ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

May | June 2013 Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry International Aquafeed is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2013 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 INCORPORATING FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY

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Aquaculture is a growing and increasingly important industry in many parts of the world, including Scotland, Chile, Norway, Greece and Turkey. It helps to sustain economic growth in rural and coastal communities which are often isolated from the more developed and industrialised areas of these countries.


Page 1: Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

May | June 2013

Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry

International Aquafeed is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2013 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058


Page 2: Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

36 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | May-June 2013


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Page 3: Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

Aquaculture is a growing andincreasinglyimportantindustryinmanypartsoftheworld,includingScotland, Chile, Norway, Greece

and Turkey. It helps to sustain economicgrowth in rural and coastal communitieswhich are often isolated from the moredeveloped and industrialised areas of thesecountries.

The modern aquaculture industry faces anumberofissues:

DiseaseHigh rates of water extraction and

increased reliance on recirculated watercan lead to poor water quality, resulting inincreased outbreaks of viral, bacterial andparasiticfishdiseaseswhichcandecimatefishstocks. Due to the intensive nature of fishfarming,fishstockisalsohighlysusceptibleto

infection fromnatural fishpopulations in thefeedwatertothefarm.


aswell as those endorsed by the regulatorybodies such as theUK’sMarineStewardshipCouncil,mustbedisease-free.

Water qualityTo minimise the chance of infection

and disease, the water used in fish farmsand hatcheries needs to be of a minimumquality. Ensuring this quality is not easy –chemical treatment isnotappropriateas itharmsthefishandcannotbereleased intoopenwaters.

Toensurewaterqualityandtobreaktheinfection cycle between fish farms and natu-ral fish populations, a disinfection system isneededtotreatwaterenteringandcirculating


The advantages of UV disinfection

Ultraviolet (UV) isideally suited for treatingincomingandrecirculatedwater in fish farms andhatcheries as it uses nochemicals and does notcreateby-productswhichwould harm the fishstock, or other aquaticlife, on discharge. Unlike

Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish

farms and hatcheriesby Halim Mirza, sales manager, Hanovia, United Kingdom


Cultivos Huacamalal Ltda., ChileCultivosHuacamalalLtda.ofChileusesa Hanovia UV disinfection system forits salmonhatchery inRio Ignao in thesouth of the country. The UV systemispartofaUS$1.1millionwater recir-culation and effluent treatment systemprovided by Atlantech Chile Ltda. ofPuertoMontt,Chile.

The UV unit treats well waterused for make-up supply in the waterrecirculation system to control againstInfectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN)RNA-virus. IPNisfoundinwildsalmonpopulations on the Pacific coasts ofbothNorthandSouthAmericaandcancause severe mortality (up to 80%) infishuptotwoyearsold.Itisacommondiseaseinhatcheriesandisalsocapableoftransmittingepizooticconditionsbacktowildpopulations.

Chileisoneofthethreemajorsalm-onfarmingcountriesintheworld,alongwith Norway and Scotland. CultivosHuacamalal is a new player in theChilean salmon aquaculture industry.Thecompanywasformedbyanumberof experienced partners in the fishproduction and shipbuilding industry inChile and has signed an agreement tosupply product to one of the largestsalmonexportersinthecountry.

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Page 5: Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

other treatment methods, UV also avoidsthe expense of complex monitoring sys-tems required for adding and removing

chemicals before the water reaches thefish. In addition, it does not alter the pHof the water. In fact, UV is now widely

regarded to be the most effective andeconomical disinfection technique for useinfishaquaculture.

Greig Seafood, Canada

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Page 6: Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

Volume 16 / Issue 3 / May-June 2013 / © Copyright Perendale Publishers Ltd 2013 / All rights reserved

Page 7: Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish farms and hatcheries

UV applications in aquacultureTheapplicationsforUVincludetreatment

ofwater inhatcheries, shellfishpurging tanksand fry rearing tanks. It is also used in fishprocessingplantsandwellboats.UV isevenusedtodisinfectrecirculationwaterinmarineparksandaquaria.

Some considerationsWhen installing UV systems, operators

need to be awareofwhich viruses, bacteriaor parasites are posing a problem and sizethe UV systems accordingly. Hanovia usuallyrecommends a UV dose of between 120-150mJ/cm2,butthefinaldosealwaysdependsonanumberoffactors,includingwhetherthewaterissingle-passorrecirculated.


Alleffluentwaterfromhatcheries,process-ingplantsandwellboatsmustalsobetreatedso as to protect the environment and stopthe possible transmission of disease to wildfishpopulations

UV technologyUV technology is surprisingly simple to

installanduse.AUVdisinfectionchambercanusuallyberetrofittedtoexistingpipeworkandcirculation systems with minimum disruptiontotheprocess.

All controls are automatic and mainte-nance of the systems is usually restricted tothereplacementoftheUVlampevery12-18months, depending on use. This is a simpleoperation that canbecarriedoutbyon-sitestaff. An automatic or manual wiper fittedover the quartz sleeve surrounding the UVlamp prevents the build-up of any deposits,ensuringmaximumlevelsofUVirradiationatalltimes.

A significant feature of modern UV sys-temsisthecontrolmechanismwhichdisplays

arangeofuseful functionssuchas flowrate,UV dose and intensity. The systems areusually capable of logging up to one year’sperformancedata,whichcanbedownloadedtoaPCthroughanRS232port.Linkedintoacentral computer, thecontrolpanel canalsobeoperatedremotely,andallowsthesystemtooperatearoundtheclock.

About HanoviaTo date Hanovia has installed over 300

aquaculture systems in 14 countries aroundthe world. Applications include water treat-ment in hatcheries, fish farms (salmon, seabreamandseabass)shellfishdepurationtanksand fry rearing tanks as well as treating re-circulationwaterinmarineparksandaquaria.

Based in the UK with offices in Beijingand Shanghai and a worldwide network ofdistributors, Hanovia is a world leader inUV disinfection technology with over 85years’experienceinthedesign,development,manufacture and distribution of UV systemsworldwide. The company is a subsidiary ofHalmaplc.

More InforMatIon:Gunvinder Bhogal, marketing communications managerTel: +44 1753 515300Fax: +44 1753 515301Email: [email protected] [email protected]: www.hanovia.com


Loch Fyne Oysters Ltd, ScotlandLoch Fyne Oysters Ltd in Scotlandis using two Hanovia UV disinfectionsystemsforitsoysterfarminLochFyne,Cairndow, Scotland. The UV systems,whichwereinstalledbyBarrandWray,destroyharmfulE.Coli bacteria from itsoyster and mussel depuration tanks.EachUVchambertreatsupto150m3waterperhour.

According to a spokesperson fromLochFyneOysters,“TheHanoviaunitswere recommended tousbyBarrandWray because of their 99.99% logreductionofE.Coli,theirrobust,stainlesssteelconstruction,theireaseofinstalla-tion and easy maintenance – includingeasy UV lamp replacement and dailycleaningwithamanualwiper–andlowrunning costs. We also find the digitalrun-timeread-outveryuseful.”

Loch Fyne, Scotland

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Ultraviolet water disinfection for fish

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Volume 16 I s sue 3 2 013 - mAY | J uNe


