un 1-1.3 challenges to sovereignty

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  • 8/13/2019 Un 1-1.3 Challenges to Sovereignty


  • 8/13/2019 Un 1-1.3 Challenges to Sovereignty


    trends and looks at the coming context of public service.

    When the nation states were founded, the city-states and the feudalism that

    preceded them had become too small for the scale of operations required by

    the Industrial Revolution. The political institution therefore was adapted to the

    new industrial technology, to the roads, railways and canals. The nation state

    was then a progressive institution. But now the nation state, with its

    insistence on full sovereignty, has become, at least in certain respects, an

    obstacle to further progress. It has landed us in several Prisoners Dilemma

    situations: each nation acts in its own perceived rational self-interest, and the

    result is that every country is worse off (Streeten, 1999).

    The twentieth century has been notable in several ways with respect to the

    concept of sovereignty, and its offspring, the nation stateso beloved of

    Europe for the last two hundred and fifty years. We commonly accept

    sovereignty as a pre-condition for the instruments of government and the

    regulation of relations among comities of people scattered across the face ofthe globe. It is the wellspring for policy and law and the reference point for the

    judgment of social and individual behaviour and controlincluding the

    sanctioned use of violence. However, this century has seen the traditional

    concept of sovereignty tested and tried in many different directions. This paper

    reviews the trends that have emerged and are shaping events at the present

    time. Some of these are without precedent and challenge the value of historical

    model to the extreme. Other trends illustrate the questionable further utility of

    possibly outmoded aspects of sovereignty and the nation state: often now far

    from coincidental concepts, where outmoded constructs may pose more

    problems than they provide a context for solutions.

    Of course such fundamental change in the framework of our everyday life is of

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    interest to everyone, but this paper is written with an audience of public

    service employers and trainers in mind. In this context it is essential for those

    of us preparing tomorrows public servants to consider the context in which

    they will have to function. The conference, held at Oxford in April 1999, that

    gave rise to this paper celebrated fifty years of Public Administration and

    Development, a period that has seen the coming together of Europe, the end of

    the empires, the fall of Communism (in Europe anyway), and other

    paradigmatic changes. However, the American professional organization for

    Public Affairs, NASPAA, said some years ago that MPA graduates have their

    greatest impact approximately 8 to 10 years after graduating. It is salutary, if

    not rather alarming, to consider the scope and depth of change during the lastten years, and ask how well anyone might have anticipated, or strategically

    prepared for, that? From such an examination we may well then ask ourselves

    how well public service training institutions are preparing graduates for the

    next ten years. I think it fair to say that such speculative thinking features

    almost nowhere in most curricula. Indeed, it is seen as "non-rigorous" and

    "unacademic," and probably something better left to Nostradamus. It certainly

    does not feature anywhere in the requirementsfor an MPA degree. Neither, for

    that matter, does anythinginternational.

    It appears that the task of analyzing the future is daunting. Even the vast

    resources of the CIA did not (a) enable them to foresee the collapse of any of

    the Communist governments or, (b) have any worthwhile strategy in place to

    deal with such events when they happened. Perhaps bringing down the "Evil

    Empire" was an end, or perhaps an industry, in itself.

    Regrettably, the established forces, both inside and outside the academy,

    ranged against "speculative" thinking are considerable. Imagine, for instance,

    someone in 1988 standing up and giving this paper and, in the fashion so

    beloved of economists, declaring some assumptions for 1998. Imagine also

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    that this person was psychic. He would tell us of

    The disappearance of the USSR


    NATObombing a sovereign European nation

    The end of the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War (with Warsaw joining NATO!)

    The unification of Germany

    The end of the Yugoslav Federation

    25 or so new members of the United Nations

    A common European currency

    The World Wide Web, and so on

    Most people would have left the room before the end of this list shaking their

    heads and wondering what academia had come to.

    In this paper I try to divine how the context within which public servants will

    operate maychange over the next ten years. Without such an exercise,

    however reckless it may appear to some, we are creating the conditions for

    endless crisis management rather than strategic positioning. When Alvin

    Toffler wrote his book Future Shockback in the 1960s, he touched on the

    discomfiting influence of the quickening speed of change. That rate if anythinghas accelerated mightily since he wrote. But still we never seem prepared to

    accept the extraordinary pace with which change moves in the modern world,

    or the scale at which it eventually happens. Thepaceof change is as important

    as any individual category of the nature of change that I have tried to isolate in

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    this paper. It is worthy of standing alone as a separate element.

    Although there is overlap and redundancy, I have selected the following

    elements of change as being particularly critical for future public servants.

    Though I had public servants in the United States most particularly in mind,

    there is universality about most of the issues.

