umg8900 performance measurement manual

Chapter 1 Overview 1-1 ......................................................................................... 1.1 About the Chapter 1-1 .................................................................................. 1.2 Architecture 1-1 ............................................................................................ 1.3 Basic Concepts 1-2 ...................................................................................... 1.3.1 Measure Object 1-3 .............................................................................. 1.3.2 Measure Task 1-3 ................................................................................ 1.3.3 Measure Set 1-3 ................................................................................... 1.3.4 Measure Unit 1-4 .................................................................................. 1.3.5 Measure Item 1-4 ................................................................................. 1.3.6 Measure Time 1-4 ................................................................................ 1.3.7 Template 1-5 ........................................................................................ 1.3.8 Threshold 1-6 ....................................................................................... 1.4 System Function 1-6 ..................................................................................... 1.4.1 Object Management 1-6 ....................................................................... 1.4.2 Task Management 1-6 ......................................................................... 1.4.3 Time Management 1-8 ......................................................................... 1.4.4 Item Management 1-9 .......................................................................... 1.4.5 Result Management 1-10 ....................................................................... Chapter 2 Operation Guide 2-1 ............................................................................. 2.1 Introduction 2-1 ............................................................................................. 2.2 Performance Management System 2-1 ........................................................ 2.2.1 Start Mode 2-2 ..................................................................................... 2.2.2 Interface Introduction 2-2 ..................................................................... 2.3 Task Management 2-3 .................................................................................. 2.3.1 Creating a Performance Measure Task 2-3 ......................................... 2.3.2 Modifying a Performance Measure Task 2-5 ....................................... 2.3.3 Suspending a Performance Measure Task 2-5 .................................... 2.3.4 Activating a Performance Measure Task 2-6 ....................................... 2.3.5 Querying a Performance Measure Task 2-6 ........................................ 2.3.6 Deleting a Performance Measure Task 2-6 ......................................... 2.4 Measure Results Management 2-7 .............................................................. 2.4.1 Querying Measure Results 2-7 ............................................................ 2.4.2 Querying Real-Time Measure Results 2-8 ........................................... 2.4.3 Dumping Measure Results 2-9 ............................................................. 2.4.4 Printing Measure Results 2-9 ............................................................... 2.5 Templet Management 2-9 ............................................................................ 2.5.1 Creating a Templet 2-10 ........................................................................ 2.5.2 Modifying a Templet 2-10 ....................................................................... 2.5.3 Querying a Templet 2-11 .......................................................................

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Chapter 1 Overview 1-1.........................................................................................

1.1 About the Chapter 1-1..................................................................................1.2 Architecture 1-1............................................................................................1.3 Basic Concepts 1-2......................................................................................

1.3.1 Measure Object 1-3..............................................................................1.3.2 Measure Task 1-3................................................................................1.3.3 Measure Set 1-3...................................................................................1.3.4 Measure Unit 1-4..................................................................................1.3.5 Measure Item 1-4.................................................................................1.3.6 Measure Time 1-4................................................................................1.3.7 Template 1-5........................................................................................1.3.8 Threshold 1-6.......................................................................................

1.4 System Function 1-6.....................................................................................1.4.1 Object Management 1-6.......................................................................1.4.2 Task Management 1-6.........................................................................1.4.3 Time Management 1-8.........................................................................1.4.4 Item Management 1-9..........................................................................1.4.5 Result Management 1-10.......................................................................

Chapter 2 Operation Guide 2-1.............................................................................

2.1 Introduction 2-1.............................................................................................2.2 Performance Management System 2-1........................................................

2.2.1 Start Mode 2-2.....................................................................................2.2.2 Interface Introduction 2-2.....................................................................

2.3 Task Management 2-3..................................................................................2.3.1 Creating a Performance Measure Task 2-3.........................................2.3.2 Modifying a Performance Measure Task 2-5.......................................2.3.3 Suspending a Performance Measure Task 2-5....................................2.3.4 Activating a Performance Measure Task 2-6.......................................2.3.5 Querying a Performance Measure Task 2-6........................................2.3.6 Deleting a Performance Measure Task 2-6.........................................

2.4 Measure Results Management 2-7..............................................................2.4.1 Querying Measure Results 2-7............................................................2.4.2 Querying Real-Time Measure Results 2-8...........................................2.4.3 Dumping Measure Results 2-9.............................................................2.4.4 Printing Measure Results 2-9...............................................................

2.5 Templet Management 2-9............................................................................2.5.1 Creating a Templet 2-10........................................................................2.5.2 Modifying a Templet 2-10.......................................................................2.5.3 Querying a Templet 2-11.......................................................................

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2.5.4 Deleting a Templet 2-11.........................................................................2.6 Custom Item Management 2-12.....................................................................

2.6.1 Creating a Custom Item 2-12.................................................................2.6.2 Modifying a Custom Item 2-12...............................................................2.6.3 Querying a Custom Item 2-13................................................................2.6.4 Deleting a Custom Item 2-13.................................................................

2.7 Threshold Management 2-14.........................................................................2.8 Examples 2-15................................................................................................

2.8.1 Creating a Task for Context Measure 2-15............................................2.8.2 Creating a Task for CPU Usage Measure 2-16.....................................

Chapter 3 Performance Measure Unit and Item 3-1............................................

3.1 Introduction 3-1.............................................................................................3.2 Measure Unit 3-1..........................................................................................

3.2.1 Measure Unit and Measure Set 3-1.....................................................3.2.2 Measure Unit and Measure Object 3-1................................................

3.3 Measure Item 3-3.........................................................................................3.3.1 CPU Occupation Rate 3-3....................................................................3.3.2 H.248 Protocol Stack Statistics of the PPU 3-4...................................3.3.3 H.248 Application Statistics of the PPU 3-6.........................................3.3.4 Optical Interface Cell Measurement of the A4L Interface Board 3-9....3.3.5 QAAL2 Signaling Measurement by the ASU 3-9.................................3.3.6 SAAL Protocol Measurement by the ASU 3-10.....................................3.3.7 MTP-3b Signaling Link Measurement by the ASU 3-11.........................3.3.8 MTP-3b Signaling Link Set Measurement by the ASU 3-12..................3.3.9 MTP-3b Destination Signaling Point Measurement by the ASU 3-13....3.3.10 M3UA Signaling Link Set Measurement by the SPF 3-13...................3.3.11 M3UA Signaling Link Measurement by the SPF 3-15..........................3.3.12 M3UA Destination Entity Measurement by the SPF 3-17....................3.3.13 MTP3 Signaling Link Set Measurement by the SPF 3-17....................3.3.14 MTP3 Signaling Link Measurement by the SPF 3-18..........................3.3.15 MTP3 Destination Signaling Point Measurement by the SPF 3-20......3.3.16 Context Management Statistics 3-21...................................................3.3.17 Number of Terminations Occupied by CMU Context 3-23...................3.3.18 Number of Resources Occupied by CMU Context 3-24......................3.3.19 Resource Occupation Rate 3-25..........................................................3.3.20 User Online Situation 3-26...................................................................3.3.21 TDM Termination Usage of the TNU 3-26...........................................3.3.22 Statistics of the Number of TNU Connection 3-27...............................3.3.23 Statistics of GE Traffic 3-28.................................................................3.3.24 Statistics of TC Occupation Rate 3-28.................................................

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3.3.25 Statistics of Occupied Rate of Integrated Equipment 3-29..................3.3.26 Statistics of EC Occupation Rate 3-30.................................................3.3.27 EC Occupation Rate of the Whole Equipment 3-31.............................

Chapter 4 Precautions & FAQ 4-1........................................................................

4.1 About the Chapter 4-1..................................................................................4.2 Precautions 4-1............................................................................................

4.2.1 System Specifications 4-1....................................................................4.2.2 Others 4-1............................................................................................

4.3 FAQ 4-1........................................................................................................4.3.1 No Measure Result 4-2........................................................................4.3.2 Incomplete Measure Result 4-2...........................................................4.3.3 Special Symptom in Real-time Task Information Query 4-2................4.3.4 Prompt of "Can’t Get the Object Instance Data" in TaskCreation 4-3..................................................................................................4.3.5 No Measure Result Output at Expected Time Point 4-3......................

Appendix A List of Abbreviations and Acronyms A-1........................................

Index .................................................................................................................

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Performance Measurement Manual


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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Performance Measurement Manual

Manual Version T2-031627-20050221-C-2.32

Product Version V200R003

BOM 31161427

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Copyright © 2005 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective holders.


The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this manual do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.

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Summary of Updates

This section provides an update history of this manual and introduces the updates of contents.

Update History

Manual Version Notes

T2-031627-20040830-C-2.30 Initial field trial release

T2-031627-20041115-C-2.31 Initial commercial release

T2-031627-20050221-C-2.32 Second commercial release

Updates of Contents

Updates between manual versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest manual version contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Manual Version 2.32

This version adopts the new document template.

Updates in Manual Version 2.31

Relevant modifications are incorporated according to V200R003C01B043SP02.

The description for measurement results of querying tasks is modified. Spelling errors are corrected and sentence structure is improved.

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About This Manual

Release Notes

This manual applies to HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway V200R003.


The manual introduces the basic concept, system architecture and function of the UMG8900 performance measurement system. It details the basic operations using measure unit, measure index and performance management. Further more, it gives notes and troubleshooting. This manual consists of four chapters.

Chapter 1 Overview introduces basic concept of performance measure, system architecture and function.

Chapter 2 Operation Guide details performance measure operations by using performance management system.

Chapter 3 Performance Measure Unit and Item introduces various measure units and measure index provided by UMG8900.

Chapter 4 Precautions and FAQ gives some precautions and frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the performance measure process.

Appendix List of Abbreviations and Acronyms gives the explanation and description of all abbreviations in this manual.

Index lists the indexes in the manual.

Intended Audience

The manual is intended for the following readers:

Telecom network engineering technicians Telecom administrators Network system engineers


The manual uses the following conventions:

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I. General conventions

Convention Description

Arial Normal paragraphs are in Arial.

Boldface Headings are in Boldface.

Courier New Terminal Display is in Courier New.

II. GUI conventions

Convention Description

Boldface Button names and menu items are in Boldface. For example, click OK.

/ Multi-level menus are in bold and separated by forward slashes. For example, select the File/Create/Folder menu.

III. Keyboard operation

Format Description

<Key> Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For example, <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A>.

<Key1+Key2> Press the keys concurrently. For example, <Ctrl+Alt+A> means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

<Key1, Key2> Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means the two keys should be pressed in turn.

IV. Mouse operation

Action Description

Select Press and hold the primary mouse button (left mouse button by default).

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.

Double-Click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.

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V. Symbols

Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:

Caution, Warning, Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the


Note, Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought: Means a complementary description.

