underground world edited

1 Under Ground World UK. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to extend my appreciation to the family of my great grand father Eria Mukiibi for having brought me up highly disciplined and in civilized manner of high quality that helped me through up to present day. I would wish to appreciate to all the teachers and the schools I went to for the good seed they mastered inside me. I would like to thank the Uganda National Council of Sports Board at the time for having selected my name among the team that represented Uganda in Kick-boxing tournament in Scotland. I wish to thank Cherwell District Council UK for having given me a chance to serve the public in that area. My special appreciation to Mr. David Kasper, for all the help given to me in various ways. My personal appreciation to Mr. Elvis Wavamuno Sekyanzi, Managing Director Club Silk, for all the support he gave me.

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Under Ground World by Chris Katende


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I would like to extend my appreciation to the family of my great grand father Eria Mukiibi for having brought me up highly disciplined and in civilized manner of high quality that helped me through up to present day.

I would wish to appreciate to all the teachers and the schools I went to for thegood seed they mastered inside me.

I would like to thank the Uganda National Council of Sports Board atthe time for having selected my name among the team that representedUganda in Kick-boxing tournament in Scotland.

I wish to thank Cherwell District Council UK for having given me achance to serve the public in that area.

My special appreciation to Mr. David Kasper, for all the help given to mein various ways.

My personal appreciation to Mr. Elvis Wavamuno Sekyanzi, ManagingDirector Club Silk, for all the support he gave me.

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My name is, Katende Christopher Davidson, the son of, Mr Nkuubi James and Kyomugisha Evalina. My dad was born to, my late grandfather, Eliya Mukiibi and his brother, T BB Katende, were born to the late, Kikooti Kigula, prominentfamily in Butega village, Singo Mityana District Kampala Uganda. I grew up with my great grandmother, the late Deborah Mukiibi. We were 8 grand children, under her care, and I’ am proud, to have been a monger the grand children, she brought up, at that time. I learnt lots of things from her, at very early age, characters that helped me through, even in present day life. I went to local schools in Mityana, like Namukoozi junior primary school, Butega primary school, and Mityana Modern secondary school. In 1990, when my great grand father, Eliya Mukibi died, I could not continue with school. That is when, I moved to Kampala city, to find a better life. Things turned out, not to be as easy, as thought in the first instance though. Meanwhile, in Kampala city, I met with my elder sister, from my mum side. Mrs Florence Mukasa, her name is, she was married to, Mr Mukasa Lameka. Basically, they were married, and had a family of 5 children. They lived in Kololo Kampala, in Uganda ElectricityBoard house quarters. Mrs Florence Mukasa, was working for, Uganda electricity board, at that time. Mr Mukasa, was working with Uganda commercialbank then, as cashier. Basically, life was a lot better, than my old village Butega in general. Meanwhile, I was hoping for a job, all the time, to start earning, and help out, on domestic issues. However, I spent the whole year, helping out on domestic work rather. But I had high hopes, of getting a job, at my sister’s office,and one evening, she came home from work, with rather good news to me. Basically, I was to go for a trial interview, the next day. Meanwhile, with all the excitement in me, I couldn’t wait for that time. The next morning anyway, I went for the interview, and I passed it, very well indeed. In the mean time, I was offered a job, as an office messenger, happy days those were. Meanwhile, I started working for U E B, and within just a year, I was promoted to officeclerk, and then, to a fuel clerk, based in Lugogo yard then. Meanwhile, I managed to join a business school, and every evening after work, I could go to attend to classes, to improve my standards most. After 2 years at college, I gained my diploma, in stores keeping. I also gained promotion at work, from fuel clerk, to stores keeper, attached to Lugogo U.E.B plant. I also joined a sports club, during this time, Nakivubo sports gym, to improve on my fitnesslevel. Meanwhile, I continued working for U.E.B, until 1996, when I was dismissed, over unclear reasons. Life never got easy since, I went through a

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lot of difficult times, during this period, without a job. But I was determined,to keep my fitness level as high. Basically, I continued to exercise with, Nakivubo sports gym, almost full time then. We were like one family, with most boys in the gym, exchanging ideas, and that. In 1997, I got a job, as a security bouncer, at a night club -silk. It was such a challenging job, working at nights, and the physical bit of it, but I was up to the challenge most. Meanwhile, I met a lot of people, from different backgrounds, and learning a lot as well, during my time, at club silk. Basically, the nature of my job, one had to be well fit, and able to defend himself, when attacked. It is all to do with, night club fights, and violence, by customers that is. Meanwhile, I joined a kickboxing and martial arts school, Alfa, on Buganda road, part timely. In the mean time, quick learner as ever, I excelled in kickboxing categories. In 2001, I passed my black belt done 6, with Alfa kickboxing club still. Meanwhile, in August 2002, I was elected among other 7 people, that would represent Uganda, as kick-boxers, in Scotland Glasgow. Basically, this was a one time chance, in a life style, it was really good news for me, at that time, I was looking forward to it. However, we had to fund our trip, to Scotland though. Meanwhile, during this time, I had to double, my exercise efforts, looking forward, to the tournament ahead. Basically the selected names were as follows; Mukasa Joseph, team captain,Sekamanya Andrew, Katende Chris, Bogere Isimah, Kimbugwe Patrick,Sebuyira Robert, Vivian Namwanje, and kawooya Richard. Meanwhile, we started training together as a team, for over 3 months, in preparations to the tournament. In the mean time, we came to know, and understand each other very well, more like one team then. Meanwhile, In 2003/May /16th the whole team, went for the compulsory visa interviews, at the British high commission KampalaUganda, and we all passed, very well. I remember that time, as extremely happy days. Meanwhile, the following 2 weeks, we all had to get prepared, for the trip to Scotland. On 26th may-2003, around 8:00pm Ugandan time, the whole team were at Entebe international airport, for a check in, to United Kingdom. After wards, we boarded a British Airways plane, spending 8 hours, non stop fright, to Heathrow Airport. Meanwhile, we arrived in the UK, the following morning May 27th. We were checked in at airport, and then, proceedto another plane to Scotland. Within 1hour, we landed in Glasgow airport, and then, someone was at the airport, to receive us. We took off, to the allocatedhotels, where we stayed for 2 good weeks.

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Towards the end of the tournament, I had gone through to the finals, which were to take place, that flowing Sunday. However, I twisted my ankle in trainingthough, so I was unable, to participate in the finals then. I was gutted a little bit, for I had been 1 of the best players, in the tournament. But then, I also had a chance to work out my future, before the end of the tournament. Basically, we were meant to go back to Uganda, after the tournament. However, I had different views, on this issue though. Meanwhile, I contacted my old friend Kigundu Phillip, for help. We had worked together, as nightclub bouncers, in Uganda before. Meanwhile, he was living in the UK, for 3 good years then. Basically, he was 1 of the potential, options I had. In the mean time, without telling anyone, in our team group, I sneaked out of the hotel, and took off, to the local train station, heading off to London. That is were Phillip was living, at that time. He directed me, to board a train to, London Paddington station, earlier on the phone. Meanwhile, we must have travelled, for about 3 hours or more, before arriving at London Paddington. At the station, everything seemed very new to me, I was gazing at everything I see, just like you would imagine. Anyway, I walked outside the station, to the Asian shops, to buy myself, a calling card, I needed to call Phillip, my old friend. I managed to get through to him, but apparently, he was still at work. He said to me, he would be a long while, to come then. Meanwhile, I took a walk to a nearby, people’s park, and I waited there. I must have waited, for like 2 hours, in the park. Believe me or not, this is a lot of time, for somebody, new to the country. However, I did not have a lot of options, either way though. In London, it is rather difficultto notice, somebody is been in one place, for a long time. It is just this, natu-ral instinct, I kept getting paranoid, thinking people will realise, the time I had spent waiting. I was also cautioned of the police earlier, apparently they would arrest anyone, looking suspicious. And that, would mean trouble for me, straight away, I thought. Meanwhile, I was on big tension, all the time, in that case. Anyway, after that long wait, Phillip appeared in sight, and that was a big relief, for me then. Oh my God Chris, well come to London my friend, Phillip said. Thank you, nice to see you, I replied. Happy to see you too, how are you doing, he continued. Just 50/50, I said. Right, let us not waste more time, we are going far, let us go, he hurried, helping me with my other smaller bag, as well. In the mean time, we headed back to Paddington station. After buying our travel cards, we walked towards the platform edge, and waited for the next train respectively. Meanwhile, I had not seen Phillip for over 3 years, he had

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obviously, changed a little bit. Good looking health skin, and all that, he very well, looked UK standards, I thought. Anyway, we had time to remind ourselves,over the past good times, back in Uganda, this and that. After around 10 minutes,in the train, we had to swap to other train again, Phillip said. So, we carried on to another train platform, and then boarded into. In a short while, we swapped on, to the bus, as well. Basically, it must have taken us, like 45 minutes, to our first destination altogether. In the mean time, we alighted off the bus, and Philliptook me, to a fish and chips shop, for I was starving then. After wards, we went to his friend’s house for a while, and then latter on, we said good bye to Phillip’sfriend, making another move then. Off we went to the bus stop, and after about 15minutes on the bus, we alighted off, and walked down, to the apartment house. Meanwhile, Phillip had also cautioned me earlier, that when we get to this house, I should call him, Ade Olukulu, for the reason being, that was the name, he was known by apparently. Anyway, he knocked on the front door of the flat, and the woman came out. Hello, she said, come on in, she went on to say. Basically, it was only 1 bedroom, so she sat on the bed, with Phillip, aka Ade, and I sat down, on the carpet floor. In the mean time, according to the body language, she did not look very happy, for some reason, I realised. Anyway,I came to know, she was a part time student, in 1 of, London colleges. Meanwhile,she kept calling him Ade this, Ade that, and I was listening mostly. However, time was running, and I was not sure, I had found my destination as yet. I was relying on, aka Ade, only just. Time was about 11:30pm London time, and I was not sure, of were to spent the night still. Meanwhile, aka Ade and the lady went outside, for a little private chart. I stayed, glued on the carpet floor, almostdozing off. I could guess, he was trying to convince her, to let me stay at her house then. Once again, when they came back inside, I could tell by her body language,she didn’t seem positive, on whatever aka Ade was telling her. However,after a lot of pleases from Ade, she agreed, I stay at her house then. Meanwhile,at around 12:30am, aka Ade, had to leave us. In the mean time, I stayed behind, and she walked with him, to the bus stop. She came back home, after about 10 minutes. However, she did not look as comfortable still, and after about 20 minutes gone, without a word, from either of us, she said to me, you are going to leave now or I call the police. I politely asked her, to call for me back, aka Ade, which she did. Meanwhile, she told him on the phone, if he did not come for me, with in 15 minutes, she was going to call the police. Oh, my goodness, I didn’t want anything, to do with the police, at that time, among other things. Meanwhile, aka Ade said, he was coming, but then, it took him another 30 minutes to arrive. When he arrived though, he ordered me, to get all my

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belongings,ready to make another move then. We rushed off, to the bus stop then, time was about 2:00am, I was so tired, and desperate to sleep.

SLEEPLESS NIGHT IN LONDONMeanwhile, Phillip explained to me, he did not have a specific home Address,at that time. He was just living in a Nigerian church house, and thetroubleis, they didn’t allow other people from outside, to stay at the church, unless afterauthorize, from the Pastor. However, we can go and wait, at the bus stopnearby, after they have finished, with the night prayers, we can thensneak inside, Phillip suggested. I personally, did not have many choicesanyway, apart from agreeing with whatever, Phillip was telling me. In the mean time, having spent only 2 weeks, in the country, the weather felt too cold for me, I was well freezing, at the bus stop. Nevertheless, we waited from around 2:30 am to 3:30 am. And then, Phillip said, let us get the next bus. It took us about 10 minutes on the bus, before he placed the bell, the bus to stop. We jumped off, and then, walked down the road. The Church is over there, he pointed in that direction, for me then. Stay here, for a little while, I will go and have a look, and then come back for you, he said to me, moving on. After about 5 minutes, he came back and said, they were done with the old night prayers, but then the Pastor, was still around, finalisingwith the paper work, and that, Phillip explained. But basically, we are going to sneak in quietly, he added, I replied, that is ok. Meanwhile, without anyone noticing us, I sneaked into, 1 small store room in the church, and Phillip brought to me, the bedclothes. He said to me, sleep there, but we got be up by 5:30, before the first person comes, in the morning, someone who tidies up the church. Ok then, I said, but realistically, we were going to sleep for only 2 hours, beforewe make another move. After a short while, Phillip goes, Chris, Chris? Wake up, we have to go now, he rushed. Oh God, already, I wondered inside my heart. Meanwhile, we sneaked out, just like we came in really, headingtowards the bus stop then. We boarded on the bus, for about 20 minutes, then alight off, and went down to the underground station. As we sat down in the train, Phillip mentioned to me that, underground trains confuses, a lot of people,but the easiest way, whenever you ever get lost or not sure, is to look for the word, highlighted EXIT. And then, you can get to ask anybody, especially those, with orange flash lighted jackets, he said. Basically, Phillip was trying to give me, little useful tips, on how to find my way, through easily, the next time by myself, thus all. Meanwhile, we will have to get off, on the next station, old Phillip said. Here we go, we walked out of the underground station, and then,

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walked down a distance of about 4 to 6 minutes, to this flat. He knocked on the door, and the lady came to answer it. I’ am happy to see you 2, come-on in, she said, in our local language. I realized, she’s Ugandan anyway, first place. In the mean time, I took a little deep breath, thinking someone was being nice, and good welcoming us. Meanwhile, after she greeted us, she went to the kitchen, to make us some food to eat. If anyone need, to use the bathroom, is upstairs, she said. I replied thanks, because I really needed that, to be honest. Meanwhile,I went upstairs, and took the old shower, that was better, I felt well refreshed then. By the time, I came downstairs, food was ready as well, and she said to me, you can eat and go, rest on the bed upstairs. I said oh, you’re very kind indeed, thanks a lot. I reckon, Phillip must have told her, how we did not have enough sleep, and all that. Anyway, on to the dining table dish, rice, meat, and mixed vegetables, delicious stuff, plus a glass of cold fresh juice, fantastic feeling,that was for me. By then, I had realized, this lady was another one of, Phillip’s girlfriends, she treated us, well good though. I also noticed, she actually called him, by his real name, Phillip. Meanwhile, after eating, I went to sleep, that was around 10:00 am. Phillip came to wake me up, after about 4hours rest. He said to me, Chris? Wake up man, you are going to ring the people you know, who can get you out of here, very soon. Otherwise, this woman is not going to let us, stay here for a night, both of us, he went on to say. Meanwhile, he handedme, his mobile phone, so that, I should try-out, the names, and numbers,I had in my phone book. Indeed, I tried several numbers, some were not on, and others were going straight, on the voice massages. In the mean time, I was running out of options as well. However, stuck in mind, of what to do next, the phone started ringing, hello? I said. A womanly voice answered, hello there, I missed a call from this number, and I was wondering, who it is. Meanwhile, I said back in a rushed way like, Namusooke? She replied hello, who is that? I said, it is Chris Katende from Uganda here. I am happy to hear from you, how are you? Fain thank you, she said, whereabouts are you now, she asked? Withouthesitation, I explained my problems to her briefly, and told her, I was with Phillipas well, at the same moment. Meanwhile, she requested to talk to Phillip, for she knew him as well, back in Uganda. Basically, she was known, weight lifter woman, in Uganda, before anyway. She had also, represented the country in Olympics, on several occasions, in that case. In the mean time, I passed the phone on to Phillip, they chatted together for a little while, but the whole point was, if she would be able to receive me, to her place, where she was living then. I was stuck in London, and she was the only option I had, I explained more as well. Meanwhile, to my surprise, Namusooke, did not hesitate, to my request.

