unalienable rights does the holy spirit convict christians? · 2 9-part series cds $56 (+s/h)...

Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians?

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Page 1: Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians? · 2 9-Part Series CDs $56 (+S/H) 1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com CDs $56 (+ S/H) If you ask the wrong

Unalienable Rights

Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians?

Page 2: Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians? · 2 9-Part Series CDs $56 (+S/H) 1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com CDs $56 (+ S/H) If you ask the wrong


999---Part SeriesPart SeriesPart Series CDs $56 (+S/H)CDs $56 (+S/H)CDs $56 (+S/H)

1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com

If you ask the wrong questions you always get the wrong answers. Many of the limitations on our life and the Church are because we sim-ply do not ask the important questions. We have been side-tracked by non-essential, non-life-giving agendas that consume our time and en-ergy while producing no tangible results. God is a God of order, not chaos. In the midst of our chaotic lifestyle we create problems and then ask the wrong questions to try and resolve them. Trying to fix our problems and have a good life become a never-ending pursuit of the wrong things. Satan is a deceiver and a master politician. Through religion, which he birthed in the earth, we are led to the wrong questions, the wrong debates, and the wrong pursuits; then we think our faith is not working. The problem is not that we don’t have faith. Our problem is that our faith is not focused on the important things: The Heart of the Gospel. In this powerful series we focus our attention on The Heart of the Gos-pel, the things that really matter, i.e., the things that produce real life-altering results. When we focus on that which is truly important to God life becomes less complicated and chaotic, our faith flourishes, and we enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom!

CDs $56 (+ S/H) ♦ MP3 $32 DVDs $119.95 (+S/H)

800.284.9402 ext. 301 or Impactministries.com

Every aspect of salvation, i.e. born again, healed, delivered, blessed, pros-pered, protected, made whole, set apart, and all that is promised in Christ, is de-pendent on what we believe about the resurrection of Jesus. Most twenty-first century Christians believe in the historical account of the resurrection of Jesus while rejecting the biblical account! We don’t believe the biblical account of the resurrection until we believe the bibli-cal account of His death from the cross to the throne. That’s why Isaiah 53, which gives God’s account of what occurred on the cross, starts with the words, Who has believed our report? Salvation wasn’t finished on the cross; salvation was fin-ished after Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father and received the in-heritance which He freely shares with all who believe. In this incredible series you will: Learn God’s report of the cross

Share in the exchanged life with the res-urrected Lord

Find out what really happened after Jesus died

Discover the secret to resurrection power

Identify the missing element to faith in Jesus

Share in the element of New Covenant realities

This series is an absolute must for every believer who desires to live in resurrec-tion power! You don’t know New Testa-ment faith until you know what happened from the cross to the throne!

Page 3: Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians? · 2 9-Part Series CDs $56 (+S/H) 1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com CDs $56 (+ S/H) If you ask the wrong

EEveryoneveryone in business knows

the 80/20 rule. This rule, which seems to apply to every aspect of life, says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort. The challenge for us is to discover which 20% will pro-duce those results, i.e., prioritizing. I call it putting first things first! Sometimes we are made to feel that we must get everything right in order to obtain the desired results, but if that were the case no one would ever win. Nobody gets everything right and only an egotistical fool would ever think he could! One of the closest held secrets for those who know how to win at life is this: you don’t have to do everything right, you only have to know how to do the important things right! Years ago in marriage counseling I had a simple exercise called the “Top Five List” that I asked couples to do. I had them both list the top five things it would take to make them feel loved. Then I had them swap lists and discuss in details what they meant. As amazing as this sounds, any cou-ple that ever complied with their part-ner’s “Top Five List” not only saved their marriage, they had a happy mar-riage. Isn’t that amazing? Out of all the things we could do in relating to our mate, it usually only took five things to make the other person happy. God is not hard to please. When we trust what Jesus did through His death, burial, and resurrection and yield to Him as our Lord, our faith is pleasing to God! God’s desire from the begin-ning was that all men would come to know Him through the Lord Jesus! We are predestined to know God through Jesus and we are predestined to be-come like Him. All that God has fore-ordained for man occurs because we believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Him as Lord. I have to take just a moment to com-ment on the word “confess.” This word basically means “to say the same thing.” It is only a confession when it is the same thing that is in our heart. If it is not in our heart it is just “lip ser-

vice.” Jesus quoted the Prophet Isaiah when He said, "These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.” (Matt. 15:8) When our confession is in contradic-tion to our true beliefs we are hypo-crites! The starting place of the Gospel is our heart! What do I believe in my heart? When we believe something in our heart there are certain apparent results. First, the “living out” or ex-pression of that belief becomes effort-less. The reason it becomes effortless is because it emerges from my sense of self, my identity - who I believe I am!

