ultimate soccer fitness guide

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  • 8/11/2019 Ultimate Soccer Fitness Guide


    The Ultimate Soccer Fitness Guide


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    ByAndre Botelho The Expert Youth Soccer Coach


    Copyright by Expert Secret, Lda (www.SoccerDrillsTips.com).All rights reserved. This document may not be copied in part or full withoutexpress written permission from the publisher.All violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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    Introduction __________________________________________ 3

    How To Get Your Players in Shape In Record Time ___________ 5

    How To Improve The Speed Of Your Players ________________ 7

    How To Prevent Injuries In Your Players ___________________ 9

    How To Monitor Your Players' Level Of Fatigue and Prevent

    Burnout Ahead Of Time ________________________________ 11

    How To Teach The Right Nutrition And The Important Role Of

    Diet And Hydration In Soccer ____________________________ 14

    Soccer Fitness Drills ___________________________________ 16

    Soccer Speed Training Drills _____________________________ 21

    Soccer Conditioning Exercises ___________________________ 27

    Soccer Weight Training Program _________________________ 32

    Soccer Strength Training Program ________________________ 38

    Preseason Workout Plan _______________________________ 42

    Stretches For Soccer __________________________________ 47

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    Coaching soccer is not just about teaching soccer skills to your players.

    Soccer fitness should be one of the key elements of your soccer training

    program. I mean how can you expect unfit players to play good soccer?

    They would not be able to even learn soccer!

    Soccer is a game of stress and strain. A good soccer fitness program will

    prepare players to effectively deal with the stress and strain of soccer.

    Moreover, it will help them perform at their very best at all levels.

    With this soccer fitness training e-book, you will learn about the


    Getting players in shape

    Preventing injuries


    Fitness drills

    Speed training (accompanied with drills)

    Soccer conditioning

    Weight training for soccer

    Soccer strength training

    Preseason workout plan Stretches

    These topics will give you a comprehensive understanding of soccer


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    Before I move on, let me introduce myself. My name is Andre Botelho

    and Im the founder of SoccerDrillsTips.com. Ive been helping

    coaches worldwide for more than 5 years now and my commitment to

    you is to help you improve your coaching skills.

    Some of the concepts youll find in this ebook have been tested and are

    proven to work, like they did for thousands of my private clients and

    other coaches just like you.

    Coming back to me way back in 2004, I had to give up playing

    professional soccer due to a knee injury. I spent 4 to 5 months

    recuperating from the injury.

    I must say that those were the worst days of my life, as the thought of

    giving up soccer freaked me out. Soon after my surgery, I was invited by

    the president of my soccer club to coach soccer youth teams. He

    thought I was a perfect match for the job, as I had been the captain ofthe senior team for several years.

    The beginning was as bad as it could get. My players were not listening

    to me and they were driving me crazy like hell. They were not getting

    the drills and most importantly they were not having fun.

    That is when I decided to study and learn from the best youth soccercoaches worlwide for several years. Then I gather all the information

    and techniques and sat down to develop a soccer practice programs that

    are comprehensive, effective, and fun.

    This e-book relating to soccer fitness is an important part of this kind of

    approach, so I hope you enjoy it. So, lets get to business!

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    How To Get Your Players In Shape In Record Time

    Before the soccer season starts, as the coach, one of your main concerns

    should be to get your soccer players in shape. Their soccer skills are of

    no use if they are not in shape. Getting your players soccer fit, involves

    two things:

    Working on building their strength

    Working on improving their speed

    This is because strength and speed are very crucial to soccer. In order

    for your soccer players to get in shape fast, you need to follow a soccer

    fitness program. Here, it always helps if the players and the coaching

    staff work in harmony.

    Anaerobic And Aerobic Fitness

    Let me discuss briefly what it means to get in soccer shape. Soccer

    requires both anaerobic and aerobic fitness. Anaerobic fitness refers to

    the tolerance level of your muscles to intense activity like sprinting.

    Aerobic endurance is directly influenced by your cardiovascular system.

    It basically refers to your long-term endurance. Aerobic exercises would

    involve jogging or any other activity that is performed for over 30


    So, to get your players in shape you need to include both anaerobic and

    aerobic exercises in your fitness program. Anaerobic exercises would

    help the players recover quicker and play at high pace throughout the

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    game. Have your players run at intervals; do weight training, or any

    other exercise that puts strain on their muscles.

    Plyometrics Exercises

    Getting in soccer shape would also means working on building the

    muscle strength of your players. Soccer is all about kicking the ball.

    Okay, not just kicking it, but kicking the ball with force and precision


    To help build the muscle strength of your players, you can have them do

    plyometrics exercises. These exercises are very effective in helping

    players get powerful muscle contractions, which result in power kicks.

    Plyometrics exercises do not involve the use of free weights. Instead

    they involve basic exercise mechanisms and give excellent results. An

    example of a plyometric exercise - have your players run in slow motion,just like in a replay.

    Then, have them jump up and down using alternate legs. Slowly and

    steadily have them increase the length and height of the jumps. Also

    have them increase the length of the slow motion running stride. This

    exercise is good for building muscle strength and flexibility.