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I was relieved a bit then, for I knew, that was sorted for a minute. In the mean time, she went on to give us, the directions to her area. Basically, she was living in Banbury Oxfordshire. I personally did not have a clue, how to get myself to Banbury, in the first place, but Phillip would help, take me to the train station.

DESTINATION BANBURY OXFORDSHIREMeanwhile, at around 4:00pm, we were ready, to make our way, to the train station. In the mean time, I said good bye, to Phillip’s girlfriend, kindly lady, and thanked her, for quality reception, she gave to us initially. And off we went, to the bus stop, afterwards, we connected to the underground station.Meanwhile, I was trying to familiarise myself, with a few things all along, especially getting to the bus stop, and train station. In case, I had to come back, by myself that is. Meanwhile, we travelled with old Phillip, up to Maryborne train station, he bought for me, a single travel ticket to Banbury, and he gave it to me. He was meant to stop there, and I was to proceed, by myself from there then. In the mean time, I placed my ticket through the machine, and I went through, leaving Phillip the other side, stood watching. I said good bye, and good luck, he replied. I continued to walk towards the old platform, and I enteredthe train to Banbury. Meanwhile, after waiting for about 10-15 minutes, the train was ready to depart, the announcer said. This is a train to Birmingham snow hill, calling at various stations, including Banbury, I was interested in altogether. Meanwhile, within 1 hour, we were at the Banbury train station. Basically, I gathered my belongings, to alight off here, I was in Banbury then. In the mean time, I phone called Namusooke, to tell her, I had arrived then. She told me, to get a taxi, and when I got into the taxi, she gave the driver, the directions to her house. Within 5minutes, we were already there, Bretch Hill 93 Dover Avenue, was her address. Meanwhile, I got off the taxi, and here she came out. Oh my God, Namusooke, nice to see you at last, I said gladly, me too, she replied with hug. After the taxi had gone, we entered the house, closingthe door behind us as well. We sat in the dining room, and she reached in fridge, for a drink for me, orange and pineapple, very nice test indeed. While drinking,we conversed over this, and that, reminding ourselves of, old good days as well. Basically, she had not changed a lot, during the years, talkative as ever, and all that. Meanwhile, she held my other hand bag, and told me to followher upstairs. In the mean time, she went on to inform me, this is a shared house, and dining room. 3 bedroom house it is, 2 polish men live downstairs, in 1 bedroom, and 1 other Ugandan man, living in the other bedroom, she went on, to point out for me. Meanwhile, we carried on chatting over this and that still,

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and I also explained to her, my situation at that time. Basically, I started with, how I had escaped from the team, that had gone to play kickboxing, in Scotland,and all that. How I did not have anybody, to live with, and requested her, if she could kindly help me, stay with her, until when I get sorted. She replied to me, Chris, I know all the situations, in the UK, it is ok, you can stay here, and try look for work. Thanks very much, I said with a smile, to her then. Meanwhile, at about 8:00pm, one of the other house mate came in, is name is Kato, Namusookeintroduced, the guy to me. Nice to meet you mate, Kato said to me, likewise, I replied. He chatted a little bit with Namusooke, before continuing on to his bedroom, upstairs then. How come, he does not speak fluent Luganda, and his name is Kato, I came to ask, Namusooke. She explained, is Mutoro by tribe, his real names are, Mayombo Emanuel. But is current names are, Kato Denis, because thus the names of, the owner of the documents, is working in, at the moment. She went on to say, here in the UK, you can’t get a job, without relevantdocuments, brother. So basically, in your case as well, we will have to find someone, who has papers like, permanent residence, to remain in the UK, or a British citizen, plus a national insurance number. Those would be, some of the relevant papers required, in order to get a job, she narrated. Meanwhile, I did not have a big clue, on what she was explaining that much, but I was ready for, whatever it takes. In the mean time, I came to meet, the other 2 people, we shared the house with, they were polish gentlemen, and good sounding as well. I also, befriended aka Kato more, besides our tribal differences and that. He was potentially, the one to help me, with my search, for papers and jobs. However,it was going to be a long task, ahead of me. In the mean time, I waited for someone, to offer me, the required papers, but all in vain, 2 weeks had passed by, with me just sat at home, without a job, I was growing impatient already, and there was no hope as yet. Life was so boring, sitting in the house, the whole day, when others have gone to work, Monday to Friday. Sister Harriet Namusooke, was ever at work, 6:00am to 2:00pm, and then, she had this other part time job as well, for 4 hours. By the time she came home, she would be well tired. We did not have much time to talk, during the week days therefore. Meanwhile, 1 month had gone by then, without even hope, of getting a job, as yet still. I become so stressed in that, you could tell, just by my looks, on the face. Meanwhile, one old evening, sister Linda said to me that, she had got a phone call, from 1 of her cousins in London. Basically, her cousin was going to send 2 of her boys, to come and live with us, in Banbury apparently. So as, to look for jobs, it is rather easier, in the village, than in London apparently. Here we go, I thought inside myself, for we were going to be living, with 2 other

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people, in one single bedroom that is. However, the following morning, was normal routine for Harriet, going to work, and usual stuff for me, sitting in the house. Meanwhile, at around 2:00pm, I heard this knock on the front door, I looked into the glass window, to see who it was. I had been warned, to whom, I open the door for. However, this did not look like a police man anyway, in the first place, I said to myself. Black guy, with a big bag he was, we were expecting2 guys, from London anyway. In the mean time, I went to open the door for him, and then, he introduced himself, as Mivule Abbey, all the way from London,and a cousin to Namusooke. Come in, I extended, my other brother is at the local shops, coming as well, Abbey said, ok then, I replied. Minutes latter, Abbey’s other mate, is in sight, he was big fat fellow, with a suitcase as well. Hello mate? I greeted the bloke, hello my name is Segawa Nasser, he replied, nice to meet you, I said, waving him in as well. Meanwhile, I reached for a drink in the fridge, and shared it between us. We sat there, in the dining room, conversing over this and that. They were both, good sounding Baganda boys, basically we get on very well, first time. Are you working, Segawa asked me. No, I am not, I have been here, for 2 months now, just sit the house, whole day men. I am still waiting on, where I can find the relevant papers from. I don’t even have many options either, if you could help, that would be very kind of you, I explained to Segawa. Meanwhile, from that point, he actually tried to make calls for me, to some of his friends, who would be willing, to offer with papers. He had spent 2 years in the UK, at that time, and had been living in London.He had more experience than any one of us, by the sound of it. However,he was out of work at that time, as well though. Meanwhile, about 8:30pm, Harriet aka Linda, arrived home from work, she found us upstairs, filled up in her bedroom. She greeted us calmly, and mixed into the conversion, we were chatting about, like one family then. In the mean time, the whole issue was, them 2 boys, registering with the recruitment agency in town, the following day, and then me, finding papers, to start work as well, that was the task. Meanwhile,that very night, we had to fix, and fit ourselves, into 1 single bedroom, the 4 of us, we actually managed to, without causing any inconvenience, to our house mates. The following morning, when Sister Harriet had gone to work, around 9:00am, Segawa and Mivule, had to go to the town centre, to register with the recruitment agency. I decided to take a walk with them, to the town, althoughI wasn’t going to be registering myself as yet. It could help me, see the employment agency offices as well, I thought. Meanwhile, I came to notice,Segawa and Mivule, had documents, bearing other peoples names, but thatwas the system of the day anyway. Meanwhile, when we went back home, me

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and Mivule Abbey, took a walk, down the play ground area, he was keen on,playing football than I was. Basically, I had this chance also, to ask him,more about the so called papers and stuff.


In the mean time, while playing football, Abbey went on, to explain to methat, basically here in UK, life is not as easy as some people, might thinklike. Getting a job, you must have acquired, indefinite to remain or citizenship status. And to qualify to all that, you must have been in the UK, for at least 5years, he said. Otherwise, with our 6 months visa, you will have no right, to work on public funds, he added. So, the only choice with your case, is to get those people, who are willing to late you, work in there names, and other details, they must be citizens however. Basically, my visa was still valid for 4 months, but then, I could not use it, to get work or else, I was riskingdeportation, back to Uganda, by the sound of it. Therefore, I was into the illegal immigrants category already, and I was facing hard old time a head. Meanwhile, Abbey went on to explain to me, he had experienced stories, of various Ugandans, being deported, on immigration reasons, and it was much increasing, especially in London. That was why, his mum, decided to send them to Banbury, with less risk apparently, plus the availability, of jobs then too. He went further on, to tell me that, In London, they don’t open the front door, for anyone knocking, unless if your expecting them. Reason being, it could be police knocking, and that would mean trouble mostly. Police ask for things like, what is your name, where you come from, date of birth and currentaddress, in most cases. You should be able to know, all those particulars at hand, at least or else, you could be risking deportation, Abbey explained still. Oh God, life was getting too tense for me already, I thought. Meanwhile, when we went back at home, sister aka Linda, was back from work, and she was there chatting with Segawa. Basically, she was the only one with a job, at that time, providing for the 3 of us as well. However, in my case, Segawa was the only hope I had, to try convince, is old friends, to secure for me, relevantdocuments, so that I could find a job, but all in vain still. Meanwhile, the following week on Monday, Segawa got a call from the employment agency, apparently they had found a job for him, that was excellent news to listen to, at least. He was going to work, in Excel Company, in Banbury apparently, 6:00am to 2:00pm, Monday to Friday. Meanwhile, that very week, Abbey got a phone call as well, they had found a job for him, he was to work night shifts apparently.

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In the mean time, I felt mixed feelings, at that time, first jealousy because, I was the only one left without a job then, and the other hand, happiness, for my old friends, Abbey and Segawa, they had found work. And at least, some things would be, a lot easier, and affordable, with them 2 boys, working then. Meanwhile,Segawa was trying for me, as hard as possible, to secure the old papers. In the mean time, we had very high hopes from this guy, who had promised, to help us. However, some time he would pick the phone up, other time too busy to answer, stuff like that. That took another whole month, to get sorted really. Meanwhile, Segawa, found another house, to live in nearby, so he moved out. He could only come at home after work, for dinner and little chart, real brotherhoodstyle. Meanwhile, one evening, we were sat in our old dining room, and then, Segawa tried to phone call, the old boy, who had promised us the papers. He actually picked up his phone, quicker than usual this time, and in the conversation,he was willing to offer me, his papers apparently. Segawa was to go to London, and pick them for me though, in that case. Meanwhile, I couldn’t wait for that time, to come around, to be honest, starting to work, was my wishful thinking,at that time. I thought, Abbey had started working, Segawa had moved on as well, the pressure was down on me then, as anybody, would imagine. Anyway,here came the weekend, Friday afternoon, Segawa set himself, for a trip to London, Hounslow- West apparently. By the time around 6:00 o’clock evening, he was off to the Banbury train station. I personally, walked with him, to the bus stop, B5 and I left, when he had boarded. Afterwards, when I went back home, Abbey had left for work as well, he was on those night shifts, 6pm to 6am. In the mean time, I felt lonely in the house, it was until sister aka Linda,came back from work. She made us, good old dinner, good chef she was. Meanwhile, Kato came in from work as well, and Sister Linda suggested, if he could come for dinner with us, of which he accepted. In the mean time, we sat down the 3 of us, at the dining table, cracking jokes and all that, while eating. Meanwhile, Kato came up with an idea, to go out for a drink, in the town centre.That is very kind of you, I replied quicker to Kato, for I was very eager, to see the local town life, at night especially. However, Sister Linda was not keen on going out though, she said, she would rather stay at home, watching television, and she did actually. Meanwhile, at around 11:00 o’clock, I and aka Kato were ready, to hit the town. Basically, I personally did not have the money to spend, but old Kato, assured me, not to worry a thing. That is great thanks, I said to Kato. In the mean time, Kato ordered for a taxi, 93 Dover Avenue, to the town centre please, he requested on the phone. Meanwhile, within 10 minutes, we were into the taxi, heading off to the town centre then. Kato took me to this

