ukti libya construction mission brochure

7 Accessing international markets UK Trade & Investment Libya Construction Mission 18 – 21 November 2012

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DESCRIPTION international marketsUK Trade & InvestmentLibya Construction Mission18 – 21 November 2012


Page 1: UKTI Libya Construction Mission Brochure

Accessing international markets

UK Trade & Investment Libya Construction Mission

18 – 21 November 2012

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ContentsForeword 3

UK Missioner Profi les 4

Mission Manager 12

UK Trade & Investment 13

ForewordFollowing its fi rst democratic elections in over forty years, Libya is at a fulcrum. The country continues to have its challenges; but there is much to be optimistic about. The new political leaders have a pro-growth, pro-competitiveness approach; are keen to restore to the country the sort of balanced economic growth denied them so long; and will have at their disposal considerable revenues from Libya’s rich natural resources. The Economist Intelligence Unit foresees GDP growth in 2012 of some 22%, one of the highest anywhere in the world.

Not least given the UK’s role in the popular revolution which toppled Qadhafi , UK business has a major opportunity to make itself the partner of choice for Libyan counterparts seeking excellent quality and value for money. Albeit in a very different setting, this summer’s Olympics demonstrated the UK’s ability to deliver large and complex construction projects on time and on budget, against the most demanding requirements.

For UK businesses with both prior experience in Libya and new to the market, this is an excellent time to be visiting, to continue to build, or start to establish, the sort of long-term relationships so key to doing business in the country.

The UK delegation participating in this construction mission refl ects the UK’s world class expertise in the infrastructure sector, be it architecture, master planning, high-end engineering, project management and consultancy or innovative and environmentally friendly products. On this visit, we are also going to explore the potential for cooperation between British and Turkish companies, drawing on the unique expertise and experience of both in this market. The mission is a timely means to make the most of the opportunities and I much look forward to accompanying it to Tripoli.

Edward OakdenManaging DirectorStrategic Trade GroupUK Trade & Investment

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UK Missioner Profiles

Aedas Architects Ltd

Contact: Brian McArthur

Position: Director

Address: Floor 9, No. 1 Cadogan Square, Cadogan Street, Glasgow, G2 7HF

Tel: +44 1412 250 555

Email: [email protected]


Beale and Company Solicitors LLP

Contact: Will Buckby

Position: Associate

Address: Garrick House, 27-32 King Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 8JB

Tel: +44 2072 403 474

Email: [email protected]


OverviewAedas Architects Ltd is a richly diverse, international design practice involved in a broad range of sectors including hospitals and healthcare, educational, commercial and residential, sport and leisure, retail and transportation.

In addition to its core discipline of architecture, the practice offers all aspects of the following from their nine UK offices:




• Interiordesign



Their UK offices are currently working in and delivering architectural servicesinEurope,Africa,theMiddleEastandAsia.AedasArchitectsLtd was ranked first in the annual Architects Journal Top 100 in 2011.

Reasons for participating:• Researchintomarketpotential

• Meetingpotentialnewcustomers

• Establishinganofficeinthemarket

Aedas Architects Ltd is looking to meet with the right strategic partners, key Libyan decision makers, and to identify projects where their expertise can be of service to the Libyan construction sector.

OverviewBealeisaninternationallawfirmandamarketleaderininfrastructureprojects.RatedintheChambersGuidetotheLegalProfessions,aleading directory in the UK, as “at the top of the technology and constructionmarket”,Bealeisknownfortheirexpertiseinhighprofileconstructionandengineeringprojects.Partnersarenotedasleadingindividuals in the construction section of Who’s Who Legal assessment of the foremost legal practitioners in the international marketplace. ThefirmisamemberoftheInternationalChamberofCommerce.

The firm has wide experience of representing clients on international projects.Recentexamplesincludeadvisingclientsontheconstructionof schools in Abu Dhabi, a major roads project in Tanzania, large marine and civil engineering projects in South Africa and other major constructiondisputesinSaudiArabia,theDemocraticRepublicofCongoandUganda.Throughcombiningexpertiseofinfrastructureprojects with local expertise, they can offer an end-to-end service.

Reasons for participating:• Preliminaryresearchintomarketpotential

• Meetingpotentialnewcustomers

• Meetingexistingrepresentatives/customers

Libyahasvastpotential.Bealeiskeentoassistwithcurrentandfutureinfrastructure projects. They have clients active in Libya and have developed relationships with law firms there.

