ultrasound production and interactions

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  • 8/13/2019 Ultrasound Production and Interactions


    Ultrasound Production and InteractionsPerry Sprawls, Ph.D.



    Table of






    Pulse Generator


    Scan Generator

    Scan Converter

    Image Processor









    Temporal Characteristics

    Spatial Characteristics

    Temporal/Spatial Combinations


    Absorption and Attenuation




    Transducer Focusing Unfocused Transducers

    Fixed Focus

    Adjustable Transmit Focus

    Dynamic Receive Focus



    Sound is a physical phenomenon that transfers energy from one point to another. In this respect, it is similar to

    radiation. It differs from radiation, however, in that sound can pass only through matter and not through a vacuum as

    radiation can. This is because sound waves are actually vibrations passing through a material. If there is no material,

    nothing can vibrate and sound cannot exist.

    One of the most significant characteristics of sound is its frequency, which is the rate at which the sound source

    and the material vibrate. The basic unit for specifying frequency is the hertz, which is one vibration, or cycle, per

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    . .

    The human ear cannot hear or respond to all sound frequencies. The range of frequencies that can be heard by a

    normal young adult is from approximately 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). Ultrasoundhas a frequency above this

    range. Frequencies in the range of 2 MHz (million cycles per second) to 20 MHz are used in diagnostic ultrasound.

    Ultrasound is used as a diagnostic tool because it can be focused into small, well-defined beams that can probe the

    human body and interact with the tissue structures to form images.

    The transduceris the component of the ultrasound imaging equipment that is placed in direct contact with the

    patient's body. It performs several functions as will be described in detail later. It's first function is to produce theultrasound pulses when electrical pulses are applied to it. A short time later, when echo pulses return to the body

    surface they are picked up by the transducer and converted back into electrical pulses that are then processed by the

    system and formed into an image.

    When a beam of ultrasound pulses is passed into a body, several things happen. Most of the ultrasound energy is

    absorbed and the beam is attenuated. This is undesirable and does not contribute to the formation of an image like in

    x-ray imaging. Some of the pulses will be reflected by internal body structures and send echoes back to the surface

    where they are collected by the transducer and used to form the image. Therefore, the general ultrasound image is a

    display of structures or reflecting surfaces in the body that produce echoes as illustrated below.

    The Basic Ultrasound Imaging Process

    Echoes, which show up as bright or white spots in the image are produced by surfaces or boundaries between two

    different types of tissues. Most anatomical areas are composed of a "mixture" of different tissue types and many

    surfaces that produce the general gray and white background that we see in the image. Since there are no reflecting

    surfaces within a fluid, such as a cyst, it is dark in the image. Therefore, the general ultrasound image, sometimes

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    ca e a mo e mage, s a sp ay o ec o pro uc ng s es w n e ana om ca area.

    The ultrasound image is a display showing the location of reflecting structures or echo sites within the body. The

    location of a reflecting structure (interface) in the horizontal direction is determined by the position of the beam. In

    the depth direction, it is determined by the time required for the pulse to travel to the reflecting site and for the echo

    pulse to return.

    Another physical characteristic that can be imaged with ultrasound is motion, specifically the motion of flowing

    blood. This uses the Doppler principle and the images are usually displayed with different colors representing the

    different flow velocities and directions. This will be covered in a later chapter.


    The basic functional components of an ultrasound imaging system are shown below.

    The Principal Functional Components of an Ultrasound Imaging System

    Modern ultrasound systems use digital computer electronics to control most of the functions in the imaging

    process. Therefore, the boxes in the illustration above represent functions performed by the computer and other

    electronic circuits and not individual physical components.

    We will now consider some of these functions in more detail and how they contribute to image formation.

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    Transducer CONTENTS

    The transducer is the component of the ultrasound system that is placed in direct contact with the

    patient's body. It alternates between two major functions: (1) producingultrasound pulses and (2)

    receiving or detecting the returning echoes. Within the transducer there are one or more piezoelectric

    elements. When an electrical pulse is applied to the piezoelectric element it vibrates and produces the

    ultrasound. Also, when the piezoelectric element is vibrated by the returning echo pulse it produces a

    pulse of electricity.

    The transducer also focusesthe beam of pulses to give it a specific size and shape at various depths

    within the body and also scansthe beam over the anatomical area that is being imaged.