    I understand that you are keen on getting your team in shape before the

    season starts, but you should not neglect one important point in your

    fitness program- it is very important to emphasize the importance of

    sleep for overall fitness. Your players need a good nights sleep, lack of

    which would hinder their total fitness. Talk to them about it.

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    Develop a fitness program keeping in mind the above basics and you will

    have your players running up and down the field for ninety minutes,

    without feeling short of breath. After all, this is what they would be

    doing in any soccer game.

    How To Improve The Speed Of Your Players

    Speed is very crucial to the game of soccer. An effective speed training

    program would be based on the realistic aspects of the game. When

    soccer players play on the field there are a couple of aspects such as

    reflexes, tactical anticipation, and agility that influence their speed.

    Remember that in soccer a player is not just sprinting all the time. A

    soccer player needs to practice gaining speed with the ball and practice

    changing directions rapidly- this is what good soccer involves.

    Factors Influencing Speed

    Before I give you tips on how to improve the speed of your players, I

    feel it is important to discuss a few crucial points about speed. There

    are mainly four factors that would affect the speed of a soccer player.

    1. Physical attributes: Here I am referring to the strength of the

    players muscles. If the muscles are weak, you cannot expect the

    player to run fast. So you need to work on building muscle

    strength in him/her to improve his/her speed levels.

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    2. Technique: How you run affects your speed. Proper sprinting

    technique requires that the player touches the ground with the

    toes. Moreover, the players upper body should be slightly bent

    forward and the arms should be on the sides of the body.

    3. Nutrition: Poor nutritional habits and body fat would impede your

    speed. So if you want your players to gain speed, you must first

    ensure that they follow good nutritional habits and those with fat

    baggage, work at shedding it.

    4. Flexibility: A good flexible body will have greater speed. It is as

    simple as that.

    Some Exercises

    There are lots of drills that can help you increase your speed in soccer.

    A good way to increase your speed is to first see how many times yourfoot touches the ground within one minute of running. The goal is to

    increase the number of ground touches that you make.

    Have the players kick the ball between their feet for a minute and make

    them count the number of times they are able to do it. Again the aim is

    to increase the number of touches they make in a minute. Have them

    practice this drill as often as possible.

    If your players want to learn how to improve their speed, then you have

    to focus on how they run. Remember the technique factor. The players

    should practice starting their running position using their toes. This will

    increase their running speed from the word go.

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    This is because without a proper warm up, the muscles would stay cold.

    And training with cold muscles means that your players are more likely

    to suffer from pulled muscles and sprains. So always have them do some

    stretches and warm-up exercises before they hit the field.

    By the way, advise them against doing stretches in the shower. Some

    players do that and end up getting hurt.


    One cannot overemphasize the importance of proper equipment in

    preventing injuries while playing and soccer training. Here is a list of

    the soccer equipment that all your players must have.

    Soccer shoes: Cleats are usually the recommended soccer shoes.

    Soccer shoes should fit perfectly and provide proper cushioning.

    Shin guards: Make sure that they buy the right type and fit. Also

    ensure that it offers appropriate cushioning.

    Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

    While soccer training, it is important that you and your players are

    aware of the surroundings. Your soccer practice field might have a treeor some shrubs nearby. Besides that you might have players equipment

    lying near the field. You should also be aware of any holes in the

    ground. When players know what is where, they will avoid them and

    thus prevent injuries.

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    Do not let a player who is tired, practice or play soccer. It is best to

    advise him/her a good nights rest before he/she can resume practice.

    Also, do not let a player practice when he/she is in pain. Pain is often a

    warning sign of injury and you should never overlook it.

    With these basic points in mind, you should be able to prevent injuries

    to your players while they play and practice. Obviously you can never

    prevent all the injuries but you can avert a majority of them with some


    How To Monitor Your Players Level Of Fatigue And

    Prevent Burnout Ahead Of Time

    While training your soccer players you should not overdo it. Overtraining

    your players will make them physically and mentally tired. A player who

    is mentally and physically fatigued will definitely under-perform in the

    games and also during training.

    Therefore, it is very important that as a soccer coach you constantly

    keep an eye on the level of fatigue in your players. Remember that

    prevention is better than cure.

    So, how do you monitor the fatigue level in your players? An over-

    trained player will show signs of depression, apathy, and withdrawal,

    will have low self esteem and also be injury prone.

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    Physiological Symptoms

    An over-trained player will show physiological and performance related

    problems. Some of the physiological symptoms exhibited by an over-

    trained soccer player would include:

    Fluctuations in blood pressure

    Loss of appetite

    Chronic fatigue

    Complain of headache

    Chronic soreness in the muscles

    Excessive sweating

    Elevated morning pulse

    Frequent illness

    Hormonal imbalances/changes

    Gastrointestinal complaints like, diarrhea and nausea

    Irregular menstrual cycle

    Monitoring Fatigue

    A good way to monitor the level of fatigue in your players is to keep a

    lookout for physiological, behavioral, and performance symptoms. There

    are no definite quantitative tests to measure the level of fatigue in a


    However, you can use certain measures to keep an eye on the level of

    fatigue in your players. For example, blood tests can reveal hormonal

    changes. An over-trained player would show an increase level of cortisol

    and a reduction in testosterone.

