understanding developing technologies in the television and film


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Page 1: Understanding developing technologies in the television and film



Page 2: Understanding developing technologies in the television and film


• products like cameras are vital for the film and television industry as this is the main source of recording other than audio. Most film and television productions use big expensive cameras like Blackmagic and Arri Alexas which are the state of the art cinematography cameras. Companies with lower budgets use DSLR's such as the Cannon 5D MKIII which still looks good when done properly and it still shoots in really high quality just the only difference is the framing although high end DSLR's are full frame anyway. Sound equipment needs to also be correct as their are lots of options for different types of recording whether it is audio of someone's voice in the video or a voice over and it also depends on how much background noise there is. Microphones such as the Shotgun and Rhode are ideally for recording strait into the camera so if you show somebody talking in a scene these types of mics would be used because as there would be little background noise compared to built in mics, they also mask the wind as they have covers on them so the quality of sound is second to none. For the news and most live TV they use Lavalier mics which attach to clothing to get direct sound from whoever is talking without having to use booms. Editing software is also very important as what comes out of the camera is not always perfect and may need a change in things such as brightness, contrast and curves. The program we use is Adobe's Premier Pro, after effects and Photoshop which are all good for doing different things, Premier pro is more putting together and cutting the video whilst after effects is more animations and special effects and Photoshop is more editorial but all are good in their own right.

Page 3: Understanding developing technologies in the television and film


• Satellite dishes are used to get the signals sent from space radio/TV satellites and decode them into your TV. Satalites used to be direct broadcast when they where analogue which where bigger satellite dishes. After the digital switchover in this area in 2012 which started nationally in 2007 there is now more channels that are free (Freeview) that are not encrypted but it required more modern technology to get it which was required from 2007 onwards in the UK and meant that your old TV would not work without a Freeview box on top of it.

• Cable TV is for people that generally pay for their TV from companies like Sky and virgin. It is used by a series of network cables which are now becoming fibre optic but this is a very expensive option for it to be faster than satellite otherwise it will be slower.

Page 4: Understanding developing technologies in the television and film


• The internet is frequently used to stream videos but not always legally, there are thousands of pirate websites where you can watch or listen to anything entirely free. 70% of internet users believe that there is nothing wrong with downloading illegally.

• There are on average 53 billion people illegally downloading each year which causes huge losses of income to company's and huge job losses each year. The most pirated film is Avatar which has been pirated about 17 million times.

• There are many legal websites for streaming media such as Amazon Prime, Netflix and cutch up sites like BBC Iplayer.

• People that have smart phones and devices makes consumers more interactive as they can stream whenever they like for example whilst sitting on a bus as supposed to just when they are in front of a TV or computer.

Page 5: Understanding developing technologies in the television and film


• Technologies have advanced dramatically over the past years in viewing enjoyment and aesthetics, nowadays we have 4K viewing which is really high quality which has come a long way since 144p which is visible pixels and a very low quality.

• High definition has come from more advanced cameras with higher megapixels means that it looks better and the quality you can view it through software makes it even clearer.

• 3D filming technology means that nowadays we can have an even better viewing experience where the characters come out of the screen. 3D is made by using two lenses next to each other so they are at slightly different points and the media gets recorded as one file, with the use of glasses you can then watch it as it is intended.

Page 6: Understanding developing technologies in the television and film


• Pay per view is available on TV companies such as Sky and BT, this is for things like boxing matches that want to make even more money then they would anyway.

• On demand is a free way of watching TV on a computer or smart device, channels such as BBC and channel four have their on demand websites so you can catch up on missed programs at any time, they also have lots series that have been aired ages ago that you can watch for free.

Page 7: Understanding developing technologies in the television and film


• Streaming online using websites like amazon means that you can watch something then and there but it is not stored on your device so you have to find it again if you wish to watch it again.

• Downloading as supposed to streaming means that it is saved in the device so it can be watched whenever without having to be on the internet.

• Digital recorders on television like Lovefilm and Netflix mean that you can watch any program or film on there provided that your TV is connected to the internet.

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• Arri Alexa photo: https://www.arri.com/camera/alexa/cameras/camera_details/alexa-sxt/• mic information: https://www.videomaker.com/article/c4/15358-microphone-types• mic photo: http://www.kessleru.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/compv1.jpg• Adobe logos: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/27/Adobe_After_Effects_CC_Logo.png/480px-Adobe_After_Effects_CC_Logo.png • https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/11/27/10/55/photoshop-1065296_960_720.jpg • http://getwrightonit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/28premiere.png • Satellite dish http://earth911.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/satellitetvdishes.jpg • Virgin advert: http://www.paperdeals.co.uk/files_flutter/122938121811508cty2.gif • Piratent info: http://www.go-gulf.com/blog/online-piracy/• 3D camera: http://pro-av.panasonic.net/en/sales_o/switcher_mixer/av-hs450/images/fig06.jpg• 3d glasses: http://cdn.gajitz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/3d-to-2d-glasses.jpg • 4od logo: https://www.bitterwallet.com/media/images/2013/07/4od-logo.jpg • BBC iplayer logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/05/BBC_iPlayer_logo.svg/1280px-BBC_iPlayer_logo.svg.png • Netfix logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Netflix_logo.svg/1280px-Netflix_logo.svg.png