
Creating A Sustainable Campus: Challenges and Opportunities to Integrate Sustainability at the University of Maryland Presented by: Scott Lupin – Office of Sustainability Dr. Matthias Ruth – Center for Integrative Environmental Research

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  • Creating A Sustainable Campus:Challenges and Opportunities to Integrate Sustainability at the University of Maryland

    Presented by:Scott Lupin Office of SustainabilityDr. Matthias Ruth Center for Integrative Environmental Research

  • American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)Launched in October 2006 Modeled after the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection AgreementSponsored by:AASHE (Association for the Advancement for Sustainability in Higher Education)Second NatureecoAmerica


  • Purpose of ACUPCCPuts Educational Institutions in the Forefront of Efforts to Address Climate Change

    Commits Schools to Serve as Models of SustainabilityOperationsCurriculumResearch

    Commits Schools to become Carbon Neutral to Reduce Global Warming


  • ACUPCC What Do They Sign?Signatories officially Agree to: Create a Strategic Plan to Eliminate and/or Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions Integrate Sustainability into Curriculum May 2007, President Mote signed Initiative - Committing UM to Climate Change Regional Signatories Include: 9 MD Schools, 12 VA Schools

  • ACUPCC: Initial RequirementsWithin Two Months: Create Institutional Structures to Develop and Implement a Plan

    Within One Year:Complete Comprehensive Inventory of all Greenhouse Gas Emissions;Update Inventory Every Other Year Thereafter


  • ACUPCC: The Climate PlanWithin 2 years an Institutional Action Plan Identify Actions to make Campus Carbon NeutralInclude Target Date for Climate NeutralitySet Interim Goals and Phase in of Actions Actions to make Climate Neutrality and Sustainability a Part of the Curriculum and other Educational Experiences.Actions to Expand Research or other Efforts to Achieve Climate Neutrality. Mechanisms to Track Progress on Goals and Actions.


  • ACUPCC: Tangible ActionsDuring Development of the Plan, Initiate Two or more of the following Tangible Actions:

    LEED-Silver Policy for New Campus ConstructionPolicy Requiring Purchase of ENERGY STAR Certified ProductsPolicy of Offsetting all Greenhouse Gas Emissions generated by Air TravelEncourage Use of and Provide Access to Public Transportation for all Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors


  • ACUPCC: Tangible Actions (contd)Within One Year, Purchase/Produce at Least 15% of Institutions Electricity Consumption from Renewable SourcesPolicy or Committee that Supports Climate and Sustainability Shareholder Proposals at Companies where the Institutions Endowment is Invested Participate in Recyclemanias Waste Minimization Component and Adopt Three or more Waste Reduction MeasuresMake all Reports and Information Publicly Available


  • UM - ACUPCC Initiatives

    UM Research Center (CIER) Conducting GHG Inventory

    Establishing a Climate Action Plan Workgroup

    Adopted USGBC LEED-Silver as Baseline Construction Standard

    Working with Area Universities and the State to Purchase Renewable Energy

    Preparing RFP for Energy Performance Contractor Audit


  • Evolution of Sustainability at UM

    2002 FMP - Transportation and Environment Underpin the PlanEnvironmental Stewardship CommitteeEnvironmental Stewardship GuidelinesSponsored Three National Sustainability Conferences March 31-April 2, 2008 4th Conference


  • Evolution of Sustainability at UM (contd)New Office of Sustainability

    Campus-wide Sustainability Website (

    Released Sustainability Report on UM Initiatives

    New Energy Manager, Environmental Planner and Recycling/Solid Waste Manager


  • Sustainability Initiatives at UM

    Comprehensive Stormwater Study to Identify Improvement Projects

    Comprehensive Tree Inventory and Assessment

    New Efficient Irrigation Systems with Moisture Sensors Installed

    Several Low Impact Development (Stormwater) Projects Completed


  • Sustainability Initiatives at UM (contd)

    Buses Using Biodiesel Fuel

    Flexcar Program Introduced

    Major Lighting Improvement Program Underway

    CO2 Monitors being Installed to Operate Ventilation Systems


  • Sustainability Initiatives at UM (contd)Competed inRecyclemania

    Composting Program in Dining Halls (10 tons per month)