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    Preventing Fatigue

    By keeping an eye on burn out symptoms, you will be able to help your

    players before it is too late. A good coach also takes effective measures

    to prevent a burnout in the first place.

    Do not increase the training load all of a sudden. This will lead to

    fatigue. The ideal thing to do is to gradually increase the load.

    Carefully plan and implement your training strategies. Set

    realistic goals before your players. A good thing to do is to have

    your players undergo tapering training. This will help them peak

    slowly so that they will be perfectly ready before the

    competition. Sometimes players peak too early and then they

    over-train to maintain their level of fitness till the competition.

    This often leads to fatigue in players.

    Ensuring proper rest at regular intervals is a must for players. A

    good nights rest is always recommended.

    Proper food habits are also crucial in preventing fatigue in


    Fatigue and burnout can often result in an abrupt end to a players

    career. As a soccer coach you can do much to prevent fatigue and help

    out those players who show signs of fatigue.

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    How To Teach The Right Nutrition And The

    Important Role Of Diet And Hydration In Soccer

    Soccer is a physically challenging sport. It is a sport whose players are

    required to be mentally and physically fit. One of the key elements of

    soccer fitness is nutrition. The soccer coach has to ensure that the

    players are eating healthy food, they are getting the requisite amount

    of calories and that they are properly hydrated.

    A coach should not assume that a new player or member of the team

    would be aware of what to eat and how much to eat to be fit to play

    soccer. So, your first responsibility as a soccer coach is to introduce

    your players to the importance of eating nutritious food.

    Important Nutrients

    You can start by explaining to them the constituents of the right


    Carbohydrates: There is a lot of running involved in soccer so the

    players need lots of energy. This they can get from

    carbohydrates. Actually, glycogen is the main energy source for

    the muscles. And, glycogen is derived from carbohydrates. If the

    glycogen level is low in your body, you will run slower and you

    will feel fatigued. Apples, bananas, bread, milk, etc., are a rich

    source of carbohydrates. Now how much carbohydrate should an

    amateur soccer player eat in a day? The correct answer is 2300 to

    2900 calories per day.

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    Fat: The level of fat intake should be very low in soccer players.

    This is because in sports where lots of running is required, the

    body will use glycogen fuel, which is derived from carbohydrates.

    Protein: Soccer players normally need to eat 0.6 to 0.8 grams of

    protein per pound of body weight. Protein helps repair muscles

    and boosts the immune system. Fish, chicken, milk and yogurt are

    good sources of protein.

    Calcium: This mineral is necessary for strong bones. Low fat

    products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are good for the players.

    Iron and zinc: Iron carries oxygen through the body. Low oxygen

    in your body would mean that you will get tired fast. Pork,

    chicken, and red meat would take care of iron requirement.

    Players need zinc because it helps to repair body tissues.

    Proper Hydration

    Soccer practice is very demanding. And usually the soccer practice

    season begins when the weather is warm. Obviously the practice session

    would lead to loss of fluids, as the players are going to sweat a lot. So,

    it is absolutely necessary that the players are properly hydrated all the

    time. Proper hydration will help the players give their best. On dayswhen your players are practicing, they should drink a minimum of three

    liters of water, per day.

    Besides water, players should also be drinking sports drinks like,

    Gatorade. Besides water, there are also foods that help in replenishing

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    lost fluids. Watermelon, oranges, and bananas are some of the fruits

    that help replenish water in your body.

    Proper nutrition is absolutely necessary for soccer players because that

    is what separates winner from losers. Only players that are physically fit

    can give their best during practice sessions and games.

    Soccer Fitness Drills

    Soccer is a very strenuous game and obviously to succeed as a soccer

    player one needs to be physically fit. This is where soccer fitness

    training and drills come into the picture. Also remember that it is very

    important for players to eat right, drink enough water, rest and exercise

    properly to become physically fit for soccer.

    Importance Of Fitness

    If you look at it, you will find very few sports that are played on such a

    large field, for such a long time and without regular rest periods. So,

    you can understand how important fitness and fitness drills are to the

    soccer game.

    If you are still not clear, let me give you some statistics. During a

    regular soccer game, a player would usually cover 8-12 km. This

    distance of 8-12 km would usually consist of 24% walking, 36% jogging,

    20% coursing, 11% sprinting, 7% moving backwards, and 2% moving with

    the ball.

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    A proper soccer fitness training program would impart endurance,

    muscle strength, speed, agility, and flexibility in soccer players. Soccer

    players need muscular strength because that helps in shooting, tackling,

    and running.

    Muscular strength also means fewer injuries. Moreover, strength training

    helps correct muscle imbalances in soccer players. It has been noted

    that soccer players tend to develop overly strong quadriceps, in

    comparison to their hamstrings. A proper fitness program will correct

    this imbalance and thereby help prevent injuries.

