union hall building, notice btmoyht -...

VOL XIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATUEDAY, FEBRUABY 23,1884. NO 13 THE IRON EBA IFPfflti l'LTCLIBEIEHB ANW PKUI'BIETOUS. lcs ouBlackwoll Street neit door to ths National Uuioa Bank, TKHMB OF tjUDSCttiPTION 1NVAKI. 1JLY IS ADVANCE. ADVERTISING HATES. BFAOE. I 1 V2. I 2 WKB. 8 WH8. 1 HO. 1 Ill- 1 IuoU, 3 " 1 U5 J 7/5 1!I|11 a f 2 7J1 8 SO 4 20 7 I 8 t MOB. 3 SOS. __ s m r> tit) « r>o 8 00 10 00 12 50 ff 00 IB 50 $ 4 .W C 5< 9 00 11 »U 13 00 16 26 1900 2500 ^\ oo GMOH. $ G 00 1400 1800 21 00 2EBO SS«H> 87 SO »500 17 £2 a 27 OS ao (Hi S5 00 45 (Kl 65 00 180 OC OEHTAGE ADDED FOB KITBiB. LOCAL HO- IOEH Ifl OKHTB FEH LINE. jLyTANHIOif I1UUBK1. Comer of I)I at k well md BrJfia SU. DOVER, N. J. ; I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor, S Dorses and Carriani'S lo Lot. LON PITNBY, Ar[OBHEV AT Wf, 111OS Kill liUILMMG, DOVER, S. I. C\ EO. O. CUMMINS, M. D., GENERAL IND SI'EOIALIST IS THE TREAiWSNT OF HlLABUl WMAMB. OfyiOK AT THE BTIDKT,E HOUSE, DOVER, N. J. T 0. BIEUWlttTU, E75! DCVEB, N. J. ANALYSES OP ORES AND MINERALS, BOIIVEIB OFMINES. THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, BlfcokHCll Htreet, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, )f the latest ami tuoit Improved stjloi, for f»rminBpablio»ndprivite buildings. A Urge t t f Stov««, o£e*p f u l t L. W. THURBER, 80PEBINTENDENT OF PCDUC BOEOOtfl OF MCRKI8 COUNT?. OFFICE AT 8. II. BREEaE'3 BTOHB, DOVEB, N. J. Trt A.EENHETI 1 , M. D. HcKOSOf 1T11IQ PlltPIClANi A iron^n ami children, and of tho eyoantl ear, BpecUUins. QfcFIDB I 8 to QA.M. ilopua. t L to a KDU ? io o r, si. On and attor Ajn-ii 1st will liavo bin office on aooond lloor o! Hairlioima bmliiiug. ROM. denco, corner of Quid and Clieituui 81roe la. Night calls kt rcildunoo. EROSENE OIL, LANTEIWSAND JHUTTANU WAKE, A (ul asBortmont of TIN & JAPAN WARE, FBUIT CANH, So., TIN nooFina, EAVES, THOUQHS, ,EAI)EIlK,nudnll MIHIB oljuljlihifi lumyllnaj Mae. Hij;tu*Hlv»ce3 ]>ai'l for old Jrou. tor load and pewter taken la ciclianfi *''' ALEXANDEIl WIGHTON. A. J. DRAKE, CAEPEKTER AMD BOILDEB, BTANHOPE, N, J. Contract! (or bnildingB taken frum Ilia ti cavatiiif of tlia collur, and in alert ala (arnialiDd, Also Basil, Doors, 111 lot]*, MimltliDRB, Paiuta Rliff Fll tui Mftsoas' iffi (crisis con(tsBtlf OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and guilder, NE.UI THE OANAI BASIN. tr lobbrnj .nd tepiiriol! enroll} AtlGiidQtltD. A (cDg oiponoBoo ju the onai- ncsu, will, I bultote, onftblc me to clvegaua- Tftstiun to ill caBtoroorH. OoutnGtl Ukea M><1 tDftterlftU faraishMl, JOHN DIUIMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, WBomuini) M DOVER, N. J. s entire); iOliH MARTIN & BUCK, GBAISEBS, OILDEB8 »ad PAPER HANG EBB. CcmtrioUUkentndmiteriilarnrniBlied. Ruome doeortttid In fresooe atjles. Eayiogi thorotish kno^lcdRe pr hpflao »nil Bifin paint- ins, we feel competent to meet (no iferaantiu oTali; Paiq( shop «?or Kin Whlto'i millinery a'toro, nost to TuogUt 4 Killfforo'i dmg utore. P 0 Bo Ififl to, P, 0 . B s i Ififl. &deor utenclloutling. 'IMT A.BD0B. KANOUSE &MOLLER, (ICOCSSBOBSTOk. IAU0DSB,) d«lfii in BOTTLED LAGEBS ALE, PORTER. MINEB.4I1 WATEBS, 6IDEB, eld., at WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. CftD offur Hie best iBd moat liberal ln<ig raentil to dealers. DOVER. N. J. BEADY FOR THE TEiDB MRS. GEO, FAIiR, P0RT0EAM,!f.J., faai * Urge stock of FALt. MILLTSEBTc all klodi, which Bho Las just recaired (rof How Toik, which abo Intondi toleUat faotioi pricei. Go and »^ Ucr IDOat^k. PARK HOTEL. OHAfl. A. KOHTOBD, - - - Pnp'r. DOVKE, N. J. jril l.t, ,188*, Uint-i , 3fiyj) fcrfuallk, mdtl. Imolitj nABlBL «, IlINK Uaa.gtr. oreioi is BtfDEBBOirs BiQDnta, Baux 9r.f Dora, 8. I* i SLEIGHS I- ivory iliBiriplio,, AHIESTOCK OP WOIIK I, kept ,ri L.nJ, wlaioia MO are ran) will imprtm uUlud^t, at mi.-Jj nrlioJes, (l.ftt cur itmlin not winalie.l for tlio flitluu priui'a livJIII>- dfiilpr in thin section. \V« riariioularly iiivitc i aiiuiu(udur«, wliidi combine all modem improvement* with rune, elegance oml subaUntiul Btnirtutt. IS WA TO GIVE SATISFACTION INEVEBY PABTICULAIt. pt onrcfully otttuilcd to. COOK, PARLOR, HEATING STOVES, RANGES, te. A)io a rwl*ij of D. MOLLER'S, 8U88KX HT., (KBIT Til THBIIttHJOE,) DOVER, N. J. Jait teceiTod iud plKcd in poDition THEEE HNE NEW Billiard AND Fool Tables from the celebuted miunfictorj <vf J. U, DRONHWI0K 4 BAIKE. ORCHESTRION fins ftlfio (not denn anpjilied with ni'ir mump aud will delight tho[.atroun of the Iioitsu mure tliau iiTsr, Iuniinliiiift Eiuaic eqnsl to a bi ENTS. VH CENTS. 1 a % * % % f 3ENTS. 25 CENTS. 5L V. B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, BLAOEWELL B.J., DOVER, N. J. dl^plG?4Mcba taken and ra»tert*li Roofiug With be(t«r/»cilJtJea I am enabled to pat i &LA.TE EO0F« ohenper than ever oslng Int (he best qnalltj o( slata end em- ng'first-oloas meobaaics. lean gu»r- material and wotk in every partion. Tor Sheathing Felt always on hand. Dated October lUh, 1830. E.DUNN&BRO. mproved Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus —FOB- Stores, Sctools. Clwctis, ind all tniDDOi of prlvitauitl palilin i-aililing). 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. GEO. EHEKTii OKLKUBATED LAGER BEER altrajTr oo draught «nd lite best o/ WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS B1W»TB prnvtdJti fcr thoCRUODB of MOLLEQ'8 OFfcBA IIOOBE AKD BILLIALO SOOMB. NOTICE BtMOyHt TEE N, Y, &CHINA TEA Co. WILL REMOVE ON TIIU First Bay of April, 188t, lo the fitoru nowccciipicil by GEO. FEDER, NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE, CtKEAT REDUCTION IN SUGARS. A NEW ASSOHTMKNT OF GLASS, CHINA, EARTHEN, MAJOLICA, WILLOW WARE, ALWAYS ON HAND. WM. T. 4I.LEH. ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, Dover, IKT, 3". SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. THE NEW JERSEY . 704fc 700 IlltOA I) STREET, NEWARK, IV. J. often superior oa^BaaD ptpcrt (too, JW YIBITOLS WELCOME. "Bl a T. MILLER, Prlnoiii MRS. J. WITHERIDGE'S MlLLBEItT STORE ron anoioi Tall and Winter Goods W Tho latest iiyle* tad newest designs. No tronlte to Bbow goods. QITO her a oil. Tui IBOM EliftndHew Yorkptpergcinbe hand on bet sew coaster. MES. J. WITUEI1IDGF. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, U o v o r , 3ST. 3*. Tbftboat *0rk it tanoat prime, Iteptlfiog Linpir tad promptly don*. Next to old Fte»- jterUn Ohnrch, Ul»ckw«U HO-lr J. J. TREELAND, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, B0VEE, N. J. ^FFIOE »d|otninB tin Borer panT'fl mill. O punf inccillcatl l h d f lHE tl" Borer tnmberOon. Oontrmts UVcn, and plans, matori*liJ of every hi'id fat- Jobbingft specialty ccillcatlont »nd matori*liJ of every hi'id fa shed for building). Jobbingft specialty. SLATE ROOFJNCU iiroil, br.eip J. J. BACKOFFS WHOLESALE TRADE IHdiily Insrctstne. which ihowa lie Is giving WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS ire olti*bMt, *nd bo visliei the dealers Khont thi* eonutj WOQIJ give IHm »c*ll ti will WTthem) beforo bnyitigdao- wnere, Alt orden coiit l>j mall will rocriva ft attaatlon. J. J. BACSOFF, Dover, N. J. CHAS. 0. ORIFFEN, TEX OLD BELUBLK CARRIAGE PAINTER, Shop on Clinton Bt., Dover. An experience of 15 yours inDover on tin ncit work, it tlia RUkranten I offer of my bility to pleiifltbe public. Mjr motto IB "OITB tiiicltoQtoall" 1-tr County Collector's Notice! I rill bo at the offleo of tusflun-offatc,Mor- fiitown, for Uia trsniaction o! Const; Iml- neBS.on ThUBdij of e*cb week.^ail^ftt the offleo-ot Qwrgo Bttharti; SM-.tDiwr, Itd. TasKUj W ^^jJj?^ PASSAGE TICKETS WIILIJJL KING NOTICE. Estate of William Scoble, deceased. P URSUANT to tho order ot tlio Barro,, ... ot tbe Cmitit? of Mami, mido on tLo , hundred &n<] oifilitj-faur, notice is >f elten toa)! pi-rsona imviDg cliiini tit Uiij tsUte of Williim BoobIn, I a to of lonntj nf Uorrii, dccttiieiT, lo present tha Mtnc.auder o*Ui or *fHrni*Uunl totho unl- Bcnbcr, on or beforo (|io iiilh day of tfovem- bor next, hobg DIDO tnontlii from tbo <l»te ofBuidorder; *n<i *ay cittlitor neglecting t rinsio »wl filiibit lii» or her cUtm, DDLIC _ith or itBrmatioQ, witliiu HID tlmo to limited, vtIL be rtjtafeB luijrciL o[ liU.or lier i ell on tbctebr liiaimtibe idmniUtntor. Dated tbe tilth d*j of February A. V. 1881 JAMES TONKINfl, A'dtnlnistntor, 10-tOir Pott Own, Honli Co., M. J. EEPAHUSG DONE. WE HAVE ACOMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF BURT'S CELEBRATED FINE SHOES FOR GENTS' WEAR, IN FOUR WIDTHS. THE BEST GOODS IN THE WORLD. Edwin f!. Jlnvt &V,o. intikc tlic li'st Fine Slices for ladies' wenr in llic world. We are the sole agent for (ho sale of (licin in (lifs section. Just received an elegant line of DANCING PUMPS. HEAGAM & Co., OPP. 1)., L. ic W. DEl'OT, DOVKIl. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LARGE DEALERS. N. Y.A CHINA TEACO., IDOVESI*., asr. J - WM. 0'DWYKE, - - - - Proprietor. OF BUSINESS, CRIPPEN, THEPOPUXAR CLOTHIER IS GOING OUT AND WILL SELI HIS ENTIRE STOCK AT COST! Now is tho time to get BAR- GAINS as lie has a comploto stock and it will be closed out fast. So call early and get a good selection. CRIPPEN, No. 4 Brick Block, Dover, N. J. I iJiJLiULtJtJULJtiLlJ THE PQPULAE SILK HOUSE, McKlRGAN BROS. & LUKE* 755 BROAD St., NEWARK, 1ST. J. "Opening of Spring Styles!" French ami DnmMtio Baletus, Clitnt dr.l.»rp, in nr-wnml rlncant luitorna. PINU WITH! OOODH, pinbroidured nml i'ini-i; HA.JI1HJI10 KMHItOinEIlIES in tiilrfORrf. INHEBTlNQi AND ALLOVEU ElimiOIDKBl' INHEAUTITUL AND AUTISTIC BHSIONB. We hut in ulo our n«nfll vnnuty or BLACK ANDCOLORED SILKS, WITH ESTAHLBIIED HBPDTm0N AB REGAHC3 MATERIAL, Q O A U n AND ITO- ISH AT NEWIO11K TKIOES. A Standard Quality of Blnck Silk nt 11.00 per yard. 1DST OPENED LftDIBB' MUSLIN TTNDBRWBAR matlfl eipremlr ^r oarKAIDS ID ftltnctivs stjloa mi prloei. LACE 0OBTAIN3 la Borim and An.lqno I*ee. Hottingham Lica and Clanj Lsoe Curtain*, Octtlga Drtpory, Ao. la UBCM, Cotl«ni, *o. ( In fall Umt, fl-lNT BHO0. 78O Totmg man If you Hurtiiw gnnni, And yon o*aaot kwp It downj Or ltflVHtod likefludBMrt SOH, W f t h l to Would you Uve tta people knowit, That your talent* boiling o'er! T&ere'i a plue wba» JDH MOitanr tt, Jut infrontof the etmoh door. Wlen lift Mitoarinp tie beH, Be there wfaU In lino | yy Saoh patting ftaulatiia. Smoke the Tenemou etguettfl, Idflfhl Show tbe affioen and government peU, Too do not caw a etmr, The breese. waft tt Inthe cimroh, Good thing thUfiinlgftttoiii Who ever heard inch oougliing time, Binoe tbia hu beenfti You ronly will be notleed, . By people of good •eaie, Antt aome day may go to Trenton, And boatdftttlie fltote'i expense. * D AS ODE TO "118." BT ''BOCKS," f We fuMMIi tba foiiowiag, not Ama cboiod, bat by requMi.] In the State of New Jersey A place of renown, Culled Bocttawty town. Iu tiiii town back in Jersey, BOTeryfar, Kndi the Blgh Bridge Braneh Of the 1\&. It. With iu rouadhoue, loeonutlve, «U- tlot) ui4 ear. The finest engine on the H. D. Branch, la " 113," sonoble and stauneb, Slio la without doubt averitable 'giant And in run by Mr. D.I Bryant. Slio'n a Lanl cool burner, Jlolbvolf joucau, In iked by an Iriahmau, msuameltVeGtau. Ob tbo R. It. Bchodulo Bhe in im nml n half, And don't you fwget it I'm not giving you olinff. Every moruiiiu at 0:10 Sliu pulk out with aonio on, The wglitaf lior loml W.HII.1 bronk your heart's aora. Awny for the utntn Una Slw siiilit ou so fine. A Biiortiiig iiml inifBug AnifchuDkfnllo(wino. Onoo outho muliilluo Will B pusiior *bo awenis, Townni llumptou JumUiuu At hiird work she bonds. On n gcntlo rnmiing down, To bor pliico of deatiaatioa Called Piifllipsburg town. Iu Icuvltig old Fhulipsburg. 8bo works at her best And tttturuiug to Rocliairay, Takoa a nigbt's re»t. UUR WAR WITH EKULANU. DELIYEBED BT OtBOa WBZB, EjQ,, 3EF0BH THE 0AKBBIA 6OTBMTXHC marmjTB, FEcaDAar 2^, 1881. The laiignage aanouccing tho snbjoct of rav I'ificoiirae tbis evonio^ is not a Btmsutioual oxttavoganco, but u t tieitt of fact. This couutry is at with Gront Bcitnin, nut! tlio perils of the etrifo are nooo tho leas eurioua for that theto is no hostile nrmj iu view ; no soimd of guns, and no b wouuds. It inu contest which wo liuvo not suttght—it began iu our Colonial (1 it is now ii3perilous as in auy period of imv history. ID tlii) ruilur iigcs of tbo world a sov- iroigD wbo coveted tlio territories of liia uoigbborH seized them by force of arnin, iinpuBOil fuses upoa tlieir people, aud spoiled tlieir revcuiics. Iu UICHO later tlnys cunniug tnkra sometimes tho plnce if foroc, CH[]ecinlly utter forco Las beou wiilk'd, null Irndo subJucs conntiiog aud (jiulerH tlieiii tributary to tlieir comiiier- tr moru cITtclivL'ly tlinu wnr. Ita con- fli«ta nre pignntic, yet they eacapo the liisbkrinn ; tbe detnils of their operations iro hiiMeu nwiiy in tlio oliacnrify of ntn- .isticul reports, nml i\ country may bo u ignnrancc of the CIIUHO of its woes, Tlio injuries of a trade invasion nro ns iinmedinto ami rcitl us would bo tlio en- nucoorn hofitilu army. Poor old Shy- uckp ^vben humiliated und robbed, truth- 'ully exclaimed ! You (alio my liouso vrlien you do tftke tlio ]>rup Vlui'li dotli simtniii my liouso; you tako my life I'lieii you (lutiikotlio menus wliereliy I HvD." Tlierecuiibo no greater irjury to n soniitry tlinu to obliterate ils imluatrioB .ud to iiiiiioveiish a ad degradgits poo- Ibis in a result wbicli follows Eugtiah trade tjniiiDj over tlio world. Tho countries whioh Biiccnuibed to the loiniiiutioii of Eut'bsli trade most com- ilctcly, brcauso ns parts ot IILT empire lii'j are entirely defenseless, are Ireland md India, aad they aw tha oa)y co»n- uuder civilized rule in which Fani- lies liftvo occurred in tbia century, or in ;bich tlieir occurrence 19 possible. THE LIISEON OF lltELAND. The obiiterntiuu 01flonrialiiogIrish iidtiHtnoH, wliich followed tho net of mien, cunt tho entire population upon ;bo lund, iitul the tnigtc reaiiltHare Itiiown .0 tlit! vtatld. JPutniuo and pestilence, oluntnry and enforced emigration, hnvo siiBted nnd nro fitill wnsting the Iriab people. Many years ngo tliu London Times declared that iu Ireland " popuk' :iou is a drug," and nt this time tbou- of aided Irish emigrantfl aro sent ntu the: UuilcL. Htatcg anil Canada, a ipeetnelo wbicli cauuot find ita parallel slsewhero in the world. Tim conquest of Ireland by Eaglisli trade was not difficult, aad the Bupre* niiiey is easily maintained. ACatholic landlady &t Cork said to Mrs. Fhoaba Gibbons ia 1881: " There vaa a cotton factory berc in Cork, and tbo English soot tbeir goods in and sold tbem a balf penny cheaper. They pat tbeir foot uDon those things, bless them t They have crashed ns ont of tba market In variooB ways. There is a Hub screed of linen mnnnfiwtore in tbe North, bat I belisva they cannot tnfte it or good as " The"flopcD Iron foun- dries, fire faotoHes ot spodca and shov- els, nomeroaB and extensive paper-mills, " ,wo Urgeaotues making flint glnaa, 1 which Cork ODOO posaessod, hare been cmibeil by the Engtiih foot like tbe cot- ton factory. The "half penny cheaper" diiUt, BDil it is tLo BAmo "balf penny cheaper" that oat American statesmen, Mwsrs. Carlish, Morrison aad Hewitt, nre bankering after. The ohearf half peony was the rain of Ireland. When the entire population cast upon the land, inmtoa WHS n necessary eoaaeqaeme, Cohbott says that dming tbe famine of 1833 there was food enoagb, bat ao money to pnrohtue it. Intbe famine of 1846 aud 1647, when thoBianaspflrianeft from hunger, tha American vessels, carrying gifts of food to the starving people, found expor- t&tioa ot load from Ireland to England going on a» usual Ireland grows food and Eogiand BOXB it—to eiojpe starvation the Irishman luvea hia own oountry and cornea to the United States, where be votes for Eog- lond's policy of Free TrJde. He files from Eoglfini'a Irsdb domination in tbe country of his nativity to be more sub •eivient and useful to England la the country of his adoption. The story of India is a similar history. The native industries were destroyed bj the "half peony cheaper" fahrioi ot Great Britain, andthe euliro population waa east npon the land> with the inevit- able consequences of famine and misery) whioh have depopulated the country and restored once fertile regions to tlie dom- ination of tlia jungle anil vti]& benals, The loss of more than a million of lives by starvation afew Years ago in 0 remote province attracted no attention, andthe faot of its occurrence could be derived and W8B only established by offlaial in- vestigation, With millions of uutivo In- dians dying of BforvatioQ, tbe ( tion of rice went on as usual. The tnido tyranny ot' $3oglnnd 1MB been fcanded by force and extendedby canning ; it is sustained by a determina- tion whlcu hninio ecrnplGs In regardto means, and with a vigilance whiob ranches out to {lie ends of the earth. Its mnge of military and naval wartaro ex- tends from the dealroolion of tlie marfi- time power o[ Holland ajid tho conquest o[ India to the operatiuas of the Ala- bama and her sislera pirates aud tho Chinese Opium War. It has ila grant) strategy, of which tlio Mfillmen treaty with Portugal and Its commercial treaty with Japan may be taken BB examples, and its petty taatios, such ns tliopar- oboso of nn editor, tbe bribery of acabi- net officer, or tbe corruption ot a Con- gressman. All tbiB migbt bo endared wfili soms patleDoo were it not that England's pol- icy of conquest aud is curried on with tho pretence, of a lofty philanthropy, illustrated by tbe blas- phemy of the Cobdec Olub in adopting asiLiaotto: Free Trade, Pence, and Good Will among Nations." TOM BBUOION OP TBS BETH8H ITEADB. There is an unoonscions English as- saranoq which assumes that whatever ie for t i e interest of Great Britain must benefit maukiud, or, if not that it makes no difleruBoe, ti the policy shouldbe seriously qnestioood, or, as iu the OOSQ of fret) Trade, uDivejBullr donbtedund generally repudiated, it is elevated at once into a principle of undoubted moral obligation. U the EoRlith Bjatum of laud tenures assailed ? At once Eag* Huh Economists andstatesmen coma for- ward and demonstrate that they are a ro> salt of tho oporatiou of natural lflW(t which it would bo useless and foolish to . In tbti wtill-to-do Englialimiin confronted at every tarn by a muss of human bciuga—hia fellow citizens—ia a condition of hopeless misery ? He is oousolei] by nn Euglish philosopher who proves that this is a part ot tbe Deviuo scheme for tbe govomtnent of tlio world. As for Free Trade, to tho Englishman, it is something inora than an unassail- able princiblfi of Nutioanl ccoaoiuy ; it <iia bcconia areligion ; it lias i(a shrines .nil oraoloB, and the pious Englishmen, with goads "a hftlt-pcuny cheaper" for anlu, niniutain writers and orators to preach tlieir creed, and Baud mtasion- iries lo Hprend iba gcsjiel occordingto Sniut CobJeu throtiglioiit tbe United Stales and other nueuliglittiuert nalious, I hnvo cnllcil ibis contest which England carrieu OH with every country that Ima the intelligence mitt Hlroiiglli to (iglit, a war, mid Hiirely nholy witr, for tbo Btan- diml of the Cobdcti Club etnblnzoiieil willi u trnvcHly of tlie gospel bus tliobeti- cdtctioti of bishops, to nay nothing of Henry Ward liceuber. Tbe history of Eiiglnnd'fi troOti wntfnro upon other na- ions cannot bo detailed at length in tlm iapor. I Iinvo alluded toit briefly, as it enstii iifliiJclight upon our proper Bob- jeeta—our own straggle to defend the Willis tries of our people. Tbifl was began in au early period in in Imtory of tba Amoricnu colonies. I Huoto Dr. Win, Klder'a recital Df tho :ln, nti it ia terse aud nntlientio : "Tlie colonies were belli in restraint absolute tbnt, beyond tbo common Icmestic iudtistriea, aad the most onli- mry mcchiinical employnioata, no kind ifrattnnfnctiiroswnspermitteil. In 1750 a Imttec-shop in Masaacbnaetis WHS de- clartda nuisanca by the British Parlia- ment. In the same year an act was lassctl permitting tbo importation of pig iron from tlie colonies, bceanso chaiaoal, then exclusively employed in Bmelting >re, was well nigh, exhausted in Eng- iiiui; but forbidding tho erectionof ilt haminors, alitting or rolling mills, or iny eatabliabnioiit for tbe minafactnre ai steel." A law of Viiginia paused in 1764 to encourage (ertila mnaafttcturea in tbat Province was annulled in Eng- land.. Tbo first Lor-1 Sheffield declared that "the only uso of American Oolomea 11 Wcat Ioilin Islnntls ia tbomonopoly if their consnmplion and tbe CDttt:.Re of Lhcir products," and Lord Chatham de- that " (lie British Colonists ia North America had no right to manafao- ture even a nail fora horse Bboe. Prom 1710 to 1732 British merchants com- plained in memorials to tho government tbat the people of Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Bbode bland, and Maryland were setting np manufactures of woolen nnd linen for tbe nse of tbeir own families andof hemp andflaxfor coarse bogs and baiters." [tO BB OOXTUrOKI).] Faith InHer Word. A lady with a daughter of uncertain nge, gave it ont tbat site was only twenty, ABftparty-one evening she WBB speak* ingot har daughter and a lady remnrkeil: "HOT old did yonsay Mary was? ••Mai? is just past twenty." "Ati 11 should tbiutc that she w»5 older tlmnihdt" ' "Toe, everybody tabes her to be older tbnn abets, b«mnjoyoq feoMar.y has micli qaiot ways. Good oveninff, Dr. Jones," she said as onold gentleman mo a p, "wo wero jast talking of Mary, and tbe lady was qulto surprised to benr me sny she was so young; you know iho'sonlv twenty." "Of oonrse, Moilnro, of wrarso : for Tva benrd yon toll it for tbo last ton ;re*rn, at least, nml X have every conn dencoin aavlbfufTTon vonldsay, Mi- A«ta.—3fenfi(mt Traveller. SOME INTERESTING NOVELTIES. WigjT IO DO WIXB OPB 0XBU. "flood day. gentleman." " Good day," said tbe bone reporter, looking up and discovering a jouug lady in the apartment " I would like toshow yoaftwork whiob I am selling," she begat, "wad am sure it will prove both interesting and instructive." " What's it about ?" asked the horse reporter, " The book." continued tbe fuir can- sser, "is by one of our best-known writers and speakers, and is entitled What Shall We Do With Our Girls ? The question certainly one ot para. mount importance, nnd " "Are your girls bothering you much this season V inquired the friend of Bland S. " Wby, no," paid tbo young lady, b violently-" tbat is—wby, of db" course I htnea't ay g " Qb, you're out on tho road telling people what lo do witli tboir Rids beforo you're even married, let alone the mother of a few visions of loveliness ? Well, that's all right. Some of our best cook books bavebeen written bypeople wbo didn't know a gridiron from tbo Fif- teenth Amendment" " fint tbis question of what shall be done wltb the girls is really an import' nt one," continued tbe youug Indy, have yon ever given it nthought ?" " I ean't say that I have," replied the horse reporter. " I sappose vo iJ tie 'em np in tbe back yard when a cir- cus comes to town." "I hardly think yon oomprebeDil the question inall ite beoriDgs. What is the legitimate sphere of woman ; in wbot field of action ean she best display ttnd make use ot the Gad-given tfllsnts, ati tributes of mental forae, and physical gnoemlb which she is endowed ? These ore living, baraiag Issues, and must be fairly met. When we BBB " "All right," eaid tbe borse reporter, JOB can maot them if you want to, Woman's sobers, BOtoras I bavo beea ablu to discover, is to never bnve break- fast on time. It is no doubt a somewhat limited one, bat she is gradually reach- ing ont inlo the greet unknown, and will eventually grasp with her lily-wliife fingers the black demon of injastice tbnt Ions oppressed her, sad strangle in tho very stronghold of its power the grout wrong which for centuries bos bar- fled her efforts at ndvancement along tbe great bigbwayof progress." "Wby, that's lovely t" exclaimed tbe young lady. "You believe inlady anf- g, n't yoa?" "Xadytvho?" "Lady suffrage—believe that Uaies hould vote, and have all the political privileges that ore accorded men. That is just what this book sayB. That chap- ter is perfectly aweet. It's jmt lovely.? " I presume HO. But how abont tbe chapter that sajs women ehonld not cramp and distort tbeir bodies with cor- sets aud tbeir feet with tight shoes ? The gtuint demon of unrest tbat larks in tie maternal bunion may, in tbe child of tbut mother, become an ever-present woDsierct pain." "Ob, thosa chapters are horrid 1 What tlie world is interested inare the nobler ultributcBof wotUEin-ber soul andheart." "Yes, the soul-ami heart business ia all right, but you muBt rctnotaber tiinl the bumble livor, working awny uuoston- mtiaiislv, is also a prclty good sshtitac, nd without hutflth woman can 11 ever attain success. Tho 'deadly clnsp of tbo ateel-ribbed corset anil tbo fatal gripof tie gleaning garter are burryiug to eorly graves the woacu of oar land. Tbe beautiful eyes that should Bparklo eo iriglitly arodull aud lustrelesB, tbe cheek phose whiteness should bo relieved by tlie rosy bluab of bealbb is sallow and wan, and the fairest temple over made is rendered a ghastly ruin bj tlie one who ilionld fake tbe greatest pride ia its auty,' 1 "And will yoa haya book ?" askedthe uDg lady. "I'm sate yon tftlkbean- iirnlly," No," replied tbe horse reporter, " I cannot buy a book, because actions speak louder than words, aud I do not wiahto isturb tbe drninntio critia wbo is in tbe lext room trying to write soal without a urge 8."—Chicago THhune. It Overcame Him. Before tbe Halo and Koroross fight irae on—this is tradition, almost—thero arrived in town n dissipated miner who od worked ia the mioe. Ho waa pretty indly down apparently, but he went into 1 broker's offioe, nod, after being told to get oat as a tramp, be said he thought a good deal of Hale and Norcross and wanted to invest a trifling enm ia it Two feet, at $175, were bought forhim, nd be gave tlie cerhitastd to the broker, saying tbat bn was going dowu to Mexico prospecting, and he would, like to leave it behind to be dealt with aa the broker Bawfit. He was not beard of for months. Halo and Noroross WOB up to 813,000 a foot. One morning tbe broker found tbe dilapidated miner on his doorstep when he came down to business. The miner rose n "Well, I'mhere, I thought IMoome and see yoa. I s'pose tbere ain't aotu- inglefto'tbatHale&Koroross. Igneds you mast 'Asold it out, bat I'm down I ain't got a cent. Maybe you'd. ien$ me font hits to get a bit of bre&kfoet ?" The broker looked ot him nnd gavo him $6 to go and get a hath and a break.' fast, andpresently he returned. "BU down and wait a minute. I'll makeup your account presently." He M U b o dilapidated man on the edgeof chair. Ho came back with a check and tent bis olerk down to tbe bunk. Tbo olerk returned with a big bag of gold. The poor devil watched thepro- ceedings with a miserable indifference, The gold'wns stacked npon tbe cannier. Look here, I've sold your two feet ot Hsle k Norcross for 626,000, nnd hero is yanr money. Tbe miner fell on the floor and cried Yike a baby. He could not rend or write and bad no idea «htt the market wos. He sent a draft of (2,000 tohis mother. The broker bought for him' 830,000 worth ot registered bonds, nnd gave hit $2,100 incoin, which he epant in tbree days. Two banao men brought himin drank fled tried to get bis bondf, bn the broker drove thorn out, an! when. tbe man got sober bo came nnd bnd th< bonds sowed into bis clothes nnd wns dispntcbed East. Ho bus nover been teanl of sinoe.-iSi» Francisco Chronicle. JOURNALISTIC_ENTERPRISE. AX SDBOSWB0 O i U IO G » H F BMAOBK H» W0UXDX0T BCFFBBW AHAMS. Many a nun has gone toa newspaper office and begged to have his name sup- pressed. The other night a smooth* hoed man visited aa Arkaasnv editor and said : "Ihave a great favor to ask of yon." "Whf ur '* I want to keep my name out of yoar paper. S o n t mention the fact tbat John Waddle kneoked down the Rev. Mr. Jogle tits evening. He WIB beaten shamefully, it is true, bnt I don't want my name connected with it." The editor asked Ibe young fellow to tall him all about it, and after gattlug all the facts said: " My dear sir, I am, as you know, pub- lishing a newspaper. A piece of sensa- tional news is very valuable fo me, and I therefore cannot sapprees this affair." " I warn you, sir, not to print to." " That's alt right. 1 would be pleased lo see yoa some other time for I am busy now." The young fellow left reluctantly and the editor turned to the work of writing np tie Beosfltion, Tho reporters were all ont, and tbe editor revived tbe days ot •' bustling" work by "spreading him- self" on tbe article. Next morning- the paper contained a column anda half of choice news. "An fnbamaa oatroge. John Gladuie, tie rnfBin, knocks down the Bnv. Mr Jagle, anil bouts bim numefoifnllv." 'Ibo town waa thrown into a high state of excitement, and tbe editor congratu- lated himself on bUsucoeBg la besting tbe reporters. About 2 o'clock in tbe n mnn hurriedly catered tlio edilor's office aud said: "Have vou lost all conackmsneas, sir ? Have you no regard for the truth ?" 11 What's the matter ?" asked tbo edi- .or, looking op insurprise, " Wby, sir, yon state in this morning's fssoo of your sheet tbat I was knocked dawn andbeaten. I was never knocked down in my life, sir, andif yoa don't publish a correction I will bave you severely dealt with." " £ don't understand this," replied tbe aditor. " The news was brought to me last night." " Makes no difference, it is a He I" and the minister struck the desk withhis umbrella. "Correct tl»t report in your lext issue, ot I'll make you regret your laok of manhood," The minister went oat, bnt the door jpeaed immediately and a furious-look- ing man entered. Besotted, sir." I bave come here to demand satis- faction. You stated this morning tbat I knocked down the Bttv. Mr. Jngle and beat him. It is a villainous lie. I don't know tiiat I ever saiv llie man." The editor was stupefied. "This is indeed mysterjocs." ••No, it isn't. It was a premeditated wrong on your part, and l a m going to cat off both your care. Lust night, cs I have just learned, a young follow, Nat Wethers, came hero and told you not (0 ty that John Gladdle bad beaten amin- ister, but yon swore thai yon nm?«1sd a sensation of that sort to jucreaso tho cir- culation of your paper. I have beeu all day tryiDg tokeep out of tie way of tbo mob." "My dear air, a correeliou shall be made," "A correction cauuot bo made, I want substantial rnvengn," and seizing tbe aditor, he cut off a piece of his ear, and left iu Booming Btitisfiictiou. Lato in tbo evening while nbandaged mnn of news .t nursing himself, the door opened ilowly Bud a bead WBB gradually thrust cto tbo room. "Saj, you can do mo a favor. Do mo the kindness tosuppress—," aud as tho editor readied for a pistol tbo head dis- appeared. Tbe liberty of tbe presa does not moon ttiot man must take iiboiii'ty with tbis great American institution.— IVaeelsr. Dying After Slcq.ln- Two V BUFFALO, Pod. 4.—Anthony Knium, tv Germnu, about 37 years old, dieJat tlio Erie County Alms House, insai.0 dep.irt- menr, yesterday morning, tinder singular ircumstances. During the last two years he had slept uninterruptedly. Pre- vious to tbat time he had been nsober, idustrious mm It is said that on March 18,1882, ho told the womnn witii Whom be boarded tbat the Lord Inul comtnauded himtosleep until Ho nwak- eoed him. At anyrate, he s!cpt nud could not be aroused. He was takento tbe State Insane Asybim and thoroughly treated. He was given electric fclioaks and other means were taken to arouse him, bat all to no purpose. Finally, uboat two weeks ago be was removedto tlie poor-liottae. Throughout bis sleep Food was administered to bimia liquid ioVn of nourishment About half anhour be- orm, but until the last be never or rose, and died at last from Iivc fore bis death he suddenly rose up in bed asked for pencil and paper, and wrote bis name, also that of his brother, B. Kamm, of Hamilton, Ontario. Tbe brother bad visited bim Hoveral times daring bis sleep, but be scorns not to bave been connoioas of it. A Sympathetic Lawyer,, Have yoa ever beea iuprison 1" asked a. badgering lawyer of a modest witness whom be was trying to bully. Tba witness did not answer. " Oome now, speak np; no conceal- ment, sir.' Have yon ever been to priaon ?" " Yes. BIT, onoe," "aid tbe witnosa, looking to tho floor. "1 thought BO. When and vharo were yon in prison ?" "In 1863." "And where?" The witness hesitated. "Own np now; nododging," tud tbe lawyer. "Tell me, now, where were yon in prisonT' In—in—in—" Don't stammer, sir. Out with it| Tell ma the prison." 11 In—in Anderaonville, sir." A moment's painful panse. Then tbo lawyer, wbo was an old soldier, put bis bands ouhut Icrckead, tis if a pistol shot bad struck bim, while the tears came to bis eyes. Then, jump* ing forwiml, be clnsped bis arms nrnund tha witnras'neok and exclaimed: " My God. I was there myielf 1" ortnble. Never talk or wliflrwr nt meeting* or pnblioplncts,tnilfiapGoillv in a private t oncnBliInns rbninl room where any one is Binging or playing tbophno.