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Overview....................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 About the Chapter.............................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Architecture........................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.3 Basic Concepts .................................................................................................................. 1-2

1.3.1 Measure Object ....................................................................................................... 1-3 1.3.2 Measure Task.......................................................................................................... 1-3 1.3.3 Measure Set ............................................................................................................ 1-3 1.3.4 Measure Unit ........................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.5 Measure Item .......................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.6 Measure Time ......................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.7 Template ................................................................................................................. 1-5 1.3.8 Threshold ................................................................................................................ 1-6

1.4 System Function ................................................................................................................ 1-6 1.4.1 Object Management................................................................................................ 1-6 1.4.2 Task Management .................................................................................................. 1-6 1.4.3 Time Management .................................................................................................. 1-7 1.4.4 Item Management ................................................................................................... 1-9 1.4.5 Result Management .............................................................................................. 1-10

Chapter 2 Operation Guide........................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.2 Performance Management System ................................................................................... 2-1

2.2.1 Start Mode............................................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.2 Interface Introduction .............................................................................................. 2-2

2.3 Task Management ............................................................................................................. 2-3 2.3.1 Creating a Performance Measure Task .................................................................. 2-3 2.3.2 Modifying a Performance Measure Task ................................................................ 2-5 2.3.3 Suspending a Performance Measure Task............................................................. 2-6 2.3.4 Activating a Performance Measure Task ................................................................ 2-6 2.3.5 Querying a Performance Measure Task ................................................................. 2-6 2.3.6 Deleting a Performance Measure Task .................................................................. 2-7

2.4 Measure Results Management.......................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.1 Querying Measure Results...................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.2 Querying Real-Time Measure Results .................................................................... 2-8 2.4.3 Dumping Measure Results...................................................................................... 2-9 2.4.4 Printing Measure Results ........................................................................................ 2-9

2.5 Templet Management...................................................................................................... 2-10 2.5.1 Creating a Templet................................................................................................ 2-10

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2.5.2 Modifying a Templet.............................................................................................. 2-10 2.5.3 Querying a Templet............................................................................................... 2-11 2.5.4 Deleting a Templet ................................................................................................ 2-11

2.6 Custom Item Management .............................................................................................. 2-12 2.6.1 Creating a Custom Item ........................................................................................ 2-12 2.6.2 Modifying a Custom Item ...................................................................................... 2-13 2.6.3 Querying a Custom Item ....................................................................................... 2-13 2.6.4 Deleting a Custom Item......................................................................................... 2-14

2.7 Threshold Management................................................................................................... 2-14 2.8 Examples ......................................................................................................................... 2-15

2.8.1 Creating a Task for Context Measure ................................................................... 2-15 2.8.2 Creating a Task for CPU Usage Measure ............................................................ 2-16

Chapter 3 Performance Measure Unit and Item ......................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Measure Unit...................................................................................................................... 3-1

3.2.1 Measure Unit and Measure Set .............................................................................. 3-1 3.2.2 Measure Unit and Measure Object ......................................................................... 3-1

3.3 Measure Item..................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.3.1 CPU Occupation Rate............................................................................................. 3-3 3.3.2 H.248 Protocol Stack Statistics of the PPU ............................................................ 3-4 3.3.3 H.248 Application Statistics of the PPU .................................................................. 3-6 3.3.4 Optical Interface Cell Measurement of the A4L Interface Board ............................ 3-9 3.3.5 QAAL2 Signaling Measurement by the ASU .......................................................... 3-9 3.3.6 SAAL Protocol Measurement by the ASU ............................................................ 3-10 3.3.7 MTP-3b Signaling Link Measurement by the ASU................................................ 3-11 3.3.8 MTP-3b Signaling Link Set Measurement by the ASU ......................................... 3-13 3.3.9 MTP-3b Destination Signaling Point Measurement by the ASU........................... 3-13 3.3.10 M3UA Signaling Link Set Measurement by the SPF .......................................... 3-13 3.3.11 M3UA Signaling Link Measurement by the SPF................................................. 3-15 3.3.12 M3UA Destination Entity Measurement by the SPF ........................................... 3-17 3.3.13 MTP3 Signaling Link Set Measurement by the SPF........................................... 3-17 3.3.14 MTP3 Signaling Link Measurement by the SPF ................................................. 3-18 3.3.15 MTP3 Destination Signaling Point Measurement by the SPF ............................ 3-20 3.3.16 Context Management Statistics .......................................................................... 3-21 3.3.17 Number of Terminations Occupied by CMU Context.......................................... 3-23 3.3.18 Number of Resources Occupied by CMU Context ............................................. 3-24 3.3.19 Resource Occupation Rate ................................................................................. 3-25 3.3.20 User Online Situation .......................................................................................... 3-26 3.3.21 TDM Termination Usage of the TNU .................................................................. 3-27 3.3.22 Statistics of the Number of TNU Connection ...................................................... 3-28 3.3.23 Statistics of GE Traffic......................................................................................... 3-28 3.3.24 Statistics of TC Occupation Rate ........................................................................ 3-29

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3.3.25 Statistics of Occupied Rate of Integrated Equipment ......................................... 3-29 3.3.26 Statistics of EC Occupation Rate........................................................................ 3-30 3.3.27 EC Occupation Rate of the Whole Equipment.................................................... 3-31

Chapter 4 Precautions & FAQ...................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 About the Chapter.............................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 Precautions ........................................................................................................................ 4-1

4.2.1 System Specifications ............................................................................................. 4-1 4.2.2 Others...................................................................................................................... 4-1

4.3 FAQ.................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.1 No Measure Result ................................................................................................. 4-2 4.3.2 Incomplete Measure Result .................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.3 Special Symptom in Real-time Task Information Query ......................................... 4-3 4.3.4 Prompt of “Can’t Get the Object Instance Data” in Task Creation.......................... 4-3 4.3.5 No Measure Result Output at Expected Time Point ............................................... 4-4

Appendix A List of Abbreviations and Acronyms .....................................................................A-1

Index ................................................................................................................................................ i-1

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview

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Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 About the Chapter

Performance measure is also called performance statistics. It is used for measuring devices and their networks (including traffic, load, and so on) to provide operating data for the network.

In the network planning and management, performance measure consists of the following three applications:

Routine maintenance: You can check whether the network and devices operate abnormally based on the measure results to avoid fault expansion. In this case, you can locate faults fast and easily.

Performance monitoring: You can find out the load bottleneck of the network and devices to improve the quality of service and the service capability of devices.

Network planning: You can obtain the relevant data for future network planning and upgrade.

The UMG8900 supports rich performance measure tasks. It also performs measure statistics of contexts, occupation resources, data traffic, and so on in the operating process of the system.

This chapter describes the architecture and basic concepts of the Performance Management System of the UMG8900. After reading the chapter, you can learn about some basic information of performance measure.

1.2 Architecture

Figure 1-1 shows the Performance Management System (a sub-system of the LMT) architecture of the UMG8900.


FE Bus





LMT: Local Maintenance Terminal

WAN: Wide Area Network LAN: Local Area Network

UMG: Universal Media Gateway

OMU: Operation and maintenance unit

FE Bus: FE bus

Figure 1-1 Architecture of Performance Management System

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The Performance Management System works with the UMG8900 host to implement the performance measure function.

The Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) and the back administration module (BAM) of the UMG8900 host adopt the architecture of Client/Server. The BAM is embedded in the operation & maintenance unit (OMU) of the UMG8900.

After logging in to the host through the LMT Client, you can create, delete or query various performance statistics tasks in the performance management subsystem.

The OMU, as the operation and maintenance center of the UMG8900, sends the request of various performance measure tasks to a specific service board through the internal FE bus. After the service board completes the performance measure, it returns the measure result to the OMU. The OMU then saves the result to the BAM. If needed, you can query the performance statistics results through the LMT.

1.3 Basic Concepts

The core of performance measure is performance measure task and result. The basic process of performance measure is: Choose a measure object→select a measure task for the object→obtain a measure result.

Performance measure includes some basic concepts such as measure object, measure task, measure set, measure unit, measure item, threshold, and template. Figure 1-2 shows their relationships.







Customitem Threshold

Measureitem 1

Measureitem n

Measureunit n

Measureitem 1

Measureitem n





Measureunit 1

Figure 1-2 Relationships of basic concepts in performance measure

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In performance measure, the main body for measure is the measure object. A measure task needs to serve a measure object and it includes measure set and measure time. A measure set includes multiple measure units, and each measure unit includes multiple measure items.

A template customizes some common parameter settings for the measure object, measure task, measure time, and measure item. In this case, you can use the template for the operation easily.

Threshold and custom item are used to perform customized services for a measure item.

1.3.1 Measure Object

In the performance management system, measure object is an entity or combination for performing performance measure and statistics, such as the entire media gateway, a signaling link, or a board.

I. Object Type

It refers to the type of a physical or logical entity involved in performance measure, such as the entire media gateway, a signaling link, or a board.

II. Object Instance

It refers to a specific object. For example, for a measure task defined, if its object type is “virtual media gateway number”, its object instance will be “virtual media gateway 0 and virtual media gateway 1”, and so on.

1.3.2 Measure Task

Performance measure task is also called performance task, measure task or task. You can collect, manage or analyze measure data through a performance measure task.

A performance measure task has four classes of attributes: object attribute, item attribute, time attribute and output attribute. Object attribute determines which task object is measured; item attribute determines what is measured; time attribute determines when and how to measure; output attribute determines how to output the measure result.

1.3.3 Measure Set

A measure set is a collection composed of measure units with the same attribute. Generally, it is used for representing measure functions implemented by the performance management system.

The performance measure tasks of the same type correspond to one measure set.

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1.3.4 Measure Unit

A measure set item consists of multiple measure units. A measure unit is a combination of measure item and measure object.

Each measure unit consists of multiple measure items. That is, a measure unit includes multiple items, but an item only belongs to one measure unit.

1.3.5 Measure Item

A measure item is the basic unit for performing measure data statistics. To implement a certain measure, you should collect a measure item first.

The Performance Management System is organized in the form of 3-level structure: measure set→measure unit→measure item. That is, the system contains some measure sets, each measure set contains some measure units, and each measure unit contains specific measure items.

A measure item can be classified as original item or custom item. An original item is pre-defined by the system, while a custom item is the one that you have defined through an arithmetic expression as required based on the original item.

1.3.6 Measure Time

Measure time includes all required time information such as performance measure task type, performance measure time type, performance measure period, and performance measure time range.

I. Task Type

According to the task type, a performance measure task can be classified as:

Permanent task: A permanent task has no start time and end time. Once a permanent task is created, it will be executed permanently. Generally, you can set some common or significant tasks as permanent ones.

Semi-permanent task: A semi-permanent task has the start time but no end time. After the start time reaches, a semi-permanent task can be executed permanently. You can set some common tasks with start time required as semi-permanent ones.

Limited task: A limited task has both start time and end time. It is executed only between start time and end time. You can set some temporary measure tasks to limited ones.

II. Time Type

The time type in performance measure can be divided into:

Make statistics every day: The system performs the measurement per day.

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Make statistics by week: The system performs the measurement in some specific days of a week. The circular period is a week.

Make statistics by month: The system performs the measurement in some specific days of a month. The circular period is a month.

III. Measure Period

“Measure period" refers to measure result output period, that is, how often shall the measure result be output.

The system provides six kinds of measure periods: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours. By default, the measure period is 15 minutes. In the measure time range, the system will perform the measurement based on a specific statistics period, and then output the result.

IV. Measure Time Range

Each measure day has the same measure mode. A measure day can be divided into at most three measure time ranges. When performing the setting, first you should select the number of time ranges, and then specify the start time and end time for each time range respectively. The system performs the measurement from the start time (to the accuracy of minutes) of each time range to the end time.

A measure task is only measured within the measure time range of a specific measure day. Note that no time overlapping is allowed for different time ranges.

The measure period cannot be greater than the smallest time length in three measure time ranges of a day.

To sum up, task type and time type of performance measure determine which days the system performs the measure statistics; measure time range determines which time ranges of a day the system performs the measure statistics; measure period determines how often in each measure time range the system outputs the measure result.

For example, you set time attributes of a task with task type “limited task” (start time “2004–01–01” and end time “2004–02–01”), time type “circular measurement by week” (statistics time set “Sunday” and “Saturday”), only one measure time range (start time “00:00” and end time “12:00”), and statistics period “30 minutes”.

After the above settings, the system will perform the measurement every 30 minutes during 00:00 - 12:00 on every Saturday and Sunday since 2004-01-01 to 2004-02-01.

1.3.7 Template

A template is to pre-specify default values for various entries of common measure tasks. In performing the task registration, you can select an appropriate task template to reduce the information entry required for creating a task to a great extent.

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The UMG8900 provides the task template, item template, object template and time template. When creating or modifying a task, you can use an existing template to reduce the information entry. In addition, you can also create and modify a template based on an existing template.

1.3.8 Threshold

You can set a threshold for a measure item. Upper limit, lower limit or both can be set. If the value of the measure item is not between upper limit and lower limit, the system will emit an alarm. In the UMG8900, the alarm level includes: critical alarm, major alarm, minor alarm and warning alarm. You can set upper limit and lower limit of the four alarm levels for each measure item. The upper limits and lower limits are independent completely. In this case, if the report information for a measure item matches several alarms, the system will report the severest alarm.

1.4 System Function

The UMG8900 management system supports up to 64 performance measure tasks at the same time. An operator can select six task measure periods pre-defined in the system. Meanwhile, the system defines measure items based on different statistics contents. Furthermore, the items are divided into multiple units, and each measure unit is further divided into different measure sets. In this hierarchical mode, the operator can manage and operate items easily.

1.4.1 Object Management

During the creation of a performance measure task, if you select a measure task, the system will list all measure objects supporting the measure task to be convenient for your selection. In this case, it is unnecessary for you to learn about the relationship between a measure task and a measure object.

In the UMG8900 management system, the same measure task can be used for several measuring multiple objects. In selecting objects, you can select one, more or all.

