umun€¦ · web viewthe arab state would have almost no jews in it while the jewish state would...


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Page 1: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the



U-MUN 2020

Page 2: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the



1.1 Letter from Secretary General...........................................................................1

1.2 letter from President Chair................................................................................1

2)BACKGROUND OF SİX DAY WAR.....................................................................2,3,4

3)HİSTORY OF WAR..............................................................................................5,6


4.1 tectical objectives.............................................................................................7

4.2 operational objectives......................................................................................7

4.3 strategic objectives...........................................................................................7

5)TYPES OF TROOPS...............................................................................................8



Page 3: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the


Most distinguished delegates,

I am Arda ATAOĞUZ, the Secretary-General of Uğur Model United Nations 2020. We greatly honoured to welcome you to the second annual session of this highly prestigious conference which we believe plays an essential role in strengthening our ties with our twin campuses all around our beloved country.

This year as Ugur izmir Campuses, we will proudly be hosting two hundred and forty-eight delegates from twenty-two campuses İn Izmir/Çeşme. We highly encourage all our participants to make the best out of their time at UMUN’20 with being active in debates whilst widening their networks. We sincerely believe that these three days will be the highlight of our years spent in high school.

We advise all delegates of this committee to read the well-written guide with attention since you will be finding the solutions of the questions which you should have at the moment. For any further information please feel free to contact me via [email protected].

In service and leadership,


Secretary-General of UMUN 2020

Page 4: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

Most distinguished delegates,

Welcome to the study guide of JCC: six days war, I am Mustafa Yiğit Oral president

chair of this cabinet . Even though I have been to 20 other conferences this will be

the hardest because it is unusual. We will be operating only one cabinet which will

make things extremely complicated. But I believe you will get over any challenge

that the war will bring you. My suggestions are you to watch couple

documentaries so you get a good view of the war. Second thing is you need to

study on a map and write down a few tactics that will help Israel to win the war.

I believe we will manage to achieve a great success in this cabinet together

Best Regards,

Mustafa Yiğit Oral

President Chair of JCC:SİX DAY WAR


Page 5: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

The Land is holy, but for whom? The God of the star, or the crescent moon? -Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird,

The name “Israel” is made up of two parts: “Isra” –Land –and “El” –the main God of the pre-Judaic pantheon which was once worshipped throughout the Levant. In short, the Jewish State is literally “the Land of God”. However, for such an auspiciously named entity, its history is filled with an unseemly amount of bloodshed, conflict and insecurity. While Jewish presence in Palestine dates back to time immemorial, most Jews were scattered in the first few centuries AD after a multitude of exiles –most notably in Babylon. Over time, the land of Israel steadily lost its Jewish population until in the early 19thCentury, only ultra-religious Jews who spent almost their entire lives praying and studying religious law remained. But the emergence of the Zionist movement was about to change this fact.The Zionists, believing that staying in the diaspora would cause the Jewish population to slowly be assimilated –or worse, exterminated –sponsored a number of immigration waves to Palestinethroughout the 19thand 20thcenturies. These immigration efforts, known as “Aliyah”s facilitated

the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ottoman Palestine and the British Mandate of Palestine between 1882 and 1948. The new arrivals usually occupied “kibbutzim” or farming settlements and worked the land, practicing agriculture and working to retain and revive their Jewish culture and faith.The situation in 1948 was such that about a thirdof the entire population of Mandatory Palestine was made up of Jews. This fact should not be surprising at all, considering that even today Muslim Arabs form a tenuous majorityif Israel, the West Bank and Gaza are taken together as a single entity. In any case, the presence of such a significant Jewish population prompted the United Nations to form a Partition Planas the old Mandate was about to be transferred out of British control and given self-determination. The plan called for two separate states, composed of largely disconnected areas along with economic union and international administration for the City of Jerusalem. The Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the plan at the time was that more and more Jews would immigrate over time, creating a semblance of balance between the

Page 6: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

two states. For this, sparsely populated areas such as the Negev Desert were allocated to the Jewish State in the hope that future settlers would be accommodated this way.Suffice to say, the plan failed spectacularly. Almost immediately after the United Resolution passed from the General Assembly with 33 votes for and 13 votes against civil war broke out between the Jews and Arabs.


