unece training workshop on dissemination of mdg indicators and statistical information

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE Training Workshop on Dissemination of MDG Indicators and Statistical Information Astana, Kazakhstan 23 – 25 November 2009 Measuring and Communicating Data Quality

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Measuring and Communicating Data Quality. UNECE Training Workshop on Dissemination of MDG Indicators and Statistical Information Astana, Kazakhstan 23 – 25 November 2009 Steven Vale, UNECE. Contents. What is quality? How can we measure quality? How should we report and communicate quality?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


United Nations Economic Commission for EuropeStatistical DivisionUnited Nations Economic Commission for EuropeStatistical Division

UNECE Training Workshop on Dissemination ofMDG Indicators and Statistical Information

Astana, Kazakhstan 23 – 25 November 2009

Steven Vale, UNECE

Measuring and Communicating Data Quality

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What is quality?

How can we measure quality?

How should we report and communicate quality?


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Which is the Best Quality?

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Definition of Quality

International StandardISO 9000/2005 defines quality as;

'The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements.’

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What Does This Mean?Whose requirements?

• The user of the goods or servicesA set of inherent characteristics?

• Users judge quality against a set of criteria reflecting the different characteristics of the goods or services

So quality is all about providing goods and services that meet the needs of users (customers)

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Quality Criteria

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Quality Criteria for StatisticsDifferent statistical organisations use

different criteria - but lists of criteria are quite similar

UNECE list:Relevance ComparabilityAccuracy ClarityTimeliness AccessibilityPunctuality

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RelevanceAre the statistics that are produced

needed?Are the statistics that are needed

produced?Do the concepts, definitions and

classifications meet user needs?

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The closeness of statistical estimates to true values

In the past: Quality = AccuracyNow accuracy is just one part of


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TimelinessThe length of time between data

being made available and the event or phenomenon they describe

PunctualityThe time lag between the actual

delivery date and the promised delivery date

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ComparabilityThe extent to which differences are

real, or due to methodological or measurement differences• Comparability over time• Comparability through space (e.g.

between countries / regions)• Comparability between statistical domains

(sometimes referred to as coherence)

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AccessibilityThe ways in which users can obtain or

benefit from statistical services (pricing, format, location, language etc.)

ClarityThe availability of additional material

(e.g. metadata, charts etc.) to allow users to understand outputs better

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Importance of AccessibilityNot just about making data available on

the Internet or in a book• Passive accessibility

Accessibility is about bringing data to users in an understandable way, opening a dialogue with those users, and ensuring that their information needs are met• Active accessibility

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Accessibility Should Include:


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Accessibility and VisualizationGood visualizations make data accessible

to many more usersBad visualizations are unhelpful /

misleading“Self-service” visualization needs to be

simple, with guidance to help users get meaningful results

“Ready-made” visualizations can be more complex, tailored to specific data sets

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Is it more cost-effective to:• develop “ready-made” graphics, or• offer users more “self-service” functionality?

Many users don’t have the time or knowledge to produce good visualizations

Advanced users have access to their own visualization and analysis tools

Accessibility and Visualization

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Importance of ClarityClarity is all about explaining dataDo current explanatory notes help?

• Often written by specialists for specialists• Full of jargon• Too long• Too boring!

Simplified, plain-text versions needed

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Other ConsiderationsCost / efficiencyIntegrity / trustReputation of the organizationProfessionalism

• Adherence to international standards (e.g. UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics)

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Quality is not just about outputs

To have good outputs we need to have good inputs and processes, so we need to think about the quality of these as well

Input Process Output

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Quality of Inputs

TimelinessCompleteness – are there any

missing units or variables?Comparability with other sourcesQuality check survey?Knowledge of the source is vital!

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Quality of Processing

Quality of matching / linkingOutlier detection and treatmentQuality of data editingQuality of imputationKeep raw data / metadata to refer

back to if necessary

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Quality of Outputs

Are the users satisfied?Are the outputs comparable with

data from other sources?What is the impact on time series?Are the outputs cost-effective?Quality reports to measure and

communicate differences?

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Measuring QualityQuantitative methods

• E.g. confidence intervalsUser surveysSelf evaluationBenchmarking

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Quantitative Measures

The tops of the bars indicate estimated values and the red lines represent the confidence intervals surrounding them.

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UNECE Database User Survey

Launched each autumn on database web site

10 questions150 responses

(target 100)

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Design a user survey with up to 10 questions for users of your web site

20 minutes


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1. Type of user

2. Frequency of use

3. Location (country)

4. Type of data

5. Database relevance

6. Timeliness

UNECE User Survey Questions

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7. Clarity (metadata)

8. Overall data quality

9. User interface

10. Other comments and questions

Results:Type ofuser

International organization



Academic / research

National government

National Statistical


Private businessMedia

Results:Frequencyof use


Results:Data quality


Very poor1%






Very poor1%




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Improving Our ServicesBetter timeliness of dataNew “Country Overview” data cube to give

quick access to key indicatorsMore content in RussianImproved user interfaceMore and better metadataStatistical literacy

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Relatively quick and cheapIs it sufficiently objective?Needs a standard framework to ensure

comparability of quality assessments• Eurostat DESAP check list:



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Comparing data values or data production processes between two sources

Differences can be studied to try to find ways to improve quality


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Benchmarking Between Countries Fairly cheap and easy way to get ideas

on how to improve statistical processes Mutual benefit - “win - win” Helps to improve international

cooperation May lead to joint development projects

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Quality Reports• Summary – “traffic light” indicator

Red – Serious quality issues, read thequality report before using

Orange – Caution, do not use for important decisions without reading the quality report

Green – Good quality• Intermediate – short quality report

(1000 words maximum)• Detailed – full quality report

Communicating Quality

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Should cover all components of quality

Should be written for the user

Should be easily accessible

Should follow a standard template

Detailed Quality Reports

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What should be covered in a detailed quality report?• List the topics that should be included

10 minutes

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Introduction to the statistical process and its outputs


ESQR Contents (1)

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ComparabilityTrade-offs between quality componentsAssessment of User Needs and

PerceptionsPerformance, Cost and Respondent

BurdenConfidentiality, Transparency and SecurityConclusion

ESQR Contents (2)

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Quality is all about meeting user needsThere are many different aspects to

quality, some of which may be in conflict• E.g. Timeliness versus Accuracy

There are various ways of measuring quality; user views are important

Quality should be communicated to users in a way they can understand


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Which is the Best Quality?

It depends what the user needs!

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