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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020; 55: 848–862Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/uog.22061


ISUOG Interim Guidance on coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) during pregnancy and puerperium: informationfor healthcare professionals – an update

In response to the World Health Organization (WHO)statements and international concerns regarding thecoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, theInternational Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics andGynecology (ISUOG) is issuing the following guidancefor management during pregnancy and puerperium.

Given the uncertainty regarding many aspects of theclinical course of COVID-19 in pregnancy, frequentlyupdated information may help obstetricians and ultra-sound practitioners in counseling pregnant women andfurther improve our understanding of the pathophysio-logy of COVID-19 in pregnancy.

This statement, which is an update on our previousInterim Guidance1 (Appendix S1), is not intended toreplace other previously published interim guidanceon evaluation and management of COVID-19-exposedpregnant women and should be considered in conjunctionwith relevant advice from organizations such as:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(ACOG): https://www.acog.org/clinical-information/physician-faqs/covid-19-faqs-for-ob-gyns-obstetrics

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/inpatient-obstetric-healthcare-guidance.html

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control(ECDC): https://www.ecdc.europa.eu

Indicazioni ad interim della Societa Italiana diNeonatologia (SIN): https://www.sin-neonatologia.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/SIN.COVID19-10-maggio.V3-Indicazioni-1.pdf

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics(FIGO): https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ijgo.13156

Ministry of Health, Brazil: https://www.conasems.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/guia_de_vigilancia_2020.pdf

National Health Commission of the People’s Republicof China: http://www.nhc.gov.cn

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO): http://www.paho.org

Perinatal Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Asso-ciation: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/11hbxlPh317es1XtfWG2qg

Public Health England: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecolo-gists (RCOG): https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-research-services/guidelines/coronavirus-pregnancy/

Sante Publique France: https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/

Sociedad Espanola de Ginecologıa y Obstetricia(S.E.G.O.): https://mcusercontent.com/fbf1db3cf76a76d43c634a0e7/files/1abd1fa8-1a6f-409d-b622-c50e2b29eca9/RECOMENDACIONES_PARA_LA_PREVENCIO_N_DE_LA_INFECCIO_N_Y_EL_CONTROL_DE_LA_ENFERMEDAD_POR_CORONAVIRUS_2019_COVID_19_EN_LA_PACIENTE_OBSTE_TRICA.pdf

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine: https://www.smfm.org/covidclinical

World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severeacute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),is a global public health emergency. Since the first caseof COVID-19 pneumonia was reported in Wuhan, HubeiProvince, China, in December 2019, the infection hasspread rapidly to the rest of China and beyond2,3.

Coronaviruses are enveloped, non-segmented, positive-sense ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses belonging to thefamily Coronaviridae, order Nidovirales4. The epidemicsof the two β-coronaviruses, severe acute respiratorysyndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle Eastrespiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), havecaused more than 10 000 cumulative cases in the pasttwo decades, with mortality rates of 10% for SARS-CoVand 37% for MERS-CoV5–8. SARS-CoV-2 belongs to thesame β-coronavirus subgroup and it has genome similarityof about 80% and 50% with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV,respectively9.

SARS-CoV-2 is spread by respiratory droplets anddirect contact (when body fluids of an infected persontouch another person’s eyes, nose or mouth, or anopen cut, wound or abrasion). It should be noted that

Copyright © 2020 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISUOG INTERIM GUIDANCE

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SARS-CoV-2 has been found in a laboratory environmentto be viable on plastic and stainless-steel surfaces for upto 72 h, whereas on copper and cardboard it is viablefor up to 24 h10. SARS-CoV-2 also remains viable andinfectious in aerosols for hours, raising the possibilityof airborne transmission. The Report of the WorldHealth Organization (WHO)-China Joint Mission onCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)11 estimated ahigh R0 (reproduction number) of 2–2.5. The latestreport from WHO12, on April 10th, estimated the globalmortality rate of COVID-19 to be 6.1%. However, otherreports, which utilized appropriate adjustment for thecase ascertainment rate and the time lag between onset ofsymptoms and death, suggested the mortality rate to belower, at 1.4%13.

Huang et al.14 first reported on a cohort of 41 patientswith laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia. Theydescribed the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory andradiological characteristics, as well as treatment andclinical outcome of the patients. Subsequent studies withlarger sample sizes have shown similar findings15,16. Themost common symptoms reported are fever (88.5%)and cough (68.6%)17. Myalgia or fatigue (35.8%),expectoration (28.2%) and dyspnea (21.9%) are alsoreported17. Diarrhea (4.8%) and nausea and vomiting(3.9%) are less common17. Breslin et al.18 observedsimilar COVID-19 severity in pregnant patients (86.0%mild disease, 9.3% severe disease and 4.7% criticaldisease) to that reported in non-pregnant patients16. Onadmission, ground-glass opacity is the most commonradiologic finding on computed tomography (CT) of thechest (56.4%)16. No radiographic or CT abnormality wasfound in 157 of 877 (17.9%) patients with non-severedisease and in five of 173 (2.9%) patients with severedisease. Lymphocytopenia was reported to be present in64.5% of patients on admission17. Elevated C-reactiveprotein and lactic dehydrogenase were observed in 44.3%and 28.3% of patients, respectively. Breslin et al. screenedasymptomatic pregnant patients admitted to the laborward, and found that 32.6% of them tested positive;however, 71.4% of these patients developed symptomsduring admission or early postpartum18.

Universal testing for COVID-19 remains a topic ofdebate and its need is determined mainly by local protocoland prevalence of the disease. A recent study from NewYork, USA, reported that a relatively large proportion(13.5%) of patients without any symptoms admittedfor delivery tested positive for SARS-CoV-219. Of thesepatients, 10% developed fever before discharge fromthe hospital. This indicates the potential problem withtriaging patients based merely on symptoms in areas withwidespread community infection.