    Pulse Generator CONTENTS

    The pulse generator produces the electrical pulses that are applied to the transducer. For conventional

    ultrasound imaging the pulses are produced at a rate of approximately 1,000 pulses per second. NOTE:

    This is the pulse rate (pulses per second) and not the frequency which is the number of cycles or

    vibrations per second within each pulse. The principal control associated with the pulse generator is the

    size of the electrical pulses that can be used to change the intensity and energy of the ultrasound beam.

    Amplification CONTENTS

    Amplification is used to increase the size of the electrical pulses coming from the transducer after anecho is received.. The amount of amplification is determined by the gain setting. The principal control

    associated with the amplifier is the time gain compensation (TGC), which allows the user to adjust the

    gain in relationship to the depth of echo sites within the body. This function will be considered in much

    more detail in the next section.

    Scan Generator CONTENTS

    The scan generator controls the scanning of the ultrasound beam over the body section being imaged.

    This is usually done by controlling the sequence in which the electrical pulses are applied to the

    piezoelectric elements within the transducer. This is also considered in more detail later.

    Scan Converter CONTENTS Scan conversion is the function that converts from the format of the scanning ultrasound beam into a

    digital image matrix format for processing and display.

    Image Processor CONTENTS

    The digital image is processed to produce the desired characteristics for display. This includes giving

    it specific contrast characteristics and reformatting the image if necessary.

    Display CONTENTS

    The digital ultrasound images are viewed on the equipment display (monitor) and usually transferred

    to the physician display or work station.

    One component of the ultrasound imaging system that is not shown is the digital storage device that is

    used to store images for later viewing if that process is used.


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    The basic principles of ultrasound pulse production and transmission are illustrated below.

    The Production of an Ultrasound Pulse

    The source of sound is a vibrating object, the piezoelectric transducer element. Since the vibrating

    source is in contact with the tissue, it is caused to vibrate. The vibrations in the region of tissue next to

    the transducer are passed on to the adjacent tissue. This process continues, and the vibrations, or sound,

    is passed along from one region of tissue to another. The rate at which the tissue structures vibrate back

    and forth is the frequency of the sound. The rate at which the vibrations move through the tissue is the

    velocity of the sound.

    The sound in most diagnostic ultrasound systems is emitted in pulses rather than a continuous stream

    of vibrations. At any instant, the vibrations are contained within a relatively small volume of thematerial. It is this volume of vibrating material that is referred to as the ultrasound pulse. As the

    vibrations are passed from one region of material to another, the ultrasound pulse, but not the material,

    moves away from the source.

    In soft tissue and fluid materials the direction of vibration is the same as the direction of pulse

    movement away from the transducer. This is characterized as longitudinal vibration as opposed to the

    transverse vibrations that occur in solid materials. As the longitudinal vibrations pass through a region of

    tissue, alternating changes in pressure are produced. During one half of the vibration cycle the tissue will

    be compressed with an increased pressure. During the other half of the cycle there is a reduction in

    pressure and a condition of rarefaction. Therefore, as an ultrasound pulse moves through tissue, each

    location is subjected to alternating compression and rarefaction pressures.

    As shown above, the space through which the ultrasound pulse moves is the beam. In a diagnostic

    system, pulses are emitted at a rate of approximately 1,000 per second. The pulse rate (pulses per

    second) should not be confused with the frequency, which is the rate of vibration of the tissue within

    the pulse and is in the range of 2-20 MHz.


    Ultrasound pulses have several physical characteristics that should be considered by the user in order

    to adjust the imaging procedure for specific diagnostic applications. The most significant characteristics

    are illustrated here.

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    The Characteristics of Ultrasound Pulses That Have an Effect on the Imaging Process

    Frequency CONTENTS

    Ultrasound Pulse Frequency

    The frequency of ultrasound pulses must be carefully selected to provide a proper balance between

    image detail and depth of penetration. In general, high frequency pulses produce higher quality images

    but cannot penetrate very far into the body. These issues will be discussed in greater detail later.

