unemployment and its natural rate

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Page 1: Unemployment and Its Natural Rate

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44 Unemployment and

Its Natural Rate

Page 2: Unemployment and Its Natural Rate

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• What is the importance of labor on economy’s


Input per worker defines output per worker

• How government could affect labor factor to

stimulate growth?

Through investment in human capital

• What are the problems with the development of

labor factor in the poor and highly populated


Stretching natural resources, diluting the capital stock, brain


Page 3: Unemployment and Its Natural Rate

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A job loss means a lower living standard in the present, anxiety about the

future, and reduced self-esteem. People who would like to work but

cannot find a job are not contributing to the economy’s production of

goods and services.

These are the key issues concerning unemployment:

• How does the government measure the economy’s rate of


• What problems arise in interpreting the unemployment


• How long are the unemployed typically without work?

• Why economies always experience some unemployment?

• How policymakers can help the unemployed?

Page 4: Unemployment and Its Natural Rate

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How Is Unemployment Measured?

• Unemployment may be measured in two ways.

• A monthly survey of households – the Labour Force

Survey in the UK; Current Population Survey in US.

• The claimant count.

• Based on the answers to survey questions, each

adult (aged 16+) is placed into one of three


• Employed

• Unemployed

• Not in the labour force

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How Is Unemployment Measured?

• Labour Force

• The labour force is the total number of workers,

including both the employed and the unemployed.

• A person is considered employed if he or she spent

most of the previous week working at a paid job

• A person is considered unemployed if he or she is

temporary layoff, is looking for a job, or is waiting

for the start date of a new job

• A person is considered not in the labor force if he

or she fits neither of the first two categories such as

a full-time student, homemaker, or retiree.

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Figure 1 The Breakdown of the UK Adult Population in 2004



(47.4 million)

Labour Force

(29.8 million)

Employed (28.4 million)

Economically inactive

(17.6 million)

Unemployed (1.4 million)

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How Is Unemployment Measured?

• The unemployment rate is calculated as the

percentage of the labour force that is


Unemployme nt rate = Number une mployed

Labour force 100

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• The labour force participation rate is the

percentage of the adult population that is in the

labour force.

How Is Unemployment Measured?

Labour force particip ation rate

Labour force

Adult popu lation 100

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Figure 2 Unemployment Rate Since 1971

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Unemployment rate in OECD countries according to a duration of unemployment

Less than

1 month







12 or



2008 Q1 0.88 1.14 1.19 0.89 1.59

2008 Q2 0.93 1.17 1.23 0.94 1.53

2008 Q3 1.00 1.28 1.30 1.03 1.59

2008 Q4 1.00 1.42 1.55 1.14 1.60

2009 Q1 1.04 1.50 1.86 1.49 1.81

2009 Q2 1.05 1.53 2.00 1.82 1.99

2009 Q3 1.02 1.48 1.91 2.02 2.26

2009 Q4 0.96 1.48 1.87 2.01 2.48

2010 Q1 0.91 1.36 1.77 1.95 2.70

2010 Q2 0.91 1.33 1.69 1.83 2.83

2010 Q3 0.93 1.34 1.59 1.74 2.99

Page 11: Unemployment and Its Natural Rate

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Identifying Unemployment

The economy always has some unemployment

• The amount of unemployment changes from year to


• The long-run rate of unemployment around which the

unemployment rate fluctuates is called the natural rate of

unemployment, and the year-to-year deviation of

unemployment from its natural rate is called cyclical


• Natural rate of unemployment is persistent but not constant

and varies across the various groups within the population

distinct by gender, color of skin, age and education.

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Table 1 The Labour Market Experience of Different Groups

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Identifying Unemployment

Statistics on unemployment and labor-force participation

for various groups within the U.S. population:

• Women have lower rates of labor force participation

than men but once in labor force, women have similar

rates of unemployment

• Women’s role in US economy has changed dramatically

over the past century – after WW2: women 33%, men 87%;

year 1998: women 60%, men 75%

• Blacks have similar rates of labor-force participation

as whites, and they have much higher rates of


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Problems with Interpreting the Unemployment Data

• It is difficult to distinguish between a person who is

unemployed and a person who is not in the labour force.

• More than 1/3 of the unemployed are recent entrants into the

labour force:

• Young workers looking for their first job

• Older workers who had previously left the labour force but have now

returned to look for work

• Discouraged workers, people who would like to work but have

given up looking for jobs after an unsuccessful search, don’t show

up in unemployment statistics.

• Almost 1/2 of all spells of unemployment end when the unemployed

person leaves the labour force.

• Other people may claim to be unemployed in order to receive

financial assistance, even though they aren’t looking for work.

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Duration of Unemployment

• Most spells of unemployment are short.

• Most unemployment observed at any given

time is long-term.

• Most of the economy’s unemployment problem

is attributable to relatively few workers who are

jobless for long periods of time.

Example: Suppose an unemployment office with

stable 4 unemployed each week, 3 of which

unemployed for the whole year, the 4th changes

each week.

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Explanation of Unemployment

• In an ideal labour market, wages would adjust to balance the

supply and demand for labour, ensuring that all workers would

be fully employed. In reality, however, there are always some

workers without jobs, even when the overall economy is doing


• Unemployment in the long run can be explained as follows:

• It takes time for workers to search for the jobs that are best suited

for them. Frictional unemployment refers to the unemployment

that results from the time that it takes to match workers with jobs.

