uncanny myths about engagement rings


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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Uncanny myths about engagement rings


Page 2: Uncanny myths about engagement rings

TRADITIONS AND MYTHS:Tradition is something that has immense value, especially if you belong to an ethnically rich nation, for instance, India. Needless to say, events such as marriage and engagement often are typically traditional by essence. Making these moments special are the impeccable jewellery and astonishing apparels one adorns. However, clouded by the feel of tradition, there is a tentative scope for some myths to also show up time and again. On that note, let’s take a gander at some myths about engagement rings.

Page 3: Uncanny myths about engagement rings

THE SURPRISE FACTOR:Isn’t it too clichéd that you ought to surprise your love with an engagement ring and she would go all gaga and OMG would be the words you would hear? Period.Lets’ just say you never know what surprise is destined in return to your surprise. Case in point, nix the surprise factor and find out what she likes before you make that grand debut.

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IF IT IS A DIAMOND RING IT HAS TO BE COLOURLESS: Another clichéd thought is that if it is a Diamond ring, it has to be colourless just as what is being followed ever since.Seriously ?It is the 21st century and women are quite frenzy when it comes to all that glitter and fashion. Break the blues. Perhaps a colourful Diamond may do the trick, even better than you could have imagined.

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THE BIGGER THE BETTER: Our preconceived minds always instinctively tell us that when it comes to gifts, the bigger the better. Ironic isn’t it ? Well, break the stereotype, silly. Often minimal things do the magic. Besides, if you know your loved one’s taste, you will figure it out sooner than later, that happiness comes in smaller bundles too!

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When you try to gift things specially diamond solitaire ring designs special for your loved one, just make sure that you don’t end up doing things over the top. Speak to her, know what she likes, build a taste similar to her and there you go, she’d smile at you the way you would have not expected, flawless. All the best!

Check out the videos for more latest designer jewellery of Hazoorilal Jewellers:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8usne3rZWkk

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