBascule Gates

3.73.26 Hydro-Electric Power Plant Services (excl. Construction)

Hydro-Electric Power Plant Design ServicesHydro-Electric Pipework InstallationHydro-Electric Pipework Maintenance & RepairHydro-Electric Valves & Gates InstallationHydro-Electric Valves & Gates Maintenance & Repair

3.73.27 Power Station - Conventional Thermal Power Plants

Conventional Thermal Power Plants ConstructionConventional Thermal Power Plants Maintenance & Repair

3.73.99 Other Generation ServicesCentrifuge Oil Purifier Maintenance


3.74.01 Vehicle Accident & Repair ServicesAccident ManagementAccident Assessment Service

3.74.02 Vehicle Bodybuilding3.74.03 Vehicle Maintenance

Passenger Vehicle ServicingCommercial Vehicle ServicingElectric Vehicle MaintenanceTachograph Maintenance & Repair

3.74.04 Vehicle Recovery Services3.74.05 Courier Services

Courier Services - Next DayCourier Services - By AirCourier Services - RefridgeratedCourier Services - Motorcycle

3.74.06 Transportation ServicesHaulage - GeneralHaulage - Low-loaderTowage ServicesBus Services

3.74.07 Storage & Warehousing ServicesDocument Archiving ServicesRefridgerated StorageRacking Systems - Installation OnlyWarehouse Equipment Maintenance & Repair

3.74.08 Mobile Plant Hire ServicesGeneral Plant HireMobile Crane Hire (with Driver)Mobile Crane Hire (without Driver)Excavator Hire (with Driver)Excavator Hire (without Driver)Road-Rail Plant Hire (with Driver)

3.74.09 Mechanical Handling Equipment Maintenance (excl. Fixed Cranes - use 3.74.26)

Forklift Truck Maintenance & RepairHoist Inspection & MaintenanceLifting Equipment Maintenance & Repair

3.74.10 Mobile Plant Maintenance

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


Substation SteelworkTransformer FoundationsOil Containment Construction

3.75.03 Protection & Control System ServicesP&C System InstallationP&C System RefurbishmentP&C System Maintenance & RepairP&C System Modifications

3.75.04 Telecontrol Services3.75.05 Switchgear Services

Switchgear Installation - 10/11kVSwitchgear Maintenance & Repair - 10/11kVSwitchgear Installation - 20/22/25kVSwitchgear Maintenance & Repair - 20/22/25kVSwitchgear Installation - 33/38kVSwitchgear Maintenance & Repair - 33/38kVSwitchgear Installation - 66kVSwitchgear Maintenance & Repair - 66kVSwitchgear Installation - 110/132kVSwitchgear Maintenance & Repair - 110/132kVSwitchgear Installation - 220/275kVSwitchgear Maintenance & Repair - 220/275kVSwitchgear Installation - 400kVSwitchgear Maintenance & Repair - 400kV

3.75.06 Transformer ServicesTransformer Installation - 10/11kVTransformer Maintenance & Repair - 10/11kVTransformer Installation - 20/22/25kVTransformer Maintenance & Repair - 20/22/25kVTransformer Installation - 33/38kVTransformer Maintenance & Repair - 33/38kVTransformer Installation - 66kVTransformer Maintenance & Repair - 66kVTransformer Installation - 110/132kVTransformer Maintenance & Repair - 110/132kVTransformer Installation - 220/275kVTransformer Maintenance & Repair - 220/275kVTransformer Installation - 400kVTransformer Maintenance & Repair - 400kV

3.75.07 Substation Cabling ServicesSenior Authorised Person Services

3.75.08 Substation Plant Dismantling & Removal3.75.09 Substation Fire Protection Services3.75.10 Substation Plant Painting Services3.75.11 Substation Design - Transmission3.75.12 Substation Construction - Transmission3.75.13 Substation Design & Construction -

Transmission3.75.14 Substation Turnkey - Transmission3.75.15 Substation Design - Distribution3.75.16 Substation Construction - Distribution



Traffic Light Maintenance & Repair3.74.11 Windscreen Replacement3.74.12 Vehicle Washing Services

Vehicle WashingVehicle Washing Machine MaintenanceVehicle Steam CleaningVehicle Valet Services

3.74.13 Vehicle Disposal Services3.74.14 Vehicle Leasing & Hire Services

Vehicle SalvageVehicle Auction ServicesVehicle LeasingVehicle HireChauffeur ServicesTaxi Services

3.74.15 Helicopter/Air Transport Services (excl. Overhead Line Surveys - use 3.79.17)

Helicopter HireAircraft Hire (with Pilot)Aircraft Hire (without Pilot)Helicopter Passenger ServicesHelicopter Line Clearance ServicesHelicopter Maintenance ServicesHelicopter Patrol ServicesHelicopter SurveysAircraft Maintenance ServicesHangar Services

3.74.16 Generator Hire (Non-system Use)3.74.17 Traffic Lights Hire3.74.19 Fleet Management Services3.74.20 Railway Track Maintenance3.74.21 Weighbridge Services

Weighbridge ServicesWeighbridge Maintenance & Repair

3.74.22 Signing, Guarding & Lighting Services (NRSWA)

3.74.23 Generator Hire (System Use)Generator (System Use) - HireGenerator (System Use) - Hire & OperationHire, Operation & Live Connection

3.74.24 Tool Hire3.74.25 Boats/Marine Vessel Maintenance

Boat MaintenanceBoat Trailer Maintenance

3.74.26 Fixed Crane ServicesCrane Maintenance

3.74.27 Traffic Management Services3.74.28 Garage/Workshop Equipment Maintenance3.74.29 Mobile Accomodation Unit Hire3.74.30 Fuel Card Services3.74.31 Marine Equipment Maintenance & Repair

Services (excl. Boats - use 3.74.25)3.74.98 Other Hire Services3.74.99 Other Transport & Storage Services

Petrol Pump Maintenance


3.75.02 Substation Building Civil ServicesSubstation Structures/Buildings

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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3.75.17 Substation Design & Construction - Distribution

3.75.18 Substation Turnkey - Distribution3.75.19 Substation General Maintenance

Substation Building Maintenance & RepairSubstation Vegetation Management

3.75.99 Other Substation ServicesSubstation Equipment Installation Services


3.76.01 Technical Consultancy3.76.02 Planning Consultancy3.76.03 Electrical Consultancy - 11kV & Below3.76.04 Electrical Consultancy - 20kV to 99kV

Electrical Consultancy - 20/22/25kVElectrical Consultancy - 33/38kVElectrical Consultancy - 66kV

3.76.05 Electrical Consultancy - 100kV to 199kVElectrical Consultancy - 110/132kV

3.76.06 Electrical Consultancy - 200kV & AboveElectrical Consultancy - 220/275kVElectrical Consultancy - 400kV

3.76.07 Mechanical Consultancy3.76.08 Structural Consultancy3.76.09 Cathodic Protection Consultancy3.76.10 Hydrology & Hydrogeology Consultancy

Water Quality ConsultancyWater Resource Investigation ConsultancyRiver Audit Surveys

3.76.11 Process Consultancy3.76.12 Tunnels Consultancy3.76.13 Dams Consultancy3.76.14 Quantity Surveying

Cost Management Services3.76.15 Topographical Consultancy3.76.17 Scientific Consultancy

Geotechnical ConsultancyGeomorphology ConsultancyBiology ConsultantsGeological Consultancy

3.76.18 Surveying Services (excl. Overhead Line & Pipeline Surveying)

Urban SurveysHydrographic SurveysLand SurveysAerial SurveysStructural SurveysBuilding SurveysHydrometric/Flow Surveying ServicesGeophysical/Topographical SurveysSurveying Validation ServicesAsset Condition SurveysPhotogrammicAcoustic SurveysUnderground Cable Surveys

3.76.19 Archaeological Consultancy & Surveys3.76.20 Control & Instrumentation Consultancy3.76.21 Architectural Services3.76.22 Civil Engineering Consultancy


3.76.23 Environmental Impact Surveys3.76.24 Hydraulic Modelling Consultancy3.76.25 Pipeline Consultancy

Consultancy - Outfall3.76.26 Project Management Consultancy

Programme Management3.76.27 Geotechnical Site Investigation Services3.76.28 Cartography Services (incl. Section 105)

Flood Plain Mapping Services (Section 105)Digital MappingGIS ServicesGPS ServicesCable/Pipe Location & MappingUnderground Radar Probing & Mapping

3.76.29 Airfield ConsultancyAirfield Consultancy - RunwaysAirfield Consultancy - ApronsAirfield Consultancy - Pavements

3.76.30 Fire ConsultancyFire Consultancy - AirportsFire Consultancy - SubstationFire Consultancy - General BuildingFire Consultancy - SeaportsFire Consultancy - RailwayFire Consultancy - Workshops

3.76.31 Flood Defence Consultancy3.76.32 Harbour & Marine Consultancy3.76.33 Port Planning Services3.76.34 Gas Network Consultancy & Services

Gas Network Project Services > 7 BarGas Network ValidationEngineering Services - GasGas Network Design Services > 7 Bar

3.76.35 Railway ConsultancyRailway Signalling Consultancy

3.76.99 Other Engineering Consultancy


3.77.01 Health Physics Services3.77.02 Reactor Physics Services3.77.03 Reactor Core Services3.77.04 Gas Circulator Services3.77.05 Control Rod & Assembly Services3.77.06 Fuel Route Services3.77.07 Nuclear Island Control & Instrumentation

Services3.77.08 Nuclear Decommissioning3.77.09 Radioactive Waste Management Services3.77.10 Nuclear Fuel Services

Nuclear Fuel ReprocessingNuclear Fuel Handling

3.77.11 Nuclear Routine & Outage Plant Maintenance3.77.12 Nuclear Power Station Outage Management

Services3.77.13 Nuclear Safety Case Preparation & Support

Services3.77.99 Other Nuclear & Reactor Services

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:




3.78.01 Control & Instrumentation ServicesControl & Instrumentation Services - Hydro-Electric Power StationControl & Instrumentation Services - Treatment WorksControl & Instrumentation Services - Power StationGas Detection Equipment Services MaintenanceProgrammable Logic Controller (PLC) Maintenance & RepairControl & Instrumentation Services - Pressure ControlData Logger Installation

3.78.02 Electrical Inspection/Testing ServicesUninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) MaintenanceBattery Inspection, Testing & Maintenance

3.78.03 Mechanical Inspection/Testing ServicesDefect AnalysisGas Holder Painting InspectionWeld TestingGas Holder Inspection

3.78.04 Electrical Installation Services3.78.05 Mechanical Installation Services

Gas Holder Inspection3.78.06 Pump Services

Pump DesignPump InstallationPump RefurbishmentPump Maintenance & Repair

3.78.07 Valve ServicesValve Maintenance & RefurbishmentSafety Valve TrevitestingGas Valve Maintenance & Refurbishment

3.78.08 Compressed Air/Gas System ServicesCompressor Maintenance

3.78.09 Metal & Steel Fabrication ServicesSteelwork - Gas Storage

3.78.10 Motor Rewind Services3.78.11 Machining Services

Machining Services - In-situMachining Services - Off-siteRemetalling Services

3.78.12 Deplanting/Decommissioning Services3.78.13 Gas Appliance Services3.78.14 Water Treatment Plant Services

Filter Media ServicesChlorine Plant MaintenanceWater Treatment Plant Maintenance & RepairMobile Water Treatment Plant Hire

3.78.15 Gas Network Plant ServicesPressure Equipment TestingPressure Vessel Testing


Gas Recording Equipment InstallationGovernor InstallationGas Network Plant Maintenance & RepairGas Holder Maintenance & RepairWaterbath Heater Maintenance & Repair

3.78.16 Lighting Services3.78.16 Lighting Services - High Mast3.78.17 Gas Storage Plant Services

Electrical Control & InstrumentationMechanical Control & InstrumentationGas Storage Plant Maintenance & Repair

3.78.99 Other Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation,Control & Automation Services

Lubricating ServicesPropane Plant Maintenance


3.79.01 Overhead Line Construction - Wood Pole (11kV & Below)

Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 10kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 10kVOverhead Line Woodpole Design - 11kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 11kV

3.79.02 Overhead Line Construction - Wood Pole (20kV to 99kV)

Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 20kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 20kVOverhead Line Woodpole Design - 33kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 33kVOverhead Line Woodpole Design - 38kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 38kVOverhead Line Woodpole Design - 66kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 66kV

3.79.03 Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Wood Pole (11kV & Below)

Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 10kVOverhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 11kV

3.79.04 Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Wood Pole (20kV to 99kV)

Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 20kVOverhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R -22kVOverhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 25kVOverhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 33kVOverhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 38kVOverhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 66kV

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


3.79.05 Overhead Line Design - Tower (20kV to 99kV)

Overhead Line Tower Design - 20kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 22kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 25kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 33kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 38kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 66kV

3.79.06 Overhead Line Design - Tower (100kV to 199kV)Overhead Line Tower Design - 110kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 132kV

3.79.07 Overhead Line Design - Tower (200kV & Above)

Overhead Line Tower Design - 220kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 275kVOverhead Line Tower Design - 400kV

3.79.08 Overhead Line Construction - Tower (20kV to 99kV)

Overhead Line Tower Construction - 20kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 22kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 25kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 33kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 38kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 66kV

3.79.09 Overhead Line Construction - Tower (100kV to 199kV)

Overhead Line Tower Construction - 110kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 132kV

3.79.10 Overhead Line Construction - Tower (200kV & Above)

Overhead Line Tower Construction - 220kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 275kVOverhead Line Tower Construction - 400kV

3.79.11 Overhead Line Design & Construction - Tower (20kV to 99kV)

Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 20kVOverhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 22kVOverhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 25kVOverhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 33kVOverhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 38kVOverhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 66kV

3.79.12 Overhead Line Design & Construction - Tower(100kV to 199kV)

Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 110kVOverhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 132kV

3.79.13 Overhead Line Design & Construction - Tower(200kV & Above)

Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 220kVOverhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 275kV


Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 400kV

3.79.14 Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Tower (20kV to 99kV)

Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 20kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 22kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 25kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 33kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 38kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 66kV

3.79.15 Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Tower (100kV to 199kV)

Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 110kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 132kV

3.79.16 Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Tower (200kV & Above)

Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 220kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 275kVOverhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 400kV

3.79.17 Overhead Line Services - SurveyingOverhead Line Surveying - AerialOverhead Line Surveying - GroundOverhead Line Surveying - Thermal ImagingOverhead Line Surveying - Instrument Survey

3.79.18 Overhead Line Services - Tree Cutting3.79.19 Overhead Line Services - Tower Painting3.79.20 Overhead Line Services - Scaffolding

(System Use)3.79.21 Overhead Line Services - Wood Pole

Installation3.79.22 Telecommunication Overhead Line

ConstructionTelecommunication Overhead Line Construction - DesignTelecommunication Overhead Line Construction - Construct

3.79.23 Telecommunication Overhead Line Maintenance & Repair

3.79.24 Overhead Line Construction - Wood Pole (100kV to 199kV)

Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 110kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 110kVOverhead Line Woodpole Design - 132kVOverhead Line Woodpole Construction - 132kV

3.79.25 Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Wood Pole (100kV to 199kV)

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UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical

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Machine Tool Maintenance & RepairScientific Equipment Maintenance & RepairTelecom Test Equipment Maintenance & Repair

3.99.11 Diving ServicesInshore Underwater Engineering

3.99.12 Agricultural & Land Drainage ServicesSite Drainage

3.99.13 Anti Corrosion & Cathodic Protection Services3.99.19 Joint Sealing Services3.99.23 Dredging Services3.99.24 Flood Defence Services

Aquatic Weed ClearanceBeach Recharge Works - SandBeach Recharge Works - ShingleBanks/Wall Maintenance

3.99.25 Statutory Inspection Services/Safety Assessments

Statutory Inspection - Lifting EquipmentStatutory Inspection - Pressure VesselsStatutory Inspection - Gas ApplianceNuclear Safety InspectionStatutory Inspection - LaddersStatutory Inspection - Boiler (Power Station)Statutory Inspection - Display ScreensSafety AssessmentsStatutory Inspection - VesselsStatutory Inspection - RampsStatutory Inspection - Passenger Terminals

3.99.27 Non-Destructive Testing Services3.99.28 Scaffolding Services (Non-system Use)3.99.29 Industrial Cleaning Services

Industrial Cleaning - Methanol TankIndustrial Cleaning - Boiler AirheatersIndustrial Cleaning - Heavy Fuel Oil TankIndustrial Cleaning - Acid & Caustic TankIndustrial Cleaning - DegreasingRunway Rubber Removal

3.99.31 Welding Services3.99.32 Monitoring Services

Ambient Air Monitoring ServicesStack Emission Monitoring ServicesAir Monitoring ServicesWater Monitoring ServicesLand Monitoring ServicesVibration Monitoring ServicesCondition Monitoring ServicesNoise Monitoring ServicesEffluent Discharge MonitoringWave Monitoring

3.99.33 Laboratory ServicesLaboratory Courier ServicesLaboratory Equipment MaintenanceMicrobiology ServicesInvertebrate SamplesMacroinvertebrate Samples

3.99.34 Canal & River Services (excl. River Defence - use 3.99.24)

Lock Maintenance



Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 110kVOverhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 132kV

3.79.99 Other Overhead Line ServicesTower Drawing


3.80.01 Water Meter Maintenance & Repair ServicesMeter RefurbishmentMeter CleaningMeter Testing

3.80.02 Electricity Meter Maintenance & Repair Services

Meter RefurbishmentMeter CleaningMeter Testing

3.80.03 Gas Meter Maintenance & Repair ServicesMeter RefurbishmentMeter CleaningMeter TestingMeter Regulator Maintenance & Repair

3.80.04 Meter Installation & Removal ServicesMeter InstallationMeter Removal

3.80.05 Meter Operator Services3.80.06 Meter Calibration Services3.80.07 Meter Reading Services3.80.99 Other Meter & Associated Services


3.99.03 Calibration Services (excl. Meter - use 3.80.06)

Test Equipment CalibrationInstrument Calibration

3.99.04 Research & DevelopmentResearch & Development - BiologyResearch & Development - FisheriesResearch & Development - IPPCResearch & Development - Flooding

3.99.05 Testing & Analysis ServicesTesting & Analysis - NuclearTesting & Analysis - TelecomsTesting & Analysis - Environment (Air)Testing & Analysis - Environment (Land)Testing & Analysis - Environment (Water)Testing & Analysis - WaterTesting & Analysis - ElectricityTesting & Analysis - GasTesting & Analysis - Sampling Services

3.99.09 Tool, Instrument & Specialist Equipment Services

Welding Equipment Maintenance & RepairInstrument Maintenance & RepairTool Maintenance & RepairHydraulic Equipment TestingFusion Equipment Maintenance & RepairGas Pipeline Equipment Maintenance & Repair

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Numerical


River Weedcutting ServicesMacroinvertebrate AuditInvertebrate Audit

3.99.35 Fisheries ServicesFish Restocking ServicesFishing ServicesVeterinary ServicesFisheries ConsultancyFishing Equipment Maintenance

3.99.36 Salvaging Services3.99.37 Hydrographic Services

Hydrographic Services - Marine3.99.99 Other Engineering Services

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:


UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Abrasive Products 1.21.13Absorbents 1.21.11Absorbents - Pollution Control 1.21.18Access Barriers & Control Systems 3.70.32Access Control Maintenance & Repair 2.45.18Access Platforms - Electrically Insulated 1.20.11Access Platforms - Hydraulic 1.20.11Access Platforms - Pneumatic 1.20.11Access Platforms & Equipment 1.20.11Accident Assessment Service 3.74.01Accident Management 3.74.01Accommodation - Agency Services 2.43.02Accommodation - Hotel 2.43.02Accommodation - Other than Hotel 2.43.02Accountancy Services 2.42.06Accounting Machinery Maintenance 2.45.18Acetylene 1.26.11Acoustic Insulation 1.01.08Acoustic Louvres & Doors 1.01.11Acoustic Surveys 3.76.18Activated Carbon 1.02.02Activated Carbon - Granular 1.02.02Activated Carbon - Powdered 1.02.02Active Maintenance Equipment 1.22.12Actuators 1.19.17Actuators - Electronic 1.19.17Actuators - Gas 1.19.17Actuators - Hydraulic 1.19.17Actuators (Excl. Valve Actuators) - C&I 1.08.21Adhesives & Sealants - General 1.01.23Aeration Equipment 1.25.15Aeration Systems - Diffused Air 1.25.15Aerial Cable Clamps & Hooks 1.06.11Aerial Mast & Communications Tower Inspection 2.40.13Aerial Mast & Communications Tower Maintenance 2.40.13Aerial Photography 2.45.02Aerial Surveys 3.76.18Aerials - Supply 1.04.09Aerials - Supply & Install 1.04.09Aggregate & Stone 1.01.03Agricultural & Land Drainage Services 3.99.12Air Compressors - Fixed Reciprocating 1.13.16Air Compressors - Fixed Rotary 1.13.16Air Compressors - Other 1.13.16Air Compressors - Portable 1.13.16Air Heaters 1.11.03Air Monitoring Services 3.99.32Aircraft Hire (with Pilot) 3.74.15Aircraft Hire (without Pilot) 3.74.15Aircraft Maintenance Services 3.74.15Airfield Consultancy 3.76.29Airfield Consultancy - Aprons 3.76.29Airfield Consultancy - Pavements 3.76.29Airfield Consultancy - Runways 3.76.29Airfield Lighting 1.08.30Airport Construction 3.70.38Airport Construction - Construct only 3.70.38Airport Construction - Design 3.70.38Airport Construction - Design & Construct 3.70.38


