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    The investment process is generally described in four stages. These stages are investment policy,investment analysis, valuation of securities, and portfolio construction.I. Investment policy

    : Determination of ingestible

    wealth determination of portfolioobjectives. Identification potential investment assets consideration of attributes of investment assets allocation of wealth to assetcategories.II Investment Valuation

    : Valuation of stocks, debentures, other assets and bonds.III. Investment Analysis


    Equity stock analysisScreenings of industriesAnalysis of industriesQuantitative analysis ofstocksAnalysis of the economyDebentures and bond analysisQualitative analysis ofdebenturesOther assets analysisIV. Portfolio Construction

    : Determination of d iversification level consideration of investment assets evaluation ofportfolio for feedback

    Disadvantages of preference share

    Remember that your investors will actually own a piece of your business; howlarge

    that piece is depends on how much money they inves t. You probably will not want togive up control of your business, so you have to be aware of that whenyou agree to take oninvestors. Investors do expect a share of the profits where, if you obtain debt financing, banksor individuals only expect their loans repaid. If you do not make a profit during thefirst years of your business, then investorsdont expect to be paid and you dont have

    the monkey on your back of paying back loans.Since your investors own a piece of your business, you are expected to act in their best interestsas well as your own, or you could open yourself up to a lawsuit. Insome cases, i f you makeyour firms securities available to just a few investors,you may not have to get into alot of paperwork, but if you open yourself up towide public trading, the paperwork may

    overwhelm you. You will need to check with the Securities and Exchange Commission to see therequirements before youmake decisions on how widely you want to open up your business forinvestment.B) Preference Shares

    Preference shares offer their owners preferences over ordinary shareholders. Therearetwo major differences between ordinary and preference shares:

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    Preference shareholders are often entitled to a fixed dividend even when ordinaryshareholdersare not.

    Preference shareholders cannot normally vote at general meetings.The preference dividend isfixed in the sense that preference shares are often issued withthe rate of dividend fixed at the

    time of issue and you might see something like this:4% preference dividend $ 0.25 Note,that if by any chance a company cannot pay its preference share dividend then itcannotpay any ordinary share dividend since the preference shareholders have the righttoreceive their dividend before the ordinary shareholders under all circumstances - hencethe term'preference'.3.1.4)Types of preference shares:

    1. Cumulative preference shares

    :Preference shares are usuallycumulative

    an d th is mean s th at if th is yea r' s di vi de nd wasn't paid, then it will be carried forward tonext year.


    Non-Cumulative preference shares:

    Some preference shares are non-cumulative, if the company cant pay the dividendfor one particular year, the dividend for that year lapses.3. Redeemable preference shares:

    A preference share may be redeemable which means that at some time in the future,thecompany will effectively buy if back.

    4. Irredeemable preference shares:A preference share may be irredeemable which means that at some time in the future,thecompany will not effectively buy it back.5. Convertible Preference Share

    Preference shares may be issued with the right of conversion into ordinary shares. Thesearecalled Convertible Preference Share.6. Non Convertible Preference shares:

    Preference shares may be issued without the right of conversion into ordi

    .Participating Preference ShareIf a preference share is a participating preference share then the owner of such a share hastheright to part icipate in, or receive, addit ional dividends over and above thefi xed percentage dividend.3.1.5) Advantages of preference shares:



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    You are assured of a dividend:

    If you own ordinary shares, you are not automatically entitled to a dividend everyyear.The dividend will be paid only if the company makes a profit and declares adividend.This is not the case with preference shares. A preference shareholder isenti t led to adividend every year . What happens if the company doesn' t have the

    money to paydividends on preference shares in a particular year?The dividend is thenadded to the next year's dividend. If the company can't pay i t the next year as well, thedividend keeps getting added until the companycan



    .They get priority over ordinary shares:

    Ordinary shareholders get a dividend only after the cumulative preferenceshareholdersget theirs. Preference shareholders are given a preference over the rest.

    That's why it iscalled a preference share.3. Preference shares are safer:

    In case the company is wound up and its assets (land, buildings, offices,machinery,furniture, etc) are being sold, the money that comes from this sale isgiven to theshareholders. After all, shareholders invest in a business and own a portion ofit.Preference shareholders' get the money first. Their accounts are settled before that oftheordinary shareholders, who are the last to get paid.3.1.6) Disadvantages of preference shares:

    They are not easily available

    They are not traded on the stock exchange



    Fixed Deposit:

    When you deposit a certain sum in a bank with a fixed rate of interest and specified time period,it is called a bank fixed deposit (FD). At maturity, you are entitled to receivethe princ ipa lamount as well as the interest earned at the pre-specified rate duringthat period. Therate of interest varies between 4 and 6 per cent, depending on the maturity period of the

    FD and the amount invested.3.2.1) How to apply in fixed deposit?

