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  • Weight Loss Workout -

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  • Weight Loss Workout - 2

    W e i g h t L o s s W o r k o u t

    H o w t o R e d u c e W e i g h t a n d

    T o n e Y o u r B o d y

  • 1. Go Beyond Starving4

    2. How a Workout Can Help11

    3. Weight-Killing Workout21

    4. Working in the Workout Routine38

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  • Go Beyond StarvingWeight Loss Workout - 4

  • T h i s i s A w f u l . Weight loss isnotor ious forbeingabsolutelynofun. I t s a joy-ki l l ingdrudgery that robsyouof oneof thevery th ingsthatmakes l i feworth l iv ing. . . food.Goneare thedaysof ju icysteaks, t r ips to thedonutshop, real cream inyourcof fee,andeat ing f renchfr ieswi thgui l t - f reepleasure.

    Al l tooof ten, d ietsarev iewedas theonlywaytowhipyourbodyback intosubmission. Is i t t rue thattheonlywaytoshedpoundsanddropsizes isbyforc ingyoursel f tonevereatanother tastymorsel again?


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  • In fact , d iet ing isonlyoneof thewaystoloseweight. And,yes, i t s agoodone. In fact , i t shouldprobablybeyour f i rst of fensive techniqueagainst excesspoundage,butnotyouronlyone. Thisbook isaboutanothers ideof weightloss. Therefore, werenotgoingto ta lkaboutdiet ingorstarvingyoursel f todeath. Thisbookgoesbeyondstarving.

    B a s i c F a c t sLet s introduceabasic fact aboutweight loss. I t sanextremelys impl ist icconcept:


    Concept two:youshouldeatonlyasmuchcalor iesasyouneed.

    Concept three: i f youeat toomanyextracalor ies, you l l gainweight.

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  • Thatwassobasic, i t wasnear ly insul t ing. Let s introduceanotherset of concepts, equal lys imple.

    Conceptone: inorder f ight extraweight, youshouldpreventextracalor ies f rombui ld inguponyourbody.

    Concept two: Onewaytoel iminateextracalor ies is toavoideat ing themtobeginwi th.

    Concept three: Anotherwaytoel iminateextracalor ies is toburn themoff throughexercise.

    Bonusconcept: I f youel iminateextracalor ies throughexercise, you l l a lsodevelopanawesomebody.

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  • Simple, but cool . Thisbook isaboutconcepts threeandfour. I t s aboutel iminat ingextracalor ies throughexercise, andthus losingweight. But i t s a lsoaboutshapingupyourbody,andgoingbeyondweight loss, beyondstarving,andachievingthebodyyouvedreamedof .

    T h e B o d y Y o u W a n t Diet ing isadead-endstreetwhen i t comestoweight loss. Thegoal of weight loss isn t just

    tohavea fat lessbody.Thegoal of weight loss is tohaveabetterbody.Abetterbody isn t onethatyoustarveunt i l youshedpounds.Abetterbody isaheal thybody. I t s abody thatnot

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  • only is fat less, but isalsos leek, t r im, f i t , andstrong.

    Weight loss throughdiet ingonlygetsyousofar. Exercise takesyouthenextstep.

    Diet ing isadrudgery, because i t s a l l aboutdenial . Exercise, ontheotherhand,canbeabsolutelyexci t ing, because i t s a l l aboutaddingsomethingextraaworkoutrout ine thatrevolut ionizes, enhancesheal th, andcontr ibutes tototal-bodyheal th. I t s t imetorevampyourv iewof weightloss, andaddthecomponentof exercise thatyouvebeenmissing.

    When i t comestoweight loss, youwantmorethan just anopt imalweightrange.Men,youwant

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  • r ippedabs,pythonbiceps,andabr idge-cableneck.Women,youwantcurves,notbulges. I t s t imeto takeweight loss toanewlevel of exercis ing, andreal lygofor thebodythatyouwant.

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  • How a Workout Can HelpWeight Loss Workout - 11

  • Wement ionedthis in the last sect ion, butwedidn t spenda lot of t imeon i t . That sbecausei t s pret tys imple. I t has todowithhowaworkoutcanhelpyourweight lossrout ine. Notonlycanyou losemoreweight, but thereareahostof otherbenef i ts. I ve l is ted just 13reasons.