Pregnancy is a physiological state that predisposeswomen to respiratory complications of viral infection.Due to the physiological changes in their immune andcardiopulmonary systems, pregnant women are morelikely to develop severe illness after infection withrespiratory viruses20. In 2009, pregnant women accountedfor 1% of patients infected with influenza A subtype

H1N1 virus, but they accounted for 5% of H1N1-relateddeaths21. In addition, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV areboth known to be responsible for severe complicationsduring pregnancy, including the need for endotrachealintubation, admission to an intensive care unit (ICU),renal failure and death8,22. The case fatality rate ofSARS-CoV infection among pregnant women is up to25%8. Currently, however, there is no evidence thatpregnant women are more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 orthat those with COVID-19 are more prone to developingsevere pneumonia18,23–28.

Over and above the impact of COVID-19 on apregnant woman, there are concerns relating to thepotential effect on fetal and neonatal outcome; therefore,pregnant women require special attention in relation toprevention, diagnosis and management. Based on thelimited information available as yet and our knowledgeof other similar viral pulmonary infections, the followingexpert opinions are offered to guide clinical management.


Case definitions are those included in the WHO’s interimguidance, ‘Global surveillance for COVID-19 caused byhuman infection with COVID-19 virus’29.

Suspected case

• A patient with acute respiratory illness (fever and atleast one sign/symptom of respiratory disease (e.g.cough, shortness of breath)) AND a history of travelto or residence in a location reporting communitytransmission of COVID-19 during the 14 days priorto symptom onset; OR

• A patient with any acute respiratory illness AND whohas been in contact (see definition of contact below)with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case in thelast 14 days prior to symptom onset; OR

• A patient with severe acute respiratory illness (feverand at least one sign/symptom of respiratory disease(e.g. cough, shortness of breath)) AND who requireshospitalization AND in the absence of an alternativediagnosis that fully explains the clinical presentation.

A contact is defined as a person who experienced anyone of the following exposures during the 2 days beforeand the 14 days after the onset of symptoms of a probableor confirmed COVID-19 case:

1. Face-to-face contact with a probable or confirmedcase, within 1 m and for more than 15 min;

2. Direct physical contact with a probable or confirmedcase;

3. Direct care for a patient with probable or confirmedCOVID-19, without using proper personal protectiveequipment (PPE);

4. Other situations as indicated by local risk assessments.

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Note: for confirmed asymptomatic cases, the period ofcontact is measured from 2 days before to 14 days afterthe date on which the sample that led to confirmation wastaken.

Probable case

• A suspected case for which laboratory testing forCOVID-19 is inconclusive; OR

• A suspected case for which testing could not beperformed, for any reason.

Confirmed case

A person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19,irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.

Evidence suggests that a proportion of transmissionsoccur from cases with no or mild symptoms that donot provoke healthcare-seeking behavior30. Under thesecircumstances, in areas in which local transmissionoccurs, an increasing number of cases without adefined chain of transmission is observed and a lowerthreshold for suspicion in patients with severe acuterespiratory infection may be recommended by healthauthorities31.

Any suspected case should be tested for SARS-CoV-2using available molecular tests, such as quantita-tive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR). Lower-respiratory-tract specimens likelyhave a higher diagnostic value compared with upper-respiratory-tract specimens for detecting SARS-CoV-2.The WHO recommends that, if possible, lower-respiratory-tract specimens, such as sputum, endotra-cheal aspirate or bronchoalveolar lavage, be collectedfor SARS-CoV-2 testing32. If patients do not havesigns or symptoms of lower-respiratory-tract diseaseor specimen collection for lower-respiratory-tract dis-ease is clinically indicated but collection is not possible,upper-respiratory-tract specimens of combined nasopha-ryngeal and oropharyngeal swabs should be collected.If initial testing is negative in a patient who is stronglysuspected of having COVID-19, the patient should beresampled, with a sampling time interval of at least 1 day,and specimens collected from multiple respiratory-tractsites (nose, sputum, endotracheal aspirate). Additionalspecimens, such as blood, urine and stool, may be col-lected to monitor the presence of virus and the shedding ofvirus from different body compartments. When qRT-PCRanalysis is negative for two consecutive tests, COVID-19can be ruled out.

The WHO has provided guidance on the ratio-nal use of PPE for COVID-1933. When conductingaerosol-generating procedures (e.g. tracheal intubation,non-invasive ventilation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation,manual ventilation before intubation), healthcare workersare advised to use respirators (e.g. fit-tested N95, FFP2or equivalent standard) with their PPE33,34. The Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) additionally

considers procedures that are likely to induce cough-ing (e.g. sputum induction, collection of nasopharyngealswabs and suctioning) as aerosol-generating proceduresand CDC guidance includes the option of using a poweredair-purifying respirator34,35.


Computed tomography (CT)

Chest imaging, especially CT scan, is essential forevaluation of the clinical condition of a pregnantwoman with COVID-1936–38. Fetal growth restriction(FGR), microcephaly and intellectual disability arethe most common adverse effects from high-dose(> 610 mGy) radiation exposure39,40. According to theAmerican College of Radiology and American Collegeof Obstetricians and Gynecologists, when a pregnantwoman undergoes a single chest X-ray examination, theradiation dose to the fetus is 0.0005–0.01 mGy, whichis negligible, while the radiation dose to the fetus is0.01–0.66 mGy from a single chest CT scan or CTpulmonary angiogram41–43.

Chest CT scanning has high sensitivity (97%) fordiagnosis of COVID-1938. In a pregnant woman withsuspected COVID-19, a chest CT scan may be consideredas a primary tool for the detection of COVID-19 inepidemic areas38. Informed consent should be acquired(shared decision-making) and a radiation shield appliedover the gravid uterus. Because of the logistics involvedin performing a CT scan on critically ill patients, and theneed for thorough cleaning of the CT unit after imaging aCOVID-19 patient, a portable chest X-ray is an acceptablealternative to a CT scan.