    One can get a bank FD at any bank, be it nationalized, private, or foreign. You havetoopen a FD account with the bank, and make the deposit. However, some banks insist thatyoumaintain asavings accountwith them to operate a FD. When a depositor opens anFDaccount with a bank, a deposit receipt or an account statement is issued to him, whichcan beupdated from time to time, depending on the duration of the FD and the frequencyof the interest

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    calculation. Check deposit receipts carefully to see that all particulars have been properly andaccurately filled in.3.2.2) Features of bank deposit:1. Safety

    Bank deposits are fairly safe because banks are subject to control of the Reserve Bank of India(RBI) with regard to several policy and operational parameters. The banks are free

    to offer varying interests in fixed deposits of different maturities. Interest is compoundedonce aquarter, leading to a somewhat higher effective rate.2. Minimum deposit

    The minimum deposit amount varies with each bank. It can range from as low as Rs. 100to anunlimited amount with some banks. Deposits can be made in multiples of Rs. 100/.3. Deposit period fixed

    Before opening a FD account, try to check the rates of interest for different banksfor different periods. It is advisable to keep the amount in five or ten small deposits insteadof

    making one big deposit. In case of any premature withdrawal of partial amount, thenonly one ortwo deposit need be prematurely encashed. The loss sustained in interest will,thus, be less than ifone big deposit were to be encashed. Check deposit receipts carefullyto see that allparticulars have been properly and accurately filled in. The thing toconsiderbefore investing in an FD is the rate of interest and the inflation rate. A high inflationrate can simply chip away your real returns.3.2.3) Returns from Fixed bank deposit:

    The rate of interest for Bank Fixed Deposits varies between 4 and 11 per cent, dependingon thematurity period (duration) of the FD and the amount invested. Interest rate alsovariesbetween each bank. A Bank FD does not provide regular interest income, but a lump-sum amount on its maturity. Some banks have facility to pay interest every quarter or every

    month, but the interest paid may be at a d iscounted rate in case of monthlyinterest. The Interest payable on Fixed Deposit can also be transferred to SavingsBank or Current Account of the customer. The deposit period can vary from 15, 30 or 45 daysto3, 6 months, 1 year, 1.5 years to 10 years.

    3.2.4) Advantages of fixed bank de

    ) Advantages of fixed bank deposit:1. Safest investment

    Bank deposits are the safest investment af ter Post off ice savings because al lbank deposits are insured under the Deposit Insurance & Credit Guarantee Scheme of India. Itispossible to get a loans up to75- 90% of the deposit amount.2. Any Where in India

    One can get a bank FD at any bank, be it nationalized, private, or foreign. You havetoopen a FD account with the bank, and make the deposit. However, some banks insist thatyoumaintain asavings accountwith them to operate a FD. When a depositor opens anFDaccount with a bank, a deposit receipt or an account statement is issued to him, whichcan be

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    updated from time to time, depending on the duration of the FD and the frequencyof the interestcalculation. Check deposit receipts carefully to see that all particulars have been properly andaccurately filled in.B) Time deposit

    3.2.5)How to start a Time Deposit?

    A Time Deposit account can be opened at any post-office in the country. Account maybeopened by an individual , i . e. , Single ,Jo in t A/B (not more than two adu l t s ) T r us t , Regimental Fund and Welfare Fund. On opening a Time Deposit, you willreceive anaccount statement stating the amount deposited and the duration of theaccount. Theaccount can be closed after 6 months of opening the account. On such closure theamounti n v e s t e d i s r e t u r n e d w i t h / w i t h o u t i n t e r e s t d e p e n d i n g o n t h e t i m e t he d e p o s i t w a s maintained.3.2.6) Features of Time DepositTime Deposits can be made for the periods of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and 5 years.Theminimum investment in a post-office Time deposit is Rs 200 and then its multiplesandthere is no prescribed upper limit on your investment.Account may be opened by

    anindividual, Trust, Regimental Fund and Welfare Fund. The account can be closed after 6months but before one year of opening the account. Onsuch closure the amount invested isreturned without interest.2 year, three year and fiveyear accounts can be closed after oneyear at a discount. They involve a loss in the interest accrued forthe t ime the account has been in operation. Interest is payable annually but iscalculated on a quarterly basis at the prescribed rates.One can take a loanagainst a time depositwith the balance in your account pledged as securityfor the loan.