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lcs ou Blackwoll Street neit door to ths

National Uuioa Bank,



BFAOE. I 1 V2. I 2 WKB. 8 WH8. 1 HO.

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Comer of I)I at k well md BrJfia SU.

DOVER, N. J.; I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor,S Dorses and Carriani'S lo Lot.



111OS Ki l l liUILMMG,








T 0. BIEUWlttTU, E75!





UNION HALL BUILDING,BlfcokHCll Htreet, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,)f the latest ami tuoit Improved stjloi, forf»rminBpablio»ndprivite buildings. A Urge

t t f Stov««, o£e*p f u l t







iron^n ami children, and of thoeyoantl ear, BpecUUins.

QfcFIDB I 8 to Q A.M.ilopua. t L to a KDU ? io o r , si.

On and attor Ajn-ii 1st will liavo bin office onaooond lloor o! Hairlioima bmliiiug. ROM.denco, corner of Quid and Clieituui 81roe la.Night calls kt rcildunoo.



A (ul asBortmont of



,EAI)EIlK,nudnll MIHIB oljuljlihifi lumyllnaj

Mae. Hij;tu*Hlv»ce3 ]>ai'l for old Jrou.

tor load and pewter taken la ciclianfi




Contract! (or bnildingB taken frum Ilia t icavatiiif of tlia collur, and in alert ala (arnialiDd,Also Basil, Doors, 111 lot]*, MimltliDRB, PaiutaR l i f f F l l tui Mftsoas' iffi (crisis con(tsBtlf

OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and guilder,

NE.UI THE OANAI BASIN.t r lobbrnj .nd tepiiriol! enro l l}

AtlGiidQtltD. A (cDg oiponoBoo ju the onai-ncsu, will, I bultote, onftblc me to clvegaua-Tftstiun to ill caBtoroorH. OoutnGtl Ukea M><1tDftterlftU faraishMl,



SUSSEX STREET,W B o m u i n i )M

DOVER, N. J.s entire);iOliH


GBAISEBS, OILDEB8 »ad PAPER HANGEBB. CcmtrioUUkentndmiteriilarnrniBlied.Ruome doeortttid In fresooe atjles. Eayiogithorotish kno^lcdRe pr hpflao »nil Bifin paint-ins, we feel competent to meet (no iferaantiuoTali; Paiq( shop «?or K i n Whlto'i millinerya'toro, nost to TuogUt 4 Killfforo'i dmg utore.P 0 Bo Ififlt o ,

P, 0 . B si Ififl. &deor utenclloutling.

' I M T A.BD0B.


d«lfii in




CftD offur Hie best iBd moat liberal ln<igraentil to dealers.



T E i D B


P0RT0EAM,!f.J.,faai * Urge stock of FALt. MILLTSEBT call klodi, which Bho Las just recaired (rofHow Toik, which abo Intondi to leU at faotioipricei. Go and » ^ Ucr IDO a t ^ k .