A CT pulmonary angiogram is generally used inpreference to a ventilation/perfusion scan on clinicalsuspicion of pulmonary embolus and should not bewithheld during pregnancy.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been proposedthat ultrasound examination of the lungs of a pregnantwoman with suspected COVID-19 could be carried outat the same time as the obstetric scan, in order tominimize the risk of radiation as well as streamlinethe clinical assessment of these patients. This mode oflung imaging could also be considered when chest X-rayand CT scan are not available. However, managementshould be determined by the clinical features andseverity of the disease, and not be based merely ondiagnostic imaging. A practical guide on how to performlung ultrasound examination in pregnant women withsuspected COVID-19 was published recently44. In brief,the lung ultrasound scan can be performed using any typeof machine and any type of transducer (including linear,convex and microconvex). Detailed guidance regardingcleaning of ultrasound equipment and transducers in thecontext of COVID-19 has been provided in the article

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‘ISUOG Safety Committee Position Statement on safeperformance of obstetric and gynecological scans andequipment cleaning in context of COVID-19’45.

On ultrasound, horizontal ‘A-lines’ are the hallmarkof the normal lung. When the lung loses normalaeration, but is not completely consolidated, it generatesdifferent shapes and lengths of vertical artifacts, usuallycalled ‘B-lines’. When the density of the peripheral lungparenchyma is increased, ultrasound examination showsa white area (the so-called ‘ultrasonographic white lung’),in which neither A-lines nor separated B-lines are visible.Consolidation appears as an irregular hypoechoic area,and pleural effusion appears anechoic. A videoclip andimages demonstrating these findings can be found in theoriginal article44.

Following the obstetric abdominal ultrasound exami-nation, with the patient in a supine position, the examinercan simply move the probe from the abdomen to thechest, scanning the anterior and lateral areas of the tho-rax. The examination should cover the whole pulmonaryarea, from basal to upper areas of the thorax. Four verti-cal lines (right mid-axillary line, right parasternal line, leftparasternal line and left mid-axillary line) can be followedin order to perform a systematic examination. With thepatient in a sitting or lateral position, the posterior para-vertebral surface of the thorax should then be scanned,from basal to upper areas or along posterior-axillary linesaccording to the patient’s position.


Triage of patients

Refer to Appendix 1. Triage of pregnant patients whopotentially have COVID-19 is of great importance in orderto reduce the risk of exposure for patients and healthcareworkers alike23. Setting up a triage station outside theobstetric ward and outpatient clinic is essential, allowingfor systematic and thorough screening (Appendix 2) forsymptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat) and riskfactors (based on travel history, occupation, contactand cluster (TOCC)). Temperature should be checked.When concern is raised about a potential COVID-19patient, i.e. due to symptoms and/or TOCC risk factors,a surgical facemask should be put on the patient and sheshould be separated from other patients, preferably in anisolated COVID-19 unit. Healthcare workers should donappropriate PPE for the management of pregnant womenwith suspected/probable/confirmed COVID-1933,45,46.

Place of care

Refer to Appendix 3. Suspected, probable and confirmedcases of COVID-19 should ideally be managed bydesignated tertiary hospitals with effective isolationfacilities and protection equipment47. Suspected/probablecases should be treated in isolation and confirmed casesshould be managed in a negative-pressure isolation room,when available; otherwise, designated COVID-19 units

can help reduce spread by cohorting affected patientswith dedicated staffing. Designated hospitals shouldset up a dedicated operating room and a neonatalisolation ward. Ideally, the operating room and neonatalisolation ward should have negative-pressure ventilation.When it is not possible to set up negative-pressureventilation for operating rooms, it is advisable to discusswith the hospital engineer whether it is appropriateto switch off their positive-pressure ventilation. Allattending medical staff should don PPE (fit-tested N95,FFP2 or equivalent-standard respirator, eye protection(goggles and/or face shield), disposable fluid-resistant andimpermeable protective gown and double gloves) whenproviding care for confirmed cases of COVID-1933,35,48.

However, in areas with widespread local transmissionof the disease, health services may be unable to providesuch levels of care to all suspected, probable or confirmedCOVID-19 cases. Pregnant women with a mild clinicalpresentation may not initially require hospital admission,and home confinement can be considered, provided thatthis is possible logistically and that monitoring of thewoman’s condition can be ensured49. If negative-pressureisolation rooms are not available, patients should beisolated in single rooms, or grouped together onceCOVID-19 has been confirmed.

For transfer of confirmed cases, the attending medicalteam should don PPE and keep themselves and theirpatient a minimum distance of 2 m, or 6 feet, from anyindividuals without PPE.

Referral to intensive care unit (ICU)

When an inpatient has confirmed COVID-19, vigilantmaternal monitoring (including oxygen saturation mon-itoring) is of paramount importance, allowing for rapidinitiation of supportive care23. Although not yet validatedin COVID-19 pregnant patients, a modified early obstet-ric warning score (MEOWS) can be used to enable earlyrecognition of critical illness50,51. An adapted MEOWSchart is provided in Appendix 4. When the maternalcondition requires additional care, this should not bewithheld due to pregnancy. Respiratory indications fortransfer to an isolated negative-pressure room in theICU include pulmonary edema, need for airway protec-tion and necessity of mechanical ventilation50. Patientswith hypoxemic respiratory failure should be admit-ted to the ICU as soon as possible. Multidisciplinarycare (obstetricians, maternal–fetal-medicine subspecial-ists, intensivists, obstetric anesthetists, internal-medicineor respiratory physicians, midwives, virologists, micro-biologists, neonatologists, infectious-disease specialists)is essential, particularly because some pregnancy-relateddiseases can cause findings similar to those of severeCOVID-19 (e.g. pulmonary embolism) and because thephysiologic changes of pregnancy may affect management(e.g. optimal maternal positioning, changes in respiratoryphysiology affecting appropriate ventilator settings).