    3.2.7) Returns



    Rate of



    Rate of





    t TermRisk








    1 Equity Low High Long High High Yes High




    Low Average Nil High

    3Bank Fixeddeposits

    Low NilMeduim-Long

    Low Average Yes High

    4 Providentfund

    Nil Average Long Nil Average Yes High


    Nil Average Long High Average Yes High


    Nil Low Long Nil Average Yes High

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    l plan


    Low HighMeduim-Long


    High Yes High

    8Debt Mutual


    High Low Flexible Low High Nil High

    9 Real Estate Low High Long Average LowLimited


    Real EstateInvestmentTrust(REIT)

    Low High Average High

    10 Gold/silver Nil Average Long Average Average Nil Average

    11 Gold ETF Nil Average Average High Nil High

    Comparison of Investment Avenues



    Rate of



    Rate of





    t TermRisk








    1 Equity Low High Long High High Yes High




    Low Average Nil High

    3Bank Fixeddeposits

    Low NilMeduim-Long

    Low Average Yes High


    Nil Average Long Nil Average Yes High


    Nil Average Long High Average Yes High


    LifeinsuranceConventional plan

    Nil Low Long Nil Average Yes High




    Low HighMeduim-Long

    Medium-High High Yes High

    8Debt MutualFund

    High Low Flexible Low High Nil High

    9 Real Estate Low High Long Average LowLimited


    Real EstateInvestment

    Low High Average High

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    10 Gold/silver Nil Average Long Average Average Nil Average

    11 Gold ETF Nil Average Average High Nil High

    Real estate

    Real estate is a business, not a profession. Real estate is sometimes inaccurately spoken of as a profession, but it is essentially a business. A

    profession applies science, art or learning to the use of others, the profit to the professor or person applying it being incidental; whereas a

    business is engaged in primarily for profit, and the profit is to the one engaging in the business.

    A profession implies professed attainment in special knowledge. A person may engage in business with or without special knowledge and no

    one else is concerned with the question whether he has any knowledge of the business, because no one else is affected by the result. If he is

    successful the rewards are his; if he fails he bears the loss. But let him attempt to practice a profession and, if he be unskillful, others are

    directly affected, and the fact that his reward is diminished thereby is merely incidental to the fact that others suffer.

    Ethics of the business.But whether real estate be a business or a profession has no connection at all with the body of ethics governing it.

    Every business can be conducted upon a plane ethically as high as the ideals of any profession, and the men who have been conspicuously

    successful in the real estate business have attained success because they have applied to their business the highest ideals of commercial fair

    dealing. This does not mean that there is any ethical requirement for the seller or the purchaser to give away anything which belongs to him,

    or for either one to disclose to the other his necessity for selling or his requirements for buying; but the bargain having been made, it is

    absolutely necessary that it be lived up to by both parties, according to its intent; and, if there be any doubt of the intent of the bargain as it

    is expressed in writing, that the spirit of the transaction be carried out rather than that the catch words of a written instrument should

    govern. Cases are frequent of men who to their own detriment perform the thing which they have promised to do although not legally

    obligated, and the bigger and more successful the man who makes the promise the more surely will it be carried out. Important obl igations

    are often incurred upon the mere promise of a well-known man to sell an important piece of property at a definite price, although no legal

    and enforcible obligation exist ; and the promise is always redeemed if it is made by a man who knows the business, and it is redeemed not

    merely from altruistic motives, but also for purely business reasons.

    Divisions of the business.The principal divisions of the real estate business are investment, operation and agency. These differ from one

    another according to the aims of the persons engaging in them and the methods by which those persons expect to make their gains. To

    conduct either of the first two divisions of the business, investment or operation, actual money capital is required. The most important capital

    in the agency business is the good will of its customers, and that can be husbanded, increased and made very valuable.

    Investment is the employment of capital in the acquisition of real estate or interests therein for permanent ownership or actual use of the

    person acquiring it.

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    Operation is the employment of capital in the acquisition or improvement of real estate or interests therein for commercial operations.

    Agency is dealing in or with real estate on behalf of others.