OHAfl. A. KOHTOBD, - - - Pnp'r.


jril l.t, ,188*, U • int-i, 3fiyj) fcrfuallk, mdt l . Imolitj

nABlBL «, IlINK Uaa.gtr.

oreioi i s BtfDEBBOirs BiQDnta,Baux 9r.f Dora, 8. I*

i SLEIGHS I-ivory iliBiriplio,, A H I E STOCK OP WOIIK I, kept ,ri L.nJ, wlaioia MO are ran)

will imprtm uU lud^t, at mi.-Jj nrlioJes, (l.ftt cur itmlin f« not winalie.l for tlioflitluu priui'a liv JIII>- dfiilpr in thin section. \V« riariioularly iiivitc

i aiiuiu(udur«, wliidi combine all modem improvement* with rune,elegance oml subaUntiul Btnirtutt.


pt onrcfully otttuilcd to.


STOVES, RANGES,te. A)io a rwl*ij of


DOVER, N. J.Jai t teceiTod iud plKcd in poDition THEEE



Fool Tablesfrom the celebuted miunfictorj <vf J. U,


ORCHESTRIONfins ftlfio (not denn anpjilied with ni'ir mumpaud will delight tho [.atroun of the Iioitsu muretliau iiTsr, Iuniinliiiift Eiuaic eqnsl to a bi


1 a% * • % % f




dl^plG?4Mcbataken and ra»tert*li

RoofiugWith be(t«r/»cilJtJea I am enabled to pati &LA.TE EO0F« ohenper than ever oslng

Int (he best qnalltj o( slata end em-ng'first-oloas meobaaics. lean gu»r-material and wotk in every partion.Tor Sheathing Felt always on hand.

Dated October lUh, 1830.

E.DUNN&BRO.mproved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus—FOB-

Stores, Sctools. Clwctis,ind all tniDDOi of prlvitauitl palilin i-aililing).



LAGER BEERaltrajTr oo draught «nd lite best o/

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSB1W»TB prnvtdJti fcr tho CRUODB of





First Bay of April,188t, lo the fitoru now ccciipicil by







WM. T. 4I.LEH.


BUILDERS,D o v e r , IKT, 3".



704 fc 700 IlltOA I) STREET,NEWARK, IV. J.

often superioro a ^ B a a D

ptpcrt (too,JW YIBITOLS WELCOME. "Bl

a T. MILLER, Prlnoiii


ron anoioi

Tall and Winter GoodsW Tho latest iiyle* tad newest designs.

No tronlte to Bbow goods. QITO her a oil.Tui IBOM EliftndHew Yorkptpergcinbehand on bet sew coaster.


BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,U o v o r , 3ST. 3*.

Tbftboat *0rk i t tanoat prime, IteptlfiogLinpir t ad promptly don*. Next to old Fte»-jterUn Ohnrch, Ul»ckw«U HO-lr


B0VEE, N. J .^FFIOE »d|otninB tin Borer

panT'fl mill.Opunf

inccillcatll h d f

lHE t l " Borer tnmberOon.Oontrmts UVcn, and plans,matori*liJ of every hi'id fat-

Jobbing ft specialtyccillcatlont »nd matori*liJ of every hi'id fashed for building). Jobbing ft specialty.


iiroil, br.eip


WHOLESALE TRADEIH diily Insrctstne. which ihowa lie Is giving

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSire ol ti* bMt, *nd bo visliei the dealers

Khont thi* eonutj WOQIJ give IHm »c*llti will WT them) beforo bnyitig dao-

wnere, Alt orden coiit l>j mall will rocrivaft attaatlon.

J. J . BACSOFF,Dover, N. J .




Shop on Clinton Bt., Dover.An experience of 15 yours in Dover on tinncit work, it tlia RUkranten I offer of mybility to pleiifltbe public. Mjr motto IB "OITBtiiicltoQ to all" 1-tr

County Collector's Notice!I r i l l bo at the offleo of tus flun-offatc, Mor-

fiitown, for Uia trsniaction o! Const; Iml-neBS.on ThUBdij of e*cb week.^ail^ftt theoffleo-ot Qwrgo Btthart i ; SM-. tDiwr ,I t d . TasKUj W ^ ^ j J j ? ^




Estate of William Scoble,deceased.

PURSUANT to tho order ot tlio Barro,, ...ot tbe Cmitit? of Mami, mido on tLo

, hundred &n<] oifilitj-faur, notice is>f elten to a)! pi-rsona imviDg cliiinitit Uiij tsUte of Williim Boob In, I a to oflonntj nf Uorrii, dccttiieiT, lo present tha

Mtnc.auder o*Ui or *fHrni*Uunl to tho unl-Bcnbcr, on or beforo (|io i i i lh day of tfovem-bor next, hobg DIDO tnontlii from tbo <l»teofBuidorder; *n<i *ay cittlitor neglecting t

rinsio »wl filiibit lii» or her cUtm, DDLIC_ith or itBrmatioQ, witliiu HID tlmo to limited,vtIL be rtjtafeB luijrciL o[ liU.or lier i ell ontbctebr l i iaimtibe idmniUtntor.

Dated tbe t i l th d*j of February A. V. 1881JAMES TONKINfl,

A'dtnlnistntor,10-tOir Pott Own, Honl i Co., M. J.





Edwin f!. Jlnvt & V,o. intikc tlic li'st Fine Slices forladies' wenr in llic world. We are the sole

agent for (ho sale of (licin in (lifs section.

Just received an elegant line of DANCING PUMPS.

HEAGAM & Co.,OPP. 1)., L. ic W. DEl'OT, DOVKIl.


N. Y. A CHINA TEA CO.,IDOVESI* . , asr. J -

WM. 0'DWYKE, - - - - Proprietor.





ENTIRE STOCK AT COST!Now is tho time to get BAR-

GAINS as lie has a comploto

stock and it will be closed out

fast. So call early and get a

good selection.

CRIPPEN,No. 4 Brick Block, Dover, N. J.



755 BROAD St., NEWARK, 1ST. J.

"Opening of Spring Styles!"French ami DnmMtio Baletus, Clitnt dr.l.»rp, in nr-w nml rlncant luitorna. PINU WITH!


in u lo our n«nfll vnnuty or



A Standard Quality of Blnck Silk nt 11.00 per yard.1DST OPENED

LftDIBB' MUSLIN TTNDBRWBARmatlfl eipremlr r oarKAIDS ID ftltnctivs stjloa mi prloei. LACE 0OBTAIN3 la Borim and

An.lqno I*ee. Hottingham Lica and Clanj Lsoe Curtain*, Octtlga Drtpory, Ao.la U B C M , Cotl«ni, *o. ( In fall Umt,

fl-lNT B H O 0 .78O

Totmg man If you Hur t i iw gnnni,And yon o*aaot kwp It down j

Or ltflVHtod like flu dBMrt SOH,W f t h l to

Would you Uve t ta people know it,That your talent* boiling o'er!

T&ere'i a plue wba» JDH MO itanr tt,Jut in front of the etmoh door.

Wlen lift Mitoarinp tie beH,Be there wfaU In lino |

yySaoh patting ftaulatiia.

Smoke the Tenemou etguettfl,I d f l f h l

Show tbe affioen and government peU,Too do not caw a etmr,

The breese. waft tt In the cimroh,Good thing thU fiinlgftttoii i

Who ever heard inch oougliing time,Binoe tbia h u b e e n f t i

You ronly will be notleed, .By people of good •eaie,

Antt aome day may go to Trenton,And boatd ftt tlie fltote'i expense.

* D

AS ODE TO "118."


f We fuMMIi tba foiiowiag, not Ama cboiod,bat by requMi.]

In the State of New JerseyA place of renown,

Culled Bocttawty town.

Iu tiiii town back in Jersey, BOTeryfar,Kndi the Blgh Bridge Braneh

Of the 1\&. It.With i u rouadhoue, loeonutlve, «U-

tlot) u i4 ear.

The finest engine on the H. D. Branch,la " 113," so noble and stauneb,

Slio la without doubt a veritable 'giant

And in run by Mr. D . I Bryant.

Slio'n a Lanl cool burner,Jlolbvolf joucau ,

In iked by an Iriahmau,

msuameltVeGtau.Ob tbo R. It. Bchodulo

Bhe in im nml n half,And don't you fwget it

I'm not giving you olinff.

Every moruiiiu at 0:10Sliu pulk out with aonio o n ,

The wglitaf lior lomlW.HII.1 bronk your heart's aora.

Awny for the utntn UnaSlw siiilit ou so fine.

A Biiortiiig iiml inifBug


Onoo outho muliilluoWill B pusiior *bo awenis,

Townni llumptou JumUiuuAt hiird work she bonds.

On n gcntlo rnmiing down,To bor pliico of deatiaatioa

Called Piifllipsburg town.

Iu Icuvltig old Fhulipsburg.8bo works at her best

And tttturuiug to Rocliairay,Takoa a nigbt's re»t.




marmjTB, FEcaDAar 2^, 1881.

The laiignage aanouccing tho snbjoctof rav I'ificoiirae tbis evonio^ is not aBtmsutioual oxttavoganco, but u ttieitt of fact. This couutry is at

with Gront Bcitnin, nut! tlio perils of theetrifo are nooo tho leas eurioua forthat theto is no hostile nrmj iu view ;no soimd of guns, and no bwouuds. It in u contest which wo liuvonot suttght—it began iu our Colonial

(1 it is now ii3 perilous as in auyperiod of imv history.

ID tlii) ruilur iigcs of tbo world a sov-iroigD wbo coveted tlio territories of liia

uoigbborH seized them by force of arnin,iinpuBOil fuses upoa tlieir people, audspoiled tlieir revcuiics. Iu UICHO latertlnys cunniug tnkra sometimes tho plnceif foroc, CH[]ecinlly utter forco Las beouwiilk'd, null Irndo subJucs conntiiog aud(jiulerH tlieiii tributary to tlieir comiiier-tr moru cITtclivL'ly tlinu wnr. Ita con-

fli«ta nre pignntic, yet they eacapo theliisbkrinn ; tbe detnils of their operationsiro hiiMeu nwiiy in tlio oliacnrify of ntn-.isticul reports, nml i\ country may bo

u ignnrancc of the CIIUHO of its woes,

Tlio injuries of a trade invasion nro nsiinmedinto ami rcitl us would bo tlio en-

nucoorn hofitilu army. Poor old Shy-

uckp ^vben humiliated und robbed, truth-'ully exclaimed !

You (alio my liouso vrlien you do tftke tlio]>rup

Vlui'li dotli simtniii my liouso; you tako mylife

I'lieii you (lutiikotlio menus wliereliy I HvD."

Tlierecuiibo no greater irjury to nsoniitry tlinu to obliterate ils imluatrioB.ud to iiiiiioveiish a ad degradg its poo-

Ibis in a result wbicli followsEugtiah trade tjniiiDj over tlio world.Tho countries whioh Biiccnuibed to theloiniiiutioii of Eut'bsli trade most com-ilctcly, brcauso ns parts ot IILT empirelii'j are entirely defenseless, are Irelandmd India, aad they aw tha oa)y co»n-

uuder civilized rule in which Fani-lies liftvo occurred in tbia century, or in;bich tlieir occurrence 19 possible.


The obiiterntiuu 01 flonrialiiog IrishiidtiHtnoH, wliich followed tho net ofmien, cunt tho entire population upon;bo lund, iitul the tnigtc reaiiltHare Itiiown.0 tlit! vtatld. JPutniuo and pestilence,oluntnry and enforced emigration, hnvosiiBted nnd nro fitill wnsting the Iriabpeople. Many years ngo tliu LondonTimes declared that iu Ireland " popuk':iou is a drug," and nt this time tbou-

of aided Irish emigrantfl aro sentntu the: UuilcL. Htatcg anil Canada, aipeetnelo wbicli cauuot find ita parallelslsewhero in the world.

Tim conquest of Ireland by Eaglislitrade was not difficult, aad the Bupre*niiiey is easily maintained. A Catholiclandlady &t Cork said to Mrs. FhoabaGibbons ia 1881: " There vaa a cottonfactory berc in Cork, and tbo Englishsoot tbeir goods in and sold tbem a balfpenny cheaper. They pat tbeir footuDon those things, bless them t Theyhave crashed ns ont of tba market InvariooB ways. There is a Hub screedof linen mnnnfiwtore in tbe North, batI belisva they cannot tnfte it or good as

" The "flopcD Iron foun-dries, fire faotoHes ot spodca and shov-els, nomeroaB and extensive paper-mills,

" ,wo Urgeaotues making flint glnaa,1

which Cork ODOO posaessod, hare beencmibeil by the Engtiih foot like tbe cot-ton factory. The "half penny cheaper"diiUt, BDil it is tLo BAmo "balf pennycheaper" that oat American statesmen,Mwsrs. Carlish, Morrison aad Hewitt,nre bankering after.

The ohearf half peony was the rain ofIreland. When the entire population

cast upon the land, inmtoa WHS nnecessary eoaaeqaeme, Cohbott saysthat dming tbe famine of 1833 there was

food enoagb, bat ao money to pnrohtueit. In tbe famine of 1846 aud 1647,when thoBianaspflrianeft from hunger,tha American vessels, carrying gifts offood to the starving people, found expor-t&tioa ot load from Ireland to Englandgoing on a» usual

Ireland grows food and Eogiand BOXBit—to eiojpe starvation the Irishmanluvea hia own oountry and cornea to theUnited States, where be votes for Eog-lond's policy of Free TrJde. He filesfrom Eoglfini'a Irsdb domination in tbecountry of his nativity to be more sub•eivient and useful to England la thecountry of his adoption.

The story of India is a similar history.The native industries were destroyed b jthe "half peony cheaper" fahrioi otGreat Britain, and the euliro populationwaa east npon the land> with the inevit-able consequences of famine and misery)whioh have depopulated the country andrestored once fertile regions to tlie dom-ination of tlia jungle anil vti]& benals,The loss of more than a million of livesby starvation afew Years ago in 0 remoteprovince attracted no attention, and thefaot of its occurrence could be derivedand W8B only established by offlaial in-vestigation, With millions of uutivo In-dians dying of BforvatioQ, tbe (tion of rice went on as usual.

The tnido tyranny ot' $3oglnnd 1MBbeen fcanded by force and extended bycanning ; it is sustained by a determina-tion whlcu hninio ecrnplGs In regard tomeans, and with a vigilance whiobranches out to {lie ends of the earth. Itsmnge of military and naval wartaro ex-tends from the dealroolion of tlie marfi-time power o[ Holland ajid tho conquesto[ India to the operatiuas of the Ala-bama and her sislera pirates aud thoChinese Opium War. It has ila grant)strategy, of which tlio Mfillmen treatywith Portugal and Its commercial treatywith Japan may be taken BB examples,and its petty taatios, such ns tlio par-oboso of nn editor, tbe bribery of a cabi-net officer, or tbe corruption ot a Con-gressman.

All tbiB migbt bo endared wfili somspatleDoo were it not that England's pol-icy of conquest audis curried on with tho pretence, of a loftyphilanthropy, illustrated by tbe blas-phemy of the Cobdec Olub in adoptingasiLiaotto:

Free Trade, Pence, and Good Willamong Nations."


There is an unoonscions English as-saranoq which assumes that whateverie for t i e interest of Great Britain mustbenefit maukiud, or, if not that it makesno difleruBoe, ti the policy should beseriously qnestioood, or, as iu the OOSQof fret) Trade, uDivejBullr donbted undgenerally repudiated, it is elevated atonce into a principle of undoubtedmoral obligation. U the EoRlith Bjatumof laud tenures assailed ? At once Eag*Huh Economists and statesmen coma for-ward and demonstrate that they are a ro>salt of tho oporatiou of natural lflW(twhich it would bo useless and foolish to

. In tbti wtill-to-do Englialimiinconfronted at every tarn by a muss ofhuman bciuga—hia fellow citizens—ia acondition of hopeless misery ? He isoousolei] by nn Euglish philosopher whoproves that this is a part ot tbe Deviuoscheme for tbe govomtnent of tlio world.

As for Free Trade, to tho Englishman,it is something inora than an unassail-able princiblfi of Nutioanl ccoaoiuy ; it<iia bcconia a religion ; it lias i(a shrines.nil oraoloB, and the pious Englishmen,with goads "a hftlt-pcuny cheaper" foranlu, niniutain writers and orators topreach tlieir creed, and Baud mtasion-iries lo Hprend iba gcsjiel occording toSniut CobJeu throtiglioiit tbe UnitedStales and other nueuliglittiuert nalious,I hnvo cnllcil ibis contest which Englandcarrieu OH with every country that Imathe intelligence mitt Hlroiiglli to (iglit, awar, mid Hiirely n holy witr, for tbo Btan-diml of the Cobdcti Club etnblnzoiieilwilli u trnvcHly of tlie gospel bus tliobeti-cdtctioti of bishops, to nay nothing ofHenry Ward liceuber. Tbe history ofEiiglnnd'fi troOti wntfnro upon other na-ions cannot bo detailed at length in tlmiapor. I Iinvo alluded to it briefly, as itenstii ii fliiJc light upon our proper Bob-jeeta—our own straggle to defend theWillis tries of our people.

Tbifl was began in au early period inin Imtory of tba Amoricnu colonies. I

Huoto Dr. Win, Klder'a recital Df tho:ln, nti it ia terse aud nntlientio :"Tlie colonies were belli in restraintabsolute tbnt, beyond tbo common

Icmestic iudtistriea, aad the most onli-mry mcchiinical employnioata, no kindif rattnnfnctiiroswns permitteil. In 1750

a Imttec-shop in Masaacbnaetis WHS de-clartda nuisanca by the British Parlia-ment. In the same year an act waslassctl permitting tbo importation of pigiron from tlie colonies, bceanso chaiaoal,then exclusively employed in Bmelting>re, was well nigh, exhausted in Eng-iiiui; but forbidding tho erection ofilt haminors, alitting or rolling mills, oriny eatabliabnioiit for tbe minafactnreai steel." A law of Viiginia paused in1764 to encourage (ertila mnaafttctureain tbat Province was annulled in Eng-land.. Tbo first Lor-1 Sheffield declaredthat "the only uso of American Oolomea11 Wcat Ioilin Islnntls ia tbo monopolyif their consnmplion and tbe CDttt:.Re ofLhcir products," and Lord Chatham de-

that " (lie British Colonists iaNorth America had no right to manafao-ture even a nail fora horse Bboe. Prom1710 to 1732 British merchants com-plained in memorials to tho governmenttbat the people of Massachusetts, NewYork, Connecticut, Bbode bland, andMaryland were setting np manufacturesof woolen nnd linen for tbe nse of tbeirown families and of hemp and flax forcoarse bogs and baiters."


Faith In Her Word.

A lady with a daughter of uncertainnge, gave it ont tbat site was only twenty,AB ft party-one evening she WBB speak*ingot har daughter and a lady remnrkeil:

" H O T old did yon say Mary was?••Mai? is just past twenty.""Ati 11 should tbiutc that she w»5 older

tlmnihdt" '"Toe, everybody tabes her to be older

tbnn abets, b«mnjoyoq feoMar.y hasmicli qaiot ways. Good oveninff, Dr.Jones," she said as on old gentleman

mo a p, "wo wero jast talking of Mary,and tbe lady was qulto surprised to benrme sny she was so young; you knowiho'sonlv twenty."

"Of oonrse, Moilnro, of wrarso : forTva benrd yon toll it for tbo last ton;re*rn, at least, nml X have every conndencoin aavlbfufTTon vonldsay, Mi-A«ta.—3fenfi(mt Traveller.



"flood day. gentleman."" Good day," said tbe bone reporter,

looking up and discovering a jouug ladyin the apartment

" I would like to show yoa ft workwhiob I am selling," she begat, "wadam sure it will prove both interestingand instructive."

" What's it about ?" asked the horsereporter,

" The book." continued tbe fuir can-sser, "is by one of our best-known

writers and speakers, and is entitled

What Shall We Do With Our Girls ?The question i» certainly one ot para.mount importance, nnd "

"Are your girls bothering you muchthis season V inquired the friend ofBland S.

" Wby, no," paid tbo young lady,b violently-" tbat is—wby, of

d b "course I htnea't a y g" Qb, you're out on tho road telling

people what lo do witli tboir Rids beforoyou're even married, let alone the motherof a few visions of loveliness ? Well,that's all right. Some of our best cookbooks bavebeen written by people wbodidn't know a gridiron from tbo Fif-teenth Amendment"

" fint tbis question of what shall bedone wltb the girls is really an import'

nt one," continued tbe youug Indy,have yon ever given it n thought ?"" I ean't say that I have," replied the

horse reporter. " I sappose vo i Jtie 'em np in tbe back yard when a cir-cus comes to town."