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852 ISUOG Interim Guidance

Suspected/probable cases

General treatment

Particular attention should be paid to fluid and electrolytebalance. Symptoms should be treated, for example withantipyretic medicines.


Maternal vital signs (preferably using MEOWS) and oxy-gen saturation level should be monitored vigilantly tominimize maternal hypoxia. Arterial blood-gas analysisshould be conducted. Repeat chest imaging (when indi-cated) should be performed. Complete blood count shouldbe evaluated regularly, with renal- and liver-function test-ing and coagulation testing.

Confirmed cases

Non-severe disease

(1) The approach to symptomatic treatment and surveil-lance is the same as for suspected/probable cases. Conser-vative fluid administration is advised23,52. Fluid balanceshould be evaluated regularly to minimize the risk offluid overload53. Isotonic crystalloid fluid is the firstchoice of fluid to be administered. (2) Currently, thereis no proven antiviral treatment for COVID-19 patients,although a number of drugs are being trialed thera-peutically in patients with severe symptoms. Decisionsregarding antiviral, antimalarial and antibiotic treat-ment should be undertaken in conjunction with localinfectious-disease experts, and with the obstetrician pro-viding advice on potential maternal or fetal effects of anytreatment regimen. A summary of potential treatments,including hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir, inter-feron β-1b, tocilizumab, azithromycin and remdesivir, isprovided in Appendix S2. (3) In non-pregnant COVID-19patients, comorbidities such as hypertension or diabetesseem to increase the risk for progression to severe disease,with poorer clinical outcome54. Therefore, it is advisableto monitor closely pregnant patients with these comor-bidities and to be aware of this increased risk.

Severe and critical disease

(1) The degree of severity of COVID-19 pneu-monia is defined by the Infectious Diseases Soci-ety of America/American Thoracic Society guidelinesfor community-acquired pneumonia (Appendix S3)55,56.(2) Severe pneumonia is associated with a high mater-nal and perinatal mortality rate; there is, therefore,a requirement for aggressive treatment, including sup-porting measures with hydration, oxygen therapy andchest physiotherapy. The case should be managed in anegative-pressure isolation room in the ICU, with thewoman in a semi-recumbent or prone position, if feasi-ble. Support should be provided by a multidisciplinary

team57. (3) Antibacterial treatment: appropriate antibi-otic treatment in combination with antiviral treatmentshould be used promptly when there is suspected orconfirmed secondary bacterial infection, following discus-sion with microbiologists. (4) Blood-pressure monitoringand fluid-balance management: in patients without septicshock, conservative fluid-management measures shouldbe undertaken58. Excessive fluid can worsen hypoxemiain severe disease without shock23,52. In patients with sep-tic shock, fluid resuscitation and inotropes are requiredto maintain an average arterial pressure ≥ 65 mmHg anda lactate level < 2 mmol/L23,50. The Hour-1 SurvivingSepsis Campaign bundle of care is a concise and practi-cal approach to initial care for (suspected) sepsis59. ThisBundle of Care is provided in Appendix S4. The WHOadvises administration of 250–500 mL crystalloid intra-venous fluid in the first 15–30 min, as a bolus23. (5)Oxygen therapy: supplemental oxygen should be used tomaintain oxygen saturation > 94%23,60; oxygen should begiven promptly to patients with hypoxemia and/or shock,and the method of ventilation should be according to thepatient’s condition and following guidance from the inten-sivists and obstetric anesthetists23. Accelerated hypoxemiain pregnancy is possible, due to increased oxygen con-sumption and reduced functional residual capacity51. Theintensivist should be aware of a higher likelihood ofdifficult intubation and greater risk of aspiration dur-ing pregnancy. (6) Medically indicated preterm deliveryshould be considered by the multidisciplinary team ona case-by-case basis. Early delivery may aid ventilation,allowing for prone ventilation if required. (7) Even inconfirmed COVID-19 patients, other causes for maternalcollapse should be examined51.


It has been reported that viral pneumonia in preg-nant women is associated with an increased risk ofpreterm birth, FGR and perinatal mortality61. Based onnationwide population-based data from Taiwan, it wasdemonstrated that pregnant women with viral pneumonia(n = 1462) had an increased risk of preterm birth, FGRand having a newborn with low birth weight and Apgarscore < 7 at 5 min, compared with those without pneumo-nia (n = 7310)62. A case series of 12 pregnant women withSARS-CoV in Hong Kong, China, reported three mater-nal deaths, that four of seven patients who presented inthe first trimester had spontaneous miscarriage, four offive patients who presented after 24 weeks had pretermbirth and two mothers recovered without delivery buttheir ongoing pregnancies were complicated by FGR8.Currently, there are limited data regarding the impacton the fetus of maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection. There isan apparent increase of iatrogenic preterm birth but notof spontaneous preterm birth; therefore, cervical-lengthscreening is not recommended.

Fever is common in COVID-19 patients. Previous datahave demonstrated that maternal fever in early pregnancycan cause congenital structural abnormalities involving

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the neural tube, heart, kidney and other organs63–65.However, a study of 80 321 pregnant women reportedthat the rate of fever in early pregnancy was 10%,while the incidence of fetal malformation in this groupwas 3.7%66. Among the 77 344 viable pregnancies withdata collected at 16–29 weeks of gestation, in the 8321pregnant women with a reported temperature > 38◦Clasting 1–4 days in early pregnancy, compared to thosewithout a fever in early pregnancy, the overall risk offetal malformation was not increased (odds ratio = 0.99(95% CI, 0.88–1.12))66. Previous studies have reportedno evidence of congenital infection with SARS-CoV, andcurrently there are no data on the risk of congenitalmalformation when SARS-CoV-2 infection is acquiredduring the first or early second trimester of pregnancy67.

