understanding e government in karlstad

Summary & Context The local e-government environment varies tremendously across the North Sea Region of the EU, with municipal strategies being shaped by very different national, regional and local policy contexts and political and technological agendas. This series of reports summarises the local e-government environment in six municipalities from six different countries who are participating in the Smart Cities Interreg IVb project. The reports allow project partners to review their local e-government context, and helps us identify to common factors across project partners, along with areas of difference between partners. This report summarises the e-government context in Karlstad, based on interviews with staff from the Kommun, and identifies factors that they feel shape their local e-government context and their involvement in the Smart Cities project. In meeting these aims, the report draws upon two diagrams and a supporting table, these being: • The main policies underpinning Karlstad’s involvement; • Those projects supporting Karlstad’s involvement in Smart Cities; • The source material underpinning Karlstad’s involvement in the Smart Cities project and supporting them as drivers for change. The information in this document is derived from publicly available descriptions supplied by Karlstad and the University. The Smart Cities project Figure 1 illustrates the organisations that Karlstad has identified as being significant to the City’s involvement in the Smart Cities project. The main top level driver for Karlstad’s participation in the project (along with all project partners) is INTERREG IVB North Sea, funded by the European Union (EU). The INTERREG initiative is designed to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the European Union, by fostering the balanced development of the continent through cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. A principal aim of the Programme is to expand the scope of territorial cooperation and focus on high quality projects in innovation, the environment, accessibility, and sustainable and competitive communities. The 2007-2013 Programme connects regions from seven countries around the North Sea, incorporating policy level planning and the long lasting and tangible effects of projects. The North Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 works with cutting edge policy areas in regional development through transnational projects. Smart Cities This is one of the projects funded through the programme. The general aim of the Smart Cities project is to create an innovation network between governments and academic partners leading to excellence in the domain of the development and take-up of e-services. The city’s involvement in the project’s work is focussed on one work package: customer services (WP3). Karlstad is not taking part in the wireless services workpackage (WP4) nor customer profiling (WP5). E-CLIC is another relevant INTERREG project, Although Karlstad Kommun itself is not taking part, Värmlands region and Karlstad University are, so E-CLIC has been included as part of the project context Project Context Map No.3 Understanding e-government in Karlstad Key Facts: Karlstad City Council (Kommun) within Värmland County, in unitary state (Sweden). Populations: City – 84 000 Värmland County – 277 000 Sweden – 9 341 000

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his report summarises the e-government context in Karlstad, based on interviews with staff from the city, and identifies factors that they feel shape their local e-government context and their involvement in the Smart Cities project. The local e-government environment varies tremendously across the North Sea Region of the EU, with municipal strategies being shaped by very different national, regional and local policy contexts and political and technological agendas. This is the third of a series of six reports summarising the local e-government environment in six municipalities from six different countries who are participating in the Smart Cities Interreg IVb project.


Page 1: Understanding e government in karlstad

Summary & Context

The local e-government environment varies tremendously across the North Sea Region of the EU, with municipal strategies being shaped by very different national, regional and local policy contexts and political and technological agendas. This series of reports summarises the local e-government environment in six municipalities from six different countries who are participating in the Smart Cities Interreg IVb project. The reports allow project partners to review their local e-government context, and helps us identify to common factors across project partners, along with areas of difference between partners. This report summarises the e-government context in Karlstad, based on interviews with staff from the Kommun, and identifies factors that they feel shape their local e-government context and their involvement in the Smart Cities project.

In meeting these aims, the report draws upon two diagrams and a supporting table, these being:

• The main policies underpinning Karlstad’s involvement;

• Those projects supporting Karlstad’s involvement in Smart Cities;

• The source material underpinning Karlstad’s involvement in the

Smart Cities project and supporting them as drivers for change.

The information in this document is derived from publicly available descriptions supplied by Karlstad and the University.

The Smart Cities project

Figure 1 illustrates the organisations that Karlstad has identified as being significant to the City’s involvement in the Smart Cities project.

The main top level driver for Karlstad’s participation in the project (along with all project partners) is INTERREG IVB North Sea, funded by the European Union (EU). The INTERREG initiative is designed to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the European Union, by fostering the balanced development of the continent through cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. A principal aim of the Programme is to expand the scope of territorial cooperation and focus on high quality projects in innovation, the environment, accessibility, and sustainable and competitive communities.

