undigested food

Every person wants to lead a healthy life. A healthy life is a sign of happy life. Many of the tensions and negative feelings are mainly caused due to varied health problems. Having balanced diet and relaxed food routine can ease your health. Eating good food means having good appetite. This leads to even better release of food. This must be a must routine of daily mornings. This is possible if enough fibrous and protein-rich substances are contained in your diet. The undigested food causes lots of stomach troubles. As mentioned earlier, better of fiber in food leads to better digestion. The process of food digestion involves a number of sub-processes where mixing of eaten bowls are churned into smaller bits and acidified. Thus it is said that acid courses do take place in the stomach. This at times causes acid flux giving bitterly feelings. These also have good remedies and need to be taken care of. Many elderly people have this problem in common. It has effective natural remedies as such, which are more preferred over the medicinal ones. If over spicy food is taken, if proper amount of water intake is not done, if had something carbonated on empty stomach, then such harms prevail There are ample of heartburn remedies available for your fit health. They have aspects viz. natural, home made, homeopathic or the most common through modern drugs and medicines. As such with the ongoing trend of large number of available information on net, the remedies can also be easily searched for, if such an important need arises. But at the end of the day, it also becomes equally important that you should also follow your doctor’s instructed path. Any how, the inference for all the above said is short and sweet- health is wealth, no doubt whatever and wherever you seem to get busy, health should always be give the place on the top of the routine list. This will definitely make your days go

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Post on 20-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Undigested food

Every person wants to lead a healthy life. A healthy life is a sign of happy life. Many of the tensions and negative feelings are mainly caused due to varied health problems. Having balanced diet and relaxed food routine can ease your health. Eating good food means having good appetite. This leads to even better release of food. This must be a must routine of daily mornings. This is possible if enough fibrous and protein-rich substances are contained in your diet.

The undigested food causes lots of stomach troubles. As mentioned earlier, better of fiber in food leads to better digestion. The process of food digestion involves a number of sub-processes where mixing of eaten bowls are churned into smaller bits and acidified. Thus it is said that acid courses do take place in the stomach. This at times causes acid flux giving bitterly feelings. These also have good remedies and need to be taken care of. Many elderly people have this problem in common. It has effective natural remedies as such, which are more preferred over the medicinal ones. If over spicy food is taken, if proper amount of water intake is not done, if had something carbonated on empty stomach, then such harms prevail

There are ample of heartburn remedies available for your fit health. They have aspects viz. natural, home made, homeopathic or the most common through modern drugs and medicines. As such with the ongoing trend of large number of available information on net, the remedies can also be easily searched for, if such an important need arises. But at the end of the day, it also becomes equally important that you should also follow your doctor’s instructed path.

Any how, the inference for all the above said is short and sweet- health is wealth, no doubt whatever and wherever you seem to get busy, health should always be give the place on the top of the routine list. This will definitely make your days go

Page 2: Undigested food

gaga and put your smiles chart high.

It’s that burning sensation first in your stomach, then your chest followed by a few burps that also leaves you with a burning throat. It usually happens after a heavy meal when you have gorged on your favorite food items. In common parlance, it’s called acidity. In medical parlance, acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when acid secreted by the stomach from undigested food irritates the esophagus and leaves you with a very, very uncomfortable feeling of heaviness in the stomach and even may lead to a headache. On the flip side, there are many acid reflux remedies, both natural or chemical which give prompt relief. It’s for you to find out which works best for you.

Your neighborhood pharmacy may provide you with antacid tablets manufactured from aluminum hydroxide, which is the standard and basic compound for antacids. It’s a simple chemical reaction: Aluminum Hydroxide is a base which reacts with the acid to produce salt and water – neutralization in common chemistry parlance. However, it has been clinically reported that extensive use of aluminum hydroxide leads to nephrological problems later on and should be avoided, if possible. Similarly, laxatives also act as effective acid reflux remedies. For instance, flea seed husk, commonly known as isabgol is yet another effective item which also helps in the ejection of undigested food, one of the principal causes of acid reflux.

In recent times, there has been the advent of new acid reflux remedies such as Pantoprazole and Domperidone, which prevent the acid from forming in the stomach and act as a preventive medicine for regular sufferers of acid reflux. Also called Histamine Receptor Antagonists from the pharmacological point of view, these are usually taken before meals as a preventive measure and helps in breaking down food particles thus leaving little undigested food in the abdomen.

If you intend sticking to natural acid reflux remedies, the most pragmatic thing to do is to avoid fatty and fried foods which encourage acidity. Water and fibrous food intake should be increased considerably as also foods which are rich in anti-oxidants such as herbal teas. The Wormwood herb is also effective as is crushed garlic or ginger. Papaya also falls in the category of effective natural acid reflux remedies as it aids digestion and helps in the ejection of undigested food through proper bowel movements.