Outpatient antenatal care

If appropriate, giving advice via telephone or videocon-ferencing to patients with suspected/probable/confirmedCOVID-19 can be considered53. When the patient hasto be seen in hospital, early triage and isolation mea-sures should be applied; all healthcare workers attendingthese patients should wear appropriate PPE33,35. Manage-ment in a negative-pressure room is advised for confirmedcases. However, if this is not available, a dedicated singleconsultation room, from which any unnecessary equip-ment has been removed, is advised. Thorough disinfectionbetween patients, according to local protocols, is essential,especially of high-touch surfaces45,52.

Inpatient antenatal care

Hospital admission might be required for pregnantpatients with suspected/probable/confirmed COVID-19,either because of the disease itself or for obstetric reasons.A separate (part of the) obstetric ward should be reservedfor these patients, preferably with negative-pressurerooms for confirmed cases. This ward should usededicated equipment, such as cardiotocography (CTG)or ultrasound machines45. This equipment should notbe removed from the room/ward without appropriatedisinfection.

Prompt review by senior team members and, if nec-essary, multidisciplinary review, is advised for thesepatients53. Even if a patient is managed in an isolationward, woman-centered and skilled care with psychosocialsupport remains important23. Additionally, thrombopro-phylaxis must be considered for all pregnant women whoare managed as inpatients, especially in those with severedisease, unless delivery is imminent (within 12 h)23,51,53.The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologistsadvises prophylactic low-molecular-weight heparin forall pregnant women admitted with COVID-19, and thisshould also be considered in outpatient self-isolatingpatients on a case-by-case basis, according to riskfactors53. However, if the patient decompensates rapidly,a thorough risk–benefit analysis should be made regardingthe administration of thromboprophylaxis, due to safety

concerns regarding its use in conjunction with neuraxialanalgesia.

Fetal monitoring and ultrasound

Following maternal assessment, CTG for fetal heart-rate(FHR) monitoring, at an appropriate gestational ageaccording to local practice, should be undertaken, as wellas ultrasound assessment of fetal growth and amnioticfluid volume, with umbilical artery Doppler if necessary.In severe COVID-19 cases, the fetal scan can be performedonce the patient is stabilized. All sonographers/sonologistsshould don appropriate PPE when undertaking theultrasound scan35. Adequate cleaning of ultrasoundequipment and transducers should be performed beforefurther use45.

Pregnant women with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infec-tion who are asymptomatic, or recovering from mildillness, should be monitored with 4-weekly ultrasoundassessments of fetal growth and amniotic fluid volume,with umbilical artery Doppler if necessary68,69. When theinfection is acquired in the first or early second trimesterof pregnancy, a detailed morphology scan at 18–23 weeksof gestation is indicated, and these pregnancies should bemonitored carefully after recovery.

The pregnancy should be managed according tothe clinical findings, regardless of the timing ofinfection during pregnancy. All clinical visits forobstetric emergencies should be carried out in agreementwith current local guidelines. All routine follow-upappointments should be postponed by 14 days or untilpositive test results (or two consecutive negative testresults) are obtained. Recommendations on how toprioritize obstetric ultrasound services are provided inseparate documents68,70.


Refer to Appendix 3. COVID-19 itself is not an indicationfor delivery, unless there is a need to improve maternaloxygenation. For suspected, probable and confirmedcases of COVID-19, delivery should be conducted in anegative-pressure isolation room whenever possible. Thetiming and mode of delivery should be individualized,dependent mainly on the clinical status of the patient,gestational age and fetal condition53. In the event thatan infected woman has spontaneous onset of laborwith optimal progress, she can be allowed to delivervaginally47. Continuous fetal and frequent maternalmonitoring is essential in these patients. Therefore, foroptimum care as well as for the protection of the medicalteam, given evidence of presence of the virus in feces andthe inability of healthcare workers to use adequate PPEduring the delivery, water birth should be avoided53,71.

Shortening the second stage by operative vaginaldelivery can be considered, as active pushing whilewearing a surgical mask may be difficult for the woman toachieve72. With respect to a pregnant woman without adiagnosis of COVID-19, but who might be a silent carrier

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of the virus, we urge caution regarding the practice ofactive pushing while wearing a surgical mask, as it isunclear if there is an increased risk of exposure to anyhealthcare professional attending the delivery withoutPPE, because forceful exhalation may significantly reducethe effectiveness of a mask in preventing the spreadof the virus by respiratory droplets72. During labor,excessive intravenous fluid should be avoided, especiallywhen administering oxytocin, since this could worsenfluid overload due to its antidiuretic effect73. Oxytocinshould be administered in an isotonic crystalloid such as0.9% NaCl solution. Induction of labor can be consideredwhen the cervix is favorable, but there should be a lowthreshold to expedite the delivery when there is fetaldistress, poor progress in labor and/or deterioration inmaternal condition.

Septic shock, acute organ failure or fetal distressshould prompt emergency Cesarean delivery (or ter-mination, if legal, before fetal viability)69. DonningPPE is time-consuming, and this may prolong thedecision-to-delivery interval, but it is imperative. Womenand their families should be informed about this pos-sible delay, which may be of particular importance inCategory-1 Cesarean delivery.

Both regional anesthesia and general anesthesia canbe considered, depending on the clinical condition ofthe patient and after consultation with the obstetricanesthetist. As general anesthesia is considered anaerosol-generating procedure, regional anesthesia ispreferred. When appropriate, an early epidural shouldbe considered for a laboring woman with confirmedCOVID-19. Concerning the presence of a birth-partnerduring childbirth, we advise adherence to local protocols.It is advisable to give the asymptomatic birth-partnera surgical facemask and they must follow strict handhygiene53. However, when the partner is symptomatic,they must remain in isolation and therefore cannot attendthe delivery.