    Critical Factors Affecting Sovereignty in the Next Decade

    Globalization and the weakening of traditional sovereignty

    New polities and ethnic and cultural resurgence

    The issue of the viability of some states: residual post-colonial stress and the

    phenomenon of "failed" states and "rogue" states

    The size and reach of multinational organizations

    The information revolution

    Trade and economic reconfiguration

    Globalization and the "Withering" of the State

    Globalization implies the worldwide, virtually instantaneous interdependence

    of a growing number of aspects of economic and cultural life. Streeten (1999)

    summarized the components of this fundamental change in our lives as


    In addition to economic interdependence (trade, finance, direct investment)

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    there are educational, technological, ideological, cultural, as well as

    ecological, environmental, legal, military, strategic and political impulses that

    are rapidly propagated throughout the world. Money and goods, images and

    people, sports and religions, guns and drugs, diseases and pollution can now

    be moved quickly across international frontiers.

    Streeten argues elsewhere in his paper that in the early years of this century

    during the epoch of the empires, the world was, in fact, more inter-related.

    However, at that time, the technology imposed serious constraints on how

    rapid or direct that interdependence could be. At that time, it really mattered to

    have viceroys and ambassadors. Today, they are rapidly pushed aside by

    global communications.

    This is the overarching paradigm behind this paper, encapsulating many of the

    other variables and being composed of them simultaneously and

    interactivelyAIDS, trade, terrorism, communications, environmental change

    etc. It represents a dimensionof many changes rather than a process of change

    in itself, but it is the greatest single challenge to the "traditional" post-

    Westphalian model of the state. We have to consider incremental, but major,

    adjustments of the state to this dimension, as well as possible radical

    transformation of the whole context and meaning of the state as we have come

    to accept it over the last few hundred years. At one end of the scale we see the

    re-emergence of old regional (sub or transnational) identities within the

    colossus of the European Union; on the other the resurgence of local cultures

    in the poor world as a reaction to Western hegemony.

    There is no absolute model of the state, though people in many places still

    seem prepared to die for the current prevailing option. In discussing the state

    and globalization we face the same dilemma as discussing the family in the

    West. The fact is that the traditional Western model of the family and marriage

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    has undergone enormous stress and change, and maybe irreparable damage.

    We have no real understanding of what the future "family" willor should

    be, and so we try to retain the folklore of the "old" or "traditional values,"

    without actually being sure what they are/were, or whether they really worked

    in todays terms. States, similarly, are seeing considerable elements of the glue

    of "traditional" statehood being eaten away, and are left without any idea

    where all this is really going, and so their captains tend to cling on to the

    mythology of the past, while sailing on into uncharted waters. The European

    Union seems to be the best example of this schizophrenia.

    The operation of states in an ever more complex international system both

    limits their autonomyand impinges increasingly on their sovereignty.

    Sovereignty[is] divided among a number of agenciesnational, regional,

    and internationaland limited by the very nature of this plurality. (Held


    The sum total of the various elements of globalization has left the individual

    sovereign state less and less a locus of policy and control as the WTO, the EU,

    NAFTA and other supranational organizations become more significant

    players. Indeed, it will be increasingly difficult for our future civil servant to

    draw meaningful distinctions between "national" and "international"

    dimensions of problems. It is interesting to look at, for instance, the economy

    of Indianaa Midwest state far from the cosmopolitan corrupting influence of

    the coastsand ask what is national, or even Hoosier about the states

    principal economic props:

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    Sector Characteristics

    Agriculture Growth export-driven but has been battling the

    problem of subsidized exports, particularly from

    the EU. Now likely to change with the

    incorporation of agriculture and the termination of

    subsidies into the WTO agenda

    Automobile Parts

    and Manufacturing

    Pace and incentive to restructure domestic auto

    industry driven by (a) imports of Japanese

    vehicles, and, later, (b) the location of Japanese

    auto, and auto-part, manufacturing plants in the

    state and surrounding states

    Pharmaceuticals The enormous problem of piracy of "world-class"

    drugs such as Prozac (an Indiana contribution to

    society), thus undermining the ability to cover

    R&D through revenues

    Steel Complete transformation of traditional steel

    industry as a result of Soviet-bloc and other

    dumping results in death of old rust-belt steel

    giants (Gary etc), and emergence of new, small,

    homegrown steel manufacturing technology.

    Retooled steel industry now threatened by below-

    cost dumping from Japan and East Asia.

    Trade Dramatic shift in trading partners so that second

    partner is now Mexico, which barely featured ten

    years ago. NAFTA induced resurgence

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    New Polities:

    What exactly isthe European Union? It certainly bears many of the trappings

    of sovereignty such as binding legislation, a parliamentalbeit weak, a flag,

    ambassadors (called Delegates), Treaties (called conventions) with other

    states, and soon a common currency that will relieve many of the member

    states of their key economic policy instrument. Social and labor policies

    emerge from Brussels in the name of standardization, and diplomas achieve

    common recognition. And yet, this is not a state, but an assemblage of states

    "ruled" mainly by an unelected Commission of bureaucrats. It is true that the

    term "shared vision" was used widely when the body was established, largely

    at the inspiration of M. Monnet, but no one seems to be able to define, in terms

    of sovereignty, the endpoint of that vision. Perhaps, more strictly speaking,

    they will not come out and say itthereby letting the cat out of the bag once

    and for all. Its political nature is defined more by the secondary implications

    and consequences of economic, technical, and social standard setting, and the

    necessities required to achieve the free "seamless" movement of goods,

    services, capital and labor (which also takes care of that other beloved pillar of

    sovereigntyimmigration). The EU represents the most advancedand

    maybe onlyform of this nebulous suprapolity, but it must be remembered

    that it started as anEconomic Communityor communities actually. It had to

    be renamed a Union after Maastricht in 1993 made it clear that it had long

    since passed that point. Does the same implication lurk with NAFTA, or its

    proposed successor AFTA? From tiny acorns

    But what sort of sovereignty is emerging from this process? Within the Union

    we still have the trappings of flags, anthems, monarchs and the like, and a

    strong and verbal resistance to the further sublimation of these ancient

    national rights and privileges. The fact is that they are diminishing every day,

    and it is hard for outsiders to see what, in substantial terms, will be left for, for

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    instance, the government of the Netherlands to doin a few years if present

    trends continue. But is the EU the embryo of a new form of federalism? This

    issue confuses the United States mightily. It seems, to the outsider at least, that

    Europe is headed on the path of Federalism, or Confederalismanyway.

    A European Defense Force would involve the loss of sovereignty over British

    armed forces since there would be multi-national units in common uniforms

    loyal to their multi-national commandersUnder a Single European Currency

    Parliament would lose sovereignty over currency reserves, the Central Bank

    interest rate, the amount of currency minted...Others claim that medium-sized

    nations like the UK no longer have any economic sovereignty anyway, having

    lost it to the forces of globalization, and international capital(Lilico 1998).

    For countries like the United States there will be an increasing problem of

    whether one is dealing with a semi-sovereign entity orin diplomatic terms

    just a grouping of sovereign states. This confusion has arisen repeatedly in

    trade matters, and the confusion is wryly described in Richard Benedicks

    account of negotiating the Ozone Treaty. (Benedick 1991). Some writers are

    increasingly prepared to state the European situation "as it is," instead of

    maintaining the pretence of an "economic" union:

    Following this process of convergence [of the EU] it will be impossible to

    unpickor even seriously identifythe features of the erstwhile national

    economies. Europe will have become a United States; and in the construction

    of this new nation the only question left to answer will be whether the new

    system should be federal or confederal in designWhat Maastricht attempts

    to add to the Common Market Treaty and the Single European Act is a

    political dimension. It attempts to give supranational political expression to the

    new economic realities and the loss of sovereign economic power by the

    nationsThe fact is that a democratic Europe can hardly emerge without a

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    strong European Parliament, one that would automatically challenge the

    legitimacies of the national parliaments, reducing them to state legislatures.

    (Hassler 1992).

    So far, the discussion of new polities centers on the EU, not least because what

    is happening there is so enormous. This is, after all, the birthplace of the very

    nation state concept that is now being challengedor threateneddepending

    on your point of view. On the other hand, the United States is bound by the

    NAFTA agreements, and is committed to go "hemispheric" (AFTA) by 2005.

    By aligning the various "economic" needs of that giant, who knows what

    "erosions and compromises" may emerge for the sovereign members of that

    entity? Of course, NAFTA has none of the dimensions of even the original

    Treaty of Rome with respect to the movement of labor. With the rise of APEC,

    the CIS and others, this question will be asked many times in many places:

    "where is this process taking us?" This is especially true for Africa that

    appears to be left out of this process. Currently it accounts for a mere 4 percent

    of world trade, and with the rise of the "rich mens clubs" there is some doubt

    about even maintaining that.

    The issues of the viability, post-colonial stress and the phenomenon of failed

    states and rogue states

    This heading subsumes a diversity of circumstances bound together by the

    issue of the continuing viabilityof some of the sovereign territories into which

    the world has been divided. The conditions of their viability vary from internal

    anarchy, through scale and geographical isolation, to external environmental

    and financial menace.

    An examination of the map of the worldthis weeks anywayreveals a host

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    of what might be called "interesting conditions" challenging some of the long-

    held conventions of diplomacy, international relations, and the general

    management of interstate affairs. I have not gone so far as some writers in

    seeing the seeds of global destruction in some of these phenomena. Kaplan, for

    instance writing in theAtlantic Monthlyprovides this apocalyptic vision:

    West Africa is becoming the symbol of worldwide demographic,

    environmental and societal stress, in which criminal anarchy emerges as the

    real "strategic" danger. Disease, overpopulation, unprovoked crime, scarcity of

    resources, refugee migrations, the increasing erosion of nation states and

    international borders, and the empowerment of private armies, security firms

    and international drug cartels are now most tellingly demonstrated through a

    West African prism. West Africa provides an appropriate introduction to the

    issues, often extremely unpleasant to discuss, that will soon confront our

    civilizationthe withering away of central governments, the rise of tribal and

    regional domains, the unchecked spread ofdisease, and the growing

    pervasiveness of war (Kaplan 1994).