    Soccer fitness training helps in creating a balance of explosive power

    and muscular endurance in soccer players. In other words, a good soccer

    fitness program will offer the right mix of aerobic and anaerobic


    In soccer, a midfielder is required to cover a lot of ground during a

    soccer game; therefore, he/she needs a good aerobic fitness. Forwards

    and strikers, on the other hand, need to sprint fast and thus they

    require focusing on anaerobic fitness.

    Example Drills

    Example I - One To One Fitness Drill

    There are lots of fitness drills that a soccer coach can come up with to

    provide overall fitness to soccer players. My favorite is the 1v1, 2v1, 1v2

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    fitness drill. Besides being a great fitness drill, this also helps in passing,

    moving and turning skills.

    Step By Step Instruction

    Step 1: X2 will pass the ball to X1 who starts to play on the

    offense and is allowed to score in either goal.

    Step 2: If X1 scores a goal then X2 will pass him/her another ball.

    And again X1 can score on both goals.

    Step 3: O1 is required to tackle X1 and get possession of the ball.

    If O1 gets possession of the ball, or if the ball goes out of

    boundary off X1, then O2 will pass the ball to O1.

    Step 3: Now O1 will play on the offensive and will try to score on

    either goals. The game will last for 3 minutes after which X1 will

    switch places with X2 and O1 will switch places with O2.

    Step 4: They will play the way they were playing previously.

    Step 5: After each side has played the game once, X1 and X2 can

    only score on the lower goal and O1 and O2 can only score on the

    upper goal. They will one game each following this rule.

    Step 6: In the next game, X2 and X1 can join to play against O1.

    This would be 2 v 1. Now if O1 gets possession of the ball, X2 will

    have to leave the field and O1 and O2 will play against X1.

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    Key Points:

    You can start with groups of 4s. A 40 30 field is required. Have

    two players on the field and two players on the sides with extra


    This drill helps in quick transition in both directions, and not to

    forget, this is a great fitness drill also.

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    Age: 6 - 14

    Level: Intermediate

    Time limit: Each game for 3 minutes

    Example II - High Pressure Soccer Fitness Drill

    Step By Step Instructions

    Step 1: Set up a 20 yards by 10 yards field. Divide the field into

    two equal parts. Set up two goals at one end of the field.

    Step 2: One player will be the defender. He will occupy one part

    of the field.

    Step 3: Have 4 players standing in the other part of the field.

    Step 4: The first attacker will dribble the ball towards the goal.

    The aim is to go past the defender and score a goal.

    Step 5: The attacker has to get first entry into the defenders

    part of the field to set up to score a goal.

    Step 6: When the attacker enters the defenders part of the field,

    the defender will try to tackle the ball and try to kick it out of his

    part of the field.

    Step 7: If the ball is knocked out or a goal is scored, immediately

    the next player will begin his attack.

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    Key Points:

    The attacker will get a point for each goal that he scores. The

    defender, on the other hand, will lose one point each time for

    the goal that he allows.

    Each player will be defending for two minutes. So the player who

    has the most points in the end will win.

    Age:13 to adult

    Level: Intermediate

    Time Limit: Each player gets 2 minutes defending.

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    Soccer Speed Training Drills

    Speed and agility are two very important elements of soccer. Speed

    refers to the ability of the player to reach a high velocity of movement,

    which could be running, cycling, swimming, and any other locomotive


    Agility refers to the players ability to suddenly brake, change direction

    and then accelerate again. So, a soccer speed training program should

    focus on both speed and agility.

    Speed Training

    Soccer requires both anaerobic and aerobic fitness. However, it has

    been frequently noted that most soccer training programs focus more on

    endurance training and neglect the speed aspect. It is true that distance

    running is required in soccer and for that coaches need to provide

    endurance training. But speed is also needed in soccer.

    Acceleration is a very important part of speed training. Soccer players

    need to accelerate quickly and powerfully. In soccer, players are

    required to break away from the opponent, get possession of the ball

    first, and then chase down the opponent. All these skills require players

    to suddenly accelerate their speed.

    After gaining acceleration, players would need to gain maximum

    velocity. Besides acceleration and maximum velocity, soccer players

    also have to have speed endurance training. In soccer games, players

    have to maintain speed even if they are fatigued.

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    So, incorporating speed training drills in your soccer fitness program will

    help players develop their overall soccer fitness and skills. Now, let us

    discuss some soccer speed drills that your players will have fun doing.

    Drill #1: Lateral Agility Drill

    This is a very good drill to develop players sideways agility, which is

    very necessary in soccer.

    Step By Step Instructions

    Step 1: Four cones should be placed in straight line with 3

    yards/meters apart.

    Step 2: 3 yards/meters to the left of each pair of cones; place

    another cone in between them.

    Step 3: Players should sprint from one cone to the next and

    should touch each cone with their hands.

    Step 4: Players should take quick side steps rather than turning to

    face the marker and then running straight.

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    Key Points

    Do three to five sets.

    This drill can be performed any time during the week.

