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UnDiet Test Drive

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UnDiet Test Drive

Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.



Well, aren’t you in for a treat. Before we get into the awesomeness that is UnDiet living, I have two things I’d like to say:

1. Thank you. Thank you loads and loads for !nding your way to me and including a little UnDieting in your health goals. You are a wise one, if I do say so myself.

2. I am both proud of you and very excited for you. It is not easy to make that !rst step and, in showing interest here, you have. You got that !rst step out of the way! No matter how hopeless we may think we are at getting our health on, or no matter how much of a super expert we think we may be in the kitchen, there is always so much that can be done to take us to the next level — whether it be by big leaps or small and mindful baby steps. For this reason, I am oh-so proud of you for being open to trying something a little or a lot new.

In taking part in this UnDiet Test Drive, I hope you’ll join my community and get to know the other UnDiet Rockstars. You can !nd me @MeghanTelpner on Twitter and Instagram, and use #UnDiet to !nd each other.

What Does It Mean To UnDiet?

I created what I call the UnDiet simply through curiosity and creativity. I had been challenged by my health and even more challenged by all the confusing and con"ict-ing information I was being given by a slew of experts. None of it was working and something in me rose up from the depths and yelled “THIS CAN’T BE THAT HARD!”

That was the moment when I chose to start undoing the lessons I’d learned and start cleaning up my act — from the foods I ate, to the exercise I did, to the people I kept



Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


company with. I decided that, if I was going to cure an incurable disease, I had to !nd the fun in the process — and that’s how the UnDiet way of living came to be. Five years later, my book, UnDiet, followed. Yes, UnDiet — it’s awesome and all the details can be found at http://www.bit.ly/UnDiet.

What Is The UnDiet Test Drive?

You might be wondering, what could possibly be left for me to write about on the subject of UnDiet that I didn’t cover in my beautiful 264-page full colour, photo and recipe-rich book? Let me tell you — my ability to write and cheerlead for good, old-fashioned, awesome food is limitless. Every day I read something new and want to shout it from the rooftops.

I have developed the UnDiet Test Drive as a little amuse bouche to the main event of the book (remember — the details are here: http://www.bit.ly/UnDiet). This is a way for you to try a few new habits on for size, maybe cook up a new dish, or perhaps, just as a way to connect with others who are interested (you can connect across social media platforms with #UnDiet).

The UnDiet Test Drive is a self-guided, three-day, !ve-part strategy to get you thinking about what you put in your bod, smear on your skin, and even the way you shake your groove thang.

UnDiet is, of course, not a diet at all, as you’ll see. It’s really about offering a little nudge to how we think about our food, the choices we make, and most importantly, whether we look and feel as rock-star-awesome as we can.

The point of the UnDiet Test Drive is not to freak you out and make you feel overwhelmed about all these things you should be doing to improve your health, but about the little things you can easily do right now to make some changes.

Ready to rock it?

Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.



Show Off : I love to jazz my water up with cute glass straws, slices of cucumbers and watermelon, or even some frozen grapes. Instagram or Pin your fave sipping enhancements and tag @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet and you just might score yourself one of our fave glass straws as a prize.


UnDiet Test Drive Strategy #1: Start Sipping

In UnDiet, I go through an entire chapter on why hydration is so vital for your health. The bene!ts are pretty much endless, but some of my favorite sipping bonuses in-clude helping us shed some of that junk from the trunk, encouraging better pooping, bringing down cholesterol and blood pressure, and — of course — the many ways proper hydration can help us be more boombastic in the boudoir (hello self-lubricating ladies).

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On average, North Americans consume 11g of added sugar

through sodas and juices per day.

Task: Drink water. For your three-day Test Drive, you are only drinking water. You may have your coffee, too, but, for every coffee or alcoholic bevy, I ask that you drink two additional glasses of straight-up water. Aim for 8-10 glasses each day plus the extras for those cof-fees. No juice, no black teas, and no sodas. Bonus challenge: Feel a craving for a snack when it’s neither snack time nor mealtime? Drink a full glass of water, wait ten minutes, and then decide how hungry you are.

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Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


Show Off: Share your kitchen prowess on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram with your recipe if you made it up or a link if you borrowed it. I want to see it, too. Tag @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet and you can win access into one of our online workshops of your choosing.