In my series, Three Days that Changed the World, I discussed many details that occurred through each phase of the death, burial, and resurrec-tion of the Lord Jesus. He became our sin, He took our punishment, He died the death we deserve, He bore our sins to Hades, He operated His faith to overcome those sins and be raised from the dead, He conquered the devil, He obtained an inheritance, and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father! To believe that God raised Jesus from

the dead is to believe every aspect of this process from the cross to the throne. While many believers have a grasp of the finished work of Jesus, most only connect with the historical Jesus as He lived His life on Earth; few actu-ally rest their faith in the finished work! Every facet of the finished work is critical to the many aspects of our salvation. When we believe in any as-pect of His suffering and victory in our heart, that suffering and victory be-comes our own. In other words, be-cause the price has already been paid I am not required to pay it. Because the battle has been won I do not have to fight it. Because the inheritance has been given I do not have to earn it! By connecting with Jesus’ resurrec-tion at a heart level there is no distin-guishing between His victories and mine! That is why we are called “more than conquerors.” (Rom. 8:37) We are victorious and we didn’t even have to fight the battle! In the New Testament the battle ground of warfare changes. We are no longer fighting to win the actual battle; it has been won. If we believe in the resurrection and all that entails we can-not believe anything else! The battle we now fight is in our mind, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs! That’s why the Apostle Paul told us the warfare was against imaginations that exalt them-selves against the knowledge of Christ. He didn’t tell us to simply control our thoughts, he told us to bring those

con’t on page 4

... because the price has al-ready been paid I am not re-quired to pay it. Because the battle has been won I do not have to fight it. Because the inheritance has been given I do not have to earn it!


Page 4: Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians? · 2 9-Part Series CDs $56 (+S/H) 1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com CDs $56 (+ S/H) If you ask the wrong


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THURSDAYS newday.org

thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ! (2 Cor. 10:4-5) In other words, I must look at what Jesus accomplished through His obedience and I must align my thoughts with that victory. Then I must see that victory as my own! This is where the heart comes in. Thoughts of the mind are chosen. We have the capacity to direct our thoughts. Where we direct those thoughts determines our short-term emotions. As long as we have our thoughts directed, our emotions will remain consistent with the thoughts. But the moment we stop putting forth effort to focus our attention, our thoughts drift and our emotions change. To attempt to have victory simply by controlling our thoughts is a tedious, labor-intensive struggle. That victory ends the moment we stop put-ting forth effort! Thoughts of the heart, however, emerge effortlessly when we are not directing our thoughts. They are the abiding thoughts. Because they are abiding thoughts they produce deep-rooted, long-term, abiding feelings. Feelings are like emotions but they do not change with thoughts or circum-stances. And even when our negative thoughts produce negative emotions, we will always default back to the feel-ings that are based on the thoughts of the heart. Belief of the heart is what occurs when our thoughts and feelings are in harmony with God’s Word. We be-come immovable. We are impervious to circumstances. Even when negative emotions arise there is something deeper that keeps us from wavering. It is this immovable harmony between thoughts, feelings, and the Word of God that facilitates grace, God’s power and influence that works from our heart and makes us able! Since the heart is the root of identity, as we persuade our heart about our identity with the resurrected Lord and all that entails, we experience His vic-tories. It is here that the Gospel be-

comes real and empowering. It is here that the struggle ends! This is the first and most important principle of the 80/20 rule, i.e., the heart of the Gospel: believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead! All other critical factors of the Gospel fall into place when we believe in our heart! This article is based on the latest series, The Heart of the Gospel. For more de-tails see the ad on page 2.

The Heart of the Gospel (con’t from page 3)

Recommended Reading and Listening!

The book Wired for Success, Pro-grammed for Failure has changed my life. And so many things have changed for me in such a short time after ordering and listening to the Limitless Living Heart Physics® meditation on mp3. I truly am a NEW CREATION!! Thank you so much for making this available to everyone.