Airport Construction - Turnkey 3.70.38Airport/Port Security Equipment 1.01.24Alarm Annunciation Panels - C&I 1.08.21Alarm System Equipment - C&I 1.08.21Alarms 1.01.10Alkali Metal Bromide Salt 1.02.12Alternative/Emergency Water Supplies 1.10.28Alternator/Turbo Rotating Spares 1.11.04Alternators 1.11.04Aluminium & Aluminium Alloys 1.01.15Aluminium Sulphate 1.02.01Aluminium Sulphate - Alum 1.02.01Aluminium Sulphate - Kibbled 1.02.01Aluminium Sulphate - Liquid 1.02.01Aluminium Sulphate - Slab 1.02.01Aluminium Tension Connectors 1.06.04Ambient Air Monitoring Services 3.99.32Ambulances 1.20.06Ammonium Sulphate 1.02.24Amplifiers (Electronic) - C&I 1.08.21Anaerobic Sealant - External 1.18.25Anaerobic Sealant - Internal 1.18.25Analysers - C&I 1.08.21Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate (Light) 1.02.25Annunciators - C&I 1.08.21Anodes 1.08.06Answering Machines 1.04.01Antennae & Feeder Equipment - Supply 1.04.09Antennae & Feeder Equipment - Supply & Install 1.04.09Antennae Maintenance 2.40.13Antennae/Aerial Masts 1.04.09Anti Corrosion & Cathodic Protection Services 3.99.13Anti Freeze for Gas Holders 1.02.99Anti-climbing Devices 3.70.32Anticorrosion 1.01.19Anti-freeze 1.20.15Anti-Shear Sleeves 1.18.19Anti-Vandal Units 1.01.09Anvils, Chisels & Punches 1.21.09Apple Mac Computers 1.23.01Appliance Maintenance & Repair 3.70.13Appliance Testing 3.70.13Application Generators 1.23.06Application Maintenance 2.40.03Apron Pavements 3.70.26Aquatic Weed Clearance 3.99.24Arboricultural Services 3.70.16Arbors, Chucks & Collets 1.21.09Arc Suppression Coil - 38kV (Power) 1.07.27Archaeological Consultancy & Surveys 3.76.19Architectural Services 3.76.21Archiving Equipment 1.17.24Archiving Equipment Maintenance 2.45.18Argon 1.26.15Argon Free Oxygen 1.26.08Argonshield 1.26.16Asbestos Disposal 2.44.06Asbestos Handling 2.44.06Asbestos Treatment 2.44.06

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Ash & Dust Handling Systems 1.11.14Ash Crusher 1.11.14Ash Haulage 3.73.19Ash Hopper 1.11.14Ash Plant Operation & Maintenance 3.73.10Ash Plant Services 3.73.19Ash Precipitator 1.11.14Ash Sales 3.73.19Ash/Dust Disposal 3.73.19Ash/Residue Disposal System Services 3.73.19Ash/Residue Disposal System Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.14Ash/Residue Disposal System Spares - Supply Only 1.11.14Ash/Residue Disposal Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.14Ash/Residue Disposal Systems - Supply Only 1.11.14Ash/Residue Disposal Systems & Spares 1.11.14Assembly Clamps 1.06.11Asset Condition Surveys 3.76.18Asset Life Review 2.42.08Asset Management/Operation Services 2.45.33Asset Surveys 2.42.08Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 2.40.08Auction Services 2.42.13Audio & Visual Accessories 1.17.05Audio & Visual Equipment 1.17.05Audio & Visual Equipment & Accessories 1.17.05Audit Services - Environmental 2.45.32Audit Services - Health & Safety 2.45.32Audit Services - Quality Assurance 2.45.32Audit Services (excl. Financial - use 2.42.08) 2.45.32Auto Transformer 1.07.99Automatic Barriers 1.21.99Auxiliary Transformer 1.07.99AXCY Service Cable 1.05.11Bag Stops - E4 1.21.15Bag Stops - Iris 1.21.15Baggage Conveyor Systems 1.13.04Baggage Trolleys 1.20.20Baggage X-ray Machine Dismantling and Disposal 2.44.06Baggage X-Ray Machines 1.01.24Ball Bearings - Angular Contact 1.13.01Ball Bearings - Double Thrust 1.13.01Ball Bearings - Duplex 1.13.01Ball Bearings - Radial Double Row 1.13.01Ball Bearings - Radial Single Row 1.13.01Ball Bearings - Single Thrust 1.13.01Ball Sockets 1.06.11Banking Services 2.42.01Banks/Wall Maintenance 3.99.24Bar Hole Plugs 1.01.04Bare Overhead Line Conductor 1.06.02Barriers 1.01.13Bascule Gates 3.73.25Batteries - Non-rechargeable 1.08.10Batteries - Rechargeable 1.08.10Batteries - Vehicle/Mobile Plant 1.20.15Battery Chargers 1.08.10Battery Inspection, Testing & Maintenance 3.78.02Beach Recharge Materials 1.01.21Beach Recharge Works - Sand 3.99.24


Beach Recharge Works - Shingle 3.99.24Bearings - Journal & Thrust 1.13.01Bearings - Phosphor Bronze 1.13.01Bearings - Spherical Plain 1.13.01Bearings - White Metal 1.13.01Bearings & Transmission Products 1.13.01Bells & Buzzers 1.08.20Belting Accessories & Pulleys 1.13.04Bicycles & Spares 1.20.17Bill Payment Services 2.42.05Billing Application Development 2.40.02Bi-metal Barrel Connectors 1.06.04Bio Energy Production Equipment 1.11.21Bio Energy Production Equipment - Supply & Install 1.11.21Bio Energy Production Equipment - Supply Only 1.11.21Biodegradable Oils 1.10.25Biology Consultants 3.76.17Bird Flight Diverters 1.06.11Blowers - Alternator Cooling 1.13.03Blowers - Other 1.13.03Blowers - Reactor Gas Circulators 1.13.03Blowers - Transformer Cooling 1.13.03Blowers - Turbine Oil Air 1.13.03Blowers, Exhausters & Fans 1.13.03Boat Maintenance 3.74.25Boat Trailer Maintenance 3.74.25Boats 1.20.16Boats & Marine Vessels 1.20.16Boats/Marine Vessel Maintenance 3.74.25Body Harness 1.03.06Bodywork / Cabs 1.20.06Boiler Ancillary Equipment 1.11.03Boiler Ancillary Equipment - Supply & Install 1.11.03Boiler Ancillary Equipment - Supply Only 1.11.03Boiler Circulation Pumps 1.11.03Boiler Desuperheaters (Attemperators) 1.11.03Boiler Downcomers 1.11.03Boiler Drum 1.11.03Boiler Dust Handling/Treatment/Disposal 2.44.06Boiler Enclosures 1.11.03Boiler Feed Pumps 1.11.09Boiler Fittings 1.11.03Boiler Flues & Ducts 1.11.03Boiler Headers 1.11.03Boiler Maintenance 3.73.01Boiler Outage & Mini Outage Services 3.73.01Boiler Pipe Support Maintenance 3.73.01Boiler Plant Hoppers 1.11.11Boiler Quarls 1.11.03Boiler Refractory Lining 1.11.03Boiler Refurbishment 3.73.01Boiler Reheater Drum Installation 3.73.01Boiler Reheater Drum Replacement (Supply & Install) 3.73.01Boiler Reheaters 1.11.03Boiler Services 3.73.01Boiler Suits 1.03.03Boiler Superheaters 1.11.03Boiler Surveys 3.73.01Boiler Tube 1.11.03

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Boilers - Auxiliary 1.11.02Boilers - Domestic Hot Water 1.01.22Boilers - Heat Recovery 1.11.02Boilers - Main Steam 1.11.02Boilers (Steam) - Supply & Install 1.11.02Boilers (Steam) - Supply Only 1.11.02Bolts - High Temperature 1.01.20Bolts - High Tensile 1.01.20Bolts - Mild Steel 1.01.20Bolts - Non Ferrous 1.01.20Books 1.17.16Booms - Pollution Control 1.21.18Boots 1.03.05Borehole & Well Drilling 3.72.11Borehole Casings 1.21.05Borehole Construction Work 3.72.11Borehole Sampling Services 3.72.11Bottled Water 1.10.28Brake Assemblies & Clutches 1.20.15Brazing/Welding Filler Rods & Wire 1.21.14Breakwater Construction 3.70.40Breathing Apparatus 1.03.06Bricks 1.01.06Bridge Construction 3.70.46Bridge Maintenance 3.70.50Brine Solution 1.02.12Broaches & Chasers 1.21.09Broadcast Monitoring 2.45.04Brushing & Grinding Wheels 1.21.09Buckle Clips 1.05.15Building Surveys 3.76.18BUILDING, CIVIL ENGINEERING & ASSOCIATED SERVICES 3.70BUILDING/CIVIL PRODUCTS 1.01Building/Office Maintenance & Refurbishment Services 3.70.15Bulbs & Tubes 1.08.19Bulk Storage Services 3.73.17Bulldozers 1.20.9Bunker Air Blasters - Repair & Maintenance 3.73.21Buoyancy Aids 1.21.20Buoys 1.21.20Buoys - Pollution Control 1.21.18Bursting Discs (Pressure Vessels) 1.13.16Bus Services 3.74.06Bus Shelters 1.01.13Busbar Copper 1.08.15Busbars & Support Structures 1.08.15Bushes 1.01.17BUSINESS & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2.45Business Cards 1.17.13Butane 1.26.02Butt Fusion Machines 1.21.14C.L.A.S.S. Equipment 1.04.22Cable Accessories (excl. Ducting - use 1.18.17) 1.05.15Cable Bearers 1.05.15Cable Boxes 1.07.05Cable Brackets 1.05.15Cable Cooling Equipment 1.08.27


Cable Covers - Plastic or Concrete 1.01.18Cable Guards 1.05.15Cable Joiners - Dies 1.21.01Cable Kit Closures 1.05.15Cable Locators 1.08.26Cable Oil 1.05.15Cable Pressurisation Meter 1.08.24Cable Pulling Lubricant & Equipment 1.05.15Cable Ties 1.05.15Cable Trays 1.05.15Cable/Pipe Laying Plant 1.20.08Cable/Pipe Location & Mapping 3.76.28Cable/Pipe Locator Spares 1.08.26CABLES & ACCESSORIES 1.05Caesium Removal System 1.22.14Caissons 3.70.25Calcium Hydroxide 1.02.03Calcium Nitrate 1.02.33Calcium Oxide 1.02.34Calibration Services (excl. Meter - use 3.80.06) 3.99.03Call Centre Services 2.40.14Call Charges 2.40.08Call Handling - Emergency 2.40.14Call Handling - Inbound Bureau 2.40.14Call Handling - Inbound Dedicated 2.40.14Call Handling - Voice Automated 2.40.14Canal & River Services (excl. River Defence - use 3.99.24) 3.99.34Capacitor Banks 132 kV 1.07.35Capacitors 1.07.35Capacitors 11kV (Indoor) 1.07.35Capacitors 22kV 1.07.35Capacitors 36kV (Outdoor) 1.07.35Capacitors Banks 11kV 1.07.35Capacitors -Below 1kV 1.07.35Capstans 1.13.41Car Filters 1.20.15Car Park Barriers 1.08.29Car Park Equipment & Systems 1.08.29Car Park Management Services 2.45.19Car Phones 1.04.01Carbon Dioxide 1.26.05Carbon Steel Pipe Inspection 3.72.97Card 1.17.09Carpark Construction 3.70.37Carpentry Services 3.70.11Carrier Bags - Paper 1.17.25Carrier Bags - Plastic 1.17.25Cartography Services (incl. Section 105) 3.76.28Cartons & Boxes 1.17.25Cash Collection Services 2.42.05Catenary Safety Buoys 1.21.20Catering Consultancy 2.43.04Catering Equipment 1.17.22Catering Equipment - Supply 1.17.22Catering Equipment - Supply & Install 1.17.22Catering Equipment Maintenance & Repair 2.43.04Catering Services (Offsite) 2.43.03Catering Services (Onsite) 2.43.04

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Catering Supplies 1.17.23Catering Supplies - Disposable 1.17.23Cathodic Protection Consultancy 3.76.09Cattle Guards & Stayblocks 1.06.11Caustic 1.02.13Caustic Soda 1.02.13Caustic Soda Liquor 1.02.13Cavity Floor, Wall & Roof Insulation 3.70.15CCGT Maintenance & Repair 3.73.13CCGT Power Station Construction 3.73.13CCTV Systems - C&I 1.08.21CCTV Systems - Security 3.70.32CDM Services incl. Planning Supervisor 2.41.07Cement 1.01.04Central Heating Systems 1.08.13Centrifuge Oil Purifier Maintenance 3.73.99Centrifuges 1.13.35Centrifuges - Purifiers 1.13.35Centrifuges - Separators 1.13.35Chalk 1.01.98Change Management Consultancy 2.41.04Channel Bore Measurement Unit 1.22.11Chart Recorders 1.08.24Chauffeur Services 3.74.14CHEMICALS 1.02Cheques 1.17.26Childcare Advice & Information Services 2.45.08Childcare Voucher Services 2.45.08Chimney & Flue Maintenance 3.73.21Chimney Inspection & Repairs 3.73.21Chlorination Equipment 1.25.07Chlorine 1.02.04Chlorine Plant Maintenance 3.78.14CHP - Supply & Install 1.11.23CHP - Supply Only 1.11.23CHP Maintenance & Repair 3.73.12CHP Power Station Construction 3.73.12Chromatographs 1.08.26Chrome Plating 3.70.14Circuit Breakers 1.24.16Circuit Breakers - Distribution Primary 1.24.16Circuit Breakers - Distribution RMU (Ring Main Units) 1.24.16Circuit Breakers - Generator 1.24.16Circuit Breakers - Transmission 1.24.16Citric Acid 1.02.99Civil Engineering Consultancy 3.76.22Cladding 1.01.21Cladding Services 3.70.15Claims Management Services 2.42.10Clamps - OHL 1.06.06Classifier Equipment 1.25.14Clay 1.01.98Cleaning - Computer/VDU 2.45.11Cleaning - Daily Office 2.45.11Cleaning - Depot 2.45.11Cleaning - Telephone 2.45.11Cleats 1.05.15Climbing Equipment & Accessories 1.21.02


CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & PERSONALPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1.03Cloths & Rags 1.21.11CMV Pipework 1.11.10Coaches 1.20.03Coagulant - Ferric Chloride 1.02.05Coagulant - Ferric Sulphate 1.02.06Coal (Generation) 1.10.10Coal (Non-generation) 1.10.10Coal Bunker Inspection 3.73.10Coal Plants, Bunkers & Hoppers Maintenance 3.73.10Coal Plants, Bunkers & Hoppers Operation 3.73.10Coal Stock Surveys 3.73.10Coastal Defence Works 3.70.36Coastal Survey Vessels 1.20.16Coated Stone 1.01.03Cod Tubes 1.21.17Coffer Dam 3.70.06Coir Matting 1.01.21Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Plant 1.11.23Combustion Air System Services 3.73.20Combustion Air System Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.15Combustion Air System Spares - Supply Only 1.11.15Combustion Air Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.15Combustion Air Systems - Supply Only 1.11.15Combustion Air Systems & Spares 1.11.15Commercial Litigation 2.45.01Commercial Vehicle Servicing 3.74.03Commercial Vehicles 1.20.03Commercial Vehicles - Four Wheel Drive 1.20.03Commercial Vehicles (2 - 3.5 Tonne GVW) 1.20.03Commercial Vehicles (3.5 - 7.5 Tonne GVW) 1.20.03Commercial Vehicles (Above 7.5 Tonne GVW) 1.20.03Comminutor (Pulverization) Equipment 1.25.12Comms Multiplexers 1.28.4Communication Tower Steel Structures 1.04.25Compact Disks 1.23.11Company Publications - Design 2.45.03Company Publications - Printing 2.45.03Comparators - C&I 1.08.21Composite Enclosures 1.01.11Compressed Air/Gas System Services 3.78.08Compressed Air/Gas Systems(incl. Fixed Compressors & Vessels) 1.13.16Compression Joints & Tooling 1.06.04Compression Links 1.05.15Compression Lugs 1.05.15Compression Tap Connectors 1.06.04Compression Tools 1.21.01Compressor Maintenance 3.78.08Compressor Station Consumables 1.27.03Compressor Station Electrical Consumables 1.27.03Compressor Station Emission Stacks 1.27.06Compressor Station Fire & Gas Equipment 1.27.04Compressor Station Mechanical Consumables 1.27.03Compressor Station Mechanical Plant Spares 1.27.02Compressor Station Plant & Spares 1.27.02Compressor Station Safety & Test Equipment 1.27.05Compressor Station/Aero Engines & Spares 1.27.01

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Compressors 1.27.12Computer Configuration 2.40.01Computer Connection Leads 1.23.04Computer Consumables(excl. Laser/Inkjet Paper - use 1.17.09) 1.23.11Computer CPUs 1.23.03COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 1.23Computer Equipment Maintenance & Repair 2.40.1Computer Hardware - Mainframes 1.23.03Computer Hardware & Accessories - Portable 1.23.02Computer Hardware & Accessories -Workstations/Servers 1.23.01Computer Installation 2.40.01Computer Keyboards 1.23.04Computer Labelling 2.40.01Computer Mice 1.23.04Computer Monitors (CRT) 1.23.04Computer Monitors (Flatscreen) 1.23.04Computer Peripherals 1.23.04Computer Processors 1.23.01Computer Scanners 1.23.04Computer Storage 1.23.03Computer Switches 1.23.11Computer Systems 1.23.12Computer Testing 2.40.01Concentric Connectors & Cones 1.08.15Concrete Blocks 1.01.06Concrete Drilling & Cutting 3.70.21Concrete Enclosures 1.01.11Concrete Grouting 3.70.21Concrete Posts 1.01.06Concrete Ready Mixed 1.01.05Concrete Recycling 3.70.21Concrete Repairs 3.70.21Concrete Ringbeams 1.01.06Concrete Services 3.70.21Concrete Shuttering 3.70.21Concrete Waterproofing 3.70.21Condenser Cleaning Equipment Maintenance 3.73.16Condenser Inspection, Cleaning & Testing 3.73.16Condition Monitoring Services 3.99.32Conductor - ABC 1.06.01Conductor - ABC Suspension & Terminating 1.06.01Conductor - Aerial Cable 1.06.01Conductor - Aluminium (AAC) 1.06.02Conductor - Aluminium Alloy (AAAC) 1.06.02Conductor - Aluminium Alloy Reinforced (ACAR) 1.06.02Conductor - Aluminium Alloy Steel Reinforced (AACSR)1.06.02Conductor - Aluminium Steel Reinforced (ACSR) 1.06.02Conductor - BLX 1.06.01Conductor - Copper Cadmium 1.06.02Conductor - Hard Drawn Copper 1.06.02Conductor - Insulated ABC NFA2X (Below 10kV) 1.06.01Conductor - Insulated Copper 1.06.01Conductor - Insulated HDA 1.06.01Conductor - Insulated SCA 1.06.01Conductor - Insulated Steel 1.06.01Conductor - Mulberry 1.06.02Conductor - Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) 1.06.02


