unani tibb medicine and cupping therapy

10/8/2014 Natural Health:Unani Tibb Medicine and Cupping Therapy http://unanitibbcupping.blogspot.com/ 1/12 Holistic healing based on Greek-Arabic Natural Medicine treating the cause of the illness condition and prevention of disease by advising healthy living e.g. diet, exercise, sleep, detoxification, breathing. Cupping therapy is an ancient technique that makes use of suction of certain points or areas of the body and may involve blood letting of toxic blood. It is used for various illnesses and also linked to prophetic medicine. Natural Health:Unani Tibb Medicine and Cupping Therapy Saturday, January 19, 2013 Natural remedies for headaches Headaches are a very common term used to describe pain that results from tension in the meninges and in the blood vessels as well as in the muscles of the scalp (The British Medical Association Illustrated Medical Dictionary). It varies in type, intensity, significance and clinical presentation depending on the cause. In most cases, a headache is caused by stress and anxiety although other more severe cases that often result in a migraine (more disabling type of headache) include hypertension, sinusitis, meningitis or brain haemorrhage to name a few. Recurrence and intensity of the headache are main factors in determining the magnitude/significance of the headache and whether further investigation is necessary (Marcovitch, 2005 ). Due to the increase in popularity of natural medicine, many people are drifting away from conventional medicine to treat their various conditions of which headaches and migraines are of the most prevalent reasons for doing so (BK Vogler, 1998). One of the reasons why many people tend towards natural medicine is because they are dissatisfied with conventional medicine e.g. too many adverse effects, costly and ineffective treatment (Astin, 1998). Some of the alternative therapies used in treatment of headaches that dates back to ancient times include herbal remedies, acupuncture, acupressure, music therapy, relaxation techniques (e.g. meditation, yoga), massage, aromatherapy and cupping which is commonly used in Unani Tibb medicine. According to Tibb philosophy there are four main types of headaches categorised according to each temperament and there specific location on the head. These headaches present differently due to different causes such as excess or The Classification of headaches: Unani Tibb v.s. Allopathic/conventional medicine Natural remedies for headaches Headaches are a very common term used to describe pain that results from tension in the meninges and in the blood vessels as well as in th... Temperament:The factors that make us unique I'm sure we have all wondered what makes us different to everyone else, why we have specific physical traits and characteristics that ot... “Meditation: Fact or Fiction?” Unrevealing the Science behind Meditation There are various definitions of meditation, Microsoft Encarta 2006 defines meditation as the emptying of the mind of thoughts, or the c... Popular Posts 0 More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In

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Holistic healing based on Greek-Arabic Natural Medicine treating the cause of the illness condition and prevention ofdisease by advising healthy living e.g. diet, exercise, sleep, detoxification, breathing. Cupping therapy is an ancienttechnique that makes use of suction of certain points or areas of the body and may involve blood letting of toxic blood. Itis used for various illnesses and also linked to prophetic medicine.

Natural Health:Unani TibbMedicine and Cupping Therapy

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Natural remedies for headachesHeadaches are a very common term used to describe pain that results from tension in the meninges and in the bloodvessels as well as in the muscles of the scalp (The British Medical Association Illustrated Medical Dictionary). Itvaries in type, intensity, significance and clinical presentation depending on the cause. In most cases, a headache iscaused by stress and anxiety although other more severe cases that often result in a migraine (more disabling type ofheadache) include hypertension, sinusitis, meningitis or brain haemorrhage to name a few. Recurrence and intensity ofthe headache are main factors in determining the magnitude/significance of the headache and whether furtherinvestigation is necessary (Marcovitch, 2005 ). Due to the increase in popularity of natural medicine, many people aredrifting away from conventional medicine to treat their various conditions of which headaches and migraines are of themost prevalent reasons for doing so (BK Vogler, 1998). One of the reasons why many people tend towards naturalmedicine is because they are dissatisfied with conventional medicine e.g. too many adverse effects, costly andineffective treatment (Astin, 1998). Some of the alternative therapies used in treatment of headaches that dates back toancient times include herbal remedies, acupuncture, acupressure, music therapy, relaxation techniques (e.g. meditation,yoga), massage, aromatherapy and cupping which is commonly used in Unani Tibb medicine.