    W o r k o u t o u t m a k e s y o u f e e l b e t t e r . Want to f indaninexpensive, sure-f i re, foolproofwayto feel bet teral l the t ime?Workout. Giv ingyourbodyanexhaust ing, sweat- inducing,heart-rateboost ing, a l l - roundworkout istheperfect way tocreate totalbody improvement. The resul t is that you feel waybetteral l day long.

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  • W o r k i n g o u t h e l p s y o u t h i n k b e t t e r . Wecouldal l benef i t f roma l i t t leextramental sharpness.Workingoutgivesyouthatmental sharpness. I t is incredible tosensetheimprovedmindperformancethatabodi lyworkoutprovides.Workingoutwi l l g iveyouthat f reshmental energy thatyouneedtopower throughadayof work, stayalert inameet ing, oreventoimproveyourhandicaponthegol f course.

    W o r k i n g o u t r e d u c e s t h e d r u d g e r y o f d i e t i n g . Theboredomandagonyof d iet ing isreversedby theexci tementandact ionof workingout. Dietsareboundto fa i l , but workingout, wi thal l i ts benef i ts, helpsprevent that f romhappening.Workingoutcanturn intoahobby,apassion,anadventure. Whoeverheardof d iet ingturning intoahobby?

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  • W o r k i n g o u t h e l p s y o u k e e p w e i g h t o f f . Weight loss, af ter a l l , isn t just about losingweight. I t s aboutkeepingyourweightat anopt imal level . Don t you just yearn for thedaywhenyoucanf inal lysay, I vearr ived. I ve lost theweight I needto lose.NowI canenjoymy

    l i fe. Thisk indof thought isnot just utopianfantasy. I t s apotent ia l real i ty. Youcanenjoy l i fe, but that comeswhenyouhave incorporatedal i festy leof workingout. And,yes, workingoutcanbefun. Theworst th ingaboutweight loss isgaining i t a l l

    back. Youveprobablyseen i t happen.Youfeel a l l d iscipl inedoneweek,but thencrashthenext. Thesixpoundsyou lost inoneweeksomehowWeight Loss Workout - 14

  • spontaneouslygenerates into tengainedthenextweek.Want tochangethat?Workingout is thegoldenkeytopermanentweight loss.

    W o r k i n g o u t i n c r e a s e s y o u r m e t a b o l i s m . Oneof thebest th ingsaboutworkingout isthat i t causesdeep, internal changes in theengineof yourbody.Metabol ismis the th ingthatmakessomepeoplenevergainanounce,butmakestherest of usmerely lookat amarshmal lowandgain twelvepounds.Whenyouareengaged inanact iveworkoutrout ine, younatural ly increaseyourbodysmetabol ismovert ime.Highermetabol ismmeansbetter fat-burnpotent ia l , andbiggerweight loss for the longrun.

    W o r k i n g o u t i m p r o v e s y o u r b o d y s d i g e s t i v e s y s t e m .

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  • Perhapsyouknowtheterrorof adysfunct ional d igest ivesystem.Mult ip le t r ips tothebathroom.Embarrassingmoments. Workingoutchangesal l that . Thevalueof aworkout isthat is helpsal l yoursystems, includingyourdigest ivesystem,work l ike i t s supposedto.

    W o r k i n g o u t h e l p s y o u l i v e l o n g e r . I knowofveryfewpeoplewhoarehopingforashorter-than-normalaverage.Yet I a lsoknowvery fewpeoplewhoarecommit ted to increasing their l i fespanbyworkingout. As impledesire to l ive longercanbe

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  • accompl ishedbyas implecommitment toworkout.

    W o r k i n g o u t i m p r o v e s y o u r j o i n t s . Beingoverweight, but having l i t t lemusclemass isasurewaytomessupyour jo ints in thelongterm.Workingoutreversesthat t rend,andgivesyoustrong jo ints that wi l l last for a longt ime.Hopeful ly, you l l neverhaveto facetheprospectof akneereplacementsurgery. Inordertoensurestrong jo ints, workingout is thekey.