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pub, called the Buck and Bell, Banbury. Straight to the counter, we ordered for 2 paints of fosters, and we went for a sit. Meanwhile, I was quite nervous, being my first time out, in almost 95% white community. Some how, all eyes were on us, some looked strange, some wondering, and others not bothered at all. Anyway, at around midnight, Kato suggested, we go to the nightclub, we took off to the Exchange Club, therefore. In there, we found it well packed, and few more black people as well, compared to the pub, we were in before, but still minority. Meanwhile, we danced over a few old tunes, in the club, up to the closing time, 2:00am that is. After wards, going back home, we took a walk, cutting through the old People’s park, to Bretch Hill, 93 Dover Avenue still. Back at home, to our surprise, sister Linda was still awake, watching television.I expected you, to be well asleep by now, are you ok? I asked her, she sounded very fain indeed. I been watching this interesting movie, on channel 5, she said. Have you had a good night out, though? She went on to ask, yes we did, Kato answered quicker, going into a little details as well. Meanwhile, I went to bed, leaving them 2, charting and all. Abbey came back in the morning from work, and I waken up, to have breakfast with him, also telling him, about my night out as well. After breakfast, I went back to bed, for little while though, waking up at around 12:30. Sister Linda was awake by then as well, tidying up, and makinglunch for us. Meanwhile, Kato, and Abbey, joined us on the dining table,after wards. As most weekends, everybody was at home, including them 2 Police men, as well, good old boys. In the mean time, after lunch, we had to go for our weekly shopping, at Morrisons supper market. Basically, it was me, and Linda, leaving Abbey, and Kato, behind then. We came back around 5:00pm, and after arranging our shopping, into there respective places, in the kitchen, Linda went to bed earlier, for she had not had enough sleep, previousnight. Meanwhile, Abbey was keen on, going with me to town, clubbingthat night. He was my closest mate, so there is no way, I could turn him down, in that case. In mean time, we went to the old 52 degrees night club, and we had a good night out altogether. Sunday, was resting day for most, refreshing for Monday that is. Meanwhile, that very Sunday evening, Segawa came back from London. We were all eager, for what news is got, especially me. He had actually brought the papers, but with some conditions set apparently. Basically, I was to pay 30 pounds, every weekly pay, or else, the owner would need his papers back immediately. Compared to the time, I spent waiting for a job, I had no better choices, but to agree with the conditions set. Anyway, the papers were in the names of, Akram Gakuba, he was just about 4years younger than me, and he held permanent residence, to remain in the UK. Despite all the

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conditions set, I was personally happy, I was going to find a job, altogether. My old mate Segawa, had done a great effort for me, and I was thankful for it indeed.Meanwhile, we went through the details of, Akram Gakuba, I had to memorise them, as quick as possible. Like the date of birth, addresses, national insurance number, medical history, and time lived in the UK. These were the essentials, I needed to know, in order to get a job, especially at the recruitment agency. It is quite a big task, memorising someone’s details like that, and within, a very short time. But I had to try, because I needed a job for sure. Meanwhile, Segawahad to leave, to his house though, he left me in the sitting room reversing, Akram Gakuba’s details. Good night, and good luck tomorrow men, he said to me. Thanks very much for your help, I replied in the end. The following morning,they all left for work, apart from Abbey, who had worked night shift. Meanwhile, Segawa came in earlier that morning, he had to take me, to the recruitment agency, before 10am. In the mean time, Sister Linda had left us, breakfast ready, good old girl. We went on to eat, Segawa, Abbey, and me, at the dining table. While there, Segawa asked me, if I was ready for the interview,at the agency, I replied yes. But the fact is, I could not, memorise all that much, just in 1 night. Anyway, time to go catch the bus, Segawa said, in a rush way. So, we left for B5, from Bretch- Hill, to the town centre then, we left Abbey at home, by himself. Meanwhile, we went to this, Champions recruitment agency offices. Good morning? Segawa said, to the receptionist. Hello, how can we help? She asked. I have brought my friend, to register here for work, Segawa said. Does he speak any English? She went on to ask, looking towards me as well. I replied, yes I do, in a squeak voice. She asked me, if I have got my passport or work permit, and I said yes, pulling out the documents I had, in the envelope then. I handed them to her, she went through them briefly, and told me to sit down, fill in the application assessment form. She then, took photo copies, handing the originals back to me, afterwards. She asked, if I was ok, filling the application form, and I requested, if I could take the form with me at home, and bring it back tomorrow. She answered ok, thanks, I said in end. Meanwhile, we walked out to another agency, called May-day Recruitment, but there, they could not allow me, to go with the application form home. In the mean time, Segawa also showed to me, more recruitment agency offices, around Banbury town centre. From there, we went down to the bus stop, B5 back to Bretch- Hill then. Meanwhile, back at home, I managed to fill my application form, at my own time, copying on the originals as well. In the mean time, Segawa left to is house, he had to rest a little bit, for he was working, that night shift then. Meanwhile, Sister Linda was eager, to hear what happened,

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when I went to register, with the agency. I said, I could not remember all the details, so I requested, if I could come with the application form at home, I will be taking it back tomorrow, I explained to her. In the mean time, Linda went to bed earlier than usual, leaving me watching TV, and at around 11:30pm, I also retired to bed. The following morning, I wake up ready to chase for work. I was all by myself then, meanwhile, I went and forwarded in my application form, with champions recruitment agency. They accepted it, and told me, to wait for a phone call, when any work is available. In the mean time, I took a walk around town, looking at this and that. Afterwards, I took a walk back home, cutting through the people’s-park. At least, I had the high hopes, of gettinga job then anyway. However, ambitiously, I waited for a phone call from the agency impatiently, for the whole week, but never came. Meanwhile, the following week on Monday, I decided to register myself, with anotherrecruitment agency, going to Myday one, this time.


At least, I had by then memorized, all my so called papers, it would not bedifficult for me, to fill the application form, straight there and then.I did successfuly, and I was told, they would call me, as soon as anything was available. In fact that very Friday, I got a phone call from them, asking me, if I was available forwork, on- going for 2 weeks, working night shifts. I replied, I was available, as required. Come here at agency, and we give you more details then, said the lady voice, on the phone still. Meanwhile, happily and all that, I set myself, ready for town. Within minutes, I was in old May-day offices. In the mean time, the officelady, briefed me on, the nature of the job, warehouse operative, basically it was.I agreed the terms and conditions, that were set for me, and that was it, workavailable for me then. I could not wait, for that Monday evening to come, for I was to start my shift, at 10pm -6am that night. Meanwhile, Iwent to see the warehouse, I was going to work to that evening, just to besure really. The company name was Paint Box, industrial area Banbury. Afterwards, I went back home, to have a little sleep, for I was going to work night shift. By 8:30pm, I was getting ready, setting my lunch box and all that. And then by 9:30, I started walking slowly, making my way down, to work place. I introduced myself, to the receptionist, and she said, she was expecting me anyway. Meanwhile, I was told to wait down, in the canteen area, my first night at work in the UK, was just about to begin then. In short

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while, we were given our induction, I, and other 2 men that is. And then, we were allocated our working areas, in that case. Basically, I started with fixingup boxes, then to pick and parking items, into the boxes still. The old night, went unnoticed really, I did not have much problems, to complain about. 5:45am, we were told to stop working, and get to tidying up, our working areas.We then matched out of the company gates at 6am. I had completed my first night at work in the UK, and I was happy about it. Basically, the job was on going for 2 weeks, I was to go back to that same company, that following night anyway. Meanwhile, I spent most of the day sleeping, as anyone would imagine.By 8:30pm, I was getting set, to start another night shift at work, it just became a routine really. Basically, Linda and Koto, were working day time, I, and Abbey,were on night shifts then. Meanwhile, my second night at work, I reached in time, and waited in the canteen area. Afterwards, our night supervisor allocated us work, in our respective places again. I completed my second night at work alright, altogether still. Anyway, in the mean time, life got some how better, with each one of us, contributing to the house needs then. However, my old mate, Segawa, had these Asthmatic attacks, on and off, especially in the winter season. In the mean time, he got one asthma attack, while at work, and they mentioned to call, the ambulance for him. He told them that, he would not see a doctor whatsoever, because one doctor, had hurt his family before apparently. They tried to convince him that, the doctor will try not to wear, the white over coat, if thus the case, and he replied, that would make it worse then. Apparently, they didn’t know what to do for him, from that point, but to call the taxi, to take him back home. The whole point was, the person whose documents,Segawa was working into, had cautioned him, not to get treated by Doctors, in his names, and he was like 10 years older than segawa apparently. Secondly, he did not want to be given medicine, of a man 10years older than him, so he was not sure, to take the risks, at that time apparently. That was the reason, why he had to put up, such lame excuse, in the first place anyway. Meanwhile, Segawaspent 2 weeks at home, trying to recover well. By the time he went back to work, he was told, they could not keep him any more, he had lost the job therefore. In the mean time, my 2 weeks employed at paint box, had elapsed then, I stayed employed, by Mayday recruitment though, and I was posted to various factories and Bakery Company’s, around Banbury, depending on where the need is. In the mean time, I would like to point out that, all this time, we were all working, but through other people’s names, and details, as follows. From Katende Chris, to Akram Gakuba. Segawa Nasser, to Buyondo Phillip, Mivule Abbey to Katazza Richard, Namusooke Harriet, to Linda Namuyanja, Mayombo

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Richard, to Kato John. Basically, quite a network of people, in the UK, mostly immigrants blacks, and Asian communities, are living to this kind of system, up to present day, I’m afraid so. Underground life style, I would term it, notsure of what might happen next day that is. Anyway, in the mean time, I hadworked a whole month then, and I was able to pay off, some of my debts.I also managed to keep to the promise, I did with the owner of the documents,I was working into, paying 30 pounds, every weekly pay.

22 GLAMIS PLACE BECAME OUR NEW ADDRESSMeanwhile, the 2 Polish men, we were living with, informed Segawa that, theywere jobs going on, at the factory they were working with, at that time,and promised to get me, and segawa, application forms to fill in.They actually did, get us the old application forms, we filled them up, and handed them back to, the Polish gentlemen. After just 1 week, we both got phone calls, for job interviews. The company name was, Oxford plasticslimited. In the mean time, we both passed the interview, and we got jobs on going, 6pm-6am therefore. But quite far away from Banbury,the job was, it needed someone with a car basically. I personally, did not know, how to drive at that time, leave alone not supposed to, in the first place. Segawa,knew how to drive, but did not have a driving permit either. And we could not afford to loose, such job opportunity, at that time. Anyway, the first 3 days at work, we had to share this small car, with 4 other people, 6 of us together then. Meanwhile, Segawa saw a car on sale, and went for it, he bought it at 400 pounds on spot, we went back home, driving in it then. Basically, he was takingall the risks, for not being insured, no driving license, and all that. In the mean time, with less options available, I was following with him, in the offence. Anyway, we did not encounter any problems, on the road though, getting away with the offence, driving to and from, Monday to Friday. Some how, we got used to working long night shifts anyway. Meanwhile, there was this 4 bedroomhouse available, and it was just nearby, to our old sister Linda. So, I, Segawa, and Abbey, decided to move into that house, now that we could afford it. He was the same landlord, as well anyway. Mr Alex Hayat, is name was, English Pakistan origin, and all that. In the mean time, 22 Glamis Place, Britc-hill area, was our new address then. Meanwhile, we left Linda and old Kato, at 93 Dover Avenue, therefore. She had done a great job, looking after us, but especially myself, God bless woman. In the mean time, in our new Address, we all had our own rooms now then, and the other fourth room, there lived in, some guy from Zimbabwe, old African brother. His name Isaac Malufu apparently, he was

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older than anyone of us, by the sound of it as well. He had lived in the UK, for a long time apparently, also working in various warehouses, around Banbury.He was working with Tesco’s, at that present then. But he was honest enough, to tell us, he was [underground] illegal rather, in the UK as well. Meanwhile, I personally befriended Isaac, more than, Abbey, and Segawa did. I was eager, to learn more about the old history, in Banbury town, and how to survive longer,in situations. In the mean time, work was going on alright, at the Oxford Plastics.Basically, it was work night, and sleep day time, for most of us. Generally, life was improving, here now and again, for the 3 of us especially. Meanwhile, duringsome long charts, with Mr Malufu, one time, we were all in the kitchen, gatheredmaking dinner, and he came up with ideas that, he knew the people, who makes things like, British passports, work permits, national insurance numbers, permanent residence to remain in the UK, papers, and stamps. All these are basics needed, in order to get jobs, and open up an account number, as well as, applying and filling out forms. Generally, his views, were a little bit clear, and we all paid good attention to him. Each of the above mentioned basics would go for a different price though, depending on, one’s affordability, Isaac went on, to narrate to us. Apparently, they would allow anyone, to pay in installments as well. If anyone of you is interested, should get in touch with me, he ended. Basically, that was a tempting offer, to listen to, and I personally, was interestedin, getting a work permit. In the mean time, I made my own approach to Isaac. Work permit, and national insurance number, 1500 pounds last price, he said. Basically, that was the cheapest, amongst them, I could afford anyway altogether.Therefore, I deposited 500£, to get my work permit, and national insurance number sorted. I did not ask a lot more, on the whole process, how they go, but Isaac assured me, it would be sorted, within 2 weeks period. Meanwhile, Segawa,received his friend from Uganda, he grew up with him, adapted son in the familyapparently. His name was, Brian Kawuzzi, he had just finished ITEC Kyambogo, and certainly, got a 6 months visa, to the UK. Apparently, he did not have anywhere else to go. He arrived, with his girlfriend Jackie, as well though. Basically, those 2, ware Segawa’s visitors altogether, not to do with me mostly.In the mean time, they sheared, Segawa’s bedroom then, we got down to 6 people, in one house altogether. Anyway, they needed to work and earn a living, as well. The only quickest way, to do so, was through, Mr Malufu Isaac, who promised them initially that, he would get them, work permits and that. Meanwhile, he received there 2 passports as well, to process. In the mean time, with all our passports, in Mr Malufu Isaac’s hands, it was down to his mercy, not to mess, or disappear with them, it was real gamble indeed. Meanwhile,