According to Tibb philosophy there are four main types of headaches categorised according to each temperament andthere specific location on the head. These headaches present differently due to different causes such as excess or

The Classification of headaches: Unani Tibb v.s. Allopathic/conventionalmedicine

Natural remedies forheadachesHeadaches are a verycommon term used todescribe pain thatresults from tension in

the meninges and in the blood vesselsas well as in th...

Temperament:The factors that makeus uniqueI'm sure we have all wondered whatmakes us different to everyone else,why we have specific physical traitsand characteristics that ot...

“Meditation: Fact or Fiction?”Unrevealing the Science behindMeditationThere are various definitions ofmeditation, Microsoft Encarta 2006defines meditation as the emptying ofthe mind of thoughts, or the c...

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imbalance of the humours as a result of improper diet or other causes related to lifestyle factors or trauma. The fourmain headaches classified by Tibb philosophy include: melancholic headache, bilious headache, sanguinous headacheand a phlegmatic headache. There is also a strong link between predisposition to these types of headaches and theindividual’s temperament e.g. individuals with a dominant phlegmatic temperament will be more inclined tophlegmatic headaches (frontal headaches).Melancholic headaches are due to excess or abnormal melancholic humour associated with excess cold & drynesspresent in the body due to factors such as stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, excess intake of cold and dry food and drink(e.g. tea/coffee, sour foods, and lack of water intake) or emotions like grief. It presents with pain and discomfort in theoccipital area (back) of the head which may become generalised and spread to the neck and shoulders. A biliousheadache can be described as pain occurring in the parietal areas of the head and temples, either bilateral or unilateraldistribution. It is often described as a throbbing sensation and is associated with excess heat and dryness in the systemassociated with excess or abnormal bilious humour. Some of the causes related to this type of headache are excessiveexposure to heat and dryness from the external and internal environment such as standing in the heat of summer forlong hours, excess intake of alcohol, excessive emotions like anger and frustration, excessive strenuous exercise, lackof water intake, and excessive intake of spicy food. When the headache is on located on the top part of the head(sagital area) it is called a sanguinous headache. The causes of a sanguinous headache are an excess or abnormal stateof sanguinous humour associated with excess heat and moistness. This is commonly due to hypervolaemia whichoccurs mostly in individuals with hypertension (sanguinous hypertension). Other causes include excessive intake ofsalty foods, a diet high in hot and moist foods, and strenuous exercise. Phlegmatic headaches are located in the frontalarea due to an excessive amount of moistness and cold in the system associated with abnormal or excess phlegmatichumour. This is prevalent in conditions such as colds and flu as well as in situations of over exposure to cold and rainyenvironments, excessive intake of cold & moist food and drink (e.g. rice, dairy, cold drinks), emotions like depressionand sadness, excessive sleep and lack of exercise (Manxiwa, 2009).

In allopathic medicine, the classification of headaches is quite extensive based on the cause, presentation,distribution, associated factors and precipitating factors. Headaches associated with pain above the eye or in thecheekbone area uni- or bilaterally can be correlated with a phlegmatic headache. A tension headache on the otherhand has a wider distribution as it is usually bilateral but may be generalised or localised to the back of the headand upper neck or to the frontotemporal area so it is hard to match this exactly with a headache of Tibbphilosophy. However, the symptoms associated with a tension headache can give a better perspective on thespecific link to the Tibb philosophy e.g. if the tension headache is associated with anxiety and stress it is morelikely that the headache will be most prominent in the occipital area associated with a melancholic headache butif symptoms of depression are present instead then it is most likely a frontal phlegmatic headache. A clusterheadache on the other hand is usually unilateral and precipitated by alcohol (has a quality of heat and dryness)which suggests that this type of headache could be linked to a bilious headache (Bate's guide to physicalexamination and history taking 10th ed., 2009).