The performance measure statistics process performs the division of sub-tasks based on the object form entered, and then outputs the result in time order or object order.

1.4.2 Task Management

The task management function includes: creating a statistics task, deleting a statistics task, modifying the period of a statistics task, activating and suspending a statistics task, querying the information about a statistics task, and querying the state of a statistics task.

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In the lifecycle, a measure task might go through a series of states: not started, active, suspended and complete.

Not started: It indicates that the current time in the system is earlier than the start time of a task, that is, the task has not started.

Active: It indicates that the current time in the system is between the start time and end time of a task, and the task is not suspended. Moreover, for an active auto-reporting task, its measure result is automatically output to the performance port of the workstation connected with the BAM on which the task is created.

Suspended: It indicates that the current time in the system is between the start time and the end time of a task, and the task is inactive. For a suspended auto-reporting task, the system stops outputting the task measure result to the relevant performance port. In addition, the information about a suspended task cannot be modified, and its measure result cannot be queried until the task is activated again.

Complete: It indicates that the current time in the system is later than or equal to the end time of a task, that is, the task has been complete.

Figure 1-3 shows the state migration process of a performance measure task.

Not started




Start time arrives

End time arrives



Figure 1-3 The state migration process of a performance measure task


According to the definition of the three task types in the section 1.3.6 Measure Time, it is concluded that: a permanent task can only be in either “Active” or “Suspended” state. A semi-permanent task may be in any states except “Complete”. A limited task may be in any of the four states.

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1.4.3 Time Management

The time management functionality specifies all information required for the start time, duration and period of a measure task. The UMG8900 task statistics time is designed completely in conformity with the ITU E502 with some functions enhanced. In this case, you can set multiple statistics time arrangement.

When creating a measure task, you can set the statistics time and period for the task conveniently in the “time information”. In addition, you can combine the time information to form several levels and types shown in Figure 1-4 based on different start time, durations and periods.

Time type



Preset timerecord



Preset timerecord

By period

Not byperiod

By period

Not byperiod

Figure 1-4 Time type for performance measure

As shown in Figure 1-4, performance measure tasks can be classified as the following two kinds of tasks by the time attribute:

Specify the start time but not the end time. The task during this time includes semi-permanent tasks (Once the start time reaches the task is executed immediately) and permanent tasks (The start time is a task establishment time. When a task is established, the task is executed immediately.). When this kind of tasks is executed, they will be continually executed until they are deleted.

Confirm the start time and specify the end time. The task during this time is called limited period task. This kind of tasks automatically stops measurement within the specified time.

In the measure period, you can perform the continuous measurement or discontinuous measurement. The discontinuous tasks can run in periodic or non-periodic mode.


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For a "Semi-permanent" task, time type is "Measurement by day", time segment is "00:00–24:00", and measurement period is "60". This is a continuous and periodic measure task. This task will output a measurement report every 60 minutes.

For a limited task with its period “21 days”, time type is "Measurement by week" (Saturday and Sunday), time segment is "18:00–19:00" and measurement period is "30" minutes. This is a discontinuous measurement task.

The time properties of UMG8900 measure task can be implemented through the following three levels:

Measurement level: It specifies the start time and end time of a measure task.

Record time level: It specifies the executed day of the tasks. It can be every day or any day in the selected week or month according to the start time and end time limited by measure level.

Record period level: It specifies the executed period of the tasks. It can be 00:00-24:00 of a whole day or the following three periods: 9:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00 or 18:00-21:00.

Relationships of three levels are shown in Figure 1-5.

Measurement level

Start date

Record day

Record period

Date Date Date Date

00:00 24:00

Period measurement Non-period measurement

Measurement level

Start date

Record day

Record period

Date Date Date Date

00:00 24:00

Period measurement Non-period measurementPeriod measurement Non-period measurement

Figure 1-5 Time properties of the UMG8900 measure task

1.4.4 Item Management

I. Flexible Threshold Setting

You can set the threshold for measure tasks flexibly to judge the current state of some measure objects. For example, you can set the threshold of some measure items in a certain measure task to infinity to observe the variation of other measure items.

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II. Custom Measure Item

Measure items are organized and managed based on measure units. In performing the statistics, if you want to add some new measure items, you can define the measure items through the arithmetic expression based on the measure items provided by the equipment. The operands can be constants, statistics periods and original items.

1.4.5 Result Management

The result management function involves the output and storage settings for the performance measure result.

When creating a performance measure task, you can set the output mode for the measure result. The system supports two modes: outputting to a port and outputting to a file. You can select either or both of them. Therefore, you can flexibly select the output mode as required.

If the “outputting to a file” mode is selected, the system will save the performance measure result to the BAM.

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Chapter 2 Operation Guide

2.1 Introduction

You can perform performance measure on the UMG8900 in two ways:

Through a sub-system of the LMT, that is, the Performance Management System. It offers a graphic user interface (GUI) with easy operation.

Through Man-Machine Language (MML) commands. It is intended for those who are familiar with performance measure tasks and MML commands.

This chapter focuses on performance measurement in the first way. Table 2-1 lists the basic operations related to the performance measurement.

Table 2-1 Basic operations involved in performance measurement

Operation Application

Performance measure task management

Create, modify, suspend, activate, query and delete performance measure tasks.

Performance measure result management Query, save and print performance measure results.

Templet management Create, modify, query and delete performance measure templets.

Custom item management Create, modify, query and delete custom items.

Threshold management Set, modify and delete thresholds of measure items.

With a view to easy comparison, MML commands are also listed during the introduction of the GUI.


For details of MML commands, see MML online help of the UMG8900.

2.2 Performance Management System

As a sub-system of the LMT, the Performance Management System is engaged in collecting performance data of the equipment to monitor equipment running and provide reference for equipment maintenance and network optimization.

This section only covers the start mode and operation interface of the system.

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2.2.1 Start Mode

The system supports two start modes:

Run [Start/Programs/Huawei UMG8900 Local Maintenance Terminal/UMG8900 V200R003/UMG8900 Performance Management System].

Start the Operation & Maintenance System of the LMT, enter the main interface of this sub-system, and then select [Operation/Open Performance Management

System] or click the shortcut icon on the toolbar.

2.2.2 Interface Introduction

Figure 2-1 shows the main interface of the Performance Management System.







(1) Main menu (2) Toolbar (3) Navigation window (4) Result output window (5) Task information window (6) Status bar

Figure 2-1 Main interface of the Performance Management System

Main menu

There are seven menus: [System], [Task], [Templet], [Customized item], [View], [Window] and [Help]. For details about their functions, see the online help of this system.


The toolbar contains some shortcut icons corresponding to the frequent operations. These operations can also be achieved through the main menu. For details about shortcut icons, see the online help related to this system.

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Navigation window

There are three tabs: [Task], [Templet] and [Item]. You can enter the task, templet or item management interface by clicking the relevant tab.

Result output window

The window displays the information sent and received between the Performance Management System and BAM.

Task information window

This window displays the details of a performance measure task and the measure results.

Status bar

The communication status with BAM and the IP address of BAM are displayed here.

2.3 Task Management

To collect performance data, performance measure tasks must be created at first. This section describes how to create, modify, suspend, activate, query and delete a performance measure task.

2.3.1 Creating a Performance Measure Task

To conduct a performance measure task, you must create one first. Different performance measure tasks can be established with different measure units, measure objects and measure time.

To create a performance measure task, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. On the [Task] menu, click [Create a Task] or in the navigation window right-click [Create a Task]. The [Create Task] dialog box appears.


Specify parameters for a task and those with * in the front must be specified. After the measure set is specified, you can specify a measure unit. The parameter output type has three options: Output by perf port: Measure results are reported to the LMT. Output by perf file: Measure results are saved into C:\bam\data\prf on the OMU hard disk for later reference. Output by perf file and port: Measure results are reported to the LMT and meantime saved to the OMU hard disk.

Note: If no measure object is available for a given measure unit, it is impossible to create a task with this measure unit. Thereby a prompt will appear asking you to change the measure unit. Task templets defined can be used to simplify task creation.

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Step Description


Click [Item Information] tab where all measure items of the measure unit designated in the previous step are listed. Double-click the items needed or select them and then click <→> to make them listed in the [Selected Items] box.

Note: Item templets defined can be used to select measure items.


Click [Object Information] tab where all measure objects of the measure unit designated in the previous step are listed. Double-click the measure objects needed or select them and then click <→> to make them listed in the [Selected Objects] box.

Note: Object templets defined can be used to select measure objects.


Click [Time Information] tab. In [Task Type] area, specify parameters “task type”, “Begin” and “End”. The latter two define when a task begins and ends. If the task type is set to “Semi-permanent”, the task shall have start time only and no end time. If “Permanent”, the task shall not stop until being deleted. In the [Property] area, specify parameters “Type” and “Period”. “Type” can be set to “Stat every day”, “Stat every week” or “Stat every month”. If the latter two are selected, it is necessary to click <Set> under the “Type” parameter and specify on which day the task will be executed. Parameter “Period” specifies the interval for outputting measure results. In the lower right of [Create Task] window, specify parameter “segment”. It defines in which time segments of a day the task shall be executed.

Note: Segments cannot overlap. In other words, the start time segment 2 must be later than the end time of segment 1 and it is the same with segment 3 and segment 2. Time templets defined can be used to specify time.


Click [Threshold information] tab and set thresholds for measure items at various alarm levels. To set thresholds for an item, click the item line and input values under [Threshold Lower] and [Threshold Upper]. To delete useless thresholds, delete them directly or click the item line and click <Delete> on the right.

Note: Only original items rather than customized items can be set with thresholds.For a measure item of percentage type, central processing unit (CPU) usage, for example, its thresholds must be set within the range of [0-100].

7 Click <OK> to send a “task creation” request to BAM. And then this task will be listed under the task navigation tree in the navigation window and a performance measure task is successfully created.

Note: The MML command CRE TSK can also be used to create a performance measure task. However, measure objects need to be specified manually. They can be displayed by means of LST TSKOBJ.

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2.3.2 Modifying a Performance Measure Task

After a performance measure task is created, its parameters should be modified in some cases (such as adding a measure item or modifying thresholds).

To modify a performance measure task, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click the task to be modified in the task navigation tree and then on the [Task] menu click [Modify the Task] or in the navigation window right-click [Modify the Task]. The [Modify Task] window appears.

Note Only the tasks in suspended state can be modified. To modify a task in ready state, suspend it at first.


Modify parameters in the [Modify Task] window and then click <OK> to send “task modification” request to the BAM. Query the task (see 2.3.5 Querying a Performance Measure Task) to make sure its parameters are successfully modified.

Note After parameters are modified, activate the suspended task to make the task work on.

Note: The MML commands MOD TSKTM, MOD TSKINF, MOD TSKITM, ADD/RMV TSKOBJ and ADD/RMV PERFTHD can also be used to modify time, task information, output type, items, objects and thresholds.

2.3.3 Suspending a Performance Measure Task

Once a performance measure task is created, it will begin to collect and output performance information. To stop the task running temporarily, you can suspend it. Moreover, you should suspend a task before modifying its parameters.

To suspend a task, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click the task to be suspended in the task navigation tree, and then on the [Task] menu click [Suspend the Task] or in the navigation window right-click [Suspend the Task] to send “task suspending” request to BAM.

Note Only the tasks in ready state can be suspended.

2 When a task is suspended, its state will be displayed as “suspended” in the navigation window.

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Note The MML command SPD TSK can also be used to suspend a task.

2.3.4 Activating a Performance Measure Task

A suspended task stops collecting and outputting performance information. But it is not deleted. It can be activated to restore working.

To activate a performance measure task, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click the task to be activated in the task navigation tree and then on the [Task] menu click [Activate the Task] or in the navigation window right-click [Activate the Task] to send “task activating” request to BAM.

Note Only the tasks in suspended state can be activated.

2 When a task is activated, its state will be displayed as “ready” in the navigation window.

Note The MML command ACT TSK can also be used to activate a suspended task.

2.3.5 Querying a Performance Measure Task

To confirm some parameters of a task during the running, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. Double-click the task to be queried in the task navigation tree or on the [Task] menu click [Task Detail Information] or in the navigation window right-click [Task Detail Information] to send “task details query” request to the BAM.

2 The details of this task are displayed in the pop-up [Task detailed information] window.

Note: The MML command LST TSK can also be used to display details of a task.