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I managed to pay- off, the amount required, I got my passport back, and a national insurance number as well done. Basically, they had made a difference, in my passport, by stamping in, the home office stamp, temporarily to live and work in the UK, for 3 years. It was probably, not worthy the amount, I paid for, but I was glad, I had got my passport back mostly. Meanwhile, the owner of the documents, Segawa was working in, was informed that, segawa was driving a car, in his names, and he knew very well, he did not have a driving licence either.He went mad, summoning Segawa, immediately to London, that very weekend in that case. Meanwhile, Segawa left for London, and when he came back home, that Sunday, he told us, the owner had taken the papers, away from him, which was a setback, for him really. Meanwhile, that same weekend, Isaac moved out as well, to another house, we all did not know exact. This was concernbecause, Isaac had some of there passports, including Segawa. In the mean time, he had only said good bye to me, he was getting on well with mostly. He had also left us, is phone number, but not available, whenever they called him anyway. In the mean time, Brian and Jackie, moved and occupied the empty bedroom that was left by, Malufu. It was all Ugandans, in this house therefore. In the mean time, there was this company called, What - Mans, it was advertising,plenty of jobs going, as warehouse operatives, in the Banbury cake news papers. And all of those jobs, were ongoing permanent ones. Basically, I rushed to the company headquarters, to pick up, the old application forms. I personallyapplied for the job, as Akram Gakuba. I had decided, if I get a job, at What Mans, I would quit my current job, at the Oxford plastics that is. The reason being, it was just within Banbury town, it could only take me 15 minutes, to walk down to work as well. Secondly, it was on-going permanent job, and thirdly, with Segawa’s, health life style, he would fall sick any day, and I could not drive a car as yet. I was going to be, on a bigger risk, if I missed out on that chance, I thought. Meanwhile, it turned out, I had got the job at, What-Mans, and I was asked to when, I was going to be available, to start work. I requested, to be given2 weeks before I start, and they said ok then. Oh sweet Jesus, I had got the day job, that I had always preferred, 6am to 2pm, great stuff, I thought. Meanwhile,that following weekend, was my last time, at the Oxford Plastics Company.However, I did not tell anybody, that I was leaving, apart from Segawa,who stayed working there as, aka Buyondo Phillip anyway. Meanwhile,the following Monday, I started my new job at, What-mans, and all was good stuff. In the mean time, Brian got his passport back, through the post, but Jackie, Segawa, and Abbey did not, that still raised concerns. However, in Brian’s passport, they had done the same kind, like they did to my passport,

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stamping in, the home office stamp, temporarily live and work in the UK, for 3 years. Meanwhile, he could use his passport, to find a job then, old Brian. In the mean time, Segawa got one of those asthmatic attacks again, causing him, to miss 3 weeks, at work then. When he went back to work, after wards, he was sacked, immediately. In the mean time, it was going to be difficult for him, finding another job soon, the fact that, he did not have, the required documents then. Life was not, going to be easy with him, not working, the fact is. He had bills, to pay for, plus food and other, home needs. Basically, he depended on us, to pay for his room, plus other needs, in the house, in the mean time. It went on like that, for the whole month that is. Meanwhile, Segawa came up, with an idea, that I should do him a favour, and give him my passport, plus national insurance number, so that, he could look for work. Considered, with all the situations, I had gone through, with Segawa, and the fact that, he was the one, who got me the guy, whose papers, I was working into, at that time, aka Akram Gakuba. There was no way, I was going to say no, to his request, for sure. So basically, I decided to hand him, my passport and national insurance number then. I was not using them, at that time, anyway. Meanwhile, the following day, he went to town, to register with the recruitment agency’s, in Banbury. Champions Recruitment Centre and also Mayday agency, is where he went to, as aka Chris Katende therefore. In the mean time, I also got him, an application form, from my place of work, he filled it, and I took it back. To our surpries, in just 1 week, What-Mans, phoned Segawa, to inform him, they had employed him. He would start, the following Monday, if ready apparently. Meanwhile, from the day, Segawa got the job, at What-Mans, he was going to be known as, Chris Katende, and I was, Akram Gakuba, at work. Some times, I could get confused, by calling him is real names, Segawa Nasser though. Meanwhile, time went by anyway, 3 months had passed by then. Aka Chris Katende, starteddating, one beautiful English girl at work, and within 2 weeks, they were madlyin love. In the mean time, he introduced me to her, as his elder brother, Akram Gakuba. Danielle Smiley, she said. Nice to meet you Miss, I replied. Meanwhile,the next few weeks, there romance increased to a point, she decided to move in, with aka Chris Katende, at our address, 22 Glamis Place. In the mean time, I thought, here we go then, one English lady, sharing the house, with 5 black Africans, a bit unusual, I thought still. Anyway, in the mean time, we had to be vigilant, when calling our names, at home then, the fact that, no one else knew us, of being illegal, and all that. Old Danielle Smiley though, came to meet everyone else, in the house, she was really Smiley lady, I thought. The next few days though, we kept being on tension, careful revealing our details, especially

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when talking to Danielle. Meanwhile, we lived in this sort of situation, forabout 3 months. And then, aka Chris Katende, decided to move out, to another flat with Danielle.We could only go to visit them, when we had time to, since then. In my case,I used to see them 2, everyday at work anyway. Meanwhile, What Mans Company, we were working with, had employed, plenty of African origins, about 60 in number. Basically, we all worked in different shifts, altogether though. But all came to know, the hottest lovers, in thecompany, at that time, Danielle, and aka Chris. However, some people took it enviously, others jealous, and stuff like that. Aka Chris was the darling of the company, in a shortest time. Everything at work, they would ask, Chris and Danielle, before anyone else, and this raised concern, among workers. Meanwhile, problems happened, at our address, 22 Glamis Place. Basically one afternoon, I had finished my shift at work, just past 2:00 pm, I walked back to our flat, and opened the front door, heading off upstairs, to my bedroomthen. In the mean time, it was a shocker, to find 4 immigration police officers,stood in Abbeys bedroom, it was only opposite my one anyway. One of the officers, said hello, I replied hi. He went on to ask, do you leave in this house as well? I said yes, I do. However, I continued to open my door lock, with-out looking backwards. This womanly voice said, they would like to talk to me as well. Meanwhile, I heard, but I did not answer, neither look behind still. I entered into my bedroom, and closed the door, just a little bit. In the mean time, the only thing, that crossed my mind, at that time, was to jump through the window. That was it, I squeezed myself through, and jumped 15 meters from high, to the ground. And I took off, straight to the neighbourhoodgardens, leaving the dogs backing. I rushed down, to the alleyways, and took a little dip breath a bit. Meanwhile, I heard, someone screaming, one is gone through the window, stop, stop, but I did not look behind. Luckily enough, I didn’t break my leg or hand, in the process. Meanwhile, I crossed over to the other further bus stop, B8, and boarded to the town centre then.

IMMIGRATION POLICE RAID OUR ADDRESS 22 GLAMES PLACEHowever, I don’t think the immigration officers, chased me though, becauseif they had done, they could have got me, there not many areas, to hide in anyway. In the mean time, I had escaped arrest, and deportation perhapsthat time. Anyway, when the bus reached the town centre, I went to Grimsbury area, Couse way. Sister Linda was living along there then. Meanwhile, I rung the door bell at her Address, and thank God, she was still at home. She opened

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the door for me, and said, are you ok? I replied, not really, I have just survived being arrested, by the immigration officers. They raided our address, and were standing in, Abbeys bedroom, by the time, I went in. I have only, escaped through the window upstairs, in my bedroom, I explained to her. How did they come in, first place, she asked? I said, I don’t know. By the time, I went back home, they were already there, interrogating Abbey, and all that. Basically, by the time, I finished the whole story, Sister Linda, was shocked and frozen. In the mean time, she reached for her mobile phone quietly, to call the concerned people. Like Abbeys mum, aka Chris Katende then, and also, this Ugandan woman, who was working with Abbey, at the same company then. Meanwhile, according to the information Linda gathered, apparently Abbey was arrested from work, by the immigration officers, questioning his stay in the UK, and all that. After wards, I personally phone called, Brian and Jackie, who were at work, at that time. To tell them, they had raided the address, so they should be careful, when going back home. Aka Chris had informed them, by that time apparently. Meanwhile, we sat in the house, with Sister Linda, thinking of, what might happen next, keeping alert as well. However, that day in the evening,I phone called Brian again, to ask him where he was, and to my surprise, they were both, and Jackie at home, 22 Glamis Place. Meanwhile, I asked Brian the situation at home, and he replied, it was all calm down there. Apart from, Abbey’s bedroom, which was wide open, and stuffs up side down, on thefloor, everything is ok otherwise, Brian said. What about my bedroom, I went on to ask? Your room is locked, and they must have, gone with the keys, because we can’t see them here, he continued, ok then thanks, I ended.Oh my God, all my stuffs were inside my bedroom, what was I going todo then, I was wondering by myself. Anyway, latter on at around 10 pm,I got on B5 to Brict-hill. When I reached home, I received the full details, ofwhat happened, leading to Abbey Mivule’s arrest. The immigration officershad left a note anyway, to why he was arrested. Apparently, he was arrested, for working in the UK illegally, and also possessing, various documents, bearing different peoples names, in his bedroom. Meanwhile, Abbey had caused the whole trouble, in the first place, I thought. But then, we had lost a brother in the house, we all felt low down indeed.In the mean time, I managed to break into my bedroom, and it looked like, nothing was taken out, everything, just looked neat, just like I had left them, in the morning that day. However, I gathered a few, very important items, my intentions was, to leave the address, as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Brian, and Jackie, were not, leaving the address, staying still apparently. We are not

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going anywhere, whatever happens, it is Gods plans, we keep the faith to him, to protect us, Jackie went on, to say to me. In the mean time, that night, I went and slept at, Sister Lind’s house, in Grimsbury area. The next day, I did not go to work, because I thought, the immigration officers, had taken my details, knowing where I was working, and all that. They could get me from there, and I was not ready, to take the risks. Therefore, I quitted the job then, and decided to leave, for old London, look for jobs there rather. I had my old friend Phillip, he would help me, start a living, I thought. In the mean time, I had made a phone call, and informed Phillip, about the whole situation initially. Meanwhile,he gave me the directions, on how to get down to his address. The following day, evening time, I left to the Banbury train station, off to London Melbourne then. Old Phillip was living in Peckham, west London, that time. Basically, this was my first time, going to London, since my first arrival initially, if you can imagine. But I had obviously, been in touch, with old Phillip, all that time between. Meanwhile, when I got to his house, he was waiting for me, good old boy. After greeting ourselves and like, I summarized the whole incident to him, he was more surprised, in the way, I jumped through the window that high, with out being hurt. Meanwhile, we spent the whole night nearly, chatting over this and that, for we had not met for a long time. The following day, Phillip took a day off work, to help me, register with the recruitment agency’s, for work.Meanwhile, he took me to these one’s in Oxford Street London. We registered with a couple of them, in the mean time, and also got a few application forms, to fill in at home as well. Just to point out, I was using my real names, Chris Katende, Passport, and national insurance number, this time then. Anyway, afterwards, we took a walk, around town. I was personally amazed, of the old building style, excellent and elegant, architecture work on them, I thought. How busy, the whole area was as well, with shoppers, travellers, and all that, caught my eyes too, it looked real first world class, for me altogether. Afterwards,we went back home, at Phillip’s house, to wait for, any call for work, that never came really. Meanwhile, Sister Linda phone called, only to tell me, old AbbeyMivule,was deported, back home Uganda. I was lucky indeed, I could have been deported, on that lot as well, if not, I thought. Basically, I had only spent 1 year in the UK, would have been terrible, indeed. Anyway, life goes-on, the pressure was on me, to get work, in the mean time. I had spent a month, without a job then, Phillip did not have a stable job as well, therefore life was gettingdifficult, every now and again. I had run out of cash, to spend as well, dependingon Old Phillip, through then. Meanwhile, after just 2 months in London, I wished to go back to, Banbury Oxfordshire. Maybe, I would find a job easier

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than London, all thinking through, I was. In the mean time, I decided to go with that option, in the end anyway. Basically, I phone called Brian, and Jackie,for a favour, if I could go back to Banbury, to look for jobs rather, andthey both agreed yes. Meanwhile, they were both still living, at the sameaddress, 22 Glamis Place, without trouble apparently.