    W o r k i n g o u t j u s t m a k e s y o u l o o k b e t t e r . Bel ieve i t or not , I mnotjust ta lk ingaboutyour f igure. Workingoutcausesyourent i rebodyto lookdi f ferent indi f ferentways.Sinceworking

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  • outaf fects theskin, b loodf low,etc. , your faceandskin tonewi l l improveasaresul t of workingout.

    W o r k i n g o u t h e l p s y o u t o s l e e p b e t t e r . Oneof thechronicmaladiesof ourday iss leepproblems.Onesimplewaytoreversesleepproblems isworkingout. I t works.

    W o r k i n g o u t r e d u c e s s t r e s s . Toomuchstress isamajorcontr ibutor toweight loss. Alongal l theothernasty th ingsthatstressdoestoyourbody, i t actual lycancauseyoutoeatwhatyoushouldn t , breakingdownresistanceandcreat inga fa lsesenseof need.Workingoutcancombat that problemat the f rontend,byreducingtheoveral l stress inyour l i fe.

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  • W o r k i n g o u t s a v e s m o n e y . Heal thproblemscostmoney.Lotsof i t . Workingout improvesheal th, whichreducesheal thproblems.. .which, of course,reducestheamountof moneythatyouspendonheal thproblems.Voi la! Moremoney inyourpocketandmorefun inyour l i fe.

    W o r k i n g o u t i s f u n . Onceyoureal lyget intoagreatworkoutrout ine, one thatmatchesyour l i festy leandmeetsyourneed,youreal lyget toexper iencetherefreshingbl iss i t is toworkout. Youwi l l probablyf indyoursel f lookingforwardtoyourdai lyexper ienceof workingout. I t is a funaddi t ion toany l i festy le.

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  • W o r k i n g o u t i s c o o l . I mnot just t ry ing tomakemy l is t longerbysayingthis. Youknowthosecool people that yousee jogging in themal l , or runningpastyourhouse inyourneighborhood?Theyrecool . Theyworkout. This is thek indof people that goonvacat ionandactual lyenjoyworkingout in thesweetexerciseroomof thehotel or resort . Beingsomeonewho iscommit ted toexercise iss implyaverycool th ing.

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  • Weight-Killing WorkoutWeight Loss Workout - 21

  • Sohere i t is , yourguidetoaweight-k i l l ingworkout. Includedbeloware f iveworkoutmovesthatwi l l beyour t icket toal l of theadvantagesincludedabove, includingmost important ly, losingweight.

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  • W a l k i n g , J o g g i n g , o r R u n n i n g

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  • Thisoneneedsvery l i t t leexplanat ion. Near lyanyonecanwalk, somepeoplecan jog, anda lot of peoplecanevenrun.

    So should I walk, jog, or run? Whosaysyouneedtopickone?Al ternat ingyourrout ine to includeal l three isprobably thebestopt ion. Theresnoneedtocrushahugerunningrout ineat thegetgo.Thebestopt ion, even i f youarenotexcessivelyoverweight, is tos implybeginbywalk ing.Walkingal lowsyourbodytos lowlyadjust toaworkoutrout ineandslowly improve.Youmaywant to includeabi t of jogging,s lowly increasingyouramountof joggingbi t bybi t unt i l youcan jog for a fu l l workout.

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  • How long? How far? When i t doubt, don t overdo i t . You l l havetopushyoursel f . That swhataworkout isal l about, but youdon t want tooverdo i t soyoucompromiseyourabi l i ty toworkoutat a l l . Youshouldset asideaminimumof twentyminuteseveryotherday(or three t imesaweek) toengageinwalk ingor jogging.

    The Value. Walkingor jogging is thebestof a l l exercisesbecause i t af fectsyourent i rebody. I t isacomprehensivewayof toningyourent i rebodyfromyour legsandeven includingyourupperbodytoa lesserdegree. I t improvescardiorespiratoryheal th, which improvesheart and lungfunct ion. I t contr ibutesdirect ly toanincrease inyourbodysmetabol ism. I t improvesbloodf lowandskinqual i ty. What smore is that i t Weight Loss Workout - 25

  • helps toburncalor ies inabigway,so thatyoucanf ight of f theextracalor ies that yourbodydoesn t need.

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  • T h e C l a s s i c P u s h u p I t s oneof themostbasicexercisesof a l l t imetheold-fashioned,unadorned,plainpushup.Thepushupprovidesan incredibleworkout for yourent i reupperbody.

