understand qur’an & salah the easy way lesson no. 15a

Understand Qur’an & Salah The Easy Way Lesson No. 15a

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Understand Qur’an &

SalahThe Easy WayLesson No.


In this lesson…

Qur’an :Sana, Recitals in Ruku’ & Sajdah

Grammar :Forms of 'ب ر' ظ'ل'م' ض'

ب'ر' ر'&ص' غ'ف'

Educational tip: Cultivate a Habit &

Develop an




ان' ب>ح' س=ك' م@ اللBه= Eد م> بEح' و'

ك'Glorified are

YouO Allah

and with Your praise

ان' ب>ح' س=ك' م@ اللBه= Eد م> بEح' و'

ك'Glorified are

YouO Allah, and with Your


�ح�ان� ب �سهللا

� ان �ح� ب �سك�

You are free from defects or


ان' ب>ح' س=ك' م@ اللBه= Eد م> بEح' و'

ك'Glorified are

YouO Allah, and with Your


%$ه�م! OاللAllah!

ان' ب>ح' س=ك' م@ اللBه= Eد م> بEح' و'

ك'Glorified are

YouO Allah, and with Your


ب( و�ح�م�د(ك�

your praise with and

ان' ب>ح' س=ك' م@ اللBه= Eد م> بEح' و'

ك'Glorified are

YouO Allah, and with Your


تسبيحNegation ofnegatives

د� م� ح�Attributing positives

ان' ب>ح' س=ك' م@ اللBه= Eد م> بEح' و'

ك'Glorified are

YouO Allah, and with Your

praise;Tasbeeh and Hamd• Unless one does true Tasbeeh,

he cannot truly Praise or Thank • Tasbeeh: The essential step for

freeing oneself from ‘Shirk’ • Praise and Thanks: An important

base of Islam

Message from:

ان' ب>ح' س=ك' م@ اللBه= Eد م> بEح' و'

ك'Glorified are

YouO Allah, and with Your

praise;Tasbeeh leads to positive Attitude! and Hamd leads to Gratitude

These two are foundations of a Successful


Message from:

ت'ب'ا و'ك' ر'


ت'ع'ا و'Uل'ى

دWك' ج'and

blessed isYour name;

And high is

Your Majesty;

ت'ب'ا و'ك' ر'


ت'ع'ا و'Uل'ى

دWك' ج'and

blessed isYour name;

And high is

Your Majesty;

� ك�اب ر�He Blessed

ك� �ار� �ب He is Blessedت

عيد مبارك

ت'ب'ا و'ك' ر'


ت'ع'ا و'Uل'ى

دWك' ج'and

blessed isYour name;

And high is

Your Majesty;

م= م=ك' + ك'اس> اس>

+ Eمب اس>With/Inname

Your name

Eم هللا بEس>

ت'ب'ا و'ك' ر'


ت'ع'ا و'Uل'ى

دWك' ج'and

blessed isYour name;

And high is

Your Majesty;


�ى$ �ع�ال تhigh is and

ت'ب'ا و'ك' ر'


ت'ع'ا و'Uل'ى

دWك' ج'and

blessed isYour name;

And high is

Your Majesty;

Pد ج�ك�

Your majesty

ك' ت'ب'ار' و' م=ك' اس>and blessed is Your name;

If you just repeat “Water, Water”, your thirst will not go. But repeating Allah’s name gives blessings: In this world, You get His help In the Hereafter, get eternal blessings and


Message from:

Uت'ع'ال'ى و' دWك' ج'And high is Your Majesty;

Your Majesty is the highest.

Message from:

ه'ـــو'ال' إEل ك' غ'ي>ر=and (there is) no god other than You.

ه'ـــو'ال' إEل ك' غ'ي>ر=and (there is) no god other than You.


ا� ل ا�

god no and

ه'ـــو'ال' إEل ك' غ'ي>ر=and (there is) no god other than You.