    He is basing his grim prognostications on what he saw in West Africa, and

    extrapolating those observations to the rise of the new post-Soviet "mafias"

    perhaps with nuclear capabilities, global electronic economic scams, a

    desperate struggle for the worlds diminishing resources, and governments and

    civic society yielding to "rogue" states. Indeed, the starting point of his article,

    Sierra Leone, is an example of a state that has, effectively speaking, failed

    completely. But that presents us with a problemwhat to do with countries

    that have ceased to function? The problem is that this uncertainty and lack of

    context or precedent lead to the sort of debacle experienced in Somalia by the

    United States forces. Failed states create potentially serious problems for their

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    neighbors, the power brokers, and the international organizations. We have,

    through the Montevideo Convention of 1933, a formula for deciding when a

    state deserves to gain recognition: (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined

    territory, (c) a government and (d) a capacity to enter into relations with other

    countries (Wallace-Bruce 1997). We do not, however, have any mechanism to

    cope with the total collapse of a state such as Somalia, Liberia, Sierra Leone

    and others. Helman and Rattner, to deal with this growing crisis, propose some

    interesting "interventionist" models (Helman and Rattner 1992).

    Many of the states that have entered this non-functioning category are the by-

    products of the creation of spurious statehood as a result of the precipitate

    ending of the colonial era. Probably the first failed state was the Congo (a.k.a.

    Zare), and it maintains that condition to this day. The imperial epoch indulged

    in a reckless ordering of boundaries with cavalier disregard for ethnic or

    political realities on the ground. The end product of this "great game" is a

    whole slate of states that have no legitimacy among their own people, whose

    identity is, instead, to some older, ethnic or cultural tradition within the new

    state orworse stillacross its boundaries, and becomes, therefore, a

    challenge to the persistence of the empty shell of the "nation". The Kurds are a

    classic example of this, as is almost the entire map of Africa. In the case of the

    Kurds, or the Palestinians, the search for statehood threatens the integrity of

    existing "sovereign" units, and so is ruthlessly and cynically set aside or

    crushedthough why Iraq is more legitimate as a sovereign state than

    Kurdistan is very hard to explain. In Africa the old ethnic order challenges the

    very basis of post-colonial statehood everywhere. The breaking away of

    Eritrea broke to mold of the Organization of African Unitys long-standing

    adherence to the preservation of the colonial legacy, and so, now, almost

    anything is possible.

    This problem is particularly anAfricanone because the colonial epoch left in

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    that continenttraditionally the playground of the imperial powersa

    fretwork of "countries" having no legitimacy in the context of "real" African

    history. Furthermore, a UN Decolonization Committee that had no thought for

    viability, and ruled out such considerations quite explicitly, hurled these

    countries recklessly into independence without the benefit of serious

    consideration of their meaning or viability. The traditional institutions were set

    aside in favor of the superior metropolitan administration, laws, religions,

    language and culture and frontiers. The historical and legitimate states are still

    there, of course, but they are tribal and are seen, irony of ironies, as a threat to

    the "integrity" of the new chimerical nations. These same new "nations" have

    been engaged in a spurious and largely empty process of "nation-building"where there is no nation to build. To the post-colonial fantasy of "nation-

    building", tribalism (resuscitating the true nations) is an anathema and so the

    history of Africa since the mid-1960s is the indigenous legitimization of neo-

    colonialism under a new flag and facing a prospect of ceaseless inter-ethnic

    rivalry. Nkrumah of Ghana and Nyerere of Tanganyika rightly foresaw this

    dilemma when they wanted to delay independence to give Africa time to

    reconfigure itself into something workable. But, imported Western sovereignty

    won the day, and the continental shambles that we see today is the legacy of

    thatcompounded by the relentless horror of AIDS.

    The end of the Cold War has deprived many weak and vulnerable countries of

    any strategic significance they may have had, and consequently aid and

    budgetary subventions have diminished, and soon diplomatic representation

    will start to thin out drastically also.

    The map of the world is increasingly dotted with either non-functioning

    "states," or "states" that exist de factobut not de jure. These present a

    significant challenge to the order and interplay of the rules of diplomacy

    among traditionally defined nationsas well as threatening to create explosive

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    tensions among interested parties. Some of these "non-places", like the

    Turkish Federated Republic of Northern Cyprus, have been around for a long

    time, are recognized by almost no-one, but continue to exist in this

    unacknowledged conditionthe new global Bantustans. Many of these have

    arisen from the collapse of other "empires" such as that of the USSR and

    Titos Yugoslavia. Transcaucasia and the Balkans seem littered with these

    anomalous units, generally based on ethnic groupings. So, while the EU is

    emerging from a turbulent past of nation-state rivalries into peace and

    prosperity, parts of eastern Europe and the former USSR are moving swiftly

    back into a history fully intelligible to Mazzini, Hitler, et al.