Peppermint is said to dull a tension headache when a few drops of oil is massaged onto the temples(Mandile, 2003). Despite having been used for its medicinal values for thousands of years by the

Egyptian, Greek and Roman eras, peppermint was only officially recognised in the 17th century. Double-

Anecdotal remedies for headaches

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blind scientific studies revealed that peppermint decreases pain sensitivity thus relieving tensionheadaches (Joseph E. Pizzorno, 1999) . Peppermint creates a cooling sensation and its scent acts as acarminative and clears nasal passages which can be especially useful if the headache is caused by stress orsinus pressure (Melgren, 2010).

The application of eucalyptus oil to the forehead or as an inhalant can also help with headaches(especially associated with congestion) by exerting a soothing and relaxing sensation to the muscles andclear nasal passages (Melgren, 2010).

Feverfew: for centuries it has been used in treatment of migraines (mostly prophylactic) and as afebrifuge. Studies conducted in Britain during the 1970’s-1980 have concluded that feverfew (driedleaves) reduced the number and severity of attacks in patients who suffer from migraines (Joseph E.Pizzorno, 1999).

Lavender can be used externally for headaches as a lotion or as an inhalant using the essential oil (Felter,2001). The scent of lavender has a carminative effect and has been proven to be effective in treatment ofheadaches associated with insomnia, stress and anxiety (Melgren, 2010).

Roman chamomile and valerian root is also known for its use in treatment of headaches (McClintock,1999).

Belladonna is also a well known herb used in specific doses for treating congestion, throbbing congestiveheadache, nervo-congestive headaches; or for dull, heavy headaches with feelings of drowsiness (Felter,2001)

The root of Bryonia dioica (commonly known as Bryonia) is practically unused in mainstream medicinebut very well known to Homeopaths for its use for headaches that occur mostly in frontal regions due tocongestion but can spread to occiput regions with eyes pain and exacerbated by movement (Felter, 2001).

Another interesting herb used for occipital headaches is oats (Avena sativa).

Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet) is a remedy used for all conditions associated with cold and dampnesssuch as congestive headaches (Blair, 1907).

Nigella sativa (Black seed) was recommended by both Dioscorides and Ibn Sina for use in treatment ofheadaches (Goreja, 2003).

Other forms of alternative therapies used in treatment of headaches include acupressure, acupuncture,reflexology, massage therapy and cupping which work on the energy meridians of the body to unblockenergy channels to allow energy flow through the body (Carson-DeWitt, 2009).

According to Tibb philosophy, treatment follows the healing cycle where the quality and humoural imbalance of adisorder is managed with the opposite frames (In an acute condition) or adjacent frames (in chronic conditions).

Figure .Healing cycle

Correlating Tibb philosophy to the anecdotal remedies for headaches

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A good example is the use of eucalyptus oil which has a hot & dry quality in treatment of phlegmatic headachesassociated with congestion which has a cold & moist quality and usually presents as an acute condition. This hasproven to be effective as a form of treatment when used as an inhalant, compress or during massage. Lavender has adry & hot quality with carminative and sedative properties (Kisten, 2009). Uses for lavender include treatment ofheadaches associated with insomnia, stress and tension which are all associated with an excess cold & dry quality ofthe melancholic humour which is also most commonly a chronic problem. It makes perfect sense that this type ofheadache will be treated with the adjacent frames: dry & hot (lavender), hot & dry and hot & moist quality frames; asthis will gradually increase the amount of heat then moistness in the system thus decreasing melancholic humour. Oatshas a hot & moist quality and is therefore effective in treatment of an acute occipital melancholic headache (cold &dry) as it lie in the opposite quality frame thus increasing moistness and heat in the system and decreasing the amountof coldness and dryness. The quality of the herb, Belladonna, is not exactly clear but its actions and indications wouldsuggest that it has a Dry and hot quality since it dries up mucous secretions (Moore, 1995). Anecdotal evidence showsthat Belladonna is used for congestion and headaches associated with congestion with symptoms of sleepiness anddrowsiness that correlates to excess phlegmatic humour which is a cold & moist imbalance (Felter, 2001).