For preterm cases requiring delivery between 24 and33 + 6 weeks of gestation, we urge caution regarding theuse of antenatal steroids (dexamethasone or betametha-sone) for fetal lung maturation in a critically ill patient,because this can potentially worsen her clinical condi-tion and the administration of antenatal steroids mightdelay the delivery that is necessary for managementof the patient, especially when there is a need toimprove maternal oxygenation74. The use of antenatalsteroids should be considered according to risk–benefitanalysis and in discussion with infectious-diseasespecialists, maternal–fetal-medicine subspecialists andneonatologists57,75. We advise against the use of steroidsin women at risk for late preterm delivery (between 34 and36 weeks of gestation). Such risk–benefit analysis and dis-cussion should likewise be applied to the use of tocolysisin women presenting with spontaneous preterm labor.

Miscarried embryos/fetuses and placentae ofCOVID-19 pregnant women should be treated asinfectious tissues and should be disposed of appropriately.


Risk of vertical transmission

At present, it is uncertain whether there is a risk ofvertical mother-to-baby transmission of SARS-CoV-2.In two studies, with a combined total of 10 pregnantwomen with COVID-19 in the third trimester, amnioticfluid, cord blood and neonatal throat swab samplestested negative for SARS-CoV-2, suggesting there wasno evidence of vertical transmission in women whodeveloped COVID-19 pneumonia in late pregnancy26,76.Furthermore, in the study by Qiu et al., vaginalsecretion samples tested negative for SARS-CoV-2RNA77. Notably, a neonate born to a pregnant womanwith COVID-19 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNAin the pharyngeal swab sample 36 h after birth, but itwas subsequently confirmed that qRT-PCR testing of theplacenta and cord blood was negative for SARS-CoV-2,suggesting that intrauterine vertical transmission mightnot have occurred27,78.

Two studies recently explored the possibility of verticaltransmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a combined total of sevenaffected pregnancies by testing for SARS-CoV-2-specificantibodies (immunoglobulins G and M (IgG and IgM))in neonatal serum samples79,80. Their conclusion, thatSARS-CoV-2 could be transmitted in utero, was basedon the presence of IgM antibodies, detected by recentlydeveloped automated chemiluminescence immunoassays,in blood drawn from three neonates following birth.However, for all three cases, the neonatal respiratorysamples tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. In thestudy of Dong et al., the observed rapid decline (within14 days) of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG levels in the infant,along with a decline in IgM antibodies, strongly suggeststhat neonatal anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies werederived transplacentally from the mother, and not activelyinduced by the presumed neonatal infection80.

In order to further investigate the possibility of verticaltransmission of SARS-CoV-2, appropriately matchedbiological samples, including cord blood, placental tissue,amniotic fluid and amnion–chorion-interface swab,should be collected immediately after delivery, usingaseptic technique, from women with COVID-1981. Aneonatal pharyngeal swab can also be collected. Ifpossible, testing for SARS-CoV-2 of the miscarriedfetus/placenta of COVID-19 pregnant women shouldbe undertaken. In addition to testing for SARS-CoV-2RNA by qRT-PCR, serological testing could be animportant supplement in order to clarify the issue ofvertical transmission of the virus. Longitudinal follow-upfor 6–18 months of infants born to COVID-19 womenshould be undertaken81.

Neonatal management

Regarding neonatal management of suspected, probableand confirmed cases of maternal COVID-19, the umbilicalcord should be clamped promptly and the neonate should

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be transferred to the resuscitation area for assessment bythe attending pediatric team. There should be differenthealthcare workers taking care of the mother and thebaby in order to minimize the risk of cross-contamination.There is insufficient evidence regarding whether delayedcord clamping increases the risk of infection to thenewborn via direct contact75. In units in which delayedcord clamping is recommended, clinicians should considercarefully whether this practice should be continued.There is also currently insufficient evidence regardingthe safety of breastfeeding and the need for mother–babyseparation26,82. If the mother is severely or critically ill,separation appears to be the best option, with attempts toexpress breastmilk in order to maintain milk production.For this, there should be a dedicated breast pump and themachine should be washed thoroughly, according to themanufacturer’s recommendations, after each use83. If thepatient is asymptomatic or mildly affected, breastfeedingand colocation (also called rooming-in) can be consideredby the mother in coordination with healthcare providers,or may be necessary if facility limitations preventmother–baby separation. Since the main concern is thatthe virus may be transmitted by respiratory droplets ratherthan breastmilk, breastfeeding mothers should wash theirhands and wear a three-ply surgical mask before touchingthe baby. In case of rooming-in, the baby’s cot should bekept at least 2 m from the mother’s bed, and a physicalbarrier, such as a curtain or glass, may be used84,85.

The need to separate mothers with COVID-19 fromtheir newborns, with the consequence that they areunable to breastfeed directly, may impede early bondingas well as establishment of lactation86. These factorswill inevitably cause additional stress for mothers in thepostpartum period. As well as caring for their physicalwellbeing, medical teams should consider the mentalwellbeing of these mothers, showing appropriate concernand providing support when needed23,86.


At the time of writing, there are no effective drugsor vaccines to prevent COVID-19. Therefore, personalprotection should be considered in order to minimize therisk of contracting the virus.

Patients and healthcare providers

a. Good personal hygiene should be maintained: duringthe COVID-19 pandemic period, close contact withothers should be consciously avoided, participationin any gathering in which a distance of at least 2 mbetween individuals cannot be maintained should beavoided, attention should be paid to hand washing andhand sanitizer (with 70% alcohol concentration) usedfrequently33,87.

b. A three-ply surgical mask should be worn when visitinga hospital or other high-risk area.

c. Medical assistance should be sought promptly fortimely diagnosis and treatment when symptoms suchas fever and cough are experienced.