Eين'غ'يرbآل م> و'ال' الض@ Eع'ل'ي>ه Eوب غ>ض= الم'

ك' غ'ي>ر=You other than

ه'ـــو'ال' إEل ك' غ'ي>ر=and (there is) no god other than You.

Reiterating His oneness and disowning any partnership

Otherwise no salvation! Because Allah will never forgive Shirk.

Keep the danger of Shirk in mind while reciting it.

Message from:


In Rukoo’

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' ال>ع'ظEيم

Glory be to

my Lord , the Magnificent.

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' ال>ع'ظEيم

Glory be to

my Lord , the Magnificent.

�ح�ان� ب �سFree from Defects


�ح�ان� ب �س%ه( الل

Allah is free from any defects or


ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' ال>ع'ظEيم

Glory be to

my Lord , the Magnificent.د�ه ،ح�

م د� د� ح�ح� د� ح� م د� د� ح�\ ب ير�ح�ا د� ح�ح�ا د� ح�

Takes care of us & helps us

grow… Every cell of billions of cells…


And huge arrangements … externally

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' ال>ع'ظEيم

Glory be to

my Lord , the Magnificent.

�ع�ظ(يم الGreatness

+ StrengthPIC

م :� ع�ظ


ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' ال>ع'ظEيم

Glory be to

my Lord , the Magnificent.My Rabb is: not weaknot afraid of anyone not carelessnot an oppressor or unjustdoesn’t do things without purposedoesn’t get tired nor needs to sleep


Message from:

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' ال>ع'ظEيم

Glory be to

my Lord , the Magnificent.My Rabb, the one who: takes care of me and helps me grow controls each and every cell of trillion

cells.– Even those molecules and atoms inside

feeds me not only food 3 times a daybut also oxygen every second; only

MY Rabb --- say it with love!

Message from:

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' ال>ع'ظEيم

Glory be to

my Lord , the Magnificent.My Rabb is Magnificent, Great and Strong

4 Aspects1. O Allah! You are free from defects2. O Allah! You are MY Rabb3. O Allah! You are Magnificent


Message from:

Recital while standing up from Ruku

ع' Eم س' هللا ن> لEم' د'ه Eم ،ح'

Allah has listened

to the one who

praised Him.

ع' Eم س' هللا ن> لEم' د'ه Eم ،ح'

Allah has listened

to the one who

praised Him.

م(ع� س� هللاAllah


ع' Eم س' هللا ن> لEم' د'ه Eم ،ح'

Allah has listened

to the one who

praised Him.

م�ن�ل(one who to, for

ع' Eم س' هللا ن> لEم' د'ه Eم ،ح'

Allah has listened

to the one who

praised Him.

ح�م(د� oه


د�-- د�ح�-

- د�

) ي-ن


ع' Eم س' هللا ن> لEم' د'ه Eم ،ح'

Allah has listened

to the one who

praised Him.Doesn’t Allah listen to everyone? Of course!

• Here it means a special attention for the one who praises Him.

• He does not need our Hamd! It does not benefit Him at all.

• It is purely for our own benefit. We develop gratitude and we get rewards!!

Message from:

After getting up from Ruku

ر' ب@ن'ا ل'ك' و' د= م> ال>ح'Our Lord! [and ]to

You(be ) all the praise.

ر' ب@ن'ا ل'ك' و' د= م> ال>ح'Our Lord! [and ]to

You(be ) all the praise.

P ب ،هر�

م د� د� ح�ح� د� ح� م د� د� ح�\ي ب ر�ح�ا د� ح�ح�ا د� ح�

Takes care of us & helps us

grow… Every cell of billions of cells…


Every second …

And huge arrangements … externally

ر' ب@ن'ا ل'ك' و' د= م> ال>ح'Our Lord! [and ]to

You(be ) all the praise.


م د� ح�ح� ح� م د� ح��ي

ح�ا ح�ح�ا ح�

You alone deserve it

ا� ا ا�You to /


ر' ب@ن'ا ل'ك' و' د= م> ال>ح'Our Lord! [and ]to

You(be ) all the praise.