    The frequency of sound is determined by the source. For example, in a piano, the source of sound is

    a string that is caused to vibrate by striking it. Each string within the piano is adjusted, or tuned, to

    vibrate with a specific resonant frequency. In diagnostic ultrasound equipment, the sound is generated

    by the transducer. The major element within the transducer is a crystal designed to vibrate with the

    desired frequency. A special property of the crystal material is that it is piezoelectric. This means thatthe crystal will deform if electricity is applied to it. Therefore, if an electrical pulse is applied to the

    crystal it will have essentially the same effect as the striking of a piano string: the crystal will vibrate. If

    the transducer is activated by a single electrical pulse, the transducer will vibrate, or "ring," for a short

    period of time. This creates an ultrasound pulse as opposed to a continuous ultrasound wave. The

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    ultrasound pulse travels into the tissue in contact with the transducer and moves away from the

    transducer surface, as shown in the above figure. A given transducer is often designed to vibrate with

    only one frequency, called its resonant frequency. Therefore, the only way to change ultrasound

    frequency is to change transducers. This is a factor that must be considered when selecting a transducer

    for a specific clinical procedure. Certain frequencies are more appropriate for certain types of

    examinations than others. Some transducers are capable of producing different frequencies. For these

    the ultrasound frequency is determined by the electrical pulses applied to the transducer.

    Velocity CONTENTS

    Factors Related to Ultrasound Pulse Velocity

    The significance of ultrasound velocity is that it is used to determine the depth location of structures inthe body. The velocity with which sound travels through a medium is determined by the characteristics

    of the material and not characteristics of the sound. The velocity of longitudinal sound waves in a liquid

    type medium like tissue is given by


    Velocity = E/r

    where r is the density of the material, and E is a factor related to the elastic properties or "stiffness" ofthe material. The velocities of sound through several materials of interest are given in the following


    Approximate Velocity of Sound inVarious Materials

    Material Velocity


    Fat 1450

    Water 1480

    Soft tissue (average) 1540

    Bone 4100

    Most ultrasound systems are set up to determine distances using an assumed velocity of 1540 m/sec.

    This means that displayed depths will not be completely accurate in materials that produce other

    ultrasound velocities such as fat and fluid.

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    Wavelength CONTENTS

    The distance sound travels during the period of one vibration is known as the wavelength,l.Although wavelength is not a unique property of a given ultrasound pulse, it is of some significance

    because it determines the size (length) of the ultrasound pulse. This has an effect on image quality, as

    we will see later.

    The illustration below shows both temporal and spatial (length) characteristics related to the

    wavelength. A typical ultrasound pulse consists of several wavelengths or vibration cycles. The numberof cycles within a pulse is determined by the damping characteristics of the transducer. Damping is what

    keeps the transducer element from continuing to vibrate and produce a long pulse. The wavelength is

    determined by the velocity, v, and frequency, f, in this relationship:

    Wavelength (l) = v/f.

    The Temporal and Length Characteristics of an Ultrasound Pulse

    The period is the time required for one vibration cycle. It is the reciprocal of the frequency. Increasing

    the frequency decreases the period. In other words, wavelength is simply the ratio of velocity to

    frequency or the product of velocity and the period. This means that the wavelength of ultrasound is

    determined by the characteristics of both the transducer (frequency) and the material through which the

    sound is passing (velocity).

    In ultrasound imaging the significance of wavelength is that short wavelengths are required to produce

    short pulses for good anatomical detail (in the depth direction) and this requires higher frequencies as

    illustrated below.

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    Relative amplitude (ratio) = A2/A1.

    There are advantages in expressing relative pulse amplitude in terms of the logarithm of the amplitude

    ratio. When this is done the relative amplitude is specified in units of decibels (dB). The relative pulse

    amplitude, in decibels, is related to the actual amplitude ratio by

    Relative amplitude (dB) = 20 log A2/A1

    When the amplitude ratio is greater than 1 (comparing a large pulse to a smaller one), the relative

    pulse amplitude has a positive decibel value; when the ratio is less than 1, the decibel value is negative.In other words, if the amplitude of a pulse is increased by some means, it will gain decibels, and if it is

    reduced, it will lose decibels.

    The following illustration compares decibel values to pulse amplitude ratios and percent values. The

    first two pulses differ in amplitude by 1 dB. In comparing the second pulse to the first, this corresponds

    to an amplitude ratio of 0.89, or a reduction of approximately 11%. If the pulse is reduced in amplitude

    by another 11%, it will be 2 dB smaller than the original pulse. If the pulse is once again reduced in

    amplitude by 11 % (of 79%), it will have an amplitude ratio (with respect to the first pulse) of 0.71:1, or

    will be 3 dB smaller.

    Pulse Amplitudes Expressed in Decibels and Percentages

    Perhaps the best way to establish a "feel" for the relationship between pulse amplitude expressed in

    decibels and in percentage is to notice that amplitudes that differ by a factor of 2 differ by 6 dB. A

    reduction in amplitude of -6 dB divides the amplitude by a factor of 2, or 50%. The doubling of a pulse

    amplitude increases it by +6 dB.