    Use of Native Plants for Landscaping

    Green Seal Certified Cleaning Products in Residence Halls


  • Sustainability-Related ResearchMany Research Centers at UM are focused on Environmental Issues including:Center for Integrative Environmental Research (CIER)Center for Environmental Energy Engineering (CEEE)Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI)Center for Smart GrowthSolar Decathlon TeamMany others


  • Sustainability Educational Opportunities

    More than 100 Courses about Environmental Issues are Offered Each Year Four New Academic Programs Opened within the Past Year Environmental Science and Technology Master of Engineering and Public Policy Maryland Institute of Applied Environmental Health EcoHouse Sustainable Living/Learning Community


  • UM Greenhouse Gas Inventory

  • Research TeamCenter for Integrative Environmental Research (CIER)David Tilley, Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology, CIER AffiliateMatthias Ruth, Director, CIERKim Ross, Executive Director, CIERRamy Serour, Graduate Research Assistant, Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences Graduate ProgramLucia Ness, Student Research Assistant, Environmental Science & Policy Program

    Working in Close Collaboration with Facilities Management and the GHG Inventory Taskforce

  • Greenhouse Gas Inventory Taskforce

    David Allen, Director, Transportation Services Karen Breen, Director, Business Services Maureen Kotlas, Director, Environmental Safety Joan Kowal, Energy Manager, Financial Services Scott Lupin, Assoc Director, Office of SustainabilityHarry Teabout, Director, Bldg & Landscape Services John Vucci, Assoc Director, H V A C Systems

  • Inventory ApproachClean Air Cool Planet Calculator for Standardization and ComparabilityLearn from other University ExperiencesDirect Involvement of Key Stakeholders through GHG Inventory TaskforceGather Data (Student Research Assistants)Analysis, Development of Recommendations and Report Report to be Posted OnlineBriefings to Key Leaders and Stakeholders

  • Scope

    Temporal Scope: 2002-2007 requestedScope 1 Direct GHG Emissions from Facilities Owned/Controlled by UMCP (e.g., power plant, vehicles, fugitive emissions) Scope 2 - Purchased ElectricityScope 3 - Indirect Emissions (e.g., commuters, air travel, waste disposal, purchased products)

  • Inventory Data CategoriesInstitutional Data: Budget, Population, Physical SizeElectricity, Purchased Steam, and Chilled WaterOn-Campus Cogeneration PlantOn-Campus Stationary SourcesTransportation: University Fleet, Air TravelCommuter: Students, Summer School Students, Faculty, StaffAgriculture: Fertilizer Application, Animal AgricultureSolid WasteRefrigeration and Other ChemicalsOffsets: Green Electric Certificates, Composting, Forest Preservation, Other

  • Challenges MetBoundaries What to CountTrends toward Privatized BuildingsControl vs. Own (e.g South Commons)Definition of Boundary (UMCP: include buildings/space that we own and pay electricity for).

    Transportation, CommutersDesign of Algorithm to Calculate Missing Data for Student Commuting

    Data ConsistencyReported by Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30) vs. Calendar YearReported for Years 2002 to 2007

    Future UpdatesRequired every Two YearsRecommendations for Data Collection and Reporting Process Improvements

  • Integrating Sustainability on Campus:Lessons LearnedMake Sustainability a Campus Priority Establish Broad Goals

    Get Connected AASHE, APPA, SCUP, NACUBO, USGBC and Others

    Involve the Campus

    Establish a Steering Committee and Program Lead

    Educate and Inform

    Empower and Encourage Staff


  • Integrating Sustainability on Campus:Lessons Learned (contd)

    Implement Projects and Seek Continuous Improvement Small Projects Add-Up (LID, Composting, HazMat Reduction, etc.) Large Initiatives Provide Major Results (Strategic Plans, Renewable Energy, Green Purchasing, LEED, etc.) Ex. UN Chapel Hill (Stormwater), U. of Florida (Solid Waste), U. of Georgia (Environmental Literacy Req.), Harvard (Revolving Green Fund)


  • Integrating Sustainability on Campus:Lessons Learned (contd)

    Use Campus/System Resources Build Collaboration - Many Are Motivated by SustainabilityProvide Educational Opportunities (Internships, Graduate Assistantships, etc.)Measure Progress (Milestones and Metrics) Share Your Success Report Progress and Savings



    Office of Sustainability at UM -

    Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) -

    American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)

    US Green Building Council (USGBC) -

    MD Energy Administration -