1. All Praises2. Thanks

ر' ب@ن'ا ل'ك' و' د= م> ال>ح'Our Lord! [and ]to

You(be ) all the praise.

Say it with 2 feelings:

1. You are our Rabb (of every cell and of every moment)

2. All praises belong to You alone

Message from:

Bringing Alhamdulillah in our life!


How many times did I get attracted or impressed by worldly attractions, people, and personalities and forgot to Say Alhamdulillah?

Study the 99 names of Allah. Repeat them as much as possible. …

O Allah! Help me believe in you firmly as the ‘BEST’ in my day-to-day life.

Propagate the message.

Bringing Alhamdulillah in our life!


How may times did I remember to thank Allah?...

Ponder over different blessings when I say Alhamdulillah, especially 33 times after Salah.

O Allah! Help me thank you for the infinite blessings you have bestowed upon me.

Propagate the message!


Recital in Sujood

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' Uع>ل'ى' األ>

Glory be to

my Lord , the Exalted.

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' Uع>ل'ى' األ>

Glory be to

my Lord , the Exalted.

ا ب>ح' س=ن'

Free from all defects or


�ح�ان� ب �س%ه( الل

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' Uع>ل'ى' األ>

Glory be to

my Lord , the Exalted.د�ه ،ح�

م د� د� ح�ح� د� ح� م د� د� ح�\ ب ير�ح�ا د� ح�ح�ا د� ح�

Takes care of us & helps us

grow… Every cell of billions of cells…


Every second…

And huge arrangements … externally

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' Uع>ل'ى' األ>

Glory be to

my Lord , the Exalted.(ير �ب �رك �ب �ر أك �ب ك األ�

ص�غ�رص�غ(ير� ص�غ�رأ األ�

�ع�ل�ىع�ل(ي% �ع�ل�ىأ األ�

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' Uع>ل'ى' األ>

Glory be to

my Lord , the Exalted.Bow down with 3 feelings: 1. O Allah! You are free from defects2. O Allah! You are MY Rabb3. O Allah! You are High above, the


i.e., I have absolutely no complaints about Qadr)

Message from:

ب>ح' س=ان' ر' بbي' Uع>ل'ى' األ>

Glory be to

my Lord , the Exalted.Tasbeeh in Rukoo’ & Sujood!Why?

To state that You are perfect and that

I have absolutely no complaint!

Message from:


Positive Attitude!!!

Bringing Subhanallah in our life!

(in addition to the ‘Shirk’ aspect)

How many times did I complain about my color, features, family, weather, prevailing situation around me, etc.

Focus on the fact that whatever Allah does is perfect. The conditions are a test and some of them may be due to human errors.

O Allah! Help me accept whatever is beyond my control (as a test for me).

Propagate the message that Allah is free from any defects or deficiencies.



�ك� ان �ح� ب �س %ه�م! الل (ح�م�د(ك� و�بGlorified are

YouO Allah

and with Your praise



ك� �ار� �ب و�ت م�ك� اس� �ى$ �ع�ال و�ت ج�دPك�and

blessed isYour name;

And high is

Your Majesty;

� و�ال ه� ـ$ (لـ إ ك� ��ر غ�يand (there is)


other than You.

In Ruku & while getting up

�ح�ان� ب �س \ي� ر� ب �ع�ظ(يم ال

Glory be to my Lord , the Magnificent.

م(ع� ا هللاس� (م�ن� ل ،ح�م(د�ه

Allah has listened

to the one who

praised Him.


After getting up from Ruku & In Sujood

�ا !ن ر� ب �ك� و�ل ��ح�م�د الOur Lord! [and ]to You

(be ) all thepraise.

�ح�ان� ب �س \ي� ر� ب �ع�ل�ى$ األ�

Glory be to my Lord , the Exalted.

After the Break, we will study :

Grammar & Learning tips