2.3.6 Deleting a Performance Measure Task

Running a measure task will occupy certain system resources. So you need to delete it in time when the measure task is unnecessary.

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When a task is deleted, the measure results of this task will be removed from the BAM at the same time. Therefore, dump or print those results before deleting a task. For more information about result dump and print, see 2.4 Measure Results Management.

To delete a task, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click on the task to be deleted in the task navigation tree and then on the [Task] menu click [Delete the Task] or in the navigation window right-click [Delete the Task]. The system prompts “Do you want to delete all the selected tasks?”

Note: To delete multiple tasks concurrently, press <Ctrl> and select those tasks at the same time.

2 Click <Yes> to send “task deleting” request to the BAM. This task is then deleted and removed from the task navigation tree.

Note: The MML command RMV TSK can also be used to delete a task.

2.4 Measure Results Management

Measure results management refers to the query, dump and print of measure results.

2.4.1 Querying Measure Results

If a task is configured with output type as “Output by perf file and port”, its measure results will be saved into the OMU hard disk.

To query those results, follow these steps:

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Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click on the task whose results are to be queried in the task navigation tree and then on the [Task] menu click [Task Statistics Result] or in the navigation window right-click [Task Statistics Result]. The [UMG Performance Management-Task Result] window appears.


In the window, specify query parameters including “item”, “object”, “time” and “count”.

Note: “Count” defines how many records of results can be displayed at most. If it is set to 80 but 100 records match the query condition, then only the latest 80 records will be listed.

3 Press <OK> and the measure results are displayed in list or figure in the [Task Result] window.

Note: The MML command LST PERFRST can also be used to query measure results.

2.4.2 Querying Real-Time Measure Results

To learn about the present item value of a task (Times of CPU overloaded, for example) at a specific time point, you can query the real-time information of the task.


This operation makes sense to the items that can be measured at a specific time point rather than to those that shall be measured during a period (Average CPU usage, for example). For the latter items, the query result will be NULL.

To query real-time information of a task, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click the task to be queried in the task navigation tree and then on the [Task] menu click [Query Task Real Time] or in the navigation window right-click and select [Query Task Real Time] to send “real-time task information query” request to the BAM.

2 The real-time information is displayed in list or figure in the [Task Result] window.

Note: The MML command LST PERFRLT is used to query the real-time task information.

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2.4.3 Dumping Measure Results

As instructed in 2.4.1 Querying Measure Results and 2.4.2 Querying Real-Time Measure Results, the measure results and real-time measure results can be displayed on an online basis. For the purpose of query and analysis when off line, the information can be saved into files.

To dump measure results, follow these steps:

Step Description

1 Right-click [Task Result] window and click [Save as…]. A dialog box appears.


In the dialog box, select a directory, enter a file name, and click <Save> to save all results to a file with the designated file name.

Note: The file can be saved in format of txt, htm or xls. By default, the file is saved into C:\HWLMT\current UMG8900 LMT version\Output\perf under the directory where the LMT is installed.

2.4.4 Printing Measure Results

To print the measure results including real-time information, follow these steps:

Step Description


Right-click [Task Result] window and click [Print Preview]. A window appears to display the contents to be printed.

Note: You can also print them directly by clicking [Print]. However it is recommended to preview them at first whereby you can learn the total pages and which page of measure results will be printed.

2 Click <Print> and a dialog box appears.

3 In the dialog box, designate a printer and print scope, and then click <OK>.

2.5 Templet Management

To create a performance measure task, you should specify many parameters, such as item, object and time. In some cases, a parameter is set to the same value every time when a task is created. To avoid repeated operations, templets can be defined for the use of task creation. Templets fall into four categories: task templet, item templet, object templet and time templet.

Templet management refers to the creation, modification, query and deletion of templets.

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For how to specify the parameters involved in templet creation and modification, see 2.3.1 Creating a Performance Measure Task.

2.5.1 Creating a Templet

Take the time templet as an example.

To create a templet, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Templet] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click [Templet] menu and click [Create Time Templet] or in the navigation window right-click [Create Time Templet]. The [Create Time Templet] dialog box appears.


Specify the parameters in the dialog box, and then click <OK> to a “time templet creation” request to the BAM.

Note: You can also create a new templet by modifying some parameters of an existing templet.

3 A time templet will then be listed under the time templet node of the templet navigation tree.

Note: The MML command ADD TEMPLET can also be used to create a templet.

2.5.2 Modifying a Templet

To modify the parameters defined in a templet, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Templet] tab in the bottom navigation window. Double-click the time templet to be modified in the templet navigation tree. The [Modify Time Templet] dialog box appears.

Note To activate the [Modify Time Templet] dialog box, you can also click the time templet to be modified, and then on the menu [Temple] click [Modify Templet] or right-click and select [Modify Templet].

2 In the dialog box, specify parameters and then click <OK>.

Note: The MML command MOD TEMPLET can also be used to modify a templet.

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2.5.3 Querying a Templet

Templet query includes:

Query parameters of a templet. Query names of templets available.

To query parameters of a templet, follow the same steps as templet modification and click <Cancel> in the [Modify Templet] box without any modification on parameters.

To query the templets available, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Templet] tab in the bottom navigation window. On the [Templet] menu, click [Refresh Templet List] or in the navigation window right-click and select [Refresh Templet List] to send a “templet query” request to the BAM.


The templet list in the navigation window is then refreshed. Note:

When being started, the Performance Management System will send a “templet query” request to the BAM and the templets available currently will automatically be listed in the navigation tree. After being started, every three minutes the system will send a “templet query” request to the BAM and the templet list will be refreshed.

Note: The MML command LST TEMPLET can also be used to query templets. If the parameter templet name is specified, the specific parameters of this templet will be displayed. Otherwise, the templets available in the system will be displayed.

2.5.4 Deleting a Templet

To delete a templet, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Templet] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click the templet to be deleted in the templet navigation tree, and on the [Templet] menu click [Delete Templet] or right-click the navigation window and select [Delete Templet]. The system prompts “Do you want to delete all the selected time templets?”

Note: To delete more than one templet at the same time, you can press <Ctrl> meanwhile selecting those templets.

2 Click <Yes> to send “templet deleting” request to the BAM. This templet is then deleted and removed from the templet navigation tree.

Note: The MML command RMV TEMPLET can also be used to delete a templet.

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2.6 Custom Item Management

A task may need such an item that does not exist in the original items but can be gained through calculation. To accommodate various types of performance measure tasks, create custom items.

This section introduces custom item management by taking the custom item of total duration for CPU overloaded and congested as example.

2.6.1 Creating a Custom Item

To create a custom item (the total duration for CPU overloaded and congested), follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Item] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click [Customized Item] menu, click [Create Customized Item] or in the navigation window right-click and select [Create Customized Item]. The [Create Customized Item] dialog box appears.

2 In the dialog box set parameters “Item name”, “Item description”, “Measure set” and “Measure unit”, and the original items available are listed in the [Measure Unit].


In the [Measure Unit] list, double-click “Overload duration of CPU” to make its item No. [134] appear in the [Calculate Formula] box; Double-click the operator “+” to make it appear behind [134] in the [Calculate Formula] box; Double-click the item “Duration of CPU congestion” to make its item No. [136] behind “+” in the [Calculate Formula] box; The [Calculate Formula] box displays [134+136], which is just the custom item we want to create.

4 Click <OK> to send a “custom item creation” request to the BAM. After that, the custom item will be listed under the “CPU occupied rate” node in the item navigation tree.

Note: The MML command ADD CUSTOMITM can also be used to create a custom item.

2.6.2 Modifying a Custom Item

A custom item can be modified, but it has never been used in any task or templet.

To modify a custom item, follow these steps:

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Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Item] tab in the bottom navigation window. Double-click the custom item to be modified in the item navigation window. The [Modify Customized Item] dialog box appears.

Note: To activate the [Modify Customized Item] dialog box, you can also click the item to be modified, and then on the menu [Customized Item] click [Modify Customized Item] or right-click [Modify Customized Item].

2 In the dialog box, modify parameters and click <OK> to send a “custom item modification” request to the BAM. After modification, you can view the new parameters by double-clicking the custom item.

Note: The MML command MOD CUSTOMITM can also be used to modify a custom item.

2.6.3 Querying a Custom Item

Custom item query includes:

Query the information contained in a custom item. Query what custom items exist.

For the former query, follow the same steps as custom item modification and click <Cancel> in the [Modify Customized Item] box without any modification.

To query the latter item, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Item] tab in the bottom navigation window. On the [Customized Item] menu, click [Refresh Customized Item] or in the navigation window right-click [Refresh Customized Item] to send a “custom item query” request to the BAM.


The item list in the navigation window is then refreshed Note:

When being started, the Performance Management System will send a “custom item query” request to the BAM and the custom items available currently will automatically be added to the navigation tree. After being started, every three minutes the system will send a “custom item query” request to the BAM and the item list will be refreshed.

Note: The MML command LST CUSTOMITM can also be used to query custom items.

2.6.4 Deleting a Custom Item

A useless custom item can be deleted, but it has never been used in any task or templet.

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To delete a custom item, follow these steps:

Step Description


Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Customized Item] tab in the bottom navigation window. Click on the custom item to be deleted in the item navigation tree and on the [Customized Item] menu click [Delete Customized Item] or right-click the navigation window and select [Delete Customized Item]. The system prompts “Do you want to delete all the selected customized items?”

Note: To delete more than one custom item at the same time, you can press <Ctrl> meanwhile selecting those items.

2 Click <Yes> to send “custom item deleting” request to the BAM. This item is then deleted and removed from the item navigation tree.

Note: The MML command RMV CUSTOMITM can also be used to delete a custom item.

2.7 Threshold Management

In the UMG8900 system, you can set a threshold for a measure task. When a measure item goes beyond the threshold, alarms will be issued.


Threshold management only makes sense to original items rather then custom items.

There are four alarm levels in the UMG8900:

Critical alarms: The alarms that are global and incapacitate the normal system running. They must be handled immediately when being detected or the entire system may crash.

Major alarms: The alarms which are local and related to boards or line faults. They will degrade service quality and shall be handled in time or some services cannot go on running.

Minor alarms: The alarms that indicate slight faults on the system or lines. They are intended to alert maintenance personnel to find reasons and eliminate faults.

Warning alarms: The alarms that indicate there are potential errors affecting service provision. They shall be dealt with according to prompts.

A measure item can be set with upper and lower limits at each alarm level. The limits are independent of each other. If an item value is beyond more than one threshold, the severest alarm will be issued. Taking average CPU usage as example, if between 75% and 85% a minor alarm is issued, if between 85% and 95% a major alarm is issued and if between 95% and 100% a critical alarm is issued. If the average CPU

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usage is 95% (falling in the scope of both critical and major alarms), a critical alarm will be issued. If the average CPU usage is 85% (falling in the scope of both major and minor alarms), a major alarm will be issued.

Threshold management includes setting, modification and deletion of thresholds which are completed during creating and modifying a performance measure task. For detailed procedures, see 2.3.1 Creating a Performance Measure Task and 2.3.2 Modifying a Performance Measure Task.

2.8 Examples

2.8.1 Creating a Task for Context Measure

I. Objective

Create a task to measure the number of contexts occurring on the Virtual Media Gateway (VMGW) 1.

Measure items: They include number of contexts created, number of contexts successfully released, duration for contexts, maximum number of contexts and average number of contexts.

Measure time: It is from 2004-02-01 till 2004-08-01. Measure results: They shall be output by file and port concurrently every day.

II. Steps

To create a task for context measure, follow these steps:

Step Description

1 Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window. On the [Task] menu, click [Create a Task].


In the pop-up [Create Task] dialog box, specify basic parameters of a task:Task name: Context measure Description: Measure contexts from 2004-02-01 till 2004-08-01 Output type: Output by perf file and port Measure set and measure unit: Context management statistics


In the dialog box, click [Item Information] tab, and double-click such items in the [Optional Items] list as “Total of contexts created newly”, “Total of successful contexts released”, “Total duration”, “Peak of the number of context” and “Average of the number of context” to move them under the [Selected Items] list.

4 Click [Object Information] tab, and double-click “VMGW ID=1” in the [Optional Objects] list to move it under the [Selected Objects] list.

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Click on the [Time Information] tab, specify the following parameters: Task type: Limited Begin: 2004-02-01 End: 2004-08-01 Type: Start every day Period: whole day

6 Click <OK> to send a “task creation” request to the BAM. If it is created successfully, a task named “Context measure” will be listed in the task navigation tree.