Some spiritual healing techniques are one of the most ancient techniques known to man. These forms of healingpractices are said to guide the individual to different levels and places in themselves through various techniques suchas prayer, contemplation, meditation, drumming, storytelling and mythology thereby awakening the energies of thespirit towards healing and represent contact with the spiritual dimension. The main concept of spirituality is not toundermine religions but to enhance them and find common ground amongst all people to exclude our differences andunite due to our similarities (Kaszubski, 2004). This differs significantly to anecdotal remedies for headaches as thelatter is based on the effects of the herbs or alternative therapies on the body whilst the other is more focused on anenergetic and spiritual level.In the Muslim society, Black Seed has great religious value as it was quoted by the prophet (Peace be upon him) over1400 years ago that Black Seed is a cure for all diseases except death (Goreja, 2003). So in this case, people startedusing Black Seed merely due to religious or spiritual reasons and it was very effective until quite recently when actual

Anecdotal remedies vs. Spiritual/religious remedies

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scientific evidence proved the effectiveness of the herb. This is a clear example of the difference betweenspiritual/religious healing and anecdotal remedies. Certain schools of thought believe that a headache (especiallyrecurring ones) can be an indication of ghosts, demons, evil spirits or negative energies invading the individual and inthis case spiritual healing (chanting, meditation and prayer) is done to eradicate these evil spirits (Control ofmigraine/severe headache through spiritual healing remedies, 2010). Faith healing refers to the use of prayer and beliefin the power of God to treat disease and other disorders. During this type of healing, faith healer use lying of hands toenhance healing. A strong belief in a higher power is believed to enhance the mind-body state and accelerate thehealing response (Navarra, 2004).Some of the Biblical herbs used to treat headaches include coriander, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, barley, henna,myrtle, vetiver and horse radish (Duke, 2008).Quotations from Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Herbs of the Bible referring to these herbs include:And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of itwas like wafers made with honey. Exodus 16:31 (KJV)

I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desertthe fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together. Isaiah 41:19 (KJV)

Islamic sufi healing is another example of religious/spiritual healing which is based on prayer, chanting,meditation as well as use of essential oils and other practices in order for healing to occur. Sufi healers believethat healing the sick is the most important duty to humanity. Also included in these practices are dietaryrecommendations of the Prophet (Pbuh), the preparation of herbal formulas, healing with essential oils, fastingand prayer, and talismans (Navarra, 2004).

In African traditional medicine, a sangoma (shaman/healer) plays the role as the healer and they are a selectedfew who are said to have been given “the calling” to heal. They heal by a certain process and are largely linked tothe psychic world and similar media. They rely upon ancestors who guide them to diagnose and treat illnessesand its cause to ward off evil spirits using various tools e.g. bones, herbs, dolls and personal possessions of theindividual (Navarra, 2004).

Alternative/ Natural medicine can be very effective in treatment of most types of headaches and it can definitely be thesolution to the eradication of OTC drugs/medication like NSAID’s that can have long term implications on one’shealth due to its harmful side effects. A more natural and holistic approach can be easily adopted by society if morepeople become aware of the various forms of natural treatment methods available to them. There are various optionsavailable but some will be more appropriate than others depending on your school of thought and what you are opento. One of the most popular and simple methods of treating a headache includes simple home remedies that can beinexpensive and effective. One should not however, that a recurring headache with other neurological symptomsshould be closely monitored and attended to by a specialist to rule out any severe/life threatening diseases.