The 2007-2013 Programme connects regions from seven countries around the North Sea, incorporating policy level planning and the long lasting and tangible effects of projects. The North Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 works with cutting edge policy areas in regional development through transnational projects.

Smart Cities

This is one of the projects funded through the programme. The general aim of the Smart Cities project is to create an innovation network between governments and academic partners leading to excellence in the domain of the development and take-up of e-services. The city’s involvement in the project’s work is focussed on one work package: customer services (WP3). Karlstad is not taking part in the wireless services workpackage (WP4) nor customer profiling (WP5). E-CLIC is another relevant INTERREG project, Although Karlstad Kommun itself is not taking part, Värmlands region and Karlstad University are, so E-CLIC has been included as part of the project context

Project Context Map


Understanding e-government

in Karlstad

Key Facts:


City Council (Kommun) within Värmland County,

in unitary state (Sweden).


City – 84 000Värmland County – 277 000

Sweden – 9 341 000

Page 2: Understanding e government in karlstad

Fig 1:Main policy drivers for City of Karlstad

NB All items are linked to or supporting Smart Cities











StandardsCompliance ITIL

European Union Regional DevelopmentINTERREG IVB


● Efficiency and cost savings

● Improved customer services

Strategy forGovernment



Municipal Associations● Sambruk


Single faceto industry

Action plan foreGovernance


● Economic Devel


Admin Board

● Economic Devel● Environment

● Culture

E-CLICeHealth inVärmland


City of Karlstad

● Customer service● Ease of use

● Electronic forms● Secure login

Smart Cities


Action Plan2009 - 2011



Page 3: Understanding e government in karlstad

Smart Cities is one of the projects funded through the programme. The general aim of the Smart Cities project is to create an innovation network between governments and academic partners leading to excellence in the domain of the development and take-up of e-services.

The city’s involvement in the project’s work is focussed on one work package: customer services (WP3). Karlstad is not taking part in the wireless services workpackage (WP4) nor customer profiling (WP5).

E-CLIC is another relevant INTERREG project, Although Karlstad Kommun itself is not taking part, Värmlands region and Karlstad University are, so E-CLIC has been included as part of the project context.


Programmes &Projects






IT Department


Citizen oriented organisational development

Action Plan2009-2011

● Personalised login● Task-based

Services● Service Catalog

● Enhanced Services



CustomerContact Centre


Smart CitiesWP3

Fig 2:Projects most relevant to Smart Citiesfor Karlstad.

Page 4: Understanding e government in karlstad

Värmland County

The main responsibility of the Värmland County Council is to provide medical and dental care services for the inhabitants and visitors. It is responsible for delivery of e-health, which is the biggest driving force in Sweden when it comes to developing a base on which to construct more advanced e-services.

The county also provides a infrastructure for local organisation of services, including Värmland Region, the public body responsible for promoting regional development in Värmland. The general aims are to create competitiveness and sustainable growth through initiating, coordinating and supporting regional development. The organisation, which was founded in May 2001, consists of 16 municipalities and the County Council of Värmland.

The County Administrative Board implements decisions made by parliament and the government. An increasing level of the Board’s work is concerned with influencing the factors that form the basis for economic development and employment, better protection for the environment and the conservation of cultural heritage.


As Figure 2 shows, the involvement of the municipality of Karlstad Kommun in the project is led by the e-office of its IT department. Projects/drivers relevant to Smart Cities are Personalised login, Task-based services, Service Catalogue and Enhanced services.

Karlstad’s Citizen Communication project aims to support Karlstad municipality’s communication with its citizens through different channels such as contact centres, website and e-services. It coordinates the development of the e-Office (which links directly with the Smart Cities project) and the customer contact centre and the municipal website, Karlstad.se.

At the local level, Compare, the IT cluster of Karlstad, plays an important role in development. It consists of around 100 companies, which together offer a broad range of competence that stretches from products to usability research and telecom consulting. The cluster contains large international groups and small family businesses.

Source information

The table below gives descriptions of projects and bodies related to the Karl-stad City’s involvement in Smart Cities, together with links for further information (some may be in Swedish).

