understanding failure in early stage startups

Understanding failure in early stage startups. joinef.com @efLDN @alicebentinck co-founder EF

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Post on 15-Jul-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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  • Understanding failure in early stage startups.


    @efLDN @alicebentinck co-founder EF

  • @EFLDN

    EF works with the earliest stage startups possible often pre-team and pre-


  • @EFLDN

    Fears around failure seem to hold some founders


  • @EFLDN

    When did failure turn from I failed to I am a


  • @EFLDN

    I don't divide the world into the week and the strong, or the

    successes or failures I divide it into the learners and non-learners

    Benjamin Berner

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is a mindset

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is a mindset There are two mindsets -Growth vs Fixed *Read more from Dr Carol Dwecks book Mindset

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is a mindset In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates successwithout effort.

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is a mindset In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard workbrains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities.

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is a mindset Founders who are able to adopt a growth mindset, where they see every failure as a learning opportunity, are more resilient and develop their founder skills faster.

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is a mindset Founders who have a fixed mindset, see failure as a personal attack on their intelligence. They no longer persist because founding a startup/failure no longer aligns with who they see themselves as.

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is a choice

  • Why do startups fail on EF? They dont want the burden.


    Failure is a choice

  • On EF, founders dont fail. They stop. They realise that building a startup is one of the hardest things they can do and they choose to opt out. This isnt failure. This is a mature choice.


    Failure is a choice

  • @EFLDN

    Failure is what happens when youre doing something new

  • If youre not failing, youre not pushing the boundaries.


    Failure is what happens when youre doing something new

  • Each failure is an opportunity to learn something new about your product, your market and your customer. The founding process is all about maximising your opportunities to learn. Failures show that you are doing this.


    Failure is what happens when youre doing something new

  • @EFLDN

    My goal is not to fail fast. Its to succeed in the long


    Marc Andreessen

  • We help the most ambitious technologists in Europe to build startups from scratch


    What is Entrepreneur First?

  • Applications open now: joinEF.com [email protected] @alicebentinck


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