THE OLD COUNCIL YARD DEPOTIn the mean time, I parked my bags, and said good bye, to old Phillip.Meanwhile, I travelled back to Banbury, I found Brian and Jackie at home, well relaxed. They managed to pay, 3 weeks rent also, to the landlord,for me, to occupy that former, Abbey’s bedroom. It was rather small, and affordable, at that time, to be honest. However, Brian and Jackiewere very kind, and generous indeed for me, it was really good start. Meanwhile, the following day, I went to look for jobs, around town. I was also persuaded, by aka Chris, to go back, to my former manager at What-Man’s, and try to explain to him, any sounding reasons, to why, I had not been working.I actually tried, but there was no way, someone would listen to me, after I had spent 2 months, not working, and without a call either. My contract, had been terminated, I was told by the manager anyway. In the mean time, I also registered with, other recruitment agency’s, i.e. Abacus. Meanwhile, back at the home address, I always had these strange flash backs, and nightmares, of the incidents, that happened, the day I found, immigration officers, in this house. The way, I jumped through the window, and all that, these were very strange, feelings for me then, and they kept, reappearing again. Anyway, in the mean time, I got a call, from Champions recruitment agency, they had found me a job. Basically, I went to there offices, to get more details, apparently, I had got a job, in Old Blackly town. There was a free bus available, Monday to Friday, 6am and returning as well. The company name was, FACENDA LTD. I was to work, in the names of, Akram Gakuba, because Segawa, was still usingmy real names, Chris Katende, at What-Mans Company, then. Anyway, I worked for FACENDA LTD, for about 2 months in that case. And then, I got a phone call, from Abacus Recruitment Centre, they had found, an on going job for me, and I was looking forward to it. If you’re interested, please come to our offices, for more details, the lady voice said, on the phone still. Basically, it sounded like a better choice for me, in the first place really. Meanwhile, I went down to there offices, for more details. In the mean time, I was told, I was going to work, with the local council, as a dustman, 6:00am to 2pm. She asked me, if I was interested, and I said yes, thanks very much. Meanwhile, she issued

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me, with a pair of safety boots, and a flash light jacket. I was required to be, at the council yard depot, the following morning therefore. In the mean time, when I went back home, I was quite happy, I was for the first time, going to work, under my original names, Chris Katende mostly. Anyway, the followingmorning, 5:45am, I was on my way, riding down, to the old council yard depot, Thorpe-lane Banbury, for my first day at work. Meanwhile, I was given the induction, by the manager, and then, allocated to go with, one of the dust car drivers that day. Basically, we were 2 loaders, and 1 driver, in each dust car. Meanwhile, I finished the whole day, without problems, or complaints anyway. However, I had worked in various warehouses and other jobs, around Banbury, but I had not met, such physical, challenging job, like this one was. Basically, it was task and finish system, the quicker you finish, the quicker you go home. I could not keep up the pace, with my mates, in the first place. However, I completed the whole week, without trouble, altogether though. Meanwhile, that Friday after work, I was summoned into the office, to fill the self assessmentform, with the manager. After filling the form, the manager told me, I had done well, that week, so they would keep me, for another week apparently, I said ok, thanks. However, I was working for the agency, so every Friday after work, I would go for, my cash payments, at Abacus offices in that case. Meanwhile, I decided to post back all the details, I was using before, in the names of, Akram Gakuba. I had informed the owner about it, by then anyway. I wasn’t using his documents, any more therefore, and I was not going to pay the 40 pounds, I was paying all along, for working into his papers. Basically, we agreed on that, and he text to me, his address, to post his documents, back to him. After 3 days, I phoned Akram, to ask, if he had got his documents, and he said, he did. Thank God, I had got over that bridge then, time to move on, I said to myself afterwards.Meanwhile, I had planned to shift, and move into another house, near town centre. Our landlord had plenty of choices for me, to choose from anyway. His Dad had over 20 properties, around Banbury apparently. They originally came from Pakistan, and had settled in the UK, for over 40 years apparently. His son, landlord Alex, was a taxi driver, around Banbury, and taking care, of his father’s properties as well, he bragged, a little bit, I thought. Anyway, among many houses, he took me to, there was this one, on Merton Street, I took interestof most. It was next to the landlord house as well, basically, it was house number 3, the landlord and his extended family, occupied number 1&2. Meanwhile, that very evening, he actually helped me, to move my stuffs, into his taxi van, to my new address therefore. In the mean time, he was still calling me by, my previous name, aka Akram. I had not told him, all that much stuff, like

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changing my name, to original Chris Katende, and that. He was not going to be bothered, that much anyway. In the mean time, I moved into my new address, 3 Merton street, paying 80£ a week rent then. It was, 6 bedroom shared house altogether. There lived, 1 Ugandan lady, plus other multicultures, on this address,from Polish, to Nigerians, and Zimbabwean mates. However, I personally, did not mind, living with either of them, to be honest. Meanwhile, Jackie, and Brian,stayed at our former address, 22 Glamis Place, all that time, God the protector, was still on there guard indeed. In the mean time, we were 2 Chris Katende’s, working within Banbury area. One was working at WhatMans Co, and me, working with a local council, as a dustman, you can imagine, such a mess, from us really. However, we were getting away with it, somehow. In the mean time, I had spent over 6 months, working as dustman by that time, we were quite busy at work, just as ever really. I did not have much time, to visit old friends, and that, apart from, communicating through the phone. Meanwhile, one old afternoon, I came back home from work, only to find a missed call, from Segawa, aka Chris Katende. He had left a voice message as well, informingme that, Sister Linda had been arrested, by the immigrations officers, at her place of work. Basically, he said, he did not know, her whereabouts, at that time, but he would inform me, of any news. That was shocking news, altogether again really. In the mean time, I personally, made phone calls, to here, and there, spreading the message, to the concerned people then. Meanwhile,Linda’s phone was switched off as well, causing more panic too. Oh my good lord, my god mother, had been arrested as well, I wondered to myself, sad altogether it was. Meanwhile, life goes-on anyway, living in fear, and shock, working had to continue for me, in other wards. In the mean time, I could go to work, and come back home, stay indoors, in fear of being recognised, by anyone. I would only go, to the nearby pub, Elephant and Castle, to watch my team, Arsenal play football. That was the only thing, that could refresh my worries then. Meanwhile, Segawa had got the latest about Linda, she was in 1 of the detention centres, pending deportation apparently. But then, she was given a chance, to get a surety, someone, with permanent address, she would be, granted a bail out apparently. Indeed, after 2 months, in detention, 1 other British-Ugandan man, did Sister Linda a fever, and bailed her out. On conditions,she had to comply, signing on, every week, at the police station. Failure to comply, with the conditions set, would lead to arrest again, and deportations apparently. Basically, that is what she was, meant to do. However, after Linda was bailed out, she had rumours saying many times when you go, to the police station, to sign on, they catch you, and deport you, straight away. Apparently,

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she did not go back, to sign on, at all then. She only, changed to another address,disappearing into the UK, underground world again. Meanwhile, I kept communicating to her, on phone, but not in person since then. She was living in London, Hounslow West, doing hair styling, within the Ugandan’s communityapparently.

BANBURY WAS TURNING INTO A CITY OF FEAR THEN FOR SUREMeanwhile, I had spent a year, working as a dustman, with the local council, Banbury Oxfordshire. I was still, temporally employee though, under Abacusrecruitment agency. Such a challenging job, in that everyday, was almosta new lesson for me. New places to work to, new things to learn, and remember,now and again, but I was up to, the old challenges, a head of me, determined to make it through. In the mean time, I got a rear phone call, from old Danielle Smily, Segawa’s, white girlfriend. In rather, a panicking voice, she told me, aka Chris, had been arrested, that morning at work, with other African, men and women, who were working illegally, at What-Mans Company. Meanwhile, she did not know, which detention centre, he was taken to, at that time, but she was in deep shock, she went on to say. Be careful, with what you do, she cautionedto me, in the end. However, I really don’t know, if Segawa, had told her, about our status in the UK, name cross over, and all that. But, he most likely, must have done, I thought so. Anyway, I urgently phone called, old Brian and Jackie,to inform them, such bad news. Meanwhile, Jackie had been informed earlier, by one Ugandan woman, who had witness the scene. She went on, to explain to me that, very early in the morning, after everyone had started, there morning shift at work, this big police van, entered the gets of, What-Mans Company. Apparently,they sealed off the whole area, and summoned one by one, from the warehouse,to the office, and into, the waiting immigration police van. Apparently,over 40 African’s, were arrested, on immigration related reasons, and all that, 18 of those were Ugandans, living and working illegally in the UK, that includingour Segawa, aka Chris Katende. Meanwhile, I was all terrified, to listen to all that, basically Banbury, was turning into, a city of fear then for sure. Meanwhile,every time, I could see a police car, I would be scared to bits. Every morning, going to work, I would think, maybe, this is my turn as well, things like that. Basically, most of the people, I knew, had been victims of deportation, on immigration grounds. I could not meet, many black Africans, around town, like they used to be. Others, changed towns, to go to other safer areas apparently,things like that. Jackie, and Brian, moved out, to London, as well then. However,I had to hold my nerves tight, I was not ready, to quit my on going job, with

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the local council, and then go to London, to start looking for jobs, at that time. I had gone through it before, I was not ready, to risk it again. Meanwhile, I stayed still, in Banbury. However, I used to live in fear, all the time, thinking, I might be arrested, any day, as well. Basically, sister Linda, had gone out of town, for immigration levels, brother Abbey, was deported back to Uganda first, Segawa deported as well, Brian and Jackie, gone to live in London then. I had lost, very close friends indeed, and I was in such deep soul, as you could imagine, after such incidents. Meanwhile, I stayed so secretive personally, even at work, I could not allow, my emotions to show that, I was going through, the hardest time. Every time, my workemates, asked me, if I’ am ok, I would say, yah, fain thanks, and then, get on with the old job really. Anyway, time went by, I had spent 2 years, continuously working as dustman, with the local council. Meanwhile, I was summoned in the office, and basically, they were informing me, how good worker, I had been, and all the improvements, I had gone through as well. The local council was ready to offer me, a permanentcontract apparently. The manager asked me, if I was ready, to take the challenge, and I said yes, I’ am ready, thanks very much, I smiled a bit there then. Basically, I was told to bring in, my papers, i.e. Work permit or passport, and national insurance number. Thank God, I had paid for, a working permit stamp, fixed into my passport initially, and a fake, national insurance number as well. Basically, Segawa, had used them, to get employment, at What-Mans, and I had used them, to register with the employment agency initially, without trouble.So, that was the best option, I could use, at that point anyway. In the mean time, I organised all the necessary documents required, ready for the followingmorning. The next day, I presented my documents in alright, and passed the interview, very well indeed. Basically, the manager took photocopies, of all the documents, I had given him, and gave the originals, back to me. Meanwhile, the following day, in the afternoon, while in the field working, I got a phone call, from the manager saying, I had got the job. He said, the council is going to post your contract, to your address, congratulations, he added. I said, that is pretty good news to hear, thanks very much manager. Basically, I had waited for these moments to come for a while, now that it was here, I was extremely excited, in my mind. Literally, I had spent 2 constant years, working for the agency, and without holiday. I had shown trust, commitment, eager to learn everyday, and I had given in, the 100% + required, on this sort of job, I really deserved it. Meanwhile, in my contract, I was to work Monday to Friday, task and finish system, 20days holiday annually, and other benefits, that I was not entitled to before. In the mean time, I was going to be paid straight, in the bank account,

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then as well. However, all that time, I had never had the courage, to open up an account, in the bank. Simply because, rumours told me, they were much stricter, in the bank, verifying passports, and that. So, I never bothered even to try once, and then, I needed one. Meanwhile, I thought of the only options I had, and came up with one anyway. Basically, this Ugandan man, called Fhadi Kabuubi, around 47 years old, he said, he was willing, to give me his accountdetails, so that, I could receive my salary on it. Meanwhile, the followingmorning, I forwarded in, my account details, in the office, in the names of, Fahadi Kabubi, they accepted them. I started getting my salary, on his account therefore. However, Fahadi Kabubi, could not, give me his bank card, he would only afford, to withdraw cash for me, in that case. So basically, every time, I got paid, I could first phone call him, and stuff like that. Some time, it would take him, another 2 weeks, after I had been paid, to give me my money. And then, he would not give me the full amount, as well still, giving excuses now and again. I was really going through, hard time with him, the money had totalledto over 1500£, and the gap, was getting, wider and wider. Basically, I needed to find another quickie solution, otherwise. He was taking chances of me, becausehe knew, my status in the UK, I thought. I could not do anything to him, or else, I was going to risk, getting deported, and stuff like that. Otherwise, the easiest way, was to get another, different bank details then. Meanwhile, there was this other Ugandan lady, I knew, she used to live in Banbury before, and then, she was living in old London, at that time. In the mean time, I talked with her on the phone, and I explained my problems to her. Lucky enough, she said, she had 1 extra account card, and she was willing to post it, straight to my address. However, she was going to charge me, 20£ every monthly pay, she went on to say. In the mean time, that was the best offer, I could afford, at that time, I couldn’t hesitate, so I said yes. It was also a bit better for me, I was going to be, holding the bank card then, I would get my cash, straight from the machine then, when I want to. In the mean time, the account names were then, Lillian Byabakama. I would say, she is my elder sister, when asked at work. Meanwhile,the following morning, I forwarded in, my new bank details, to the office personnel anyway. She did not ask me any question, just photocopying them, and gave back, the originals to me. With that issue sorted, for a while, it was a bit of relief, altogether for me then. Meanwhile, I did not have much trouble, in the first 6 months, using Mrs Byabakam’s bank details. Then, all of sudden, I started recognizing, money was getting lost, on the account, I was holding. I informed, Mrs Byabakama about it, but she did not seem, much bothered anyway.

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Meanwhile, I was loosing money on the account, more often. Apparently she could go straight, to the bank customer service section, and sign on as account holder, to get cash, without bank card. In the mean time, I really got too stressed, thinking of why, was everybody, doing the same thing to me, what was I going to do next, with not many options available, and stuff like that. In the mean time, I had changed my bank details twice, in a space of 8 months. Meanwhile, Mrs Byabakama, gave me a phone call, to tell me, she wanted me to post her bank card, because she was going to, ask for a loan, in the bank apparently.She did not mention, over paying back my money, which had totalledto over 600£ then.

