unification of germany. prussia as leader 1800’s: germany remained a patchwork of independent...


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Page 1: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps


Page 2: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

PRUSSIA AS LEADER• 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states

• Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps in)

• Prussia:

• Napoleon I defeated Prussia (Limited lands, army, money to soldiers of France).

• Prussians found ways around Napoleon’s restrictions

• Drafted army

• Four great powers at Congress of Vienna

• Congress of Vienna

• Created German Confederation

• Prussia absorbs regions into efficient govt. and strong economy.

• HRE was abolished and Congress of Vienna did not restore.

• German Nationalism favored Prussia more than Austria.

Page 3: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

POST CONGRESS OF VIENNA• German unification=involved economy

• Tariffs imposed by German states made trade costly

• Junkers: aristocratic landowners that complained that tariffs were hurting sales of farm products.

• Campaigned for freer movement of goods

• Persuaded King of Prussia to abolish tariffs within territories

• Zollverein: customs union which made prices lower and more uniform.

• Spread industrialization through Germany (Moved toward Unification)

• Politically: each state acted independently

• Representatives of National Assembly

• German unification would be made by king and prime minister

Page 4: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

BISMARCK AND PRUSSIAN STRENGTH• William I: becomes king of Prussia in 1861. Otto Von Bismarck was

head of Prussian cabinet.

• Bismarck: built army (War machine)

• Expansion of Prussia

• Collects taxes without approval to build army

Page 5: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps


• Two small states: Schleswig and Holstein: between Germany and Denmark

• King Christian XI proclaimed new constitution of Danes which he tried to annex Schleswig for Denmark.

• Prussia and Austria protest and demanded it be revoked

• Prussia and Austria declare war on Denmark

• 3 months, Denmark surrendered

• Two small states were given to Prussia and Austria

• Caused confrontation between both.

Page 6: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

• Seven Week’s War:

• Bismarck prepared conflict with Austria

• Persuaded Napoleon III of France to remain neutral

• Formed alliance with Italy

• Provoked war over the two small states

• Startled world with use of technology and

• Beating Austria in Seven Weeks

• Treaty of Prague: German Confederation was dissolved

• Austria surrendered Holstein

• Italy gained Venetia

• Several north German states united with Prussia

to form North German Confederation. (King of Prussia

was president).

Page 7: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

• Franco Prussian War: happened to complete unification of Germany

• Bismarck received telegram from King William

• Edits telegram so that sounds like king insults French ambassador

• France declares war on Prussia in 1870.

• Southern German states united against French

• Prussian army defeated France

• Napoleon III and government had fell

Page 8: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

FORMATION OF THE GERMAN EMPIRE• January 18, 1871: Reps of allied German states met in Hall of Mirrors at

the Palace of Versailles near Paris.

• Declared formation of German Empire, including German states except Austria.

• King William I of Prussia was German emperor

• Bismarck: named Chancellor (chief minister) (“Iron Chancellor)

Page 9: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps


Page 10: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

PROBLEMS FOR EMPIRE• Constitution gave people little voice, and dissatisfied joined political parties

that opposed Bismarck’s policies.

• Fear of ever-growing army

• More representation to voters of upper class was given.

• Bismarck=Protestant

• Did not trust loyalty of Catholics

• Members of Centre Party

• Kulturkampf: anti-Catholic program meaning

“culture struggle.”

• Catholic: had to attend German schools

• Diplomatic relations broken with Vatican

• Expelled Jesuits

Page 11: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps

SOCIALISM• Government owns the mean of production within society.

• Laborers developed that wanted decent working conditions.

• Social Democratic Party (SDP): called for government ownership of major industries. Eventually elect 12 members to Reichstag.

• Problem: Reichstag was the lower house of the government.

• Socialists could express grievances.

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BISMARCK’S ANTISOCIALIST CAMPAIGN• When SDP received a lot of power, Bismarck wanted to fight them.

• Opportunity=assassination attempts against emperor

• Accused Socialist Party

• Dissolved Reichstag=new elections (Does not limit power)

• Bismarck prohibited:

• Newspapers, books, and pamphlets

• Public meetings of socialists

• Granted many reforms socialists proposed

(Fewer people would support)

• Working hours, holidays, pensions

• Reduced worker’s grievances.

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• Frederick III succeeds him (dies in few months)

• William II becomes emperor

• Absolute authority of emperor

• Bismarck had too much power

• Reduces Bismarck powers

• Bismarck wants to change constitution

• William II does not go for this

• Bismarck hands in his resignation

• William II accepts it.