• Structural unemployment refers to the unemployment that results

when wages are for some reason set above the level that brings

demand and supply into equilibrium – minimum-wage laws,

unions, efficiency wages.

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Job Search

• Job search

• the process by which workers find appropriate jobs

given their tastes and skills.

• results from the fact that it takes time for qualified

individuals to be matched with appropriate jobs.

• This unemployment is different from the other types of


• It is not caused by a wage rate higher than


• It is caused by the time spent searching for the

“right” job.

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Frictional Unemployment

Frictional unemployment is a result of:

• changes in the demand for labor among different firms

• sectoral shifts – changes in the composition of demand

among industries or regions

Frictional unemployment is inevitable because the

economy is always changing. It takes time for workers

to search for and find jobs in new sectors.

At least 10% of U.S. manufacturing jobs are destroyed

every year. 3% of newly hired workers leave a job a

month after starting because of mismatch.

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Public Policy and Job Search

• Government programmes can affect the job search time:

• Government-run employment agencies – collect and provide

information about job vacancies

• Public training programs – aim to ease the transition of workers

from declining to growing industries and to help disadvantaged

groups escape poverty

• Advocates of these programs believe that they make the economy

operate more efficiently

• Critics question the ability of government to disseminate the right

information to the right workers better than market does

• Unemployment insurance – offers workers partial protection

against job loss

• increases the amount of search unemployment and reduces the search

efforts of the unemployed but it may improve the chances of workers

being matched with the right jobs.

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Structural Unemployment

• Structural unemployment occurs when the

quantity of labour supplied exceeds the quantity


• Structural unemployment is often thought to

explain longer spells of unemployment.

• Reasons for structural unemployment:

• Minimum wage laws

• Unions

• Efficiency wages

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Figure 4 Unemployment from a Wage Above the Equilibrium Level

Quantity of



Surplus of labour =












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Minimum Wage Laws

• When the minimum wage is set by law above

the level that balances supply and demand, it

creates unemployment.

• Although minimum wages are not the

predominant reason for unemployment in the

economy, they have an important effect on

certain groups with particularly high

unemployment rates.

• Minimum wage laws affect only the least skilled

and least experienced members of the labour force.

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Unions and Collective Bargaining

• A union is

• a worker association that bargains with employers

over wages and working conditions.

• a type of cartel (i.e. group of sellers acting together

in the hope of exerting their joint market power)

• unions are exempt from the antitrust laws because

policymakers believe that workers need greater market

power as they bargain with employers

• In the early 1980s over half of the UK labour

force was unionized but this figure fell rapidly

over a few years.

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Unions and Collective Bargaining

• The process by which unions and firms agree on the

terms of employment is called collective bargaining.

• Under the threat of strike which would increase firm’s

cost more unions reach to agreements with employers to

pay higher wages than they otherwise would:

• A strike refers to when the union organizes a withdrawal

of labour from the firm.

• Workers in unions reap the benefit of collective

bargaining while workers not in unions bear some of the


• Union workers earn about 10-20% more than similar workers

who do not belong to unions.

• The differential declines as education level rises.

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Are Unions Good or Bad for the Economy?

• Critics argue that unions cause the allocation of labour to

be inefficient and inequitable.

• Wages above the competitive level reduce the quantity of

labour demanded and cause unemployment.

• Some workers benefit at the expense of other workers.

• Advocates of unions contend that

• unions are a necessary antidote to the market power of firms

that hire workers.

• The company-town – a single firm that does most of the hiring in

a geographical region.

• unions are important for helping firms respond efficiently to

workers’ concerns and thus keep happy and productive


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The Theory of Efficiency Wages

• Efficiency wages are above-equilibrium wages

paid by firms in order to increase worker


• The theory of efficiency wages states that firms

operate more efficiently if wages are above the

equilibrium level.

• It may be profitable for firms to keep wages even in

the presence of a surplus of labour because high

wage raise the efficiency of a firm’s workers.

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The Theory of Efficiency Wages

• A firm may prefer higher than equilibrium wages:

• Worker Health: Better paid workers eat a better diet and thus are

more productive.

• This explanation is more relevant for firms in less developed countries

where inadequate nutrition is a more common problem.

• Worker Turnover: A higher paid worker is less likely to look for

another job.

• Worker Effort: Higher wages motivate workers to put forward

their best effort.

• Marxist idea of the “reserved army of unemployment”: employers benefit

from unemployed who help them discipline those workers who have jobs.

• Worker Quality: Higher wages attract a better pool of workers to

apply for jobs.

• Adverse selection: Equilibrium wage would attract only the incompetent


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• The unemployment rate is the percentage of those who

would like to work but don’t have jobs.

• The Office of National Statistics calculates this

statistic monthly in the UK.

• The unemployment rate is an imperfect measure of


• In the UK economy, most people who become

unemployed find work within a short period of time.

• Most unemployment observed at any given time is

attributable to a few people who are unemployed for

long periods of time.

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• One reason for unemployment is the time it takes for

workers to search for jobs that best suit their tastes and


• A second reason why the economy always has some

unemployment are the wages that exceed the equilibrium


• Minimum wage laws raise the quantity of labour supplied

and reduce the quantity demanded.

• The market power of unions allows them to negotiate higher

wages for their members.

• The theory of efficiency wages states that high wages can

improve worker health, lower worker turnover, increase

worker effort, and raise worker quality.