Neighbouring Arab states invaded, resulting in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The plan was to swiftly destroy the fledgling state, seizing key locations and removing any Jewish presence fromthe Middle East once and for all. Suffice to say, this plan also failed spectacularly. The Israelis turned out to be unexpectedly resourceful: building tanks from scarp metal left behind by the British, receiving arms shipments from Europe by noting their destination as “Nicaragua”, building an arms industry which produced over 2 million bullets entirely underground with minimal detection and even bribing Lebanon

to not enter the war. As a result, the final situation on the ground meant that Israel expanded its borders to include almost 60% of the area originally given to Arabs by the UN. UN Partition Plan for PalestineYet if we were to pick a single winner for the 1948 War, it would not be Israel but rather Jordan. Under the double-dealing of King Abdullah, Jordan managed to always seem in the Arab side while at the same time negotiating under the table with Jewish authorities. In the end, King Abdullah got what he wanted: The West Bank was annexed by Jordan for the time being. The Gaza Strip was similarly put under Egyptian military control. It seemed for a while that an equilibrium had been established, and an uneasy truce between the Arab States and Israel was formed. The period between 1948 and 1967 saw demilitarized zones established across Israel’s borders with Syria and Egypt. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan later recounted that these zones were violated on numerous occasions by Israeli forces whose policy was to “take some land and hold it until the other side gave up and left”. Israeli accounts, on the other hand, largely narrate the Syrian shelling of Israeli citizens from elevated positions in the Golan Heights –which was later used as the justification for Israel’s occupation of the area. The situation with Egypt

Page 7: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

was more complex: Egypt controlled the Straits of Tiran, through which a significant amount of Israeli trade passed. The truce was to be brokenat times, most notably during the Suez Crisis when Israel’s Defense Forces mounted military campaigns in the Sinai Peninsula which belonged to Egypt. This was caused directly by Egypt’s closure of the Suez Canal and the Straits of Tiran to Israel. The crisis was resolved in a mostly peaceful manner, with UN forces being deployed on the Egyptian side of the border with Israel to keep the peace –but not on the Israeli side, as Israel would not allow them. Perhaps the most successful truce between Israel and an Arab State was with Jordan. The United States-backed Jordanian Monarchy enjoyed a stance of uneasy trust with the Israeli government. The King of Jordan even met in secret with Israeli Foreign Ministers. But all of this changed with the Samu Incidentwhen a 3000-men strong Israeli force raided the Jordanian Town of Samu in retaliation of a previous guerilla raid. The incident, in words of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Special Assistant Walt Rostow, meant that the Israeli forces “wrecked a good system of tacit cooperation between Hussein and the Israelis... They've undercut Hussein. We've spent $500 million to shore him up as a stabilizing factor on

Israel's longest border and vis-à-vis Syria and Iraq.

3Israel's attack increases the pressure on him tocounterattack not only from the more radical Arab governments and from the Palestinians in Jordan but also from the Army, which is his main source of support and may now press for a chance to recoup its Sunday losses... They've set back progress toward a long-term accommodation with the Arabs... They may have persuaded the Syrians that Israel didn't dare attack Soviet-protected Syria but could attack US-backed Jordan with impunity”The Aftermath of the Samu IncidentAs a result, in early 1967 Israelfound itself without Jordanian support or even neutrality and a hostile Egypt who had recently evicted UN forces from its borders and was clearly conducting a military build-up in the Sinai. Tensions were high and about to get higher. Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and even Lebanon appeared to support Egypt’s preparations for all-out war. A crisis was officially at hand.

