understanding autism

Understanding Autism

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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http://www.fridayschildmontessori.com/blog/understanding-autism/ Children with autism need a lot of help but Montessori education suits them very well. Pet therapy can also be used to help. Children with autism can grow up into people who fit well into society and suit jobs with animals, factory work, work with computers and scientific laboratory work.


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Understanding Autism

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About ten to fifteen years ago, more or less, a number of parents were worried about allowing their children to be vaccinated with the

combination rubella–mumps–measles jab because a scientific paper had been published that

claimed that this vaccine could trigger autism.

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This paper was later proven to be completely wrong and the doctor who wrote it was found

guilty of scientific misconduct and stricken from the register.

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However, this controversy did bring autism in children into the


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Autism can best be described as a very mild mental disorder.

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Nobody knows quite what causes it, although it does tend to run in families, so genetic factors could

contribute to it.

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A person with autism tends to have a few problems

communicating with others and with social interactions.

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It can’t be cured, but with the right help, people with autism can do just as well as everybody else.

There are degrees of autism, with some children having it

“worse” than others.

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Early diagnosis is the key for autism so your child can get the

right help and support so they can develop into the person they’re

supposed to be.

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Most children with the condition show signs of it by the time

they’re toddlers, and the signs can be picked up by parents and by caregivers and early childhood


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It can be upsetting to have your child diagnosed with autism, but please be reassured that it’s not

your fault and your child can have a normal life.

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One of the tell-tale signs that a child has autism is that they are a bit slow to learn to talk. Most children are talking at about two

years old, even if all that they can say at this stage is a few simple


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If your child is not beginning to talk at about this stage, it’s a good idea to have a talk to your doctor.

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Autism may not be the reason behind this language learning

difficulty, but delayed language development is a sign that all

is not well.

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Children with autism also don’t tend to respond to you when you talk to them or call their name.

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This could also be caused by hearing problems, so if your child regularly fails to respond to you speaking to them or calling

their name, it’s time to head down to the doctor again.

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Of course, all children fail to respond to being called now and

again, particularly if they’re absorbed in a task!

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Another tell-tale sign of autism is that the child is unwilling to make

eye contact with people.

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Other signs can include an insistence on routines and a fear of change, repetitive movements

such as hand flapping, and unusual sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as certain colours,

sounds or textures.

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They can also be very obsessive. People with autism also find it

hard to empathise with others and understand how they’re feeling.

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They also get very frustrated easily, especially if faced with

change or a deviation from their routine, which can lead to


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Although we don’t know for certain, the following famous people are all suspected to have been autistic to some

degree: Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh and plenty of others.

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This is brought to you by

Gold Coast Montessori Preschool

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