UnDiet Test Drive Strategy #2: Get Your Cook On

Something magical happens when we make ourselves a meal. Now, this is not a meal that we buy from the giant freezer at the supermarket, put in the microwave, and in-hale while binge-watching episodes of Girls or Downton Abbey. This is about !nding that love in the room of your house we call the kitchen and making food — real food — using fresh and whole ingredients. These are the kinds of ingredients you might grow in your backyard if you were so inclined or, typically, what we !nd in the perimeter of


Click to Tweet ThisIt is estimated that 33 million

tons of food waste are trucked off to landfills each year.

the grocery store. What’s awesome is that, once you start making things in your kitchen, you may just !nd that it’s not as much work as you think. You might !nd that hanging out in there with some music on and maybe a friend, child, or spouse is some sweet, good old fashioned fun. Leftovers are an amazing fruit of your labor.

Task: Cook. For the three days of your UnDiet Test Drive, challenge yourself to only eat food — meals, snacks, and treats — that were created in your own kitchen. You can totally cheat and make stuff in advance and freeze it, but it has to be something you made. This can be as simple as poached eggs and steamed vegetables, a bowl of oatmeal made with whole rolled oats, or as involved as a beautiful shepherd’s pie (try this one: http://bit.ly/WiSG13) or a grilled vegetable pasta dish (this one’s nice: http://bit.ly/WxxW3Q). Check out the handy meal plan at the end of this e-book for new recipe ideas.

Bonus Challenge: Can you take on one new recipe a day that you have never made before? Try it and see what happens!

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Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


Show Off: Post a photo of your dinner soiree, set table, fave serving bowl or who came over to your Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook and be sure to tag me (@MeghanTelpner #UnDiet). I’ll personally give you a wicked awesome virtual high-five and then beg you to tell me what you had for dinner.


UnDiet Test Drive Strategy #3: This Isn’t a Race

That’s what my mom used to say when she’d make dinner and we’d eat like it was, in fact, a race. Let me ask you this: when was the last time you enjoyed a proper meal, around a table intended for dining, and actually savored your meal? There are many bene!ts to this practice and I outline them all (or all that I could think of) in UnDiet. I love that, when we slow down Sally and pay attention to what we’re eating, we tend to eat way slower which means we’re chewing our food and digesting it better. Giving our food some attention while we eat also often means that we eat way less because, well, we’re paying attention. Eating at a table with napkins, cutlery, and conversation also helps families — whether one you created or one you were born into — function better.

Task: Dust off that dining table. Over the three days of your challenge, commit to eating at least six of your nine main meals at a dining table intended for dining. That means eating without the TV on, and without your computer or phone as a distraction. Just eating your food, with company or solo.

Bonus Challenge: Try inviting a friend or !ve over to join you for this civilized (which doesn’t mean boring) dining adventure. If you’ve got kids, get them in the kitchen to help you cook and put them in charge of dining etiquette. They’ll be your taskmasters, for sure.


Click to Tweet This2 of the top 5 Rx’d drugs in

the US are for digestive disor-ders — often preventable by slowing down and chewing.

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Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


Show Off: Take a picture of the swaps you’re making or your own fave non-toxic beauty care product or recipe and share it on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or Facebook. Tell me why you’re making the swap and remember to share with me @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet


UnDiet Test Drive Strategy #4: Ditch the Cancer CreamsWhoa — harsh title, I know, but, in UnDiet, I don’t mince words and we have to call a spade a spade or, in this case, a carcinogen a carcinogen. Most women are using an average of fourteen products that could contain as many as 100 chemicals before break-fast. Hello chemical cocktail, won’t you make yourself at home in my body?

In the book, I offer amazingly un-hippie options (meaning no patchouli involved) for de-creasing the chemical load in your beauty routine. If you are curious about how your products stack up, I highly encourage you to enter them into the Environmental Working Group’s Cosmetic Database (http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/) and see how they score.

If you ask me, swapping a chemical-containing face cream for a non-toxic one is the easiest switch of all. This one you can do, I know!

Task: Choose two products (or more if you like) that you are going to replace with a more natural version for these three days. This could mean swapping your usual face toner for a diluted apple cider vinegar, or trying coconut oil (available at most major supermarkets) as your new fave moisturizer, shave ‘gel’, make-up remover or massage oil (bow chica bow). If you need some more UnDiet beauty inspiration, check out this video: http://bit.ly/10ExHoh.


