umar farouk abdulmutallab

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  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Umar FaroukUmar Farouk

    AbdulMutallabAbdulMutallabThe Untold FactsThe Untold Facts

    (Evidences of a false flag(Evidences of a false flagoperation)operation)

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab



    The official story.The official story. Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab- profile.Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab- profile. Pointers to conspiracy/false flag.Pointers to conspiracy/false flag.

    Before Dec. 25, 2009Before Dec. 25, 2009 During the flightDuring the flight

    AfterAfter Much laterMuch later Who benefitsWho benefits Awlaki connectionAwlaki connection What is a false flag operation?What is a false flag operation?


    References.References. Local .Local . Foreign.Foreign.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    The Official StoryThe Official Story

    On the 26On the 26thth of December, 2009, Umar Faroukof December, 2009, Umar Farouk

    AbdulMutallab, a 23 year old Nigerian attempted toAbdulMutallab, a 23 year old Nigerian attempted todetonate an explosive on a Delta airline flight flying fromdetonate an explosive on a Delta airline flight flying fromAmsterdam to Detroit.Amsterdam to Detroit.

    The explosive (PETN) was sewn to his clothing and heThe explosive (PETN) was sewn to his clothing and hetried to detonate it with a liquid contained in a syringe.tried to detonate it with a liquid contained in a syringe.

    The bomb failed to detonate and he got himself burnt.The bomb failed to detonate and he got himself burnt.

    He later confessed to FBI/CIA that he was sent to carryHe later confessed to FBI/CIA that he was sent to carry

    out the attack by Al-Qaeda in Yemen.out the attack by Al-Qaeda in Yemen.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Suspects ProfileSuspects Profile

    The son of Alhaji (Dr.) Umar AbdulMutallab, a former Nigerian minister,The son of Alhaji (Dr.) Umar AbdulMutallab, a former Nigerian minister,immediate past chairman of 1immediate past chairman of 1stst bank Plc, chairman of several corporations,bank Plc, chairman of several corporations,pioneer chairman of Jaiz chairman of Jaiz bank.

    His mother is from Yemen.His mother is from Yemen. Had secondary education in British International School, Lome, Togo.Had secondary education in British International School, Lome, Togo. Studied mechanical engineering at University College London (was theStudied mechanical engineering at University College London (was the

    president of the Muslim students society in the school).president of the Muslim students society in the school).

    Went to UAE for masters.Went to UAE for masters. Enrolled for 7 months Arabic language programme in Sanaa, Yemen.Enrolled for 7 months Arabic language programme in Sanaa, Yemen. He later called his parents that he was going to stop his masters programme inHe later called his parents that he was going to stop his masters programme in

    dubai to start a 5 year programme in Islamic Law in to start a 5 year programme in Islamic Law in yemen. Told his parents that they would not be able to contact him again andTold his parents that they would not be able to contact him again and

    sussequently became unreachable.sussequently became unreachable. He has been exceptionally brilliant.He has been exceptionally brilliant.

    He was known to be gentle and cool-headed, never having any sign ofHe was known to be gentle and cool-headed, never having any sign ofextremism or violence (comments by teachers and colleagues).extremism or violence (comments by teachers and colleagues).

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    before 25before 25thth decemberdecember MI5 had information about his terrorist links sinceMI5 had information about his terrorist links since

    3 yrs ago (they said he was reaching out to3 yrs ago (they said he was reaching out toextremists whom MI5 had under surveillance) .extremists whom MI5 had under surveillance) .

    His father notified CIA and NIA about his possibleHis father notified CIA and NIA about his possible

    extremist/terrorist links in November, 2009.extremist/terrorist links in November, 2009. He was subsequently placed on terrorist watchlistHe was subsequently placed on terrorist watchlist

    database with about 500,000 others.database with about 500,000 others. Despite the foregoing facts, his multiple entry USDespite the foregoing facts, his multiple entry US

    visa granted since June 2008 wasnt revoked andvisa granted since June 2008 wasnt revoked andhes been travelling around the world.hes been travelling around the world. His father tried to travel to Yemen to bring himHis father tried to travel to Yemen to bring him