    During its lifetime, an ultrasound pulse undergoes many reductions in amplitude as it passes through

    tissue because of absorption. If the amount of each reduction is known in decibels, the total reduction

    can be found by simply adding all of the decibel losses. This is much easier than multiplying the various

    amplitude ratios.


    Power is the rate of energy transfer and is expressed in the units of watts. Intensity is the rate at

    which power passes through a specified area. It is the amount of power per unit area and is expressed in

    the units of watts per square centimeter. Intensity is the rate at which ultrasound energy is applied to a

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    specific tissue location within the patient's body. It is the quantity that must be considered with respect

    to producing biological effects and safety. The intensity of most diagnostic ultrasound beams at the

    transducer surface is on the order of a few milliwatts per square centimeter.

    Intensity is related to the pressure amplitude of the individual pulses and the pulse rate. Since the

    pulse rate is fixed in most systems, the intensity is determined by the pulse amplitude.

    The relative intensity of two pulses (I1and I2) can be expressed in the units of decibels by:

    Relative Intensity = 10 log I2/I1.

    Note that when intensities are being considered, a factor of 10 appears in the equation rather than a

    factor of 20, which is used for relative amplitudes. This is because intensity is proportional to the square

    of the pressure amplitude, which introduces a factor of 2 in the logarithmic relationship. The intensity of

    an ultrasound beam is not constant with respect to time nor uniform with respect to spatial area, as

    shown in the following figure. This must be taken into consideration when describing intensity. It must

    be determined if it is the peak intensity or the average intensity that is being considered.

    The Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Ultrasound Pulses That Affect Intensity Values

    Temporal Characteristics CONTENTS

    The figure above shows two sequential pulses. Two important time intervals are the pulse duration

    and the pulse repetition period. The ratio of the pulse duration to the pulse repetition period is the duty

    factor. The duty factor is the fraction of time that an ultrasound pulse is actually being produced. If the

    ultrasound is produced as a continuous wave (CW), the duty factor will have a value of 1. Intensity and

    power are proportional to the duty factor. Duty factors are relatively small, less than 0.01, for most

    pulsed imaging applications.

    With respect to time there are three possible power (intensity) values. One is the peak power, which is

    associated with the time of maximum pressure. Another is the average power within a pulse. The lowest

    value is the average power over the pulse repetition period for an extended time. This is related to the

    duty factor.

    Spatial Characteristics CONTENTS

    The energy or intensity is generally not distributed uniformly over the area of an ultrasound pulse. It

    can be expressed either as the peak intensity, which is often in the center of the pulse, for as the average

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    intensity over a designated area.

    Temporal/Spatial Combinations CONTENTS

    There is some significance associated with each of the intensity expressions. However, they are not all

    used to express the intensity with respect to potential biological effects.

    Thermal effects are most closely related to the spatial-peak and temporal-average intensity (ISPTA).

    This expresses the maximum intensity delivered to any tissue averaged over the duration of the

    exposure. Thermal effects (increase in temperature) also depend on the duration of the exposure to the

    ultrasound.Mechanical effects such as cavitation are more closely related to the spatial-peak, pulse-average

    intensity (ISPPA).


    Three Types of Ultrasound Pulse Interactions Within a Body

    As an ultrasound pulse passes through matter, such as human tissue, it interacts in several different

    ways. Some of these interactions are necessary to form an ultrasound image, whereas others absorb

    much of the ultrasound energy or produce artifacts and are generally undesirable in diagnostic

    examinations. The ability to conduct and interpret the results of an ultrasound examination depends on a

    thorough understanding of these ultrasound interactions.

    Absorption and Attenuation CONTENTS

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    The Reduction of Pulse Amplitude by Absorption of It's Energy

    As the ultrasound pulse moves through matter, it continuously loses energy. This is generally referred

    to as attenuation. Several factors contribute to this reduction in energy. One of the most significant is the

    absorption of the ultrasound energy by the material and its conversion into heat. Ultrasound pulses lose

    energy continuously as they move through matter. This is unlike x-ray photons, which lose energy in

    "one-shot" photoelectric or Compton interactions. Scattering and refraction interactions also remove

    some of the energy from the pulse and contribute to its overall attenuation, but absorption is the most


    The rate at which an ultrasound pulse is absorbed generally depends on two factors: (1) the material

    through which it is passing, and (2) the frequency of the ultrasound. The attenuation (absorption) rate is

    specified in terms of an attenuation coefficient in the units of decibels per centimeter. Since theattenuation in tissue increases with frequency, it is necessary to specify the frequency when an

    attenuation rate is given. The attenuation through a thickness of material, x, is given by:

    Attenuation (dB) = (a) (f) (x)

    where ais the attenuation coefficient (in decibels per centimeter at 1 MHz), andf is the ultrasoundfrequency, in megahertz.