    Within the EU, curiously, the open borders and the considerable diminution of

    the "traditional" nation state are allowing for a resurgence of the "old regions"

    such as Catalonia, Wales, Scotland, the Basque country (Padania?) into

    functioning, cohesive units (The Europe of the Regions). This really does not

    threaten anyone any longer since the state function is so diminished anyway

    hence a Scottish parliament and a Welsh assembly without the need to blow

    anything up or burn anything down. If only Africa or the Balkans could do

    this. These regions are themselves, forming unions:

    The fruits of this [decentralization] process are very rich, especially but not

    only at the European "core". It has led to the direct collaboration between

    regional governments and the world of university research institutions, and

    other intellectual seedbeds of technology. The most famous example is the

    "Four Motors" project through which Baden-Wurttemburg, Catalonia, Rhone-

    Alpes, and Lombardy linked by fiber optics press ahead with their exchange of

    data, research results, training, investment and cultural exchange. The shots

    are called in Stuttgart, Barcelona Grenoble and Milan, not in Bonn, Madrid,

    Paris or Rome (Ascherson, 1997).

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    This is a very different process from that which produced Chechnya, Nagorno-

    Karabakh and othersfor these latter are seen very much as still threatening

    the integrity of "sovereign" nations such as the Russian Federation, or in

    Kosovos case, the rump of Federal Yugoslavia, and the response is ferocious

    and hateful. The problem with these "resurgent" nations is that their cause,

    especially in the largely unresolved political space in which they find

    themselves, has the potential to draw much wider forces into these conflicts,

    viz. Kosovo and the irony of Sarajevos return to the international political


    The degree of confusion and fluidity on todays political map has probably not

    been rivaled since the Middle Ages. We have seen in the past how small,

    unstable (Kuwait) units with big friends have a terrifyingly large capacity to

    create serious crisesso the potential for instability is great. The world to be

    managed in the next ten years is replete with these situations. Some of these I

    have summarized in the following table:

    Anomalous Political Conditions


    Territorial Name Status

    Turkish Republic of

    Northern Cyprus*

    Recognized by Turkey alone, following

    invasion of the Republic of Cyprus by that

    country. Situation frozen and unresolved but

    relatively quiet. UN Peacekeeping presence

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    for 25 years ( Turkish occupation: 20 July,


    Republic of Serbia*

    Republika Srpska

    Not to be confused with Yugoslav Serbia, but

    is the Serbian part of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

    Supposed to have been resolved by Dayton

    Accord but still behaves like a state.

    Bosnia-Herzegovina Federal state based on Sarajevo, but writ runs

    de factoonly in the Moslem area. Part of a

    loose entity looked after by an EU

    administration pro tem.

    Herceg-Bosna* The Croat state in Bosnia-Herzegovina based

    on West Mostar. Supposed to have been

    "tidied away" by Dayton Accord. Croatian

    currency and seamless border with Croatia

    Chechnya* Functions autonomously since 1996, though

    supposedly still part of the Russian

    Federation. Possible prototype for Ingushtia,

    Buryatia, Ossetia and others.

    Abkhazia# Breakaway ethnic Russian-dominated part of

    the Republic of Georgia. Situation stabilized,

    but unresolved by Russian peacekeepers

    (since 1993).

    Republic of Mountainous


    Now "autonomous" republic taken from

    Azerbaijan in war in early 90s. Uses

    Armenian currency recognized only by

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    Nekicivan* Autonomous part of Azerbaijan physically

    isolated from the rest of the state. Uses

    Azerbaijan currency

    Transdniestrian Republic


    The breakaway Russian ethnic eastern part of

    Moldova based on Tiraspol. Wants union with

    Russia though completely isolated from it by

    Ukraine. Has own currency, flag etc. (1990).

    The Palestinian Authority Governs geographically fragmented pieces of

    the West Bank and Gaza. Status unresolved

    after Oslo, Threatens to declare statehood.

    Observer status at UN.

    Republic of Somaliland# Erstwhile British Protectorate broke away

    from collapsed Somali Republic. Recognized

    by no-one but functions, which cannot be said

    for Somalia

    Lebanon* Still, nominally, independent, but essentially

    dominated by Syria. Part occupied by Israel-

    friendly South Lebanese forces. Peace

    maintained by many zoned UN Forces.

    Taiwan (ROC)* Still maintains its standing as the "Republic ofChina" (Kuomintang). No longer member of

    the UN, no observer status either.

    Independence unlikely to be recognized by

    international community until PRC finds

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    acceptable formula. Until then an

    international myth.

    The Falkland Islands *


    Still center of a dispute between the British

    crown and the Argentine Government over

    sovereignty for the 1,800 people who live

    there. Cause of disastrous war in 1982.