Conductor - SCA 1.06.02Conductor Compression Fittings 1.06.04Conductor Fittings 1.06.04Conference Management 2.45.10Conference/Event Management Services(incl. Entertainment) 2.45.10Conference/Exhibition Facilities 2.43.02Consultancy - Economic 2.41.02Consultancy - Energy Efficiency 2.41.05Consultancy - Environmental Management System 2.41.12Consultancy - ERP Implementation 2.41.03Consultancy - Financial Management 2.41.02Consultancy - Government Energy EfficiencyStandards of Performance 2.41.05Consultancy - Infrastructure/Hardware 2.41.03Consultancy - IPPC 2.41.12Consultancy - IT Benchmarking 2.41.03Consultancy - IT Contingency Planning 2.41.03Consultancy - IT Market Analysis/Information 2.41.03Consultancy - Legionella Risk Assessment 2.41.07Consultancy - Outfall 3.76.25Consultancy - Outsourcing 2.41.18Consultancy - Parliamentary Information Services 2.41.18Consultancy - PPP/PFI 2.41.02Consultancy - Private Finance 2.41.02Consultancy - QA Management System 2.41.13Consultancy - Software Implementation 2.41.03Consultancy - Taxation 2.41.02Consultancy - UNIX 2.41.03CONSULTANCY (EXCL. ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY) 2.41.0Contaminated Ground Clearance 3.70.23Contaminated Ground Waste Disposal 3.70.23Contaminated Oil (PCB) Disposal 2.44.06Contaminated Soil (Cable Oils) Disposal 2.44.06Contamination Analysis 3.70.23Continuous Stationery - Billing 1.17.13Continuous Stationery - Other 1.17.13Contract Law Advice 2.45.01Contract/Application Processing 2.40.14Control & Instrumentation Automation Hardware 1.08.22Control & Instrumentation Cable 1.05.16Control & Instrumentation Cable Accessories 1.05.17Control & Instrumentation Consultancy 3.76.20Control & Instrumentation Services 3.78.01Control & Instrumentation Services -Hydro-Electric Power Station 3.78.01Control & Instrumentation Services - Power Station 3.78.01Control & Instrumentation Services - Pressure Control 3.78.01Control & Instrumentation Services - Treatment Works3.78.01Control & Instrumentation Systems - Complete Units 1.08.21Control & Instrumentation Systems & Spares(excl. Nuclear - use 1.22.12) 1.08.21Control & Protection Cabinets/Cabins forSubstations (38kV & Above) 1.09.17Control Cable - 110kV (rated upto 1kV) 1.05.16Control Cable - 132kV (rated upto 1kV) 1.05.16Control Cable - 220kV (rated upto 1kV) 1.05.16Control Cable - 275kV (rated upto 1kV) 1.05.16

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Control Cable - 400kV (rated upto 1kV) 1.05.16Control Cable - AYY Substation 1.05.16Control Equipment - Analogue (Electrical) - C&I 1.08.21Control Equipment - Analogue (Pneumatic) - C&I 1.08.21Control Equipment - Digital & Sequence - C&I 1.08.21Control Rod & Assembly Services 3.77.05Control Rod Drive & Monitoring Equipment 1.22.08Conventional Thermal Power Plants Construction 3.73.27Conventional Thermal Power PlantsMaintenance & Repair 3.73.27Convertors 1.11.04Conveyencing 2.45.01Conveyor Belt Maintenance 3.73.06Conveyor Belting - Conventional 1.13.04Conveyor Belting - Fire Resistant 1.13.04Conveyor Systems incl. Belts 1.13.04Conveyors - Bucket 1.13.04Conveyors - Fixed/Radial/Shuttle Belt 1.13.04Conveyors - Luffing & Slewing 1.13.04Conveyors - Portable Belt 1.13.04Conveyors - Scraper 1.13.04Conveyors - Screw 1.13.04Conveyors - Stocking & Reclaiming Machines 1.13.04Cookers - Electric 1.01.22Cookers - Gas 1.01.22Cooling Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.07Cooling Systems - Supply Only 1.11.07Cooling Systems & Spares 1.11.07Cooling Tower Maintenance 3.73.16Cooling Tower Overhaul 3.73.16Cooling Water System Services 3.73.16Copper 1.01.15Copper - Alloy 1.01.15Corporate Crockery 2.45.27Corporate Entertainment 2.45.10Corporate Material Design Services 2.45.28Corporate Planning & Strategy Consulting 2.41.18Corporate Video Production 2.45.28Corrosion Protection 3.70.14Cost Management Services 3.76.14Cotter Pins 1.01.20Counter Services 2.42.05Counters - C&I 1.08.21Courier Services 3.74.05Courier Services - By Air 3.74.05Courier Services - Motorcycle 3.74.05Courier Services - Next Day 3.74.05Courier Services - Refridgerated 3.74.05Covered Overhead Line Conductor 1.06.01Crane Maintenance 3.74.26Cranes - Gantry (Electric Powered) 1.13.37Cranes - Gantry (Unpowered) 1.13.37Cranes - Jib Type 1.13.37Cranes - Lorry 1.20.13Cranes - Marine 1.20.13Cranes - Mobile 1.20.13Cranes - Other 1.13.37Cranes - Pillar 1.13.37Cranes (Fixed Location) 1.13.37


Cranes (Mobile) & Mechanical HandlingPlant/Equipment 1.20.13Credit Card Services 2.42.14Credit/Procurement Card Services 2.42.14Criminal Litigation 2.45.01Cryogenerators 1.08.27Cultivation 3.70.16Culverts 1.01.06Curtain & Blind Installation 3.70.15Cut Outs 1.09.02Cut Outs - Domestic 1.09.02Cut Outs - Heavy Duty 1.09.02Cut Outs - House Service 1.09.02Cut Outs - Pole Mounted 1.09.02Cut Outs - Street Lighting 1.09.02Cutters/Croppers 1.21.04Dampers 1.06.11Dams 3.70.06Dams Consultancy 3.76.13Data Administration Tools 1.23.06Data Archiving 2.40.10Data Archiving - Microfiche 2.40.10Data Capture 2.40.14Data Collection 2.40.10Data Collection & Handling Services(excl. Meter Reading - use 3.80.07) 2.40.10Data Handling 2.40.10Data Logger Installation 3.78.01Data Loggers 1.08.24Data Modelling 2.40.10Data Preparation 2.40.10Data Transfers 2.40.14Data Transmission Equipment 1.04.04Data Transmission Services 2.40.08Database Development 2.40.02Databases 1.23.06DC Link Equipment 1.11.04Dead Insertion Equipment 1.18.25Deaeration Equipment 1.11.09Debris Clearance Services 3.70.18Debt Collection Services 2.42.09Decontamination/Pollution - Chemical Waste 2.44.08Decontamination/Pollution - Industrial Waste 2.44.08Decontamination/Pollution - Oil Spill 2.44.08Decontamination/Pollution - Organic Waste 2.44.08Decontamination/Pollution Control Services 2.44.08Defect Analysis 3.78.03Degreasants 1.10.23Degreasants & Solvents 1.10.23De-icing Equipment 1.20.06Demolition & Clearance Work 3.70.18Deplanting/Decommissioning Services 3.78.12Desktop PC's 1.23.01Detection/Monitoring Equipment(excl. Leak Detection - use 1.18.25) 1.08.26Detectors - C&I 1.08.21Detritor (Grit Removal) Equipment 1.25.13Dewatering Equipment 1.25.04Dials, Knobs & Pointers 1.8.20

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Diaphragm Grade 1.02.13Diaphragm Walling 3.70.25Diaries 1.17.13Diesel Engine Spares 1.11.06Diesel Engines - 500bhp & Below 1.11.06Diesel Engines - Above 500bhp 1.11.06Digestors - Sewage & Sludge 1.25.01Digital Cameras 1.23.04Digital Mapping 3.76.28Directional Drilling 3.72.10Disconnectors 1.24.17Disconnectors - Airbreak (Indoor) 1.24.17Disconnectors - Airbreak (Outdoor) 1.24.17Disconnectors - Autoreclosing (Indoor) 1.24.17Disconnectors - Autoreclosing (Outdoor) 1.24.17Disconnectors - Sectionalising (Indoor) 1.24.17Disconnectors - Sectionalising (Outdoor) 1.24.17Disinfection Equipment 1.25.07Dispersant - Pollution Control 1.21.18Display Screen Assessments 2.45.08Displays - C&I 1.08.21Distilled Water 1.02.20Distribution Boards (1kV & Below) 1.08.05Distribution Fuse Cabinets/Pillars 1.09.13Distribution Panels - DIN Standard LV 1.09.13Disturbance Recorders 1.08.24Diving Services 3.99.11Dock Construction 3.70.40Docking Guidance Systems 1.08.28Document Archiving Services 3.74.07Domestic Appliances 1.01.22Door Installers & Maintenance 3.70.15Doors 1.01.10Dosimetry Equipment & Control Systems 1.22.19Dosing Plant 1.25.08Draft Tube Valves 1.11.20Drain Clearance 3.70.15Drainage Area Studies (DAS) 3.72.09Draught Plant Maintenance 3.73.21Drawing Office Equipment 1.17.07Drawing Office Equipment & Supplies 1.17.07Drawing Office Stationery 1.17.07Dredging Services 3.99.23Driers & Breathers 1.13.43Drive Belts, Chains & Couplings 1.13.36Dropwire 1.06.14Dropwire Clamps 1.06.14Dry Cleaning Services 2.45.13Dry Docks Works 3.70.40Ducting 1.18.17Dungarees 1.03.03Duplicate Strain & Suspension Arcing Horns 1.06.11Duplicate Strain & Suspension Arcing Rackets 1.06.11Dust Abatement Equipment 1.11.22Dust Plant Services 3.73.19Dynamic Reactive Compensation andVoltage Support 1.28.03Earthing Equipment 1.08.06Earthworks 3.70.24


Easements 2.45.26EC Procurement Law Advice 2.45.01E-commerce Consultancy 2.41.17E-commerce Services 2.40.15Education Material Production 2.45.07Education Workshops 2.45.07Effluent Discharge Monitoring 3.99.32Ejectors/Eductors - Air Operated 1.13.03Ejectors/Eductors - Liquid Operated 1.13.03Ejectors/Eductors - Steam Operated 1.13.03E-learning Consultancy 2.45.07Electric Vehicle Maintenance 3.74.03Electrical Consultancy - 100kV to 199kV 3.76.05Electrical Consultancy - 110/132kV 3.76.05Electrical Consultancy - 11kV & Below 3.76.03Electrical Consultancy - 20/22/25kV 3.76.04Electrical Consultancy - 200kV & Above 3.76.06Electrical Consultancy - 20kV to 99kV 3.76.04Electrical Consultancy - 220/275kV 3.76.06Electrical Consultancy - 33/38kV 3.76.04Electrical Consultancy - 400kV 3.76.06Electrical Consultancy - 66kV 3.76.04Electrical Control & Instrumentation 3.78.17Electrical Inspection/Testing Services 3.78.02Electrical Installation Services 3.78.04Electrical Insulation 1.01.19Electrical Insulators - Glass 1.06.08Electrical Insulators - Polymeric 1.06.09Electrical Insulators - Porcelain 1.06.07Electrical Metering Control Devices 1.16.06Electrical Meters - Power Station/Grid 1.16.12Electrical Motors 1.08.07ELECTRICAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1.09ELECTRICAL, CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATIONEQUIPMENT 1.08Electrical/Electronic Components 1.08.20Electrician Services 3.70.13Electricity 1.10.01Electricity - Hydro-Electric 1.10.01Electricity - Non-renewable Source 1.10.01Electricity - Other Renewable Source 1.10.01Electricity - Solar Energy 1.10.01Electricity - Waste Generated 1.10.01Electricity - Wind Powered 1.10.01Electricity Meter Maintenance & Repair Services 3.80.02Electricity Meters - Commercial 1.16.03Electricity Meters - Credit 1.16.03Electricity Meters - Domestic 1.16.03Electricity Meters - Prepayment 1.16.04Electricity Meters - Programmable 1.16.05Electricity Meters - Single Phase 1.16.03Electricity Meters - Three Phase 1.16.03Electricity Network Management 2.45.33Electroclocks 1.08.24Electrofusion Control Boxes 1.21.14Electrofusion Control Leads 1.08.21Electrofusion Tooling 1.21.14Electronic Cards - Fuel 1.08.17Electronic Cards - Meter Resetting 1.16.08

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Electronic Cards - Meter Token 1.16.08Electronic Cards - Prepayment 1.16.08Electronic Cards - Security 1.08.17Electronic Cards & Systems 1.08.17Electronic Cataloguing Services 2.40.15Electrostatic Dust Precipitator 1.11.16Electrostatic Precipitator Maintenance 3.73.21Electrostatic Precipitators 1.13.43Email Service Provider 2.40.12Embankment Works 3.70.40Emergency Water Supplies 1.10.28Employment Law Advice 2.45.01Encapsulation Kit 1.18.25Enclosures & Kiosks(excl. Meter Housings - use 1.16.19) 1.01.11Energy Efficient Lightbulbs 1.08.19Energy Management Consultancy 2.41.05Energy Supply Plant Installation &Operation Services 3.73.11Energy Trading System 2.40.02ENERGY, WATER, FUELS, OILS & GREASES 1.10Engine Services 3.73.02ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY 3.76Engineering Services - Gas 3.76.34Engines - Supply & Install 1.11.06Engines - Supply Only 1.11.06Engines & Engine Spares(excl. Mobile Generators - use 1.08.11) 1.11.06Envelopes 1.17.13Environmental Consultancy 2.41.12Environmental Impact Surveys 3.76.23Environmental/Reclaimed Building Products 1.01.25Epoxy Lining 3.72.10Equipment/Material - Commissioning 3.70.47Equipment/Material - Installation 3.70.47Erosion Protection 3.70.14Escalator Installation 3.70.19Escalator Maintenance 3.70.19Escrow Services 2.40.16Estates & Property Consultancy 2.41.06Estuarial Defence Works 3.70.36European Law Advice 2.45.01Evaporators - Bled Steam 1.08.27Evaporators - Live Steam 1.08.27Evaporators, Refrigerators & Cryogenerators(excl. Air Conditioning - use 1.08.13) 1.8.27Event Management 2.45.10Event Recorders 1.08.24Excavator Hire (with Driver) 3.74.08Excavator Hire (without Driver) 3.74.08Excavators 1.20.09Excavators - Mini 1.20.09Exciters 1.11.04Exhausters - Other 1.13.03Exhausters - Pulverized Fuel 1.13.03Exhausters - Surface Cleaning Plant 1.13.03Exhausts - Vehicle/Mobile Plant 1.20.15Exhibition Equipment Services 2.45.10External Audit Services 2.42.08


Eye Protection 1.03.06Facade Saddles - ABC 1.06.04Facilities Management (excl. IT - use 2.40.06) 2.45.19Facilities Management Consultancy 2.41.19Facilities Management Services - IT 2.40.06Fall Arrest Equipment 1.03.06Fans - Force Draught 1.13.03Fans - Induced Draught 1.13.03Fans - Other 1.13.03Fans - Primary Air 1.13.03Fans - Recirculating 1.13.03Fans - Sealing Air 1.13.03Fans - Secondary & Tertiary Air 1.13.03Fans - Secondary Collector 1.13.03Fans - Ventilation & Cooling 1.13.03Fasteners & Fixings 1.01.20Fault Passage Indicators 1.09.14Fault Passage Indicators - Overhead 1.09.14Fault Passage Indicators - Pole Mounted 1.09.14Fault Passage Indicators - Underground 1.09.14Fax Machine Maintenance & Repair 2.45.18Fax Machines 1.17.01Feed & Drain System Outage Services 3.73.06Feed System Services 3.73.03Feed Water Heaters 1.11.09Feed Water System Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.09Feed Water System Spares - Supply Only 1.11.09Feed Water Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.09Feed Water Systems - Supply Only 1.11.09Feed Water Systems - C&I 1.08.21Feed Water Systems & Spares 1.11.09Fence Posts - Concrete 1.01.14Fence Posts - Metal 1.01.14Fence Posts - Wood 1.01.14Fencing 1.01.14Fencing - Chainlink/Wire Mesh 1.01.14Fencing - Electric 1.01.14Fencing - Gas Storage 1.01.14Fencing - Gas Storage 3.70.22Fencing - Metal 1.01.14Fencing - Palisade 1.01.14Fencing - Security 1.01.14Fencing - Wood 1.01.14Fencing Design 3.70.22Fencing Installation 3.70.22Fencing Maintenance & Repair 3.70.22Fencing Services 3.70.22Ferric Chloride 1.02.05Ferric Sulphate 1.02.06Ferrous Chloride 1.02.32Ferrous Sulphate 1.02.31Fertiliser 1.01.17Fibre Optic Cable 1.05.13Fibre Optic Cable Accessories 1.05.14Files, Rasps & Scrapers 1.21.09Filming Oil 1.10.99Filter Media Services 3.78.14Filtering Equipment 1.21.18Filters - Gas (< 7 Bar) 1.13.07

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Filters - Gas (> 7 Bar) 1.13.07Filters - Gas Module 1.13.07Filters & Attenuators (Electrical/Electronic) - C&I 1.08.21Filters (excl. Car Filters - use 1.20.15) 1.13.07FINANCIAL & ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES(EXCL. CONSULTANCY) 2.42Financial Application Development 2.40.02Financial Audit Services 2.42.08Financial Consultancy 2.41.02Financial Leasing Services 2.42.04Fire Consultancy 3.76.30Fire Consultancy - Airports 3.76.30Fire Consultancy - General Building 3.76.30Fire Consultancy - Railway 3.76.30Fire Consultancy - Seaports 3.76.30Fire Consultancy - Substation 3.76.30Fire Consultancy - Workshops 3.76.30Fire Extinguishers 1.13.17Fire Fighting Equipment 1.13.17Fire Protection & Maintenance Services(excl. Substation - use 3.75.09) 3.70.17Fire Resistant Fluid 1.11.10First Aid Kits & Supplies 1.03.08Fish Passes 3.70.06Fish Restocking Services 3.99.35Fisheries Consultancy 2.41.21Fisheries Consultancy 3.99.35Fisheries Services 3.99.35Fishing Equipment Maintenance 3.99.35Fishing Services 3.99.35Fixed Crane Services 3.74.26Fixed Earthing Equipment 1.08.06Fixed Fire Systems 1.13.17Fixed Fire Systems - IT/Electrical Equipment 1.13.17Fixed Fire Systems Audit 3.70.17Fixed Fire Systems Maintenance 3.70.17Fixed Generators 1.11.04Flat Steel 1.06.11Fleet Management Services 3.74.19Flexible Structures, Waterproof Lining Services 3.72.19Flight Information Systems 1.23.12Flood Defence Construction 3.70.36Flood Defence Consultancy 3.76.31Flood Defence Services 3.99.24Flood Defence/Landscaping Building Products 1.01.21Flood Forecasting 2.45.20Flood Plain Mapping Services (Section 105) 3.76.28Flood Warning Systems 1.04.05Flooring, Carpet Laying & Floor Finishes 3.70.15Floppy Disks 1.23.11Florist Services 2.45.27Flow Metering Systems 1.08.24Flow Primary Elements - C&I 1.08.21Flue Gas Air Preheater 1.11.15Flue Gas Conditioning Services 3.73.21Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plant 1.11.16Flue Gas Desulphurisation Services 3.73.21Flue Gas Ducting/Dampers 1.11.16Flue Gas Exhaust System Services 3.73.21


Flue Gas Exhaust System Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.16Flue Gas Exhaust System Spares - Supply Only 1.11.16Flue Gas Exhaust Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.16Flue Gas Exhaust Systems - Supply Only 1.11.16Flue Gas Exhaust Systems & Spares 1.11.16Fluxes 1.21.14Foam-off Kits 1.18.25Fogger/Gas Conditioning Units 1.27.10Fogging Fluid 1.10.99Food/Drink Vending Machine Maintenance & Repair 2.43.05Footwear (excl. Protective - use 1.03.06) 1.03.05Forced Draught Fan 1.11.15Forklift Truck Maintenance & Repair 3.74.09Forms 1.17.13Foundation Services (incl. Piling) 3.70.25Frame Relay Networks 2.40.08Francis Turbines & Accessories 1.11.20Franking Machine Maintenance 2.45.18Freefone Numbering System 2.40.08Fuel & Oil Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.08Fuel & Oil Systems - Supply Only 1.11.08Fuel & Oil Systems & Spares 1.11.08Fuel Additives 1.10.26Fuel Card Services 3.74.30Fuel Delivery and Dispensing Equipment 1.20.21Fuel Delivery, Storage and Dispensing Equipment1.20.21Fuel Oil 1.10.18Fuel Route Services 3.77.06Fuel Storage Tanks and Equipment 1.20.21Fuel System Services 3.73.06Furnace Ash Removal/Deslagging System 1.11.14Furniture Maintenance & Repair Services 2.45.17Fuses - 1kV to 11kV 1.09.10Fuses - Above 11kV 1.09.11Fuses - Below 1kV 1.09.09Fuses - Domestic 1.09.09Fuses - MV Cartridge Fuses 1.09.10Fuses - Pole Mounted Fuse Isolators 1.09.10Fusion Equipment Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Gabions 1.01.21Gale/Hurricane Forecasting 2.45.20Galvanised Accessories for Bundled Conductor 1.06.11Galvanised Distribution Ironwork 1.06.11Galvanised Steel Accessories 1.05.15Garage Equipment 1.20.14Garage/Workshop Equipment Maintenance 3.74.28Gardening 3.70.16Gas & Air Treatment Plant 1.13.43Gas Additive Injection Equipment 1.13.43Gas Analysers 1.08.24Gas Appliance Services 3.78.13Gas Burners - Low NOx 1.11.03Gas Circulator Services 3.77.04Gas Compressor 1.11.13Gas Compressors 1.13.16Gas Consumption Data - Daily 2.40.10Gas Cooling System 1.11.13Gas Detection Equipment Services Maintenance 3.78.01

