ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions theoretical overview icpaqgp5, kolkata february 8, 2005...

relativistic heavy ion colli Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

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Page 1: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview

ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005

Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Page 2: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions

Explore properties of matter under extreme conditons (density, temperature)

Study how QCD works in unusual conditions

Much focus on formation of « quark-gluon plasma »

Page 3: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Fundamental questions

• What is the form of matter at « extreme » temperature or density?

• What is the wave function of a hadron, a nucleus, at asymptotically high energy?

SIMPLICITY emerges in extreme (asymptotic) situations

Page 4: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

At high temperature and/or high density matter is « simple »

Page 5: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

(S. Bethke, hep-ex/0211012)

QCD Interactions Weaken at High Energy

Page 6: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

The quark-gluon plasma

(from F. Karsch, hep-lat/0106019)

Energy density


Free gas limit

Page 7: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

(from F. Kajantie et al, PRL86, PRD67)(from F. Karsch, hep-lat/0106019)

Weakly interacting quasiparticles

Weak coupling calculations provide adequate descriptionOf the thermodynamics at high temperature

SU(3) Pressure

Dimensional reduction€

(T ≥ 3Tc )

Page 8: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*



Hadronic matter

Quark-Gluon Plasma


Colour superconductor

The QCD phase diagram

Page 9: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Theory near Tc is difficult

Degrees of freedom?

Strong coupling?

Bound states?

… and present experiments may be Probing this region…

Page 10: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Speed of sounds decreases as one approaches Tc from above

(from R. Gavai and S. Gupta)(from F. Csikor et al, hep-lat/0401022)

Simple quasiparticle picture breaks down close to Tc

Page 11: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

How does the wavefunction of a nucleus look like at

asymptotically high energy ?

Page 12: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

High density partonic systems

Parton density grows as x decreases

Page 13: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

The very early stages of nucleus-nucleus collisions

Physics of dense systems of quarks and gluons

Weak coupling but many active degrees of freedom

Non linear QCD effects become important when

∂A( )2

≈ g2 A4 ≈ g2 A2 2

Page 14: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Gluon saturation

Saturation scale

Non linear effects important when

(Gribov, Levin, Ryskin 83)

Large gluon densites at small x

i.e. at a characterisitic scale

∂A( )2

≈ g2 A2 2

A2 ≈xG(x,Q2)


Q2 ≈ g2 A2

Qs2 ≈ α s



kT ≤ Qs

kT ≥ Qs(saturated regime) (dilute regime)

Page 15: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

The saturation scale

In a nucleus

The densities in the central rapidity of a nucleus-nucleus collision at RHIC are similar to those at HERA.

From fit to DIS (HERA)

At the LHC

At RHIC, smaller x can be reached in the forward rapidity region

Qs2(x) = Q0

2 x0


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟λ

Q02 → Q0

2A1/ 3

Page 16: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Early stages of a nucleus-nucleus collision

Partons set free have typical tranverse momenta

They are set free at (proper) time

At that time €

kT ≈ Qs

τ ≈Qs−1


dy≈ 2AxG(x,Qs)


dy≈ 2QsAxG(x,Qs)

Phenomenology based on such arguments (refined) is reasonably successful at RHIC

Page 17: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

High density partonic systems

Large occupation numbers

Classical fields

McLerran-Venugopalan, etc.

Qs2 ≈ α s



n ≈xG(x,Q2)



2n ≈


α s

2 /Qs

Non linear evolution equations

Balitsky-Kovchegov equationCOLOR GLASS CONDENSATE and JIMWLK(*) equation

(*) Jalilian-Marian, Iancu, McLerran, Weigert, Leonidov, Kovner

Page 18: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Experimental discoveries at RHIC

Large energy density achieved

Collective behaviour observed

Jet quenching and strong « final state » interactions

Hints of gluon saturation

And much more…(Focus on observables sensitive to initial state)

Page 19: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Large energy density

Page 20: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Moderate increase of multiplicity with beam energy

From Phenix

White paper

Page 21: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Bjorken energy density

εBj (1 fm /c) ≈ 5.5GeV / fm3

εBj (0.35 fm /c) ≈16GeV / fm3

εBj (0.14 fm /c) ≈ 40GeV / fm3

εBj (τ 0) =1

πR2τ 0



(τ 0 ≈1/mT )

(τ 0 ≈1/Qs)

Page 22: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Elliptic flow

Page 23: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Produced particles flow preferentiallyin the reaction plane

(J.-Y. Ollitrault, 1992)

εx =y 2 − x 2

y 2 + x 2

(P.F. Kolb, J. Sollfrank and U. Heinz, PRC 62 (2000) 054909)

V2 = cos(2ϕ )

(S. Voloshin and Y. Zhang, 1994)

Page 24: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Elliptic flow

(Phenix white paper)

Page 25: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Comparison with hydrodynamics

(From U. Heinz, nucl-th/0412094)

Page 26: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Strong conclusions drawn from comparison with hydrodynamical calculations:

- early thermalisation time - sensitivity to equation of state- low viscosity

Page 27: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

dr v

dt= −

r ∇P

ε + P

dr v

dt≈ −


1+ cs2

r ∇ε



dε= cs


Euler equation Speed of sound

Some simple remarks (*)

(* R. Bhalerao, J-P B, N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault)

The overall energy density scale is irrelevant for collective flow

For constant speed of sound

Page 28: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

v(τ )


≈ cs(τ − τ 0) ×1


For constant speed of sound

V2 ≈ cs

V2 ≈ ε

The time scale for establishing elliptic flow is

R /cs

Argument for early thermalisation= based on delayed hydro expansion. Natural time scale is large:


Small thermalisation time unatural (?)


Page 29: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Good control parameter ? -initial energy density (no) -average number of collisions during the build up of elliptic flow (?)







⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

(From NA49, nucl-ex/0303001)

Page 30: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Jet quenching and strong « final state » interactions

Page 31: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*




AuAubinaryAuAuAA Yield


/ ⟩⟨=

Au-Au nucl-ex/0304022

Jet production in matter

Page 32: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

(PHENIX, nucl-ex/0401001)

Control experiment: d-AU

Page 33: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

STAR: Phys.Rev.Lett.91:072304,2003

Page 34: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Hints of gluon saturation

Page 35: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

Solution of the BK equation, Albacete et al, hep-ph/0307179










(Related analytical work by Iancu, Itakura, Triantafyllopoulos hep-ph/0403103)

Suppression can also be due to initial state effects (nuclear wave function probed at small x; color glass condensate)

Page 36: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

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sont requis pour visionner cette image.

Page 37: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

(Kharzeev, Kovchegov, Tuchin, hep-ph/0405045)

Page 38: Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions Theoretical overview ICPAQGP5, KOLKATA February 8, 2005 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

SUMMARY-Strongly interacting matter is produced in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. Large « initial » energy density. Collective behaviour.

- Many (indirect) evidences that partonic degrees of freedom play an important role in the collision dynamics at RHIC

- Early stages of the collisions, and hence « initial state effects » are important at RHIC (and will be more so at LHC).

- Hints of saturation (color glass condensate) may be already present at RHIC. Phenomenology based on saturation ideas is reasonably successful at RHIC

- QCD has become a central reference in the analysis of the data