    The Western Sahara Former Spanish colony occupied by Morocco

    in the vacuum left by the abrupt departure of

    Spain. Awaiting (seemingly everlastingly) a

    UN referendum to determine its future status

    East Timor Seized by Indonesia after precipitate departure

    of Portuguese in mid-70s. Now seems that

    self-government or complete autonomy a

    possibility under new Indonesian government.

    Still considered a Portuguese Non-Self-

    Governing Territory by UN

    Cuba* Slowly crumbling shade of Marxism in the

    Caribbean. Deprives region of natural leader

    while causing great confusion within the

    Western alliance through Helms-Burton and

    excitable exiles.

    North Korea* The eternal enigma. Falling apart from the

    inside, blackmailing the outside with

    unspecified nuclear threat. Bargains from

    strength while starving to death

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    Tajikistan* So far failed to make it successfully out of the

    USSR. Trimmings of statehood but long-

    standing civil war held at bay by Russian


    Iraq* International pariah state with unshakable

    leader. Isolated by sanctions, periodically

    bombed and at odds with its own minority

    Sunni and Kurdish populations. Unlikely to

    go away or fall apart, but testing the New

    World Order to the limits.

    Botswana* inter alia Around one third or more of male population

    HIV positivewhat future under such


    Kosovo Proto Bosnia. Albanians formed nine-tenths

    of population and were considered a minority

    by Yugoslavia. Serbs drove Albanians out.

    Return of Albanians encouraged Serbs to

    leave. Nominally part of Yugoslavia, but

    administered by international military force.

    Interesting example of western military

    alliance, not individual countries, bombing

    European sovereign state without declaration

    of war.

    Kashmir Listed by the UN as an Occupied Territory

    whose final status is yet to be determined.

    Administered by India though Muslim, and

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    occasionally site of hot war, as in 1999.

    Republic of Nauru* Former German, British, Japanese, Australian

    tiny trust territory set to mine itself out of

    existence. Wanted, at one point, to acquire

    new piece of real estate over which to declare

    sovereignty. No mechanism found for that.

    Liberia, Somalia, Rwanda,

    Afghanistan, D R Congo,

    Sierra Leone, Lesotho?

    Guinea-Bissau? Angola?

    Haiti, Sudan, Cambodia**

    Failed states without any serious or credible

    form of national government control. Leave to

    die? Ultimate challenge of sovereignty and

    diplomacywhat to do with a state that has

    "gone away".

    *Issues postage stamps that, de facto, carry mail internationally

    #Postal service has some internal validity only

    **List of failed states based on Helman and Ratner. Some of these cases, in

    the opinion of the author, are overstated.

    Along with the trade, and perhaps political, reconfigurations of the next

    decade there is also much fluidity in the cultural map. At the highest level of

    resolution sits Huntingtons Clash of Cultures(Huntington 1993) in which the

    world is resolving itself into a series of massive cultural domains based on

    inter alia, resurgent Islam rejecting the dominance of "Western values," etc.

    Through this century he sees us moving from the nation state, through

    ideology to cultureall in the context of conflict. His broad sweep has,

    nevertheless, some very practical implications, for those who accept his

    hypothesis. For instance, it would argue against the inclusion of Russia, or

    other Orthodox states such as Bulgaria, into the European Union since, in his

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    feature in APEC? Will the Caribbean enter NAFTA? Should they? Can they

    exist if they do not? Lurking in the background, if they should become

    marginalized or left out, is the danger of the exploitation of their, albeit

    miniscule, sovereignty by the forces of global crime. Criminals, these days,

    come better equipped than the governments combating them, and are able to

    take advantage of the global system. Whether it is the establishment of scam

    banks in Antigua, or the running of drugs through the maze of islands of the

    Bahamas, criminals may well be positioned to run rings around the

    governments of small, vulnerable states. Arms, drugs, toxic waste, offshore

    bankingthe opportunities are vast and profitable offering a real alternative to

    slow impoverishment on the edge of the new world order. A strategy for thesesmall states and their relationship with their richer and more powerful

    neighbors is essential in the next ten years.

    Microstates are becoming increasingly vulnerable to forces outside their

    control, resulting in their being manipulated by international big business;

    being open to transit crime such as flows of illegal flight capital and money

    laundering; and increasingly out-maneuvered by larger countries and

    institutions (Hampton, 1999)

    A third consideration with respect to vulnerability arises from the grave, but

    indefinable, threat from environmental change. It is extremely difficult to

    provein any strictly scientific sensethat we are encountering or causing an

    epoch of accelerated atmospheric change. If, however, this turns out to be the

    case, then the consequences could be catastrophic. The nature of climatic

    change is that it normally manifests itself, not through slow incremental

    changes in averages, but through the massive resolution of energy anomalies

    by extreme events, such as droughts, floods, hurricanes etc. It seems that no

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    matter which of these parameters one cares to choose, or where one chooses it,

    anomalies abound suggesting very strongly that systemic change is afoot.