"I hardly think yon oomprebeDil thequestion in all ite beoriDgs. What is thelegitimate sphere of woman ; in wbotfield of action ean she best display ttndmake use ot the Gad-given tfllsnts, atitributes of mental forae, and physicalgnoemlb which she is endowed ? Theseore living, baraiag Issues, and must befairly met. When we BBB "

"All right," eaid tbe borse reporter,JOB can maot them if you want to,

Woman's sobers, BO tor as I bavo beeaablu to discover, is to never bnve break-fast on time. It is no doubt a somewhatlimited one, bat she is gradually reach-ing ont inlo the greet unknown, andwill eventually grasp with her lily-wliifefingers the black demon of injastice tbnt

Ions oppressed her, sad stranglein tho very stronghold of its power thegrout wrong which for centuries bos bar-fled her efforts at ndvancement along tbegreat bigbwayof progress."

"Wby, that's lovely t" exclaimed tbeyoung lady. "You believe in lady anf-

g , n't yoa?""Xadytvho?""Lady suffrage—believe that Uaies

hould vote, and have all the politicalprivileges that ore accorded men. Thatis just what this book sayB. That chap-ter is perfectly aweet. It's jmt lovely.?

" I presume HO. But how abont tbechapter that sajs women ehonld notcramp and distort tbeir bodies with cor-sets aud tbeir feet with tight shoes ?The gtuint demon of unrest tbat larks intie maternal bunion may, in tbe childof tbut mother, become an ever-presentwoDsierct pain."

"Ob, thosa chapters are horrid 1 Whattlie world is interested in are the noblerultributcBof wotUEin-ber soul and heart."

"Yes, the soul-ami heart business iaall right, but you muBt rctnotaber tiinlthe bumble livor, working awny uuoston-mtiaiislv, is also a prclty good sshtitac,nd without hutflth woman can 11 ever

attain success. Tho 'deadly clnsp of tboateel-ribbed corset anil tbo fatal grip oftie gleaning garter are burryiug to eorlygraves the woacu of oar land. Tbebeautiful eyes that should Bparklo eoiriglitly arodull aud lustrelesB, tbe cheekphose whiteness should bo relieved by

tlie rosy bluab of bealbb is sallow andwan, and the fairest temple over made isrendered a ghastly ruin bj tlie one whoilionld fake tbe greatest pride ia its


"And will yoa hay a book ?" asked theuDg lady. "I'm sate yon tftlkbean-

iirnlly,"No," replied tbe horse reporter, " I

cannot buy a book, because actions speaklouder than words, aud I do not wiah to

isturb tbe drninntio critia wbo is in tbelext room trying to write soal without aurge 8."— Chicago THhune.

It Overcame Him.

Before tbe Halo and Koroross fightirae on—this is tradition, almost—thero

arrived in town n dissipated miner whood worked ia the mioe. Ho waa prettyindly down apparently, but he went into1 broker's offioe, nod, after being told toget oat as a tramp, be said he thought agood deal of Hale and Norcross andwanted to invest a trifling enm ia i tTwo feet, at $175, were bought for him,

nd be gave tlie cerhitastd to the broker,saying tbat bn was going dowu to Mexicoprospecting, and he would, like to leaveit behind to be dealt with aa the brokerBawfit. He was not beard of for months.Halo and Noroross WOB up to 813,000 afoot. One morning tbe broker foundtbe dilapidated miner on his doorstepwhen he came down to business. Theminer rose n

"Well, I'm here, I thought IMoomeand see yoa. I s'pose tbere ain't aotu-inglefto'tbatHale&Koroross. Ignedsyou mast 'A sold it out, bat I'm down

I ain't got a cent. Maybe you'd. ien$me font hits to get a bit of bre&kfoet ?"

The broker looked ot him nnd gavohim $6 to go and get a hath and a break.'fast, and presently he returned.

"BU down and wait a minute. I'llmakeup your account presently." HeMUbo dilapidated man on the edge of

chair. Ho came back with a checkand tent bis olerk down to tbe bunk.Tbo olerk returned with a big bag ofgold. The poor devil watched the pro-ceedings with a miserable indifference,The gold'wns stacked npon tbe cannier.

Look here, I've sold your two feetot Hsle k Norcross for 626,000, nnd herois yanr money.

Tbe miner fell on the floor and criedYike a baby. He could not rend or writeand bad no idea «htt the market wos.He sent a draft of (2,000 to his mother.The broker bought for him' 830,000worth ot registered bonds, nnd gave hit$2,100 in coin, which he epant in tbreedays. Two banao men brought him indrank fled tried to get bis bondf, bnthe broker drove thorn out, an! when.tbe man got sober bo came nnd bnd th<bonds sowed into bis clothes nnd wnsdispntcbed East. Ho bus nover beenteanl of sinoe.-iSi» Francisco Chronicle.




Many a nun has gone to a newspaperoffice and begged to have his name sup-pressed. The other night a smooth*hoed man visited aa Arkaasnv editorand said :

"Ihave a great favor to ask of yon."

"Whf u r'* I want to keep my name out of yoar

paper. S o n t mention the fact tbat JohnWaddle kneoked down the Rev. Mr.Jogle t its evening. He WIB beatenshamefully, it is true, bnt I don't wantmy name connected with it."

The editor asked Ibe young fellow totall him all about it, and after gattlug allthe facts said:

" My dear sir, I am, as you know, pub-lishing a newspaper. A piece of sensa-tional news is very valuable fo me, and Itherefore cannot sapprees this affair."

" I warn you, sir, not to print to."" That's alt right. 1 would be pleased

lo see yoa some other time for I ambusy now."

The young fellow left reluctantly andthe editor turned to the work of writingnp t ie Beosfltion, Tho reporters wereall ont, and tbe editor revived tbe daysot •' bustling" work by "spreading him-self" on tbe article.

Next morning- the paper contained acolumn and a half of choice news. "Anfnbamaa oatroge. John Gladuie, t iernfBin, knocks down the Bnv. Mr Jagle,anil bouts bim numefoifnllv."

'Ibo town waa thrown into a high stateof excitement, and tbe editor congratu-lated himself on bU sucoeBg la bestingtbe reporters. About 2 o'clock in tbe

n mnn hurriedly catered tlioedilor's office aud said:

"Have vou lost all conackmsneas, sir ?Have you no regard for the truth ?"

11 What's the matter ?" asked tbo edi-.or, looking op in surprise,

" Wby, sir, yon state in this morning'sfssoo of your sheet tbat I was knockeddawn and beaten. I was never knockeddown in my life, sir, and if yoa don'tpublish a correction I will bave youseverely dealt with."

" £ don't understand this," replied tbeaditor. " The news was brought to melast night."

" Makes no difference, it is a He I" andthe minister struck the desk with hisumbrella. " Correct tl»t report in yourlext issue, ot I'll make you regret your

laok of manhood,"The minister went oat, bnt the door

jpeaed immediately and a furious-look-ing man entered.

Besotted, sir."

I bave come here to demand satis-faction. You stated this morning tbat Iknocked down the Bttv. Mr. Jngle andbeat him. It is a villainous lie. I don'tknow tiiat I ever saiv llie man."

The editor was stupefied. "This isindeed mysterjocs."

••No, it isn't. It was a premeditatedwrong on your part, and lam going tocat off both your care. Lust night, cs Ihave just learned, a young follow, NatWethers, came hero and told you not (0

ty that John Gladdle bad beaten a min-ister, but yon swore thai yon nm?«1sd asensation of that sort to jucreaso tho cir-culation of your paper. I have beeu allday tryiDg to keep out of t ie way of tbomob."

"My dear air, a correeliou shall bemade,"

"A correction cauuot bo made, I wantsubstantial rnvengn," and seizing tbeaditor, he cut off a piece of his ear, andleft iu Booming Btitisfiictiou. Lato in tboevening while n bandaged mnn of news

.t nursing himself, the door openedilowly Bud a bead WBB gradually thrustcto tbo room.

"Saj, you can do mo a favor. Do mothe kindness tosuppress—," aud as thoeditor readied for a pistol tbo head dis-appeared. Tbe liberty of tbe presa doesnot moon ttiot man must take iiboiii'tywith tbis great American institution.—


Dying After Slcq.ln- Two V

BUFFALO, Pod. 4.—Anthony Knium, tvGermnu, about 37 years old, dieJat tlioErie County Alms House, insai.0 dep.irt-menr, yesterday morning, tinder singularircumstances. During the last two

years he had slept uninterruptedly. Pre-vious to tbat time he had been n sober,

idustrious m m It is said that onMarch 18,1882, ho told the womnn witiiWhom be boarded tbat the Lord Inulcomtnauded him to sleep until Ho nwak-eoed him. At any rate, he s!cpt nudcould not be aroused. He was taken totbe State Insane Asybim and thoroughlytreated. He was given electric fclioaksand other means were taken to arousehim, bat all to no purpose. Finally,uboat two weeks ago be was removed totlie poor-liottae. Throughout bis sleepFood was administered to bim ia liquid


ofnourishment About half an hour be-

orm, but until the last be neveror rose, and died at last from Iivc

fore bis death he suddenly rose up in bedasked for pencil and paper, and wrotebis name, also that of his brother, B.Kamm, of Hamilton, Ontario. Tbebrother bad visited bim Hoveral timesdaring bis sleep, but be scorns not tobave been connoioas of it.

A Sympathetic Lawyer,,Have yoa ever beea iu prison 1"

asked a. badgering lawyer of a modestwitness whom be was trying to bully.

Tba witness did not answer." Oome now, speak np; no conceal-

ment, sir.' Have yon ever been topriaon ?"

" Yes. BIT, onoe," "aid tbe witnosa,looking to tho floor.

"1 thought BO. When and vharowere yon in prison ?"

" I n 1863.""And where?"The witness hesitated."Own np now; no dodging," tud

tbe lawyer. "Tell me, now, where wereyon in prison T'


Don't stammer, sir. Out with it |Tell ma the prison."

11 In—in Anderaonville, sir."A moment's painful panse.Then tbo lawyer, wbo was an old

soldier, put bis bands ou hut Icrckead,tis if a pistol shot bad struck bim, whilethe tears came to bis eyes. Then, jump*ing forwiml, be clnsped bis arms nrnundtha witnras'neok and exclaimed:

" My God. I was there myielf 1"


Never talk or wliflrwr nt meeting* orpnblioplncts,tnilfiapGoillv in a private

t oncnBliInns rbninl room where any one is Binging or playingtbophno.

Page 2: UNION HALL BUILDING, NOTICE BtMOyHt - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/1884-02-23.pdf · I 1 V2. I 2 WKB. 8 WH8. 1 HO. 1 Ill-1 ... vtI L be

Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, Frti, 23. Is8**-AN BOXER AD1U8SIOB.

Wlwn Ilio gliw* mauitrai'liirtTH wore hav-

inK a benrin« l"fore th« Way* and

Means Committee tot Tucafcy la ojiposi-

lion to tho Morrison tariff reduoliou Bohunie,

a Mjgaificaut incident occurred. Theodore

W. Mom- , ol K»w York, nu importer ot

window 8 l u « , advoeutud lha Morrltion bill

lastrnDKUng'iarKe. Hedcdnred mthaoms

U>P{>at)cy lltat Uio scale ol *"tfea ' " l J w

llailwj Blfttmii "absurd," »ud Hint inbor 1«

too well rewarded -iUl b«e»«*fl " ' "aiipoial

letjixlaliou" for the beupfll of Anicrtonu umo-

uf nature™. Tbeso wwrtiou* iroawjd Judge

Kulley, and Uo took Mr. Hon i* in band nt

once. He drew n iirajiUo picture of tlie

condition of t i t laboring nitoplo of I

tend and SOu'iuni, aud tt.-k.il tho linportiT

if he Ihonght th.t wngtw i t *y wfecired trouH

ben fair btMia for Ibo wngin "f Aiiiorieau

laboriog wen. U r Morris rccallut the

word "*luuru7 ' but still iuhwtwl that waff*

arotooUiph and tbnt UIO effect ot a reduc-

tion o( duties would bo lo la*rer nil wage*.

Ho thought, however, tbnt it reduction of

tlio duties PIJ (flans would imt 11 mho in

tuiry a cut tu wnf-os. Importation* w

increase, but he dUl not think prlacn wouU

be lower. And tbnt's about the «««* of Hit

whola of It. TLe importer* ot foreign mail-

u r M a r e m would inaku mois money, but it

would be i t tho expeufw of American labor.

Tho firrt Eopublican bouiu of tho Preai-doutiftl year in a gre.it Kiotory at Ihechattel eleetiouiu the city of rjiilsdelwbift.TLo DeiuoarflU were ooufident of uatrying

tliueity, Imt 'ipou a largo votu polled i t

wont llqnibliium by ^.tlW) luajurity, uiid the

fomoiTitte arc very IMJCIJ .l.'iTer-Mi-d by

their defeat.

The yuvcrumcut ban ruauliud the wisu

com-luKJou thai it u'ill bt> bfllur I'olinj t o

educato and uiviliza tUo youujj Iudiaue thiin

to be dental ly fighting tha old ones, and

baa opened a school for youug ApacUei.

The Democratic l ious i of Assembly,

vbiuh the tewpantico J'eoplo bntped t o

elect, seeine to have a positive diallka for

anything i s Iha way of tonijttnv i l

tiuu. 'Twos ever thus.

B,v .v

The general upriaicg of all tbe iuilustrioeof the country agalunl the Democratic propOBltion In Congress fcr a uniform reductionot tariff duties is having an eff«t and baa «<tightened the Democrats iipinnches tlia

. wnoy of ttiera think as a matter of nolicy iliad better bo dropped. Last Saturday theEastern Fig Iron Association sent ft utrougraornoriftl against the measure to the ""and Means Committee, and among other in-dustries which Late sant de la t ions to »p-poar before the Oomiuitteoind opposo Xhbill aw Uio glass luanufaoturor*. of Nfw Vorkand Pennsylvania, the iron attd steel uittnuttclureteo! tbelaifer state, tbe pottery mat)tttacturew of New Jewey, tbe wool growersof Ibe West, the sugar planters of tliSouth, and delegation* from tho labor awociaiiops connected witb the tulnefl, furuaciend rolling mills of Pconxfkiinln. Thigeneral txprebsiou of bnaincsawill doubtleu friRhtcn the Democrats fromultra action just now, but liiis begfnnlifully Bliowa just wliat thes/ would do shouldthej aacaetd ia the next uJeoliou and obtail full control of the country.

BIOHTTOTHECoiifSenator Youngblood, of Ibis eotmtj, 01

Wednreday introduced in tbo New J e m ;

Senate tbe following resolutions, which gi

right to the heart of tbe Tariff quention and

Jenro no room (or eijairocatlon or double-

dealing in the matters

Whereas, A bill hut IIPPII introduced In thelTonw> ol Iltrtvsentntlv™ hv I(o». Writ. II.Morrison, Clinirmnn «f the Way* »ud llemCommit l<-i\ the iibji'ft uf which i* « griH-nmliiotloti nf tJirifliliitW 11s now levied, AIKwhnn'UK. il>. I U ^ W <>f «ni<I tiill vould uml'riiillv nirwt, if uut ab«olnt«1y destroy, theprwi't iniluntrira of llii* Stnto pnrtu-alarlvthti&n nfiruu. «H3c. wool anil imlii'rii1*, iwli^NMtu, It in a ri>e«giii*i-<l furt tLnldutifti uc)W Icvinil uiiiiii article* i>nniin'ftliiinimfncturt-il in this State arv nut morv tHiifHt'!i<iil for tln> jinili'fiion nf t!uwi' ciicnhi the work of prcnliu'iug nnil mauurnciuthf Hiiiiip; thcrcfort',

IJpitiilrpil, TliiitHK HUT further n s l u c .would brine tbn dutira Wlow tlir pointuMiIct! for pnitt>ftlon ami militate - • - - " •luluir liy coni]H"IlinK DUT nutimfacti . _lirt'ilnpcn tn etntipfff in their <••*» market)

ooimti-ii'f". we nanicstly re<)iipit our S*niiil Reiirctfillative* in roiiRnst* to us(•Hurt* to defeat the said Mormon liftl or unj-o t l e r measure which ma j conn1 lieforv themhaving for its object the reduction nt t i e ilu-tiet oi»m anJeles monuf»ciur»d uud luodui-*'d in thit Sta ts ; tuid,

iteMlvM. That we affirm our belief In Ili<prln<;i]>loof protections* apiillua to nil Ai(cnniiiduitrieR.Incliidiugruwiiiatorinl.Hlifan the product of Aiueriunn lubor aj wasuiaaufiMiturcdartiplei; »ml tlmt we lc•with f«w and aiiprcheuBlon utvou the dai'triofatariffforrvTeuneonlj' '" wlil«h woureduce tip dutlcH and onune exeesntve imiwrtAtloun of fiimlRu prodnut* And uianfiictiirt'i.l l f h f cCuean\ lo tl

un of f m l R u p d n t Alf for thp ptirpoiieeof rcYCuueant\ lt iletriim-iu of tho Inbor mid ni]iitn1

d i thi t I l i

fiictiirti.t\ lo tlie

1 mrthe

greatengaged iu this country It

Resolved, Tfinttht! gecretiirr lie requcn!to lond a oonr of these resolutions to iiachour Senators uu<I iteitreanitativeH in C(« « S J .

Th6 neolutlonn a n made tbe Bpecial 1der for next Monday night, wb«n we aha)!we what we

DECEPTIVE AB9JULHr. Qw. W. Dean, of New Vork City,

writes M follows respecting Hewitt's latestpolitical effort

NHW YoKK,Fdi.l7tb,l!To the Editor of the lion Km:

... . eek aud deceptiveusual, whm he itates, "If the itrutpcioyiteni be tbe panacea, &c." 1 shuiihl•wer him, vj i : Tlie true oauie euulilfound in the lul. ~lute reduction and thr*«tenedfurther reduction or dulltw, which naturallytontrBtutea to roake n Jailing ninrkct to onlvCnU atout i t And Wlew that npain I•tatet, "The truth is they ore t»iftl out of t:IstPiife, &e." Which la troe rnoiiRh, Inmade & roaoax TAX nr uitr Ti&iir, ot aaon-protootiVB tarift, that dot* not nnthe nroot roBiiss TIKATIOK for ini'which bran so trnvtly up<iii onr vorkingmcunnd their Gamilic«b.y depriving them ot em-ployment in their own country.

Low duties substitute foreign for he>ot«fifl production, fur which.

to tuilKirt ferric* iudoctries. L U H I I O I . , . .twtlve dutira STeatlr Incrvou American ux-•ttoti for import*, wbieh being a fareicn antlnot aa American tax, Imporeritbes our \>&>pie of both (mploynwut and monrr, anu isIhe (njo t»u*e of everv panic

V«».l4r. 0 W D >

Tho foregoing U plain common sense,practical and to the point, and. cootman of arga&unt than a oolomnHewitt's tbeoriea, wbicsh of late U r « be-come so absurd t ta t they BroooJy reooguUcd aa itndnsd efforts to mystify the qnes-Uou otprotwtlonio that it will IM beyonthe oonpnheoflioD ot ordinary people.

Seuretnr; Swank'i report on Ibe prodnolion and stock of ptg iron 1Q th« Vn\UState* for 1688 ahowi that 5,146,972 nttltont of pig Iroa were mad* during Ihe year,and tint at tfaa dose of tbe year $53-r

net tons were unmkL Hence, the unsoldpig iron represented only a little over iweeks' production wokoned on the basla olthe year'i outpot i atoppage ot Ihe 1leugtb at ihal jost fudaJ In tbo Westernnail trada would completely exhaust mak-er*' stocks. Further, the BmiUoeM of theataok shows how easily an aotiTo demandcould create » '-boom." Aud what a bo-ianri f""h » Mndition ot tbe market wouldbe for tbe EogUsh and Scotch mannfaelur-era. Tbfl stock of pig Iron in Scotland andin tbe north of England at tfas ctosa of (beyear was 1,068,105 grot* too*.—AmeriyinU«nu/«etortr-

DunoenUo BepresentatiTe Frank ford,of Ohio, Utaoch opposed to ft restorationof tfce tariff on wool, and aaja it is wane

' than fopj to ttik Kbrat Boeoctding with thepmnotiUon of Mr. Oonterte to p«u t, roso-lution fixing & d*j for too contiaamtioo ofthe bill. "Toe Ohio members," aid Mr.Hard* "will oat all TOte for II, aad I beforeMr, wooU like t» let go ot itbimaelf. It Uabcotd to think thaioonUe Hotut, whoso v«ry poUBcal fouada-tlon talaid upon fm tr»d«, vonld iaeraaaethednty on the most common article in usemd tbo article which it the toknowled^edM a rf tariff.1

la tUw wit in New York isM week towhleJi Josh Hart, the pnbliaher of Trsth,v u a party, U ouoe out in tke erideneethat Coalman Btraam of tho HiUonalDomocntifl Oomioittee paid tlie vitnavUoMef 9BW to pwjo^ himself andthat the letter was genuine. And of Boohis Umpwly of Democracy!

