understanding your student-athlete experience

2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Understanding the Student-Athlete Experience Within the Student Affairs Context 3 ½ Keys To Enlightenme nt

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Presented at the 2014 NASPA Conference in Baltimore, MD March 18, 2014. The demands placed on today's student-athletes challenge their own engagement in traditional student life. Campuses either ignore these issues or continue to try and force the “square peg into the round hole.” The key to effectively integrating athletics with student life is to first understand the student-athlete experience. Presenters will discuss collaboration between student affairs and athletics to support this unique environment for student-athletes.


  • 1. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Understanding the Student-Athlete Experience Within the Student Affairs Context 3 Keys To Enlightenment

2. Todays Panel Vanderbilt University (unable to attend) Mark McHorney, Benedictine University Mark Majeski, Majeski Athletic Consulting (moderator) 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 3. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Session Objectives UNDERSTAND Understand student- athlete experience THINK Identify campus-specific opportunities for collaboration and support ACT Generate ONE specific action you will take by Monday, March 24, 2014. 4. Ask yourself What are 2-3 things I wish we did better with Athletics and / or Student-Athletes? 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 5. 3 Keys 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 1. Seek first to UNDERSTAND, then to be understood. (Coveys 7 Habits) 6. 3 Keys 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 2. (COLLABORATE). 7. 3 Keys 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 3. Measure twice, cut once (Assessment). 8. 3 Keys 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 3 Utilize the power of the Coach/Student- Athlete relationship (LEVERAGE). 9. 1. UNDERSTAND 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Assumptions Preconceptions Student-Athlete priorities 1.Athletics / Academics 2.Academics / Athletics 3.Sleep / Health / Wellness 4.Social Life NOT A LOT OF TIME LEFT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS PROGRAMMING 10. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 its a bigger part of us than our friends and family can understand. 11. 1. UNDERSTAND Identity 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Athlete Student Person 12. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Over-AchieverOver-Committed 13. 1. UNDERSTAND Daily Challenges 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 14. 2. COLLABORATE 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 15. 2. COLLABORATE 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Underutilized Student Affairs resources: Coaches Athletic Trainers Student-Athlete Services 16. 3. ASSESSMENT 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 17. 3. ASSESSMENT Why Its Important 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 1. Demonstrates you CARE about student- athletes and VALUE their feedback and experiences 2. Due diligence in MONITORING and evaluating programs. 3. You just might LEARN something. 18. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 There is no person on campus who will have a stronger relationship with a student-athlete than his or her coach. Leverage Coach Student-Athlete Relationships 3 . LEVERAGE 19. Ask yourself 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Who on campus can bridge a gap between Student Affairs and Athletics / student- athletes? 20. Mark McHorney Benedictine University (IL) Director of Athletics 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 21. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Why is Benedictine U. Unique? A Commitment to Student-Athlete Success 22. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Commitment to Student-Athlete Success Campus units working together 23. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Commitment to Student-Athlete Success SOAR Academy Support. Collaboration. Accountability. 24. David Williams II Vanderbilt University Vice Chancellor for Athletics & University Affairs and Athletics Director 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 25. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 26. Value STUDENTS On-going Assessment Deep Collaboration Be different be bold Keep score 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 Suggestions and Advice 27. Ask yourself What ONE thing can I do next week to move my issue/concern/opportunity forward? 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 28. Time for Questions 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 29. Wrap Up Clarify what you want student-athletes to learn, develop and demonstrate Ask your student-athletes for feedback Leverage the coach/student-athlete relationship Collaborate with Athletics staff 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 30. Resources NCAA (http://www.ncaa.org) SCORE / GOALS Research Student-Athlete Assessment Tool Time in the Lives of Division III Student-Athletes http://www.maneyonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/ssa.2009.3.3. 285 Understanding Your Student-Athlete Experience e-Book; Majeski (April 2014) http://www.majeskiathleticconsulting.com 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014 31. 2014 NASPA Annual Conference * Baltimore, Maryland * March 15-19, 2014