    For many parts of the world this is going to move countries onto a crisisor

    even triagebasis. The atoll states such as the Maldives, Tuvalu etc., would

    simply disappear from the face of the earth (and we have no experience of

    dealing with that either). Bangladesh and other extremely low-lying monsoon

    countries and regions face double catastrophes from the failure of rains and the

    damage of storm surges. Rich countries can, to some extent, insulate

    themselves and their citizens from this, but a country like Bangladesh with

    tens of millions of people threatened with the total loss of their habitat, simply

    does not have the resources to deal with the threat. When confronted with the

    possibility of a link between CFCs and the depletion of the upper-level ozone,

    we did something remarkable, and that was to place risk ahead of the absence

    of proof in the Montreal Protocol. CFCs is one thing, carbon emissions

    requiring radical life-style changes for the richis something else totally as

    the follow-up to the Kyoto meeting has shown.

    The growth of multinational institutions

    As Ramonet observes, we live in a time of shrinking state responsibilities and

    the explosive expansion in the size and global reach of the private sector. Part

    of this is due to privatization and the shedding of state functions worldwide in

    service provision, distribution and production. On the other hand, this

    phenomenon also results from the dynamic of the private sector itself. In 1997

    mergers and acquisitions were running at upwards of $1,600 billion, mostly in

    banking, pharmaceuticals, media, telecommunications, food and agro-industry.

    More recently the automobile industry, a bastion of state intervention, has

    fallen prey to global mergers: Volvo and Ford, Chrysler and Daimler

    Ramonet observes that between 1990 and 1997 globally, governments have

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    Mozambique, El Salvador, and in essentially rebuilding the state apparatus in

    Cambodia. On the other hand, Somalia, Bosnia Iraq and, Kosovo, show that

    there is some way to go yet.

    The real challenge of globalization, whether it is the UN, the WTO, NAFTA,

    NATO (!) or privatization, is to what extent the sovereign state can define a

    new role for itself relative to international regulation, including real sanctions.

    The whole murky area of "international law" will need definition and

    acceptance on a much more serious basis than at present if real multilateral

    activity is envisaged. Streeten has rightly observed:

    Globalization has proceeded at a rate faster than global government. The

    power of national governments and their ability to make national policies and

    pay for social services has been reduced without a corresponding increase in

    supra-national government or effective international cooperationThe result

    of this lag of political institutions behind globalizing technology and

    liberalization is a loss in the capacity to governWhile global forces reduce

    the power of people to influence policy democratically at the national level, at

    the global level, where the need is now greater, there are no democratic

    institutions, and in many areas no institutions at all, that would enable people

    to control or even influence their destiny.Corporate managers, not citizens

    are the new policy makers. But the spread of these companies and of

    international financial capital has led to the complaint that national economies

    are no longer governable, while the global economy is ungoverned (Streeten,


    Towering over this multilateral question are the global nature of most issues,

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    and the rapidly emerging global nature of the private sector. The astonishing

    extent of this process of the relative size of the state and the corporation is

    shown in the following table:

    States and Transnational Companies Compared

    Name Revenues $Bn Year

    The United States 1,258 1994

    German Federal Republic 690 1994

    Japan 595 1995

    United Kingdom 389 1994/5

    Italy 339 1994

    France 221 1993

    Mitsubishi 184 1995

    Mitsui 182 1995

    Itochu 169 1995

    General Motors 169 1995

    Sumitomo 168 1995

    Marubeni 161 1995

    Ford Motor 137 1995

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    South Africa 129 1998

    Wal-Mart 119 1998

    Greece 119 1998

    Toyota 111 1995

    Exxon 110 1995

    The Netherlands 110 1992

    Royal Dutch Shell 110 1995

    Sweden 109 1995/6

    Nissho Iwai 98 1995

    Spain 97 1994

    Australia 96 1995/6

    Canada 94 1995

    Sources: For Corporations: FortunesGlobal 500: The Worlds Largest

    Corporations in Fortune, August 5, 1996

    For State Revenues: The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency


    Currently about 75 per cent of the worlds trade is carried out by transnational

    corporations and their affiliatesand one-third of this trade is among these

    firms (UNRISD 1995). It is interesting to note that, for instance,Royal Dutch

    Shell, which we normally think of as a "Dutch" company ranks in earnings

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    right up there with the Netherlands government itself! On both sides of the 49th

    Parallel there have been outbursts of concern and alarm at what the global

    economy and the multinational megacorporations are doing to the old polities.