~MR ♦ Florida~


I believe Dr. Rich-ards’ book How to Stop the Pain saved my life. I went through a depres-sion that I could actually feel when the dark cloud would come. It con-sumed me. I reached out for help from a counselor in our area who recommended How to Stop the Pain and I purchased the book that very day. I immediately started feeling better after just the first few chap-ters. The depression lifted and I have my life back. Just a few years ago I didn't care if I lived or died, but because of this ministry I know that I want to live. I don't think I would be where I am today without the materials and the Cyber Church that you all produce. Thank you for helping me change the way I see God and the world around me. ~MG~

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Page 5: Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians? · 2 9-Part Series CDs $56 (+S/H) 1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com CDs $56 (+ S/H) If you ask the wrong


It was good meeting you and the rest of the staff (Bee, Margie...) at Impact Ministries and, of course, Dr. Richards, Brenda, Jimmie Bratcher, and Sherri. I began reading Jimmie Bratcher's book Don't Take Your Dreams to the Grave on the plane ride home and in the process rediscovered my girlhood dreams of healing and travel. God in His divine wisdom seated me next to a young black man who was reading a book. When I asked what he was reading he said it was about a boxing coach who successfully cata-pulted several well-known and respected boxers to the top of their careers. I asked the secret of his success and he replied he loved those whom he trained. He also told me of his dream to follow in this coach's footsteps which gave me the perfect opportunity to share Jimmie's book and my own dreams. We talked at some length about the way the world sees God and who God really is. He was intrigued and I gave him Dr. Richards’ name and website and he gave me his email address. We left encouraging one another in our dreams and hoped to meet again when our dreams become reality. I've come away with a renewed excitement for changing the way the world sees God as I pursue my dreams. Thank you for a week-end that changed my world! ~MM~

Jim, I wanted to take some time out to thank you and the team at Impact for your hospitality. I have now learned to do everything from intent; it keeps me from assuming anything and that keeps me in grasp of positive expectations. And all my intentions were ex-ceeded over the weekend. I made some beautiful connections with people and I'm learning to seek more relationships outside of what's fa-miliar. I felt a real connection with the group, especially Jimmie Bratcher,; he is so cool (and so are you by the way!) Bee is the sweetest thing! You must be really proud of her. This weekend has given me a renewed sense of dedica-tion to the ministry. Also when you and I spoke shortly about strengths over-used becoming weaknesses, - well, I learned over the weekend by looking at my heart that a lot of my judg-ments about people were a product of my past experi-ences and strong intuitions overlapping. I would know what people were about to say or do then based on my judgments and pre-conceived concepts about them. I would say, "See, I was right about them." So now I've learned to get judgments and the past under obedience to the truth of God and now I can see people as they truly are and use my intuition to connect with them. ~RD~

Thank you again for the warm welcome, I really appreciated it and I felt right at home: Huntsville reminded me of a combination of Iowa (I spent my summers and holidays there with my Grandma) and Austria (The hills that surround the city) ….I loved it. I have written to Jim and let him know but want to share with you how aware I am of things really taking hold of my heart during the weekend: I actually realized this on the plane back to Aus-tria yesterday, and I am quite encouraged. I bought Wired for Success, Programmed for Failure and am listening to the semi-nar as I write this. It is too overwhelming to put into words where this hits me Bonnie Duell had given me the cd’s of The Anat-omy of a Miracle and I have and continue to watch those, but I also purchased the book during the weekend and am looking forward to reading it as well. I am so thankful for you and your colleagues, Bee; your dedica-tion and sincerity are so evident. You are precious and it is a privilege to be part of Impact. Love from us in Vienna! SK


Page 6: Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians? · 2 9-Part Series CDs $56 (+S/H) 1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com CDs $56 (+ S/H) If you ask the wrong


There is a wild debate floating through the Christian arena that theo-rizes the Holy Spirit does not convict Christians. I will be the first to agree if we are talking about the unscrip-tural concepts of making us feel guilty and condemned. Unfortu-nately, many of the arguments being presented are launched as a reaction to what religion says, not what the Bible actually teaches. In such a reac-tionary mode the argument becomes more philosophical idealism than scriptural thought. So let’s look at the primary scriptures in question and decide what we really believe. “I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, be-cause I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. How-ever, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell

you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” (John 16:7-14) The first thing we must recognize is the fact that the Holy Spirit is being poured out to lead all men, believers and non-believers, into the truth of the finished work of Jesus! The sec-ond thing to consider is His name. The names of God (the Holy Spirit being part of the Trinity) indicate the character traits of God. So, based on the character trait associated with His name, we can comprehend the goal and the means He will use with all groups of people. God does not act in any manner that is contrary to His name. The word used in most translations of this passage is Comforter, Coun-selor, or Helper. In the original lan-guage it is the word “parakletos,” which basically means "called in to help." So, regardless of the group to whom He is ministering, the objec-tive is to help, not hurt. But like all factors of human interaction, that which is intended by the giver is not always the experience of the re-ceiver! Why do so many people associate conviction with pain? The first and most obvious reason is negative reli-gious teaching. Legalism, which has