2.8.2 Creating a Task for CPU Usage Measure

I. Objective

Create a task to measure the CPU usage on protocol processing unit (PPU), connection maintenance unit (CMU) and OMU number as 0.

Measure items: They include average CPU usage, duration for CPU overloaded, number of CPU overloads, duration for CPU congested and number of CPU congestions. If the average occupied rate of CPU is between 85% and 95% a major alarm will be issued; if between 95% and 100% a critical alarm will be issued.

Measure time: The task is executed from 9:00 till16:00, Monday through Friday 2004-02-01 through 2004-08-01 and results are output every one hour. The above time information is set into a time templet which will be used when creating a performance measure task.

Measure results: They shall be output by file and port.

II. Steps

To create a task for CPU usage measure, follow these steps:

Step Description

1 Log in to the UMG8900 Performance Management System and click [Templet] tab in the bottom navigation window. On the [Templet] menu, click [Create Time Templet].

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Step Description


Specify the following parameters: Templet name: Time templet for CPU usage Templet description: Measure every hour from 9:00 till 16:00, Monday to Friday, 2004-02-01 to 2004-08-01. Task type: Limited Begin: 2004-02-01 End: 2004-08-01 Type: Start every week Set: From Monday till Friday Period: 60 minutes Segment 1 begin: 9:00 Segment 1 end: 16: 00

3 Click <OK> to send a “time templet creation” request to the BAM. If it is created successfully, a time templet named “Time templet for CPU usage” will appear in the templet navigation tree.

4 Click [Task] tab in the bottom navigation window, and then on the [Task] menu click [Create a Task] or right-click and select [Create a Task]. The [Create Task] dialog box appears.


Specify the following parameters: Task name: CPU usage measure Description: Measure CPU usage of OMU, CMU and PPU numbered 0 from 2004-02-01 till 2004-08-01 Output type: Output by perf file and port Measure set and measure unit: CPU occupied rate


Click [Item Information] tab, and double-click such items in the [optional Items] list as “Average occupied rate of CPU”, “Overload duration of CPU”, “The number of CPU overload”, “Duration of CPU congestion” and “The number of CPU congestion” to move them to the [Selected Items] list.


Click [Object Information] tab, and double-click on “Board type=CMU Board No.=0”, “Board type=OMU Board No.=0” and “Board type=PPU Board No.=0” in the [Optional Objects] list to move them to the [Selected Objects] list.

8 Click [Time Information] tab and set the parameter “Time templet” to “Time templet for CPU usage”. This time templet will be used for specifying time parameters.


Click [Threshold Information] tab, select the line of “Average CPU occupied rate” and “Critical” alarm level, and enter “95” and “100” under the [Threshold Lower] and [Threshold Upper] lists respectively. In the same way set thresholds for major alarms to “85” and “95”.

10 Click <OK> to send a “task creation” request to the BAM. If it is successfully created, a task named “CPU usage measure” will be displayed in the task navigation tree.

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Chapter 3 Performance Measure Unit and Item

3.1 Introduction

Items of performance measure are determined according to the service function of the device, grouped by what is measured, and divided into different measure units. Several related measure units can be taken as a measure set.

This chapter illustrates basic functions and meanings of measure items contained in each performance measure unit provided by the UMG8900.

3.2 Measure Unit

3.2.1 Measure Unit and Measure Set

The measure set and measure unit adopt one-to-one or one-to-many mode. In the UMG8900, currently, the one-to-one mode is adopted (that is, the type of the measure set is the same with that of the measure unit).

3.2.2 Measure Unit and Measure Object

The measure unit serves for the specified measure object. During creating the performance measure task, if the measure set and unit are specified, the system displays all the measure objects that can be selected according to the actual configuration of the current device. Then, you can select some or all of them.

Table 3-1 shows the relationships between the measure units and objects.

Table 3-1 Measure units and measure objects

Unit Object type Remark

CPU occupation rate Board type, board number

You can select a measure object by specifying a board type and a board number

H.248 protocol stack statistics of the PPU

PPU board number

The measure object is the PPU and the board number is the uniform number for boards of the same type. You can select several measure objects.

H.248 application statistics of the PPU VMGW number

The measure object is the whole physical device only when there is one virtual media gateway (VMGW).

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Unit Object type Remark

Optical interface cell measurement of the A4L interface board

The board number and optical interface number

Select the parameter through the A4L (that is 4 Port STM-1 ATM single mode 15km fiber interface board) number and optical interface number.

QAAL2 signaling measurement of the ASU

ASU board group number

The measure object is the ATM AAL2/AAL5 SAR processing unit (ASU).

SAAL protocol measurement of the ASU

SAAL index Signaling ATM adaptation layer (SAAL) index range is 0 to 99.

MTP-3b signaling link measurement of the ASU

Link number index

Several of them can be selected and the range is 0 to 99.

MTP-3b signaling link set measurement of the ASU

Link set index Several of them can be selected and the range is 0 to 49.

MTP-3b destination signaling point (DSP) measurement of the ASU

DSP index Several of them can be selected and the range is 0 to 49.

M3UA signaling link set measurement of the SPF

M3UA signaling link set index The index ranges from 0 to 255.

M3UA signaling link measurement of the SPF

M3UA signaling link index The index ranges from 0 to 1023.

M3UA destination entity measurement of the SPF

M3UA destination entity index

The index ranges from 0 to 255.

MTP3 signaling link set measurement of the SPF

Link set index The index ranges from 0 to 1023.

MTP3 signaling link measurement of the SPF

Link index The index ranges from 0-1023.

MTP3 destination signaling point measurement of the SPF

Code of DSP The code ranges from 0 to 1023.

Context management statistics VMGW number The measure object is the whole

logical gateway.

Number of terminations occupied by CMU context

VMGW number The measure object is the whole logical gateway.

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Unit Object type Remark

Number of resources occupied by CMU context

VMGW number The measure object is the whole logical gateway.

Resource occupation rate

RPU board number

Measure the resource usage of the RTP processing unit (RPU).

User online situation RPU board number

Measure the IP user online situation on the RPU.

TDM termination usage of the TNU The system

Measure the usage of time division multiplexing (TDM) termination of TDM central switching network unit (TNU).

Statistics of the number of TNU connection The system Measure the number of TNU time slot


Statistics of GE traffic TCU board number: NP number

Measure the Gigabit Ethernet (GE) traffic of TransCode unit (TCU).

Statistics of TC occupation rate

TCU board number

Measure the usage of Transcoder (TC) resource of the TCU.

TC occupation rate of the whole equipment The system Measure TC usage of the whole


Statistics of EC occupation rate

TCU board number

Measure the usage of EC resource of the TCU.

EC occupation rate of the whole equipment The system Measure EC usage the whole system

3.3 Measure Item

Each measure unit contains a group of measure items. Measure items are important references in performance measure tasks. Meanings of measure items contained in each measure unit are described as follows.

3.3.1 CPU Occupation Rate

The measure task is to present the loading status of a board. Too high CPU usage indicates a heavy load on the board, and may result in low response speed and even in operation failures.

Measure object: all boards

Table 3-19 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

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Table 3-2 CPU occupied rate

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Average occupied rate of CPU

The average CPU usage within the measure duration.

Begin to perform statistics when a certain operation on a board fails or response of a board times out.

Duration of CPU overload

The period of time that CPU remains in overload state within the measure duration, in seconds.

Begin to perform statistics when a certain operation on a board fails or response of a board times out.

Number of CPU overload

Number of CPU overload occurrences within the measurement duration

Begin to perform statistics when a certain operation on a board fails or response of a board times out.

Duration of CPU congestion

The period of time that CPU congestion lasts within the measure duration, in seconds.

Begin to perform statistics when a certain operation on a board fails or response of a board times out.

Number of CPU congestion

CPU congestion times within the measure duration.

Begin to perform statistics when a certain operation on a board fails or response of a board times out.

3.3.2 H.248 Protocol Stack Statistics of the PPU

The measure task is to measure the H.248 messages processed by the H.248 protocol stack module in the UMG8900.

Measure object: PPU

Table 3-3 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-3 H.248 protocol stack statistics

Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of binary encoding message

The message number of the media gateway H.248 through the binary encoding of the H.248 protocol stack.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack performs binary encoding on the media gateway H.248 message.

The number of text encoding message

The message number of the media gateway H.248 through the text encoding of the H.248 protocol stack.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack performs text encoding on the media gateway H.248 message.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of binary decoding message

The message number of the media gateway controller (MGC) H.248 through the binary decoding of the H.248 protocol stack

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack performs binary decoding on the MGC H.248 message.

The number of text decoding message

The message number of the MGC H.248 through the text decoding message of the H.248 protocol stack.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack performs decoding on the MGC H.248 message.

Times of error applied authentication

In the H.248 protocol stack, the times of error applied authentication.

Begin to perform statistics when an error occurs on the applied authentication information in the H.248 protocol stack.

Times of error verified authentication

In the H.248 protocol stack, the times of error verified authentication.

Begin to perform statistics when an error occurs on the verified authentication information in the H.248 protocol stack.

The number of sent event

The number of H.248 event sent from the H.248 protocol stack to the MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack sends the H.248 event to the MGC.

The number of received event

The number of H.248 event of the MGC received by the H.248 protocol stack.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack receives the MGC H.248 event.

The number of sent message

The H.248 message number sent from the H.248 protocol stack to the MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack sends the H.248 message to the MGC.

The number of received message

The number of H.248 message of the MGC received by the H.248 protocol stack

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack receives the MGC H.248 message.

The number of sent error message

The number of H.248 error message sent from the H.248 protocol stack to the MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack sends the error H.248 message to the MGC.

The number of received error message

The number of H.248 error message received by the H.248 protocol stack from the MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack receives the error H.248 message of the MGC.

The number of re-transmitted event

The number of re-transmitted H.248 event from the H.248 protocol stack to the MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack re-transmits the H.248 event to the MGC.

The number of re-transmitted message

The number of re-transmitted H.248 message from the H.248 protocol stack to the MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when the H.248 protocol stack re-transmits the H.248 message to the MGC.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of re-transmitted error event

The times of error when the H.248 protocol stack re-transmits the H.248 event to the MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when errors occur during the H.248 protocol stack re-transmitting an H.248 event to the MGC.

3.3.3 H.248 Application Statistics of the PPU

The measure task is to perform statistics for H.248 messages, transactions and commands transmitted between PPU and MGC.

Measure object: VMGW

Table 3-4 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-4 H.248 application statistics

Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of received H.248 bytes

The number of H.248 bytes received by VMGW from MGC

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives encoded H.248 messages from MGC.

The number of sent H.248 bytes

The number of H.248 bytes sent by VMGW to MGC

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW sends H.248 messages that have been encoded to MGC

The number of sent message

The number of H.248 messages sent by VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW sends H.248 messages to MGC.

The number of received trans request

The number of H.248 transaction requests received by VMGW sent by MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives H.248 transaction requests initiated by MGC.

Total sent trans request

The number of H.248 transaction requests sent by VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW sends H.248 transaction requests to MGC.

The number of received trans response

The number of H.248 transaction responses returned by MGC to VMGW.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives H.248 transaction responses from MGC.

The number of sent trans response

The number of H.248 transaction responses returned by VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns H.248 transaction responses to MGC.

The number of received action request

The number of H.248 action requests received by VMGW sent by MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives H.248 action requests initiated by MGC.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of sent action request

The number of H.248 action requests sent by VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW sends H.248 action requests to MGC.

The number of received action response

The number of H.248 action responses returned by MGC to VMGW.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives H.248 action responses from MGC.

The number of sent action response

The number of H.248 action responses returned by VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns H.248 action responses to MGC.

Times of received SERVICECHANGE request

The number of requests from H.248 SERVICECHANGE command which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives requests of H.248 SERVICECHANGE command initiated by MGC.

Times of received SERVICECHANGE response

The number of responses to H.248 SERVICECHANGE command, which are returned from MGC to VMGW.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives responses to H.248 SERVICECHANGE command returned by MGC.

Times of sent SERVICECHANGE request

The number of requests from H.248 SERVICECHANGE command which are sent by VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW sends requests of H.248 SERVICECHANGE command to MGC.

Times of sent SERVICECHANGE response

The number of responses to H.248 SERVICECHANGE command, which are returned from VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns responses to H.248 SERVICECHANGE command to MGC.