I MET DAVID KASPERHowever, in the mean time, I was desperately searching for new bank details,and then, I met this guy, his name is David Kasper, Slovakian originally.He had moved into, our shared flat house, 3 Merton Street, we becamefriends in other wards. Basically, he did not know much English though, so he requested me, to help him out, on making sentences in English, when I had time. He had failed to get a job, with the agency, because he could hardly, speak English at that time. He thought, my English was better, so I could help him out. I said, that is fain, I was willing to help out. But then, I also explained to him, the sort of problem, I had, at that time. I don’t have a bank account, and I can’t get one now, because I don’t have, the requirements, I said to David. Basically, he managed to understand, what I was saying, and he was willing, to help out too. Meanwhile, he trusted me, with his bank card, and details then. I took them, to the office personnel, the following day, therefore. Basically, this was my third time, submitting in, new bank details, within just a year, which is quite unusual really. Anyway, David Kasper was the name, of the account holder this time. Meanwhile, the personnel officer, asked me, how many times, was I going to change, my bank details, and I said, that was my last time, but to be honest, I was not sure. Anyway, she recorded my new bank details, and I left the office, afterwards. In the mean time, I was only hoping, it does not turn out, to be like, the past account numbers, I had held before. Meanwhile, David had done me a big favour, in other words, it was time to focus more, on the old job now then. Meanwhile, despite all the problems, I had gone through, I stayed well steady, and focused at work. I was learning faster, flexible at all time, and eager to improve, everyday. I was 1 of the best workers, in the yard, during that time, I could hear complements, from my co workers, praising how sharp I was, superb old boy, and all that. Meanwhile, I became fit and fitter, as dustman,

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sweating everyday, Monday to Friday, and then, on Saturday, I could go for, 6miles jogging run, just to stay supper fit, resting only Sunday’s. My main intentions, were to give 100% + on my job, I had suffered a lot in the past, and I was not willing, to slide backwards, that sort of determination, kept me going.Basically, all the friends I had, they had either been deported, or had left, the crazytown. Some times, I felt so lonely, but life goes on anyway, with or without.Meanwhile, David was the only friend, I could talk to, we become to be so close friends. Basically, he told me more, about his entire family, back in Slovakia,and he said, he only had a sister, but not a brother. His mum, and Dad, had only 2 kids, him and her. Meanwhile, he requested, if I could be his only brother, and I said, that is ok David, I can be your black brother. This could only surprise,a few people though, I commented, pure white man, related to pure black Africanman, I continued, causing laughter between us then. In the mean time, we could share jokes, over the white and black subject, all just for fun. Meanwhile,through David’s improving English, I could then, understand him quicker, than it was initially. In the mean time though, the temporary working permit stamp, they had initially, pressed in my passport, had expired, so I was due to renew it, before it could cause problems at work, in that case. Isaac Malufu, the man who had done for me, the first one, was not in Banbury town any more. I had to find, other quickie alternatives, in other words. In the mean time, through enquiries,I was directed to this man, Kigongo Sam, is name was. He was living,in East London, Forest Gate area apparently. Meanwhile, I got in touch with him, on the mobile phone first, but then he said, I needed to get to his office, if wanted, to get sorted. He declined, to talk such issues, on the phone that is. Meanwhile, I contacted Old Phillip, to ask him, if he would allow me, to stay at his house, for 2 days. He said ok, I should give him a call, when I get to London. He was living in North London, old Tottenham then. Basically, that following Friday evening, after work, I left for London. I meet with Phillip, for the first time, after 2 years. We had, a little fall-out before, over cash, he did not pay back, and all that, so, we had kept a distance, a little bit, typical black communities. Anyway, we chatted together, almost the whole night though. He had not changed a lot, apart from his attitudes, which had gone from good to bad. He was somehow, sounding arrogant, and disrespectful, to be honest. He bragged himself a lot, over this and that, I kept listening just. Meanwhile, the following morning, through the underground, I travelled to East London, for my appointment, with Mr Kigongo. I met with him, and I explained myself to him, the whole point was, to extend my stay, in the UK. Meanwhile, he suggestedto me that, they would be able to fix, an indefinite sticker and stamp, into my

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passport. I actually went, for that option, among others I was told, it would coast me 2000£, in other wards. Oh my good lord, I said, that was quite pricy for me. However, I could pay in instalments, of 200£ maximum per month, we agreed on that, and I deposited 300£ starting price. Anyway, this man Kigongo, was working as a solicitor apparently, and running his own private office, in a residential flat house. In the mean time, people would come in, with different, immigration related problems, I witnessed. Meanwhile, I managed to leave my passport behind, and it would take 2 weeks, to be ready apparently. It would then, be upon me, to pay the remaining a mount, I was told. After that peaceful agreement, I travelled back to north London, Phillip’s house. In the mean time, that very Saturday night, I and Phillip, went clubbing, in this Ugandan nightclub volts, in north London. In the club, I met with a few friends, Ugandans livingin the UK, I had not met for a long time. I had a good night out, altogetherin that case. Meanwhile, the following day, Sunday evening, I had to leave backto Banbury, for I had to work, the following Monday morning then.


In mean time, back at work, as ever been, everyday meant 100% perfectionthroughout, for all of us. In 2006/2007 UK financial year, Cherwell DistrictCouncil was voted,second best county council, on recycling scheme,by the audit commission apparently. Meanwhile, staff members, were all awarded with certificates, for a valuable contribution, to Cherwell District Council. Basically, I’ am very proud, to have been one of, the old winningteam then really. By that time, I had spent 5 good years, in continuous employment, with the local council. Meanwhile, I was more respected atwork, than it was before. I had gained more experience, and trust, from themanagers, and fellow worker mates as well. I could lead, the whole crewmembers, to the field, and lead them back to the yard safe, after job done,which was, an achievement to me still. I made sure, I had to balance myemotions & troubles well, concentrate on the job most. It is quite, a hardthing to do, perhaps for most, concentrating fully, especially, when one is illegal and working underground. In the mean time, my other strong heart, was always telling me, not to give up, and get on with it. That kind of motivation, kept me going, not because I had forgotten, all my troubles, but I knew, no body cared most anyway. Meanwhile, after 3 weeks, had passed by, I got a phone call from, Mr Kigongo telling me, my passport, was ready done. They could not post it, so, I should go and pick it when I can, he said.

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Basically, this was an urgent matter, I had to act as first. Meanwhile, that Fridayafter work, I left for, old East London, Forest Gate area, to meet with, Mr Kigongo.I had by then, got used to, travelling around London, by myself anyway.I went straight, and picked my ready passport therefore. Basically, they had made a difference, by fixing a sticker, on one of the pages in my passport, saying,indefinite to remain in the UK, on behalf of the home secretary, somebody signed on as well. That will do for me then, I said to Mr Kigongo, it was then upon me, to pay the remaining amount to them. Meanwhile, I left back straight to Banbury, same day return journey it was. The following Monday, I took my passport and presented it, to the Manager, in the office. He took photocopies, and handed the original passport, back to me then. He only cracked a joke, saying that, he thought, I was about to leave the council. I said, not as yet, I was still hanging on tight. We are all happy, to keep you longer, with the council, the manager added in the end. So basically, everything to do with, my status in the UK, was partly solved, only just. I felt more like refreshed, with that issue, out of my way, for a while really. Meanwhile, my white brother, David Kasper, the guy who had given me, his account card and details, was struggling with life. He had worked with the agency, for 2 weeks, and lost the job. He was not working, for a whole month then. In the mean time, he could not afford to pay, for his bills, including weekly rent. The landlord had kicked him out, of his room, due to unpaid bills and all. Basically, he was kindly requesting me, to allow him, move into my bedroom so that, he could plan another move. I was willing to help David out, whatever way, firstly, I was holding his account details, secondly, I was his elder brother then, to show the good example, and thirdly, he was my English student, at that time as well. Therefore, I had no choice, but to allow David, move into my bedroom. In the mean time, he moved in, with his adjustable bed anyway. Basically, we shared copy keys, whenever, I left very early in the morning for work, he would go, and look for jobs, at the agency, latter in the day. In the mean time, David’s English, was to improve a bit, but he was learning faster though, it was only a matter of time, to perfect. On the other hand, this gave me a perfect example, of life in the UK, especiallyfor foreigners. Things just not go straight forward, as you might expect, everyone struggles to make it through first, whether, white or black, Asian or European, they all encounter problems, at various levels. However, the only advantage, with David’s case though, he was from these country’s, that joined the European Union in 2003. At least, he was not worried, of getting arrested,and deportation, he was not underground, like I was, at that time anyway. Meanwhile, the entire time, I stayed with David, he did not know exactly, I

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was illegal in the UK. He probably suspected, but I always stayed secretive, about such issues anyway. However, he was ever keen on visiting Africa, for the first time, basically Uganda, were I had told him, I came from. But every time, he brought such topics, I would dodge them somehow, giving excuses, now and then. However, one time, I told him, I can’t travel back to my country,because I did not have, the relevant documents required, but I did not go into, more details on that issue still. Meanwhile, I was reading through, the old Banbury Cake news paper, and I found a job, advertised to work in the castle quay coffee shop. So, I helped my white brother David, to phone call, to the coffee shop manager, responsible then. Meanwhile, the woman voice I talked to, told me to go, and pick up, an application form, of which David did himself. Afterwards,I also helped him, to fill the application form out, and he got the job anyway, as coffee attendant then. In the mean time, he was asked to start, as soon as possible. Basically, that was great news for my white brother, at that time, I was happy for him indeed. David said, he was more than happy, because he had spent 4 months, without a job, under my care, he was appreciative. He went on to say, he would never forget, those moments, altogether. Meanwhile, we had special good respect, to ourselves. David also, kept introducing me, to his friends, as his god father, for I had saved him, through difficult times. His Mum and Dad, back in Slovakia, would all talk to me on the phone, with respect, for looking after there son, and stuff like that. Meanwhile, after just 2 months working, David decided to move out, to his own rented room, AbbeyRoad, closer to town centre it was. No problem, if you are ready to live independently, that is ok, I said to David. In the mean time, I also helped him, with his bags, to the waiting taxi van, and off he went. Meanwhile, I felt bored at first, for we had spent 4 months, living together with David then, as anybody would imagine. But in the end, I got used to the boredom anyway.


At least, I was happy, my white brother had moved on alright, it wouldonly take me 10 minutes, to his new address as well anyway. Meanwhile, Davidused to introduce me, to his work mates, as his brother, some peoplewould not understand him, saying so, because he was pure white, and I was pure black, they would not connect it together correctly. I could not explain to them, in details either. Anyway, life goes on though, David become busy on his new job, and I was busy as ever at work as well. We had less time, to see each other really. We could only communicate, through text messages most, or meet out, on weekends,

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for a drink in the pub, and then leave soon, for tight working time tables. Meanwhile, I used to spend most of my other free time, on the weekends, travelling to North London. Seven Sisters, west green road, was my destinationmostly, for the following reasons. 1, West Green Road, is like our Kampala Road, in Uganda. Many Ugandans, have got business on this road, from shops, to pubs, and many more. 2, it was always good fun, when I visited, because most people, would communicate, in Luganda, my local language, which was a rare case in Banbury. Local culture food, was available there as well, I somehowfelt at home, to be honest.

I WOULD SAY, I WAS THERE, I DONE THATMeanwhile, I also used that chance, to tour the attractions, and other wonderfulparts, of beautiful London. Some of the places, I visited are as follows; The famous Madame Tussauds, excellent art in there it is. The London eye, beautiful spot over there, for sure. The new Wembley stadium, historical as ever still it is. The former great, Highbury stadium, I was there, the last game against, Wigan- Athletics, when Legendary, Thierry Henry, kicked in the penalty shoot, and kissed the ground, good bye, it will ever be historical,in my mind. The old London Bridge, is wonderful sight, around there indeed. The Oxford Street city centre, this is a busiest shopping area, I have ever been to, honestly. The buildings are made with, the finest modern architecture, and goldenlooks, all perfectly decorated, and looked elegant to me, good old London,I thought. Basically, I would say, apart from the beautiful city, the people themselves, seem to get on, with there business most, day to day life style. Meanwhile, I also had a chance, to visit and watch football, at the Emirates,Arsenal current stadium. I.e. 5-0 Arsenal won, against old Derby County, 2008-2009 season, wonderful moments, those were. In the mean time, travellingwithin London, I found it easy in the end, it is just quite, well defined really,when you take good notice. Either travelling by bus, or the underground, network railway. Well organised system, modern equipments, and technology, all makes it success. And in case, one gets stuck anywhere, someone is there to help, politely and faster. Pure first world class, altogether, I thought. Meanwhile,back in Banbury Oxfordshire, working as dustman, I got a chance to see nearly90%, of the villages, and town centres, in North Oxfordshire. Places that I would never have been to, in my entire life, I would say I was there. In the mean time, I would not mention all the 90% places, I went to, but I would like to point out, a few remarkable villages I saw.1- Hook Norton town centre, old culture looks, along there, and the Brewery area, all good. 2- Ann-Well village,

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the buildings, looks elegant good, 13th century church, country side views and all that. 3-Sib-fords village, great English cultured school, along there. 4- Mollington, and Cropredy, beautiful places those are surely. 5- Bicester town, and the surrounding villages, well organised indeed. 6- Islip andNoke, excellent country side views, and all that, over there, I thought. 7- Kidlington village, is beautiful indeed too. Basically some of these places, will never get off my mind, up to present day, just to mention but a few really. Meanwhile, I could only assume, Oxfordshire is one of the finest places, to live in the UK, if I’ am not wrong. Basically, I’ am just grateful, for having been given a chance, to serve to this community altogether. In the mean time, I became to love old Banbury, as my home town, for the entire time, I livedin the UK, it was my home base. I would say, the whole town is still more English cultured, custom, and systems, you just have to adapt, ratherreally. Meanwhile, I also met and made, a few friends, during my time, I was also known as, Chris the boxer. The reason, I had been involved, in 3professional boxing fight nights, in the ring, in this very town.


One of the remarkable moments, in the ring were, when I knocked out, this old boy, and I was pronounced disqualified, for doing so. Meanwhile, the announcer said, I was supposed to do, touch contact, not knockinghim out. Of which, they did not tell me about, initially before the fight. It was round 3, and the old opponent was not doing touch contact, to me either, but there you go, I said to myself. Old boxing, is full of amusing moments,now and again. Anyway, after the fight night, people used to make fun of me, because of that incident night. Good old boxing funs, in Elephant and Castle pub Banbury then. Meanwhile, outside sports, boxing, and work, I used to keep, a very low profile, staying a way from trouble, as much as possible. Because I knew, that was the only way, to survive longer, in the underground life UK. Brother David, was the only person, I could tell my any secretes, otherwise, I stayed secretive to other people, most of the time. Meanwhile, people would ask me, lots of rather challenging questions like, do you ever go back, to visit your mum and dad, in your country? How long, are you staying here for? How is it like, living in Africa, and lots more, just to seek answers, and explanations. However, I used to get credit, for most of my expressions, and good sense of human apparently. Meanwhile, some of my work mates, would say, I was too good, to be a dustman, and all that. Intelligent old boy, and many more

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complements, of that sort, some good and encouraging. Meanwhile, in my heart, I would think, I wish all those people knew, I was illegal in the UK, and I could probably, do even better, if I wasn’t. In other words, I would like to point out, some of the disadvantages, of living in the underground world UK. 1- No genuine national insurance number, no genuine work permits, passportsor driving license. 2- You can not fly out, to another country, because of expired visa and all that, plus lots of more privileges, that you would have been, entailed to.3- Living in fear all the time, in case you get arrested, deportation,and all that. 4- You will also loose that confidence, to express yourself freely, in public. Basically, these are just a few mentioned obstacles, you will face, in the underground life, there lots more, you might come across. Everyone, is got there own experience, some even worse than mine, depending on situations in that case. Therefore, I would not encourage anyone, to go through such experienceat all, in the first place. But, if anyone is ready, to try there luck, well then, all the best. Meanwhile, some of the things, you would want to avoid as well, while in the underground world UK are: driving a car without license, drink driving as well, some get away with it, but only a matter of time, before you get caught, by the long arm of the law. Violence, and fighting, either domestic, or public, anywhere, you would only be, inviting the police, to know where you’re quicker.