    Age: 13 - Adults

    Level: Advanced

    Time: 10-15 minutes

    Drill #2: Brazilian Speed Drill

    There are limitless possibilities when it comes to choosing the right

    speed drills for your players. Also remember that you should not just

    focus on speed. Agility is always as important as speed in soccer.

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    Step By Step Instructions

    First Variation

    Step 1: Divide the team into two halves. The drill will start where

    you see the two players standing in the diagram.

    Step 2: Player will start at cone 1. The player will have both his

    feet parallel to the first cone.

    Step 3: Fall forward at about 45 degrees and then sprint out

    forward using proper body lean.

    Step 4: Sprint till the finish.

    Second Variation

    Step 1: Again start at cone 1.

    Step 2: This time the player will have to leap side to side over the

    cones. Use both legs.

    Step 3: As soon as the player reaches cone 7, he will sprint as fast

    as possible through the finish.

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    Key Points:

    Start with players using both of their legs and as they advance

    they can perform this drill using one foot only.

    This drill is only meant for well-trained athletes. There are

    numerous variations to this drill. You are recommended to

    introduce your variations.

    Age: 18 and above

    Level: Advanced

    Time Limit: 20-25 minutes

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    Soccer Conditioning Exercises

    Being skillful with the ball does not necessarily make you a great soccer

    player. It is your overall soccer conditioning that determines what sort

    of a player you are. Without proper soccer conditioning, even a great

    soccer player may perform poorly on the field.

    Benefits Of Soccer Conditioning

    Soccer conditioning helps improve speed, agility, timing, endurance,

    and other soccer related skills. All these skills are very important in the

    game of soccer. A good soccer conditioning program will help the player

    peak right before the game. Remember, peaking too early is not a good


    A good soccer conditioning program will focus on all aspects of the

    game. There are many instances when a soccer conditioning program

    will focus on passing, dribbling, etc., but will neglect the speed aspect

    of the game.

    Take a look at how Ronaldo plays. Besides possessing all the soccer

    skills, he is also very good at running at high speed with the ball. And

    this is what sets him apart from other players. It was through proper

    soccer conditioning programs that Ronaldo fine-tuned his soccer skills

    and turn out to be the player that he is today.

    Now you understand the importance of soccer conditioning to the

    overall development of a soccer player. When you think of various drills

    to include in your soccer conditioning program, try to involve a ball in as

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    many soccer conditioning exercises as possible. This will help improve

    their soccer skills; moreover, they will find the exercises fun. Who likes

    simple running exercises? I think running with the ball is more fun. What

    do you think?

    Example Drill I - Defending The Triangle Drill

    Step By Step Instructions:

    Step 1: Use cones to make a 4 yard equilateral triangle in the

    middle of a circle.

    Step 2: Three to five players should be standing on the boundary

    of the circle surrounding the triangle.

    Step 3: One player should be standing inside the circle. His/her

    job is to protect the triangle.

    Step 4: The players on the outside will start passing the ball to

    each other by either passing it around the circle or through it.

    The aim is to pass the ball through any of the sides of the

    triangle. The job of the defender is to prevent that from

    happening. Every time the players are able to get the ball pass

    through any of the sides of the triangle, they get a point.

    Step 5: The defender has to constantly move to prevent the ball

    from going through the triangle. He/she cannot run through the

    triangle so he/she has to constantly run around the triangle.

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    Key Points:

    This is a great drill for passing, receiving, footwork, andconditioning.

    A player can be a defender for a minute and then the next player

    steps in.

    The winner is one who gives the fewest number of points to the

    players outside the circle.

    Another important rule of this drill is that players standing

    outside the circle can at no point come inside the circle.

    The ball making the scoring point has to be kicked from below the


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    Age: 13 and above

    Level: Intermediate

    Time Limit: 20 to 25 minutes

    Drill# 2: Killer Sprinting

    Proper soccer conditioning is very crucial in helping soccer players build

    and improve their skills.

    Step By Step Instructions

    Step1: Five cones should be placed with a difference of 10 yards

    each between them.

    Step 2: The player should run from cone 1 to cone 2 and back.

    Step 3: Once back, the player should run till cone 3 and then run

    back. Then run till cone 4 and back to cone 1. The player has to

    do this till cone 5.

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    Key Points:

    This is a very simple soccer conditioning but physically very


    This drill should be performed at the end of the training session,

    because it can leave players very tired.

    This drill is very good to build speed, strength, and power for


    Make sure that the sprint is flat out and the player turns sharply

    off a different foot at every cone.

    Let the player rest for 30 seconds and then continue to repeat

    the exercise.

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    Age: 13 and above

    Level: Intermediate

    Time Limit: 20 to 25 minutes

    Soccer Weight Training Program

    A soccer player need to run fast, cut quickly, and jump high. This is all

    possible through proper weight training. Soccer weight training is

    essential to build and increase the overall strength of a soccer player.

    The goal is to have strong muscles which could provide them speed and

    endurance. Weight training helps build strength and stamina. It will also

    help prevent injuries in players because a strong body is less prone to


    Soccer weight training will help in stabilizing the players core. The core

    would be the area of your body from under your breast-bone to the

    groin of your pelvic region. The core is responsible for maintaining the

    balance of your body. Soccer players who have stable cores are able to

    execute their soccer skills very fast and with precision.