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Gas Drying Plant 3.70.48Gas Drying Plant - Commissioning 3.70.48Gas Drying Plant - Design 3.70.48Gas Drying Plant - Erection 3.70.48Gas Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.11Gas Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply Only 1.11.11Gas Fuel Supply Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.13Gas Fuel Supply Systems - Supply Only 1.11.13Gas Fuel Supply Systems & Spares 1.11.13Gas Holder Antifreeze Units 1.27.07Gas Holder Demolition & Disposal 3.70.18Gas Holder Inspection 3.78.03Gas Holder Inspection 3.78.05Gas Holder Maintenance & Repair 3.78.15Gas Holder Painting Inspection 3.78.03Gas Mains Pipe Laying(incl. Excavation & Reinstatement) 3.72.24Gas Mains Pipe Maintenance & Repair 3.72.26Gas Mains-to-Meter Fittings 1.18.15Gas Meter Maintenance & Repair Services 3.80.03Gas Meters - Credit 1.16.13Gas Meters - Domestic 1.16.13Gas Meters - Electronic 1.16.15Gas Meters - Industrial/Commercial LP 1.16.13Gas Meters - Industrial/Commercial MP 1.16.13Gas Meters - Prepayment 1.16.14Gas Meters - RPD 1.16.15Gas Meters - RPD Prefabricated Module 1.16.15Gas Meters - Turbine 1.16.15Gas Meters - Ultrasonic 1.16.15Gas Meters - Vortex 1.16.15Gas Network Consultancy & Services 3.76.34Gas Network Design Services > 7 Bar 3.76.34Gas Network Management 2.45.33Gas Network Plant Maintenance & Repair 3.78.15Gas Network Plant Services 3.78.15Gas Network Project Services > 7 Bar 3.76.34Gas Network Validation 3.76.34Gas Oil 1.10.18Gas Pipeline Equipment Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Gas Pressure Reducing System 1.11.13Gas Recording Equipment Installation 3.78.15Gas Service Pipe Laying(incl. Excavation & Reinstatement) 3.72.23Gas Service Pipe Maintenance & Repair 3.72.25Gas Storage Leaching 3.70.08Gas Storage Plant & Equipment 1.27.12Gas Storage Plant Maintenance & Repair 3.78.17Gas Storage Plant Services 3.78.17Gas Storage Plant Site Services 3.70.49Gas Transmission Pipeline Maintenance 3.72.15Gas Transmission System Plant Construction 3.70.43Gas Transmission System Plant Repairs & Upgrades 3.70.44GAS TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION PLANT & EQUIPMENT 1.27Gas Treatment Plant 1.13.43Gas Turbine Control Equipment - C&I 1.08.21Gas Turbine Maintenance & Repair 3.73.04


Gas Turbine Refurbishment 3.73.04Gas Turbine Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.17Gas Turbine Spares - Supply Only 1.11.17Gas Turbines 1.11.17Gas Turbines - Supply & Install 1.11.17Gas Turbines - Supply Only 1.11.17Gas Valve Maintenance & Refurbishment 3.78.07Gaskets 1.13.02Gates - Security 1.01.14Gauges 1.21.09Gauges - C&I 1.08.21Gear Unit Bed Plates 1.13.01Gear Unit Spares 1.13.01Gear Units - Bevel, Straight & Spiral 1.13.01Gear Units - Helical 1.13.01Gear Units - Spur 1.13.01Gear Units - Worm (Double Reduction) 1.13.01Gear Units - Worm (Single Reduction) 1.13.01General Building - Construct 3.70.31General Building - Design 3.70.31General Building - Finance 3.70.31General Building - Installation 3.70.31General Building - Maintenance & Repair 3.70.31General Building - Operate 3.70.31General Building - Turnkey 3.70.31General Building incl. Offices 3.70.31General Business Software (Off-The-Shelf) 1.23.07General Plant Hire 3.74.08General Weather Forecasting 2.45.20General Wiring Cable 1.05.11Generation Operation & Maintenance Services 3.73.10GENERATION PLANT & EQUIPMENT 1.11GENERATION SERVICES 3.73Generator - Spares 1.08.11Generator (System Use) - Hire 3.74.23Generator (System Use) - Hire & Operation 3.74.23Generator Hire (Non-system Use) 3.74.16Generator Hire (System Use) 3.74.23Generator Services 3.73.05Generators - AC 1.11.04Generators - DC 1.11.04Generators - Mobile Diesel 1.08.11Generators - Power Station 1.11.04Generators - Supply & Install 1.11.04Generators - Supply Only 1.11.04Geological Consultancy 3.76.17Geomorphology Consultancy 3.76.17Geophysical/Topographical Surveys 3.76.18Geotechnical Consultancy 3.76.17Geotechnical Site Investigation Services 3.76.27Geo-textiles 1.01.21Gift Vouchers 2.45.27GIS Services 3.76.28Glazing Services 3.70.15Global Development Centres 2.40.02Global Positioning System (GPS) Equipment 1.08.24Gloves 1.03.03GOODS & PRODUCTS 1.0Governor Control Equipment - C&I 1.08.21

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Governor Housings 1.16.19Governor Installation 3.78.15Governors - Diesel Engine 1.11.06Governors - Steam Turbine 1.11.10Governors - Water Turbine 1.11.20Governors, Regulators & Associated Equipment 1.16.16GPS Services 3.76.28Grabs, Buckets & Hooks 1.13.41Graphic & Media Design Services 2.45.28Grass Cutting Equipment 1.20.12Grass Cutting Services 3.70.16Grass Seed 1.01.17Grating Sumpholes 1.01.15Gravel 1.01.02Gravel - Bredon Amber 1.01.02Gravel - Washed 1.01.02Greases 1.10.24Greases - Compressor Station 1.10.24Greases - Lubricating 1.10.24Greases - Special Purpose 1.10.24Grinding Balls 1.11.11Ground Stabilisation Services 3.70.25Grounds Care Maintenance 3.70.16GRP Enclosures 1.01.11Habitat Enhancement & Development 3.70.24Hacksaw & Blades 1.21.04Hammers 1.21.04Hand Care Products 1.17.18Hand Tools (Non-Powered) 1.21.04Handheld Terminals 1.23.02Hangar Services 3.74.15Hangars 3.70.38Harbour & Marine Consultancy 3.76.32Harbour & Marine Engineering Works 3.70.40Harbour & Marine Installations 3.70.40Harbour & Marine Maintenance and Refurbishment 3.70.40Harbour Construction 3.70.40Hardstone 1.01.03Hardware Services 2.40.01Haulage - General 3.74.06Haulage - Low-loader 3.74.06Hazardous Material Handling/Treatment/Disposal Services (incl. Asbestos) 2.44.06Head Protection 1.03.06Health & Safety Consultancy 2.41.07Health Club Services 2.45.08Health Physics Instruments 1.22.12Health Physics Services 3.77.01Hearing Protection 1.03.06Heat Exchanger Inspection, Cleaning & Testing 3.73.16Heat Exchanger Maintenance & Repair 3.70.34Heat Exchangers 1.08.27Heat Insulation - Lagging 1.01.08Heat Insulation - Mattresses 1.01.08Heat Insulation - Pipe Sections 1.01.08Heat Insulation - Plastic 1.01.08Heat Insulation - Slabs 1.01.08Heat Shrink Sleeves 1.18.19Heaters - Electric 1.01.22


Heaters - Gas 1.01.22Heating & Ventilation Control Equipment - C&I 1.08.21Heating Oils 1.10.17Heating Pipe Services 3.72.18Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Equipment(excl. Power Station - use 1.11.18) 1.08.13Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Services(excl. Power Station - use 3.73.22) 3.70.34Heavy Oil 1.10.18Helical Conductor Fittings 1.06.05Helical Fittings 1.06.05Helical Wraps & Ties 1.06.05Helicopter Hire 3.74.15Helicopter Line Clearance Services 3.74.15Helicopter Maintenance Services 3.74.15Helicopter Passenger Services 3.74.15Helicopter Patrol Services 3.74.15Helicopter Surveys 3.74.15Helicopter/Air Transport Services(excl. Overhead Line Surveys - use 3.79.17) 3.74.15Helium 1.26.12Hexafluorosilicic Acid 1.02.30High Integrity Reactor Protection Software 1.22.13High Purity Methane 1.26.12Hire, Operation & Live Connection 3.74.23Hoist Inspection & Maintenance 3.74.09Hoist Unit 1.22.11Horticultural Equipment 1.20.12Horticultural Products 1.01.17Horticultural Services 3.70.16Hot Water Boiler Maintenance & Repair 3.70.15HOTEL, TRAVEL & CATERING SERVICES (EXCL. CONSULTANCY) 2.43Hotel/Accommodation Services 2.43.02Humidifiers 1.08.13HVAC (Power Station) - Supply & Install 1.11.18HVAC (Power Station) - Supply Only 1.11.18HVAC Equipment - Supply 1.08.13HVAC Equipment - Supply & Install 1.08.13HVAC Maintenance & Repair 3.70.34HVAC Refurbishment 3.70.34HVAC System Installation 3.70.34Hybrid Gas Insulated Switchgear 1.28.01Hybrid Gas Insulated Switchgear 1.28.02Hybrid GIS 145kV (includes integrated control systems) 1.28.02Hybrid GIS 275kV (includes integrated control systems) 1.28.01Hydraulic - Mineral 1.10.19Hydraulic - Synthetic 1.10.19Hydraulic - Vegetable 1.10.19Hydraulic Equipment Testing 3.99.09Hydraulic Fluids 1.10.19Hydraulic Lifts 1.20.14Hydraulic Modelling Consultancy 3.76.24Hydraulic Platform Escape Kit 1.03.06Hydraulic Ramps 1.20.14Hydrazine Hydrate 1.02.27Hydro-Acoustic Equipment 1.08.26

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Hydrochloric Acid 1.02.23Hydro-Electric Pipework Installation 3.73.26Hydro-Electric Pipework Maintenance & Repair 3.73.26Hydro-Electric Power Plant Construction 3.73.25Hydro-Electric Power Plant Design Services 3.73.26Hydro-Electric Power Plant Services(excl. Construction) 3.73.26Hydro-Electric Power Production Plant 1.11.20Hydro-Electric Power Production Plant -Supply & Install 1.11.20Hydro-Electric Power Production Plant - Supply Only 1.11.20Hydro-Electric Valves & Gates Installation 3.73.26Hydro-Electric Valves & Gates Maintenance & Repair 3.73.26Hydrogen 1.26.09Hydrogen Peroxide 1.02.07Hydrographic Services 3.99.37Hydrographic Services - Marine 3.99.37Hydrographic Surveys 3.76.18Hydrology & Hydrogeology Consultancy 3.76.10Hydrometric/Flow Surveying Services 3.76.18Hygiene Services 2.45.09Ignition Equipment 1.11.03Impact Soil Testers 1.21.08Impellors 1.14.99Incineration Equipment 1.25.11Indicators - Lamp & Display 1.08.20Indicators (Analogue) - C&I 1.08.21Indicators (Digital) - C&I 1.08.21Induced Draft Fan 1.11.16Industrial Cleaning - Acid & Caustic Tank 3.99.29Industrial Cleaning - Boiler Airheaters 3.99.29Industrial Cleaning - Degreasing 3.99.29Industrial Cleaning - Heavy Fuel Oil Tank 3.99.29Industrial Cleaning - Methanol Tank 3.99.29Industrial Cleaning Equipment 1.21.10Industrial Cleaning Services 3.99.29Industrial Consumables 1.01.27Industrial Floor Finishes 3.70.15INDUSTRIAL GASES 1.26Industrial Hot Water Boilers(excl. Domestic Boilers - use 1.01.22) 1.11.01Industrial Painting & Specialist Coating Services 3.70.14Injectors - Air Operated 1.13.03Injectors - Liquid Operated 1.13.03Injectors - Steam Operated 1.13.03Inshore Underwater Engineering 3.99.11Installation & Commissioning 3.70.08Instrument Calibration 3.99.03Instrument Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Instrument Shelter - Small 1.01.11Instrument Valves 1.08.24Instrumentation & Associated Equipment (excl. Optical) 1.08.24Instrumentation Calibration Equipment 1.08.24Instrumentation Supply Equipment - C&I 1.08.21Insulated Tools 1.21.03Insulating Oils 1.10.14Insulating Piercing Connectors 1.06.06Insulation Equipment & Materials 1.1.08


Insulation Services 3.70.35Insulation Services - Acoustic 3.70.35Insulation Services - Thermal 3.70.35Insulation/Plastic Tape 1.01.19Insulator Fittings 1.06.06Insulator Pins 1.06.11Insulators - 10/11kV (OHL) 1.06.07Insulators - 10/11kV (OHL) 1.06.08Insulators - 10/11kV (OHL) 1.06.09Insulators - 10/11kV (Post) 1.06.07Insulators - 10/11kV (Post) 1.06.08Insulators - 10/11kV (Post) 1.06.09Insulators - 10/11kV (Stay) 1.06.07Insulators - 10/11kV (Stay) 1.06.08Insulators - 10/11kV (Stay) 1.06.09Insulators - 110/132kV (OHL) 1.06.07Insulators - 110/132kV (OHL) 1.06.08Insulators - 110/132kV (OHL) 1.06.09Insulators - 110/132kV (Post) 1.06.07Insulators - 110/132kV (Post) 1.06.08Insulators - 110/132kV (Post) 1.06.09Insulators - 110/132kV (Stay) 1.06.07Insulators - 110/132kV (Stay) 1.06.08Insulators - 110/132kV (Stay) 1.06.09Insulators - 20/22/25kV (OHL) 1.06.07Insulators - 20/22/25kV (OHL) 1.06.08Insulators - 20/22/25kV (OHL) 1.06.09Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Post) 1.06.07Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Post) 1.06.08Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Post) 1.06.09Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Stay) 1.06.07Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Stay) 1.06.08Insulators - 20/22/25kV (Stay) 1.06.09Insulators - 220/275kV (OHL) 1.06.07Insulators - 220/275kV (OHL) 1.06.08Insulators - 220/275kV (OHL) 1.06.09Insulators - 220/275kV (Post) 1.06.07Insulators - 220/275kV (Post) 1.06.08Insulators - 220/275kV (Post) 1.06.09Insulators - 33/38kV (OHL) 1.06.07Insulators - 33/38kV (OHL) 1.06.08Insulators - 33/38kV (OHL) 1.06.09Insulators - 33/38kV (Post) 1.06.07Insulators - 33/38kV (Post) 1.06.08Insulators - 33/38kV (Post) 1.06.09Insulators - 33/38kV (Stay) 1.06.07Insulators - 33/38kV (Stay) 1.06.08Insulators - 33/38kV (Stay) 1.06.09Insulators - 400kV (OHL) 1.06.07Insulators - 400kV (OHL) 1.06.08Insulators - 400kV (OHL) 1.06.09Insulators - 400kV (Post) 1.06.07Insulators - 400kV (Post) 1.06.08Insulators - 400kV (Post) 1.06.09Insulators - 66kV (OHL) 1.06.07Insulators - 66kV (OHL) 1.06.08Insulators - 66kV (OHL) 1.06.09Insulators - 66kV (Post) 1.06.07Insulators - 66kV (Post) 1.06.08

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Insulators - 66kV (Post) 1.06.09Insulators - 66kV (Stay) 1.06.07Insulators - 66kV (Stay) 1.06.08Insulators - 66kV (Stay) 1.06.09Insulators - Station Post 1.28.06Insurance Services 2.42.02Intake Filters - Industrial Air 1.13.07Integrated Circuits 1.08.20Integrated Gas Analytical Systems 1.27.11Integrators - C&I 1.08.21Interceptors - Pollution Control 1.21.18Interface Equipment Plant/Control - C&I 1.08.21Internet Servers 1.23.01Internet Service Provider 2.40.12Internet/Intranet Services 2.40.12Interstitial Manipulator 1.22.11Invertebrate Audit 3.99.34Invertebrate Samples 3.99.33Inverters 1.11.04Iron - Cast 1.01.15Iron - Soft 1.01.15Iron - Wrought 1.01.15Ironstone Chippings 1.01.03Irradiated Fuel Handling Equipment 1.22.12ISDN Equipment 1.04.21IT & TELECOMMUNICATION RELATED SERVICES(EXCL. CONSULTANCY) 2.40IT Consultancy (excl. E-commerce - use 2.41.17) 2.41.03IT Disaster Recovery Services 2.40.17IT Equipment Disposal & Re-marketing 2.44.07IT Network Services 2.40.11IT Training 2.40.04IT Training - General Business Software 2.40.04IT Training - Technical 2.40.04Jackets 1.03.03Jackets - High Visibility 1.03.02Jacks & Hoists 1.20.14Janitorial Equipment & Supplies 1.17.18Java Development Tools 1.23.06Joint Sealing Services 3.99.19Jointing 1.01.19Jumpers 1.03.03Kaplan Turbines & Accessories 1.11.20Kerosene 1.10.18Key Holding Services 2.45.06Keys & Locks 1.01.10Knives 1.21.04Laboratory Apparatus 1.21.17Laboratory Chemicals 1.02.21Laboratory Consumables 1.21.17Laboratory Courier Services 3.99.33Laboratory Equipment 1.21.17Laboratory Equipment Maintenance 3.99.33Laboratory Gases 1.26.13Laboratory Glassware 1.21.17Laboratory Services 3.99.33Ladders 1.21.19Ladders - Insulated 1.21.19Ladders - Step 1.21.19


Lagging Services 3.70.35Lagoons 3.70.06Lagoons 3.73.19Lamp Posts - Concrete 1.01.13Lamp Posts - Steel 1.01.13LAN services 2.40.11Land Agents 2.45.16Land Agreements 2.45.26Land Asset Valuation 2.45.16Land Auctions 2.45.16Land Monitoring Services 3.99.32Land Reclamation Works & Services 3.70.41Land Reinstatement Services 3.70.23Land Surveys 3.76.18Landscaping 3.70.24Landscaping Materials 1.01.21Landscaping Services (incl. Earthworks) 3.70.24Language Translation Services 2.45.30Laptop/Notebook PCs 1.23.02Lathe, Planer & Shaper Tools 1.21.09Laundry Services 2.45.13Laundry Services 2.45.13Laundry Token Services 2.45.13Lead 1.01.15Lead/Tin Alloys 1.01.15Leak Detection Fluid 1.18.25Leak Detection, Control & Repair Equipment/Materials 1.18.25Leak Repair Fittings 1.18.25Leakage Detection Services 3.72.09Leakage Patrol Surveys 3.72.09Leakage Repair Sealants 1.18.25Legal Counsel Services 2.45.01Legal Services 2.45.01Letter Sorting Frames 1.17.25Letterboxes 1.01.13Licensing Services 2.42.11Life Jackets 1.21.20Life Rafts 1.21.20Lift Installation 3.70.19Lift Maintenance 3.70.19Lift/Escalator Services 3.70.19Lifting Equipment Maintenance & Repair 3.74.09Lifting Gear, Winches & Other Lifting Equipment 1.13.41Light Oil 1.10.18Lighting & Accessories (excl. Street Lighting) 1.08.19Lighting Fittings 1.08.19Lighting Maintenance 3.70.15Lighting Services 3.78.16Lighting Services - High Mast 3.78.16Lightning Protection Equipment 1.09.16Lime - Hydrated 1.02.03Lime - Powdered 1.02.03Lime - Slaked 1.02.03Limestone 1.01.03Line Rental 2.40.08Line Stop Equipment 1.21.15Line Stop Operations 3.72.26Line Taps 1.06.04

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Link Boxes 1.05.19Liquid Argon 1.26.13Liquid Bleach 1.02.14Liquid Chlorine 1.02.04Liquid Fuel Pumping/Heating/Transport System 1.11.12Liquid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.11Liquid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply Only 1.11.11Liquid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.12Liquid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply Only 1.11.12Liquid Fuel Supply Systems & Spares 1.11.12Liquid Fuel Supply Tank 1.11.12Liquid Nitrogen 1.26.13Liquid Petroleum Gas 1.10.02Live Insertion Equipment 1.18.25Lock Maintenance 3.99.34Locks 3.70.06Locksmith Services 3.70.15Long Service Awards 2.45.27Low Sulphur Diesel 1.10.18Lower Boiler Annulus Manipulator 1.22.11LT Cable & Flexibles 1.05.11Lubricating Oil - Compressor Station 1.10.15Lubricating Oil - Turbine 1.10.15Lubricating Oils 1.10.15Lubricating Services 3.78.99Lubrication Equipment 1.13.44Macerators 1.25.02Machine Tool Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Machining Services 3.78.11Machining Services - In-situ 3.78.11Machining Services - Off-site 3.78.11Macroinvertebrate Audit 3.99.34Macroinvertebrate Samples 3.99.33Magnetic Separator 1.11.11Mail Bags 1.17.25Mailing Handling Machine Maintenance 2.45.18Mainframe Equipment 1.23.03Mainframe Rental 2.40.01Mains Water (Potable) 1.10.27Manhole Covers - Concrete 1.01.06Manhole Covers - Steel 1.01.15Manhole Maintenance 3.72.07Manometers - C&I 1.08.21Manual Ramps & Lifts 1.20.14Manuals 1.17.16Marine Equipment Maintenance & Repair Services(excl. Boats - use 3.74.25) 3.74.31Marine Fenders 1.21.20Marine Ramps 1.21.20Marine/River Outfall 3.72.04Marker Post Face Plates 1.01.18Marker Slabs 1.01.18Marker Tape 1.01.18Marker Ties 1.01.18Market Research Services 2.45.14Marketing & Advertising Consultancy 2.41.20Marketing & Advertising Services 2.45.31Marketplace Services 2.40.15Measuring Tools 1.21.09