dominated Christianity in the West, was overrun with heretical teachings that presented the idea of pain and suffering as the means of growth and purification; hence, the concept of Purgatory, i.e., the purging of our sins by suffering! At this point it is important to remind ourselves that this negative concept is not what Je-sus taught; it is part of the “cosmos,” i.e., the world’s system. The second critical factor for the idea of pain associated with convic-tion is human nature. We hate being wrong. There is an inherent need to be right. The pain in growth is actu-ally part of the process of dying to self. When we attempt to hold to our ideas to preserve our ego it is painful. When the need to be right dominates our mindset we resist new ideas. The death of an idea is part of the death of self. When the Holy Spirit shows us the path to walk it is all too often be-cause we have already begun a jour-ney down a path of our choosing. The redirection is a confrontation to our ego, our intellect, and most of all, our comfort zone. To the degree that we actually trust Jesus with our life (disciples) we follow with relative ease this redirecting provided by the Holy Spirit. However, in the absence of absolute trust this change of thoughts or direction is quite painful.

The greatest struggle of those who earnestly desire to follow God may well be rooted in this very issue. The moment we know what God wants, what we should do, or where we should go, we immediately attempt to take control of the process. We stop following Him and seek to find com-fort and security in following that which is familiar to us. It would be much like God telling you to go to a

Does the Holy Spirit

Convict Christians?

If we completely trust God we are very comfortable fol-lowing Him along a new path, a new thought, or a new life direction.

Page 7: Unalienable Rights Does the Holy Spirit Convict Christians? · 2 9-Part Series CDs $56 (+S/H) 1.800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com CDs $56 (+ S/H) If you ask the wrong


particular city and immediately you set out on the route that you know. We assume because we know the destination we know the route. Peace is the product of absolute trust. If we completely trust God we are very comfortable following Him along a new path, a new thought, or a new life direction. But in the absence of trust we experience the painful proc-ess of struggle with our opinion ver-sus His leading, and that is a painful death to self whether you are a be-liever or an unbeliever! In explaining how He brings people to truth it seems to indicate that what the world needs is conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment. And it says He does this by pointing them to these facts: they do not believe in Me; I go to My Father and you see Me no more; the ruler of this world is judged. Just as the Holy Spirit leads the disciple into truth, He leads the person following the world’s system into these essential truths. So, the idea of making us miserable for our sin is not His work. It is to offer the comfort that can be found in these truths! That which is offered for comfort and peace is often the very thing that induces rage, pain, and anger in many. Remember, the truth that sof-tened Moses’ heart hardened Phar-aoh’s heart! The reaction of pain or peace is a matter of conscience in both believers and nonbelievers. Much of the conflict in our under-standing of the word “conviction” is resolved in The Theological Diction-ary of the New Testament. It tells us much about the word used in the original language that we translate as “convict.” “Though the NT usage is simple and straightforward, outside the NT it is very complicated.” Al-most all of the ways this is used in classical Greek are negative and very much in line with negative religious interpretation. However, TDNT goes on to say, “It means ‘to show some-one his sin and to summon him to repentance.’” The word “repentance”

means a change of mind. This would be the same if a person was a be-liever or nonbeliever. Some are quick to attempt to rele-gate the word “sin” to that of “original sin” or the “sin nature.” This is more than a misuse or misun-derstanding of how the word is used; it is this very idea that causes many to refute the idea that the Holy Spirit would convict the believer of sin. They irrationally point out that we are no longer sinners by nature; therefore, this cannot apply to us. But, as John pointed out to the be-lievers who were falling into the her-esy of Gnosticism, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8) Sin (harmartia) is anything we do that reduces our capacity to live in the reward, the identity, the goal, and the life that Jesus died to give us! The Epistle of First John was written to believers who were slipping into error. It was not written to nonbe-lievers. John very wisely uses the

word “sins” (plural) in the following verse where he tells believers to con-fess their sins. As a plural noun he is making it clear that he is addressing individual action that leads us from the path or causes us to miss the mark. Whether saved or lost we all need the direction of the Holy Spirit to continue moving toward the goal of the abundant life! That is why one of the covenant names of God is Jeho-vah-Rohi: The Lord my Shepherd! We need His direction every moment of life. Even when we know the goal or destination it is essential that we follow the path wherein He leads. Disciples need direction and truth to stay in constant awareness of the fact