Astin, J. A. (1998). Why Patients Use Alternative Medicine: Results of a National Study. JAMA , 1548.Bate's guide to physical examination and history taking 10th ed. (2009). Lippinkot & Williams.BK Vogler, M. P. (1998). Feverfew as a preventive treatment for migraine: a systematic review. Cephalagia , 704.Blair, T. (1907). A Practitioner's Handbookof Materia medica and therapeutics. Philidephia: The Medical council.Carson-DeWitt, R. (2009, February 15). About.com headaches and migraines. Retrieved July 30, 2010, fromAbout.com: http://headaches.about.com/lw/Health-Medicine/Conditions-and-diseases/Alternative-Therapies-for-Treating-Migraines.htmControl of migraine/severe headache through spiritual healing remedies. (2010). Retrieved july 30, 2010, from


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Posted by Dr. Faeeza Abdullatief at 12:26 PM 1 comment:

Labels: anecdotal remedies, headaches, herbs, humours, temperaments

Spiritual science research foundation:http://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/articles/id/spiritualresearch/spiritualityandhealth/control_migraineDuke, J. A. (2008). Duke's handbook of medicinal herbs of the bible. Boca Raton: CRC press.Felter, H. W. (2001). The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Arizona: Cincinnati.Goreja, W. (2003). Black Seed, Nature' Miracle Remedy. New York: Amazing Herbs Press.Joseph E. Pizzorno, M. T. (1999). Textbook of Natural Medicine (2 volume set) 2nd edition. Churchill Livinngstone.Kaszubski, F. &. (2004). Absolute beginner's guide to alternative medicine. Indianapolis: Sam's Pubishing.Kisten, N. (2009). Plants and the nervous system. PHARMACOLOGY, PHARMACY AND HERBAL MEDICINELecture notes . Faculty of Community health sciences, School of NAtural Medicine: University of the Western cape.Mandile, M. N. (2003, August). 50 home remedies that work: these safe, fast, and effective fixes will relieve what ails.Retrieved July 30, 2010, from Natural Health: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_moNAHManxiwa, F. (2009). Clinical practice. Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.Marcovitch, H. (2005 ). Black's Medical Dictionary 41st edition. London: A & C Black.McClintock, R. (1999). God's healing leaves. Rapidan: Hartland publications.Melgren, S. (2010, March 6). Natural headache and migraine relief. Retrieved July 30, 2010, from Natural HomeMagazine: http://www.naturalhomemagazine.com/natural-health/natural-headache-and-migraine-relief.aspxMoore, M. (1995). An Herbal/Medical dictionary. New mexico: SOUTHWEST SCHOOL OF BOTANICALMEDICINE.Navarra, T. (2004). The Encyclopedia of Complementary & Alternative Medicine (ebook). New York.The British Medical Association Illustrated Medical Dictionary. London: A Dorling Kindersley Book.

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“Meditation: Fact or Fiction?” Unrevealing the Science behindMeditation

There are various definitions of meditation, Microsoft Encarta 2006 defines meditation as the emptying of the mind ofthoughts, or the concentration of the mind on one thing, in order to aid mental or spiritual development, contemplation,or relaxation; pondering about something; or serious studying of a subject. Another meaning of meditation is the artand science of quieting and centering the mind and coordinating breathing for the purpose of relaxation and clarity ofthinking (Navarra, 2004). Some may associate meditation with religion and prayer e.g. Islam uses words like‘Inshallah’; Hindus use ‘Om’ and Christians say ‘our father who art in heaven’. In today’s ever changing fast lifestyleit is becoming a constant challenge to stop and think about every moment and make time for ourselves to unwind andthis is one of the reasons why conditions such as hypertension, chronic illness and stress are so prevalent. If it were afew 100 years earlier, meditation would merely be a part of your daily activities but this is different today. Untilrecently, meditation has merely been significant in religion and spirituality but since a large amount of scientificresearch has been conducted around meditation especially those associated with healing, meditation has become acommon practice between both conventional and natural practitioners. Many of the ancient practices of meditationsuch as tai chi, transcendental meditation, mindfulness and yoga are commonly practiced today to assist withconditions such as stress; hypertension; and even pain too name a few (Kaszubski, 2004). This article explores thefacts concerning the science that proves the value and significance of meditation and its beneficial effects on healthand healing.