Click to Tweet ThisYikes! 1 in 8 of the 82K

ingredients used in personal care products are industrial


Bonus Challenge: Can you go completely toxic-product free for three days? Shocking, right? Hold on to your lip-gloss for a moment though. Maybe you need to keep using that toothpaste and deodorant but challenge yourself to see what the true essentials are in your life and what you may do perfectly !ne without. For those true essentials, try some natural options.

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Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


Show Off: I want to see your tap shoes, your sweaty little face, or your fave gym, yoga studio, or mala that gets your ohm on. Instagram or Pin a pic, tag #UnDiet and I will put on my UnDiet cheerleading out!t and do a one woman human pyramid in your honor.


UnDiet Test Drive Strategy #5: Shake that booty

I used to wish I was the type who LOVED the gym. I wanted to crave a good spin class, feel kickass after I did sit-ups until I wanted to puke, and get a thrill from squatting until my butt lifted itself off the backs of my legs. Alas, some loves just aren’t meant to be. If you are that type, that’s awesome and, if you’re not that type, then stop trying to be. There are so many ways we can shake our groove thangs to get that heart rate up, that sweat sweating, and our lymph moving. The key is to pick something you love and do it. Would you do that for you?

Task: Each day of the challenge, you are to try out a new move and groove method. You are of course welcome to stick with tried and true, but what about changing it up and trying that new ballet bar class, tap dancing, pilates, climbing, ice skating, that new yoga or boot-camp download, or maybe just go for a walk outside with some brand new music? Three days, three activities.

Bonus Challenge: Drag someone along with you. As soon as you have a sidekick along, everything becomes fun. Taking a girlfriend, dudefriend, love, or kiddie with you makes it an instant play date. If you hate the activity you chose, you have someone to suffer through it with, and if you love it — well then you have a partner in UnDiet fun and you can help keep each other on track to keep going long after the challenge is through.

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Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


UnDiet is about breaking rules, getting your health on and really working towards living the life of your dreams. What I have for you here is just a suggestion. You de!nitely don’t have to follow it meal for meal — though you may enjoy that. Really, though, I just want to lend a helping hand and give you some ideas.

This meal plan is gluten-free and plant-based. If free-run and organic eggs, poultry, beef and/or !sh are your thing, go for it. This isn’t a conversion plan — just one version of an UnDiet way of eating.

UnDiet Test Drive: 3-Day Menu Plan


PRE-BREKKIEOne big glass of water (optional to add lemon juice and dash of cayenne)

One big glass of water (optional to add lemon juice and dash of cayenne)

One big glass of water (optional to add lemon juice and dash of cayenne)


Berry Magic Smoothie Banana Hemp Faux-gurt or Yogurt with fruit and mixed nuts or granola

Poached eggs or pan-fried tofu with steamed spinach (topped with organic butter or olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt) and 1 brown rice tortilla

SNACKMixed nuts and an apple Apple and a scoop of sun"ower seed,

almond or hazelnut butterCucumber slices and tahini


Chickpea Vegetable Falafel with mixed greens and tahini dressing

Quinoa Veggie Bowl Maple Balsamic Salmon or Tempeh wrapped in a collard or gluten-free tortilla and joined by sliced veggies

SNACK Carrots and tahini # an avocado sprinkled with sea salt Berry Magic Smoothie

DINNERQuinoa Veggie Bowl Maple Balsamic Salmon or Tempeh

with greens or brown rice and steamed broccoli

Chickpea Vegetable Falafel with mixed greens and tahini

Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


Ingredients: 1 giant cup of blueberries (fresh or frozen)1 giant cup of strawberries (fresh or frozen)1 handful spinach1 tbsp shredded coconut# avocado2 tbsp hemp seeds or 1 scoop your fave protein powder1 cup ice or frozen tea cubes2 cups waterhoney to sweeten if needed


Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.

Ingredients: 3/4 cup hemp seeds or plain yogurt1 banana1 tbsp coconut oil1 tbsp maple syrup1 tsp vanilla extract1/3 cup water


Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Place in fridge to set for 1-2 hours or until thickened.

Serve with mixed berries and your favorite granola or toasted almonds.

UnDiet Test Drive: Recipes

Berry Magic Shake

Banana Hemp Faux-gurt / Yogurt

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Ingredients:2 cups cooked chickpeas or fava beans or 1 can (19oz) chickpeas (or fava beans) drained and

rinsed2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice1 tbsp curry powder1 tsp sea salt2 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp chia, ground mixed with 1/4 cup water OR 1 egg1 cup coarsely grated zucchini 1 cup carrot grated1/2 cup spinach or kale, chopped 1/2 cup gluten-free "our1/2 tsp baking powder

Directions:Preheat oven to 400º.