Times of sent NOTIFY request

The number of requests from H.248 NOTIFY command which are sent by VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW sends requests of H.248 NOTIFY command to MGC.

Times of received NOTIFY response

The number of responses to H.248 NOTIFY command, which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives responses to H.248 NOTIFY command returned by MGC.

Times of received ADD request

The number of requests from H.248 ADD command which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives requests of H.248 ADD command initiated by MGC.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Times of sent ADD response

The number of responses to H.248 ADD command, which are returned from VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns responses to H.248 ADD command to MGC.

Times of received SUBTRACT request

The number of requests from H.248 SUBTRACT command which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives requests of H.248 SUBTRACT command initiated by MGC.

Times of sent SUBTRACT response

The number of responses to H.248 SUBTRAC command, which are returned from VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns responses to H.248 SUBTRAC command to MGC.

Times of received MOVE request

The number of requests from H.248 MOVE command which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives requests of H.248 MOVE command initiated by MGC.

Times of sent MOVE request

The number of responses to H.248 MOVE command, which are returned from VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns responses to H.248 MOVE command to MGC.

Times of received MODIFY request

The number of requests from H.248 MODIFY command which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives requests of H.248 MODIFY command initiated by MGC.

Times of sent MODIFY response

The number of responses to H.248 MODIFY command, which are returned from VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns responses to H.248 MODIFY command to MGC.

Times of received AUDITVALUE request

The number of requests from H.248 AUDITVALUE command which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives requests of H.248 AUDITVALUE command initiated by MGC.

Times of sent AUDITVALUE response

The number of responses to H.248 AUDITVALUE command, which are returned from VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns responses to H.248 AUDITVALUE command to MGC.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Received AUDITCAPABILITY request times

The number of requests from H.248 AUDITCAPABILITY command which are received by VMGW from MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW receives requests of H.248 AUDITCAPABILITY command initiated by MGC.

Times of sent AUDITCAPABILITY response

The number of responses to H.248 AUDITCAPABILITY command, which are returned from VMGW to MGC.

Begin to perform statistics when VMGW returns responses to H.248 AUDITCAPABILITY command to MGC.

3.3.4 Optical Interface Cell Measurement of the A4L Interface Board

The measure task is to check ATM cell received/sent through the optical interface of A4L board. The optical interfaces to be measured are the back A4L interface board series of the ASU.

Measure object: the A4L series board

Table 3-5 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-5 Optical interface cell measurement of A4L interface board

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Times of the number of received cell

Perform statistics for the ATM cell number received on this optical interface.

Begin to perform statistics when data throughput ratio at an optical interface is measured.

Times of the number of sent cell

Perform statistics for the ATM cell number sent on this optical interface.

Begin to measure when data throughput ratio at an optical interface is measured.

3.3.5 QAAL2 Signaling Measurement by the ASU

The measure task is to measure QAAL2 call volume and the current online user number on a designated ASU. Through the measure items, the times of calls sent/received by QAAL2 and online user number can be shown.

Measure object: ASU board

Table 3-6 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

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Table 3-6 QAAL2 signaling measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Times of sent QAAL2 connection

The times of connection requests sent by the QAAL2 module of a designated board to the opposite termination.

Begin to perform statistics when QAAL2 sends connection requests to the opposite termination.

Times of received QAAL2 connection

The times of connection requests received by the QAAL2 module of a designated board from the opposite termination.

Begin to perform statistics when the local termination receives connection requests from the opposite termination.

The number of online QAAL2 users

The current QAAL2 user number of a designated board.

Begin to perform statistics when connection is successfully established or released.

3.3.6 SAAL Protocol Measurement by the ASU

The measure task is to check the running status of SAAL link.

Measure object: all SAAL links configured at the local site

Table 3-7 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-7 SAAL protocol measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Times of SAAL fault by high error rate

The occurring times of faults caused by high ratio of errors occurring to a SAAL link.

Begin to perform statistics when the layer management detects too high error ratio of SAAL link.

Times of SAAL fault by NO_RSP timeout

The occurring times of faults caused by the NO-RESPONSE timer times out.

Begin to perform statistics when NO-RESPONSE timer of SAAL link times out.

Times of SAAL fault by congestion

The occurring times of faults caused by the congestion of SAAL link lasts too long.

Begin to perform statistics when the layer management detects congestion lasts too long on SAAL link.

Times of SAAL fault by alignment

The times that alignment fails on SAAL link.

Begin to perform statistics once every 5 minutes.

Times of MAA-ERROR error by SD lost

The times of MAA-ERROR indicating reported by SSCOP to layer management because of the loss of SD.

Perform statistics once every 5 minutes.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Total of SAAL signaling link fault

The total times of faults occurring to SAAL signaling link due to various cases.

Perform statistics when the layer management detects faults on SAAL link.

Times of received unexpected data packet

The times of MAA-ERROR indicating by SSCOP to layer management when unexpected PDU is received.

Perform statistics once every 5 minutes.

Times of error report by other reasons

The times of MAA-ERROR indicating by SSCOP to layer because to other reasons.

Perform statistics once every 5 minutes.

Times re-transmission failed

The times that packets fails to be re-transmitted on this SAAL link.

Perform statistics once every 5 minutes.

3.3.7 MTP-3b Signaling Link Measurement by the ASU

The measure task is to check the running conditions of MTP-3b signaling link.

Measure object: all MTP-3b signaling links configured at the local site

Table 3-8 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-8 MTP-3b signaling link measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Duration of signaling link usable

It indicates how long an MTP-3b signaling link remains available. The unit is second.

Begin to perform statistics when the unavailable state of the MTP-3b signaling link becomes available and once every 2 seconds.

Times of signaling link fault

The times that the normal state of an MTP-3b signaling link turns into faulty.

Begin to perform statistics when the normal state the MTP-3b signaling link becomes faulty.

Duration of signaling link fault

It indicates how long an MTP-3b signaling link remains in the faulty state, and the unit is second.

Begin to perform statistics when the normal state of the MTP-3b signaling link becomes faulty and once every 2 seconds.

Times of LM forbiddance

The occurring times that the local management (LM) prohibits MTP-3b signaling links.

Begin to perform statistics when the LM succeeds in prohibiting MTP-3b signaling links, that is, when LIA packets are successfully received after LIN packets are sent.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Duration of LM forbiddance

It indicates how long an MTP-3b signaling link remains in the local LIN state, which is displayed in second.

Begin to perform statistics when the state of the MTP-3b signaling link changes from non-local LIN to local LIN, and once every 2 seconds.

Times of RM forbiddance

The occurring times that the remote management (RM) prohibits MTP-3b signaling links

Begin to perform statistics when the RM succeeds in prohibiting MTP-3b signaling links, that is, when LIA packets are successfully sent after LIN packets are received.

Duration of RM forbiddance

It indicates how long an MTP-3b signaling link remains in the remote LIN state, which is expressed in second.

Begin to perform statistics when the state of the MTP-3b signaling link changes from non-remote LIN to remote LIN, and once every 2 seconds.

Times of local auto switching

The times that an MTP-3b signaling link undergoes auto switchover

Begin to perform statistics when the MTP-3b signaling link finishes auto switchover

Sum of unit sent message signaling

The number of packets sent through the MTP-3b signaling link.

Begin to perform statistics when packets are successfully sent from the MTP-3b signaling link to SAAL link at lower layer.

Sum of unit received message signaling

The number of packets received through the MTP-3b signaling link.

Begin to perform statistics when the MTP-3b link successfully receives packets.

The number of sent octet of SIF and SIO

The total byte number (octet) sent through this MTP-3b signaling link.

Begin to perform statistics when packets are successfully sent from this MTP-3b signaling link to SAAL link at lower layer.

Sum of received octet of SIF and SIO

The total byte number (octet) received through this MTP-3b signaling link.

Begin to perform statistics when this MTP-3b link successfully receives packets.

Times of signaling link congestion

The times that congestion occurs to an MTP-3b signaling link.

Begin to perform statistics when the signaling link receives congestion indication from SAAL link at lower layer.

Duration signaling link congestion

It indicates how long congestion remains on an MTP-3b signaling link, and the unit is second.

Begin to perform statistics when the MTP-3b state of signaling link changes from non-congestion to congestion and once every 2 seconds.

3.3.8 MTP-3b Signaling Link Set Measurement by the ASU

The measure task is to check the running conditions of the MTP-3b signaling link set.

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Measure object: all MTP-3b signaling link sets configured at the local site

Table 3-9 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-9 MTP3B signaling link set measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Unavailable times of signaling link set

The times that the state of an MTP-3b signaling link set turns into unavailable.

Begin to perform statistics when the state of an MTP-3b signaling link set switches from available to unavailable.

Duration of signaling link set failure

It indicates how long an MTP-3b signaling link set remains unavailable, and the unit is second.

Begin to perform statistics when the state of an MTP-3b signaling link set switches from available to unavailable, and once every 2 seconds.

3.3.9 MTP-3b Destination Signaling Point Measurement by the ASU

The measure task is to check the running conditions of MTP-3b DSP.

Measure object: all MTP-3b DSPs configured at the local site

Table 3-10 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-10 MTP3B Destination signaling point measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point Times of un-accessibility of DSP

The times that an MTP3b DSP becomes inaccessible.

Begin to perform statistics when an accessible MTP3b DSP becomes inaccessible.

Duration of un-accessibility of DSP

The period during which an MTP3b DSP remains inaccessible and the unit is second.

Begin to perform statistics when an accessible MTP3b DSP becomes inaccessible and once every 2 seconds.

Times of received transfer-prohibited

The times that a DSP is forbidden to transmit TFP packets.

Begin to perform statistics when a DSP receives the indication that the DSP is not allowed to transmit TFP packets.

3.3.10 M3UA Signaling Link Set Measurement by the SPF

The measure task is to measure the working status of an M3UA signaling link set.

Measure object: M3UA link set

Table 3-11 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

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Table 3-11 M3UA signaling link set measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Number of signaling link set disconnected

Total number of link disconnections

Begin to perform statistics when a link in a link set is broken

Number of trans ASPM message of signaling link set

Number of ASPM messages sent by links of a link set

Begins to perform statistics when links in a link set send ASPM messages

Number of trans ASPM message byte of signaling link set

Number of ASPM message bytes sent by links of a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send ASPM messages

Number of trans MGMT message byte of signaling link set

Number of MGMT message bytes sent by links of a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send MGWT messages

Number of signaling link set congestion

Number of link congestions Begin to perform statistics when a link set is congested

Duration of signaling link set unavailable

Duration of a signaling set being out of service (in second)

Begin to perform statistics when an available link set becomes unavailable or when an unavailable link set becomes available

Number of trans SSNM message byte of signaling link set

Number of SSNM message bytes sent by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send SSNM messages

Number of trans data message of signaling link set

Number of data messages sent by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send data messages

Number of trans data message byte of signaling link set

Number of data message bytes sent by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send data messages

Number of trans SSNM message byte of signaling link set

Number of SSNM message bytes sent by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send SSNM messages

Number of trans message of signaling link set

Number of messages sent by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send messages

Number of trans message byte of signaling link set

Number of message bytes sent by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send messages

Number of received message of signaling link set

Number of messages received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive messages

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Number of received message byte of signaling link set

Number of message bytes received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive messages

Number of received data message of signaling link set

Number of data messages received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive data messages

Number of received data message byte of signaling link set

Number of data message bytes received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive data messages

Number of received ASPM message of signaling link set

Number of ASPM messages received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive ASPM messages

Number of received ASPM message bytes of signaling link set

Number of ASPM message bytes received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive ASPM messages

Number of received SSNM message of signaling link set

Number of SSNM messages received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive SSNM messages

Number of received SSNM message bytes of signaling link set

Number of SSNM message bytes received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive SSNM messages

Number of transit MGMT message of signaling link set

Number of MGMT messages sent by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set send MGMT messages

Number of received MGMT message of signaling link set

Number of MGMT messages received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive MGMT messages

Number of received MGMT message byte of signaling link set

Number of MGMT message bytes received by links in a link set

Begin to perform statistics when links in a link set receive MGMT messages

3.3.11 M3UA Signaling Link Measurement by the SPF

The measure task is to measure running status of M3UA signaling links.