Mechanical Consultancy 3.76.07Mechanical Control & Instrumentation 3.78.17Mechanical Dust Collectors 1.13.43Mechanical Handling Equipment Maintenance(excl. Fixed Cranes - use 3.74.26) 3.74.09Mechanical Inspection/Testing Services 3.78.03Mechanical Installation Services 3.78.05MECHANICAL MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT & SPARES 1.13Mechanical Mains Connectors 1.18.12Mechanical Mains Valves & Fittings 1.19.02Mechanical Seals & Gaskets 1.13.02MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, INSTRUMENTATION,CONTROL & AUTOMATION SERVICES 3.78Medical Assessments 2.45.08Medical Equipment Treatment & Disposal 2.44.06Medical Gases 1.26.14Memory Boards 1.23.01Metal & Steel Fabrication Services 3.78.09Metal Enclosures 1.01.11Metal Fabrications 1.01.15Meteorological Services 2.45.20METER & ASSOCIATED SERVICES 3.80Meter Accessories & Spares 1.16.7Meter Auto Read Unit 1.16.07Meter Batteries - Lithium 1.16.07Meter Battery Packs - Prepayment 1.16.07Meter Bearings 1.16.07Meter Boards 1.16.07Meter Boundary Box 1.16.19Meter Box Repair Kits 1.16.19Meter Brackets 1.16.07Meter Brassware 1.16.07Meter Bridges 1.16.07Meter Cabinet Doors 1.16.19Meter Cabinets - GRP (Free Standing) 1.16.19Meter Cabinets - GRP (Wall Mounted) 1.16.19Meter Cabinets - Plastic 1.16.19Meter Cabinets & Housings 1.16.19Meter Calibration Services 3.80Meter Cleaning 3.80.01Meter Cleaning 3.80.02Meter Cleaning 3.80.03Meter Connectors - Semi Rigid 1.16.07Meter Door Key - Moulded 1.16.07Meter Installation 3.80.04Meter Installation & Removal Services 3.80.04Meter Installation Kits - Gas 1.16.07Meter Installation Straps 1.16.07Meter Jewels & Pivots 1.16.07Meter Operator Services 3.80.05Meter Reading Services 3.80.07Meter Refurbishment 3.80.01Meter Refurbishment 3.80.02Meter Refurbishment 3.80.03Meter Regulator Maintenance & Repair 3.80.03Meter Removal 3.80.04Meter Security Label 1.16.07Meter Security Washers 1.16.07

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Meter Shear & Terminal Screws 1.16.07Meter Shear Head Bolts 1.16.07Meter Temperature/Pressure Correctors 1.16.07Meter Termination Units - HV 1.16.07Meter Termination Units - LV 1.16.07Meter Testing 3.80.01Meter Testing 3.80.02Meter Testing 3.80.03Meter Testing Equipment - In Service 1.16.07Meter Tokens & Cards 1.16.08Meter Tube & Orifice Plates 1.16.07Meters - C&I 1.08.21METERS & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 1.16Methane 1.26.10Microbiology Services 3.99.33Microtunnelling 3.72.10Microwave & UHF Scanning - Installation 2.40.13Microwave & UHF Scanning Maintenance 2.40.13Microwave (incl. UHF Scanning) 1.04.08Mid Call Transfer Facilities 2.40.14Midrange Servers 1.23.01Mill Grinding Media 1.11.11Mill Maintenance 3.73.01Mill Primary Air System 1.11.11Mill Spares 1.11.11Milling & Hole Cutters 1.21.09Minor Civil Works 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Airports 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Electricity Network 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Gas Network 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Gas Storage 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Ports 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Rail Network 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Telecoms Network 3.70.45Minor Civil Works - Water Network 3.70.45Miscellaneous Fixings 1.01.20Mixing Units 1.25.10Mixing Units - Rotating 1.25.10Mixing Units - Static 1.25.10Mobile & Car Phone Accessories 1.04.01Mobile Accommodation Units (excl. Hire - use 3.74.29) 1.01.09Mobile Accomodation Unit Hire 3.74.29Mobile Compressors 1.20.99Mobile Crane Hire (with Driver) 3.74.08Mobile Crane Hire (without Driver) 3.74.08Mobile Offices 1.01.09Mobile Phone Maintenance 2.40.13Mobile Phones (With Service Agreement) 2.40.08Mobile Phones (Without Service Agreement) 1.04.01Mobile Plant (excl. Mechanical Handling Plant -use 1.20.13) 1.20.09Mobile Plant Hire Services 3.74.08Mobile Plant Maintenance 3.74.10Mobile Radio Equipment 1.04.07Mobile Radio Maintenance 2.40.13Mobile Substation Trailers 1.20.06Mobile Toilets 1.01.09Mobile Tracking Systems 3.70.32


Mobile Water Treatment Plant Hire 3.78.14Modem Maintenance 2.40.13Modems 1.23.05Modular Structures 3.70.33Moling Equipment 1.20.10Moling Equipment Spares 1.20.10Moling Services 3.72.10Molten Sulphur 1.02.35Monitoring Equipment 1.08.26Monitoring Services 3.99.32Monoethylene Glycol (MEG) 1.18.25Motor Control Centres & Spares 1.08.16Motor Rewind Services 3.78.10Motor Spares - AC 1.08.07Motor Spares - DC 1.08.07Motors - AC 1.08.07Motors - DC 1.08.07Motors - Pneumatic 1.13.24Mowers - Flail 1.20.12Mowers - Hand 1.20.12Mulsifyre Systems 3.70.17Multi Purpose Vessels/Workboats 1.20.16Multimeters 1.21.08Multi-spectral Imagers 1.08.24Multi-storey Car Park Coatings 3.70.14Multi-utility Cable & Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) 3.71.34Multi-Utility Network Management 2.45.33Nails 1.01.20Natural Gas 1.10.02Navigation Aids 1.21.20Network Cables 1.23.05Network Cards 1.23.05Network Equipment & Accessories 1.23.05Network Hubs 1.23.05Network Routers 1.23.05Network Servers 1.23.01Neutral Earthing Reactor 1.07.34Neutral Earthing Resistors 1.07.05Newspapers 1.17.16Nickel Alloys 1.01.15Nitrogen 1.26.04Nitrogen Purging 3.72.97Noise Abatement Enclosures 1.01.11Noise Monitoring Services 3.99.32NON - ENGINEERING SERVICES 2.0Non-Destructive Testing Services 3.99.27Non-hazardous Disposal Services 2.44.7NT Server Consolidation 2.40.01NUCLEAR & REACTOR PLANT & EQUIPMENT 1.22NUCLEAR & REACTOR SERVICES 3.77Nuclear Containment & Ventilation Systems 1.22.18Nuclear Control Rod & Assembly 1.22.08Nuclear Cooling Water & Heat Removal Systems 1.22.17Nuclear Decommissioning 3.77.08Nuclear Fire Barrier & Containment Penetrations1.22.20Nuclear Fuel 1.22.23Nuclear Fuel Assembly 1.22.02Nuclear Fuel Handling 3.77.10

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing 3.77.10Nuclear Fuel Route Equipment 1.22.10Nuclear Fuel Services 3.77.10Nuclear Fuel Storage - Dry Fuel 1.22.21Nuclear Fuel Storage - Wet Fuel 1.22.21Nuclear Fuel Storage Racks & Equipment 1.22.21Nuclear Gas Baffle 1.22.03Nuclear Gas Circulators 1.22.07Nuclear Gas Diagrid & Support Skirt 1.22.04Nuclear Gas Reactor & Core 1.22.01Nuclear In-Service Inspection Equipment 1.22.11Nuclear Island Control & Instrumentation Services 3.77.07Nuclear Island Control & Instrumentation Systems& Spares 1.22.12Nuclear Power Station Outage Management Services 3.77.12Nuclear Pressure Vessel & Liner 1.22.06Nuclear Primary Circuit Pipework, Vales & Penetrations 1.22.15Nuclear Reactor Protection Systems & Spares 1.22.13Nuclear Reactor Pumps 1.22.09Nuclear Robotics/Remote Operations Equipment 1.22.22Nuclear Routine & Outage Plant Maintenance 3.77.11Nuclear Safety Case Preparation & Support Services 3.77.13Nuclear Safety Inspection 3.99.25Nuclear Sampling Systems 1.22.16Nuclear Shielding 1.22.05Nuts - High Tensile 1.01.20Nuts - Mild Steel 1.01.20Nuts - Non Ferrous 1.01.20Nylon Ropes 1.03.06'O' Rings 1.13.02Occupational Health Services 2.45.08Occupational Health Services 2.45.08Odorisation Equipment 1.27.08Odour Control - Biofiltration 1.25.03Odour Control - Dry Chemical Scrubbing 1.25.03Odour Control - Masking 1.25.03Odour Control - Thermal Oxidation 1.25.03Odour Control - Ultraviolet 1.25.03Odour Control - Wet Chemical Scrubbing 1.25.03Odour Control Equipment 1.25.03Odourant - Mains Gas 1.02.36Office & Depot Cleaning Services 2.45.11Office Equipment (excl. Printers - use 1.23.04) 1.17.01Office Equipment Services 2.45.18Office Furnishings & Fittings (excl. Furniture -use 1.17.02) 1.17.04Office Furniture 1.17.02Office Relocation 2.45.25Office Removals 2.45.25Office Rental 2.45.16Office Stationery 1.17.03OFFICE/DEPOT MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT 1.17Off-shore Structure Equipment 1.01.28Off-shore Structures 3.70.47


OHL Tower - Lattice Steel Guyed 1.06.10OHL Tower - Lattice Steel Self-Supporting 1.06.10Oil & Gas Powered Motors 1.13.24Oil Burner Ignitor Maintenance & Repair 3.73.06Oil Burners 1.11.03Oil Containment Construction 3.75.02Oil Handling Plant 1.11.12Oil Pipeline Maintenance 3.72.15Online Gas HP Pipeline Inspection 3.72.15Operating Licences - Mobile Radio 2.42.11Operating Rods and Heads 1.06.11Optical Instruments 1.08.23Orthophosphoric Acid 1.02.08Other Boilers & Boiler Spares 1.11.98Other Building, Civil Engineering &Associated Services 3.70.99Other Building/Civil Products 1.01.99Other Business & Administrative Services 2.45.99Other Cables (excl. Underground Marker Materials - use 1.01.18) 1.05.99Other Calcium-based Chemicals 1.02.97Other Chemicals 1.02.99Other Clothing & Footwear 1.03.99Other Computer Equipment & Supplies 1.23.99Other Computer Services 2.40.98Other Consultancy 2.41.99Other Disposal Services 2.44.99Other Electrical Protection Equipment 1.09.99Other Electrical, Control & Instrumentation Equipment 1.08.99Other Energy, Oils & Fuels 1.10.99Other Engineering Consultancy 3.76.99OTHER ENGINEERING SERVICES 3.99Other Engineering Services 3.99.99Other Financial & Accountancy Services 2.42.99Other Gas Pipe Services 3.72.97Other Gas Transmission/Distribution Plant& Equipment 1.27.99Other Generation Plant & Equipment 1.11.99Other Generation Services 3.73.99Other Hire Services 3.74.98Other Hotel, Travel & Catering Services 2.43.99Other Industrial Gases 1.26.99Other Iron-based Chemicals 1.02.98Other Mechanical Machinery, Equipment & Spares 1.13.99Other Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation,Control & Automation Services 3.78.99Other Meter & Associated Services 3.80.99Other Meters & Associated Equipment 1.16.99Other Mobile Plant 1.20.99Other Nuclear & Reactor Plant & Equipment 1.22.99Other Nuclear & Reactor Services 3.77.99Other Office Materials & Supplies 1.17.99Other Overhead Line Equipment & Accessories 1.06.99Other Overhead Line Services 3.79.99Other Pipe Services 3.72.99Other Pipes 1.18.99Other Pumps, Accessories & Spares 1.14.99

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Other Quarry Products 1.01.98Other Sodium-based Chemicals 1.02.96Other Substation Materials 1.28.99Other Substation Services 3.75.99Other Switchgear 1.24.99Other Telecommunication Services(excl. Line Construction, Maintenance & Repair) 2.40.99Other Telecommunications Equipment 1.04.99Other Telemetry Equipment 1.04.05Other Tools & Specialist Equipment 1.21.99Other Transformers 1.07.99Other Transport 1.20.98Other Transport & Storage Services 3.74.99Other Underground Cable Services 3.71.99Other Valves, Actuators & Spares 1.19.99Other Water Pipe Services 3.72.98Other Water Treatment Plant 1.25.99Outbound Calling 2.40.14Outfall Renovation 3.72.04Outstations 1.04.05Overalls 1.03.03Overhead Gantries & Walkways 1.13.42Overhead Line Accessories 1.06.11Overhead Line Construction - Tower (20kV to 99kV) 3.79.08Overhead Line Construction - Tower (100kV to 199kV) 3.79.09Overhead Line Construction - Tower (200kV & Above) 3.79.10Overhead Line Construction -Wood Pole (100kV to 199kV) 3.79.24Overhead Line Construction -Wood Pole (11kV & Below) 3.79.01Overhead Line Construction -Wood Pole (20kV to 99kV) 3.79.02Overhead Line Design - Tower (20kV to 99kV) 3.79.05Overhead Line Design - Tower (100kV to 199kV)3.79.06Overhead Line Design - Tower (200kV & Above) 3.79.07Overhead Line Design & Construction -Tower (20kV to 99kV) 3.79.11Overhead Line Design & Construction -Tower (100kV to 199kV) 3.79.12Overhead Line Design & Construction -Tower (200kV & Above) 3.79.13OVERHEAD LINE EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES 1.06Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair -Tower (100kV to 199kV) 3.79.15Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Tower (200kV & Above) 3.79.16Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Tower (20kV to 99kV) 3.79.14Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Wood Pole (100kV to 199kV) 3.79.25Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Wood Pole (11kV & Below) 3.79.03Overhead Line Inspection, Maintenance & Repair - Wood Pole (20kV to 99kV) 3.79.04Overhead Line Poles 1.06.13OVERHEAD LINE SERVICES 3.79


Overhead Line Services - Scaffolding (System Use) 3.79.20Overhead Line Services - Surveying 3.79.17Overhead Line Services - Tower Painting 3.79.19Overhead Line Services - Tree Cutting 3.79.18Overhead Line Services - Wood Pole Installation 3.79.21Overhead Line Steelwork 1.06.12Overhead Line Surveying - Aerial 3.79.17Overhead Line Surveying - Ground 3.79.17Overhead Line Surveying - Instrument Survey 3.79.17Overhead Line Surveying - Thermal Imaging 3.79.17Overhead Line Tower Construction - 110kV 3.79.09Overhead Line Tower Construction - 132kV 3.79.09Overhead Line Tower Construction - 20kV 3.79.08Overhead Line Tower Construction - 220kV 3.79.10Overhead Line Tower Construction - 22kV 3.79.08Overhead Line Tower Construction - 25kV 3.79.08Overhead Line Tower Construction - 275kV 3.79.10Overhead Line Tower Construction - 33kV 3.79.08Overhead Line Tower Construction - 38kV 3.79.08Overhead Line Tower Construction - 400kV 3.79.10Overhead Line Tower Construction - 66kV 3.79.08Overhead Line Tower Design - 110kV 3.79.06Overhead Line Tower Design - 132kV 3.79.06Overhead Line Tower Design - 20kV 3.79.05Overhead Line Tower Design - 220kV 3.79.07Overhead Line Tower Design - 22kV 3.79.05Overhead Line Tower Design - 25kV 3.79.05Overhead Line Tower Design - 275kV 3.79.07Overhead Line Tower Design - 33kV 3.79.05Overhead Line Tower Design - 38kV 3.79.05Overhead Line Tower Design - 400kV 3.79.07Overhead Line Tower Design - 66kV 3.79.05Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 110kV 3.79.12Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 132kV 3.79.12Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 20kV 3.79.11Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 220kV 3.79.13Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 22kV 3.79.11Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 25kV 3.79.11Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 275kV 3.79.13Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 33kV 3.79.11Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 38kV 3.79.11Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 400kV 3.79.13Overhead Line Tower Design & Construction - 66kV 3.79.11Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 110kV 3.79.15Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 132kV 3.79.15Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 20kV 3.79.14Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 220kV 3.79.16Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 22kV 3.79.14Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 25kV 3.79.14Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 275kV 3.79.16Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 33kV 3.79.14Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 38kV 3.79.14Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 400kV 3.79.16Overhead Line Tower Inspection, M&R - 66kV 3.79.14Overhead Line Towers 1.06.10Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 10kV 3.79.01Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 110kV 3.79.24Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 11kV 3.79.01

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 132kV 3.79.24Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 20kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 33kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 38kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Construction - 66kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 10kV 3.79.01Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 110kV 3.79.24Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 11kV 3.79.01Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 132kV 3.79.24Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 20kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 33kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 38kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Design - 66kV 3.79.02Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 10kV 3.79.03Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 110kV 3.79.25Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 11kV 3.79.03Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 132kV 3.79.25Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 20kV 3.79.04Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 22kV 3.79.04Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 25kV 3.79.04Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 33kV 3.79.04Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 38kV 3.79.04Overhead Line Woodpole Inspection, M&R - 66kV 3.79.04Overhead Rail Conveyors & Transporters 1.13.41Overspeed Heads 1.11.10Oxygen 1.26.03Oxygen Free Nitrogen 1.26.17Ozone Plant 1.25.07P&C System Installation 3.75.03P&C System Maintenance & Repair 3.75.03P&C System Modifications 3.75.03P&C System Refurbishment 3.75.03PABX Equipment 1.04.23Packaged Boiler Houses 1.13.43Packaging Equipment & Supplies 1.17.25Packing Supplies - String 1.17.25Packing Supplies - Tape 1.17.25Padlocks 1.01.10Paging Equipment 1.04.01Paging Equipment Maintenance 2.40.13Paging Services 2.40.08Paint - Emulsion 1.01.07Paint - Gloss 1.01.07Paint - Heat Resistant 1.01.07Paint - Micaceous Oxide 1.01.07Paint - Road Marker 1.01.007Paint - Undercoat 1.01.07Painting & Decorating Services 3.70.15Painting & Line Marking 3.70.14Paints & Varnishes 1.01.07Pallets 1.17.24Paper - Continuous/Pack-to-Pack 1.17.09Paper - Copier 1.17.09Paper - Cut Sheet 1.17.09Paper - Inkjet Paper 1.17.09Paper - Laser Paper 1.17.09Paper - Reel 1.17.09Paper - Tractor 1.23.11Paper & Card 1.17.09


Paper Maps 1.17.17Paraffin 1.10.16Passenger Cars 1.20.01Passenger Loading Bridges 1.20.19Passenger Loading Bridges - Non-Telescopic 1.20.19Passenger Loading Bridges - Telescopic 1.20.19Passenger Sensor Equipment 1.01.24Passenger Vehicle Servicing 3.74.03Payment Scheme Payments 2.42.05Payphones & Spares 1.04.24Payroll Administration 2.45.29PC Power Supplies 1.23.01PC Servers 1.23.01PDH Multiplex Equipment 1.28.04Pelton Turbines & Accessories 1.11.20Pension Administration 2.45.29Pension Funding Services 2.42.3Periodicals 1.17.16Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) 1.23.02Personal Protective Equipment 1.03.06Personnel Relocation Services 2.45.29Personnel/Human Resources Consultancy 2.41.14Personnel/Human Resources Services 2.45.29PET Tubes 1.21.17Petrol 1.10.11Petrol - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 1.10.11Petrol - Lead Replacement (LRP) 1.10.11Petrol - Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) 1.10.11Petrol - Low Sulphur Unleaded 1.10.11Petrol - Unleaded 1.10.11Petrol Pump Maintenance 3.74.99Phosphoric Acid 1.02.08Photocopier Maintenance & Repair 2.45.18Photocopiers - B&W 1.17.01Photocopiers - Colour 1.17.01Photoelectric Switches 1.08.20Photogrammic 3.76.18Photographic Equipment 1.08.25Photographic Services 2.45.02Pier Construction 3.70.40Pig Spares - Mechanical Components 1.21.15Pig Spares - Polyurethane Products 1.21.15Pig Traps & Closures 1.21.15Piling - Bored 3.70.25Piling - CFA 3.70.25Piling - Driven 3.70.25Piling - Micro 3.70.25Piling - Plastic 3.70.25Piling - Sheet 3.70.25Piling - Underpinning 3.70.25Piling - Wooden 3.70.25Pillars - Mini 1.09.13Pilot Launches 1.20.16Pipe Accessories, Consumables & Associated Supplies 1.18.19Pipe Bursting 3.72.10Pipe Centralisers 1.18.19Pipe Coating / Lining Services 3.72.21Pipe Fitting Tools 1.21.15