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  • The Value

    Thepushup isapr imarywaytocombat fat because i t af fectsa lot of muscles. Moremusclesrequiremorecalor ieexpendi ture, whichmeanslesscalor iebui lduponyourbody.Thepushupgoesbeyonda fat- f ight ingaf fect toprovideabody-toningaf fect , too. I t cutsdownonthearmf lab, t ighteningmusclesandgiv ingyoua tonedupperbody. I t s not just anupperbodyworkout, however. Thepushup isamarvelousworkout for thegluts, lowerback,andthighs, too.

    How to Do It ForMen: Posi t ionyoursel f facedown inaproneposi t ion. Putyourhandsdirect lyunderneathyourshoulders. Keepyour legsstraightandyourbodycompletelybraced. Nobowingof thebackorbendingat thewaist . Push

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  • yoursel f up ina f lu idevenpushof thearms.Trynot to jerkorplacetoomuchweightononearmorshoulder. L i f t yourbodyunt i l yourarmsarecompletelyextended.Loweryoursel f unt i l yourchest touchesthef loor. Repeat. Youmayonlybeable todof ivepushupsat f i rst . Af ter t ime,youshouldbebui ld ingupto twentyor th i r typushupswithoutstopping.

    ForWomen: Womenspushupshavetradi t ional lydi f feredfrommenspushups in that womenhavekept their kneesonthegrounddur ing thepushuprout ine. Now,heal thprofessionalsandf i tnesscoachesarerecommendingadi f ferentapproach. Insteadof thekneel ingpushup,womenare recommended todothe incl inepushup. I t worksprecisely thewaythat themenspushupwithonedi f ference.Thestart ingpoint posi t ions thebodyat adiagonal

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  • inc l ine. Todothe incl inepushup, f indaplacewhereyoucan leanyourbodysecurelyandmaintaina f i rmgr ip. Achair against awal l , or evenabed(as longas i t doesn t s l ip) wi l l workfor your incl inepushuprout ine.

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  • W e i g h t - W h i p p i n g S q u a t M o v e

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  • The Value TheWeightWhippingSquatMovedoesexact lywhat thenamesuggests. I t whipsweightthroughacomprehensivesquatmaneuver. In fact ,somef i tness t ra inersc la imthat th is isoneof themostpowerful exercises for improving lowerbodymuscles thananyother. I t targetssomeof theverymuscles that fat l ikes toset t le inthequadr icepsandthebuttocks. I t a lsohelps toimprovecorebalance.You l l not ice that yourestrengtheningyourback, too.

    How to Do It Toprepare, standstraightandplaceyourhandsbehindyourheadwithyourelbowsful lyextended.Loweryourbodytoas i t t ingposi t ion, and loweryoursel f asmuchaspossiblewi thoutWeight Loss Workout - 32

  • changingthearchof yourspine.Hold for at least onesecond, thenslowlyreturn toastandingposi t ions lowlyandsmoothly. Repeat, andcont inueseveral repet i t ions.

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  • D e a d W e i g h t L i f t e r

    The Value Thedeadweight l i f ter is a toughworkoutrout ine thathasaremarkablewayof toning,smoothing,andbeat i fy ingyour legfrom thearchof your foot to the topof the th igh.Themusclesthat wi l l beachingthenextdayare theglutes, abs,and thighs.Though theexercise requires themovementof the leg, i t real ly targetsstomachWeight Loss Workout - 34

  • tautness.Afterseveral weeksof doingthisexercise, youmayseetheemergenceof as ixpackabset. As idebenef i t to thedeadweightl i f ter is that i t improvesyourwholebodybalance.

    How to Do It Standwith legsspreadsl ight lyapartjustbeyondshoulderwidth. Raiseyour foot , moving i tbehindyouand loweryoursel f unt i l your torso ishor izontal . Whenyour torso isparal le l to thef loor, pushbackwithyourhipsandreturn to thestart ingposi t ion. Besure tocontract yourglutesandkeepyourstomachmuscles t ight throughouttheprocessof theexercise. Repeat. Af ter severalrepet i t ions, dotheother leg.