    back home but he was denied Yemeni visa.back home but he was denied Yemeni visa.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    before the flightbefore the flight The son of a wealthy man goes to an airport in tatteredThe son of a wealthy man goes to an airport in tattered He was accompanied by a tall sharply dressed Indian manHe was accompanied by a tall sharply dressed Indian man

    in his his 50s. The man tried to get him on the flight without a passport andThe man tried to get him on the flight without a passport and

    lying that he was a Sudanese refugee:lying that he was a Sudanese refugee:the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab couldthe suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab couldboard without a passport. The guy said, 'He's from Sudanboard without a passport. The guy said, 'He's from Sudanand we do this all the time.'and we do this all the time.'

    -Kurt and Lori Haskell-Kurt and Lori Haskell The Dutch authorities are denying he had an accomplice andThe Dutch authorities are denying he had an accomplice and

    are saying that he had a passport.are saying that he had a passport. They have refused to release the CCTV footage of the events.They have refused to release the CCTV footage of the events.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    during the flightduring the flight A man on the flight had a camcorder and recordedA man on the flight had a camcorder and recorded

    everything that took place on the flight from the start andeverything that took place on the flight from the start andwhen the incident happened, he was calm and stillwhen the incident happened, he was calm and stillrecording while there was commotion.recording while there was commotion.

    US anthorities have been silent about this strange man andUS anthorities have been silent about this strange man and

    his video.his video. Mutallab spent about 20 mins in the toilet prior to theMutallab spent about 20 mins in the toilet prior to the

    incident, is that not the best plane to execute his plan?incident, is that not the best plane to execute his plan? He had training for several months, yet he couldntHe had training for several months, yet he couldnt

    detonate the bomb.detonate the bomb.

    Al-Qaeda allegedly carried out the most sophisticatedAl-Qaeda allegedly carried out the most sophisticatedterrorist attack in history yet they could not detonate PETN!terrorist attack in history yet they could not detonate PETN!

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    during the flight (contd.)during the flight (contd.) Other passengers said he was calm and silent before,Other passengers said he was calm and silent before,

    during and after he was caught. The guy who nabbedduring and after he was caught. The guy who nabbedhim said it was as if he was in a trance.him said it was as if he was in a trance.

    Terrorists are known to chant religious slogans at theTerrorists are known to chant religious slogans at the

    point of executing their acts and when caught but thispoint of executing their acts and when caught but thisman didnt do didnt do that.

    The unidentified female passenger who gave reports toThe unidentified female passenger who gave reports toDaily Telegraph and CNN that contradicted all otherDaily Telegraph and CNN that contradicted all otherpassengers reports.passengers reports.

    The unidentified passenger's report and the secondThe unidentified passenger's report and the secondscare on 27scare on 27thth December(Sunday incident-anotherDecember(Sunday incident-anotherNigerian, same airline, same plane, same destination).Nigerian, same airline, same plane, same destination).See videos clips..See videos clips..

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    after the flightafter the flight The passengers were delayed for 20 mins afterThe passengers were delayed for 20 mins after

    the plane had landed despite the fear of havingthe plane had landed despite the fear of havinga bomb on the plane.a bomb on the plane.

    Bomb-detecting dogs were brought by FBI toBomb-detecting dogs were brought by FBI to

    sniff the luggage of all the passengers.sniff the luggage of all the passengers. The dogs found explosives in the luggage of anThe dogs found explosives in the luggage of an

    Indian-looking man in his 30s in an orangeIndian-looking man in his 30s in an

    This man was taken to a separate room,This man was taken to a separate room,questioned for about an hour and was broughtquestioned for about an hour and was broughtlater in handcuffs and was taken away.later in handcuffs and was taken away.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    after the flight (contd.)after the flight (contd.)The official story regarding the man in orange has nowThe official story regarding the man in orange has now

    changed numerous times :changed numerous times : Version 1: This was the official story from 12-25-09 toVersion 1: This was the official story from 12-25-09 to

    12-30-09. This version was that only Umar Farouk12-30-09. This version was that only Umar Farouk

    Abdulmutallab was involved or detained.Abdulmutallab was involved or detained.