Cargo Link Express Ltd

Contact: Roberto Gillardoni

Position: Regional Development Director

Address: 3 Cygnus Court, Beverley Road, Derby, DE74 2SA

Tel: +44 1332 855 660

Email: [email protected]


OverviewCargoLinkExpressLtdoffersthecompleterangeoftransportation,logistical and associated services. Any or all of the following are available in any combination to meet our customer requirements:

• Airfreight–onboardcourier,express,generalcargo,PAX,CAO

• Seafreight–FCL,LCL, reefer and perishables, project, river shipping

• Roadtransportation– FTL, groupage, express, direct drives

• Aircraftchartering

• Sea–aircombinationservices

• Projectlogistics

• Dangerousgoodstransportation–multimodal

• Warehousing,storage,inventorymanagementanddistribution

• Customsclearanceandconsultancy

Their organisation also provides services in airline security training and consultancy, alongside ground handling and airport ramp services.

Reasons for participating:• Meetingpotentialnewcustomers

• Meetingexistingrepresentatives/customers

HavingalreadyestablishedanofficeinLibya,CargoLinkExpressLtdwould very much like to utilise the trade mission for meeting potential customers interested in logistics and transport into and from Libya. Additionally they are keen to promote their group service portfolio to the airport authority, civil aviation agency, airlines and ground handling companies for the provision of training in the area of aviation, handling, management and security at airports. Seeking additional licensing and or partners at airports with the intent of setting up airport handling activities would also be advantageous.

Concrete Preservation Technologies Ltd

Contact: William McKeown

Position: Business Development Manager

Address: Enterpriselab, The Sir Colin Campbell Building, University of Nottingham Innovation Park, Triumph Road, Nottingham, NG7 2TU

Tel: +44 1158 229 430

Email: [email protected]


OverviewConcretePreservationTechnologiesLtd(CPT)isasciencedrivencompany with the Directors being the authors of some 100+ publishedtechnicalpapersonsteelcorrosion.CPTisthereforeanR&Dfocused company with its core business being the manufacture and development of innovative and patented electro-chemical systems for application where the long term integrity of any reinforced concrete or steelstructuremaybeatrisk.Typical“atrisk”structuresintheMiddleEast are port facilities, rigs, mooring dolphins, bridges, petrochemical plants&anyotherinstallationliabletoattackfromchloridesaltsoracidicgases.CPTsystemscanofferuptoa30+yearlifeextensionforreinforcedconcrete&steelstructuresinsabkha,openseaandwaterfront locations.

CPTcanundertaketheconsultancy,testingandsolutionspecificationtogether with the supply and installation management of electrochemical corrosion mitigation systems. For client reassurance, monitoring systems and probes of reinforced concrete structures can also be supplied for continual assessment.

Reasons for participating:•Seekingarepresentative



CPThavesysteminstallationsthroughouttheworldincludinganumberofMiddleEasterncountries.Libyahassimilarissueswiththeaggressive nature of the environment with high temperatures and highsalt/moistureconditionsassociatedwithcoastallocationsandthesabkhagroundwaters,thusCPT’sexpertisewouldseeminglybetransferable to Libya.

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UK Missioner Profiles

Cundall Libya

Contact: Robert Hudspith

Position: Libya Operations Director

Address: Gurji Road, Ghut Shaal, Tripoli

Tel: +218 913 258 027

Email: [email protected]


OverviewCundallLibyaisaninternationalmulti-disciplinaryengineeringconsultancy operating from over 20 locations across the globe. We offer a wide range of services including; acoustic engineering, building automation,buildingservicesengineering,CDMcoordination,civil engineering, critical systems, fire engineering, IT and communications, Light4, planning, structural engineering, survey solutions, sustainability consultancy, transportation and vertical transportation.

CundallLibya’sengineeringconsultancyservicescovertheentirelifecycleofanybuildingproject.Clientsfindtheir‘totalsolutions’approach saves them time, money and effort.

OverthepasttenyearsCundallLibyahasdeliveredmanyexemplargreen buildings and has built up an international sustainable design expertisethatissecondtonone.CundallLibyaistheworld’sfirstconsultancytobeformallyendorsedasaOnePlanetCompanybysustainabilitycharityBioRegional.

Reasons for participating:• Meetingpotentialnewcustomers

• Meetingexistingrepresentatives/customers

CundallLibyawishestore-establishcontactwiththerelevantcustomers and organisations in relation to their new structures and management.