    Investment in real estate is generally made for either of two purposes :

    (a) to derive an income,

    (b) to hold for resale in expectancy of an increase in value.

    Investment for income may be for one of two purposes,

    (1) the derivation of rentalthat is, the direct return for the use of real property for definite periods, or

    (2) the obtaining of income through others upon money lent on the security of real property.

    Operation.Real estate operation may be carried on

    (a) for the purchase and sale of land,

    (b) for the purpose of building,

    (c) for the purpose of lending money upon mortgages.

    The purchase and sale of land is that branch of operation which concerns itself with dealing in land as a thing to be bought and sold for profit

    and loss. It may be divided into two parts :

    (1) Speculation, pure and simple, by which land is bought in the hope of a rise in value and resold when that hope is either realized or known

    to be unfounded.

    (2) Development of land, the most conspicuous part of which is the development of vacant tracts by buying them wholesale in their wild

    condition, making them marketable by bringing them to such a state of development as is implied by putting streets through them, pre-

    paring them for use and then selling them in small parcels. This is a most important and useful part of the commercial side of the real estate

    business, and has resulted in the development and settlement of many parts of the country.

    That portion of real estate operation which concerns itself in building may be similarly divided into,

    (a) Speculative building which consists in building structures primarily for sale, and not necessarily for the use of the constructor, and

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    (b) Building for investment which consists of the erection of structures for rental or primarily for the use of the person conducting the


    That form of operation which is concerned with the lending of money upon real estate security is divided into two parts,

    (a) the making of permanent loans,

    (b) the making of building or temporary loans.

    Permanent loans are moneys lent upon mortgages at current rates of interest, the security being deemed by the lender sufficient to afford an

    ample margin between the amount of the loan and the actual value of the property, the sum being loaned usually for a definite time.

    Building and temporary loans are moneys lent for investment in property, to aid either in putting structures upon it, repairing structures or in

    the development of wild tracts, the intention being that the money be repaid when the development or reconstruction is finished. Because of

    the greater risks in the operation and the greater necessity for supervision by the lender, there is compensation in an inc reased rate of

    interest over and above the fair value of the loan of the money. For that reason it is to the interest of the borrower that the loan be made

    permanent and not temporary as soon as may be.

    Agency.Agency is that branch of the real estate business which engages the attention of the greatest number of persons who are concerned

    with the business, and in that respect it is of prime importance. It is divided into two parts, brokerage and management.

    A broker is a person who for compensation, usually proportioned to the value of the subject-matter, brings about transactions between


    Brokerage has two divisions according to the kinds of business which usually engage the attention of the broker.

    The sales broker is a broker who devotes his time and attention to the bringing about of the sale or exchange of real property.

    A loan broker is one who gives his attention to the obtaining of loans upon the security of real property.

    One man may practice both branches of the business, or a specialist may devote himself to either of these branches.

    Management, the second branch of agency, is the operation of deriving income and caring physically for real estate structures. It concerns

    itself not only with the deriving of income, but with the keeping down of expenses and the care in making expenditures. It is popularly known

    as "Agency."

    Real estate, property and real property defined.Real estate is a form of property. Property is the right to possess and use. Real property, a

    technical legal word, is the right to possess and use land for a time which may last for a life or lives or longer. All other property is, in the

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    eyes of the law, personal property. A lease for 999 years, which is not measured by any life, but which must expire at a definite time, is less

    in term of time, in the eyes of the law, than a conveyance of a piece of land, the duration of which is measured by a life or by several lives.

    When we speak of real property we use the words in their technical legal sense. When we speak of real estate as a commodity and as a

    business, it embraces the various parts of the business which engage the attention of those who follow it as a vocation, and includes interests

    which in the eye of the law are not real property, as for example, leases, mortgages, etc.

    Every business has in view finally, commercial transactions resulting in the transfer of property of some kind; so in our study of the real

    estate business we have in mind the transfer of title to real property, and among the various subjects we shall consider, are the interests

    which there may be in land, limitations on ownership, the making of a contract, the conveyances used, the liens which may affect a piece of

    propertyall of which have an important relation to a final commercial transaction, the transfer of title to real property.

    The methods of dealing in real estate and the laws governing it are not arbitrary and were not made for the mystification of others or for the

    purpose of multiplying legal fees. All systems of law are expressions of two things, the historic customs of the people whom they affect, and

    the modification of those customs, as changes made those modifications advisable.