    Soccer weight training is essential because it helps build strong legs.

    Strong legs mean that they will be able to move faster. Soccer is all

    about jumping, running, tackling, kicking, and passing. In other words,

    soccer requires strong legs.

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    A soccer weight training program will help the players build leg muscles,

    back and abdominal muscles. This will help them in throw-ins, heading,

    running, and sprinting.

    Soccer players also use their arms. This is especially true for the

    goalkeepers. When they are executing the headers or throwing and

    shielding the ball, their arms would play a crucial role.

    Goalkeeper would be using his/her arms while catching, punching and

    deflecting the ball. Weight training program will help build those arm

    muscles that they would need while defending the goal.

    Weight Training Program

    Soccer weight training program is one of the elements that would go

    into making your players good at the game. There are many drills that

    will help build strength in different parts of their body. Their weight-training program can look somewhat like this:

    Monday- Work on legs

    Speed squats

    Calf raises

    Leg curls

    Leg extensions

    Tuesday- Work on chest, shoulders and triceps

    Bench presses

    Skull crushers

    Shoulder presses

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    Friday- Biceps and back

    Standing barbell curls

    Bending over barbell rows


    Again, as with any other soccer training program, it is essential that

    there is proper warm up session before the weight training session. Here

    are some guidelines that a soccer coach should follow while undertaking

    weight training program:

    There should be proper supervision all the time.

    Proper warm ups before the session and cool down after the


    Resistance workout should focus on the core muscle groups.

    Players should be taught the proper weight training techniques.

    They should also be educated about the importance of proper and

    balanced nutrition.

    Here are some good drills that help the soccer players to focus on the

    core area.

    Drill# 1: Twist

    Step By Step Instructions

    Step 1: Sit on the floor with hips and knees flexed to a 90 angle.

    Step 2: Grasp a small dumbbell with both hands.

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    Step 3: Swing the dumbbell to the right and left while keeping

    your hips from rotating with the shoulders.

    Step 4: The arms should not be perpendicular to the torso. They

    should be kept low near the thighs.

    Key Point: This is a very good drill to build the core area.

    Age: 18 and above

    Time Limit: 10 minutes

    Level: Intermediate

    Drill# 2: Kneel/Pushups With Medicine Ball

    Step By Step Instructions

    Step 1: Sit on your knees and keep your body upright.

    Step 2: Hold a medicine ball at the chest level. Keep your torso erect,

    fall forward and chest press the medicine ball to a partner.

    Step 3: Once the ball is released from your hands, quickly complete a

    push up before your partner throws the ball back at you.

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    Key Points: This drill is also good for core training.

    Age: 13 and above

    Time Limit: 10 minutes

    Level: Intermediate

    Drill# 3: Half Rotation With Medicine Ball

    Step By Step Instructions:

    Step 1: Stand back to back with a partner. The distance between

    you two should be atleast 2-3 feet.

    Step 2: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Slightly

    bend your knees.

    Step 3: Let one partner hold the ball with the elbows slightlybent. The weight of the ball should be placed on the feet.

    Step 4: Both of you will twist towards each other on the same

    side. The one who has the ball will pass it on to the next person.

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    Step 5: Now both of you twist to the other side and the person

    who has the ball will pass it back to the first person.

    Step 6: Do the requisite number of repetitions and then change


    Key Points: This drill requires you to work with a partner. This is a good

    core training exercise.

    Age: 13 and above

    Time Limit: 10-15 minutes

    Level: Intermediate

    Overall, weight training must be part of every soccer training program.

    It can help players maintain high level of fitness, which is what is

    required in soccer.

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    Soccer Strength Training Program

    Strength training today is a crucial element in fitness training in literally

    every sport. This is also true with soccer. Soccer strength training helps

    improve the overall performance of soccer players.

    In a soccer game, players are required to have both lower and upper

    body strength. Lower body strength is necessary because soccer players

    have to kick, jump and make explosive starts. Upper body strength is

    necessary while tackling, shielding, and throw-ins.

    Soccer strength training helps players tackle, shield and hold off

    opponents. Max strength is the foundation of players speed and power.

    Max strength workouts focus on your abdomen, lower back, and trunk.

    These form the core of your body.

    The core is the center of power. Every power-start and stop that a

    soccer player performs is supported by the core. Therefore, soccer

    strength training will help build up your core and thereby improve your

    performance on the field.

    In soccer, muscle power is a combination of muscle strength and speed

    of the player. So, soccer strength training should not just focus on one

    aspect. Light weight exercises can also be used to help build muscles.

    Remember, that this is soccer, and you do not require having a

    bodybuilders body. Therefore, light weights with repetitions can be

    ideal for building muscle strength.

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    In soccer, players are also required to have muscular endurance.

    Muscular endurance refers to the ability of a single or several muscle

    groups to perform repeated and high intensity movements.