GAC Logistics UK Ltd

Contact: Aziz Oztoprak

Position: Business Development Manager

Address: Argonaut Park, Galleymead Road, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 0EN

Tel: +44 1753 440 635

Email: [email protected]


OverviewGACLogisticsUKLtd(GAC)intheUKnowcombinesanextensiverangeof shipping services at all UK ports with an equally broad portfolio of clearing, forwarding, air freight and ocean freight services provided by tenlogisticsoffices–doublethepreviousnumber.

GACprovidesprofessional,competitiveinternationalfreightforwardingservices.TheirBIFAaward-winningInPartnershipprogrammeprovidestotal management solutions to customers’ logistics and freight needs. GACalsohasspecialiseddepartmentsdedicatedtomovingcriticalandurgent shipments such as perishable goods, aircraft spares and outsize items - always with meticulous attention to detail.

GACShipping(UK)Ltdprovidesanextensiverangeofshippingandagency services at ports throughout England, Wales and Scotland to meet the needs of the oil industry, container trade, dry and project cargo, dry bulk cargo and offshore trade sectors. Their professional and experienced workforce maintains excellent relations with port and terminal companies, supported by the latest web-based technology and mobile communications.

Reasons for participating:• Preliminaryresearchintomarketpotential

• Seekingarepresentative

• Meetingpotentialnewcustomers

• Meetingexistingrepresentatives/customers

GACisseekingapartnerwhocanrepresentthemintheLibyanmarket.They are also hoping to develop this market with a local partner.

KBR Infrastructure

Contact: David H Williams

Position: Area Director, UK Infrastructure

Address: Hill Park Court, Springfield Drive, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7NL

Tel: +44 1372 863 086

Email: [email protected]


OverviewBasedinover70countriesonfivecontinents,KBRInfrastructure(KBR)isoneoftheworld’spremiereengineering,procurementandconstruction companies. With a proud and distinguished history of more than a century, they have evolved into a prominent part of the energy, petrochemicals, government services and civil infrastructuresectors.KBRhasexpandedonitspositioninthegrowingend-markets it serves. They offer a wide range of engineering and programme management, prime contracting, project and construction management, and operations and maintenance services and operate in the defence, oil and gas, water and wastewater, transportation, buildingsandrenewableenergysectors.KBRalsoundertakesEPCmprojectsonaselectivebasis,andparticipatesinmajorPFI/PPPprojectswithin alliances and consortia. 

Reasons for participating:• Preliminaryresearchintomarketpotential

• Meetingpotentialnewcustomers

• Meetingexistingrepresentatives/customers

• Establishinganofficeinthemarket

KBRislookingforopportunitiestomanageprogrammesintheWater, Transport and Housing sectors and would like to meet any key decisionmakersinHIBandotherrelevantministries.

Mabey Bridge Ltd

Contact: Tim Outteridge

Position: Business Development Manager

Address: Station Road, Chepstow, NP16 5YL

Tel: +44 1291 623 801

Email: [email protected]


OverviewMabeyBridgeLtdisoneoftheleadinginternational,specialistsuppliers of high quality, steel bridging infrastructure, wind turbine towers and heavy plated structural steelwork. The market leading rangeofMabeymodularpanelbridgeshasbeensuppliedto140countries around the world, with customers including national governments,NGOs,globalminingcorporationsandnationalmilitary forces. These rapid erect steel bridges provide temporary and permanent infrastructure solutions for application in major cities, disaster stricken areas and remote regions.

Within the UK, the company has a strong heritage in the fabrication and construction of heavy plate structures for highway bridge markets.

Reasons for participating:•Preliminaryresearchintomarketpotential



MabeyBridgeLtdisasignificantexporterofsteelbridgeshavingdelivered to 140 markets. It is now looking to explore opportunities in Libya, which would be a new market.