Healthcare providers

a. Provision of educational information (brochures,posters) in waiting areas should be considered.

b. Triage plans for screening should be set up. In units inwhich triage areas have been set up, staff should haveappropriate PPE and be strictly compliant with handhygiene.

c. All pregnant patients who present to the hospital andfor outpatient visits should be assessed and screenedfor symptoms and risk factors based on TOCC(Appendix 2).

d. Pregnant patients with known TOCC risk factors andthose with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 shouldpostpone antenatal visits and routine ultrasoundassessment for 14 days, if advisable.

e. Departments should consider reducing the number ofvisitors.

f. In units in which routine group-B streptococcus (GBS)screening is practiced, acquisition of vaginal and/oranal swabs should be delayed by 14 days in pregnantwomen with symptoms and/or TOCC risk factors orshould be performed only after a suspected/probablecase tests negative or after recovery in a confirmed case.Intrapartum prophylactic antibiotic cover for womenwith ante- or intrapartum risk factors for GBS is analternative.

g. On presentation to triage areas, pregnant patients withsymptoms and/or TOCC risk factors should be placedin an isolation room for further assessment.

h. Medical staff who are caring for suspected, probableor confirmed cases of COVID-19 should be monitoredclosely for fever or other signs of infection and shouldnot be working if they have any COVID-19 symptoms.Common symptoms at onset of illness include fever,dry cough, myalgia, fatigue, dyspnea and anorexia.Ideally, medical staff assigned to care for suspected,probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19 shouldminimize contact with other patients and colleagues,with the aim of reducing the risk of exposure andpotential transmission.

i. Medical staff who have been exposed unexpectedly,while without PPE, to a COVID-19 pregnant patient,should be quarantined or self-isolate for 14 days.

j. Pregnant healthcare professionals should followrisk-assessment and infection-control guidelines fol-lowing exposure to patients with suspected, probableor confirmed COVID-19.


1. Pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 shouldideally be managed by designated tertiary hospitals,and they should be informed of the risk of adversepregnancy outcome.

2. Negative-pressure isolation rooms should be set upfor safe labor, delivery (including Cesarean section)and postpartum (including neonatal) care.

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3. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, a detailedhistory regarding TOCC and clinical manifestationsshould be acquired routinely from all pregnantwomen attending for routine care.

4. Chest imaging, especially CT scan, should be includedin the work-up of pregnant women with suspected,probable or confirmed COVID-19.

5. Suspected/probable cases should be treated inisolation and confirmed cases should be managedin a negative-pressure isolation room. A woman withconfirmed infection who is critically ill should beadmitted to a negative-pressure isolation room in theICU.

6. Antenatal examination and delivery of pregnantwomen with COVID-19 should be carried out in anegative-pressure isolation room on the labor ward.Human traffic around this room should be limitedwhen it is occupied by an infected patient.

7. All medical staff involved in management of infectedwomen should don appropriate PPE (fit-testedN95, FFP2 or equivalent-standard respirator, eyeprotection (goggles and/or face shield), disposablefluid-resistant and impermeable protective gown anddouble gloves).

8. Management of COVID-19 pregnant womenshould be undertaken by a multidisciplinaryteam (obstetricians, maternal–fetal-medicine sub-specialists, intensivists, obstetric anesthetists,midwives, internal-medicine or respiratory physi-cians, virologists, microbiologists, neonatologists,infectious-disease specialists).

9. Vigilant maternal monitoring (including oxygen-saturation monitoring) of all COVID-19 patientsis paramount, allowing for rapid commencementof supportive care. The use of a MEOWS chart isrecommended.

10. Timing and mode of delivery should be individual-ized, dependent mainly on the clinical status of thepatient, gestational age and fetal condition.

11. Both regional anesthesia and general anesthesia canbe considered, depending on the clinical conditionof the patient and after consultation with theobstetric anesthetist. If possible, regional anesthesiais preferable due to a lower risk of transmission incomparison with general anesthesia.

12. At present, limited data suggest that there is noevidence of vertical mother-to-baby transmission inwomen who develop COVID-19 in late pregnancy,although case reports of potential vertical transmis-sion have emerged.

13. There is currently insufficient evidence regarding thesafety of breastfeeding and the need for mother–babyseparation. If the mother is severely or criticallyill, separation appears to be the best option, withattempts to express breastmilk in order to maintainmilk production. If the patient is asymptomaticor mildly affected, breastfeeding and colocation(rooming-in) can be considered by the mother incoordination with healthcare providers.

14. Healthcare professionals engaged in obstetric careand those who perform obstetric ultrasoundexaminations should be trained and fitted appro-priately for PPE.

15. We strongly recommend submitting cases tolocal, regional or international registries forSARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women, with the aimof answering the many clinical and scientific ques-tions in relation to the impact of COVID-19 duringpregnancy.


This Interim Guidance was produced by:L. C. Poon, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SARH. Yang, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, ChinaS. Dumont, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; andDepartment of Gynaecology, AZ Delta, Roeselare,BelgiumJ. C. S. Lee, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KKWomen’s and Children’s Hospital, SingaporeJ. A. Copel, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology &Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine, NewHaven, CT, USAL. Danneels, Department of Gynaecology, AZ Delta,Roeselare, BelgiumA. Wright, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecol-ogy, Royal Free Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust,London, UKF. Da Silva Costa, Department of Gynecology andObstetrics, Ribeirao Preto Medical School, Universityof Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Departmentof Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University,Melbourne, AustraliaT. Y. Leung, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SARY. Zhang, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, ChinaD. Chen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou, ChinaF. Prefumo, Department of Clinical and ExperimentalSciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy


This Interim Guidance should be cited as: Poon LC,Yang H, Dumont S, Lee JCS, Copel JA, Danneels L,Wright A, Da Silva Costa F, Leung TY, Zhang Y,Chen D, Prefumo F. ISUOG Interim Guidance on coro-navirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during pregnancy andpuerperium: information for healthcare professionals–anupdate. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020; 55: 848–862.

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Appendix 1 Flowchart for assessment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) risk in obstetric-unit attendees. CT,computed tomography; PPE, personal protective equipment; qRT-PCR, quantitative reverse transcription polymerasechain reaction; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; TOCC, travel, occupation, contact andcluster.