    Version 2: After some of my fellow passengersVersion 2: After some of my fellow passengerssupported my claim in media accounts, this version 2supported my claim in media accounts, this version 2was released and became the official story onwas released and became the official story onDecember 30, 2009.. This version was that, yes,December 30, 2009.. This version was that, yes,another man was taken into custody, but he was beinganother man was taken into custody, but he was beingheld indefinitely on immigration charges.held indefinitely on immigration charges.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    after the flight (contd.)after the flight (contd.) Version 3: This version came out late in the day onVersion 3: This version came out late in the day on

    December 30, 2009. This version provided that yesDecember 30, 2009. This version provided that yesanother man was taken into custody, but he was fromanother man was taken into custody, but he was fromanother flight. This story was the most ridiculous versionanother flight. This story was the most ridiculous versionto date and made myself write the current article onto date and made myself write the current article

    Version 4: a passenger from flight 253 did have a canineVersion 4: a passenger from flight 253 did have a caninealert to his carry on baggage in the baggage area of thealert to his carry on baggage in the baggage area of theCBP facility. . . There was nothing found during theCBP facility. . . There was nothing found during

    Version 5: A sniffer dog reacted to agriculture or foodVersion 5: A sniffer dog reacted to agriculture or foodproducts inside the bag of a third man who was off yetproducts inside the bag of a third man who was off yetanother flight.another flight.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    after the flight (contd.)after the flight (contd.) Two different unidentical pictures of theTwo different unidentical pictures of the

    suspect were released by mainstream media.suspect were released by mainstream media.

    Photo 1 Source and most widely used photo of Umar FaroukAbdulmutallab
  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    after the flight (contd.)after the flight (contd.)

    Photo 2 from a Ghana News Site..detailing the purchase ofPhoto 2 from a Ghana News Site..detailing the purchase ofUmar Farouk Abdulmutallabs plane ticket in GhanaUmar Farouk Abdulmutallabs plane ticket in Ghana
  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Pointers to Conspiracy-Pointers to Conspiracy-

    after the flight (contd.)after the flight (contd.) From what we previously know about security operatives inFrom what we previously know about security operatives in

    the UK, US and other countries, MI5, CIA, FBI and otherthe UK, US and other countries, MI5, CIA, FBI and othercountries agencies are supposed to share informationcountries agencies are supposed to share informationabout terrorist but in the case of Mutallab, they failed to doabout terrorist but in the case of Mutallab, they failed to dothis in spite of all the glaring signs and warnings they had.this in spite of all the glaring signs and warnings they had.

    Dutch and American security agaencies are still denyingDutch and American security agaencies are still denying The smartly dressed Indian manThe smartly dressed Indian man That Umar had no passportThat Umar had no passport Falsifying the issue of the second suspect arrested at Detroit.Falsifying the issue of the second suspect arrested at Detroit.

    Deliberately distortion, concealment and fasification ofDeliberately distortion, concealment and fasification ofevidence all point to a conspiracy.evidence all point to a conspiracy.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Much laterMuch later

    On the 6On the 6thth of January, 2010, the suspect wasof January, 2010, the suspect was


    On the 8On the 8thth of January, 2010, the suspect pleadedof January, 2010, the suspect pleaded

    not guilty after initially confessing to CIA that Al-not guilty after initially confessing to CIA that Al-Qaeda in Yemen sent him on the mission.Qaeda in Yemen sent him on the mission.

    We haven't seen or heard from the suspectWe haven't seen or heard from the suspect

    himself since this issue started.himself since this issue started.

    some journalists were allowed into the court butsome journalists were allowed into the court butwe were not shown clips of the event by thewe were not shown clips of the event by

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Who benefits from theWho benefits from the

    attempted attack?attempted attack? If it was successful- al-Qaeda or IsraeliIf it was successful- al-Qaeda or Israeli

    firms selling body scanners.firms selling body scanners. If it wasnt- Israeli firms selling bodyIf it wasnt- Israeli firms selling body

    scanners and other security services.scanners and other security services. Did you know that the US immediatelyDid you know that the US immediately

    ordered about 300 scanners for theordered about 300 scanners for theairports after the incident.airports after the incident.