Name: Smart Cities


The project aims to understand which e-services work best and why; it will facilitate transfer of e-Government successes across national borders; it will identify and support the real transformational impacts of such transfer of good practices on local government; it will equip decision makers with the knowledge and ambition to achieve further innovation in the delivery of e-enabled public services; and will engage national authorities in this ambition. At the European level, the project will support the creation and growth of communities of practice across the NSR building organisational commitment to and capacity for inter-regional government service sharing. Smart Cities will raise the bar in many aspects.

Table 1

Details of significant entities

Page 5: Understanding e government in karlstad

Name: INTERREG IVB North Sea


The Interreg initiative is designed to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the European Union, by fostering the balanced development of the continent through cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation.

The North Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 works with cutting edge policy areas in regional development through transnational projects.

A principal aim of the Programme is to expand the scope of territorial cooperation and focus on high quality projects in innovation, the environment, accessibility, and sustainable and competitive communities.

The 2007-2013 Programme connects regions from seven countries around the North Sea, incorporating policy level planning and the long lasting and tangible effects of projects.

Name: E-CLIC


Project building a cluster in the North Sea Region in the area of broadband services, media technology, broadband systems, usability and testing, while maintaining a balance between competencies, industry and academia.

The consortium brings together 16 partners from six member states.

The partners have considerable expertise and experience in the fields of interest to E-CLIC, and the project combines a unique set of partner skills.

Name: The Swedish government


Name: Action Plan for e-Governance (Handlingsplan för eFörvaltning)


The document highlights the prioritised policy areas until 2010, indicates the responsible Government departments and defines the necessary coordination with municipalities and regions (county councils).

The primary objective of the action plan is for Sweden to regain a leading position within the eGovernment area by 2010 by having ‘the world’s simplest Administration’ (http://www.epractice.eu/node/281686)

Name: eGovernment Delegation


Established to strengthen the development of e-government and create good opportunities for inter-agency coordination. The e-delegation will coordinate the IT-based development projects of government agencies and follow up their impact on citizens, business operators and public administration employees. A further task of the e-delegation is to coordinate specific IT standardisation issues and assist the Government in the international work in this area.

Page 6: Understanding e government in karlstad

Name: Kammarkollegiet


The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

Name: ESV


The Swedish National Financial Management Authority.

Name: SKL Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions


SALAR is an employer’s organization for municipalities, county councils and regions. We look after the interests of our members and offer them support and services.

We raise issues, act decisively and enlighten public opinion.

Our mission is to provide municipalities, county councils and regions with better conditions for local and regional self-government. Our vision is to develop the welfare system and its services.

Name: Sambruk


Municipalities for Joint Development of e-Services.

Name: KommITS


ICT in small and medium sized municipalities.

Name: SIS


Swedish Standards Institute For Swedish companies and organisations, it can be essential to be aware of, to be involved in and to influence developments in their respective markets. This happens through SIS - lobbying/training organisation.

Name: Carelink


Unified IT services in health-care.

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Page 8: Understanding e government in karlstad

The Smart Cities project is creating an innovation network between cities and academic partners to develop and deliver better e-services to citizens and businesses in the North Sea Region. Smart Cities is funded by the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme of the European Union.

Smart Cities is PARTLY funded by the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme of the European Union. The North Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 works with regional development projects around the North Sea. Promoting transnational cooperation, the Programme aims to make the region a better place to live, work and invest in.

9 781907 576133


Name: Compare


Compare, the IT cluster of Karlstad, Sweden, consists of approx 100 companies, offering a broad range of competence that stretches from products to usability research and telecom consulting. The cluster contains large international groups and small family businesses.

Name: Karlstad Municipality (Kommun)


Responsible for areas including

• Environment, Housing & Traffic • Children & Education• Caring & Support • Culture & Leisure• Tourism & Conference • Business & establishment

Name: Citizen communication project

The project aims to support Karlstad municipality’s communication with its citizens through different channels such as contact centres, website and e-services.

Name: Karlstad University


Karlstad University is providing research in business and service development. They are dealing with the use of business process modelling, goal modelling, launching and adoption of e-services, indicators and measurements according to e-services and service logic.