TUabfllmakhittooaipnbjorj the stndy oftbe OonslltnUon in tb» pnblie tchoobi laprobably a goodthlng. It will umke the

b f the fatnre mora oonrtnuitDtlBoonbwith the subjeoi tosn UKW *to talk somncti about It now-

Ouiy Ivo Ueiaaciala J11 tbo Ooun^olicutSenate voted for ft reaoluUdn di'iiruuftlingthe proponed reduction iu tariff duties, Ev-7 Heptiblican nujniber Huxtaiued it.

It bus been suggested lbat an excellentepuWicau platform cau bn uia4o tiiin yenriouenenltnoa; "ltateatloti to American

It diipcncU upon the putiaKe or defeat ofIO Morritwu tariff Ull wluibar Amerii

or Englibbnien Khali rule Ataericau markets.

A tariff IiataK. ltedaco Ibe laxou-ShiteLeader. Tlio echnolu arc a Ux. Away,ilL the schools.

tlic« Km and



Thefoiluwiiiji fun>r publication lu«t

till too Utr, baa slm

DlTOHOl-TtlltlHO1>iutt8iti:~I" HI

UU- ot Fell. ». 1

mimicdHirti w

ock. l.ut briii

hren sllgiitly alt

* Uuk. ,os KIIA :

ihe Morrl« Connty Chnmtt. Ilifff anpenr* an articli

f iSinsrviT


Miu-ut which l'»« takeu jilncf

1 cdiiitumifi-utiim in so fnll n f miwtult*> nnd B.i-.r.-vr.^-niHtU-w. that I derm Ithit v l<> ivi.lv. nnd Khow claa> untruthful• f t h e rbarara unit to state the whtilttiou hi its primer Hub). It I* himllvthe imtin^-lon shoulil he lf.fl or

In of Hie wnnlc »t l«rj;p, tlmt the elmipati-r JMIVC fjivctt ttie "(will shnulunMTuuwndvcmttos; that ihty bavoii«ot'tlii' "jirt>nt fiooil whlpb lias

' i w S t ' r , . flillf infonjlfd ol thewnuiN m.iv.ment M atarlwl % ""•"•t- niitl EuelUh. in »n urtink from Olmer-j | llit« EH.\. Thostt pi'tith'iueu ciunc- Uen.• ntranj!er» t« this roiiminuit.v, itjid wot

* u e X " niiil ' thcir ttiurcni dent re *« "liE'vrrv i-hiirrft in the vjltnjje wiu

ffn 1.1,01.1.i them, aiwl in tlu-ir rouiark.u was uuthiun (hat cnultl «ffl<»(l ' " t l "iloMt dfttrw. fitUi'r tlio oliriMiau mail, o• ilrrt ruiHM'llcr. Morul wnrfmi was Ihei|i«.u; tht\v nppPtili'd to the rensmi am

iintkm, there was nu niiirrprcwtitaHtM

(H'tins tlio i'lndv' w'iicli." ho him iuhjitultd

itituh Hill overlook j n"1 "fVi-iK't'i* HIIIIUullv (HniiMjrulc witli you in moansn> right uml pwid. 11 lirw p w n youiv In tho inut, il ban allied ?«a «UIJliiiiip to do HI> l>ut the uiiituui|C Itntl

iiiiiliauitiK of f la t »ud v «ud il» UWMIWW i»u»tr.'iwo or ft will roart" terribly agniiiit tho»e

Tliia urt'ii'lo hiw lie*n written iu »H Wuil-n«« uml 1 fUiti'Wi.v h»>l't' w'11 iM)wmi|»ll«b


FMKIIKIIS, Ji J-, Kelt. SOt.li, 1883.M11. KtiiTiiit:-Two wwk» (tfurp 1 wan tu

Hnmkl.ru, N,Y., 11ml a neiitli'iiniu canio into

tifComiirk, uf ])»vtT, Icptiirfd h i CliCRtornxt I'vcniiii;. imJ 1 hml 11 vlinuoe to Viu1 him.I!1H talk iiiimd iiiiiic u<-numintlKii, n i h e Mat-vl tlmt tho i-lmn-li nf Oofl wni* tho liiifklwiicif (Itn mm putty. Mr. I ln<n te r « t m v rc-irtitwl hi 11 VITV nl>|t> innuiwr ami lii* wmnfk*ITCH- Miiiitili'iiiciiU'il liv Mr, Win. Otitlio."

l,iiHttv.TkU-1inuWdt*>i>ickill' "

rend tlu> urtlelu front Chester »..•• .. -mnili'it KiMimrty 1«o b'ctnre tlmt I hpnrdIP Itcv. Ki'iit. nivp iihimt onu yone since tlurtlicirin f«i flitufe (lint he lia* wot» vt»r.v nounniin.1 nn tht* sultioct. If wimt lie vajr ibotmet> U iiuc nf tin- BtniuiffM whisky men in thii-l(it»\ " Th« eburch of Gml 1H thn linoktioni

of HIP mm imrty." Hr. StpCotmick I* one amet nidlrnl cliurcli Icailirs, thcrpfon.f tlie moet rmllciil wW»k«T m c u ' i

..J Hkc to » * him If uti,v of our ytty uwoim brewers, illntillors, luitcl nr enlmm ki _IT*, or auy of tliolr UIUPB or oo-worktre irfre

r known t« lecture «n tt'tnpt>rnu«'p i t<ifuatc n mnii for aBee that van a knowitMnnn-o uiun, nr tn h!telnbt)Viat*to hrenlnn.r nliinky nr mvr ringeliitltp lejislfltun

Wttor in't tlieirnssistiiucp to Wl> lifm lo thelrfHinl»turo of Nt>w Jnr«cv. On the ntkerl a n d IIIMI not the church of Hurt taken up andcarried tl;!» movftnent from Jt*PBr)j iufntcvto this l)rc«cni ilnte nod to ttsnroseuiLook for inUnce »t your Stale Tom,AUjnnre. Arnan.v of Its nffic-era or moiubers

imrtof tkn iWi l or hi* work, wnhtkr nB'la piiMr>« t t iiiiHvri'r nn t know nil cbrietlans1 tli IF StfU> wonlil miHWi-r, in tlie voice of aNHMIW, No! I>twt fiilW hiiumnity. tboTi'ti'lii'iHinmt'tt mululmvp and lirjoml all,I10 uinHuntb* of Ihe crime in the United

HtnU-K, prnno tmm oiirchurobeat Nnt awonl-1111: to thr Ntfl|t<{[[i'(if »f "ion most fflniiliur lithese niatHTi*. lint from rum. Rnail the reiioWaof.liKlgiMlH'iiUf, Nixon mid utbcvrt 01thin tiui'Htlmi. U'^nskvcm. Mr. McConnich.Iu tlHMuinn- df CluUtiniiTcniiieMinr.' unit ullHint iliut is pure mill holy ti. ilcuwt from ymifiiinnli'ntn* iwsnultsou tlm t'liri«1iitu rliurcli.If ran v h b r i t d w * vonrsHf as attwluul tochnrt'li allied tti tlie rum traflie yn'i nmv, ndonnt I r H o i l m t : thu cbureli of tbo iMngCiudlntliC )<ulf nfter yott.

irhen, thu



I i k

vnpiteji!totv.imd tried to proh - mo of Intixliitting 'Itink

uHiisek ndhnruiftil. •nenmtiotthaork waa indeed wonderful. Over five himtimlri'il moil w»tnon nnd cljililren uinnod thlrJai.. and tlirr left the rtllage with t l

ulvrmil tMi f th hU-rliiinj- (etnjinuv tfiiil'1'

t.'Htimouv of t t « ohU-r uurtion olnmiil.v, thtit thoiisb ihP.v l a v * swntnjieraupe itnirtitttmtt>, Mini hean!litWaiit'L* 8|ieaker«, they have ui«v«

..„ : n movenwnt wblrb was carried o u

in rttch u kindlv nud ehrirtimibk" m a » « « ;

Hfforc tliey loft tho vtl&ite a Inform Olulihthu

l who hi» t

nidine «nd mwistiiiE tliixw who haJ b*^ulictnl to tho tm i>f intmii-atuiK dnnk,.. M I T T on the work begun M aunifclwub

ifihepolievofUiwielub bad bwu n* eon-wrvntive nud" as kindly n* tlir founder inUndt-.Ut to luMbt-rv wimM bare benmlNUudentandliv*, there vould have Iwiii» bittrruv*-* of fwline. ,

JJ ha* ir« [«.UCT bei-H diirhl Id l j m l v T L T ' «i'n%i>r tl

mtnv. whu an- as *irw* ntiv hi the clnli, who

l l i h r iiK* lave I

«»'i aro pw»jil'I I '

ni'Vrr lut'ii kttttwn tn u**1 lutnil'-ntlnc l»'Viiierit orMJEU a tflvoru liwuin'. 1'Ut hnee tioij;m-tl the plfdce, Tbej hav* pivt'n tiniiifiio'. nuil ihi'ir iuflnciico towanl lho supfultlu.-wim-iiifiil, nmlyi't lUU htu counttur UHUL'Ut. Iti-caastf they 1IAVI> i.i.t nipi.'!)(> [tlP.Tp' they »1* almned, nittli^upil, in...rviiri'^oiilfd. nt-cunwl of \tc\ug the fneutls anil*ln.iM.rtt'rnuftticrumtniffllMiml of ilrinkitiKbehind the tlonr. l i lo not mean to eny tlmttills hns been ilmio by t i e Rvfoeia Clnh us nhody, but it has been clone by uroiulnvut mem-

oflt.tliVau»iiicf«oftiioHefoniiOlub, wns one byBPV. W. II. Mefi ' " * • -

otbirlecture* ili>livcrvd licre under- - - - -!Uib,WM one tiy

thi) evening ofJan. OS. Thin Kcntlomuu «IIUH> nn iliP " - " "tftmofflieoliili. it ltd the tine of !h»icrimi Church hnd been )<mntedbyth<iiwua vote of the hoard of tmntufs. The pco-[i!u went to tlie tiouhp to hi>nr a lenture on theHiiijoct of temiwiniire, but iimtoaJwiTf ttvnt-ed tn the wont nltwkoiithetUiirch of Cliristtlmt it luiH ever been my Int to bear. Thofoe iiifttittiliiMM of l i e poiintrv were aasailett.tliv iuilklul Kiiub " ' " " ' " '

niiillgiuHl. Tbo writ . , . —Chronicle uses the fullowinp lamninj:e:

thPOTiiiiiBof Jon. » too Her. Hiniiolt, of IIOTIT. tlelivcrMl Rtfmneninse• here, in vhich he g#n it to t i e

rliiirchi'M jiri'th' stroui!, hy nointetlly iuilicat-IHR tlmt the wliinky n n c wai tho buck bonenf tlio cbureh HEBE or tUat the ohiireb wastlie baek hone nt the wiiUkpy ring, Tho pas-torciftlie canrrti (tit ugfjievei at the roue•if thn lecturer and Uitiuiaiotl tUat If lin hadknown nuoli wntimciiU were, to be uttered lieffniilii not bnv« periuitted t i e lecture in theehurcli. Thercupun a certain young man oiliia cvugrcgntlou arose nuil vftrmly indorsedthe tentinu-ntH of his pnstor."

Tlil* »ta tpiiicnti" ab#o]nt<<lj' 5»u untjumifieil-Iv fttlse. i do imt like to accuse tlie writer oftlie article iu question witb wilful perversionor tin- truth, but if lie wiu present nt the l«o-lurv relorrrtt to. lie hm> certainIj- niUrepre-wuteil nuil Mrvertnl the statements. WhatMr. McCorwlvk did say w u t h a t " Tbeeliurehi>r Ooil i« the back bone of lbs rum traffic."These arc lii»own words as I can protc by anumber of witnesses.

When hln odilttw* was completed E e r . Mriirt-wslcr, nastorofthfclmrcB, aftwe and said,t i n t thmisb be hoooretl any man who waswilling to stand true to hi* conviction*,he rntiU not allow thi* Maiwk to go forth tothe TTOIIII without firing bit formal protest,ami further if he believed it to be t rue , i. p.,if he lwlieveil Urn Church of God I M thebwiboac of the ram traffic he «roak) feeltike buruiup hi* Bible, and never entering aChristian rhurch again. That when we were:allrd upon to ouvn our tbarrfiM KB& listen;» such HUienitMiis as tume, he (vganfe4 it uau insult tu every church member. At the•nttcluMOti of Mr. Brevstcr'* remarks Ur.iVu. E. Coins arose and indorKd tbe rtste-oent« of tbe piutor and as a member of that.'hnrch. and u a member of tbe teroperaneeorrnniut ion, protected »eiuJi»t the **»ertioo-Mr. HcCrmirV then *iM that h*taktbaek a word, that the elmn __countable for what it did not do, u veil aswb»t it did dojitu* Ukiag tlie (bcmaghlyilloglral eroond. that be«wu« nun m aoldaud tlie church did wit *top It, tbe eliaret.was the baek bone of the traffic

S»w f*a »DT duMJatt man, can any fair-miniied man beliert thu tlatemcnttobetrwilAdmitting it for the saVeoi argument, cannotthe church be btld arcouatablefor everr formof vie* in (he land: for the gambling, for thtproianitT, tor the Bwntiouftiess and for thecrime. I tbiuk they can; that tlieae conclu-

tem)>erance in our niiiUt, wbo lave ns respect" rhurcb in anr i r a j ; who rarelT are.. .tain ita {wrUif, "who delight on tirow-

ing odium upon its members, la the ehnrtbaccountableforthenttetaneeaoftheW mealI think not, and yet if itismponaibla for therum traffic it also follows bj loricat »qnenW!that it IH accountable for the other forms ofrice ami immorality that 1 bave mentioned.Tlie assertion that tbe churches h»ro donenothing in the cauae of temperance lor fortyrears, haa been well annrered in jrour issueof » b . 16, and 1 pau over thii part of therobject with th« additional staMraont, thatbefore thore wai au ; Mlk of a tempt-ranoemoToment here, the charcfat-a had nnittd inthe work, and Ber. Dr. Stoddard, of Suec*-muuit, gaTft a powerful addres* in tbe Prca*jj.Ttrnan Cbiircn, and Ker. Dr. Made w u toKuvc civen one hut w u prevented br a stonofnim doing so. aud Ren Mr. Fox, ot Fuudera,iiwke iu the U. E. Chnrett on this suoject.

Tie Befann Club at theb- meeting of I'eb.2d indorsed tbe (Utement of Mr. UcConaick,and attempted to prove, it by showing coatcertain churcb members bad signed spiilir-tiom fnr license*. They found tbe namestlir** or four cbnrch member* on these licMiianil thi* proved absolutely that Ur. MoCor-mlek * u eorreet; that t t e ehnwbaf Ood wasthe back bone of tlie mm traffic Could anyarfiunent be mow puerile t I (link t ie sppli-cattonof the UEDCLTIO i u AJUUSDUM argit-uieul would meet thin cane, M it haa tbe oth-ers nut propose to relut* it by another formofreafwnlac. and one which ewmert be orer-tkrown, If we turn to our Logic we will findthe fallowing rule:

- " f«nnja»T be distributed in the con-which « u n « t dLitrihukd In tbe pwni-

. „ "This is called Illicit Froeess and UapeakiDg ot more In the contention than waaeoutained on tbe (remise*." BearmK thiisimple rale in mind let us reduce the itale--ient to tbe ordinary ijllogistk form and it

111 urand tbns:1. The ram traffic is upaeld by the granting

oflieenics.3. Certain chutebmembersaign applications

for lloeoses.Tbe Churcli of Gwl npbolds {is the back-

bone ot) tbo ram traflie.1 will grant the premise* but is Ihe conclu-

sion correct I does it follow irou any rale ofLogic, frtim any rule of comiuou sense f No.You speak of mare tn tbe eonelnsion than wasspakenofin tbe premise*. Argue ttam theTKtrticnlar to the nclTenal. The argument isUlacious acconUng to tho teachirt£ of everyigioUn; JOB might j tut nt well urgms that be-tnse:1. Juan is a man.3. John Is mortal.' , " All roan are mortal.TfaU simple rule antwen the charge

pl t td j said it is unnecesiary to go

Then h ono tuteoest t la t I harelooked «»<! that ia •'the pastor intimated thatU he h*d known •neVotatementa were lo he»*d/v u* wonld not have sdJowad tbe oburcbto be used." Thaw is no truth -whatever in

hie etateiu«ut, aa the yt>*U*r lisa itothiujr. andever vulucd Uml 1» bn«l iu.vllii«a to (loith tb<< grituiltiK uf lli»i flutri'n. nhtl iiirtliiT,r did tint know tUiit tin- Iwlure wtw Ui bo

invcii in tilt- rliun-Ii, till lit* wn« ri'iiue^twl !«iniltlie >i"tii« Tlir iii-ntii^i'm to "«" tlt<--lituvh imiBt be (ibtahipd fwui U«s Htmwl of

(•*•». rtiitl tha iimtiiir hsu not even u vute.ii<'!ii»ioii 1 wnuld like to ttnv U> Ilio Hi'-

iiVnu ('bib. xtnp nuil icuisiili-i. Arc YOU lu'l|>-111(1 .vour .-itiiBe 1 Will il do tbut: muije BUT

« U entitled to tbe office, and sliould h»v«bad it wltliaut a wuU*U , , .

' - ritrt'uiiiug are Wtlitrto uupubliihedGaus*

FOKT XOBBIB., u t iuoi l icrofHeiwrsAl.audFrtmlt Maw

tUt;tl lust Saturday P . H. One of thote who

|inwi»d through grcs t trlliulittion bad




KniTon litos EK. \ :—U it not iihaut timnthnt our enpllnnsfrlcnii nf the "Bullet in"

isiMHisiui; HA the ri'iHTneutntlvn ofof tin- rltizftiit of Honnton ! Tlio

position »'fn Kt'lf. olistiliitiHl rpiisar, BWakiliBin ltrlmlfufntlii-rx.tMOoUftiileml l«y nblcrmcuthim thu " ItatlcriijV «!»<ir, t o !«• one nfox-

uud roriinuionlbl m i a o u ,d ui.miunixh-U.'ill.r. Kofe-

.„ Hnlv Writ to « "wild bnnrushing inti) k i t t le ." tfim ni>pH<ation heover yet been tujiilti nf tin' mi-tniihur, niiiiiyhere in Itooiitiui, would b« led to Ulifve thutit haA Iw-cn writtrn, with direct reference 'imr "liniulsiuua uum." But. <lrii]iiilug nil 1U'rinr pmlilcms of II pewonnl mtture, nud *l.m-h xiH-nbim:, 1 would n U .v.mr iittentii10 (lie fact timt »» nenrly t inlcaa (wccrfalu,imthiuj: hits j e t timwiittil ill Jirillt llcfviI lie nppolnttnnit nf tlie suraiMtsful unnilfor ixi.-iluimtir oflltHiatnn. The reullyUnuH action 11 f the Itulli'tln 1a nttackiii«.lif^t the ftAAbtf n-conl, uml uriorwittil tinitWml eumliict nfu man. ngitiiKt wham in[itwif (rflc ndduri-fl, niui wrapl T bwaiuw* hiLV:I((IIII itiipliL>nu(fnraivrbiiuoflli-ctnt ouf«imctiuto.1 the t w of its enlniuuH for IUI.V othe:1 Him |)ur|MM.>« of ilt'fitmatiim. IjcariiinK tbntLAur vnhiiibh. journal ia now hininp ijtiitonii•sti-ii-tivp circuliition in our town, I there-fim' U'glonvt- lorei'oni tlu-tnitli, nait lmxmt IH'MI (ii«ikrn in imrllooutiM] ni'WWKijit'r.rhi> wi#li brinu fntlicr tn the tbmiRlit. the ef-ort* of tlio '• Iliilldin" to irneli Mr. Ht'pklnxliivi-110 doubt ovenloiif Ilieuiwlics, utul Sir.