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UK Missioner Profiles

Mace International Ltd

Contact: Hassan Abdul-Wahab

Position: Senior Manager

Address: 155 Moorgate, London, EC2M 6XB

Tel: +44 2035 223 000

Email: [email protected]


Mangera Yvars Architects

Contact: Badreddin Ashah

Position: Architect

Address: 21 Clapham High Street, London, SW4 7TR

Tel: +218 912 112 583

Email: [email protected]


Orostream International Contracts Ltd

Contact: Steven Dewhurst

Position: Director

Address: Beacon House, Croft Road, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 1DL

Tel: +44 1892 665 752

Email: [email protected]


OverviewMaceInternationalLtdisoneoftheworld’smostdiverseprojectmanagement, construction management and construction companies, with a reputation for finding the best solutions to complex property,realestate,infrastructureandstrategicchallenges.MaceInternational Ltd employs the best people, empowered to deliver the best projects, safely and efficiently, whilst defining industry bestpractice.MaceInternationalLtdisdeliveringsomeofthemostchallenging management and construction projects around the world. In every role, from consultant, to manager, to contractor, and in every sector, from schools to airports, offices to railways, their dynamic teams are creating innovative solutions, every day of the year.

Drivenbyadesiretosupporttheirclientsinnewgeographies,MaceInternational Ltd has found that their dedication to delivering better projects resonates in many developed and emerging markets around the world.

Reasons for participating:•Toreconnectwithexisitingclientsandtomeetpotentialnew



•Tobeinformedofthestateofthemarketwithregardstorestartingthe old projects as well as the potential start of new projects moving forward




OverviewFoundedin2001,MangeraYvarsArchitects(MYAA)isaninternationalaward winning architectural design studio providing architecture, landscape and interior design services.

MYAA’sworkrangesfrommasterplanning,tothedesignoftowers,universities and educational facilities, community and cultural buildings, shopping centres, hotels and infrastructure projects. They arecurrentlyworkingonmajorprojectsintheUK,Europe,theMENAregion and Asia.


Reasons for participating:• Researchintomarketpotential

• Seekingarepresentative

• Meetingpotentialnewcustomers

• Meetingexistingrepresentatives/customers

• Seekinglicensingorjointventurepartners

• Establishinganofficeinthemarket

MangeraYvarsArchitectshasalreadyworkedinLibyaonthreeecohotel projects and is currently exploring a waterfront masterplan.

OverviewOrostreamInternationalContractsLtd(OSI)isageneralbuildingcontractor and specialises in building construction management.

OSIappliesa‘one-stop-shop’approachtoalltypesofpropertyrefurbishmentandfittingout.OSIcombinesgeneralandspecialistskills with in-house building services resources to provide an integrated and reliable high quality service.

OSIiscommittedtoprovidingafirstclassservice,onewheretime,quality and overall client satisfaction are key concerns.

Services include; dilapidations and repairs, construction and fit outs, refurbishments, and mechanical and electrical work.

Reasons for participating:• Researchintomarketpotential

• Meetingexistingrepresentatives/customers

• Seekinglicensingorjointventurepartners


Ridge & Partners LLP

Contact: Richard Thorpe

Position: Partner

Address: The Cowyards, Blenheim Park, Woodstock, Oxford, OX20 1QR

Tel: +44 1993 815 000

Email: [email protected]


OverviewFoundedin1946,Ridge&Partnersisalong-established,financiallysound, multi-disciplinary property and construction consultancy, with a proven track record for delivering property solutions worldwide. Coredisciplinesincludeprojectmanagement,buildingsurveying,quantitysurveying,mechanicalandelectrical(M&E)servicesdesign,M&Equantitysurveying,architecture,health&safetyadvice,CDMco-ordination, property related management advice, legal support services, propertyconsultancy,sustainabilityconsultancy,BREEAMassessmentand structural engineering.

Ridgeemploysover240people,operatingfromeightofficesthroughout the UK. They provide flexible, high quality services tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, based on understanding, commitmentandtrust.RidgehasachievedthestandardsrequiredforseveralwidelyrecognisedaccreditationsincludingISO9001fortheirQualityManagementSystem,14001fortheirEnvironmentalManagementSystemand18001forHealthandSafety.RidgealsoholdstheInvestorsinPeopleaccreditation.

Reasons for participating•Preliminaryresearchintomarketpotential




RidgeiskeentoexploretheopportunitiesinLibyaandtheycanseethat the country has vast potential. They believe they can contribute world class, technical professionals to bring experience and ability to supportthemostdemandingandcomplexprojects.Ridgeisexpandingtheir overseas profile and sees Libya as a real opportunity to develop and grow their overseas portfolio.