Measure object: M3UA links

Table 3-12 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

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Table 3-12 M3UA signaling link measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Duration of signaling link congestion

Duration of signaling links being congested (in second)

Perform statistics when links get congested

Number of signaling link disconnected

Number of link disconnections

Perform statistics when links get disconnected

Number of sent ASPM message

Number of ASPM messages sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send ASPM messages

Number of sent ASPM message byte

Number of ASPM message bytes sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send ASPM messages

Number of sent MGMT message

Number of MGMT messages sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send GMGT messages

Unavailable times of signaling link

Number of signaling link getting unavailable

Perform statistics when links get unavailable

Number of sent MGMT message byte

Number of GMGT message bytes sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send GMGT messages

Duration of signaling link unavailable

Duration of signaling like being out of service

Perform statistics when available links become unavailable

Number of received message

Number of messages received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive messages

Number of received message byte

Number of message bytes received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive messages

Number of trans SSNM message

Number of SSNM messages sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send SSNM messages

Number of trans SSNM message byte

Number of SSNM message bytes sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send SSNM messages

Number of trans data message

Number of data messages sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send data messages

Number of trans data message byte

Number of data message bytes sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send data messages

Number of trans message

Number of messages sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send messages

Number of trans message byte

Number of message bytes sent by signaling links

Perform statistics when links send messages

Number of received data message

Number of data messages received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive data messages

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Number of received data message byte

Number of data message bytes received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive data messages

Number of received ASPM message

Number of ASPM messages received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive ASPM messages

Number of received ASPM message byte

Number of ASPM message bytes received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive ASMP messages

Number of received SSNM message

Number of SSNM messages received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive SSNM messages

Number of received SSNM message byte

Number of SSNM message bytes received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive SSNM messages

Number of received MGMT message

Number of GMGT messages received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive GMGT messages

Number of received MGMT message byte

Number of GMGT message bytes received by signaling links

Perform statistics when links receive GMGT messages

Number of signaling link congestion

Number of link congestions Perform statistics when links gets congested

3.3.12 M3UA Destination Entity Measurement by the SPF

The measure task is to measure running status of M3UA destination entities.

Measure object: M3UA destination entity

Table 3-13 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-13 M3UA destination entity measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Number of un-accessibility of destination entity

Number of destination entities being inaccessible

Perform statistics when a destination entity becomes inaccessible

Duration of un-accessibility of destination entity

Duration of destination entities being inaccessible (in second)

Perform statistics when a destination entity becomes inaccessible

3.3.13 MTP3 Signaling Link Set Measurement by the SPF

The measure task is to measure running status of an MTP3 signaling link set.

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Measure object: MTP3 signaling link set

Table 3-14 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-14 MTP3 signaling link set measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Unavailable times of signaling link set Number of a link set failures

Perform statistics when an available link set becomes unavailable

Duration of signaling link set failure

Duration of a link set being out of service

Perform statistics when a signaling link set fails to transport signaling

3.3.14 MTP3 Signaling Link Measurement by the SPF

The measure task is to measure running status of MTP3 signaling links.

Measure object: MTP3 signaling links

Table 3-15 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-15 MTP3 signaling link measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Duration of signaling link usable

Duration of MTP3 signaling links being able to transport services (in second)

Perform statistics when links are available for transporting services

Duration of signaling link unusable

Duration of MTP3 signaling links being unable to transport services due to link prohibition, link failure and processor failure (in second)

Perform statistics when links are unable to transport services

Number of signaling link fault

Number of the layer two of an MTP3 signaling link being out of service

Perform statistics when the normal layer two of a signaling link becomes interrupted

Duration of signaling link fault

Duration of the layer two of an MTP3 signaling link being out of service (in seconds)

Perform statistics when the layer two of a signaling link is interrupted

Number of LM forbiddance

Number of local management forbiddance

Perform statistics when a signaling link is forbidden by the local management

Duration of LM forbiddance

Duration of an MTP3 signaling link being forbidden by the local management (in second)

Perform statistics when a signaling link is forbidden by the local management

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Number of RM forbiddance

Number of remote management forbiddance

Perform statistics when a signaling link is forbidden by the remote management

Duration of RM forbiddance

Duration of an MTP3 signaling link being forbidden by the remote management (in second)

Perform statistics when a signaling link is forbidden by the remote management

Number of remote processor faults

Number of remote processor failures

Perform statistics when a signaling link receives remote processor fault messages

Duration of remote processor fault

Duration of a remote processor being failed

Perform statistics when a remote processor fails

Number of local auto switching

Number of auto switches of an MTP3 signaling link

Perform statistics when a signaling link switches to another link automatically

Sum of unit sent message signaling

Number of message signal units sent by an MTP3 signaling link

Perform statistics when a signaling link sends message signal units

Sum of unit received message signaling

Number of message signal units received by an MTP3 signaling link

Perform statistics when a signaling link receives message signal units

Number of sent octet of SIF and SIO

Total number of sent service information octets (SIO) and status information frames (SIF)

Perform statistics when a signaling link sends packets

Sum of received octet of SIF and SIO

Total number of received service information octets (SIO) and status information frames (SIF)

Perform statistics when a signaling link receives packets

Octets sent occupied rate

Ratio of the bandwidth used for sending data to the total bandwidth

Octets sent occupied rate = (Number of sent octet of SIF and SIO + Sum of unit sent message signaling × 6) / 8k / period (in second)

Octets received occupied rate

Ratio of the bandwidth used for receiving data to the total bandwidth

Octets received occupied rate = (Number of received octet of SIF and SIO + Sum of unit received message signaling × 6) / 8k / period (in second)

Number of signaling link congestion

Number of signaling link congestions

Perform statistics when messages in the link layer three buffer exceeds the threshold and the link gets congested

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Duration signaling link congestion

Duration of an MTP3 signaling link being congested

Perform statistics when messages in the link layer three buffer exceeds the threshold and the link gets congested

Number of discard MSU for congestion

Number of message signaling units (MSU) discarded due to congestion in the link layer 3 buffer

Perform statistics when messages are discarded due to the congestion in the link layer 3 buffer

Number of received transfer-prohibited

Number of receive transfer prohibited (TFP) messages over signaling links

Perform statistics when a link receives a TFP message

Number of discard MSU for error route

Number of messages discarded due to route errors

Perform statistics when a link drops messages due to route errors

Number of sent UPU

Number of send signals indicating the user part is unavailable (UPU)

Perform statistics when a link sends signals indicating the user part is unusable

Number of received UPU

Number of receive user part-unusable (UPU) signals

Perform statistics when a link receives signals indicating the user part is unusable

Number of received TFC

Number of receive transfer-controlled (TFC) signals

Perform statistics when a link receives signals indicating transfer is under control

3.3.15 MTP3 Destination Signaling Point Measurement by the SPF

The measure task is to measure running status of MTP3 DSPs.

Measure object: MTP3 DSP

Table 3-16 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-16 MTP3 destination signaling point measurement

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Number of un-accessibility of DSP

Number of DSP inaccessibility

Perform statistics when an accessible DSP becomes inaccessible

Duration of un-accessibility of DSP

Duration of a DSP being inaccessible (in second)

Perform statistics when an accessible DSP becomes inaccessible

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3.3.16 Context Management Statistics

The measure task is to examine context handling conditions performed by VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

Measure object: VMGW

Table 3-17 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-17 Context management statistics

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Total of contexts created newly

The total number of contexts established by the VMGW under the control of mobile switching center (MSC) Server; each context corresponds to one Context.

Begin to perform statistics when the VMGW establishes a new context under the control of MSC Server.

Total of successful contexts released

The total number of contexts which are successfully established by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server. Due to the limited VMGW resources, some contexts may fail to be established.

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

Total duration The time period from the establishment to release of contexts (in second)

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

Peak of the number of context

The maximum number of contexts which is measured within the measure interval.

Begin to perform statistics when contexts take place at the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during the context process.

Average of the number of context

The arithmetic average number of contexts measured within the measure interval.

Begin to perform statistics when contexts take place at the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during the context process.

The number of context of TDM-TDM

The number of contexts which VMGW successfully establishes after adding two TDM terminations to the contexts under the control of MSC Server.

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of context of IP-TDM

The number of contexts which VMGW successfully establishes after adding an IP termination and a TDM termination to the contexts under the control of MSC Server.

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

The number of context of ATM-TDM

The number of contexts which VMGW successfully establishes after adding ATM termination and TDM termination to the contexts under the control of MSC Server.

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

The number of context of IP-IP

The number of contexts which VMGW successfully establishes after adding two IP terminations to the contexts under the control of MSC Server.

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

The number of context of ATM-IP

The number of contexts which VMGW successfully establishes after adding ATM termination and IP termination to the contexts under the control of MSC Server.

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

The number of context of ATM-ATM

The number of contexts which VMGW successfully establishes after adding two ATM terminations to the contexts under the control of MSC Server.

Begin to perform statistics when a context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

Total MPTY context succeeded

The total number of MPTY contexts which VMGW successfully establishes under the control of MSC Server. The MPTY context exists in MPTY call service and MPTY conference service. The MPTY context requires audio mixing resources.

Begin to perform statistics when an MPTY context is released by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server.

Peak of the number of MPTY context

The maximum number of MPTY contexts measured within the measure interval.

Begin to perform statistics when MPTY contexts take place at the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during the context process.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Average of the number of MPTY context

The arithmetic average number of MPTY contexts measured within the measure interval.

Begin to perform statistics when MPTY contexts take place at the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during the context process.

3.3.17 Number of Terminations Occupied by CMU Context

The measure task is to measure terminations occupation of the UMG8900. The terminations include IP termination, ATM termination and TDM termination.

Measure object: VMGW

Table 3-18 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-18 Number of terminations occupied by CMU context

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Occupied peak of IP end point

The maximum number of IP terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied average of IP end point

The average number of IP terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied peak of ATM end point

The maximum number of ATM terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied average of ATM end point

The average number of ATM terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied peak of TDM end point

The maximum number of TDM terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied average of TDM end point

The average number of TDM terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task

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3.3.18 Number of Resources Occupied by CMU Context

The measure task is to measure resource usage of the UMG8900 under the control of the MGC. The resources refer to those channels used for coding/decoding, rate adaptation, announcement, audio mixing, echo cancellation and data service such as TC, EC and audio mixing resources.

Measure object: VMGW

Table 3-19 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-19 CPU occupation rate

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Occupied peak of TC resource

The maximum number of TC terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied average of TC resource

The average number of TC terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied peak of EC resource

The maximum number of EC terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied average of EC resource

The average number of EC terminations used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied peak of IWF resource

The peak IWF resources used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied average of IWF resource

The average number of IWF resources used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

Occupied peak of CC resource

The maximum number of audio mixing resources used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Occupied average of CC resource

The average number of audio mixing resources used by the VMGW under the control of MSC Server during a certain period.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

3.3.19 Resource Occupation Rate

The measure task is to measure the IP resource usage at the ports, which facilitates the analysis of traffic flow direction.

Measure object: RPU

Table 3-20 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-20 Resource occupation rate

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Usage rate of IP0 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP0.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

Usage rate of IP1 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP1.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

Usage rate of IP2 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP2.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

Usage rate of IP3 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP3.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

Usage rate of IP4 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP4.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

Usage rate of IP5 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP5.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

Usage rate of IP6 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP6.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Usage rate of IP7 port user resource

The ratio of IP resources being used to the maximum IP resources supported at Port IP7.

Begin to test when IP resource usage at the port is to be analyzed.

3.3.20 User Online Situation

The measure task is to measure the using and processing status related to IP resources, such as the number of current online users, total number of calls and successful calls. The above statistics help you to analyze calling conditions.

Measure object: RPU

Table 3-21 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-21 User online situation

Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of online users

The total number of users for whose calls are being established or already successfully established.

Begin to perform statistics when the number of current online users is to be measured for the analysis of the system calling conditions.

Total incoming users

The number of calling requests received since the system starts until the current time.

Begin to perform statistics when total number of calling requests is to be measured for the analysis of the system calling conditions.

The number of successful incoming users

The number of calls which have been successfully established.

Begin to perform statistics when the total number of successfully established calls is to be measured for the analysis of the system calling conditions.

3.3.21 TDM Termination Usage of the TNU

The measure task is to check the TDM resource usage conditions of MGW.