V^hnTlatrlTliiliulltnl "in bis Hfljer, that ibomsitiuii whidi ho tbuught neo*>gsnrT tutnkt \.v»* otif cnlonlntcil tiiT^riiiR defeat to " ibocnii«.> of thinwoi>li>." I'hle [idiiil>»ion DI tlm

""HUtorseMuswortliycir attention,fun-iblv ilJiisIrnlcs " -

riiib. viz: (lint- .4, h. 0. generally 1U» ,-nnw wliioU UR c*«nv» to liflp-

ml detmotlou fell short oftbe <M«ny» (o liflp. When

letractlou fell short oftbe object,:bo next watchword boeaine, auyliody to ocat[ l k i u t Inter in the ennvnw, "Le t IboeoinmiUeB take no noliuu." Tli« ExeciitivoCVtnmltUo (tuliukDiiotlini. uml rer<oinnii>mied)tr, Hopkins, mid for to doing a fuw persona

e *eun fit to deride the geutleinon eomiios-tlmt ctimuiittw, nud to cast nqierslouB up-

II their rbnractt>rt nud motives. Now le t usfnirlv fmtufre wliethcr tha Committee <lldri^Ut iu 1liis tniitlrr or not. Four years ugntlio upponvntH of tho preHnut sucicossfiil can-ilidutetliniiKhtituroper to and did appeal toIhe Evolutive Cuiniuiltoeto deelilo TwtvccuHie contending npnUcauts; the t'cuimlttco ou-ilon<i'<l tht'tr application and the post ofdeoi-iuue tit tbent ffltir yean hnpotby virtue ofln<< ili'i'iMion of tbu t Committee, flow U ith that thu cwitrnl of the HRina mntter hV

i i l l d t la It„...._ committee ionowiiuiyillouedtHot because they always ilcmnnd "litWe contend tbnt the precedent ufnn appealtu this Committfo became established bytiuir own action; Mr, PJiilri* bud reqnettedthis juiipnent of (ho ComiultK'n upon tbe qoos.tion, and w* nor they had an alternative; tbemutter wns nubiuiltert by Mr. Hopkins'friends far Ann! ifemsioii; tlitijr won. the otherHide last, nud tint is all there f M nbout it.Can any eane mm fuil to «ce now thnt the re-cent otUckiby tlie •'HulleUn-nponMr. Hop.kina were made to Iwnkhim down in th«i>ycs oftbiisaine Cow ml t toe. 1 I t seems evi-dent thnt such WBB tho c*at\ from the factthat no obicrttaa in tvgiuxl to leaving the Ae.ciaion to tlie Committee, was mnde uutil atit* Ant metliuB, wbeu It was lfarnul that tbe" Bulletin" in-1teles had not ptmlaced tbe de-sired eflcct. -The Committee were then in-formed, that there was great dissatisfactionin Boonton, to the appointment of Mr. Hop-kins, thnt lite "people nf Been Ion" bad do-*ircd to )«• beurd, and in explanation oftheir aWonee from tlm Cotninitte«'» tncedng,it was said that the; had been Informed thatit* nwmbm were •* fixed,Mand (heir prcsenoa

'" 1* ol no avail. At thi* point nearly orevery member rose in hit place iwlhid-

iuTirated ijmferene* for either candidate,bet tlmt he felt perfectly free to decide uponihe r m wliea beard ftcconlins to Its merit*.An adjournment of fte Committee i r « Ibere-

e a»keil and granted for one week, expreej-to irive " the cue of the people" sa Hr.

,._rti«m now terms U a chance to be presen-ted BE the people ES MAS«S( that they tntgltenter Mil«wn protest against Mr. Hopkins asn candidate fat the lioonton Po*t office. Thusthen* waulit seem to hare been tbe golden op.portnnitv »a sh t ; t be Committee met on tfieMioving Friday at advertised u d did tbepeopleappntrt notasolihu?individnalfrotnall tbediMitisnVdoneaofBoontoncwneupOQtbe *c*ne of actton. It should bowerer iw-iastite be stated that the o m w m o s TUOcw«i*tent with their part efforts, remainedtrue to the laM; ther u d tber only, of alt theneat dissatisfied did come: ^ e j followed theCommittee to the very doom ot tneir room,but the* did not enter; they vould hare dotam, hnt doubtless tbe; felt that they wouldfail to make up In influence what they lackedin number* and hence tbe silence or "thepeople" gave consent; none carat te oppoae Hr.HopklmVatma. The Committee by this tinedoubtleM felt that an egg shell coUapte badtaken place: Ibe preteDOcnu opposition wasst an end. there was but one thing to do, andtbeycndoreedUr HonkJnB. Now Ur. Editorlukyonwhat kind of aootamaniiy dD TODtake n* to be f If the people of Boonton badany Issoe apiinst Mr. llopkias, doyoo thinkthey wnald nave henftatea ta manfully nwIt before the Committee, at this tueet&ig, __wyourned uideting espeeiaHy conTtned tobear their complaint* 1 I aster* and am pre-pared to prove that the leaders oftbe oppo-aitlon nave ncrer ht<I the people of Boonionwith them, ntanvBUps oftbeP. 0 . contrcveny and tbm they are not with them to-day.One hundred of tfie rniut nputable signersupon tbe petition of Ur. Sorris hare signeda statement thnt they did not knew t la t Mr.Hopkins was to lies candidate when 1beT*ii-j — . ^ i vn t rj» ggft j j j t tlwv WDOld have

_„ --eadily for Mr. Hopkini if his l«0tlon had been presented firett hownnchfutber thii paper oonld bare been carried, I dinot know; one tiling is certain, it was no.slopped for xant of names. Concerning theaggregate number of name*, H r S o m i didhare a #mnll msjorirj-, snd from the oatset itwas intended to allow him ti> procure tbem,if he N T fit to do to-tbc party first niJplyirwould be morally aure to obtain them. AiUr. Hoiiinafrom &isexperi«aoeaff(Hir)r«L.ago, had leune& the iueleH&esa of a ffreatmass of floating nnmen wbtch meant nntmng.At that time be tecum! fou^afth• of all theItepublb-an namHlt) tbe P.O. district andthis fact was certified to by Lewi* Estler the

11 and prewnt towniblp clerk--bofcaU tbe:e he did Dot get lh& post office! Tbe po-ime he did Dot get lh& post offic

itlun V M not elective by cxeeaa «f.a t ll WM appointive at the deMrettos of theCountv Exeentivo Committee. This waa Urnea*e f^th in 1880 sad fa 1S« mod wbo thoalicomplain 1 BotbaideahBTe won by tbe same

and etch side, as it auMcsunllj- wonneblernl Its victory with a minority pfltttian.lint let us Kt now, how many more name*Mr. NorrlH really had* tian Mr. Oopkiaa. Mr.Num«, had 57i. Mr. Ibpld&ibad 313 beadedby Hon. John am, who aot oalr Jvgnfd, batworked u bo alcned, and in addition, M name*of those wuo crtifled, that they did nut sign,S3 againit Mr. H. bnt WODM bare as readilyrigned for him, bid thcr knawn be v n to heanandidate. Deduct t£o latter from the Nor-rla petition leave* 474-«d(l It to Ilopkinamakes « 8 , - W ma&y Jew than Ur. Korrl* IJoatW mun«a and npan thb slight margintbe »Bulletin** lus ever since been ventingiU cbantCB, and pouring «ut its po«Uo«l eflVsions. Oar Uooutou paper may tbJak ssitcbiioses, and elect iU own political posltiosfor the futntv, u d we shall not object, bntwe do object, to Its farther posing M lbsmouthpiece ofa majority oftbedtUens, be-came UdouRot represent them, and neverdid. Tbe appointment of Mr. Ilopktni ainoaJt hi«beflnnittJelpr(wptia thetuseofa Terr" wbo rvfuae to bo comforted, BMHU t« ba

bysTerr «!B«irsl a«o*« of appwrat, »

_.nB nomlMrof tboMWlbo sigseaupon theother aide openly admitting tk. t Ur. 0 , rwOly

u go

Mnod of tlie Lamb." She had been n consia-%t chiistlan for uinuy your* and was n mom-)r of the MethodfBt thtirch nf 8Utuh<n><> Iluk.At this writing ill* anidtlut both Krod

Schubert and Ur. Uyert arc getting better.Ur. Deinoreat U veryppmd of his new \K>J.Julius Lovi, the Stanhrpe harlicr, had hk

boon inu baptiaed last Saturday. H vasjuat8 (lu.v- uld.

Jo»le WfW reading oue of HauB 0. Andor-seu-H fuiry atorlu tbo othur iluy. 1 told himh were no fulriea any more but reading

thorn would not lturt hliu, wiirb ro>minded tuo thut onco upou a tttuc thnrc lived

little wouau iu tbo Alluuiuehy Mountaluwho was poor, hntjiiflt at good a woman ««ever lived. She wan talking to me nno dayabout falrios when «he told mo tlibt «tory : -

[ was out bereull otouts by myself in thewoods tliiukiug nliout them little people, audwoll,li>riuj( to inygelf if there wore utiy BUchtolka uud i Hitlu to uiyaelf, not loud enoughfor anybody to bear, if there had linen nnybody around iff play tricks on me, aud I knowtltere was tiotr-U them are any such peopleus fulriea 1 would like to know it by some aiguor other,1'nnd laininlfnUly there v u suelilaughter all Brountl me ae I nuver heard bo-furu or eluce. 1 ma iAtistled now thai tliereMe falrici." 1 kuow the lady buttered whatale iM. llieKiufly bofairlea iuthe AUa-mucliy Mouutttlubut I never aaw any of themAround 1'ort Jlorrlsor Stnuhoiie.

Kov. Mr. Egbert, of TrauqullUy, preached, tbe UelhodUt church hi Staubope lnst Suit-

day week. 1 heard him in tbo enming andliked bis aennon very much.

It rained agam )nst Sunday,A. J. pmke is huildiug ft boiuto for Al,

YouDgatl'ortMonia.f f l had my woy," said n eertiln geutle-

man wbo la latorostod in tbo ctnw of Educa-tion, " 1 would hnve every Friday In the

iwl year devotodto readfug andrecftatiiHiinio simllftr exurcises Iu all our public

sphnola." 1 woudw if mir xoholnrn uo1

bijB don't bave too inuny •tudie* 1 If theyhttd fewer &tudlea could uot tho twcihers de-vole mote time to each clous tlinn they donow, Tflion they have Boinuny classes thnttliev cannot pnmllily «tvo any uf them tho nt-

tiuty wiiffh! lo liwvc. Thp nverofleoom Is only u phtre where cblldr

tu recite lessons that they Imve, or baveflluilieil at borne, I gneas- How nliout

iform nygleuiofteit booka for our limiUt Our lcKlalatora luigbttliid ivid tho turmoil of politics, to give nt n little

practical legislation now und then.

Her. Mr. Crnue rvoil o iwalm, Bcv. D,Doardtniin nmde tho prayer nnd Itov. MiDwilittle, pH»tor ul the UotbudiHt ehuroh,prcaehcA the fuuernl scrniou, at the funeralof Mrs, Masc, who win burled last Tuemliir,it 11 o'clock, fhim Ihe M. E. Cltureb nt Stan-mpo. Bho had bwti a member of tUo cbi

for forly years und when tlio last of her boys

t a d bven brought into tho church soroo time

ngn s&n said then ibitt sli* was rcsrty to die.

Tbo Stanhope people made up a suliscriptlou

iffc.Ni.llO fnr Jtr Oeorgo Mills, who has been

nick for some time, for which ho Uesiren mot<

return hisbeartfelt thanks.

Mr. John, UWICBH ttiuves to Foneville in tin

Bpriug and Edgar Tarks mores into t l io ' -<uao

which he will vnente.

We Aittbftriugprcttr plenty of fog uorrn-


Will. Lutignr bns bucu elck but I ma glad to

say he is setting fiettcr.

Tho new EsiMopal church a t SUnluqio n i

dedicuted last Wednesday by Uinh»]i St;»rkty.

I diit not };nt there to tlm dcJiofttury Hrrv-lcou

but I wan therein the eveiling. It ID a ver>-

noat little ctuircb nud the EplHCopaltnugure. to

i(7utulnt»il on bnviug siieh ft nice plai'o

to worship in. In ' the ovenlng 1'i'nu Stuiis-

iniry seemed lo lead tbe cxcfiusoB nsslated by

liuv. Messrs Itueaell anil 0roves of 1'ntcrson,

ho enuli mnilo n fovr reuinrku m ditl ulao Air.

iL'kBOfSuuiuiif who is a laymav. Thechurvh

all paid for as it Btiinik and cost about $,-TOD. Tlwre are said tu be 10 cominunieanis,Tho church is nicely carpeted anil a strip ofmatting rung up tbe aisle, I nudaratnad thoUUhop expressed hia gratitude to Ur. Pardeoor bia gift of tho lot on which tliacliurcblnnda, and then vore soiue nllusious that

pointed very plniuly to tbeioaland earuest-

DM of Ur, Jcralamon in tbe good cimae, ul-thougli nobody montlonod bia name, in tlie3roo ing.

Without anying anything thnt would makethat modest young gontloiiHo. U1UB)I, 1 don't(liink they said Buy too muab about him, org.tTeliim any more oredtt thun he deserved,

Dill Atnaliadau ttaoUansale Weluee.Uyaftornoou.

Abbey's great New York troupe Woro ndvar-tlec4 to ]'Kv " Uuole Tom's Cabin" in Clnrk'aHall, Btanhopo, "Wednesday evening last,with bloodhound* and donkey. Uou'tkuowlow well tbcj did Woauto I was not there.It BCGMH to me that Is rather an extensiveplay for n town Ilka Stanlioptt.

Now I think tha bast thing I can do la togato eh»p. So good night 1). J.

•neb M BarOerrllle ADD Chester, and nuuvbTH who bare tried and «rf v « without

school houses.Tbo fancy dress uolable which took piaiw

at the parsonage last Friday evening wasduddodly B grand auoaesi. The handsomeawn or«TS waa netted, which Deeds notldngfartber to any. We had a full bouse, a good

iy coming from a distance. Same Wirepresent from UorrLrtown, Hackett<tow»,Lebanon, Gertnantown, White House, Call-

i, l'leaaant Orore, Uartwiok Seminary, K.Y., i>rak(MrUle, Bttahope, and elseirhBre.Evert ooatune was adjuirahle. I shall noteudeavor to give* description of tt« u inynationa represented, but they vtre troutnearly every quarter of the globe. O

f U i h t

tt t tired in n Mexican dresi, for which we arepuuled to know whom to gtvo orvdit to;wltotbor to liiin or some lady of our town whoprobably eierled her influonoo In that dlree-tlon, We inuit not '"-.-ot the African gen-

ir rather as tbey were called theJuWleo Siegers, of wbloh thore were aia.They diil Ibeir part wett, remlflriug tnoeh

it for the occasion. SJHS'JC, fromPinekuey, Hiob., liaudied biniaelf in B verylaughable mauuer, tinging good songs andnicking the neeompaoiojeat an the guitar.We think Sambo hai tulaaed hia calling. Wesaid ITS was cleared, but we did not say wewere out about forty oents by one gent wbomust have sucut it nt the hotel before comingto the S.HIIUUD. Well, sUn young men (I)oan'i go to the minister1* bouse sober, wbatuane ahall we give Mm f SAM.


is now ctuuforlably located Ju the new build'lug which ho hail erected for his business.

The earpanten are buttly engaged in re-modeling the huUdfag when tbo new dragBtorewillho. The roof haa been rabed higheraud other necessary uuproreinouta will be

So iu clow or other onr now street lamps donot Bccm to work ae they Uad ought to. WoIK'UQVO lho fault ia in the wicks or the wickfixtures, Wo hope this will soon bfl rectifiedns It U qnilu n trouble to the one who attendsto thorn, But they are very good on darknighu, us thoy umke the atreeU look a greatdeal better. A tew more oi them would hebetter still,

Ou Wednesday of this week quite a numberof invited Meads tpeata very pleasant*IUR at tbe bama of Mr. and Mrs. HudwnPeer.

\\'<, hrar that Ifr. Jonph ¥. Tattle i* on bhway bonio aud thut his trip biu been veryt»nuflcliil to his health.,

How iit it thnt n young lady can sit up and-k until I! o'clock at night and not bo

slocpy tbe next day, but if she alts uji with aman the Mine length of time, ehe is

Bleejiy unit iu uiost ttasea, tokea 11 morn-

Hr. LpRter Hough, a young aon of Ur. Wtn.ough, ofthi»i'hiw, h u received a position

fn a store ta New York City.Death biM again been iu our midst, taking

way nn infant otiild from Mr. William Parli-niiiu, The funeral services were tuld at thehoiuo, on Tuesday, the HOT- James O. Averillaffleiattng. The remains wore,interred in*cemetery at Jloolvllle,

Tbo entcrtoliiiuvut glvcu In Stickle'* Hallu Tofsilny evening of this week by s num-

ber ofatniiteure from this place and Hlbornia,under the auspices of the Eook»way CornetHand, vaa largely ttltchded. Ae it was aBtortny ulght n great ninny expected to seean audience or etupty scuta, but Ibe peopleknew thut this was au entertainment tbntthey seldom have a ohaneo to sea In this quiettown. Too inueh credit cannot be given to:1m m'tont m every one performed their partwell. Anyone fritting iu the auOienoo wouldto apt t t tUnk flat they were profcMionalBnnd not amateurs, aa tlioy have proved theirihillty by giving auob good flattotaction. Tho&iueey, painted by Mr. H. Parj-, wa* grand,

esneclally for an entertainment given iu a•noftbta size, Mr. Davy lias shown by

this that heiB quite an nrffst and he isde-Berviugofagoodtloal of praise for taking sonmob intercBt in an entertainment of thisklud iu order to make it a Rucoesn fof thebenefit of tbo Band. They should appreciatehi* ktndoesn. Everjoue vlio attended seems

bo satisfied with it fur they liave been re-qucHtcd to rcjtBnt it, BO we are Informed, andnt this writing irs auAentaui it is tobe pro-duced again next Monday evening, tbe 25thhint. We hope they will he greeted againwfth a fiilt house. All thoio who have not yetseen this interesting theatrical play called" Eileen Oge; at Dori'a the hour before tbeDawn," we advhwj them to improve tbe op:Vortuuity of eo doing while tbe ctauM Uagain afforded them.

llies Annie'Kaufman was again taken HI;be other day <x\\h another homorrhnga of the

' (

GERKAS TAIXEY.Mrs. Georfio B. FrltU, of White House, N.,, bos been paring n visit to her father, N,

Hydfl, of this place.X understand tbnt Bom Sloan will take up

Ua bed and walk In the spring.- Ur. John Beam has Iroen very ill witbtyphoid fever, and at last reports wasbetter. Dr. Farrow/of Middle Valley, at-tends the ease, lie beld counsel with Ur.Coudiet. of Dover, on Monday. They thoughttie eauld recover by careful treatment.

Humor reports that J. C. "Welsh got $1,000from the Pouts) Telegraph Co. for erossinguisgronod.

A new street is now being laid out in Ger-man Valley. Ur. Isaiah Bell ho« erecbnew home an the street, and 1 learn that T.D. llorton, Etq., contemplates putting upone soon. There are mara lots for sale hy N,P. Dofford of this place, A splendid placeto locate.

THtamtr it Swaekbaroer will take posses-sion of the HaugbHgbtvQle store, now occu-pied by Sidney Smith, about AprlUit, Theyknow how to suft his ctutouiera In Oiat local-i t ; aa they have bad the stand before.

The Chester passenger train w u preventedfrom Teaching hern Monday A. M, owing toanother slide in Col email's out Tbe trackwas completely buried by about fifty earloads of dirt. Tbe passengers were met atthe obstruction by Crook'* train ana eon-reyed to tbeir destitution, shoot thirty min-utes late. The track was soon made clear.

ECT, H. M. Vootbees netted • * at bU dona-tion last week. We are aorry to ta jU w uso small, but It was most assuredly due totin storm.

Some think Harvey Cool, batcher, whomored to High Bridge scroe time ago, wOtn t a n boM» to Oerman Vsltey. We hopesneh is the case. Baker Lame, who waa bUpartner, bought Hr. Cool out and since thenI learn he (BakerJ baa wld ont and will prob-ably move to Nangbriglt and take ebarge ofMr. »Vra, & NanghrlgU's creamery. Sir.

gbt U ahlppiug three 1A four aday from Swgnright statian.