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  • F a t R o l l e r s

    The Value Perhapsthemostagoniz ing,yet rewardingexercisesyoucaneverdo is theFatRol ler , acrunch- l ikeexercise thatactual lyworksbetterthancrunches. I t s anexercise thatwi l l s lowly

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  • el iminate torsofat , eventual lyreveal ingacut-upsixpack.Don t worry. I t g ives the rest of thebodya thoroughworkoutaswel l !

    How to Do It L ieonthef loor faceup,wi thyourarmsextendedaboveyourhead,yet paral le l wi th thef loor. Squeezeyourstomachmuscles t ight ly, andbendyourbody l ikea jackkni fe. L i f t legsandarmssimultaneously, andreachforyour toes. Bendas far as isnatural lypossible. Hold theposi t ion for at least onesecond, thenreturn tothestart ingposi t ion. Repeat.

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  • Working in the Workout RoutineWeight Loss Workout - 38

  • Start ingaworkoutrout ine isnoteasy.EveryJanuary1st , mi l l ionsof peoplearoundthewor ldstart enterpr is ingplansfor f inal lygett inginvolved inaworkout rout ine, only to fa i l d ismal lywi th inweeks.Thischapterwi l l not g iveyouawaytonever fa i l inyourworkoutrout ine, but i t wi l l providesomepract ical advice toavoidqui t t ing.

    T i p s f o r P u t t i n g I t i n Y o u r S c h e d u l e

    Thebiggestchal lenge inworkingout isf indingthet imetodo i t . This isachal lengethatwi l l

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  • neverbecomeeasier. Werecommendthemorning,beforeyouevenbeginyourworkday.

    Themorning isusual ly f ree f romdistract ionsandact iv i t ies that commonlyoccur in theevening. I t wi l l a l lowyoutodevelopconsistencyandregular i ty inyourworkoutrout ine.

    Themorningal lowsyoutostart yourdaywithaworkoutrout ine, whichimprovesyourmetabol ismfor theremainderof theday.

    Workingout in themorningal lowsyoutofeel goodfor therest of theday.Workingout in theeveningcanincreaseyourheart rateandadrenal in

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  • levelswhichmaymake i t moredi f f icul t toget tos leep.

    H o w M u c h , H o w O f t e n ? Workingoutneedstobecomeapart of yourregularact iv i t ies. Often, thequest ion is, howmuchandhowoften?

    Ideal ly, youshouldbeworkingoutonadai lybasis, s imply toestabl ish therout ine. However, youdonotneedtodothesameser iesof exerciseseveryday.Vary theexercises, butkeepexercis ingeveryday.

    Alternatedaysof walk ing/ joggingwith thes ixotherworkout techniques l is tedabove.Thiswi l l keepvar iety in theworkoutrout inewi thout takinga lot of t ime.

    Youdon t needtodevotea longamountof t ime. Includingwarm-up,cool-down,and

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  • evenshowering,consideryourworkoutrout ine to take just underanhour. Focusondevot ingaminimumofahal f -hour to theactual exercise.

    B u y i n g S t u f f Aweight lossworkoutrout ine thatworksdoesn t needtocost a lot of money.Yourbasicneeds includethefol lowing

    Agoodpair of shoes.Even i f youneedtospendabi t of moneyonshoes, i t is wel l worth i t . Sinceyou l l berunningorjogging,propersupport andstabi l izat ion isintegral toaheal thybody.Don t skimp

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  • whenbuyingshoes.Findapair that is comfortableandsturdy.

    Workoutc lothes.Obviously, youdon t wanttomessupyournicec lotheswhenyoureworkingout. Nordoyouwant towearc lothesthatwi l l beabrasiveoruncomfortable. A t -shir t andapair of athlet icshortswi l l beperfect .

    Youmaywishto invest inagymmembership, weights, or evenahomegym,butthesethingsarenotrequired i f youwant to loseweightef fect ively. What is important is that youst ickwi thyourweight lossworkout.

    J u s t d o n t q u i t . Thebigno-noof aweight lossworkout isqui t t ing. Therulesarepret tys imple: just don t qui t . Stayingcommit ted isn t easy, butkeeping

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  • youreyeonthegoal ought toprovidesomelevel of mot ivat ion. Thef inal product, thebodyyouwant, is worthpursuingandworthworkingfor.

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