Syria in the late 1960’s was possibly the Soviet Union’s most important

Page 8: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

strategic ally in the Middle East. Increased raiding of Israel by Syria-based Palestinian guerillas however, led to threats of invasion and destruction by the Israeli government. A similar situation had occurred in 1960 in the Rotem Crisis: Egypt, fearing an Israeli invasion of Syria which would topple the regional balance of power, had stationed a large number of troops in its border with Israel, almost resulting in a war between the two countries as Israeli command rushed forces from the North to defend the largely unguarded Sinai borders.Accordingly, the Soviet Union saw the advantage in using Egypt as the main instigator of any attack against Israel. Egypt and Syria already had a recently signed defensive pact, stating that both countries would go to war if one of them were to be attacked.On May 13, the Soviet Ambassador Podgorny provided the Egyptian Vice President Anwar Sadat with an intelligence report claiming that Israel was preparing for an assault on Syria. General Mohamed Fawzi was sent to Syria to assess the situation, and reported that Soviet claims on the issue were baseless. Nonetheless, the Sinai Peninsula was significantly re-militarized on 14-16 Maywith the Straits of Tiran being closed to Israeli ships. This was followed by a letter from President Nasser of Egypt to the UN forces, instructing them to

withdraw from the Sinai Peninsulaat first –and then from the entireity of the Sinai and Gaza. The Israeli side was also perplexed by this turn of events. Prime Minister Levi Esckol stated that any closure of the Straits of Tiran would amount to an act of aggression and would be met as one by the Israeli side. Meanwhile, Egyptian Field Marshal Amer was making plans for striking first at the Israelis, which were thwarted by Soviet disapproval. In Jordan, general Zaid ibn Shaker thought that a lack of war against Israel would cause civil war in Jordan itself. By 30 MayJordan, Syria and Egypt stood together against Israel and an Egyptian general had been placed in command of the Jordanian forces. Iraqi forcesbegan deploying almost simultaneously, which did not go unnoticed by the Israeli side. A national unity government was formed on June 1. By June 2, the Israeli Airforce was waiting to strike at a moment’s notice.This notice came after a cabinet meeting on June 4, and the attack was carried out on June 5 at 7.45 am.The war had officially begun.


The Six-Day War, also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought

Page 9: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

between 5 and 10 June 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (known at the time as the United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria. Relations between Israel and its neighbours were not fully normalised after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. In 1956 Israel invaded the Sinai peninsula in Egypt, with one of its objectives being the reopening of the Straits of Tiran that Egypt had blocked to Israeli shipping since 1950. Israel was eventually forced to withdraw, but was guaranteed that the Straits of Tiran would remain open. A United Nations Emergency Force was deployed along the border, but there was no demilitarisation agreement.

In the months prior to June 1967, tensions became dangerously heightened. Israel reiterated its post-1956 position that the closure of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping would be a cause for war .In May Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the straits would be closed to Israeli vessels and then mobilised its Egyptian forces along its border with Israel. On 5 June, Israel launched what it claimed were a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields. The question of which side caused the war is one of a number of controversies relating to the conflict.

The Egyptians were caught by surprise, and nearly the entire Egyptian air force was destroyed with few Israeli losses, giving the Israelis air supremacy. Simultaneously, the Israelis launched a ground offensive into the Gaza Strip and the Sinai, which again caught the Egyptians by surprise. After some initial resistance, Nasser ordered the evacuation of the Sinai. Israeli forces rushed westward in pursuit of the Egyptians, inflicted heavy losses, and conquered the Sinai. Jordan had entered into a defence pact with Egypt a week before the war began; the agreement envisaged that in the event of war Jordan would not take an offensive role but would attempt to tie down Israeli forces to prevent them making territorial gains. About an hour after the Israeli air attack, the Egyptian commander of the Jordanian army was ordered by Cairo to begin attacks on Israel; in the initially confused situation, the Jordanians were told that Egypt had repelled the Israeli air strikes.

Egypt and Jordan agreed to a ceasefire on 8 June, and Syria agreed on 9 June; a ceasefire was signed with Israel on 11 June. In the aftermath of the war, Israel had crippled the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian militaries, having killed over 20,000 troops while only losing fewer than 1,000 of its own. The Israeli success

Page 10: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

was the result of a well-prepared and enacted strategy, the poor leadership of the Arab states, and their poor military leadership and strategy.