    Approximate values of the attenuation coefficient for various materials of interest are given in the

    following table.

    Approximate Attenuation Coefficient Valuesfor Various Materials

    Material Coefficient

    (dB/cm MHz)

    Water 0.002

    Fat 0.66

    Soft tissue (average) 0.9

    Muscle (average) 2.0

    Air 12.0

    Bone 20.0

    Lung 40.0

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    The Production of an Echo and Penetrating Pulse at a Tissue Interface

    At most interfaces within the body, only a portion of the ultrasound pulse is reflected. The pulse is

    divided into two pulses, and one pulse, the echo, is reflected back toward the transducer and the other

    penetrates into the other material, as shown in the above figure. The brightness of a structure in an

    ultrasound image depends on the strength of the reflection, or echo. This in turn depends on how much

    the two materials differ in terms of acoustic impedance. The amplitude ratio of the reflected to the

    incident pulse is related to the tissue impedance values by

    Reflection loss (dB) = 20 log (Z2-Z1)/(Z2+ Z1).

    At most soft tissue interfaces, only a small fraction of the pulse is reflected. Therefore, the reflection

    process produces relatively weak echoes. At interfaces between soft tissue and materials such as bone,

    stones, and gas, strong reflections are produced. The reduction in pulse amplitude during reflection at

    several different interfaces is given in the following table.

    Pulse Amplitude Loss Produced by a Reflection

    Interface Amplitude Loss (dB)

    Ideal reflector 0.0

    Tissue-air -0.01

    Bone-soft tissue -3.8

    Fat-Muscle -20.0

    Tissue-water -26.0

    Muscle-blood -30.0

    The amplitude of a pulse is attenuated both by absorption and reflection losses. Because of this, an

    echo returning to the transducer is much smaller than the original pulse produced by the transducer.

    Refraction CONTENTS

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    When an ultrasound pulse passes through an interface at a relatively small angle (between the beam

    direction and interface surface), the penetrating pulse direction will be shifted by the refraction process.

    This can produce certain artifacts as we will see later..


    An important characteristic of an ultrasound pulse is its diameter, which is also the width of the

    ultrasound beam. The diameter of a pulse changes as it moves along the beam path. The effect of pulse

    size on image detail will be considered in the next chapter.. At this point we will observe the change in

    pulse diameter as it moves along the beam and show how it can be controlled.

    The diameter of the pulse is determined by the characteristics of the transducer. At the transducer

    surface, the diameter of the pulse is the same as the diameter of the vibrating crystal. As the pulse

    moves through the body, the diameter generally changes. This is determined by the focusing

    characteristics of the transducer.

    Transducer Focusing CONTENTS

    Transducers can be designed to produce either a focused or non-focused beam, as shown in the

    following figure. A focused beam is desirable for most imaging applications because it produces pulses

    with a small diameter which in turn gives better visibility of detail in the image. The best detail will be

    obtained for structures within the focal zone. The distance between the transducer and the focal zone is

    the focal depth.

    Beam Width and Pulse Diameter Characteristics of Both Unfocused and Focused Transducers

    Unfocused Transducers CONTENTS

    An unfocused transducer produces a beam with two distinct regions, as shown in the previous figure.

    One is the so-called near field or Fresnel zone and the other is the far field or Fraunhofer zone.

    In the near field, the ultrasound pulse maintains a relatively constant diameter that can be used for


    In the near field, the beam has a constant diameter that is determined by the diameter of the

    transducer. The length of the near field is related to the diameter, D, of the transducer and the

    wavelength, l, of the ultrasound by

    Near field length = D2/4l.

    Recall that the wavelength is inversely related to frequency. Therefore, for a given transducer size, the

    length of the near field is proportional to frequency. Another characteristic of the near field is that the

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    intensity along the beam axis is not constant; it oscillates between maximum and zero several times

    between the transducer surface and the boundary between the near and far field. This is because of the

    interference patterns created by the sound waves from the transducer surface. An intensity of zero at a

    point along the axis simply means that the sound vibrations are concentrated around the periphery of the

    beam. A picture of the ultrasound pulse in that region would look more like concentric rings or "donuts"

    than the disk that has been shown in various illustrations.