Symptoms of acute respiratory infection:fever, cough, shortness of breath,diarrhea and/or vomiting


Give patient surgical mask

No TOCCrisk factors


Exercise droplet precautions• Isolate: single room• Staff: surgical mask, gloves• PPE for aerosol-generating procedures


Exercise airborne precautions• Isolate: negative-pressure room• Staff: full PPE when providing routine care for patient, including aerosol-generating procedures

Pneumoniasuspected orconfirmed

Test for SARS-CoV-2 withmolecular test (e.g. qRT-PCR) orradiology (chest CT scan)

No TOCC risk factors Has TOCC risk factors

Copyright © 2020 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020; 55: 848–862.

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860 ISUOG Interim Guidance

Appendix 2 Example of symptoms and TOCC (significant travel history, occupation, contact and cluster) checklist

Checklist for Symptoms and TOCC1 Influenza-like illness symptoms



Sore throat

Shortness of breath

Diarrhea and/or vomiting

None of above

Information cannot be obtained

2 TOCC: 14 days before onset of symptoms

History of recent Travel

Date of travel: from


High-risk Occupation (e.g. laboratory worker, healthcare worker, wild-animal-related work)

History of unprotected Contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19

Clustering of influenza-like illness / pneumonia (≥ 2 affected persons)

None of above

Information cannot be obtained

3 Types of isolation precautions required:

Droplet precautions Contact precautions Airborne precautions Nil


Name & Signature:


Airborne precautions

for patient with respiratory


Contact precautions

*If influenza-like-illness

symptoms positive plus

TOCC positive

Prompt isolation

Airborne, droplet &

contact precautions


Droplet precautions: put surgical mask on patient; single room; healthcare worker uses personal protective equipment(PPE) appropriately, including mask, upon entry to room33,88.Contact precautions: single room; healthcare worker uses PPE appropriately, including wearing gloves and gown, uponentry to room; use disposable equipment33,88.Airborne precautions: put surgical mask on patient; negative-pressure isolation room; healthcare worker uses PPEappropriately, including wearing fit-tested N95, FFP2 or equivalent-standard respirator, eye protection (goggles and/orface shield), disposable fluid-resistant and impermeable protective gown and double gloves, upon entry to room; restrictsusceptible healthcare workers from entering room; use disposable equipment33,88.

Copyright © 2020 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020; 55: 848–862.

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ISUOG Interim Guidance 861

Appendix 3 Flowchart for management of obstetric-unit attendees with suspected/probable/confirmed COVID-19.CBC, complete blood count; CT, computed tomography; CTG, cardiotocography; ICU, intensive care unit;MDT, multidisciplinary team; PPE, personal protective equipment; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus 2; SpO2, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation.

• Admit and isolate, preferably in negative-pressure room• Use full PPE for all aerosol-generating procedures, including labor and Cesarean section• MDT approach (including obstetrician, maternal–fetal-medicine subspecialist, infectious-disease specialist, neonatologist, anesthetist, intensivist)• Monitor SpO2 and clinical condition; keep SpO2 > 94%

Suspected/probable/confirmedCOVID-19 in pregnancy

Start continuous CTG monitoring • Ensure patient is in, or transfer to, designated tertiary hospital if feasible• Chest imaging: chest CT with radiation shield over gravid uterus• Blood tests: CBC, renal- and liver-function tests, coagulation test• CTG monitoring when gestational age is appropriate• Consider scan for fetal growth, amniotic fluid volume +/– umbilical artery Doppler

Acute medical orobstetric issues

In labor Not in labor

No acuteissues

• Consider delivery for maternal indications – timing and mode of delivery individualized• Consider escalation of care to ICU if clinical deterioration

• Discharge home when SARS-CoV-2 swabs are negative on two occasions at least 24 h apart



Negative-pressurelabor room

Negative-pressureoperating theater

• Following delivery, continue isolation in negative-pressure room• No skin-to-skin contact• No delayed cord-clamping• Test neonate for SARS-CoV-2• Maintained separation of mother and baby until mother’s SARS-CoV-2 swabs are negative, as opposed to rooming-in and breastfeeding, should be discussed based on maternal and neonatal condition

Copyright © 2020 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020; 55: 848–862.

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862 ISUOG Interim Guidance

Appendix 4 Modified early obstetric warning score (MEOWS). Adapted with permission from Irish Maternity EarlyWarning System (IMEWS) Version 289.


nim/42–02nim/91–11etaryrotaripseR ≤ 10/min≥ 25/min

Oxygen saturation, only if respiratory rate triggers 96–100% ≤ 95%

4°.73–0.63erutarepmeT C 35.1–35.9°C37.5–37.9°C

≤ 35.0°C≥ 38.0°C


≤ 49/min≥ 120/min

gHmm99–09gHmm931–001erusserpdoolbcilotsyS140–159 mmHg

≤ 89 mmHg≥ 160 mmHg

gHmm94–04gHmm98–05erusserpdoolbcilotsaiD90–99 mmHg

≤ 39 mmHg≥ 100 mmHg

ecioV:VtrelA:AesnopserlacigoloruenUPVAP: PainU: Unresponsive

Threshold for intervention

1 light zone 2 light OR 1 dark zone > 2 light OR > 1 dark zone

Repeat full set of observations onIMEWS after 30 and before 60 min

Call obstetrician to reviewRepeat full set of observations after

30 min

Call obstetrician and request immediatereview

Repeat full set of observations within15 min or monitor continuously

NB: If concerned about woman, escalate care regardless of vital signs.


The following supporting information may be found in the online version of this article:

Appendix S1 Summary of changes from previous Interim Guidance1

Appendix S2 Potential drugs for treatment of COVID-19 in pregnant women90–115

Appendix S3 2007 Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society criteria for definingsevere community-acquired pneumonia55,56

Appendix S4 Hour-1 Surviving Sepsis Campaign bundle of care59

Copyright © 2020 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2020; 55: 848–862.