that all God has belongs to Jesus and He desires to show and share His in-heritance with all of us! One of the primary misunderstand-ings in the John 16 passage comes from making a wrong distinction in the two groups of people Jesus is ad-dressing. He is not separating the ministry of the Holy Spirit between the saved and the lost. He is separat-ing disciples, those who are building their lives on the teaching and princi-ples of the Kingdom of God, versus the world, i.e., those who are build-ing their life on the world’s system. Just as the believers addressed in John’s First Epistle were drifting off into the philosophy of the world, we all occasionally drift from the path. Whether saved or lost the Holy Spirit is always attempting to bring us back on course. Some would seek to make acute theological distinction between what the Holy Spirit would do in relation to a believer opposed to a person in the world system. In function, it comes down to a moot point argued by those who seem to miss the real point: The Comforter is coming to lead all of us into the truth we need regardless of which category we may fall into at the moment. And He will do that by pointing us to the solu-tions, not by magnifying the prob-lems. He will bring to us the teach-ings of Jesus. God is neither chaotic nor inconsis-tent. He does not change, regardless of the person or problem with which He is dealing! He seeks to lead all people into truth. Oftentimes the word “convict” is translated as “convince.” I welcome all the con-viction (convincing) I need to stay on track, be reminded of Jesus’ victo-ries, the devil’s defeat, and the prom-ises of God!

Whether saved or lost we all need the direction of the Holy Spirit to continue mov-ing toward the goal of the abundant life!


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which the Encarta Dictionary de-fines as “not able to be transferred or taken away.” Their position was that God gave man these rights and the Govern-ment has no authority to take them away. It only takes a brief read of the Constitution to realize that, as a whole, the United States Govern-ment has little respect for the Con-stitution, has no intention of de-fending it (in accordance with their sworn oath of office), and whenever possible, has every intention of un-dermining or usurping it! There is a massive move on the part of our Government to convince the nation that the Constitution is outdated. The real goal of that movement is for big Government to finally, once-and-for-all, break free of the limits that the Constitution puts on Government’s infringement of our inalienable rights!

life, liberty and the pursuit of hap-piness. When any politician uses “separation of church and state” as his or her reasoning for taking an action it is clear that they either do not know history or they are seek-ing to pervert history; they either do not know the Constitution or they are seeking to pervert the Constitu-tion; and more obviously, they are blatantly opposed to God and His values! Our founders did everything on the basis of their belief that God created man and that man should harmonize himself with the laws of God that are clearly expressed in both His Word and His creation (nature). They considered it a breach to all that was natural to vio-late God’s laws regarding the free-doms of mankind. They went so far as to call these rights “unalienable”

Unalienable Rights

These are the first two sen-

tences of the Declaration of Inde-pendence. These two sentences formed the basis of thought, phi-losophy, and faith that drove our founders. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the politi-cal bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien-able rights, that among these are

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con’t on page 10

The Communists, Socialists, and “Liberal Left” have worked fever-ishly to undermine faith in our country. They have always known they could not violate our God-given rights until they had first de-stroyed the awareness of God to the general population. At the time our Constitution was written, even those founders who were not deeply committed Christians were deeply committed to the values and free-doms presented in the Word of God! In my lifetime, from the time of the Warren Court I have witnessed prejudice against the Judeo-Christian heritage of our nation in an unprecedented manner. The Warren Court was a pro-Communist court that became the bedrock for the corruption of our legal system. By perverting the con-cept of legal precedent, today we are interpreting the law on the basis of a court that was committed to the demise of the United States. The Warren Court refused to punish es-pionage, they upheld Communist values, and they isolated America from the Church. Today we stand on the precipice of an America that has no resem-blance to the nation our forefathers fought and died to defend! Young people are taught by Socialists and Communists to idealistically em-brace humanistic values that oppose the Word of God and that violate the God-given rights of man. The wickedness that undergirds the current political movement is subtle but deadly. When God is re-moved from government, govern-ment becomes god! After all, the god of any system is the one who determines good and evil. Our founders gave that right to God alone; yet, our current leaders in-tend to violate the Constitution, the Bible, and the Lordship of Jesus to