    Circuit training is very good for building strength endurance. The use of

    light weights with repetitions is also recommended for soccer players

    trying to build strength endurance.

    In circuit training, several exercises are performed consecutively. Many

    of the circuit training exercises do not even require training

    equipments. Push ups, bench steps, bench dips, and crunches are some

    of the examples of circuit training exercises which can be performed

    without any training equipment.

    If you are trying to work out a strength training program for your

    players, it is important to incorporate the concept of periodization in

    your program.

    This simply means that you need to divide your overall training program

    into small phases, each focusing on a specific outcome. This is also

    necessary because it allows players to peak at the right time, and this

    overcomes the risk of overtraining.

    Some of the strength training routines that you could incorporate inyour training session are-

    Free weights exercises

    Exercises using medicine ball

    Bodyweight workouts

    Sandbag exercises

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    Kettlebell exercises

    Circuit training

    Here are examples of some of the circuit training exercises that should

    be part of every soccer strength training program.

    Drill# 1: Squat Jumps

    Step By Step Instructions:

    Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. The trunk should be

    flexed slightly forward and your back should be straight.

    Step 2: The elbows should be flexed at about 90 and the arms should

    be in a ready position.

    Step 3: With thighs parallel to the ground explode upwards and driveyour arms up simultaneously.

    Step 4: Land on both feet and repeat step 1 to 3 again.

    Key Points: This is a very good circuit exercise to build muscle strength.

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    Age: 13 and above

    Time Limit: 5-10 minutes

    Level: Intermediate

    Drill# 2: Squats And Swings Using Dumbbells

    Step By Step Instructions:

    Step 1: Hold dumbbells in each hand. Start in a squat position

    with the dumbbells in between your legs.

    Step 2: Stand up from the start position while keeping the arms

    straight and rotating the shoulders and trunk towards the left.

    Step 3: Return to the start position and repeat the exercise but

    this time turn towards the right.

    Step 4: Repeat the requisite number of times and then rest.

    Key Points: Good for building muscle strength of the lower body.

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    Age: 16 and above

    Time Limit: 10 minutes

    Level: Intermediate

    Before you plan your strength training program, you also need to come

    up with strength tests to figure out which areas you need to work on in

    individual players.

    Overall, a well planned and executed soccer strength training program

    will definitely give you the desired results over a period of time.

    Preseason Workout Plan

    Whether you are preparing for Premier League or Football League you

    need a well thought out preseason workout plan. Even if you are

    coaching amateur or junior players, you still need a preseason workout

    plan. A preseason workout plan helps prepare players for the soccer


    Remember that the preseason is the most critical time during the whole

    of the soccer season. It is a time during which coach sets the agenda

    and helps to build the right habits in his/her players. There would be no

    matches interrupting the workouts so you can focus on training all the


    One word of caution that I must add here is that you should not put your

    players on strenuous exercises from the first week itself. This will do

    them more harm than good. Most injuries occur in the first week itself.

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    A good preseason workout plan would gradually get your players into the

    training mode.

    Few Guidelines

    Before you work out your preseason soccer workout plan, there are few

    things that you should keep in mind:

    Warm-ups: Have your players do warm ups before every training

    session. A thirty minute warm-up session is good enough. Dynamic

    warm up is more advantageous than static warm up.

    Proper Hydration: Players should be properly hydrated all the

    time. Educate them about the importance of drinking before,

    during and after the training session. A minimum of 3 liter of

    water is what is recommended for players. Proper hydration helps

    prevent injuries and burnout.

    Aerobic Endurance: For training in aerobic endurance slow and

    continuous jogging would not work. Interval running is what is

    recommended for gaining aerobic endurance. Small sided games

    are also good for building aerobic endurance.

    Sprinting and Speed: Have as many exercises as possible that helpbuild speed. Sprint running is what is recommended in soccer, as

    that help builds speed, agility, flexibility and endurance.

    Work-to-rest ratios: Exercises that help build speed, agility and

    coordination in players require that they should not be

    overworked. This means that players should get atleast few

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    minutes rest in between drills. Exercises that focus on building

    speed endurance, aerobic endurance and lactate endurance do

    not require players to have much rest in between drills.

    Cool Down Session: Every training session should be followed by a

    cool down session. This will help bring down the players heart

    rate in a controlled manner. It also offers a good opportunity for

    players to replenish themselves with water and Gatorade.

    Nutrition: Educate your players about the importance of eating healthy

    nutrition. Tell them what a proper nutrition for them would be.