Measure object: TNU

Table 3-22 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-22 TDM termination usage of the TNU

Item Meaning Standard measure point

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Total TDM The number of TDM terminations configured for gateway currently.

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

Number of normal State of TDM

The average number of TDM terminations in the normal state within the measure period configured when a performance task is created.

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

Amount of TDM used

The number of used TDM terminations

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

Amount of TDM available

The number of free TDM terminations

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

Amount of TDM fault

The number of failed TDM terminations

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

Amount of TDM isolated

The number of isolated TDM terminations

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

Amount of TDM blocked

The number of blocked TDM terminations

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

TDM's use rate The ratio of used TDM terminations to the total TDM terminations

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

Current service The amount of the current TDM services

Perform statistics when TDM services run for some time

3.3.22 Statistics of the Number of TNU Connection

The measure task is to measure the number of successful and failed TDM connections of an MGW.

Measure object: TNU

Table 3-23 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-23 Statistics of the number of TNU connection

Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of creating connection

The number of connections successfully established on the TNU within the measure period configured when a performance task is created.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of failure connection

The number of connections which fail to be established on the TNU within the measure period configured when a performance task is created.

Begin to sample at the start time which is configured for the corresponding measure task.

3.3.23 Statistics of GE Traffic

The measure task is to obtain data traffic volume of packet s on the TCU. The measure result shows the data received/sent capability on the TCU, and also helps to judge whether there are call services on the board.

Measure object: TCU

Table 3-24 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-24 Statistics of GE traffic

Item Meaning Standard measure point

The number of received data packet

The number of packets that the board receives through the network interface.

Begin to perform statistics when there are call services on the board.

The number of received byte

The number of bytes that the board receives through the network interface.

Begin to perform statistics when there are call services on the board.

The number of sent data packet

The number of packets sent through the network interface.

Begin to perform statistics when there are call services on the board.

The number of sent byte

The number of bytes sent through the network interface.

Begin to perform statistics when there are call services on the board.

3.3.24 Statistics of TC Occupation Rate

The measure task is to measure the usage of TC channels on a designated TCU. Through measuring TC usage on the board, you can learn about its current loading status and the remaining voice processing capacity.


TC channels are responsible for voice coding/decoding, conversion between TDM code streams and IP data frames, digit collecting and tone playing.

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Measure object: TCU

Table 3-25 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-25 Statistics of TC occupation rate

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Occupied TC resource

The currently used TC channels on the TCU

Begin to perform statistics in any case.

Total TC resource The total amount TC channels which can be provided by the TCU.

Begin to perform statistics in any case.

Occupation rate of TC resource

The ratio of TC channels used on the TCU to the total number

Begin to perform statistics in any case.

3.3.25 Statistics of Occupied Rate of Integrated Equipment

The measure task is to measure the usage of TC channels of the MGW, namely, to perform statistics of TC resources occupied by all the TCU boards of the MGW. Through measuring TC usage on the MGW, you can learn about the current loading status and the remaining voice processing capacity.


TC channels are responsible for voice coding/decoding, conversion between TDM code streams and IP data frames, digit collecting and tone playing.

Measure object: MGW

Table 3-26 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-26 Statistics of occupied rate of integrated equipment

Item Meaning Standard measure point

MGW occupied TC resource

The currently used TC channels on the MGW.

Begin to perform statistics in any case

MGW total TC resource

The total amount of TC channels which can be provided by the MGW.

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Configured number

The standard number of TCs configured, which is 1024 per TCU

Begin to perform statistics in any case

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 3 Performance Measure Unit and Item

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Item Meaning Standard measure point

Installed number The number TCs installed, which is restricted by TC subboards of the TCU

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Idle number The number of idle TCs in average Begin to perform statistics in any case

Request number The number of TC channel requests Begin to perform statistics in any case

Success request number

The number of successful TC channel assignments

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Failed request number

The number of failed TC channel assignments

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Failed request number because of busy

The number of failed TC channel assignments due to TC being used up

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Hold time The duration of TC being occupied Begin to perform statistics in any case

Success call number

The number of successful TC releases

Begin to perform statistics in any case

3.3.26 Statistics of EC Occupation Rate

The measure task is to measure usage of EC resources of a designated TCU. With this task, you can know the current EC usage and free EC resources.

Measure object: TCU

Table 3-27 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-27 Statistics of EC occupation rate

Item Meaning Standard measure point

Occupied EC resource

The EC resources on the TCU currently used

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Total EC resource The EC capability the TCU provides

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Occupation rate of EC resource

Ratio of used EC resources to total EC resources

Begin to perform statistics in any case

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 3 Performance Measure Unit and Item

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3.3.27 EC Occupation Rate of the Whole Equipment

The measure task is to measure EC usage of the MGW, namely, to perform statistics of the EC resources occupied by all the TCU boards of the MGW. With this task, you can know the current EC usage and free EC resources of the MGW.

Measure object: MGW

Table 3-28 describes measure items meaning and measure point.

Table 3-28 EC occupation rate of the whole equipment

Item Meaning Standard measure point

MGW occupied EC resource

Used EC resources of the MGW

Begin to perform statistics in any case

MGW total EC resource

Total EC resources provided by the MGW

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Configured number The standard number of ECs configured, which is 1024 per TCU

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Installed number

The number eCs installed, which is restricted by TC subboards of the TCU

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Idle number The number of idle ECs in average

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Request number The number of EC channel requests

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Success request number

The number of successful EC channel assignments

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Failed request number

The number of failed EC channel assignments

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Failed request number because of busy

The number of failed EC channel assignments due to TC being used up

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Hold time The duration of EC being occupied

Begin to perform statistics in any case

Success call number

The number of successful EC releases

Begin to perform statistics in any case

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 4 Precautions & FAQ

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


Chapter 4 Precautions & FAQ

4.1 About the Chapter This chapter introduces the precautions and frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the performance measure process by using the Performance Management System.

4.2 Precautions This section describes some specifications and precautions that you need to pay attention to in using this system.

4.2.1 System Specifications

Specifications of the Performance Management System include: Up to 64 tasks Up to 36 measure items per task Up to 30 measure objects can be added to one task at a time Up to 1000 measure objects can be measured at the same time in the system Four types of templates (item template, object template, task template and time

template); up to 50 for each type Up to 300 custom items for the system; 254 bytes and 60 original items at most for

an item formula. Up to 32 characters for the names of templates, tasks and custom items. The measure result is saved in the c:\bam\data\prf directory of BAM in the form of

files, with 5 files at most for each task and 10000 records at most for each file (one record for each measure object during each measure period). When the five files are full, newly-generated records will overwrite the original ones in the first file.

4.2.2 Others

Once performance measure tasks are created, the system will incessantly collect and output measure information, which occupies system resources. Excessive performance tasks being measured at the same time will also influence the efficiency of service processing. Note when creating performance measure tasks:

Create performance measure tasks purposely. Delete performance measure tasks that are not necessary in time. Save the measure data in BAM to other directory in time, avoiding a new result

covering the original one after 5 files are full. Set the measure period of tasks a little longer.

4.3 FAQ This section mainly provides some frequently asked questions and suggestions in the application of Performance Management System and analysis of performance measure data.

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 4 Precautions & FAQ

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4.3.1 No Measure Result

I. Symptom

You have created the performance measure task, but cannot find the measure result after a period of time.

II. Solution

Reasons for the problem may be: Abnormity occurs on the communication between the LMT and host system. It exceeds the end time for a limited period task. Modifying some configuration data leads to the inexistence of the original measure

object. For instance, if a task is created to measure CPU occupation rate of a board, and the board is removed later, this task certainly has no output.

Abnormity occurs to the measure object of a task. For example, the measure object of “Average CPU Usage” is a board. If the board is in abnormal state, no result will be output. If the object instances of a performance task are all in abnormal state, it indicates the task has been destroyed and there will be no result output for the period.

Follow these measures: Check network cables and LANSwitch to see whether the communication is

normal between the LMT and BAM. Check the operation log and alarm information to see whether abnormity occurs. Check the configuration data to see whether data modification leads to no result

output. Create a task again to see whether there is any normal result output. Save the result and then delete it. Check whether the result is output in the next

period. Completely reboot the OMU to see whether the result is output.

4.3.2 Incomplete Measure Result

I. Symptom

No result is output in some periods of time.

II. Solution

Reasons for the problem may be: The task is suspended for a period of time, which leads to no result output. The task is set to output the measure result only in some periods of time. Faults or congestion occurs to the measure object or maybe it is deactivated in a

period of time. Abnormity occurs to the BAM or congestion occurs to the communications

between the BAM and measure object in a period of time. You can find out the reasons by checking the task state, task statistics, operation log, and alarm information.

4.3.3 Special Symptom in Real-time Task Information Query

I. Symptom

There are the following two phenomena during the real-time task information query: The system prompts “There is no real-time item information for the specified task.” Some values of measure items are NULL.

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II. Solution

The real-time task information query is the operation for the measure item value at the current time point. Values of some measure items make senses only in a period of time, such as “Average CPU Usage” and “CPU Overloading Duration”. For example, we do not say their values at 9:30, but their values in the period from 9:30 to 10:30. So the real-time values for this kind of items are NULL. In addition, you can not obtain the real-time values for custom items. If all the measure items in a measure task are of the two kinds, the system will prompt “There is no real-time item information for the specified task.”

4.3.4 Prompt of “Can’t Get the Object Instance Data” in Task Creation

I. Symptom

When you select a measure unit for task creation, the system prompts “Can't get the object instance data corresponding the object type, please select other task.”

II. Solution

Measure objects are associated to measure units. When you select a measure unit, the BAM will search measure objects associated to it in the current system. For example, if you select the measure unit “CPU Usage”, the BAM will search the associated measure objects, that is, boards on specific location. If there is no associated measure objects to the measure unit in the system, the system will prompt the above error information.

4.3.5 No Measure Result Output at Expected Time Point

I. Symptom

No measure result is output at expected time point after you create or modify a task.

II. Solution

For most performance measure tasks, you can obtain the measure result only after a complete measure period. For example, if you create a measure task “CPU Usage” with the start time 8:00 and measure period 1 hour at 8:10, the first measure result report will be output in a complete measure period, that is, at 10:00. The corresponding measure period of time is from 9:00 to 10:00. Because it is not a complete period from 8:10 to 9:00, there is no measure report output for this period of time. Another example: If you modify the period of a performance measure task from 15 minutes to 60 minutes at 10:20, there will be no result output for the period 10:00 through 11:00. When you reset the period, the host calculates again for the time according to the start time, current time and new period. The performance measure counter records the current values respectively at the start time and end time of the period. The difference between the two values is the result for the period. Since you modify the period at 10:20, you can not obtain the value of counter at 10:00. Therefore, there is no result output for the period 10:00 through 11:00.

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Appendix A List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


Appendix A List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ASU ATM Service processing Unit

BAM Back Administration Module

CMU Connection Maintenance Unit

CPU Central Processing Unit

DSP Data Signal Processor

EC Echo Cancellation

FE Fast Ethernet

GE Gigabit Ethernet

H.248 H.248/Megaco Protocol

IP Internet Protocol

LMT Local Maintenance Terminal

LAN Local Area Network

MGW Media Gateway

MML Man-Machine Language

MPTY MultiParty Service

MSC Mobile Switching Center

OMU Operation Maintenance Unit

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PPU Protocol Processing Unit

RPU RTP Processing Unit

SAAL Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer

SRU Shared Resource Unit

SSCOP Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol

TC Transcoder

TCU TransCode Unit

TDM Time Division Multiplex

TNU TDM central switching Network Unit

UMG Universal Media Gateway

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Appendix A List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


VMGW Virtual Media Gateway

WAN Wide Area Network

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Performance Measurement Manual HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Index

Huawei Technologies Proprietary



C custom item, 2-12

creating, 2-12

deleting, 2-14

modifying, 2-13

querying, 2-13

M measure item, 1-4

measure object, 1-3

measure result

dumping, 2-9

printing, 2-9

querying, 2-8

measure results, 2-8

measure set, 1-3

measure task, 1-3, 2-3

activating, 2-6

creating, 2-3

deleting, 2-7

modifying, 2-5

querying, 2-6

suspending, 2-6

measure time, 1-4

measure period, 1-5

task type, 1-4

time range, 1-5

time type, 1-4

measure unit, 1-4

T templet, 2-10

creating, 2-10

deleting, 2-11

modifying, 2-10