take control of our lives by creating a crisis that is beyond that with which the average citizen can con-tend. At the heart of our founders’ in-tent in the concept of unalienable rights was this: since the Govern-ment did not give us these rights the Government cannot take them away. The subtlety behind entitle-ment programs is to create the idea that these programs (against which the Bible sternly warns) are right. The Bible warns against feeding those who will not work. I person-ally believe we should help the poor. But the ultimate goal behind

entitlement is two-fold: purchase votes for a liberal agenda that seeks to destroy our Constitution; and fi-nancially destroy the wealth of the greatest, most powerful force for freedom in the world. According to George Soros, the financial bene-factor of the Liberal Left, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” This is the philosophy of the many Republicans and Democrats who seek the control of our freedoms. The real drive behind unions and entitlement and liberal courts is to create an America that doesn’t work and is in conflict and chaos. In the end, the hope is to create class warfare between the group of people who finance every job in America and the 51% WHO DO NOTHING BUT TAKE. The only way a person who pays no taxes and receives government funding

can justify the corruption of their conscience is to buy into the convo-luted concept that others owe them something. Then there are those who buy into the humanistic idealism that says if you have something it somehow causes someone else to have less. This philosophy is not only con-trary to biblical truth; it doesn’t even fit into actual economic prin-ciples. As I pointed out in my book, Wired for Success - Programmed for Failure, those who have money spend it and create jobs for others. Any factual study into Socialism or Communism would reveal that the countries that travel such paths al-ways end in economic collapse and political oppression! Over the years the United States has become a hypocritical nation that says one thing and does an-other. Our foreign policies are noth-ing but political chaos driven by greed, deception, and the goal of creating a world economy that will only benefit the uber-wealthy! Then, those who benefit from the perversion are at the very heart of the propaganda that tells you we need a fundamental change in America. But the change they de-sire is one that is devoid of values, has no religious freedoms, and sup-ports total oppression of the people. The Government that is against God actually becomes god! Those who seek to destroy our nation from within have corrupted the system. Then they point out the corruption and insist that if we would only give them more power, more regulation, and more money they would fix the problem; and sadly, a very ignorant population that is too busy watching reality television is more than willing to give them what they want. Yes, I will trade you some of my God-given rights so I do not have to be

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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There is probably no role as essential to ministry yet as misunderstood as that of the musician. The Bible pre-sents music as one of the most pow-erful tools for influencing the soul; yet with all its value and power, the musician may be one of the most misunderstood roles in the body of Christ! What if I make my living as a musi-cian? How do I develop a music ministry? What are the legitimate pitfalls? How can I develop my gift for God? The Reverend Jimmie Bratcher and

Dr. Jim Richards have decades of professional and ministerial music experi-ence. Within these sessions they share insights and practical experiences about maximizing your musical gifts and avoiding the pitfalls. The Musician and Ministry is made up of ten sessions where Jim and Jimmie share what you need to know as a Christian musician: ♦ How to be a musician and walk with the Lord ♦ How to get started in music ministry and business ♦ How to create your own opportunities ♦ How to develop your financial base ♦ The song writing process ♦ How to be a working musician and have a relationship with a church ♦ And much, much more…

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responsible, think, or be inconven-ienced. Through the violation of our Con-stitution Congress has already be-come virtually irrelevant. We are just a few moves away from the Constitution (the only legal protec-tion for our God-given rights) be-coming meaningless. The Constitu-tion was not written to control the population, it was written to control the Government. The Constitution was written to protect us from a government of men and women who are always seeking to increase their power and wealth by taking our rights and earnings! As Christians we should educate ourselves in the Word of God and the Constitution. We must hold our leaders accountable to our knowl-edge and rights. Stay aware of what is going on in our county, city, state, and federal governments. Do not be ashamed to be a Believer or to express godly principles - just do it in a knowledgeable manner so you don’t come across like a “maniac!” Special interest groups have led our country down this path because they were organized and committed to their cause. I really think that the Church fell prey to naivety and simply assumed that we were protected by our Constitution; but it is time to wake up to what is happening and protect our religious freedoms by protecting our Consti-tution or be ready to live in a post-Christian, post-Constitution Amer-ica. If you want to know what that will be like just study the nations of the world that have already taken this path! It isn’t pretty. Billions of people have been executed, starved, enslaved, and imprisoned by gov-ernments that have rejected God’s

value for human life and it will be no different in a post-Christian America! I will be planning another Day of Blessing for America. Watch for announcements and be ready to par-ticipate because, in the end, it will not be what we do politically that makes the lasting difference - that only facilitates peace; it will be what we do with our spiritual au-thority that makes the difference.

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