    The Basic Preseason Running And Workout Plan

    A basic preseason running and workout plan for junior soccer team

    would look somewhat like this:

    Warm Up: 30 minutes

    Light jogging- 7 minutes

    Juggling- 7 minutes

    Moves- 7 minutes

    Dynamic stretches- 7 minutes

    Week One:

    First Day:

    o 2 mile run/Under 12:30 minutes

    o 5 sets of 20 crunches

    o 5 sets of 20 pushups

    Second Day:

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    o 2 mile run/Under 12:30 minutes

    o 7 sets of 20 crunches

    o 7 sets of 20 pushups

    Third Day:

    o 1 mile run/Under 6:00 minutes

    o 9 sets of 20 crunches

    o 9 sets of 20 pushups

    Week Two:

    First Day:

    o 1 mile run/Under 5:45 minutes

    o 9 sets of 20 crunches

    o 9 sets of 20 pushups

    Second Day:

    o 3 mile run/Under 20:30 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 crunches

    o 10 sets of 20 pushups

    Third Day:

    o 2 mile run/Under 12:45 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 crunches

    o 10 sets of 20 pushups

    Week Three:

    First Day:

    o 2 mile run/Under 12:30 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 crunches

    o 10 sets of 20 pushups

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    Second Day:

    o 1 mile run/Under 5:30 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 crunches

    o 10 sets of 20 pushups

    Third Day:

    o 1 mile run/Under 5:15 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 crunches

    o 10 sets of 20 pushups

    Week Four:

    First Day:

    o 3 mile run/Under 20:00 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 crunches

    o 10 sets of 20 pushups

    Second Day:

    o 2 mile run/Under 12:00 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 crunches

    o 10 sets of 20 pushups

    Third Day:

    o 1 mile run/Under 5:00 minutes

    o 10 sets of 20 cruncheso 10 sets of 20 pushups

    This preseason soccer training program focuses on building running

    endurance in soccer players. The above is just an example. You would

    definitely need to have a soccer training program for the overall fitness

    of your players.

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    Stretches For Soccer

    The importance of stretching before a soccer training workout session

    can never be overstressed. Stretching helps warm up the muscles. Now

    do you need to warm up your muscles before the training session? The

    answer is resounding yes. This helps prevent injuries during practice

    session. Moreover, stretches prepare the players for a strenuous training



    In soccer, stretching is very important, but, then it is important in all

    sports. Stretching will help improve your game and as I said before it

    will also help reduce chances of injuries.

    In soccer, you would need to focus on areas like, neck, back, shoulders,

    arms, quads, calves, ankles, groin, and hamstrings. You need to ensure

    that before the start of a training session you have properly stretched

    the muscles of these areas.

    Make Them Fun

    A stretching or warming-up session should usually last for 30 minutes.

    Many players avoid doing stretches because they find it boring. As a

    coach you have to ensure that your stretch drills are fun. Nobody likes

    boring drills.

    So, do not have them performing the same drill everyday. They are

    bound to get bored. Have variety of drills and have players look forward

    to their warming up session.

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    Instead of having individual players doing stretching exercises, have

    them group in pairs and do two-man stretching. This way, the drills are

    fun and players do not get bored.

    Let us discuss some of the drills which focus on various areas. Every

    stretch should be done for 10 seconds, followed by isometric counter-

    stretch and then again 10 second stretch.

    One of the players would be stretching and the other would assist him.

    Groin: Player A will sit with the sole of his feet as close to the

    crotch as possible. Player B will press his chest against the back

    of player A. He will push till Player As knees reach the maximum

    stretch point. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Player A will thenpushes back against Player Bs chest. Repeat.

    Lower Back: Player A will sit with legs straight out and together.

    Player B will push Player As back against the legs with his chest.

    Hold the stretch for 10 seconds.

    Hamstring Stretch: Player A will lie back with one leg straight inthe air. Player B will press the heel of the raised foot and the

    thigh to straighten the leg. Player A will then try to bend the


    Abdominals: Player A will lie on his stomach, hands behind his

    head. From behind, Player B will grab Player A underneath the

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    upper arms and then lift him. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and

    then Player A will back down.

    These are some very effective stretches that you can have your players

    try before their training session. Make sure that you have stretching

    exercises for every part of the body that needs to be stretched for

    soccer training.

    Example Drill Keep away Drill With Three Teams

    The time duration of this drill is 10-20 minutes. 9-18 players can take

    part in this drill. This is an excellent warm-up drill that helps in team

    work, ball control, possession and passing. This is a very good drill for

    improving small and quick passes.

    Step By Step Instructions:

    Step 1: Make 3 teams (blue, green and red). You can have a

    combination of 4 v 4 v 4 or 5 v 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 v 6.

    Step 2: Have the teams in a square grid of about 25 25.

    Step 3: One team (let us say blue team) will start as the

    defenders and the other two teams (i.e. green and red teams)

    will play keep away. When the defender gets possession of the

    ball, the team that was responsible for losing the possession of

    the ball will become the defender team.

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    Key Points:

    Encourage the players to keep their heads up

    Ask them to keep moving. They should not stay at one place for


    Age: 9 - Adults

    Level Of Difficulty: Advanced

    Time Limit: 10-20 minutes

    So, from next time onwards, ensure that your players are doing their

    stretches and that they are enjoying them. Of course, their enjoyment

    totally depends on you.

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    The Ultimate Soccer Fitness Guide


    Copyright by Expert Secret, Lda (www.SoccerDrillsTips.com).All rights reserved. This document may not be copied in part or full withoutexpress written permission from the publisher.All violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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    Andre Botelho - The Expert Youth Soccer Coach

    Founder SoccerDrillsTips.com