    Pat Buchanan recently published a bestseller called The Great Betrayal: How

    American Sovereignty and Social Justice are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of

    the Global Economy, while in Canada, Albertas Western Reportobserved:

    "The pendulum has swung too far in the direction of so-called globalization,

    which in Canadas case means Americanization and gives huge, massive

    powers to foreign corporations that are accountable to no-one in this country"

    (Western Report 1998)

    With the inclusion of agriculture, services and subsidies within the remit of the

    World Trade Organization we can only speculate where the pursuit of global

    concordance in these areas will take us. We have already mentioned the case

    of bananas, but the implications of, for instance, a serious determination to end

    agricultural subsidies would have dramatic effects on small-farm communities

    in many parts of Europe, and in the American farm states in general. In

    Europe, at least, many of these state-underwritten "marginal" farmers are often

    representative of older, isolated cultures like the Welsh hill farmers for

    instance. Their economic demise has not only regional, but cultural

    dimensions. Then again, there is the entire question of what constitutes a

    subsidy and "unfair intervention" in the area of liberalizing trade. The strict

    interpretation of the writ of the WTO has enormous implications for even

    more of those remaining, residual economic instruments of the old nation

    states. In terms of developing nations in particularthough not exclusively

    the area of sovereign policy-making has long been compromised by

    "conditionality" imposed by lenders of last resort, most notably the IMF. Of

    course the IMF does not "impose" its policies on these countries, but if you are

    a lender of last resort you really do not have toyour status does that for you.

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    So, many economic policies and the regulatory role of the state vis a vis the

    private sector are compromised, or at least constrained.

    As the state shrinks, and its powers diminish, so grow the great corporations,

    and so grows the privatization of more and more of the states "traditional"

    functionseven prisons in some parts of the USA. But what are the

    implications of having the enormous economic power of the multinationals

    operating, essentially, "outside" the traditional world of sovereignty? "Where

    does a company belong? The new order eschews loyalty to workers,

    products, corporate structure, businesses, factories, communities, yes, even the

    nation" (Morris 1998). Peter Drucker observed some years ago that "In a

    transnational company there is only one economic unit, the world. For this

    company, national boundaries have largely become irrelevant". What, for

    instance, makes the Ford Motor Company an American company? As

    countries race into new multi-national configurations like the EU and NAFTA,

    so the private sector is merging and scaling up. But, where is it all going? Are

    these steps to global free trade and government, or are they the formation of

    megablocs forming gigantic rivals like the divisions of the world in Orwells


    The World of Information

    It is almost impossible to believe that the last decade has seen the explosion of

    the Internet and the birth (1993) and rise of the WorldWide Webit simply

    was not there. Already it has shaped the way we communicate, shop and file

    our taxes. And yet, unlike any of its predecessors, it is almost totally

    anarchicor democratic if you prefer. There are no press barons to control it

    and railroad us into the Spanish-American Warthere is the ultimate

    democracy of being able to put your point of view before the court of the

    world, instantly. Such anarchy makes it extremely difficult for states to deny

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    Again, Peter Druckerthe seer of so many thingswrote that "Knowledge

    has replaced the economists land, labor and capital as the chief economic

    resource". "It is going to be very hard to maintain the old "cultural differences"

    that have essentially defined the old nation states for so long: "The

    communications revolution has promoted the dissolution of the sovereign

    state. E-mail, the Internet, the satellite dishherald the end of our cultural

    sanctity"(Howell 1998).


    The old map of states is being shaken by the rootssome states have fallen to

    pieces, some have formed massive trading alliances, most in the west seem to

    be yielding sovereignty to the world of globalization and market forces, and all

    are yielding large areas of social and economic responsibility to the private

    and not-for-profit sectors. Much, maybe most, of this change is incremental

    rather than in the pursuit of any new model of the state or society. Much of it

    is subsumed under the fiction that it is "economic," as in European EconomicCommunities. Boundaries are becoming porous in terms of information and

    money flowsand fund transfers, by 1999 have reached the astounding figure

    of one trillion US$ per day(Streeten, 1999). At the same time across recently-

    collapsed or vanished empires in Africa, the former USSR and Yugoslavia, we

    may observe the very worst aspects of nineteenth-century nationalistic

    chauvinism and intolerance, the resurgence of ethnic animosities among, for

    instance the Kurds, the non-Moslems of the southern Sudan or the Chinese in

    Tibet. The disappearance of the Cold War has left the non-viable shells of

    collapsing states such as Cuba, parts of Central America etc. New

    organizations, such as the WTO lurk in the wings with enormous capacity to

    pull the rug out from many small states in alliances with bigger neighbors,

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    from poor regions within developed democracies, and from substantial areas

    of domestic economic and social policy that were never seen as having much

    to do with "trade".

    In short, the world is changing so fast and so profoundly that I cannot decide

    whether a paper like this is an act of bravado or downright stupidity. How

    would one teach this? In short you cannot in any definitive way. But, we are

    duty bound to present the implications of the trends that we already see around

    us, to those who will reap the whirlwind, or possibly ride the storm to new

    worlds and new opportunity that the war-ridden, chauvinistic and really rather

    nasty world of the nation states prevented us from attaining.

    [U]topians should not be discouraged from formulating their proposals,

    and from thinking the unthinkable, unencumbered by the inhibitions and

    obstacles of political constraints, in the same detail that the defenders of the

    status quo devote to its elaboration and celebration(Streeten 1999).


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    Morris, David. 1998. Western Report (Alberta). Vol. 25. Issue 34. P6.

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