People who walk the track, and espedsUyon Snnday, ahemtd beware of the Sundaymilk train which I tmd«rstand will ran toKaaghrlgbt. I t came to German Valley Ban-day and got the milk.

inmer uvs a new Khool nooM U talked offor German Vsllej. 1 do wonder i( tbe rab-jeot bi broOEht before the Dbtriet 11 it willmeet psbUo approbstion. So one c«n saythat we do not need • newacbool homo. Siono eao say It is net farbebmd other sanoolbulldinga of other places. It la far behind

ng tlse In the place. Tbe maJMitjofpeopleinthis place arn in Tery eomforta-ble etronmstanrjes and lire in Bne bonus,while one Mhool ball ding i . permitted tostand u an old stone heap with ceilings 8 or9 feet hlgb and all fallen off from damp, withunhealthy Walls and some of the scab noth-ing bnt old benches that children most n t on(hma S A. M. to 4 P. IL, and » a o rf tbese 1bear are carried to the shop oocaaionaSj forrepain. Snob teat* «re deddedly injntionsto Ibe health and tf wiao of thep«rtlM whooppoM alt manner of repair and expense onRehoolbmldininibjwl to ait an tnen beachesas we have hen they would not hesitate }nsaying that German VaDo; n u t b a n asgood a school building a* anj other plane of

sUe. Oar County &npermteudflnt, Hr.Thnrber. I am toll \y good authority, eon-dMa&ed the bnUdbtg? oolte strongly when bepaid hi* last visit lo the MOML People wbovisit this place a n surprised when told whichla oar $ebool haute and aay then roast be alack: of enterprise In the people, regardingMhool interest*. We do not apprehend anydifficulty in the matter, bnt if tier* ti not, itwill bt a wooderment, as the haaloeu eon-ceroing sebool dhtrkU aecma to wake notewraagling than a n ; other affairs icncraUf,




PEED AND MBAL,Choice New Crop New Uileans Molasiea,

Porto ltlco MolaastB, Formoso OolonK.DK IIy(tin and Bngllab Breakfast Teas,

Beit O. a. Java and Rio Coffeei, Stenin-t'ooked, Crushed Oati and Wheat, togetherwith a fnll stock ot Fancy Groceries.

OompounS Tar Bough Brnp.Nothing better for Atmllj- use. At tlio Briok

Drug Stow. ^

Thi Large** lineof bnatnig Btovca, cook itoves, ranges, fur-meci, Jto., nt tho lowest prioea nt Allen St

Uuuington's. '-

Qonnraptiinr Cored.AuoW ptiyslchii, MtlMfl from active ptaotloe,

IIIVIHK bs4 nlsoed in his hinds bj »ti Ei . t IndiaMUdlonirj the fonnnla of a simple vegetable rem-Mr for the •pecdy ind permtnent eure ol Con-lumptloD, Bronchltla, Catarrh, Asthma and allrhroM and Luag atfoetlou, »lioapo«ttiTe and rid-Ml cure lot oenarai Debility and ill nervoui com-[ilatnis. aflor bavlnii thorouahir tnted it* wcodrr^lcaratt«power» In thouiandi or c*aei. feels IIhis duty to maks it known to hti mfferiag feUows.Tbe noine will be seut i n e ol cbirge, to all wbodesire It. with full directions for p n W t n i snd•UcocaalullvnttnB. Addresi, with J U * P , nfmlngtttls^aper, DR. J. G. BimovD, lGi Wsiblngton fit.,

When a Onr* ti Gurtntaed


CrdJnareiiareTlanVtoCroup si-d die beturaa docior e n be mmmoned.

otutn a remedy that will not Ml to. _ :an Oouahi, Ooldi, Whooping Cough.

Oronp. and aU otb«rTnniiDlmcaltlBS. EsWlltoa-i

Be. Prio»l5sndB0«ta.p»rbottta. 8oldl>jVt.t^ett Ktllgot*, Hovn, If. J .

Bnran.Couata, CoH«, w d Slight Tttoat Dfi«a«M oftan

derelop Into BroochHla, Seated Oounb. Coniump-Won, etc., and ifcmld bat* limntdltta attentionandDerxmoTedintliaantiUitea. Not only pub-I«oBpealwn. trat atiira fUble fa throat twnbl««and to olHain nUef ihoaid ttae Hunllton'f CoughTrocnea. which re l lm Ooaght u d n o a r w e tW.klngth*«ticnution clear. WimotM to KIT*aatU&ctlon. Price IS eti. per bot. Sotd bj- Bob-«rt KlllgOra, BfTflf,

W. S. OOLLABJ),Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,MOBBIS STREET, D0VBB, N-J.

HairHittnsees made to order snd ulJ nut-traswi made over. Window shades nude and•jooir. Onlers Tor ait Idad* of mhohtenaeDetlivindpromptireieoatoJ. Carriage trim,mlng in all iti branches. Prlctt moderate

Letters remaining unclaimed(a thePoBtOnce atOorer.N.J,

Dorcr. N. J.. Teh. 2i, 18M.KJ. fever,

eafani*M*EM^. —«••.»] fog,

l*nra A, Brrant,Delia Brennlac,Un. a Brock.Wnu Edwards,Vi-rtfas Hoogh,Tho*. James,EmmaKrllote,

J.FettersoD,Hattie En tan,A. K. Stiekel,Prof. Warren,Tom H. Williams,Emilr Williumi,K*te Wrisbt,A. B. Loaicr,

ToohraloaniroflheaboTelDtterB tar "11]verttaed." and giro dsh of this list.

G. 0. HISCHMAN. P . M.

TkyfYifBtemotHniatirroau! appreciatei!.1YL QiUlitrajiaworkmmiubipoftbebcBt.Uy thuAt far libenl pitroDa^e in Ibe pu t .Oiden by telegnpb messenger or telephone

attended to.JOHN JOKES, Undertaker,

BocUwaj, N.J.

fARLIHAN—At Rockawa;, February 17tb.OUTE, infant daughter of WOliamVienna Farirni*n, aeed II months.

STORE FOB BENT.One of Ihe oljtit ud but itudi in Ibe

Ubsa rf Btanhope lot rent.

17. H. STACKHOUHE,, BU»bope,»,J.

FARM TO BENT.OonUIni 15 u r a n| good Und. «ili n«i™« u»l t»lbiiM!i>n,.iid»i;! bo nntodro*

tisaperjnr. Aprfy to -J .H. 71SHIB8,

A BUSINESS t'HMCE.TleitoKkolUlnimtheoonnrol Bhek.

nil ml Snaei SU., itorHV ». /., lo h i IhroAprillsL One or Ihe bail kwtuaDj roc bm-leeilnUielown. Enialnet

U-I. WK. H. BiKXB.

GEOoflbr In th.oir various





of good* la esah.





Fancy Table Damasks,Men'., Ludlea', Hium and Children1.

Hosiery and Underwear.Aho a good as.ortmtut of NOTIONS, ioiludliig

Silk Handkerchiefs,

Bibbons, Toilet Articles,

Perfumery, Toilet Soaps,



BUILDERS' HARDWARE,including Nails, Locks, Kuobs, Bulls, FulleyB, Basil

WeigutB, Cord, Hut und Coat Ifooks, SualiFaeta. Door BOIIH, Gong Bella, Hingi*.

Barn Door EOIICIH und Unngcm.

MECHANICS' TOOLS!A full line of SawB, Yhnea, IJOVOIB, DnuritiR Kuivea,

Broad Axes, HammBra, Braces, CdieelB, llidcheta,Bitta, Axes aud Adzes,

BLACKSMITHS' GOODS.Bellowa, Drillfl, Hiimmflrs, Steel, Iron,

Nails and Blioes.

SPORTING GOODS.Powder, Shot, Caps, SbellH, Fishing Bods, Hooks,

Lines, Snolls ouil IteeJs.

HOrSEHOLD GOODS.Toilet Setts, Willow and Wooden Ware, Hnijd Bolls,

Clothes Wringers, Table Cutlery, Bpoous,Blicurti, Bird Cttgcs, etc.

MINING SUPPLIES.Gfts Pipe, FittingB, Tongs. Sbovula, Pidm, Hiimlles,

Puoking Hope, OIIH, Onudlea, Leather, MineLamps, Powder end Fuse.

Agricultural Implements.Hay Cutter*, Ftwia, UUVVH, HOBH. Simili-H, Kmoiiw, itm! tins


ING At greatly rcjucc.l mti-H. WU i.rii U1HU tlie HU.U H^utu

Tor the celebrated



SHOES.P. Cort f in Sloes.

.ll...' P|n. h-,, , Kill lluttoo, Vmioli lloel, B,,, T «

l.:L.li«.«' Fine Curiioim Kid Uutt.m, B.0O, 13.50, J3.7Q,

Mi»«..«' rjn.. h'n'iwh Kid hulton, $3.Btf, ^(.oo.

" " C l i n t » •• •a.W, «1.75, »3.00.

r. , j ic, ' .• F ,M, !» Q M t •< nm, 12.75, mm.

Tlie.c e»od, oro w r J .tylbii, perfat dlUiig «na l,ul0

I.a.lie«' Kino VntKii Sl.oc. lor H.lo, »1.7S, (2.00, »2,S,

Hi.K.Vuu.l.OUMrm'. Spring I IMI 81™, in g n . t v.ri,,,,.

Bay State Shoe and LeatherCompany's Goods.

In t l m line wci enrfy i> full u u r t m o n l o f l l . , , ' , , n U J 8 . , ,n i ,

Y^IIw' , Lad io ' , Hlnan' uud Children'. . For l . i , e .cvi,-,,

tlieHo gooilH liuvp no etjual.



Wo uro eoto agents for tlio


If you wnnt > aiiiforin emi boot Ibat mil glvo long ,er-

vioo buy Ibo Lesi™ Boot. E»eli riBln boot »Unii».,!

" L«Hter." TltrHo are nil hmiil mwle good* und

wnrraiiled in cvprj purtionlar.



t'ltOM CU cts. t,> <e.O6,

LADIES' SLIPPERS,front T5 <*B. to V3.0O.


b » been opo»B.l on SUSSEX BTIHif T b ;

MICHAEL BROWNin tbe pUoo lately Tiuatcd by lllcliaid BonJon

in Sohwarz'a buildiue, «Lo futeiuli kcuping


in Ibotr aetton. YEOKTABIEH frenh from NdnVork every moruioe. MICH.ML BUOKK,

BY FHEEMAN WOOD E n ) , one of tl>eJndpOH ot ilio Court of Ooiiitnou Pleas uF

the County of Morris:Notice is hereby given tha t on application

o mo by Jsno Notan, of ilio Townufiip flf Jof-•«ton, In tbo Ouun^y °i Morria, N. J., vliq;laimg au uniliTliltiJ quc-tliird p^rt qf all tliosetwo t n c t i or pircela i f Und, Bitu&toin tl>eTownship of Jeffcrson, In tho Oounty of Mor-ria mid Bt*t« ot New Jersoj , bounded aud de--sribed ai IOUOWB :

tho same two tracts ot land which



SUSSEX STREET,i< rGld; Tor it nilU h lirgo utock of gooda fur

jQlen lb Bportfl, Including

Base Balls and Bats,

The Professional Dead Ball,

Marbles of all sorts,

Wagons of all kinds,

Jumping Ropes,

and t grot vtrioty or




ill *t prices &a loir IB llioy o*u ho boasht a tant place in ILc coanlrr.


New Jersey Real Estate.Office: 75B BROAD SiREET,


LOIS, CODOTE1! a E i l H , l c . . t c ,



EXCHANGINGeotmlry property for city propertj

A SPECIALTY.Loini negotiated on

BOND AMI MORTGAGE.toiDDoc: • - * • • HaBiirtovv, H. J.

8en<l six eenU for port-tfc, md tMelra tnt, *eo#U/box«rsoodi whichwtU help JOT to uoi«

ftt bontt. tS ontfli free. FkTilwlul.lj mre. Sotbk. Cipllilnoinnlnd. Bwler, II yoo wint bnd-M i l »bta» m w of illbaran,

£ a S S

weroBi-Ui(T and e

Howard)j ttio narao


tracts ot landto tho said Z

d l t l r

TowcBliip ur JefftiXBOn,. - - . hy ComtnUsioDot ap-

pointed by tbo Orphan i1 Court of tha Oonoirol Morris, to Hlv'uh Ihe **id Undi among bischildren uud littrs st U*.

t FIBBT TBACT boRinning «t th« flrat cor-nt lot Ho. 1 in Haiti division, Iboaoc (1)• twouiy-ltto degrees snd thirty mfouluiitweuty.two cluing ind ten lloka; thence

(2) north forty-eight decrcea ami forty-fl™nimutesFiEttbirtoon chuuB t o s e o m o r o f lotNo. 3 ; thorco (S) along s line of lot No Smnth lorty-two deproes e t i t twelro oluioililrtj links to kootlior coroer or lot No. 3 ;Iinoco (i) south frrtr-iilae degress west eight:lnius nod ten l inks; thence (5) south forty-inedogrBUB west tlireo chtini u d t W r t j i Ulinks; tlionoo (6) north forty-nine degreesand (jrtj-flfe minatea « e i t ATQ ohsjas sndicventy-H te linkn to the beginning, oonUtnlngli rlj-four screo.

THE fleconu Tmci bcinf;»t tbe moil sooUi-rly enroer of a t t t c t of tmrtj-scien ac res aoi

tnriHj-dftlit liundredttis or au tore, which thipaid At i r 1 -™ " J l - . - . * . . _. ird porch amd

in, being tho most ecntberij coroor oflotNo. 3 ; thence (1) s iuih sixteen desreQa andthirty miuntci ffttt tnttitj-B*vcn chains andtffei)tj-flvelinks; thenoe south iiitT-flTedc-Krect ami thirty minntea ve i l twenty-«TencinlUB ami f l^tity l inks; thence north sixteendegrees eai t tbirtv-ieYoa oba,im u u l right?hubs; tticnco norih eighty degrees osft sareachiios t a d twenty linka to tha boRluninft,cuDiainine Brty acres, as the taid two lots aredt'BoribcJ in Ibe iotnra of the tsid OQOIDIS-unners, dated November 9,1807, »cd now ontils in the S a m i t e ' s ofBoe or the said Countyor Morris, pait of nhioh said Und l i nowBowed wlthmter,

BeinR tbo satna premise! eonfeyad to T t o i .Nolan, doe'd. by deed from Wm. Space andwife, datea December IS, 1336. and recordedin tha Mortii Conntr Clerk1* OIQce, in BookN 3 oi Deeds, page l S . t a .

Bat them is to be eteepted t r d deductedfrom lite above described tracts ol laud twolots coDfcjed oal of ibo same bj said TbomatNolan in his life t ime; Oua wnoieof was onn>feyed to J u n e s L. Dkkerton. by deed dstedApril IG. m i , i nd recorded ia Ibo HarrisConctT Qlerk'i Offieo, ia Book L 6 of Deed»,psgei 191, Ac, and containing 1 80-100 sores.Tlie otbnr of mid lo t i «•.• conTevcd to MorrinBlockbowcr, by deed dated ApriflS, 1869, andrecorded in ini.l Clerk'* Offlco, In Look N 7 ofDcoda, rase U2, ind eoattlnlng 1SLS-100 screi.

I h i r e nomintted A. J a J w n COB, WtllltmE, King u d ObiHea A. Qillon. OammWancrs,to JiTido tho stid t n c t s or Und into threesUrc-gor parts, and nnle«a proper objections*re Btaled lo mo it ray office, In Lbo NationalDuion D»ok Bnildlnit, It) tlio town of Dover, Inttid Ckmnty of Moms, on thti t f fn l j Jonr tbdiy ot Hftirh mi*, ibo tuia A. Jndion C M ,William E. King aud Charles A. Gill on, willthen be appointed Commissioners to makepirtitlon or tbeg i ldUDd, parsnant to an neteittdtud "An ict for tho mow oa«r ps r tMof Umlaliekl b j cops re CULTS, juint tcnsnti a

GiTcn miilvr my hind thi* elRhtctnth diy olFebruary, in the yew or our Lord, ono Ihonnud d e b t hundred and elftbl j-fonr.

FREEMAN WOOD.J3-Jw JuOgti Q C. r lcss

for ttie

w d l j i HIM you rvsrilble ti »cj bunfci-f*. CapiUI nut tv-will tUrt you. Von c u woik »U tn,

l l rk la ocivor-

rktii( e l m . Bond 10 rcntJJOBUBB «nd wo vlll ax!l ye

E, • ri>j-«, fklubla bm of timrli tlitt will put foil Iu tbswiy

uiuiutj mure muLsy In • few dl j HIMtboutilit potilble ti »cj bunfci-fqulrrJ. We will tUrt you. VonUtue or In iparr limn nnlj, ITU)t*:w ulkplnl tn liutii K I M , }(>unn «oJ o)j. Youcun^iilj-Mrn from SO emit* (<• Id ertrr evening.Tlmt ill wliii wint woik tut; teit tbo Laslntii. wa

hk£ Ihlt Tin pa r\\] clod oQfflr; ti> all *ho arc uot• M jjtirflr.1 w» »il! «nd f ] to IHT forthn troublefwrlliDB Li. Fiiil |i«nicul»r», dtrvttloat, ««.,*nt (rea. Fortune* will be muU b j thoia wbatre thc-ir- mbolt time to tfan -work. Urret tureentifolntoly inro. TJon't dt l i j ; Hurt now. AiMrwi

itcil [or Tlie Ltrasaf all,«« Vrcshhnte or tha V. 8.Tbo largcm, handsomest,

A x w « r f * « *. *J boat book ever sold for l euthan twice oar price. The fastest iflllnr bookfo America. Itnmcuie proBti to agouti, AUibtelligent people vaDt ft. Any ono c m bo*cornea inccswfiil iftect. Terms froo, HAI>• — BooxCo. I 'ortlwia.sUiao.

Iron Ore at Public Sale.Tba nbuTtb«r, UmlnJitntor or Uiblw Tori.•Maud, and AUICBH of atitttww Hlfler. «1U s*Ut Public incUtm a.t tbi bout of ISAAC B. 10LLB,

S1TFEDAT, March 1st,

mua. kUr «ru< te 1>U >MI IWM IIIlkM.had) iMMr.I,».of O« «n cu te MM u tk« Bta« oC

t a l M l







J.ia offering Ilio best b.rgnmn In Imt liuo ol EooJo ever k»o*o in tbu Sfciio

in onlei to got ro«Jj tor her

—--»~-REMOVAL -*~~*^-TO THE

New Brick Block,where iae intends to ihow the

FINEST STOCK OF MILLINBRYOTer seen tn Morris County, at pricoa to snlt the times..,,. , ' BTerjlwdy t>hoald take advantage of' ' " ' tliU opportunity.

Page 3: UNION HALL BUILDING, NOTICE BtMOyHt - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/1884-02-23.pdf · I 1 V2. I 2 WKB. 8 WH8. 1 HO. 1 Ill-1 ... vtI L be


Saturday, Feb. 23,1884.



Excelsior BandEntertainment to-night,1)., L. 4 W. stock ha* none up t« 130.Teachers' oxftiniualion in Dover t n-movAlodgeoiOddPellowula W'tnK organized

at ftloomingdale.West Wednesday is Ash-Wednptulay, the

bfcgiaaiug of Lent.Qtvc thfl old vHi-rfuiB ft preat tii£ Immi'

ni-xt Thursday nightW. E. Build, of ChiitliQin, hs>. IK'RH Rninifil

a patent fur a hiirrow.Tlie siilo uf tho fJrn. T. ('iiM> liuiiH'r-tcita in

Investigations ureopiileiiiK. Mmlimm M:1I<">1

'file fivo p,T cent. Uitmtt Ml! *•(« detWffdiu tho Senate hy UTOIC ul'lHnT.

Tlie Crane Iron CuiupMiiy'H N<>. •* finunn*lit CataswniB is lieiiij; prepared f»r bltiM.

Wo liDur of iuiitl?» cnlrtiiiin Mnck IHIM.Do (liny know rlifti*** a !» BIT p'»«l(.v f»r il '

Kx-AswniMyniMi .Trim V. V»*\ lms tuUnHie atore ot t ie liilo B. I'. TInth\ nt lilonhiim;-IUIC.

M»tt. P. Lowe, of HurrWowii, lnw • L^H"of tlto Potital Tvlagra\>h {'»uifHi>jy'« office aiClinton.

Cimgrcmnnn PbdpB, pf this district, hasuou#bt&latof ieven and shalf sens at thehead of Connecticut arcane, iu Wasbingtifor *80,0flf>. It la said he will nmke Wiuhiiton his winter home.

One of our midrito-aiced townnraen, wmfferafro went to a neignbor'a ou Monday atglit with Ufa Jiorei

titkicg It lu tli<> kitrliftu iieil it to the

|>ip«. Hf luaili- itu effort to net iu the

I but the i-ntmnns wns ton low for t l .

liorst tu pass through—31 a«lUon Eagle.

•r. fJsiKHcl F. L'pJmm, D. D.( will oucsdiiy ("-(•iiiiij; n n t deliver his " jttipn

oi'turi- mi - ' l iu ' Fdllit-H i'f SoiJtf Hi>ii«bl

. K.

Oiii vlm-ii illin-u

'l liv Hi.' choir. Th

mid tin' Ircut will I

uir'd wttli i

rmstwu \* l

orth lbi-i-ii


uttdnrlB from [ilitjinjt p«ul »


"Tho sflfliaWti in Oilii Ffslh

Mmidny i-vwiinp wilUic'tlic. e

i I.il nlit

The en\.v\a us to

ded iMiinlilio tifoiir cuiiiof our <:<ir

Abue t tnovnu i iy "workrw" tlicn; w-w i

MorriH coiilsfy liifit Kill.