    The major characteristic of the far field is that the beam diverges. This causes the ultrasound pulses to

    be larger in diameter but to have less intensity along the central axis. The approximate angle of

    divergence is related to the diameter of the transducer, D, and the wavelength, l, by

    Divergence angle (degrees) = 70l/D.

    Because of the inverse relationship between wavelength and frequency, divergence is decreased by

    increasing frequency. The major advantage of using the higher ultrasound frequencies (shorter

    wavelengths) is that the beams are less divergent and generally produce less blur and better detail.

    The previous figure is a representation of the ideal ultrasound beam. However, some transducers

    produce beams with side lobes. These secondary beams fan out around the primary beam. The principal

    concern is that under some conditions echoes will be produced by the side lobes and produce artifacts in

    the image.

    Fixed Focus CONTENTS

    A transducer can be designed to produce a focused ultrasound beam by using a concaved

    piezoelectric element or an acoustic lens in front of the element. Transducers are designed with different

    degrees of focusing. Relatively weak focusing produces a longer focal zone and greater focal depth. A

    strongly focused transducer will have a shorter focal zone and a shorter focal depth.

    Fixed focus transducers have the obvious disadvantages of not being able to produce the same image

    detail at all depths within the body.

    Adjustable Transmit Focus CONTENTS

    The focusing of some transducers can be adjusted to a specific depth for each transmitted pulse.

    This concept is illustrated in the following figure. The transducer is made up of an array of several

    piezoelectric elements rather than a single element as in the fixed focus transducer. There are two basic

    array configurations: linear and annular. In the linear array the elements are arranged in either a straight

    or curved line. The annular array transducer consists of concentric transducer elements as shown.

    Although these two designs have different clinical applications, the focusing principles are similar.

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    The Principle of Electronic Focusing with an Array Transducer

    Focusing is achieved by not applying the electrical pulses to all of the transducer elements

    simultaneously. The pulse to each element is passed through an electronic delay. Now let's observe the

    sequence in which the transducer elements are pulsed in the figure above. The outermost element

    (annular) or elements (linear) will be pulsed first. This produces ultrasound that begins to move away

    from the transducer. The other elements are then pulsed in sequence, working toward the center of the

    array. The centermost element will receive the last pulse. The pulses from the individual elements

    combine in a constructive manner to create a curved composite pulse, which will converge on a focal

    point at some specific distance (depth) from the transducer.

    The focal depth is determined by the time delay between the electrical pulses. This can be changed

    electronically to focus pulses to give good image detail at various depths within the body rather than just

    one depth as with the fixed focus transducer. One approach is to create an image by using a sequence of

    pulses, each one focused to a different depth or zone within the body.

    One distinction between the two transducer designs illustrated here is that the annular array focuses

    the pulse in two dimensions whereas the linear array can only focus in the one dimension; that is, in the

    plane of the transducer.

    Dynamic Receive Focus CONTENTS

    The focusing of an array transducer can also be changed electronically when it is in the echoreceiving mode. This is achieved by processing the electrical pulses from the individual transducer

    elements through different time delays before they are combined to form a composite electrical pulse.

    The effect of this is to give the transducer a high sensitivity for echoes coming from a specific depth

    along the central axis of the beam. This produces a focusing effect for the returning echoes.

    An important factor is that the receiving focal depth can be changed rapidly. Since echoes at different

    depths do not arrive at the transducer at the same time, the focusing can be swept down through the

    depth range to pick up the echoes as they occur. This is the major distinction between dynamic or

    sweep focusing during the receive mode and adjustable transmit focus. Any one transmitted pulse can

    only be focused to one specific depth. However, during the receive mode, the focus can be swept

    through a range of depths to pick up the multiple echoes produced by one transmit pulse.


    The ultrasound image is produced by interactions of ultrasound pulses with the anatomical structures

    within the human body. The basic B mode image is a display of echoes or reflections from the

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    structures and objects. The absorption of the ultrasound as it passes into and back out of the body is

    generally undesirable because it limits the depth of imaging, adversely affects the amplitude of echoes

    that form the image, and can be the source of artifacts.

    The size of the ultrasound pulse at different depths within the imaged area determines the amount of

    blurring and image detail.

    An understanding of the physical characteristics of ultrasound and how it interacts with the body

    enhances the ability to analyze images and make accurate diagnostic decisions.