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Pipe Fittings - Alloy Steel 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Blind Sealing Plugs 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Bends > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel End Caps > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Fabricated Reducers >7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Flanges > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Forged Reducers > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Induction Bends 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Insulation Joints > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Plug Valves > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Stopple Equipment >7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Studbolts > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Tees > 7 Bar 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Carbon Steel Welded Branch 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Clamps & Collars 1.18.11Pipe Fittings - Clay 1.18.05Pipe Fittings - Compression Fittings 1.18.16Pipe Fittings - Concrete 1.18.02Pipe Fittings - Copper 1.18.04Pipe Fittings - Couplings & Flanged Adapters 1.18.12Pipe Fittings - Ductile Iron 1.18.03Pipe Fittings - Ductile Iron End Caps 1.18.03Pipe Fittings - Electrofusion Fittings 1.18.13Pipe Fittings - Fibre Cement 1.18.01Pipe Fittings - GRP 1.18.26Pipe Fittings - Gunmetal 1.18.14Pipe Fittings - HDPE 1.18.06Pipe Fittings - MDPE 1.18.07Pipe Fittings - Mild Steel 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - MOPVC 1.18.08Pipe Fittings - Non-Tap Plugs 1.18.10Pipe Fittings - Plastic 1.18.15Pipe Fittings - PVC 1.18.09Pipe Fittings - Stainless Steel 1.18.16Pipe Fittings - Steel (Gas <7 Bar) 1.18.10Pipe Fittings & Flanges - Carbon Steel (Gas <7 Bar) 1.18.10Pipe Jacking 3.72.10Pipe Locators 1.08.26PIPE SERVICES 3.72Pipe Silencers - In Line 1.18.19Pipe Surveying Services 3.72.09Pipe Wraps 1.18.19Pipeline CCTV Services 3.72.20Pipeline CCTV/Inspection Services 3.72.20Pipeline Construction 3.70.39Pipeline Construction - Construct only 3.70.39Pipeline Construction - Design 3.70.39Pipeline Construction - Design & Construct 3.70.39Pipeline Construction - Gas High Pressure 3.70.39Pipeline Consultancy 3.76.25Pipeline Geometric Survey 3.72.09Pipeline Inspection Services 3.72.20Pipeline Pressure Testing 3.72.97Pipes - Alloy Steel 1.18.10Pipes - Carbon Steel 1.18.10Pipes - Carbon Steel Pups 1.18.10Pipes - Carbon Steel Spiral Wound 1.18.10Pipes - Clay 1.18.05Pipes - Concrete 1.18.02Pipes - Copper 1.18.04


Pipes - Ductile Iron 1.18.03Pipes - Fibre Cement 1.18.01Pipes - GRP 1.18.26Pipes - HDPE 1.18.06Pipes - MDPE 1.18.07Pipes - Mild Steel 1.18.10Pipes - MOPVC 1.18.08Pipes - PVC 1.18.09Pipes - Stainless Steel 1.18.16PIPES & ACCESSORIES 1.18Pipes & Fittings - Clay 1.18.05Pipes & Fittings - Concrete 1.18.02Pipes & Fittings - Copper 1.18.04Pipes & Fittings - Ductile Iron 1.18.03Pipes & Fittings - Fibre Cement 1.18.01Pipes & Fittings - GRP 1.18.26Pipes & Fittings - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 1.18.06Pipes & Fittings - Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE) 1.18.07Pipes & Fittings - MOPVC 1.18.08Pipes & Fittings - PVC 1.18.09Pipes & Fittings - Stainless Steel 1.18.16Pipes & Fittings - Steel 1.18.10Pipework Fabrication & Installation 3.72.13Pipework Refurbishment & Replacement 3.72.13Planning Consultancy 3.76.2Plant Construction 3.70.43Plant Disposal Services 2.44.07Plant Installation 3.70.43Plant Modification 3.70.43Plants & Flowers 1.01.17Plastering & Wall Tiling 3.70.15Plastic Card Fulfilment Services 2.45.35PLC Terminal Equipment 1.28.05Pliers 1.21.04Plotte+E2014rs 1.23.04Plugs, Sockets & Adaptors 1.08.20Plumbing Services 3.70.12Pneumatic Equipment 1.20.14Pole Cable Guard - Steel 1.01.15Pole Cross Bracing 1.06.12Pole Top Shrouding 1.06.11Pole Top Steelwork 1.06.12Poles - Composite 1.06.13Poles - Concrete 1.06.13Poles - Steel 1.06.13Poles - Wood 1.06.13Poles - Wood (Creosoted) 1.06.13Pollution Control Equipment 1.21.18Poly Aluminium Chloride 1.02.09Polyelectrolytes 1.02.18Polymeric Coatings 3.70.14Polythene Sleeves 1.05.15Port Planning Services 3.76.33Port/Marine Tools & Equipment 1.21.20Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) 3.70.13Portable Earthing Equipment 1.08.06Portable Gas Monitoring Equipment 1.08.26Portable Gas Monitoring Equipment - Nox Emission 1.08.26Portable Power Supplies/Mobile Generators(excl. Fixed Generators - use 1.11.06) 1.08.11Portable Water Sampling Equipment 1.08.26

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



POS Equipment 1.23.12Postal & Mailing Services(excl. Courier Services - use 3.74.05) 2.45.15Postal Orders 1.17.26Potassium Permanganate 1.02.10Powder Coating 3.70.14Power Station - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) 3.73.13Power Station - Combined Heat & Power Gas Turbine (CHP) 3.73.12Power Station - Conventional Thermal Power Plants 3.73.27Power Station - Reciprocating Engine CombinedHeat & Power 3.73.14Power Station Heating & Ventilation Equipment 1.11.18Power Station Heating & Ventilation Services 3.73.22Power Supplies - Instrument 1.08.11Power Tools - Electric (Mains) 1.21.06Power Tools - Electric (Rechargeable Battery) 1.21.06Power Tools - Hydraulic 1.21.06Power Tools - Pneumatic 1.21.06Power Tools (incl. Pneumatic/Hydraulic) 1.21.06PPP/PFI Advice 2.45.01Pre-Cast Building Products 1.01.06Prefabricated Buildings 1.01.26Preformed Wraps 1.06.05Pre-Printed Plastic Cards 1.17.27Pre-Printed Stationery/Supplies 1.17.13Press Cuttings 2.45.04Pressure Equipment Testing 3.78.15Pressure Gauges, Indicators & Transmittors 1.08.24Pressure Instruments - Non-submersible 1.08.24Pressure Instruments - Submersible 1.08.24Pressure Vessel Testing 3.78.15Pressure Vessels - Steel 1.13.16Prewired Meter Cabinets 1.16.18Primary Cells 1.08.10Primary Cells, Batteries & Chargers 1.08.10Print Management Services 2.45.03Printers - Inkjet 1.23.04Printers - Laser (B&W) 1.23.04Printers - Laser (Colour) 1.23.04Printing & Photographic Chemicals & Materials 1.17.21Printing & Publication Services(excl. Pre-printed Stationery - use 1.17.13) 2.45.03Process Consultancy 3.76.11Process Plant Design 3.70.08Procurement & Materials Management Consultancy 2.41.08Procurement Application Development 2.40.02Procurement Card Services 2.42.14Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)Maintenance & Repair 3.78.01Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) 1.08.18Programme Management 3.76.26Project Financing 2.42.01Project Management Consultancy 3.76.26Project Risk Management Services 2.41.22Projector Screens 1.17.05Projectors - Multimedia 1.17.05Projectors - Overhead 1.17.05Promotional/Corporate Goods 2.45.27Proof Reading 2.45.03


Propane 1.26.01Propane Plant Maintenance 3.78.99Protection & Control System Services 3.75.03Protection Strips 1.01.18Protective Clothing 1.03.02Protective Footwear 1.03.06Protective Rainwear - Breathable 1.03.01Protective Rainwear - PVC 1.03.01Public Address System 1.04.01Public Relations 2.45.04Public Relations Consultancy 2.41.09Public Relations Services 2.45.04Publications (Off-The-Shelf) 1.17.16Pulverised Fuel Burners 1.11.03Pulverised Fuel Pipework 1.11.03Pulverized Fuel Pipework Maintenance & Refurbishment 3.73.06Pump Design 3.78.06Pump Installation 3.78.06Pump Maintenance & Repair 3.78.06Pump Refurbishment 3.78.06Pump Services 3.78.06Pump Turbines & Accessories 1.11.20Pumping Station - Clean Water 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Construct) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Design) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Finance) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Installation) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Maintenance & Repair) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Operate) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Refurbishment) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Clean Water (Turnkey) 3.70.01Pumping Station - Waste Water 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Construct) 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Design) 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Finance) 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Installation) 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Maintenance & Repair) 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Operate) 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Refurbishment) 3.70.02Pumping Station - Waste Water (Turnkey) 3.70.02Pumps - Axial 1.14.17Pumps - Borehole 1.14.11Pumps - Centrifugal 1.14.01Pumps - Cutter 1.14.02Pumps - Diaphragm 1.14.03Pumps - Double Disk 1.14.06Pumps - Dry Well 1.14.02Pumps - Gear Pump 1.14.03Pumps - Hydraulic 1.14.15Pumps - Macerator 1.14.12Pumps - Metering & Dosing 1.14.10Pumps - Peristaltic 1.14.13Pumps - Piston 1.14.03Pumps - Portable 1.14.14Pumps - Positive Displacement 1.14.03Pumps - Progressing Cavity 1.14.19Pumps - Screw 1.14.16Pumps - Sludge 1.14.03Pumps - Split Case 1.14.05Pumps - Submersible 1.14.02Pumps - Vacuum 1.14.18Pumps - Washwater Pump Sets 1.14.09PUMPS, ACCESSORIES & SPARES 1.14

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

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PWR Chemical & Volume Control/Reactor Make-up Systems 1.22.27PWR Emergency Boration & Charging Systems 1.22.28PWR Pressure Vessel & Internals 1.22.24PWR Pressuriser & Pressure Control Systems 1.22.25PWR Reactor Coolant Pumps 1.22.09PWR Steam Generator Plant 1.22.26Quadrature Boosters 1.07.32Quality Assurance Consultancy 2.41.13Quantity Surveying 3.76.14Quay Construction 3.70.40Racking Systems - Installation Only 3.74.07Racking Systems - Supply & Install 1.17.24Racking Systems - Supply Only 1.17.24Radar Equipment 1.04.29Radio Clocks 1.04.26Radioactive Waste Containers 1.22.14Radioactive Waste Handling & Reprocessing Equipment 1.22.14Radioactive Waste Handling Equipment 1.22.14Radioactive Waste Management Services 3.77.09Radioactive Waste Reprocessing Equipment 1.22.14Radioactive Waste Treatment Processing Plant 1.22.14Railway Ballast 1.01.03Railway Bridge Construction 3.70.46Railway Bridge Construction - Composite 3.70.46Railway Bridge Construction - Concrete 3.70.46Railway Bridge Construction - Steel 3.70.46Railway Bridge Maintenace & Repair 3.70.50Railway Bridge Painting 3.70.50Railway Construction 3.70.42Railway Consultancy 3.76.35Railway Equipment 1.20.18Railway Signalling Consultancy 3.76.35Railway Track Maintenance 3.74.20Rain Gauges 1.08.24Rayon Grade 1.02.13Reactor Core Services 3.77.03Reactor Monitoring Systems - Core Exit Temperature 1.22.12Reactor Monitoring Systems - In-Core Flux 1.22.12Reactor Monitoring Systems - Neutron Flux 1.22.12Reactor Physics Services 3.77.02Reactor Protection Plant Instrumentation 1.22.13Reactor Trip Switchgear 1.22.13Reactors 1.07.34Reactors - 11kV (Series) 1.07.34Reactors - 11kV (Shunt) 1.07.34Reactors - 145kV 1.07.34Reactors - 72.5kV 1.07.34Reactors - Below 1kV 1.07.34Re-Aeros 3.70.44Reagents/Buffer Solutions 1.02.22Real Estate Services 2.45.16Receipting Services 2.42.05Reciprocating Engine Combined Heat & Power Maintenance & Repair 3.73.14Reciprocating Engine Combined Heat & Power StationConstruction 3.73.14Reciprocating Engines 1.11.06Reclaimed Building Products 1.01.21Reclosures 1.06.11Recruitment Services - Finance 2.42.12Recruitment Services - IT 2.40.07


Recruitment Services(excl. IT & Finance - use 2.40.07 & 2.42.12) 2.45.05Rectifiers - Rotary 1.11.04Rectifiers - Static 1.11.04Recycled Aggregate 1.01.03Recycled Mobile Accommodation Units 1.01.09Recycled Paper - 10% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 100% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 20% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 30% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 40% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 50% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 60% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 70% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 80% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycled Paper - 90% Post Consumer Waste Content 1.17.09Recycling - Aluminium 2.44.10Recycling - Copper 2.44.10Recycling - Glycol 2.44.10Recycling - Plastic 2.44.10Recycling - Waste Paper 2.44.10Recycling Services 2.44.10Red Diesel 1.10.18Redeployment Services 2.45.29Refridgerated Storage 3.74.07Refrigeration Plant 1.08.27Refrigeration Units (Industrial) 1.08.27Refuse Sacks 1.17.18Refuse/General Waste Disposal Services 2.44.03Regulators - Gas 1.16.16Regulators - LP (Domestic) 1.16.16Regulators - LP (Non-Domestic) 1.16.16Regulators - MP/LP 1.16.16Regulators (Electrical) - C&I 1.08.21Reinstatement Products 1.01.04Reinsulated Compression Conductor - ABC 1.06.04Relays 1.09.05Relays - Electric 1.09.05Relays - General 1.09.05Relays - Protective 1.09.05Relays (Hydraulic & Pneumatic) - C&I 1.08.21Remetalling Services 3.78.11Remote Terminal Units 1.04.05Removal/Relocation Services(excl. Storage Services - use 3.74.07) 2.45.25Reprographics 2.45.03Research & Development 3.99.04Research & Development - Biology 3.99.04Research & Development - Fisheries 3.99.04Research & Development - Flooding 3.99.04Research & Development - IPPC 3.99.04Reservoir - Raw Water 3.70.06Reservoir - Service 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Construct 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Design 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Finance 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Installation 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Maintenance & Repair 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Operate 3.70.06Reservoir/Dam/Weir/Lock - Turnkey 3.70.06Resin Regeneration Unit 1.22.99Resin Repair Kits 1.07.05

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

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Resistors - Fixed 1.08.20Resistors - Variable 1.08.20Resource Management System 2.40.02Respiratory Protective Equipment Maintenance 3.70.17Retail Consultancy 2.41.16Reverse Auction Services 2.40.15Re-Wheels 3.70.44Rezaps 1.06.11Rheostats 1.08.20Risk Management Consultancy 2.41.22River Audit Surveys 3.76.10River Defence Works 3.70.36River Weedcutting Services 3.99.34Rivets 1.01.20Road Bridge Construction 3.70.46Road Bridge Maintenace & Repair 3.70.50Road Bridge Painting 3.70.50Road Cones 1.01.13Road Construction & Surfacing - Asphalt 3.70.26Road Construction & Surfacing - Concrete 3.70.26Road Construction & Surfacing - Design 3.70.26Road Construction & Surfacing - Turnkey 3.70.26Road Construction & Surfacing Services 3.70.26Road Danger Lamps 1.01.13Road Diesel 1.10.18Road Furniture 1.01.13Road Salt 1.01.13Road Signs 1.01.13Road-Rail Plant Hire (with Driver) 3.74.08Roadstone 1.01.03Rock Anchor Services 3.70.27Rock Armour 1.01.21Roller Bearings - Cylindrical Single Row 1.13.01Roller Bearings - Needle 1.13.01Roller Bearings - Spherical 1.13.01Roller Bearings - Split 1.13.01Roller Bearings - Tapered 1.13.01Roll-On/Roll-Off Cages 1.17.25Roofing - Construction 3.70.20Roofing - Inspection 3.70.20Roofing - Maintenance & Repair 3.70.20Roofing Services 3.70.20Rubber Hoses & Couplings 1.13.40Runway Rubber Removal 3.99.29Runways & Taxiways 3.70.26Safety Assessments 3.99.25Safety Belts 1.03.06Safety Fencing Surveys 3.70.22Safety Hooks 1.03.06Safety Platforms & Walkways 3.70.15Safety Valve Trevitesting 3.78.07Salient Pole Generator Motors 1.11.20Salt 1.02.12Salvaging Services 3.99.36Sampling Equipment 1.08.26Sampling Equipment - Stainless Steel 1.21.17Sampling Systems - C&I 1.08.21Sand 1.01.01Sand - Heavy Building Sand 1.01.01Sand - Light Building Sand 1.01.01Sand - Milled 1.01.01Sand - Mixed 1.01.01Sand - Screened 1.01.01


Sand - Sharp 1.01.01Sand - Washed Concreting Sand 1.01.01Sandbags 1.01.21Sanitation Services 2.44.04Saplings 1.01.17Satellite Communication Services 2.40.08Satellite Communications Equipment 1.04.28Scada & Telecontrol Equipment 1.04.06Scada & Telecontrol Equipment Maintenance 2.40.13Scaffold Poles & Fittings 1.01.15Scaffolding Services (Non-system Use) 3.99.28Scarves 1.03.03Scientific Consultancy 3.76.17Scientific Equipment Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Scrap Disposal - Ferrous 2.44.02Scrap Disposal - Non Ferrous 2.44.02Scrap Disposal Services 2.44.02Scrape & Line 3.72.10Scrapers 1.20.09Screens - Curved Bar 1.25.06Screens - Microscreen 1.25.06Screens - Step 1.25.06Screens - Vertical 1.25.06Screens & Associated Equipment 1.25.06Screens Handling Equipment 1.25.06Screwdrivers 1.21.04Screws - High Tensile 1.01.20Screws - Mild Steel 1.01.20Screws - Non Ferrous 1.01.20Scrubbers 1.13.43SDH Multiplex Equipment 1.28.04Seals - Mechanical 1.13.02Seals - Preformed 1.13.02Searcher Bars 1.21.15Seating 1.01.13Sectionaliser Links 1.09.16Security Alarm Maintenance & Repair 3.70.32Security Alarm Systems - Building 3.70.32Security Alarm Systems - Vehicle 3.70.32Security Barrier Maintenance & Repair 3.70.32Security Consultancy 2.41.10Security Equipment 1.01.10Security Equipment - Gas Storage 1.01.10Security Equipment - Gas Storage 2.45.06Security Equipment - Gas Storage 3.70.32Security Equipment Installation & Maintenance 3.70.32Security Guard/Patrol Services 2.45.06Security Printing 1.17.26Security Printing - Billing 1.17.26Security Screening Equipment 1.01.24Security Seals 1.01.10Security Services 2.45.060Security Vridges, Collars & Blocks 1.16.7Seeding 3.70.16Semi-Conducting 1.01.19Semiconductors 1.08.20Senior Authorised Person Services 3.75.07Service Aerial Clamps - ABC 1.06.04Service Isolation Valves 1.19.10Service Riser Covers - GRP 1.18.26SEWAGE, SCRAP & REFUSE DISPOSAL SERVICES 2.44Sewage/Sludge Disposal Services 2.44.01Sewer Jetting Services 3.72.22

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

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Sewer Pipe Laying (incl. Excavation & Reinstatement) 3.72.03Sewer Pipe Maintenance & Repair 3.72.07SF6 Gas 1.05.15Shaft Couplings - Flexible 1.13.01Shaft Couplings - Rigid 1.13.01Shareholder Services 2.42.07Sheath Closures 1.05.15Shelving 1.17.24Shirts 1.03.03Shock Absorbers - Retractable 1.03.06Shoes 1.03.05Shotblasting Services 3.70.14Signal Conditional Equipment - C&I 1.08.21Signing, Guarding & Lighting Services (NRSWA) 3.74.22Signs - Directional 1.01.12Signs - Engraved 1.01.12Signs - Metal 1.01.12Signs - Plastic 1.01.12Signs - Runway & Taxiway Guidance 1.01.12Signs - Safety 1.01.12Signs - Traffic 1.01.12Signs (excl. Road Signs - use 1.01.13) 1.01.12Single Strain Fittings 1.06.11Single Suspension Fittings 1.06.11Sirens 1.01.10Site Drainage 3.99.12Skid Units/Pressure Reduction Modules 1.13.45Skirts 1.03.03Slabs & Nibs 1.01.06Sleepers 1.01.16Sleeve Bends 1.18.19Sleeving 3.72.10Sliplining 3.72.10Sluice Gate Painting 3.70.14Smart Link 1.09.16Snow Clearing Equipment 1.20.06Snow Forecasting 2.45.20Snubbing 3.70.08Soaps & Detergents 1.17.18Soda Ash 1.02.25Soda Ash (Light) 1.02.25Sodium Bicarbonate 1.02.28Sodium Bisulphite 1.02.29Sodium Carbonate 1.02.25Sodium Chloride 1.02.12Sodium Hexametaphosphate 1.02.96Sodium Hydroxide 1.02.13Sodium Hypochlorite 1.02.14Sodium Hypochlorite - Hypo 1.02.14Sodium Hypochlorite 14/15% 1.02.14Sodium Phosphate 1.02.96Sodium Silicate 1.02.15Sodium Thiosulphate 1.02.16Sodium Thiosulphate - Anhydrous 1.02.16Soft Felt Lining 3.72.10Software - Access Control 1.23.10Software - Antivirus 1.23.07Software - Billing 1.23.08Software - CAD/CAM 1.23.09Software - Call Centre 1.23.08Software - Communications 1.23.10Software - CRM 1.23.08