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UK Missioner Profiles

Studor Ltd

Contact: Baris As

Position: Regional Manager Middle East

Address: 13 Sheridan Terrace, Hove, BN3 5AE

Tel: +44 845 601 3292

Email: [email protected]


Siddall & Hilton Products Ltd

Contact: Neil Sutcliffe

Position: Sales Director

Address: Birds Royd Lane, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HD6 1LT

Tel: +44 1484 401 610

Email: [email protected]


OverviewSiddall&HiltonProductsLtdareaprivatelyownedUKbusinessmanufacturing one of the widest ranges of steel wire fencing and welded mesh in Europe. In the company’s state of the art manufacturingandwarehousingfacilityinBrighouse,theyholdextensive stocks of more than 140 different panel designs.






Siddall&HiltonProductsLtdareamodern,ambitiousandinnovativebusiness, constantly seeking product developments for new markets, particularly in high security applications.

Reasons for participating:•Preliminaryresearchintomarketpotential




Siddall&HiltonProductsLtdbelievetherearehugeinfrastructureopportunities in Libya for security fencing, which they would like to be involved in.

OverviewEstablishedforover30years,StudorLtdisaninternationalgroupof companies specialising solely in products related to drainage ventilation. They are the world market leader and the only specialist manufacturerinthisfield.Consequently,StudorLtdhasbeeninstrumental in the introduction of international standards for the manufactureandinstallationofAAVs(AirAdmittanceValves)andrelated technologies.

ExtensiveresearchanddevelopmentbytheDrainageResearchGroupand the Studor Ltd team resulted in the concept of the “Studor Single PipeSystem”(SSPS),thedetailsofwhichhavebeenpublishedwithinnumerous reports and the system extensively utilised in hundreds ofprojectsaroundtheworld.TheStudorSinglePipeSystem(SSPS)enables a single stack drainage design for multi-storey buildings, whether low, high or super high rise, which eliminates the need for any vent(dry)pipesinthedesign.

Reasons for participating:•Preliminaryresearchintomarketpotential•Seekingarepresentative•MeetingpotentialnewcustomersStudor Ltd is interested in any type of public or private building project, within both the residential and commercial markets. They are looking to find technical developers in charge of project specification at decision level as well as building contractors in charge of installing drainage systems. Studor Ltd would like to meet an engineering company who could be in charge of internal drainage specification atdecisionlevelandislookingtofindapotentialbuilding/plumbing/drainage material distributor or agent to represent Studor Ltd.

Mission Manager

Mission Manager

Contact: Alex Lambeth

Position: Director – Middle East and Africa, British Expertise

Address: 10 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W 0DH

Tel: +44 207 824 1924

Email: [email protected]



BritishExpertiseisanindependent,notforprofitorganisationhelpingmember companies develop their business internationally. We facilitatenetworkingeventstointroducememberstokeyBritishandInternationalcontacts.Ourfreeweekly,electronicnewsletterisavailable to non-members through our website.

We deliver high profile missions overseas, with a sector focus on specificopportunities,inthiscaseonbehalfofUKTrade&Investment.Programmesusuallyincludeseminars,workshopsandindividualmeetings to enable participants to present their skills and expertise to potential clients.






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UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is the government organisation that helps UK based companies succeed in the global economy and assists overseas companies to bring their high quality investment to the UK.

Our range of expert services are tailored to the needs of individual businesses to maximise their international success. We provide companies with knowledge, advice and practical support.

UKTI offers expertise and contacts through a network of international specialists throughout the UK, and in British Embassies and other diplomatic posts around the world.

UK Trade & Investment – Libya Kevin CunninghamHead of UKTI LibyaE: [email protected]: +218(0)3351084A: BritishEmbassyTripoli,El-FatehTower,

Tower 2, 24th Floor, Tripoli, Libya

Omran AbusahminSeniorTradeandInvestmentOfficerE: [email protected]: +218(0)3351084A: BritishEmbassyTripoli,El-FatehTower,

Tower 2, 24th Floor, Tripoli, Libya

UK Trade & Investment – Turkey Özge DursunTradeManagerE: [email protected] T: +90(0)2123346448A: MesrutiyetCad.No:34Tepebasi,


UK Trade & Investment – United Kingdom Zafar MasoodDeputyHead,ConstructionE: [email protected]:+44(0)2072154621A: 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET

UK Trade & Investment

PublishedNovember2012 byUKTrade&Investment ©CrownCopyright URN12/632

Whereas every effort has been made to ensure that the information given in this document is accurate, neither UK Trade & Investment nor its parent Departments (the Department for Business Innovation & Skills and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office), accept liability for any errors, omissions or misleading statements, and no warranty is given or responsibility accepted as to the standing of any individual, firm, company or other organisation mentioned.