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Promoon Strategies—Blog Commenng #1 Online Income Training 1 Traffic Strategies Free Traffic Blog Commenting

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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One of the most common problems faced with website owners is the inability to drive REAL, targeted traffic. When you have a website, you want to put it in front of as many people as possible - as fast as you can. You this quick, but effective technique to start driving traffic to your website in only 15 Mins per day. For more marketing training, tips, tools and more - check out our blog! http://bit.ly/1pkNVFn


Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 1



Free Traffic

Blog Commenting

Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 2

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Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 3

Blog Commenting

Blog Commenting is an effective way to drive a good amount of targeted traffic over

time. The best part is this method will only take 15 minutes per day, and will pay off tre-

mendously if it’s implemented correctly. I’m going to show you two different methods to

create high-quality blog comments FAST that will bring you new leads to your website.

Pretty much, we will by “funneling” traffic from other websites into ours, and creating

leads from already established blogs. Here’s a diagram how everything works:

As you can see, it’s a simple three-step process to follow. With our method we

are adding a little TWIST to make our comments convert better :)

So let’s get into the actual methods.

Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 4

Method 1: Google Alerts

Now as many people know, Google is a HUGE resource that offers a variety of tools. Most

people are unaware of all the tools Google has to offer. Google Alerts is one of those tools. In

a nutshell, what Google Alerts does is notifies you every time the keyword you set is in an ar-

ticle. We then will get real-time live updates, and be able to be the first person to comment

on new articles, meaning we get more traffic!

Step One: Go To Wordpot.com And Collect 20-30 Keywords Relevant To Your Niche.

Enter Niche Or Relevant


Wordpot is a free tool that helps you find relevant keywords. At wordpot.com home page

enter a keyword, and start gathering a list of unique keywords into notepad. I like to find 20-

30 UNIQUE keywords. Your search results will bring up all 100% unique keywords.

For example here’s what I got:

You’ll also get a Search Volume estimate for how much traffic your keyword is receiving.

Anything over 300 “Exact Daily” will work fine.

Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 5

So once you have gathered 20-30 keywords relevant to your niche, let’s move onto the next


Go To Google.com/Alerts and you’ll be brought to a screen similar to the one below..

Enter One Of Your Keywords In The “Create An Alert” Field

Click on “Show Options” Link Next To “CREATE ALERT” On The Bottom

For “How Often” Select “As-It-Happens”

Sources leave at “Automatic”

Select Your Language

Region Select “Any Region”

For “How Many” Select “All Results”

In the Enter Email Field Enter A NEW EMAIL, I have an email account set up SPECIFICALLY

For This.

Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 6

Now do this for all of your keywords, and you’ll start receiving Alerts immediately. When you receive an alert, it will look something like this:

As you can see, they send you numerous articles mentioning your keyword. Now all we

need to do is click on one, and look for a “comment” section. Then you just post your com-

ment. (Which we will get to shortly)

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#1 Online Income Training 7

Method 2: Finding Blogs Through Google Search

Now this technique I’ve been trying out and it works WONDERS for me. Why? By using

Google Search, we can use a few free tools they offer to find high-quality articles to com-

ment on! The reason this works so well is that THESE articles are already ranked, generating

hundreds, even thousands of TARGETED search engine traffic each & every day.

So without wasting any time, let’s get started. Open up Google.com, and have a keyword in

mind that you want to use. For example, I’m using dog training.

Now as you can see, there’s a column on the left hand side where I can adjust the time

frame I’m searching for. Select “Past Week” and look for articles that you can comment on!

NOTE: I’m using internet explorer, a lot of the times browser will have search setting under the

“Search Tools” Tab

Then just select “Any Time” and choose your selected time frame.

Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 8

Creating The Comments:

Now let’s focus on the actual traffic. How can we create comments that people want to click


We can do this several ways…

Spark Controversy

Add Value

Offer Point Of View


Now these seem to work the best, for me at least. Each comment you write effectively can

generate anywhere from twenty to a few hundred clicks. (depending on the site you’re com-

menting on) So let’s look at some template comments…

I’ve been using the “niche” dog training, so I’ll stick with that.

The Comment Template:

For example, this article was labeled “How To Stop A Puppy From Biting & Nipping” so here’s

a comment I could write for this article:

“Hey (Author Name),

Pretty good article, although I strongly have to disagree with some of your points. It’s in a dog’s nature to

bite and nip, and it’s a natural thing to happen. Just because your dog nips & bites doesn’t mean you have a

BAD dog, it means it’s following it’s natural instinct. I have 3 years of experience with puppies, and the best

strategy I’ve used to stop a dog from biting is simply “distract” the dog when he’s in a playful mood. Puppy’s

love to play! So when your dog is biting or nipping, give him something to play with. Grab a toy at the local

store and everytime he bites, use that toy as the DECOY J

I learned this from the #1 Online Dog Training At [Your URL], they offer hundreds of dog training lessons,

tricks, tips, etc. Since joining the attitude of my dog HAS completely changed.

Other than that, great article. I’ll be subscribing for more.



As you can see, we add the link, but PROVIDE VALUE over everything. We’re not forcing peo-

ple to click on the link, we’re simply offering advice, and give people an incentive for doing


Promotion Strategies—Blog Commenting

#1 Online Income Training 9

So that’s it for this method! Leave 10-15 blog comments a day

and watch how fast your traffic increases within a week! Make

sure to check out GrabbleMarketing.com for the latest

marketing tips tricks & advice! :)

#1 Online Income Training