Although many people are still skeptical about whether meditation is just a thing that weird spirited people do and thatit’s not a legitimate method of healing, there is now scientific evidence to prove them wrong. As research progresses itopens up the doors to the significant benefits of meditation not just spiritually but on a wide range of physiological

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Posted by Dr. Faeeza Abdullatief at 11:59 AM 1 comment:

Labels: anxiety, hypertension, meditation, melatonin, relaxation, science, spirituality, stress

levels too. One method of meditation called mindfulness showed fascinating results in a study conducted in individualson an 8 week clinical training program. This type of meditation originates from ancient Buddhist practice whichcenters around philosophy and meditation in which one ‘lives in the moment’, in other words, one becomes moreaware and concentrates on being actively involved in everything you do and pay attention to each detail e.g. eating afruit- tasting and enjoying the fruit and not have wandering thoughts (Kaszubski, 2004). This study showed significantresults in how meditation can alter your brain activity and even immune function. The outcome of this clinical trialshowed that there was an increase in the left-sided anterior activation associated with a decrease in anxiety, as well asincrease in influenza antibody titers in individuals undertaking the mindfulness meditation training compared to non-meditators.

Research carried out at Austin-Repatriation Medical Centre, Heidelberg, Melbourne in conjunction with La TrobeUniversity on the relationship between meditation (mainly yoga and transcendental meditation) and melatonin showedthat there was a definite increase in plasma melatonin levels after a period of mediation. The conclusion was that it iseither related to specific placebo effect of meditation or direct physiological mechanism such as an increase in therelease by the pineal gland or decrease hepatic metabolism of melatonin. Whatever the reason may be, the outcome isespecially interesting since melatonin plays an important role in regulating stress levels, its antioxidant effects protectsagainst cellular damage and it also acts as a powerful free radical scavenger, anticancer, anti-aging andimmunoaugmentation (Gregory A. Tooley, 1999).

Meditation also seemed to have beneficial effects in patients with anxiety disorders by decreasing symptoms ofanxiety according to studies conducted at the Department of Psychiatry, Pochon CHA University College of Medicine(Sang Hyuk Leea, 2006). In today’s life, stress is the main contributing factor to many diseases of lifestyle especiallyin psychological, cardiovascular and endocrine related disorders (Monk-Turner, 2003). Effectiveness of meditation onthe central and autonomic nervous system have been documented showing positive results in the regulation of thesesystems related to heart rate, respiratory system physiology, as well as skin conductance response (Yi-Yuan Tanga,2009). This concludes scientific proof of the mind-body interaction which has been the foundation of alternativemedicine and healing. It’s ironic how people are now turning back to ancient healing techniques offered by naturalmedicine after years of conventional medicine and the realization of the beneficial effects as opposed to the harmfuleffects that come with conventional medicine.

Meditation is but only a small portion of the positive impact of natural medicine and the power of the mind. Peopleunderestimate the power of the mind, as the saying goes “mind-over-matter”, we can overcome anything with tuningour mind the right way and if we achieve that, our quality of life will become much better. It’s amazing howmeditation seems to enhance your body’s functions and this makes one think of how much potential we have within usif we tap into our mind and learn to unlock it.


Gregory A. Tooley, S. M. (1999). Acute increases in night-time plasma melatonin. Elsevier, Biological psychology ,69, 70, 71, 76.Kaszubski, F. &. (2004). Absolute beginner's guide to alternative medicine. Indianapolis: Sam's Pubishing.Monk-Turner, E. (2003). The benefits of meditation: experimental findings. The social science journal , 465-467.Navarra. (2004). Encyclopedia to alternating & complementary medicine. New York: Facts on File, Inc.Sang Hyuk Leea, S. C. (2006). Effectiveness of a meditation-based stress management program as an adjunct topharmacotherapy in patients with anxiety disorder. Journal of psychosomatic research , 189-190.Yi-Yuan Tanga, b. Y. (2009). Central and autonomic nervous system interaction is altered by short-term meditation.PNAS , 8865–8870.