Israel seized the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria. Israel's international standing greatly improved in the following years. Its victory humiliated Egypt, Jordan and Syria, leading Nasser to resign in shame; he was later reinstated after protests in Egypt against his resignation. The speed and ease of Israel's victory would later lead to a dangerous overconfidence within the ranks of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), contributing to initial Arab successes in the subsequent 1973 Yom Kippur War, although ultimately Israeli forces were successful and defeated the Arab militaries. The displacement of civilian populations resulting from the war would have long-term consequences, as 300,000 Palestinians fled the West Bank and about 100,000 Syrians left the Golan Heights. Across the Arab world, Jewish minority communities fled or were expelled, with refugees going mainly to Israel or Europe.


The crisis simulation begins late on the 4th of June. The Israeli cabinet is deliberating a surprise attack on the Arab side, while the Arabs are considering their options. If the Arabs fire the first shot, they are likely to lose Soviet support. On the other hand, an Israeli first strike has the potential to be condemned internationally. In our timeline, the target of Israel’s first attack was the Egyptian airforce which was almost completely destroyed. In the crisis however, many targets present

Page 11: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the

themselves. It should be noted that a surprise attack by the Israelis will likely not be counterable by the Arab sideunless a brilliant plan somehow emerges, as the situation is highly disadvantageous to the Egyptians. As for the crisis system, well... while Iand the crisis team are proponents of a storytelling-style crisis simulation, the dense and focused nature of the conflict necessitates a crisis focused on war. As such, much more care than usual will be given to the placement and operations of individual units. Data regarding the organizational units and groups of each side will be provided to the delegates and they will be expected to act accordingly.

As this is a battle simulation, delegates need to account for three levels of thought:

Tactical Objectives are objectives meant to be reached by individual units on a short-term basis. These may be occupying a certain hill or engaging an enemy unit at the battalion/brigade level (500-5000 men). They are usually completed within a few hours and occur in a limited perimeter. Tactical Plans such as sneak attacks, diversions, infiltration plans and artillery strikeshappen at this level.

Operational Objectives are objectives meant to be reached by mid-sized groups of units on a medium-term basis, such as capturing a major city or encircling an enemy army. These are conducted mainly at the division level (5000-20.000men) and take about a day or two to accomplish. Operational Plans are general plans issued to a sizeable group of units which may include details such as roads to be taken, places and regions to fortify, areas to attack and so on, to be executed as a collection of tactical plans.

Strategic Objectives are the final objectives of each side in the war. These are engaged at the army level (upwards of 300.000 men) and include the occupation or annexation of large swathes of territory, the defense of borders reaching hundreds of kilometers and the provision of supplies to entire army groups. While Strategic Plans will rarely be used, both sides arewelcome to give general orders to their units (such as “all artillery units will be accompanied by a recon battalion from now on and the like) which count as such.

Page 12: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the


Another point to note is the types of troops:

Infantry Forces are mainly made of foot soldiers, non-mechanized infantrymen who have good defensive and stopping power and are also effective in large numbers but slow.

Mechanized Infantry Forcesrequire personnel carriers, trucks and APC’s (Armoured Personnel Carriers) for operation but are faster and more mobile than their standard infantry counterparts.

Armoured Forces are tank groups, with excellent firepower and attack potential and considerable speed and mobility. However, they are poor fighters in inhospitable terrain and require a constant supply of fuel to keep moving.

Paratroopers are essentially infantry forces with the ability to paradrop wherever needed. For the Israeli side, they are also the elite assault troops of the army. These require air superiority to be able to perform paradrop missions. Else, heavy casualties can be expected.

Artillery Pieces can be used to cause damage to the enemy from a distance. However, the presence –or the lack –of artillery bombardment is usually seen as a sign of impending enemy assault.

Self-Propelled Artillery can be used in much the same way as normal artillery, but is mounted on tank bodies and is much more mobile than its standard counterparts.

Page 13: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the
Page 14: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the


Page 15: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the
Page 16: UMUN€¦ · Web viewThe Arab State would have almost no Jews in it while the Jewish State would have an Arab minority amounting to almost half the country’s population. However,the