    That Israeli firms are the ones sellingThat Israeli firms are the ones sellingthese devices?these devices?

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Who benefits from theWho benefits from the

    attempted attack?attempted attack? Who provided the US the information that al-Qaeda claimedWho provided the US the information that al-Qaeda claimed

    responsibility? SITE Intelligence, an Israeli-linked onlineresponsibility? SITE Intelligence, an Israeli-linked onlineinformation source.information source.

    TheThe Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE)Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE)Intelligence GroupIntelligence Group was an organization that tracked thewas an organization that tracked the

    online activity of terrorist organizations. The SITE Instituteonline activity of terrorist organizations. The SITE Institutewas founded in 2002 bywas founded in 2002 by Rita KatzRita Katz and Josh Devon, who hadand Josh Devon, who hadleft theleft the Investigative ProjectInvestigative Project (a private Islamist-terrorist(a private Islamist-terroristtracking group). In early 2008 it ceased its operations, andtracking group). In early 2008 it ceased its operations, andsome its staff formed the SITE Intelligence Group, a for-some its staff formed the SITE Intelligence Group, a for-profit entity, to continue some of its activitiesprofit entity, to continue some of its activities

    ( Americans have been opposing the use of the scanners forAmericans have been opposing the use of the scanners for

    long due to privacy intrusion and concerns about healthlong due to privacy intrusion and concerns about healthrisks.risks.
  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    What is Anwar al-AwlakisWhat is Anwar al-Awlakis

    connection?connection? He is an American born lecturer/Imam who has alwaysHe is an American born lecturer/Imam who has always

    been linked to al-Qaeda plots against US.been linked to al-Qaeda plots against US.

    He was accused of complicity in 911, Fort Hood shootersHe was accused of complicity in 911, Fort Hood shooterscase, Richard Reid's case, and now, Richard Reid's case, and now Mutallab.

    There are allegations that he is a CIA agent since he isThere are allegations that he is a CIA agent since he isalways involved in US false flag operationsalways involved in US false flag operations

    Or: he is just being set-up due to the same reason statedOr: he is just being set-up due to the same reason statedabove.above.

    He has been in Yemen since 2001 and has been linked toHe has been in Yemen since 2001 and has been linked to


  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Aims of the MutallabAims of the Mutallab

    false flag.false flag. Incite more hatred against Muslims and scareIncite more hatred against Muslims and scare

    Muslims away from pristine Islam.Muslims away from pristine Islam. Yemeni oil (terrorists always come from oil-richYemeni oil (terrorists always come from oil-rich


    More income for Israeli-US security firms.More income for Israeli-US security firms. Clamp down on countries with strong islamicClamp down on countries with strong islamic

    presence and anti-US nations (see the 14presence and anti-US nations (see the 14Nations on US latest watchlist.Nations on US latest watchlist.

    Nigeria and Somalia have repeatedly calledNigeria and Somalia have repeatedly called

    breeding grounds of al-Qaeda in Africa bybreeding grounds of al-Qaeda in Africa byBush.Bush.

    To create fear.To create fear.

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab


    Evidence of existence ofEvidence of existence of

    false flagfalse flag Watch the movie Prison Break again andWatch the movie Prison Break again and

    think about The Company.think about The Company. Watch the following documentaries;Watch the following documentaries;

    TerrorstormTerrorstorm Farenheit 911Farenheit 911 Fabled EnemiesFabled Enemies ZeitgeistZeitgeist

    The Obama DeceptionThe Obama Deception EndgameEndgame

    All by Alex Jones ( by Alex Jones (

  • 8/14/2019 Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab



    LOCAL;LOCAL; Daily Trust Newspaper- jan. 7 page 19.Daily Trust Newspaper- jan. 7 page 19.

    Monday Vanguard- Jan 4 (column article)Monday Vanguard- Jan 4 (column article)

    The Nation- Jan. 2, page 6.The Nation- Jan. 2, page 6.

    Tribune- Jan. 6, headline.Tribune- Jan. 6, headline.

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