Try to be organised, try not to look suspicious in anyway, and know allyour details like, date of birth, home address, national insurance number.Be ready, to give straightforward answers, in case you get stopped, by the police. Basically, mental strength is always going to be vital, in your journey. To be honest, those are just a few tips, on how to survive longer,in the underground world UK. There lots more, you might come across, as life goes on. Meanwhile, the expectations, back in your country, might be as high, but don’t put that pressure, on yourself, to deliver very quickly, to your family especially, but stay forecast. Things are probably, not as easy, as some might think or count. Some people make it, in short while, some don’t, depending on the circumstances still. Remember, only the strongest survive. Your count down is on, good luck again. Meanwhile, as the saying goes, you can run, but you can not run away, from your own shadow. One morning, I will never forget,10th/02/2010, I had woken up very early in the morning, as my daily routine.5:00am make myself breakfast, and get ready for work, 6:00am start. That morning, I was down stairs, in the kitchen, making breakfast, I had just

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finalised, making my oats porridge, and then, I had this rather, rude and loudestknock, on the front door. This was unusual, and it had never happened before,it all felt so strange altogether, in the first place. Someone was knocking so loudly, and endless, I sensed, something was wrong. In the mean time, I switched off the lights in the kitchen, and waited in the dark. Meanwhile, there was this old boy, we shared the house with, his bedroom was next, to the front door. So he went, and opened the front door anyway. Basically, by the time, I switched off the lights, the old boy, had opened the door. I heard them asking him, where is he, he must have pointed towards me, because they came straight in the kitchen that is. Using hand held touches, one of them switched the lights back on, here we go, he said. Meanwhile, I was stood there in the dark just. There was no any other way out, through the kitchen anyway. That looked like it, I had been bursted, in the end then, this is what crossed in my mind, at that time. In mean time, 1 of the officers ordered me, to take them to my bedroom. Basically, they were about 7, 2 women, and 5 men. They were wearing black trousers, and flash light jackets, radio calls, and all that, all looked professional,but scary. We are from the home office, immigration department, 1 of them said to me. Anyway, I led the team, way upstairs, to my bedroom. Inside my room, I was told to sit down in the chair, of which I did. Meanwhile, I tried to stay calm, but inside my heart, I felt shocked, to be honest. In the mean time, they requested me for my passport, and I said, I did not have it with me, at that time. I had left it with, job centre plus, in Coventry, when I had gone to apply for a new, genuine national insurance number, and that was a fact, I went on to explain. The officers, did not believe me though, they continued checking, and searching, into my stuffs. In the mean time, I was told to stay still, in the chair, I was complying with everything I’ am told, all this time anyway. Meanwhile, they were asking me questions, over this & that, and it was all recorded down, in the note book, by the ladies. Basically, the whole operation must have lasted like, 1 hour long, and then, I was told, they were arresting me, on living, and working illegally in the UK. The officer went on to tell me, I had the right to remain silent, or whatever, I would say, could be brought against me, in the courts of law. Meanwhile, I was given 5 minutes, to put on a jacket, and pick anything, that would be essential to me. For God sake, I had lived in this house, for over 6 years. I had all my belongings, in this room, surely 5 minutes, would not have been enough, for me to park much stuff. Anyway, I reached for my mum’s photo frame, and my laptop, plus a jacket, and I was told, time up, lets go. However, I matched outside my bedroom door, for the last time, locking it, as well. Meanwhile, my landlord, had heard the noise, and he came in to see,

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what was happening, he was only living just next door anyway. However, he was also made to bring out his details, by the immigration officers, in that case. British Pakistan origin anyway he was, so he was left to go. Meanwhile, there was this other African brother, Kenyan particular, he was living in this house, as well. He had just come in from work, he had worked night shift, and all that. He was arrested as well anyway, on immigrations reasons. So basically, 2 peoplewere arrested that morning, from same address. Meanwhile, we were told to board into, the waiting security van, and driven off, to the detention centre, from that point, we were detainees. Anyway, off to the motorway we went, we must have travelled for a bout 2 hours, before our first destination, I thought. When we reached, we were offered, coffee drinks, and sandwiches. I was personally well starving then, I could not refuse a coffee break.

I HAD MY FIRST NIGHT IN DETENTION CENTRE THEN.Meanwhile, after our coffee, we were summoned, into separate rooms, forscreening interviews, and finger print taking, as well. After that processdone, we were told to use toilets, if we wanted, because we were goingto be, transferred to another detention centre, 3 hours drive apparently.Afterwards, we were body searched, and climbed into, the waiting securityvan. Inside the van, they were 2 other detainees, plus the 2 of us then. I came toknow, the other 2 mates were also arrested, on immigration reasons, inScotland apparently. Meanwhile, we travelled for like 3 hours, talkingover this and that, between ourselves. In the mean time, we were taken to, Cambridge-shire, Oakington detention centre, former army camp apparently.On our arrival, we waited at the gate, for a bout 20 to 30 minutes, before wewere flagged in. After wards, the gate keeper said, sorry to keep you waiting, it is all to do with paper work, around here. In the mean time, we proceeded through, a long drive way, towards the reception section. Meanwhile, we again waited, outside a small gate that leads to the reception. The driver had to go in first, to present our paper work, to the authorities. In Meantime, we kept waiting, in the back of the van, for another 15 minutes. When the driver came back, we were told to jump out, and walk down, a fenced path way, leading to the reception. We must have gone through, 3 differentdoors, before we reached, the reception finally. I realised, they locked, all the doors, behind us then. In the mean time, to the reception, we were told to sit down by then, the waiting officers. Meanwhile, time was about 10pm, we were given choices, for either, sandwiches, tea or coffee, and then, after wards, interviewed individually. Basically, the interviewer, asked for my name, date

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of birth, country of origin, and like. From there, we were taken into another room, to record our belongings, and stuff. After that, we went back to the reception waiting area, and again, one by one, we were checked by the Doctor as well. And then, issued with detention centre, identity cards, bearing one’s names, date of birth, photograph, section block, and bed number. After wards, we were told by, apparently, the welfare officer woman that, everything in this centre, was running on time table programme basis. Basically, breakfast, 8:00am to 8:30am, Lunch, 12:30-2:00pm, Dinner, 6:00-7:00pm, and many more. Any problems, the welfare office, is open for everybody 24 hours, she added. Meanwhile, we were all issued with, towels and bedclothes. Literally the whole processes, must have taken like, 2 good hours. Meanwhile, between all this time, more and more detainees, were brought in, & all going through, the same process really. Anyway, in the mean time, we were escorted to, our respective residential blocks, time was about, half past midnight, and all other inmates, had gone to bed already. However, the welfare officer, switched the bed light on for me, and she left me, making my bed to sleep. That was it, I had my first night, in the detention centre then. The following morning, by 7:30am, the announcer said, good morning gentlemen, breakfast is ready, please make your way down, to the canteen area. When I wake up, I looked through the glass windows, to observe the area a little bit, and then, I walked towards the canteen room. Meanwhile, in a very well organised manner, we all queued up, to get served. Basically, it was multicultural of everybody, immigrants from various parts of the world, but mostly, Africans, Asians, Caribbean, Middle East, and like. I could only assume, we were a bout 200 detainees, and that was only 1 section block, of 4. Anyway, after breakfast, all the new comers, who had arrivedprevious night, including me, were to go through, the induction process. Meanwhile, we were all called by our names, to meet with the welfare officerthen. Basically, she explained through, a list of programmes, that happenswithin the centre to us. And then, she took us around the area, showing us, what is what, and which is which. Among the things, that we were shown, the Library, the shops, gym area, games area, internet, and religious section areas respectively. After our induction was completed, we were then, left to mix in, with other inmates. Meanwhile, I stayed in the library, reading through, the old sun news papers. It was always been, my favourite paper, especially the sports section & page 3. Anyway, I would estimate, we were about 800 detainees, in the whole centre, at that time. Basically, it was the same old issue, for each one of us, immigration problems. Meanwhile, after I had gone through the newspapers, I left back to our, residential section block. In the mean time, there

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was not too much to be done physically really, it just looked like, another day off work, in my opinion. Meanwhile, I sat on my single bed, thinking about my troubles, at that time. Latter in the day, before lunch time, I was summoned to the interview, area block. In the interview, I was asked, if I needed an interpreter,and I said, no thanks. The woman interviewer, was good sounding though, we managed to crack little jokes, before my interview started. However, questions like, names, address, country of origin, mum, and dad’s details, time lived in the UK, and stuff like that, is all she wrote down, on the question form. Basically,the whole interview must have lasted like 30 minutes, I thought. After wards, I went back to our residential section block, it was just about time for lunch anyway. Meanwhile, I moved down to the canteen area, other inmates, were already under way eating. In the mean time, I realized, there seemed to be a system, detainees were summoned out, now and again, anytime getting taken away, either to the airport, for deportation, or transferred to, other detention centres quietly. Basically, it all looked strange, and worrying, you could see some one there, and then, the next moment, is being taken away. Meanwhile, after lunch, I went back to our residential block, and I decided to phone call, my dad in Uganda, to inform him, of the whole situation. I also phoned, my white brother, David Kasper, they were all terrified, about the whole story altogether. However, there was not a lot, for them to do, to make a difference really. In the mean time, I also managed to, send a voice message, to my managerat work, telling him, I had got an accident, but non-specifying it. After wards, I switched the phone off, and handed it back to the officer, it was not allowed, in our section block anyway, for being with a camera and like. I basically, needed to have a phone, without camera apparently. Meanwhile, after my first week had elapsed, I was transferred to another residential block, just within the centre though. Some of the inmates, in this block, had been 2 to 3 years apparently,waiting for there cases, to be solved. It is all stressing experience to go through, one of the guys, I talked to, with Caribbean accent, commented. Other inmates, I talked to as well, they all had various comments, on how, and when, they were arrested, by immigration officials. I am good at listening, rather than talking, therefore, I listened to all other people’s stories, mostly to compare, and make remarks latter, that is just me. Anyway, more inmates went on, to give there comments, on there cases. It is a very strange situation here men, you would see somebody now, the next moment, is told to park is belongings, being taken away, that is just the way it is, down here. One of the guys, with Asian accent, was commenting as well. In the mean time, I actually witnessed, all that happen, the entire time, I spent at the Centre. Anyway, latter in the day,

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I was supposed to meet, with my case worker. Basically, I went and applied for asylum in the UK, in the conversation, with the official. Meanwhile, I also took a notice, on the notice-board, an international organisation for immigrants, was offering 2500£ to any immigrant, who would wish to return, to there native country, voluntarily. This was to prove, very vital moments, for my futureahead. Meanwhile, I had spent 3 weeks, in detention centre by then. One morning, I was sat in the library, reading newspapers and that, then one detention officer, came to me, and said, Chris are you? I replied yes. You have got 10 minutes, to go park your belongings, and go to the block office, he added, ok then, I replied. In the mean time, I knew that was my time, to be moved on anyway. Meanwhile, I went, and gathered my belongings, placed them in the white plain plastic bag, that I was issued with initially, and I moved down, to the office block then. Are you ready, he asked? I’ am, I replied. You are leaving us, do know? I said well, I don’t know. He said, come with me please. Meanwhile, we headed down towards the reception area, over there, I was given my camouflage bag, containing my other belongings, that were not allowed, inside our residential block initially. In the mean time, we were actually 3 of us, being taken away, that same time. Basically, we assembled to be body searched, by the authorities, and then, we moved down to, the waiting security van, ready to go. Meanwhile, 2 G4 security group personnel, sat in the front sits of the van, we headed out of the gates, of Oakington, detention centre. In the mean time, this co-driver man, with Asian accent, informed to us, it was going to be, 3 hours drive, down to Heathrow Airport. There you go, I was getting deported, basically, that is what crossed my mind, at that time.Anyway, off we went, literally, they were meant, to take the 2 of us to the airport,and then, drop –off, that other mate, to another detention centre. Meanwhile, feeling concern inside, I said to this co-driver man, excuse me sir? I was just wondering, what happened with my asylum application, I said. I wouldn’t know Chris, he replied, but if you are sure, you forwarded it in, just make sure, you enquire with the officers, at the airport. Try to speak up, he said further, I said ok, thanks very much mate. Meanwhile, we reached at the airport, and the 2 of us, stepped out of the van, we were shown, the waiting room area. The 3rd detainee stayed still, in the van, and after the G4 security personnel, had finishedhanding us in, they left. Minutes latter, my other mate, I had come in with, his fright was about to depart as well, so they rushed him, to the check in area. He said good bye to me, and I replied, take care mate, I would never, ever see him again perhaps, I thought, feeling sad there, a little bit. Meanwhile, I stayed in the waiting room, by myself watching TV, for about 15 minutes. Then, the

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grey haired gentleman, came in for me, come with me please, he said. He took me to the office, and he requested me, to sit down, thanks, I said. You applied to stay in the UK, did you? I said, yes, I did. Well, we can’t see anything on our system, that says so, but you sound very intelligent guy. What I can do for you is, give you the piece of paper, and you can briefly, write down your case, ok? Cheers, I said. In the mean time, I noted down my reasons, to stay in the UK, and then, I handed the paper back to that gentleman. Meanwhile, he told me to go back to the waiting area, he would call me, when ready. After about 5 minutes, he came in, and called me, by the name now then, Chris, he said. You’re going to wait in here, the G4 security group, will be coming to take you back, to Oakington, might take longer while though, he said. Meanwhile, you can help yourself, with the vending machines, for sandwich, coffee or tea, the gentleman ended. Thanks for your help, I said, it is alright, he replied walking away then. Meanwhile, I went straight down, to the sandwich machine and coffee. I was well starving by then, right on time, that was. In the mean time, I waited for about 2 good hours, before my next move, happened then. Around 9:00pm, the G4 security group van, arrived at Heathrow Airport, to pick me up.

