un augustan activities

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  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Un-Augustan Activities

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Approved patterns of behavior and life of educated Romans

    o Period of military service as cavalry or infantry officer.

    Career tracks: career soldier/membership of the Senate

    through magistracies

    o Public life: Advocates at Rome/magistrates in communitieswhere family estates were

    o Partners in companies operating government contracts or in

    private enterprise

    Expectation: To marry within an approved circle, so as to increase

    inherited alliances and produce heirs to perpetuate the family

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    [Illustration: Costumes of Roman men, women, and children inthe procession of a peace festival. These reliefs formed part of

    the outer frieze of the right wall of the Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace),

    erected by Augustus and dedicated 9 B.C. This and another well-

    preserved section are in the Uffizi Palace, Florence. One of two

    other fragments in the Villa Medici contains the head and bust of

    Augustus, and with the section here shown completes what is

    supposed to be a group of the family of Augustus.]

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    The Age of Catullus (ca. 84 BC ca. 54 BC)

    Changes in society destabilize traditional expectations

    Catullus treated with hostility military careerism

    expressed the idealization of a love affair

    insulting epigrams against Julius Caesar and his

    military associates

    abuse of the provincial governors Memmius and


    no prudery about sex itself; sexuality becomes a

    weapon to be used to enhance ones own image or diminish

    that of another

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Statue of Catullus

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Love Elegy of the Augustan Age

    Catullus set the style that would dominate the love elegy of the

    Augustan Age

    Writing in a new way: the glamorizing of love affairs with boys or

    women expresses dissent and resistance to societys demands

    Poetry about Clodia, an older woman in experience if not in

    years (Lesbia is the poetic name he used for Clodia)

    Catullus created personal love elegy: he treats Lesbia as a

    dominant mistress to whom he is subordinated like a slave

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Love and Roman Elegy

    From the time of Catullus on love poets write non just for the

    immediate occasion, to offer their poems to their women, or to

    read it to friends, but with the expectation that others would want

    to buy and read the poems

    Appropriation of the language of military service:

    The love elegist presents himself as conquered by his beloved

    in the war of love.

    Ovid constructs one of his elegies on the paradox that every

    lover is a soldier in his mistresss service

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Elegiac Counter-Culture

    Propertius tells I was not born for glory or for warfare; He

    supports his refusal to marry by the claim that no child of my

    blood will be a soldier

    Tibullus opens his first book of elegies with a negative picture of

    the soldiers life, and the last poem of the book curses the inventor

    of swords as an iron savage

    Admission of being the slave of love: the poets mistress took on th

    status of a commander or of a master

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    The women featured in Roman Elegy (Catullus, Tibullus,

    Propertius, and Ovid)

    Manage to attain a singularly exalted stature

    To be appreciated as people in their own rightThey are even casted in the active, masterful role customarily

    played by men

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Augustus moral programme

    Reaffirm the old Roman morality

    Financial rewards for child production (purpose: replenishing

    Romes depleted ruling elite, the senatorial and equestrian ranks)

    Laws requiring intra-class marriage of upper class males andforbidding adultery

    The Elegists could reject the idea of a supportive wife who bears

    useful offspring in favor of an exciting, attractive and spiritually

    inspiring female companion.

    Youthful self-assurance, connection, high degree of intellectual

    attainment, financial security enabled them to do so, and to displaycynicism about politics.


  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    The feeling of the love elegists that they were not vitally needed in

    the Roman governing and expanding process; the celebration of

    the pleasures derived from their mistresses in the place of

    celebration of the traditional Roman careers and awards.

    Otium (free time), love and elegy are activities which in

    importance rival accepted pursuits: the law, and politics, financial

    acquisition, the military.

    They use the language of established practices to speak of their

    love affairs: they aim for comprehensibility; for the conversion of

    others to their behavior: Ovid

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Roman puella

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    Girl with perfume

  • 8/9/2019 Un Augustan Activities


    The Sorrows of Augustus

    Daughter Julia (born to his first wife Scribonia in 39 B.C.)

    Julias first marriage to Agrippa: two sons Gaius and Lucius,

    two daughters, and a son Agrippa Postumus.

    Augusts makes Gaius and Lucius his own sons by adoption in 17B.C.

    Julias second marriage to Tiberius (Augustus stepson); they


    In 2 B.C. Augustus learns that Julia is involved in adultery; expels

    her to a barren island (first domestic scandal); Julias two sons die

    Tiberius returns to Rome and is adopted as Augustus heir

    In A.D. 8 second domestic scandal: Julias daughter, the youngerJulia, is alleged to have been adulterously involved with five


    Ovid is exiled in Tomis