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Temperament:The factors that make us uniqueI'm sure we have all wondered what makes us different to everyone else, why we have specific physicaltraits and characteristics that others may not necessarily have, why we prefer certain weather conditions,foods and even the way we think, speak and interact with others. this is due to an inherent compositioncalled your temperament. According to Unani Tibb Medicine there are 4 main temperaments based on theelements/qualities of heat, cold, dryness and moisture, which are all present in every living organism inthe universe but in different quantities known as your temperament or qualitative constitution. The Fourtemperaments are Sanguinous, Bilious, Melancholic and Phlegmatic. The Sanguinous temperament isassociated with the element of Air which has a Hot & Moist quality. The Bilious temperament is associatedwith the element of Fire which has a Hot & Dry quality. The Melancholic temperament is associated withthe element of Earth which naturally has a Cold & Dry quality. The Phlegmatic temperament on the otherhand is associated with Water which has a Cold and Moist quality.

Each element has certain characteristics which can be seen in the constitution of people and all livingthings.they can be associated with the following:

Earth Water Air Fire

Tendency Spreading Drooping To and from Rising

Bodily system Skeleton Muscles Circulation Liver

Excretion Faeces Urine Saliva Sweat, tears

Sense Touch Taste Hearing Smell

Bodily function Form Nutrition Respiration Digestion,voluntary bodilymovements

Mentality Torpid Phlegmatic Cheerful Emotional

Mental state Obstinancy,fearfulness


Humor Weeping, anger

To determine one's temperamental contitution it is important to note that you will have a dominant andsub-dominant temperament depending on the quantitative quality that is most dominant (e.g. heat,

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dryness, moisture or cold). the following is a guideline to assess your temperament. note that you shouldtick one box for each question that best describes you. at the end of the questionnaire add your totals, thetemperament with the highest score is your dominant and the one with the 2nd highest score is your sub-dominant temperament. note that there should be a common quality between the dominant and sub-dominant temperament e.g. Sanguinous dominant and phlegmatic subdominant has a dominance ofmoisture. Also, your temperament only fully develops in you 20's.

Temperamental Evaluation Form (Unani Tibb)

Name: Age:Gender:

Category Sanguinous(Hot & Moist)

Phlegmatic(Cold & Moist)

Bilious(Hot & Dry)

Melancholic(Cold & Dry)

1. Physicalfeatures-head-hairline-hands-frame-eyes-veins

Med to large frame

with more muscle.

Hourglass shape,

short, robust, build.

Face: heart shaped

with widows peak for

women & early hair

recession from centre

for men, small chin,

deep set almond

eyes, narrowing

forehead, small lips

Hands: small hands,

knuckles at base of

fingers broad, fleshy

palm, fingers short,

thick, strong grasp.

Veins are apparent.

Med to large frame,

more fat. Rounded

shape, small, youthful

build. Face: rounded,

large for body,

rounded eyes &

cheeks, small mouth.

Hands: small,

delicate, rounded with

rounded palm, small

fingers, weak grasp.

Veins are not


Med frame, lean.

Squarish shape,

large muscular build.

Face: squarish,

straight brows, mouth

straight, jaw is strong

& square, eyes close

to nose, wide

forehead & straight


Hands: large,

squarish, large palm

solid fingers, firm

grasp. Veins are


Thin bony frame (short

& tall). Oblong, oval

shape, delicate,

elongated build.

Face: oval/oblong,

shallow set eyes,

arched eyebrows,

arched eyebrows, high

forehead and full wide

lips & recession at the

temples in men.

Hands: narrow hands,

long, tapered, slender

fingers, gentle grasp.

Veins are noticeable.

2. Gait Macho stride Slow pace Firm stride Quick, anxious pace

3. Speech Clear, moderate to


Slow, soft Sharp, talkative, loud Fast, less vocal, soft

4. Skintexture

Moderate softness &

moistness, warm

Cool, moist soft Warm & dry Dry, rough & cold

5. Introvert, Persuasive, Introvert, Calm Extrovert, Extrovert, Thoughtful

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sociable, outgoing,



patient, good listener.


outspoken, dominant,

driver may be short


logical, analytical, tend

to be perfectionists.