In food processor, process chickpeas, lemon juice, curry powder, sea salt and olive oil for 30 seconds or until smooth. Transfer to a bowl.

Stir chia paste or egg into chickpea puree and mix well. Stir in zucchini, carrots and greens.

Mix in "our and baking powder.

Using a $ cup measure, form into Pattie shapes on parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes.

Remove from oven, "ip over and bake for another 10 minutes.

Note: If you wish to make this with ground chicken, turkey or salmon, simply replace the chickpeas. Cooking times may vary.

UnDiet Test Drive: Recipes

Chickpea Vegetable Falafel

Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


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Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


Ingredients: (4 servings)1 cup quinoa1 # cups water1 (14 oz) can organic kidney or butterbeans, rinsed2 stalks celery, chopped2 carrots, grated1 red or orange pepper, chopped1/2 cup fresh parsley, !nely chopped1/4 cup dried cranberries# cup sun"ower seeds, lightly toasted (optional)

Dressing Ingredients:2 tbsp dijon mustard2 tbsp olive oil1/4 cup lemon juicePinch of sea salt and cayenne pepper

Directions:Rinse quinoa thoroughly until water runs clear. Place in pot with 1 # cups water. Bring to a boil and then simmer on low for about 15 mins. or until all water is absorbed and quinoa is soft.

Transfer quinoa to mixing bowl and allow to cool. Add in beans, celery, carrot, pepper, parsley, dried cranberries and sun"ower seeds.

Prepare dressing in a mason jar. Shake it up and pour over salad.

Save leftover salad dressing in a mason jar in your fridge for an easy lunch the next day.

UnDiet Test Drive: Recipes

Quinoa Veggie Bowl

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Ingredients: 1 package tempeh, cut into 1 inch cubes OR 16 oz / 1 lb wild salmon1/2 cup balsamic vinegar2 tbsp maple syrup2 tbsp tamari2 cloves garlic, minced1/4 cup olive oil1 tsp dried thyme2 tsp arrowroot starch

Getting the Marinade ReadyIn a bowl, mix together the balsamic vinegar, maple syrup, tamari, garlic, olive oil, and thyme.

For TempehAdd the tempeh to the bowl, stir and cover.

Let sit in the fridge for 2-24 hours, mixing occasionally.

For SalmonLay salmon in pyrex baking dish and pour marinade overtop. Let sit in the fridge for 2-3 hours, spooning marinade over top occasionally.

CookingPreheat oven to 350º.

Place tempeh/!sh and sauce in a glass dish and cook covered for 20 minutes.

Remove from oven. Remove tempeh/!sh from sauce and set aside.

Place remaining sauce in a pan over medium heat.

Add arrowroot starch and stir constantly to thicken.

Plate tempeh/!sh and scoop marinade over top as a sauce, or serve on greens or whole grain of choice.

UnDiet Test Drive: Recipes

Balsamic Maple Glazed Salmon or Tempeh

Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


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Are you ready for the full UnDiet vibrant lifestyle? Get your copy here and join my community @MeghanTelpner #UnDiet © Meghan Telpner Inc. 2013 All Rights Reserved.


UnDiet Test Drive Strategy: Recipes

Jonesing for something UnDiet friendly and sweet?

Please try out some of these fave UnDiet approved treats.

Breakfast Cookies: http://bit.ly/breakfastcookiesApple Gingerbread Cake: http://bit.ly/applegingercakeBlack Bean Chocolate Pudding: http://bit.ly/Rg9u3QChocolate Date Truf"es: http://bit.ly/ChocolateDateTruf"esMaple Oatmeal Super Cookies: http://bit.ly/TsXfrh

UnDiet Living Starts Now! Get Your Book.How did you fare on this UnDiet Test Drive? There are loads and loads of info waiting for you in the full shebang UnDiet book. In UnDiet, I share my story with you, along with the greatest lessons I have learned on this journey. I offer over 40 beautiful recipes, and inspired tips and tricks from me and my posse of experts. I share my favourite quotes from some major UnDiet Rock Stars and, of course, there is also an easy to follow eight-week transition program and a full seven-day meal plan, using all the brand new recipes in the book.

You can pick up your copy at all major online book retailers, or perhaps you want to knock on the door of your local book shop and cheerlead for UnDiet until they bring it in. Then, get them to host an UnDiet event and I’ll come over and play with you there!