Software - Desktop Publishing 1.23.07Software - Digital Records Systems 1.23.09Software - Document Image Processing Systems 1.23.09Software - Ecommerce 1.23.08Software - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 1.23.08Software - Financial 1.23.08Software - GIS 1.23.09Software - Graphics 1.23.07Software - Hydrology 1.23.09Software - Instrumentation Control Automation 1.23.09Software - Logistics 1.23.08Software - Network 1.23.10Software - Personnel 1.23.08Software - Procurement 1.23.08Software - Project Management 1.23.07Software - Route Planning 1.23.07Software - Security System 1.23.10Software - Spreadsheet 1.23.07Software - Web Content Management 1.23.10Software - Word Processing 1.23.07Software Development Services 2.40.02Software Development Tools 1.23.06Software Licences 1.23.07Software Support Services 2.40.03Solder 1.05.18Solid Fuel 1.10.10Solid Fuel Bunker 1.11.11Solid Fuel Drying & Conditioning Plant 1.11.11Solid Fuel Feeder 1.11.11Solid Fuel Feeder Maintenance 3.73.06Solid Fuel Mixing/Blending Plant 1.11.11Solid Fuel Samples - Collection & Preparation 3.73.06Solid Fuel Sampling/Weighing/Weighing Equipment 1.11.11Solid Fuel Screening Plant 1.11.11Solid Fuel Sizing & Crushing Plant 1.11.11Solid Fuel Stacking/Reclaiming System 1.11.11Solid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.11Solid Fuel Supply System Spares - Supply Only 1.11.11Solid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply & Install 1.11.11Solid Fuel Supply Systems - Supply Only 1.11.11Solid Fuel Supply Systems & Spares 1.11.11Solid Insulation 1.07.05Solvents 1.10.23Solvents - High Purity 1.10.23Sootblower Maintenance 3.73.01Sootblowers 1.11.03Spacers 1.06.11Spanners 1.21.04Specialist Business Software(excl. Software Development - use 2.40.02) 1.23.08Specialist Vehicles, Tankers, Bodies & Trailers 1.20.06Spectrometers 1.08.24Spiral Vibration Dampers 1.06.11Spraying Equipment 1.20.14Sprinkler System Installation 3.70.17Sprinkler System Maintenance & Repair 3.70.17Stack Emission Monitoring Services 3.99.32Staff - Administrative (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Administrative (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Clerical (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Clerical (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Data Entry (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Data Entry (Temporary) 2.45.05

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

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Staff - Drivers (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Drivers (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Engineering Support (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Engineering Support (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Financial (Permanent) 2.42.12Staff - Financial (Temporary) 2.42.12Staff - Human Resources (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Human Resources (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - IT (Permanent) 2.40.07Staff - IT (Temporary) 2.40.07Staff - Laboratory (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Laboratory (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Other (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Other (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Procurement (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Procurement (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Secretarial (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Secretarial (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Senior Management/Director (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Senior Management/Director (Temporary) 2.45.05Staff - Technician (Permanent) 2.45.05Staff - Technician (Temporary) 2.45.05Stamps 1.17.26Standpipes 1.18.27STATCOM 1.28.03Static var Compensator 1.28.03Static Water Tanks 1.10.28Statutory Inspection - Boiler (Power Station) 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Display Screens 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Gas Appliance 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Ladders 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Lifting Equipment 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Passenger Terminals 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Pressure Vessels 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Ramps 3.99.25Statutory Inspection - Vessels 3.99.25Statutory Inspection Services/Safety Assessments 3.99.25Stay Rods 1.06.12Steam Boilers 1.11.02Steam Chests 1.11.10Steam Condensers 1.11.07Steam System Services 3.73.15Steam Turbine Maintenance & Repair 3.73.04Steam Turbine Refurbishment 3.73.04Steam Turbine Spares 1.11.10Steam Turbine Spares - Supply & Install 1.11.10Steam Turbine Spares - Supply Only 1.11.10Steam Turbines - 130MW to 400MW 1.11.10Steam Turbines - 20MW & Below 1.11.10Steam Turbines - 21MW to 54MW 1.11.10Steam Turbines - 401MW to 550MW 1.11.10Steam Turbines - 55MW to 129MW 1.11.10Steam Turbines - Above 550MW 1.11.10Steam Turbines - Auxiliary (All Ratings) 1.11.10Steam Turbines - Supply & Install 1.11.10Steam Turbines - Supply Only 1.11.10Steel - Alloy 1.01.15Steel - Carbon 1.01.15Steel - Case Hardening & Nitriding 1.01.15Steel - Cast 1.01.15Steel - Galvanised Sections & Flats 1.01.15Steel - Mild Black 1.01.15


Steel - Rust & Heat Resisting 1.01.15Steel 'D' Brackets and Flats 1.06.11Steel Reinforcement 1.01.15Steel/Metal Materials (excl. Cables & Pipes) 1.01.15Steelwork - Gas Storage 3.78.09Stokers - Chain & Travelling Gate 1.11.11Stokers - Other 1.11.11Stokers - Retort 1.11.11Stokers - Spreader 1.11.11Storage & Warehousing Services 3.74.07Storage/Warehouse Equipment & Supplies 1.17.24Strain Clamps - ABC 1.06.04Strain Yoke Assemblies 1.06.11Stress Counselling Services 2.45.08Strimmers 1.20.12Structural Consultancy 3.76.08Structural Steelwork 1.01.15Structural Surveys 3.76.18Studs - High Temperature 1.01.20Studs - High Tensile 1.01.20Studs - Low Carbon Steel 1.01.20Studs - Non Ferrous 1.01.20Sub-Diagrid Manipulator 1.22.11Subscription Services 2.45.23Subscriptions - Professional Organisations 2.45.23Subsea Cable Services 3.71.16Sub-sea Pipe Laying 3.72.27Substation - Pad-Mounted (Single Phase) 1.07.24Substation - Unit 1.07.24Substation Building Civil Services 3.75.02Substation Building Maintenance & Repair 3.75.19Substation Cabling Services 3.75.07Substation Construction - Distribution 3.75.16Substation Construction - Transmission 3.75.12Substation Design - Distribution 3.75.15Substation Design - Transmission 3.75.11Substation Design & Construction - Distribution 3.75.17Substation Design & Construction - Transmission 3.75.13Substation Doors (GRP) 1.01.11Substation Doors (Metal) 1.01.11Substation Equipment Installation Services 3.75.99Substation Fire Protection Services 3.75.09Substation General Maintenance 3.75.19SUBSTATION MATERIALS 1.28Substation Plant Dismantling & Removal 3.75.8Substation Plant Painting Services 3.75.10Substation Roofs (GRP) 1.01.11Substation Roofs (Metal) 1.01.11SUBSTATION SERVICES 3.75Substation Steelwork 3.75.02Substation Structures/Buildings 3.75.02Substation Turnkey - Distribution 3.75.18Substation Turnkey - Transmission 3.75.14Substation Vegetation Management 3.75.19Substations - Unit/Composite 1.07.24Suction Equipment 1.21.18Sulphinators 1.25.09Sulphur Dioxide 1.26.06Sulphur Hexafluoride 1.26.07Sulphuric Acid 1.02.17Surface Boxes & Chambers 1.18.20Surface Boxes & Chambers - Concrete 1.18.20Surface Boxes & Chambers - Ductile Iron/Steel 1.18.20

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

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Surface Boxes & Chambers - GRP 1.18.20Surface Boxes & Chambers - Plastic 1.18.20Surface Carparking 3.70.26Surge Diverters/Arrestors 1.09.12Surge Suppression Equipment 1.25.16Surveying Services(excl. Overhead Line & Pipeline Surveying) 3.76.18Surveying Validation Services 3.76.18Suspended Ceilings/Partitions 3.70.15Suspension Clamps - ABC 1.06.04SVC 1.28.03Switches & Switch Accessories 1.08.20Switches (Instrument) - C&I 1.08.21SWITCHGEAR 1.24Switchgear - 10kV (Oil) 1.24.02Switchgear - 10kV (Oil) 1.24.07Switchgear - 10kV (SF6) 1.24.02Switchgear - 10kV (SF6) 1.24.07Switchgear - 10kV (Vacuum) 1.24.02Switchgear - 10kV (Vacuum) 1.24.07Switchgear - 11kV (Oil) 1.24.02Switchgear - 11kV (Oil) 1.24.07Switchgear - 11kV (SF6) 1.24.02Switchgear - 11kV (SF6) 1.24.07Switchgear - 11kV (Vacuum) 1.24.02Switchgear - 11kV (Vacuum) 1.24.07Switchgear - 132kV (Air Blast) 1.24.04Switchgear - 132kV (Air Blast) 1.24.09Switchgear - 132kV (Gas Insulated) 1.24.04Switchgear - 132kV (Gas Insulated) 1.24.09Switchgear - 132kV (Oil) 1.24.40Switchgear - 132kV (Oil) 1.24.09Switchgear - 132kV (SF6) 1.24.04Switchgear - 132kV (SF6) 1.24.09Switchgear - 132kV (Vacuum) 1.24.04Switchgear - 132kV (Vacuum) 1.24.09Switchgear - 20kV (Oil) 1.24.03Switchgear - 20kV (Oil) 1.24.08Switchgear - 20kV (SF6) 1.24.03Switchgear - 20kV (SF6) 1.24.08Switchgear - 20kV (Vacuum) 1.24.03Switchgear - 20kV (Vacuum) 1.24.08Switchgear - 22kV (Oil) 1.24.03Switchgear - 22kV (Oil) 1.24.08Switchgear - 22kV (SF6) 1.24.03Switchgear - 22kV (SF6) 1.24.08Switchgear - 22kV (Vacuum) 1.24.03Switchgear - 22kV (Vacuum) 1.24.08Switchgear - 25kV (Oil) 1.24.03Switchgear - 25kV (Oil) 1.24.08Switchgear - 25kV (SF6) 1.24.03Switchgear - 25kV (SF6) 1.24.08Switchgear - 25kV (Vacuum) 1.24.03Switchgear - 25kV (Vacuum) 1.24.08Switchgear - 275kV (Air Blast) 1.24.05Switchgear - 275kV (Air Blast) 1.24.10Switchgear - 275kV (Gas Insulated) 1.24.50Switchgear - 275kV (Gas Insulated) 1.24.10Switchgear - 275kV (Oil) 1.24.05Switchgear - 275kV (Oil) 1.24.10Switchgear - 275kV (SF6) 1.24.05Switchgear - 275kV (SF6) 1.24.10Switchgear - 275kV (Vacuum) 1.24.05


Switchgear - 275kV (Vacuum) 1.24.10Switchgear - 33kV (Oil) 1.24.03Switchgear - 33kV (Oil) 1.24.08Switchgear - 33kV (SF6) 1.24.03Switchgear - 33kV (SF6) 1.24.08Switchgear - 33kV (Vacuum) 1.24.03Switchgear - 33kV (Vacuum) 1.24.08Switchgear - 38kV (Oil) 1.24.03Switchgear - 38kV (Oil) 1.24.08Switchgear - 38kV (SF6) 1.24.03Switchgear - 38kV (SF6) 1.24.08Switchgear - 38kV (Vacuum) 1.24.03Switchgear - 38kV (Vacuum) 1.24.08Switchgear - 400kV (Air Blast) 1.24.05Switchgear - 400kV (Air Blast) 1.24.10Switchgear - 400kV (Gas Insulated) 1.24.05Switchgear - 400kV (Gas Insulated) 1.24.10Switchgear - 400kV (Oil) 1.24.05Switchgear - 400kV (Oil) 1.24.10Switchgear - 400kV (SF6) 1.24.05Switchgear - 400kV (SF6) 1.24.10Switchgear - 400kV (Vacuum) 1.24.05Switchgear - 400kV (Vacuum) 1.24.10Switchgear - 66kV (Oil) 1.24.03Switchgear - 66kV (Oil) 1.24.08Switchgear - 66kV (SF6) 1.24.03Switchgear - 66kV (SF6) 1.24.08Switchgear - 66kV (Vacuum) 1.24.03Switchgear - 66kV (Vacuum) 1.24.08Switchgear - Direct Current (DC) 1.24.14Switchgear - Indoor (100kV to 199kV) 1.24.04Switchgear - Indoor (1kV to 19kV) 1.24.02Switchgear - Indoor (200kV & Above) 1.24.05Switchgear - Indoor (20kV to 99kV) 1.24.03Switchgear - Indoor (Below 1kV) 1.24.01Switchgear - Multi Motor 1.24.11Switchgear - Outdoor (100kV to 199kV) 1.24.09Switchgear - Outdoor (1kV to 19kV) 1.24.07Switchgear - Outdoor (200kV & Above) 1.24.10Switchgear - Outdoor (20kV to 99kV) 1.24.08Switchgear - Outdoor (Below 1kV) 1.24.06Switchgear - Power Factor Correction 1.24.12Switchgear - Variable Speed/Soft Driven 1.24.13Switchgear Installation - 10/11kV 3.75.05Switchgear Installation - 110/132kV 3.75.05Switchgear Installation - 20/22/25kV 3.75.05Switchgear Installation - 220/275kV 3.75.05Switchgear Installation - 33/38kV 3.75.05Switchgear Installation - 400kV 3.75.05Switchgear Installation - 66kV 3.75.05Switchgear Maintenance & Repair - 10/11kV 3.75.05Switchgear Maintenance & Repair - 110/132kV 3.75.05Switchgear Maintenance & Repair - 20/22/25kV 3.75.05Switchgear Maintenance & Repair - 220/275kV 3.75.05Switchgear Maintenance & Repair - 33/38kV 3.75.05Switchgear Maintenance & Repair - 400kV 3.75.05Switchgear Maintenance & Repair - 66kV 3.75.05Switchgear Parts & Accessories 1.24.15Switchgear Services 3.75.05Synchronising Equipment (incl. Interfacing Equipment) 1.04.27Synchronous Condenser 1.28.03Tachograph Maintenance & Repair 3.74.03

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Tailgates 3.73.25Tailworks 3.73.25Tankering Services - Emergency 2.44.01Tankering Services - Routine 2.44.01Tanking & Waterproofing Services 3.70.15Tanks - Bulk Storage 1.13.05Tanks - Glass Coated Steel 1.13.05Tanks - GRP 1.13.05Tanks - Sludge 1.13.05Tanks - Stainless Steel 1.13.05Tanks & Covers (excl. Fuel - use 1.20.21) 1.13.05Tap Changing Equipment 1.7.30Tape/Disk Drives 1.23.01Taps & Dies 1.21.09Tarmac 1.01.04Taxi Services 3.74.14Technical Consultancy 3.76.01Technical Software 1.23.09Technical/Procedural Writing Services 2.45.22Telecom Test Equipment Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Telecommunication Equipment & Associated Services 2.40.13Telecommunication Network Services 2.40.08Telecommunication Overhead Line Construction 3.79.22Telecommunication Overhead Line Construction -Construct 3.79.22Telecommunication Overhead Line Construction -Design 3.79.22Telecommunication Overhead Line Maintenance& Repair 3.79.23Telecommunication Transmission Equipment 1.04.04Telecommunications Cable 1.05.12TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 1.04Telecommunications Equipment & Accessories(excl. PABX - use 1.04.23) 1.04.01Telecommunications/Telemetry Consultancy 2.41.11Telecontrol Services 3.75.04Telemeters 1.16.06Telemetry Equipment 1.04.05Telemetry Equipment Maintenance & Repair 2.40.13Telephone Exchange & Associated EquipmentMaintenance 2.40.13Telephone Sales 2.40.14Telephones 1.04.01Teleswitches 1.16.06Temperature Instruments 1.08.24Terminals 3.70.38Test & Inspection Equipment 1.21.08Test Equipment Calibration 3.99.03Testing & Analysis - Electricity 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Environment (Air) 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Environment (Land) 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Environment (Water) 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Gas 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Nuclear 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Sampling Services 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Telecoms 3.99.05Testing & Analysis - Water 3.99.05Testing & Analysis Services 3.99.05Thermocouples - C&I 1.08.21Thrust Boring 3.72.10Ticket Accepters 1.08.29Ticket Dispensers 1.08.29


Ticket Vending Machine Maintenance & Repair 2.43.05Ticket Vending Machines 1.08.31Ties 1.03.03Timber Groynes 1.01.16Timber Materials (excl. Wood Poles - use 1.06.13) 1.01.16Timber Piling 1.01.16Time Switches 1.16.06Timers - C&I 1.08.21Tin 1.01.15Tin Plating 3.70.14Tippers & Tipplers 1.11.11Toilet/Bathroom Tissue 1.17.18Token Sales 2.42.05Toner Cartridges 1.23.11Toner Cartridges - Recycled 1.23.11Tool Hire 3.74.24Tool Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Tool, Instrument & Specialist Equipment Services 3.99.09Tools & Equipment - Cable Joiners 1.21.01Tools & Equipment - Drilling 1.21.05Tools & Equipment - Overhead Line 1.21.02Tools & Equipment - Pipeline 1.21.15TOOLS & SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT 1.21Top Soil Import 3.70.23Topographical Consultancy 3.76.15Torches & Battery Lamps 1.08.19Towage Services 3.74.06Tower Drawing 3.79.99Trace Heating Equipment 1.08.14Tractors 1.20.06Tractors 1.20.09Traffic Light Maintenance & Repair 3.74.10Traffic Lights Hire 3.74.17Traffic Management Services 3.74.27Trailers 1.20.06Training - Boats 2.45.07Training - Chainsaw 2.45.07Training - CITB 2.45.07Training - Confined Spaces 2.45.07Training - Development 2.45.07Training - Driver 2.45.07Training - Electrical Safety 2.45.07Training - Environmental (Air) 2.45.07Training - Environmental (Land) 2.45.07Training - Environmental (Water) 2.45.07Training - Field Hydrometry 2.45.07Training - Fire Marshall 2.45.07Training - Further Education 2.45.07Training - Leadership 2.45.07Training - Management 2.45.07Training - Manual Operator 2.45.07Training - Mechanical Handling 2.45.07Training - Media 2.45.07Training - Mobile Plant 2.45.07Training - Personal Skills 2.45.07Training - Planning 2.45.07Training - Procurement 2.45.07Training - Signing & Guarding (NRSWA) 2.45.07Training - Simulator 2.45.07Training - Stack Emissions 2.45.07Training - Technical 2.45.07Training & Education Services(excl. IT Training - use 2.40.04) 2.45.07

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Transcription 2.40.14Transducers - C&I 1.08.21Transformer Ancillary Equipment 1.07.05Transformer Bushings 1.07.31Transformer Fans 1.07.05Transformer Foundations 3.75.02Transformer Installation - 10/11kV 3.75.06Transformer Installation - 110/132kV 3.75.06Transformer Installation - 20/22/25kV 3.75.06Transformer Installation - 220/275kV 3.75.06Transformer Installation - 33/38kV 3.75.06Transformer Installation - 400kV 3.75.06Transformer Installation - 66kV 3.75.06Transformer Maintenance & Repair - 10/11kV 3.75.06Transformer Maintenance & Repair - 110/132kV 3.75.06Transformer Maintenance & Repair - 20/22/25kV 3.75.06Transformer Maintenance & Repair - 220/275kV 3.75.06Transformer Maintenance & Repair - 33/38kV 3.75.06Transformer Maintenance & Repair - 400kV 3.75.06Transformer Maintenance & Repair - 66kV 3.75.06Transformer Platforms 1.06.12Transformer Pumps 1.07.05Transformer Radiators 1.07.05Transformer Services 3.75.06Transformers - 10kV (Metering) 1.07.20Transformers - 10kV (Metering) 1.07.21Transformers - 10MVA (Power) 1.07.28Transformers - 110kV (Indoor) 1.07.21Transformers - 110kV (Outdoor) 1.07.21Transformers - 110kV 20MVA 1.07.28Transformers - 110kV 31.5 MVA 1.07.28Transformers - 110kV 63MVA 1.07.28Transformers - 11kV - Single Phase 1.07.03Transformers - 11kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated) 1.07.02Transformers - 11kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed) 1.07.02Transformers - 11kV - Three Phase 1.07.03Transformers - 11kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated) 1.07.02Transformers - 11kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed) 1.07.02Transformers - 132kV (Metering) 1.07.20Transformers - 132kV (Metering) 1.07.21Transformers - 132kV (Protection) 1.07.20Transformers - 132kV (Protection) 1.07.21Transformers - 20kV - Single Phase 1.07.03Transformers - 20kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated) 1.07.02Transformers - 20kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed) 1.07.02Transformers - 20kV - Three Phase 1.07.03Transformers - 20kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated) 1.07.02Transformers - 20kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed) 1.07.02Transformers - 20kV (Indoor) 1.07.20Transformers - 20kV (Indoor) 1.07.21Transformers - 20kV (Metering) 1.07.20Transformers - 20kV (Metering) 1.07.21Transformers - 20kV (Outdoor) 1.07.20Transformers - 20kV (Outdoor) 1.07.21Transformers - 220kV 125MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 220kV 250MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 275/132kV 180MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 275/132kV 240MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 275/33kV 180MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 275/33kV 240MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 275/66kV 120MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 275/66kV 240MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 275kV (Metering) 1.07.20