6. Emotionaltraits-Anger-Joy-Forgiveness

Playful, cheerful,


disorganized, tends

to exaggerate.

Anger: slow to anger,

quick to forgive

Joy: likes a party,

invites people to

share the joy, likes

singing, dancing,

music, surprises &


Shy, Self contained,


Anger: quick to anger,

quick to forgive

Joy: Likes support of

family, enjoys

gathering with familiar

faces, likes to do

service to others,

Quiet walks with a


Aggressive, angry,

irritable, impatient.

Anger: slow to anger,

slow to forgive

Joy: Likes the best

celebration ever, no

expense spared,

loves recognition,

loves to recognise


Fearful, insecure,

suspicious, anxious.

Anger: Quick to anger

and slow to forgive

Joy: Likes to celebrate

in nature and beauty,

enjoys eating and

drinking, likes creative

expression, music,

dance and taking time

off to self

7. Mentalactivity

Balanced response Calm, cool minded Critical, decisive,

sharp minded

Restless, enquiring,



8. Climaticpreferences

Autumn and winter:

cold and dry


Summer & spring:

likes hot and dry


Winter: cold and

rainy weather, cold

and moist conditions

Summer and rainy

weather, hot and moist


9. Sleeppatterns

Regular 7 hrs sleep,

with rare tendency to

insomnia (Deep 6-


8-9hrs sleep with



at least 8hrs,


5-6hrs sleep with

strong tendency to

insomnia (low but


Irregular 5-10 hrs sleep

with occasional

tendency to


(interrupted sleep)

10. Appetite Healthy appetite with

moderate to

excessive thirst.

Slow, steady appetite,

low thirst and can skip


Good appetite,

excessive thirst,

cannot delay meals,

becomes irritable

Irregular and variable

appetite and thirst

11. Drinkstemperature

Cold Hot Cold Hot

12. Snacks/food craving

Creamy &


flavours and textures,

loves cinnamon,

cloves black pepper

Fruit & milk, pungent

& milky taste, fruit,

berries, milk, yogurt,

mild cheeses, cottage

cheese, cookies, little

Salt & meat, dry firm

textures, salted

peanuts, pretzels,

instant meaty meals

warmed in the oven,

Carbs & caffeine, sweet

& chocolaty flavours,

chewy and smooth

textures, past, breads,

muffins, cereal,

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Posted by Dr. Faeeza Abdullatief at 12:37 PM No comments:

Labels: elements, medicine, qualities, temperament, unani tibb

& chocolate, butter

cream, cheese,

yogurt, shellfish, eats

slow, cheesecake/pie

for dessert.

taste for alcohol, eats

slow, ice-cream & fruit

or cookies for dessert.

beef, burgers,

distilled liquor, eats

fast, not big on


cookies, candy, coffee

and milk chocolate,

wine & beer, eats fast,

cakes and ice cream

for dessert.

13. Healthproblems


diabetes, congestion

esp. in head

Phlegm related

respiratory disorders

Inflammation, rashes

or redness, hayfever

Colon and gas related

disorders and



Melancholic Choleric Phlegmatic Sanguine

15. Weightdistribution

Men: hips, butt, inner

thighs, some belly,

backs of thighs

Women: hips, butt,

inner thighs, below

the waist and backs

of thighs

Men and Women:

Evenly all over

Men: above the

waist, neck and

shoulders, all around

the middle, paunch,

legs stay thin, face

Women: above the

waist, shoulders,

breasts, love

handles, waist, legs

stay thin, face

Men: Belly, face, outer

thighs, hands and face

Women: Belly, breasts,

outer thighs, back of

upper arm, hands

16. Methodof learning

Smell/taste: Let me

see how it feels.

Judges by feelings,

wants a flow chart

and looks for the


Perceives by touch,

judges by

demonstration, wants

to learn hands on,

looks for reliable


Perceives by sight,

judges by intuition,

wants a diagram,

looks at the big


Perceives by sound,

judges by adequacy of

explanation, wants to

hear by what authority

and looks for details

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