THIS WAS A CRUCIAL TURNING POINT FOR MEAlright mate? The driver asked. Yah, I’ am not to bud, I said. Right then, we are going to take you back to Oakington, it is going to be like 3 hours drive, are you ready? He asked, I said, I’ am. I was given 5 minutes, to use the toilets as well though. However, I rushed down for more sandwich rather, I thought they would have finished dinner, by the time we get to, Oakington centre anyway, and I wasn’t taking any risks in that case. I’ am ready, I said, after wards, let us go then, the driver said, leading the way, to the waiting securityvan then. Meanwhile, 2 people sat in the front sits, and me by myself, in the back, we headed off to, Oakington detention centre then. Basically, this was a crucial turning point for me, to be honest. Anyway, by around 20 past midnight, we arrived at the gates of, Oakington detention centre. In the mean time, we waited for the old paper work, to be dealt with, before getting cleared in, by the authorities. Meanwhile, the following morning, after I had finished my breakfast, I was summoned in, the interview room area. Basically, I was made to formally, fill in another application form, claiming asylum in the UK. After wards, I went back to our residential block, and mixed in, with other inmatesthen. Meanwhile, boys were asking me, we thought you had gone mate, are you back then? I replied, they brought me back, after I had told them, I had applied for asylum in the UK, that is all. Meanwhile, time went by, I had spent

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another week, in this detention centre then. Basically, they summoned me, in the office, and told me, I was going to be transferred, to another detention centre, Harmon-Sworth, quick removal centre it was. In the mean time, I was told to go, and park my belongings, ready to go. That was my last time, at Oakington basically, I was getting moved on then. I had spent 3 weeks, at this centre, altogether then. In the mean time, the 4 of us, went through, same securitychecks, and old paper work stuff. By half past midday, the G4 security van, that was taking us, arrived. Alright boys, the driver asked. Right, we are dropping, the 2 of you to the airport, and the rest 2, to another detention centre, he said. Meanwhile, off we went then, basically we went to Heathrow airport first, and then, they took the 2 of us, to Harmon-Sworth removal centre, just 10 minutes drive away. In the mean time, on our arrival to the gates, and to the reception, through security checks, old paper work as well, it is just the same, old system really. However, we were give a short induction, about the place, and then, allocated rooms and beds. Unlike, at Oakington, where we used to sleep in dormitories. This was just bedrooms, accommodating 2-3 people at time, with television, and landline extension, as well included. In my opinion,it looked rather better a bit. Basically, this centre, is a big enclosed area, well build to accommodate like, 3000 inmates or more. Meanwhile, some inmates I talked to, claimed they had spent 1-3 years in there. Apparently, they had seen people, come in and go, stuff like that. Goodness me, I just could not imagine myself, in detention centre, for all that much long, I thought just. Basically, I had spent 6 weeks, since my arrest initially, but I was already fed up, stressed, and everything. In the mean time, I had promised myself, if I asked for asylum, and fail once, I would appeal again, but not more than twice. Meanwhile, between all that time, I was communicating with my white brother David, on the phone, and text messages. Basically, my great concern was, all my belongingsthat I had left behind, in my bedroom, since I was arrested. In the mean time, I had talked with my ex-landlord as well, and requested, to give me more time, to sort myself, he had said ok, but then, it was 6 weeks, without let pay, he was getting impatient, and I would not blame him, in that case. However, I had this little savings, on David’s account, so I told David, to use that money, to sort my things out for me. Basically, I gave him the company name I knew, that would transfer my belongings, to Uganda. Meanwhile, without delay, David got in touch with them, and they arranged a day to meet, and move my stuffs out. Apparently, they went with a van, and David was in presence, to see my belongings, getting parked, into boxes, and bags, into the van. He phone called me after wards, to tell me, it was all sorted then. Good old boy, thanks

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very much David, I said in the end. Basically, he had done a great job for me, altogether indeed, this was another crucial moments, for me as well. For I was not sure, I was going to come out of detention, very soon. Meanwhile, I phoned the company, responsible for shipping cargo’s, to Uganda. They said, my property would cost me, 900£ by air, and 400£ by water. That is the best prices you can get, a man voice said to me, on phone still. Anyway, in mean time, I went for the option of 400£, and I was told, it would take 3 months, before my property arrive in Uganda then. Basically, I registered them, in my Dad’s names, Nkuubi James, to receive them, in that case. Generally, I was relieved, at least that issue, was sorted, and out of the way then. Meanwhile, I had then spent 2 weeks in, Harmon-Sworth removal centre. I had gone through, series of immigration interviews, as regards my case. Basically, I got my first refusal, in my 3rd week, in this centre. In the meantime, I appealed to the decision once more, and it took another 2 weeks, for the home office, to reply back to me. Meanwhile, I had applied for, the voluntary return programme. I got a phone call, my application was accepted, and they were going to call me back, to tell me, the details apparently, the lady voice concluded, thanks I said. Meanwhile, life was so stressful for me, in the detention centre, I had spent 2 good months, behind bars then. I could witness, guys were being brought in, and others deported, or transferred, and all that. Somehow by then, I was determined to go back home Uganda, and make a new start. Meanwhile, I received my appealapplication forms back, and guess what? I had been refused, status in the UK again. I was given 2 days, to appeal in the supreme court, or face forced removalapparently. Right, thus it, I had promised myself, not to appeal more than twice, and whatever came from that point, I was ready to face it then. Meanwhile, the following week on Tuesday, we had just finished lunch, and I was down in, the old gym, sweating down. Basically, I was summoned into the block office, and I was told, I was going to be transferred, to another detention centre, in Kidlington Oxfordshire. Meanwhile, I was given 10 minutes, to park my stuffs, and go straight, to the office block, ready to go. After wards, I was escorted out, to the reception desk, I was given my other belongings, that were in the security store as well. And then, I was body searched, by the security driver, and told, to get into the van. Meanwhile, off we went, to the motorway, and after about 4 hours drive, we reached the, Campsfield house, detention centre. I was well familiar, with this place Kidlington, even though, we did not go through, the town centre. Basically, I had worked, and served, in this area, as a dustman, based in Banbury then, before my arrest. I could only say, I enjoyed my time, serving to the community, in this area too. Meanwhile, we

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checked in at the reception gates, at around 5:00pm, and then, through the system, of paper worker, induction, and all that, then allocated bedrooms, in the end. However, this place Campsfield house, had history of immigrants strikes, over this and that, on a number of occasional. I had read about it, in the Banbury cake news paper, even before my arrest. Here, I was then, into it myself, I was wondering just. Meanwhile, after 2 days had passed, I realised this place, was far better than, Oakington, and Harmon-Sworth centres, my opinion just. The difference here was, big outside gardens, but enclosed around anyway. In the mean time, we were allowed to, loiter around thegardens, till midnight really. The meals were better for me also, with less curries and all that. TV sets, in our respective bedrooms as well, and also, plenty of games going on here too, it all felt better, for me anyway. Meanwhile, I didnot find much trouble, mixing in with other inmates, and getting onwell, with the staff members as well, complying with everything really.

MY DATE OF TRAVEL WAS SET FOR 25/05/2010Basically, I would like to point out that, the entire time, I spent at theCampsfield house, we did not strike over anything at all. Meanwhile, I gotinvolved in various sports activities, and other social invents, that took place,during that time, just within the centre though. However, by that time, I was thinking a bout, my mother land home Uganda, most of the time. I thought a bout meeting people, and family members, I had not seen for 8years. I was also eager, to see any changes, that had happed, duringthat period. Basically, I totally knew, there were not many options, left for me, but to go back home, and start a fresh really. I also, did not want, to west too much time, in detention centres rather. In the mean time, I phoned the, [I.O.M] international organisation for immigrants, to ask them where they had got to, with my application, for voluntary return program. At first they had told me, it was accepted, but then, it was 3 weeks ever since, with out any news, I got concerned. Meanwhile, at first I was told, my application was cancelled, but then, it turned out, it was re-approved, and my date of travel, was set for 25th/05/2010. Thank God, I said to myself, for I was about to end the journey, that I had started. Basically, I had spent 3 good months, in detention centres altogether, for being illegal in the UK. However, maybe, I was going to have a better change in life, back at home, maybe, for the worst, all this, was going through my mind, at that time anyway. In the mean time, I was not sure of what to do, when I get home, income generating wise, because, I did not have much savings left either. However, thank God, I.O.M was offering me, 2500£, not in

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cash, but materials worthy. Probably, that is not a lot of money, but still, that could make a decent start, back at home for me, I thought. At the same time, I would only count myself lucky, because initially, I was going to be deported, without anything at all. That could have been a lot worse, but then, with the I.O.M limited resources, I was ready to get the best, out of it, so help me God. Meanwhile, David visited me twice, while I was at Harmon-sworth, and at the Campfield house, as well. Basically, he was the only visitor, I received, during my entire time, in the detention places, a real brother indeed. This last time, when he visited me, we chatted about a few things, and I also, had time to thank him, for being such a good friend to me, since the first time, I met him. I also said sorry, for having put him through, all my troubles, after all, we only met in the UK initially, before becoming brothers, I could only appreciate the fact. Meanwhile, on Tuesday afternoon, I was summoned to the reception, they had assembled all my belongings and like, paper work, and all that. Afterwards, I was directed to the G4 security van that was taking me, to the airport. In the van, I found 3 other detainees, also going the same way, Heathrow airport apparently. Meanwhile, my fright was due at 8:00pm, arriving in Uganda, the following morning 10:00am. Basically, my mission in the United Kingdom, was terminated short then. However, I had this confidence in me, the knowledge I had acquired, from the English man, would help me to another level hopefully. I would like to point out that, I was also lucky, for having achieved personal skills, during my time, in the underground world UK. Skills like, good communication,in perfect English, both on telephone, and in person. I also gained lots of experience, in dealing with clients, both awkward, and friendly. I turned into quick learner, and able to adapt, to different atmospheres as well. Education and achievements: IT skills, Windows and office packages. Certificate in waste management operations. certificate in health and safety regulations at work. Certificate in customer care code of conduct. Certificate of achievement for a valuable contribution to Cherwell district council. National vocational training qualification and Red Cross basic training certificate too.. I feelproud, for having gone through, such experience successfully really. I can only sit back, and cherish through, such good and bad memories. I am not going to sit here, and start criticizing, or regretting about things, I did not achieve, during my time. I just look forward, to new challenges, ahead of me, so help me God.


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Some of the examples of architectures and decorations of the old buildings in London that took the author’s attention, example 1, 2 and 3

Example 1

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Example 2

Example 3

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Some examples of the horrible weather conditions, in Banbury Oxfordshire experienced by the author, however some of the public services had to

continue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Example 1

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Example 2

Example 3

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Example 4

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Example 5

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Example 6

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Some of the author’s time in the ring, as per examples given, 1, 2, 3

Example 1

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Example 2

Example 3

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Difficult Sir names used in this book.

Persons sir names like [1] Katende [2] Nkubi [3] Kyomugisha [4]Mukiibi [5] Mukasa [6] Kololo [7] Bogere Isimah [8] Kimbugwe [9] Sebuyira [10] Namwanje [11] Kikooti Kigula [12] Kawooya [13] Kigundu [14] Olukulu [15] Namusooke [16] Kato [17] Mutoro [18] Luganda [19] Mayombo [20] Mivule [21] Segawa [22] Baganda tribe. [23] Akram Gakuba [24] Malufu [25] Hayati [26] Kawuzi [27] Kigongo. [28] Phahad Kabubi. [29] Byabakama.

Names of places; Kampala - Uganda, Butega, Singo Mityana, lugogo Namukoozi, U.E.B plant, Nakivubo, Maryborne, Britchill, Morrisions, Glamis place. Kyambogo Itec, Grimsbury, Abacus, Mademe Tussauds, Wembly, Morrington, Bicester, Cropedy, Kidlington, Campfield house, Noke, Oakington Harmondsworth.

Difficult terms and words

• Being underground; as in being illegal in the country.

• The papers: as in required documents.

• Home office UK; this is the government department, for immigration and passports, drugs policy, and counter terrorism.

• Home secretary UK; this is a government department responsible for internal affairs within England and Wales.

• National Insurance Number; used to trace each individuals contribution, into this fund. It is also used as a reference number, to the social security system, in the UK.

• B5 and B8 ; as in bus number 5 or bus number 8, services.

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Conclusion remarks

I would like to point out that, I have always had the desire to write a book, even before my travel to the UK initially. But, I had never managed, to find a good story to start off with, in that case. I just hope, I have come out, with a good story, for the good readers out there, thanks for taking part, and your valuable time as well, I could only say, bless.

I started drafting the words for this book, between October and November 2010. And then after wards, the final touches, typing and editing, between December 2010 and April 2011.

I would like to take this moment, to sincerely apologise to, the entire staff members of, Cherwell District Council, for having involved them in my story, all through.

Meanwhile, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank, Cherwell DistrictCouncil entirely, for having brought me up, to the person, I’ am to day, allproud for having gone through that class.



This book is based on true story and actual events.

Authored by; Katende Christopher Davidson.

The author of this book is self employed business man, in Kampala Uganda, currently. For you’re comments, please email, [email protected]

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