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It is also prudent to remember that smoking and excessive consumption of tea and coffee increase acidity and should be avoided if one were to cure himself of the problem. Regular bowel movements should be monitored to ensure ejection of undigested food. Proper chewing of food also leads to lesser undigested food in the stomach and regular exercise – a short walk before or after dinner – aids digestion. These so far, have been known to be the most effective acid reflux remedies and is applicable on a person to person basis, depending on his constitution, physique and pathological structure of the stomach.

Millions of people throughout the world suffer from digestive disorders. Disorders like heartburn and indigestion are linked with this problem. When you suffer from heartburn you experience a burning sensation just below your chest. It is followed by a bitter or sour taste in your mouth/throat. You are sure to suffer from heartburn if you lie down immediately after having a large meal. This burning sensation can last for a couple of minutes or maybe even for several hours. It is one of those common digestive disorders that affect people of all ages.

There are certain foods, beverages, mouth fresheners or even your physical condition which can make your heartburn worse. Foods that have lots of fats and spices, citrus foods, beverages like coffee and chocolate, mouth fresheners like mints etc can trigger heartburn. You can also suffer from heartburn if you have excess weight.

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Another common digestive disorder is indigestion. This problem too occurs just after a meal. During indigestion you feel discomfort in your upper abdomen/chest. You can be sure that you are suffering from indigestion if you experience heartburn, loss of appetite, flatulence or if you feel like belching. Sometimes it can turn into a serious problem which may require emergency medical attention.

The walls of the stomach, esophagus and intestines are lined with a mucus layer. Any damage to this layer leads to irritation triggered by the acids passed by the stomach. When you have foods that are devoid of living enzymes, protease, amylase or lipase digestion fails and as a result you suffer from indigestion/heartburn.

People who seek digestive disorders cures or heartburn remedies are usually advised to go for repair of the digestive disorder damage. Age is not a factor here since anybody can suffer from this problem. The cure lies in repairing the damage done to the digestive system. The first step is to identify the factor or factors responsible for this condition. Once the cause is determined it removes the first hurdle towards cure.

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Being overweight can also be one of the reasons for this condition. If you have excess weight you will be asked to reduce it with adequate exercise. Along with exercise you should also adopt a balanced and healthy diet. There are traditional cures too like eating a banana or drinking a glass of water which people believe since ages help provide respite from the pain or discomfort.

Remember that for your overall healthy well-being your digestive system should function smoothly. For this you have to discard unhealthy food and maintain a weight that is proportionate to your body structure

The liver is an important organ of our body as it performs a wide range of functions such as detoxification, production of enzymes necessary for digestion and synthesis of protein. The liver has a reddish brown colour and has four lobes of unequal size. Liver is considered to be the largest gland of our body as well as the largest internal organ. Also it is the only internal organ which is capable of regenerating itself naturally. Even 25 % of regenerated liver can form a whole liver. Many organs of our body are supported by liver and this also accounts for the liver being so vulnerable to many diseases. Liver helps in the mainstay of protein metabolism as well as lipid metabolism. In a foetus liver is the site where production of red blood cells takes place.

Liver diseases are also known with another name which is hepatic diseases. A majority of hepatic diseases are accompanied by jaundice which is mostly caused by the consumption of contaminated water. Liver is a sensitive organ and therefore it is very important to take its care. Liver cleansing or liver detoxification is one of the ways to keep our liver functioning in a proper manner and ensuring its longevity. One of the natural ways to deal with liver detoxification is to have nutritional yeast which is full of fifteen kinds of minerals and eighteen kinds of amino acids. In addition to this nutritional yeast also contains vitamin B which is extremely necessary for the process of liver detoxification. People should not confuse this yeast with the yeast used in breweries for fermentation which is very bitter to taste.

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Yeast are microorganisms which divide themselves through binary fission. Binary fission is a process in which a single cell divides itself in to two which further develops into full fledged micro organism. A sub species of yeast called Candida albicans causes candida or a kind of yeast infection which is a very common form of disease in the reproductory system of both the sexes. Candidiasis can be manifested in the form of vaginal irritation in females. If immediate action is not taken candidiasis takes no time in turning itself into a life threatening disease. Candidiasis is easy to treat as it can be overcome by following simple measures at home itself. One just has to type yeast infection natural remedy in Google search bar and a long list of home remedies for this list is available. Yeasts have a positive side as well as since bygone eras yeast has been in use for fermenting bread and other bakery products. The traditional breweries could not be maintained without yeast which helped in fermentation.



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