Transformers - 275kV (Metering) 1.07.21Transformers - 275kV (Protection) 1.07.20Transformers - 275kV (Protection) 1.07.21Transformers - 33kV - Single Phase 1.07.03Transformers - 33kV - Single Phase (Air Insulated) 1.07.02Transformers - 33kV - Single Phase (Oil Immersed) 1.07.02Transformers - 33kV - Three Phase 1.07.03Transformers - 33kV - Three Phase (Air Insulated) 1.07.02Transformers - 33kV - Three Phase (Oil Immersed) 1.07.02Transformers - 38kV (Indoor) 1.07.20Transformers - 38kV (Indoor) 1.07.21Transformers - 38kV (Outdoor) 1.07.20Transformers - 38kV (Outdoor) 1.07.21Transformers - 3MVA Interface (Power) 1.07.27Transformers - 400/132kV 240MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 400/132kV 500MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 400/275kV 1000MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 400/275kV 1100MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 400/275kV 750MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 400kV (Metering) 1.07.20Transformers - 400kV (Metering) 1.07.21Transformers - 400kV (Protection) 1.07.20Transformers - 400kV 125MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 400kV 250MVA 1.07.29Transformers - 400kV` (Protection) 1.07.21Transformers - 5MVA (Power) 1.07.27Transformers - Current 1.07.20Transformers - Current/Voltage Transformers(Combined 110kV) 1.07.20Transformers - Current/Voltage Transformers(Combined 20kV) 1.07.20Transformers - Current/Voltage Transformers(Combined 38kV) 1.07.20Transformers - Distribution Ground Mounted(2000kVA & Below) 1.07.02Transformers - Distribution Pole Mounted(315kVA & Below) 1.07.03Transformers - Generator 1.07.04Transformers - Grid (Above 100MVA) 1.07.29Transformers - Instrument 1.07.99Transformers - LT Metering 1.07.20Transformers - Measuring 1.07.99Transformers - Primary (10MVA to 100MVA) 1.07.28Transformers - Primary (Below 10MVA) 1.07.27Transformers - Tool 1.07.99Transformers - Voltage 1.07.21TRANSFORMERS, REACTORS & CAPACITORS 1.07Transmission Equipment Maintenance 2.40.13Transmission Insulator Steelwork 1.06.12Transmission Pipeline Services 3.72.15Transmitters & Receivers - C&I 1.08.21TRANSPORT & MOBILE PLANT 1.20TRANSPORT, STORAGE & HIRE SERVICES 3.74Transportation Services 3.74.06Travel - Air 2.43.01Travel - Rail 2.43.01Travel Agency Services 2.43.01Treatment Works - Clean Water 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water(Biology Aerated Flood Filter) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Construct) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Design) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Finance) 3.70.04

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Treatment Works - Clean Water(Granular Activated Carbons) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Installation) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Maintenance & Repair) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Operate) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Refurbishment) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water(Sequencing Batch Reactor) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Clean Water (Turnkey) 3.70.04Treatment Works - Waste Water 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Activated Sludge) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water(Biology Aerated Flood Filter) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Construct) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Design) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Finance) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water(Granular Activated Carbons) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Installation) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water(Maintenance & Repair) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Operate) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Refurbishment) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water(Sequencing Batch Reactor) 3.70.03Treatment Works - Waste Water (Turnkey) 3.70.03Trees 1.01.17Trench Sheeting 1.01.15Trenchless Cable Laying 3.71.35Trenchless Equipment 1.20.10Trenchless Pipe Laying (incl. Pipe Replacement) 3.72.10Trichloroethane 1.02.19Trip Units - C&I 1.08.21Trolleys 1.20.13Trolleys & Trucks (Non-powered) 1.20.06Trolleys & Trucks (Powered) 1.20.06Trucks - Forklift 1.20.13Trucks - Hand 1.20.13Trucks - High Lift 1.20.06Trucks - Pallet 1.20.13Trucks - Refuse 1.20.06Trucks - Vacuum 1.20.06Tube Nests 1.11.03Tubular Steel Poles 1.01.15Tugs 1.20.16Tunnelling & Shafts - Construct 3.70.07Tunnelling & Shafts - Design 3.70.07Tunnelling & Shafts - Finance 3.70.07Tunnelling & Shafts - Installation 3.70.07Tunnelling & Shafts - Maintenance & Repair 3.70.07Tunnelling & Shafts - Operate 3.70.07Tunnelling & Shafts - Turnkey 3.70.07Tunnelling & Shafts (incl. Penstocks) 3.70.07Tunnels Consultancy 3.76.12Turbine Controllers & Accessories 1.11.20Turbine Performance Testing 3.73.04Turbine Protection Equipment - C&I 1.08.21Turbine Services 3.73.04Turbine Supervisory & GeneratorOutput Equipment - C&I 1.08.21Turbine Vibration Monitoring System 1.23.12Turbines & Spares - Gas 1.11.17Turbines & Spares - Steam 1.11.10


Turfing 3.70.16Tyres - Low Rolling Resistance 1.20.07Tyres - Passenger Loading Bridge 1.20.07Tyres & Tubes 1.20.07Ultraviolet Plant (Open Channel) 1.25.07Ultraviolet Plant (Pressurised) 1.25.07Under Pressure Drilling - Gas Mains 3.72.26Underground Cable Jointing - 100kV to 199kV 3.71.27Underground Cable Jointing - 10kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.25Underground Cable Jointing - 10kV (Solid) 3.71.25Underground Cable Jointing - 1kV to 19kV 3.71.25Underground Cable Jointing - 200kV & Above 3.71.28Underground Cable Jointing - 20kV to 99kV 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing - Below 1kV 3.71.24Underground Cable Jointing 110kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.27Underground Cable Jointing 110kV (Solid) 3.71.27Underground Cable Jointing 11kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.25Underground Cable Jointing 11kV (Solid) 3.71.25Underground Cable Jointing 132kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.27Underground Cable Jointing 132kV (Solid) 3.71.27Underground Cable Jointing 20kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 20kV (Solid) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 220kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.28Underground Cable Jointing 220kV (Solid) 3.71.28Underground Cable Jointing 22kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 22kV (Solid) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 25kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 25kV (Solid) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 275kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.28Underground Cable Jointing 275kV (Solid) 3.71.28Underground Cable Jointing 33kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 33kV (Solid) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 38kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 38kV (Solid) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 400kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.28Underground Cable Jointing 400kV (Solid) 3.71.28Underground Cable Jointing 66kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.26Underground Cable Jointing 66kV (Solid) 3.71.26Underground Cable Joints - 10kV 1.05.07Underground Cable Joints - 110kV 1.05.09Underground Cable Joints - 11kV 1.05.07Underground Cable Joints - 132kV 1.05.09Underground Cable Joints - 20kV 1.05.08Underground Cable Joints - 220kV 1.05.10Underground Cable Joints - 22kV 1.05.08Underground Cable Joints - 25kV 1.05.08Underground Cable Joints - 275kV 1.05.10Underground Cable Joints - 33kV 1.05.08Underground Cable Joints - 38kV 1.05.08Underground Cable Joints - 400kV 1.05.10Underground Cable Joints - 66kV 1.05.08Underground Cable Joints, Terminations &Jointing Materials - 100kV to 199kV 1.05.09Underground Cable Joints, Terminations &Jointing Materials - 1kV to 19kV 1.05.07Underground Cable Joints, Terminations &Jointing Materials - 200kV & Above 1.05.10Underground Cable Joints, Terminations &Jointing Materials - 20kV to 99kV 1.05.08Underground Cable Joints, Terminations &Jointing Materials - Below 1kV 1.05.06Underground Cable Laying - 10kV (Solid) 3.71.20Underground Cable Laying - 110kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.22

UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical


Underground Cable Laying - 110kV (Solid) 3.71.22Underground Cable Laying - 11kV (Solid) 3.71.20Underground Cable Laying - 132kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.22Underground Cable Laying - 132kV (Solid) 3.71.22Underground Cable Laying - 20kV (Solid) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 220kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.23Underground Cable Laying - 220kV (Solid) 3.71.23Underground Cable Laying - 22kV (Solid) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 25kV (Solid) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 275kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.23Underground Cable Laying - 275kV (Solid) 3.71.23Underground Cable Laying - 33kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 33kV (Solid) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 38kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 38kV (Solid) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 400kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.23Underground Cable Laying - 400kV (Solid) 3.71.23Underground Cable Laying - 66kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying - 66kV (Solid) 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - 100kV to 199kV 3.71.22Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - 1kV to 19kV 3.71.20Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - 200kV & Above 3.71.23Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - 20kV to 99kV 3.71.21Underground Cable Laying (incl. Excavation &Reinstatement) - Below 1kV 3.71.19Underground Cable M&R - 10kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.30Underground Cable M&R - 10kV (Solid) 3.71.30Underground Cable M&R - 110kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.32Underground Cable M&R - 110kV (Solid) 3.71.32Underground Cable M&R - 11kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.30Underground Cable M&R - 11kV (Solid) 3.71.30Underground Cable M&R - 132kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.32Underground Cable M&R - 132kV (Solid) 3.71.32Underground Cable M&R - 20kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 20kV (Solid) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 220kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.33Underground Cable M&R - 220kV (Solid) 3.71.33Underground Cable M&R - 22kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 22kV (Solid) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 25kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 25kV (Solid) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 275kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.33Underground Cable M&R - 275kV (Solid) 3.71.33Underground Cable M&R - 33kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 33kV (Solid) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 38kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 38kV (Solid) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 400kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.33Underground Cable M&R - 400kV (Solid) 3.71.33Underground Cable M&R - 66kV (Fluid Filled) 3.71.31Underground Cable M&R - 66kV (Solid) 3.71.31Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair -100kV to 199kV 3.71.32Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair -1kV to 19kV 3.71.30Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair -200kV & Above 3.71.33Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair -20kV to 99kV 3.71.31


Underground Cable Maintenance & Repair -Below 1kV 3.71.29UNDERGROUND CABLE SERVICES 3.71Underground Cable Surveys 3.76.18Underground Fittings 1.05.15Underground Mains & Service Cable - Below 1kV 1.05.01Underground Mains Cable - 100kV to 199 kV 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable - 10kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.02Underground Mains Cable - 10kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.02Underground Mains Cable - 110kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable - 110kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable -110kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable - 110kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable - 11kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.02Underground Mains Cable - 11kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.02Underground Mains Cable - 132kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable -132kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable -132kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable - 132kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.04Underground Mains Cable - 1kV to 19kV 1.05.02Underground Mains Cable - 200kV & Above 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable - 20kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 20kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 20kV to 99kV 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 220kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable -220kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable -220kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable - 220kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable - 22kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 22kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 25kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 25kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 275kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable -275kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable -275kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable - 275kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (Oil Filled) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 33kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (Oil Filled) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 38kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 400kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable -400kV (Paper Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable -400kV (PPL Insulated Oil Filled) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable - 400kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.05Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (Gas Assisted) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (Oil Filled) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (Paper Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - 66kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.03Underground Mains Cable - Below 10kV (4 Core A2X2Y) 1.05.02

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UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical


Underground Mains Cable - Below 10kV (4 Core A2XY) 1.05.02Underground Mains Cable - Below 10kV (XLPE Insulated) 1.05.02Underground Marker Materials 1.01.18Underground Radar Probing & Mapping 3.76.28Underground Telecommunication Cable Laying (incl. Excavation & Reinstatement) 3.71.17Underground Telecommunication CableMaintenance & Repair 3.71.18Uniforms 1.3.3Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Maintenance 3.78.02Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems 1.09.15UNIX Maintenance 2.40.01UNIX Servers 1.23.01Urban Surveys 3.76.18Utility Software 1.23.10Value Management Consultancy 2.41.23Valve Alarms (High/Low Water) 1.19.99Valve Cabinets 1.19.99Valve Maintenance & Refurbishment 3.78.07Valve Services 3.78.07Valves - Air 1.19.01Valves - Ball 1.19.10Valves - Ball (Gas < 7 Bar) 1.19.10Valves - Ball (Gas > 7 Bar) 1.19.10Valves - Butterfly 1.19.09Valves - Check 1.19.04Valves - Diaphragm 1.19.11Valves - Double Disc 1.19.99Valves - Excess Flow 1.19.12Valves - Flap 1.19.08Valves - Float Operated 1.19.18Valves - Gate 1.19.02Valves - Gate/Sluice/Knife 1.19.02Valves - Globe 1.19.07Valves - Governor Safety Vent 1.19.12Valves - Hydrants 1.19.03Valves - Knife 1.19.02Valves - Needle 1.19.07Valves - Needle/Globe 1.19.07Valves - Non Return 1.19.04Valves - Non Return (Gas < 7 Bar) 1.19.04Valves - Non Return (Gas > 7 Bar) 1.19.04Valves - Non Slam 1.19.04Valves - Non-Return/Reflux/Check 1.19.04Valves - Parallel Slide 1.19.99Valves - Penstock 1.19.05Valves - Plug 1.19.19Valves - Pressure Control 1.19.12Valves - Recoil 1.19.04Valves - Reducing 1.19.12Valves - Reflux 1.19.04Valves - Safety 1.19.16Valves - Safety Pressure Relief 1.19.16Valves - Silencers 1.19.99Valves - Sluice 1.19.02Valves - Solenoid 1.19.15Valves - Sustaining 1.19.12Valves - Traps & Eliminators 1.19.99Valves - Wedge Gate 1.19.02VALVES, ACTUATORS & SPARES 1.19Vans - Car-derived 1.20.02Varnish - Oil Based 1.01.07Varnish - Water Based 1.01.07


Vegetation Management 3.70.16Vegetation Management - Hydrometric 3.70.16Vehicle Accident & Repair Services 3.74.01Vehicle Auction Services 3.74.14Vehicle Bodybuilding 3.74.02Vehicle Disposal Services 2.44.07Vehicle Disposal Services 3.74.13Vehicle Hire 3.74.14Vehicle Leasing 3.74.14Vehicle Leasing & Hire Services 3.74.14Vehicle Maintenance 3.74.03Vehicle Recovery Services 3.74.04Vehicle Salvage 3.74.14Vehicle Steam Cleaning 3.74.12Vehicle Valet Services 3.74.12Vehicle Washing 3.74.12Vehicle Washing Machine Maintenance 3.74.12Vehicle Washing Services 3.74.12Vehicle/Mobile Plant Parts & Accessories 1.20.15Vehicles - All Terrain 1.20.06Vehicles - Fire 1.20.06Vehicles - Overhead Line Maintenance 1.20.06Vending Machine Services 2.43.05Vermin Control Services 2.44.05Vessel Traffic Management Information Systems 1.04.29Vests - High Visibility 1.03.02Veterinary Services 3.99.35Vibration Dampers - ACSR & Shieldware 1.06.11Vibration Monitoring Services 3.99.32Video Conferencing 1.17.05Video Conferencing Services 2.40.08Visors / Safety Glasses 1.03.06Voice Processing & Other Speech Related Products 1.04.03Voice Transmission Equipment 1.04.04Voltage Regulators 1.07.33Voltage Regulators - 10/11kV 1.07.33Voltage Regulators - 20/22/25kV 1.07.33Voltage Regulators - 33/38kV 1.07.33Waders 1.03.05Wallets - Leather 1.17.99WAN services 2.40.11Warehouse Equipment Maintenance & Repair 3.74.07Warning/Hazard 1.01.19Washed Granite 1.01.03Washers 1.01.20Waste Management Services(excl. Radioactive - use 3.77.09) 2.44.12Waste Skip Hire 2.44.11Waste Water Belts 1.25.04Waste Water Presses 1.25.04Waste Water Scrapers 1.25.05Water Bath Heaters 1.27.09Water Flange Joint Sets 1.18.18Water Mains Pipe Laying(incl. Excavation & Reinstatement) 3.72.02Water Mains Pipe Maintenance & Repair 3.72.06Water Meter Maintenance & Repair Services 3.80.01Water Meters (Encoded) 1.16.01Water Meters (Non-Encoded) 1.16.02Water Monitoring Services 3.99.32Water Network Management 2.45.33Water Quality Consultancy 3.76.10Water Quality Meters - Non-submersible 1.08.24

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UVDB Product/Service Code Guide - Alphabetical

Tel: +44 (0) 1235 861118 Email: [email protected] Website:



Water Quality Meters - Submersible 1.08.24Water Resource Investigation Consultancy 3.76.10Water Service Pipe Laying(incl. Excavation & Reinstatement) 3.72.01Water Service Pipe Maintenance & Repair 3.72.05Water Tankering 1.10.28Water Tower 3.70.05Water Tower - Construct 3.70.05Water Tower - Design 3.70.05Water Tower - Finance 3.70.05Water Tower - Installation 3.70.05Water Tower - Maintenance & Repair 3.70.05Water Tower - Operate 3.70.05Water Tower - Turnkey 3.70.05Water Treatment Plant Maintenance & Repair 3.78.14Water Treatment Plant Services 3.78.14Water Turbine Maintenance & Repair 3.73.04Water Turbine Refurbishment 3.73.04WATER/WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT& EQUIPMENT 1.25Waterbath Heater Maintenance & Repair 3.78.15Waterproof Clothing 1.03.01Waterproof IPC - ABC 1.06.04Wave Monitoring 3.99.32Wave Motion Power Production Equipment 1.11.22Wave Motion Power Production Equipment -Supply & Install 1.11.22Wave Motion Power Production Equipment -Supply Only 1.11.22Wayleave Services 2.45.26Web Server Hosting 2.40.12Website Design Services 2.45.28Website Response Handling 2.40.14Weedkiller 1.01.17Weighbridge Maintenance & Repair 3.74.21Weighbridge Services 3.74.21Weighbridge Services 3.74.21Weighbridges 1.21.16Weighing Equipment 1.21.16Weighing Equipment - Baggage 1.21.16Weighing Equipment - Post Office 1.21.16Weirs 3.70.06Weld Testing 3.78.03Welding & Cutting Equipment 1.21.14Welding & Cutting Equipment (incl. Consumables)1.21.14Welding Electrodes 1.21.14Welding Equipment Maintenance & Repair 3.99.09Welding Services 3.99.31Wellheads 3.70.08Wellington Boots 1.03.05Welsh Language Services 2.45.30Wild Flower Seed Mixes 1.01.17Winches & Hoists - Diesel Engine 1.13.41Winches & Hoists - Electric Powered 1.13.41Winches & Hoists - Other 1.13.41Winches & Hoists - Pneumatic 1.13.41Winches & Hoists - Unpowered 1.13.41Wind Farm Construction 3.73.23Wind Farm Construction - Offshore Installation 3.73.23Wind Farm Construction - Onshore Installation 3.73.23Wind Power Plant Services (excl. Construction) 3.73.24Wind Power Production Equipment 1.11.19Wind Turbine Services 3.73.04


Wind Turbines 1.11.19Windmill Blades & Accessories 1.11.19Windmill Brakes & Accessories 1.11.19Windmill Controllers & Accessories 1.11.19Windmill Power Production Equipment -Supply & Install 1.11.19Windmill Power Production Equipment - Supply Only 1.11.19Windmill Towers & Accessories 1.11.19Windmill Yaw Systems & Accessories 1.11.19Window Cleaning Services 2.45.12Windscreen Replacement 3.74.11Wipes 1.21.11Wire - Barbed 1.06.14Wire - Binding 1.06.14Wire - Razor 1.06.14Wire - Stay 1.06.14Wire Mesh 1.01.15Wire Ropes 1.01.15Wood Blocks 1.06.13Wood Screws 1.01.20Work Wear/Corporate Clothing 1.3.3Workover 3.70.8WORKS & ENGINEERING SERVICES 3.0.0Workshop Cleaning Consumables 1.21.11Workshop Machinery & Equipment 1.21.9Wrenches 1.21.4Zinc 1.1.15



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Version 8 11/05

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