Henry Hiller, nf Drukfiivillci, fiuielit

]>iDlu>nil hi Laku HiHmtmiB wlii.-k w.ijjln,

witlibi H» oiiniiu of >,l^lit IHUHKSH.

Win, A. Mtrthi, of r i imlnui . -will I>ui1>l

itsiehatel to Nc«' Vnrk on tli" nil'1 »if tfi

Windsor Theatre, w t n i l y Imnicil.

Julm O. KumiiiKki. the Hlioi-miilicr, lm*. iviit

vA ffoiu April iHt tlie nl»iv udjfiitiiiiK J. Ji

]l«mil(-l"u lllilllitit, I'M Will'lVil Kfrift.

K jfl n>|wt*«f tlmt Win. H. Vftmli-ibill ha

bouclit UrRcly i>fl>., L- A V- f l-«'lt mnl * il

1.0 tiuiiht ii IHrwlor lit t in iiiiinml in.-ctinji.

Lii'iit. J, W. Milifir, *if Mmrwdnvn, turn IT

BiKm-d In" ]itwilioii iu tin- Niivy nml .U'.TJ.IC.

(he Sii[H:rintf»de]ipy of a Wen tern miin.ud.

Hiv .J . M. Kn-ciiinii, !»• T).f uf Mi.rfiKiciv.il

will i»rcarli ill t in Itiifkiiwiiv (•n-fihytcrini

fllrurch rtoxt Hubhith, moiuhtfi nwl ivini,,^II i» iii]<liT»ton»l Hint Mid. K. U. Itmld. «f

BIUIII'H Lulus will miwi'fit Sir. 0. !•'. Ho|i14i

anArtai»(iii)t Hcwrnit-ut-nriiMi oi1 th» BFUII

liev. Father MrCurthy i- miiioiiini'.a U, I

tore on '•Tho. Ulurie* of JrclumJ," iu 1eluiruli "t Dountou Pun tiny CVOIHIIR, Mm


Lyiirlj, tlie 1'ittoiwn dfttcolivi;, wkoliecm

known liiTu thrunijli hmsiTvipL'H in tli« ti>

)i, baa hw. of i.iacli-

lt in reported in t!s« R«iU!T«i't diuottf UnitMr. Sfr.T. L. Van Lu'vs, lire iitidcrinhrUilfl liliice, will nsiinivci to ]iiiHkui(;nili;e iu

ry iiniK.rin»t h!U i.rou Hhoiild lie rki'ti-d i

B who IH nniv


idiiif. Unit

ery ibrcis

»n]»plT I.y

liiiuc tlie Inyiim of :i

7 Kinff, a ivfill kiidiC w i , t , ] | . f f

tflin, mid fnUipr oi Mr«. HOT. 1(. S. Anul t ,

Doi.ntini, iliiui in C n<i«i Jil.indiiy

Elina M. White, formerly of I>ove*, hutlately of Stntcn Inlnnd, Inn relunn-d Xn hi«former bomo at AnHover, wnn]iletcly brokendown in health.

Mr. Oliver Freonmn is nwlring a new (mie-UifntboilBo f«r L. W. Tburlier on Clinl.-u, St.,and ta putting np it new ltnrn for John Pnd-rick, on Chryatiil n(,rc(i(.

A movement Inis bnpn HtnHcd with tlin pui--]H)Hnofco«gttiiotiiig ft teleiilimn line In^in-ning ut SLaaliopn, and ninnini! ncrous SUBUCIcounty to Middletavm, N. Y.

Ttta »., L. A.. W. n-fls nilmtt(dl (<? ilj.> I«M>Ion Tlmmluy of laet week Ind warded It iit-rcent, or wegtcm freiglit tmffie. t in iiinunnt itlias hi.tinled on from tdo Ktnrt,

In the KBBOX Courla Liviii^tou StneklmiiHC, :

forniftrly (if Stmihupo, wliuwiw cbuwwl-witUliifiiimy, wan iliKoliavged, tlio ProReratorslut-1iuB that lid couhl not lirove tho e.nne.


gagoit ID building water works Ima licen Intown thin werk, uolli'etliig in format i<i ii witliuTlfiW to on tilth siting Hutih Ft project hf:n>,

JohnO. Bethuiifl, tlio miiiinciir of " HlimlTom," wlion'e,nntlyBJihiiiile«lliiiii in Dover,was kttletl while attempting tu bonnl EV morn-ing; train Ut Wilmingtun, Lie),, on Monday, ,

The beRinniiiB of &» iutownt inp Jneturn on iprotection is given on our oiilsiile thin wi'fkmid will he eontinimd. All wlm «i«li pme-ticalinfuniintioiioiitliisBu^jnet BII.HIUI reiulit.

Prof. S. II. VfiiiflloiM-, nrgnnlHt of i)w Sf. E.Uhurch nt IVainwk, biift been pre^enled witha *1E Diblo by tho members of the church.About nil week* Iinforo he midvoil :i baud-BOiaa fiolJ watoti,

Tlicinncliiiicry linn nil heisn nnrU'il awiiyfrom the linker nml Itnndall Hill miiirw, on IMine IHH, and Ibfl work of removing the ma-ohiflfijy at (bo Dalryiopie laiuo was com-,lUfioeed ou Wfidnosdity.

Mr. Philip II. Tilton has left ti>wn to uiic Aplaca in tho Erio tnrsU«]is nt ,T*rtmy City. Hebad bmo goncnilly Htfd hnn for bis njirlnhtcliaract^r and j^iiatloiuitnly dojiortmtttit, nudmany Rood wisliw will follow him.

Bov. John 8. I'orter anil wife, formerly ofthiH eonfitreiiso, celebrated t!m (iffieOi nutii-vernary of thoir mnrriiign on Tiif sdiiy. Tim

ntlpin him inMto recovered from hi* recent piivuletrolto.

Tlio charcoal grlnilinj; mill ofir. W. CratHuonton, vai ilcfitroyud by firo abouto'clock lp.8t Sunday moniinj-. Mr, CW e about fSW ».<i building; not inanMr. John Brown loses *2,500 on stock Hudcblneryi innunil for $2,W.

rill-, li.nl al-(.),ni(i (l.t ir tn

. W.J.Tifitlij.ChH*. V r c c ) ,

i i v . W m . J ' a i k - . m i l .liiM.


ll>. Ihniiifi- liii- H L M H I I V iIi-M-liiiicfl a vi

ts t lmt the l i f

l imb nf tlif


•)i ]>iit

L li(;Mit. A


of ndioul


it.v »]ip

ys which never bclnii(;fil ti.

nil and w n r no 1.i.vt of 11M-

[ali«iit. wbutei-i-r. Out nf t i e

e.w Oimiity Cdlli'dnv luul to

eonti-ueteil liy the. old Bi.iiTil,

iiib- tin- biiliiiiro a]»liear it vrry

from what tlie Iliniuw rejire-

m. to ej-jH-sj.litnrfj*: Tlie hint

A' commit*,* of eitlsent of Monti county,accompanied liy COUUMUOW VreelandFortyth, watted upoa Judge Msgie, of tha 80»p»me Court, at hU retluenc* la Elizabfith onSaturday and held a long conference with himrelative to tbe alleged mismanagement of thefiixuMMw of this fount,?. They said they badreason to believe there had been improper cx-

iiturosiu tlie Kiuuiitp Department of iheityand roauMlcrt tbat he, a* the Bitting;o, order tin investigation, The officialsrested, tbrongh their legal ndviecn, Ai-ilyraan Jenkins and Senator Youngblaod,tlicy were willing thnt (ill the hooks,

after hi'itl-injt both aides, ap-I'urd 'I, A twiitor, n lawyer of

iia duties

ii ibFitth

K y gV M gathered ia JMbf* Opera H*u« l » iereolag to llitcn ta tbo Tooal and initrnmtt.tal concert given by UiM Annie B. JBoldnjand pupil*, usiited by B wnnWnBti rf talent, the excelleaee of vhidh fason; heard in Dover ot Uta yeart. The pnplUEIVB cvldenee of their sptneu and flu itilUaltraining of tWrtcaoliar. The perforaew i tthe ulano wore U i u u Blssolte mid KaryJenkini, Addis Hunee »nd Vary Benslnil-ham, nod Mwrtw Bernard Eflynoldi, whileaifMEtttoBoffennradeKd a rJolin wlo tofaultless e» to call out bearty anplaoae.Tho memliere of the Volleahauer family

met tbo expectations created byM d J b

md MMIM. Lonli and AdolpbUi violinist and violoncellist. A•«lo by Mr. Lor<Vm Ua will Ii

a piano iolo bbo remembered for theirf

dilighiful harmony nod inantflrly «eou-ton. UiM Jniklns alsoinorciwed Krently tbB

Bijj'jtlneiu in which licr wiiBJcal abilitiesre held by her nrrfariaftui«» at tbo pianoml upon the violin. Hut tin urent foati

5! lift


in [it -

rijili, I « P t)n> r

u ihf bh-n thutr v a M l i ' f n l l . v (>i

iHMiith.it w«.

n \nihlh <ti\i-

to imjf liiinulicri)!1 llio UitLitity Cum

AH Uepul.liciH.rt w.: nutv hnyu *li1l- . * n>

h'l Hw hu fair und jiiBt in tmitint; thi'iu

Tho G, A. E. Entertainment

liivd. "win-ii lln- ltquiWiuiLim etui

• wi'i- ilii'.v frmitd Iliiil tltor.) h id lid

,,]uiw ii imml.vr nC [],M£* V.Iiirli ,;,r

en iimdtlj- (« iiidcv Ih )HMI)W, for thn

ul itiirjio.-r, ami tin- w.»vk whli'h

vi> l-i'.-ii ilniif iiH i( went Hlddf; liHi!

r hi'liii.d thiit Hi" new IJimrd WUH I'HII

llifii- iti.it nii'ctiiiKto'['Jlilt

• T l - i f t l l

I . I I I K I i i i i i l 1 1 » h i

' I 'd ;itt<>!ii|>1 )i> r.



of llu

n-.rin- nil 1.1-MJIhtnltotimn or n

that nil i"1"!'!" offiond

,f iiublii- mmii.M (lie «


inly 1.n

ore thn i thetlie future. Xvmtea them', ihf

. oiicrty nt M(irmtmvit \\M beeniiilsoini-ly uml euhHtimtln-lly iniiirovoil,iitii lu>at 1I:IH in't'ii iulriiiliu:i-d in Hu; tuiiM-

•Hwhiehwill <-(IW'1 n *:ivinK in 0.-.-..--I »f

l iiiotie itmre t'nni «iiHicii-nt to piij the in-

e»t mi tin- nu t "I'tln- iiivc^lmi'iil, it ml V""-ini

erfcuik'* in il

ni:ul<' nt

nt lliinfi wliirli tlm

iorci-d iiml dirttortod

f .lie ldmrd. T

u.'intiers urn p i

ml luul iLiiitni^-i

tcM, then tin1 Dtjetjindly (,'iiilty. Th« ta

ore, if the

..(" (]„•< , . x

xxlu-h tlie

mliu mnn-voted fur

ifA llii" HiiliHiT cniiij.liiini) ,,f. They ha'

vi rrprrnentixl mi Itw ('(imwlttWH, JUMP

v, nml hiivt1 mutaiiiml hfurtily tlm vnrioi

imvvmcutx iiiti> TS'ltirli the Unanl IIIIH TC

•('il. If tin; Ilaniirr'K iWurtions tire (n

>*»• men urn «i»v«Mliy of re-ftlnction. Jli

ot. e ft't

|»tt tin- niin»rUy hn

»a mrti, mid noun

nK, of lfcuuiity, »

• |h« tlltlOli^l-llt ItlV


l.licnim in v

:m(v. TJif

in Slnlior'M Ojie Hoi i Tlm

r tlu< nut

li-Duvit 1:

li-idy ui iln> Cnniii i-'irc with lih

atioiiH, will d i rect (Jm iifliiir i

wn n-eitntiuBK. w h i t h nf tin-i

Ihc late llev. Dr. OgilorTin- FJi'/.iil)t:<h,l<.uriinl in a mil

late K.-v. l l r . (>Kil.'« <ii Tin tliuin •-:

rt h th . ' t -nt i re oi


in wbieli Mr. and Mm. V . II. WJiiti

1. V: KlllnillhllllldMr.Ii. Kl-lrtl- lAdll


SIKIIIIU ih w it fuiriiiiHi..' liy iva-i.n of i ^

lilvuutfl to timlriU.iU- to tlm wol

vetornns, which Ih.-y can do !i;

UKU tiuftiuiiuUy tbnt IVWHIWIHW.

liiitnin tliiiir wurtUy or|;ani/.atiuu

•uta ami dingrmn at KillKore'H.

n Uni of tho Vttnthy-

tn for their ]f:ctii» emirso, sinil imin.iiiico

tlm following kehiroB, (1:IU>H ami HHUJCCIB:

Pri.luy, Mni-«h7—RftV. N. 11. Vmi Arrtiltili!,

• f l'iitorsou. " llnuiiKy VnMn.'1

Wciliifwilny, llnreli ID—Hey. J . CU'immt

•VciicL, S). D., of Newiirk. " l iud, lfiUc and

Pnilay.Mnrolias—l'ror. Aiwtln O. Avpnr,f Trrntoii. "Nuiunil Ulalary," with Much-

Tiimdiij', April B-ltcv, W. 11. Itflilen, t)firWKfttim. "MiHi]ier»uii»iCu»toiii8 iu C«n-tnnlUiopIn."M'cdnesdfty. April 16-Kev. J. It. KIHIIET, of

Bt t j City. " I'criln olTo-day,"

whole, eu lulf an hour,

rwure only ?1,ant nf enfertaiii-

i-ry wn.'ill outtny

md tlmt it

llfOl Kuilly »Tho Idu

Tlm tickets forthmdifwilliill'iirdtittit ami etUlimt

of money.

A Banovolont La3y,Tha will of the Into Mm. aturjvnrot Slitdiiill,

fnnuiTly of MurriHtown, leaven to tin1 Aiucri-ivinlliblc Society $I,fflK); to thu I'rotr-stant

"I'11 nTnMcnt.-il by (J h u n A l u m a t KUuU.[h W ( W W . t o l l lP

T t .u,n-n«Ul,ly Mr. l l r C l ) , i y , l l r i«U Oencral AS«n.My, «3,0<K»; toM t l «nu8' l"P'»- nt rrwbyteriM Homo MUslana, $1,(100; i'mliy-li'«erTit|K _"f [>«»!« j t e r i n n Foteipi MlniflNB, 41,000. Arid* Irtim

gifte, (2,U00 from llio uttalp U tfiveii lutho ilomo for IVovthj nnd Dustitute Virtiifiii

il Girls of Mim-Mown, It IVJIH th« inti'ii-n of tha teutaUir tn haw umih- \tniTininnthis last item in the will, anil kumviu;!

;h to have IM-.CH tli» mat:, the «• ai.limry lc^-!CB, Mr*. Aflim W. Little, Mrs. Sii^uu EJiz-

ahalh t'nldwell, nud Arthur and SnmiiclMUehell.lnivengreodtooonfonntoliiirkiiown

in the mutter,

•o-(i]«'t!iied with the llu*; fur 1be iuteri'ntu of Urn>r Icnnwa jii'i-rirctly welleiitoflheiiimneeHoftho


,IT furftn-


a Hintlmvo

.' (ri«'il !

nf (lie people. At imy,1.1 i»t thhik ofn (tit-rri. Tlic piwcliuiini with tlio

llomilly'pmd phurw

XpRDdtlU' lHWlil'HOf

ml 1» the iH'Ktailvan1

IT tilll" 111.' Itlll

mtrry is lljui.il

view House, Cbiitbithe scaffolil to tho ground, R tliatanee of four-teen fwrt. tnd revived injnrii'H which Imveproved fatal. Ho Icnren a wife and fouryoiiDff children ntSumwit.

lira. Anna H. Williamson, of IInrri8e.ii, buncotntacTic< l Buit ii &ltifit tho l.*.t XJ. A; \V. Itult-roiwl Co. fur *tO,000 ifnraaKes. Wliilo ali^lif-i«K from a train hho sayj tin; m i n hefiin toaoTo, tli rowing her down, «iiniininKlu)rkiiw,and inflictiufi imnuanunL injiirieK.

Tliecfuw of Gro. MuUrackiu, vs. .1««. X.ItleJjftrdsojj, tried iu the Narrin L'onrtn lintHay aud npiienlea, wun d«wiled in Hie Sn-proinfl Court yenUitdny, when judgment wasrendered in/Vivcr of Mr. yicVraeVrn for tlaamonnt of tlie Terdint tmA rnstH, nlnmt $mi.

UiBi Mngi« iM cloBcdhr-r ocbool for n aborttlmn on account of tlie i l l nw of her Hi*tw,Mlaa A. P. Matfr. vltli n mlbl furin cf «riir!!'tftvor," AB the echool unit honsn urn entirelydiitinot, and MIBH A. P. MuKie WUH not en-gagbd id tsachlug, the pupils biivn imt ln-rnexposed 1A tbediseasp.

Charge! having been m:nli) n^niiiHt tJhit-fJnitlcc Aitell, of Now Mexico, formerly ufWorrii County, thn Governor, Territorial offi-cers ondmaay prominent citizens bnve sriita memorial to CongrcHa i>ijiri'HMlnj,r tlifir din-belief in tho cnarees inado und suitainjnt; thecharacter of Judge AxtoLl.

la aanmiaenoB ol the slam no #«rrJ«e«van beld in tho Preabytcriun Church Ins!Sunday evening, ltev. Kir, IlaUowny willtlicrcforo begin bin cmirsn of Pi'-nnunH UII"Christian ETideueca" mi Sunday t^cm»naeort, the first tcpio loins "Tl"> WonderfulFreenrvBtion cf tlm Ililli>."

-Weleara tb*t it ia utnlei-ptooii in On.cratlo circles that Gov. AlibotC will appoMr. Chaa. H. ilunwa, of Borer, as tho aao-»aior of Jndgo Wood. If wo urolo have anentlrtly partisan benuh vn -wonld a littlenthef eee Charley wow tbo judicial orminet h u my otw of his party yet named.

A Colored PaBtor'a Tronbles.

ltcv. Jolin T. DipBS, the jinKtor uf Ihe Afri-

nm M. E. C'lniroti in Bfnrrisioivii, waa urnt'st-

niay ul ln-»t wirfc mi n eli.irno uf

j iisn-i.iiin uharintL'r ]i«:(Vtr.-d liy Julia Snd-

mintiiifj ul tlit Fii ir-! I i i r ]( l l l ( , l l l l l ( , r ,,f ],,„ ,.|llir,.n nr,d NnhUiilIi

Saturday, Ml fnini s,.i1(1 |hl. u U I ^ U M tlmt u f.-w rveiiliiRa 1».-

.lie rtrn-cnil (!(!iith«ni«B wiw tndncpd to

to tin'IinnwnfJiu-iili SiidliT. father of

tint jrjrl, nnd lie wiw thoii plmrsi-d with liftoff

tftlll! J-IMllltf WU»IH»'* lulsfortULC.

llli.'d, Art thfl DlltPOIIItl Of WhlcllniHt'il Hi.- fnthrr to 1>I> UTr.'ut^d

iinil put iftii!<-r !K,IH3« to ttitwr to

tin- liiaud ilury. . Wln'ii tin- i»rfin'hcr wan

s W mi Saturday In* ^ " ^ uiialilo to fur-

thr-^1,000 l.;iHr(-.|iiin><I«f liini iniif wa»


„ li« Imil u hrariiii; l«:fnro Jiiwlicf Dink.-.

Maliltm l'ltney, of Duver, dsftmlcd liim,

llm nrtii]i1aint waft dittuBM'dft.r lark of

•isid'. Tiio Rtm-ral imjir-snioii in tlmt

IS plliltU'Hrt Of till! fli i v

Tho LHe James Ash.

Fridiiyoi liwMvt-ck by ffm uitinlMiM nf St.

HiTniird'H Trtnjioniurii KMHjvoli'nt Surii'ly, of

Mt. Hope, was HUH of thow inon whoiij Hi

nnlluarywalliB of life exert imhifliivn(t for

good whkli is far rtarhinj,', nltlmugli th

irorl.1 itt large know* but litile ol it. For SO

ypar« In; van in thn oniiilny nf Itipl

Ofiorge, K»<i-, in lli« mluuw Tjchicli he HU[ipriu-

(CIKIN, hul fortiiren yunTit ]ir: wna eugtifp

tho «llh mill nt Bnontfln. When the tewpor-miOR society wiw formed, twenty yeora ngo,hnwis nno nt its iitvt meaiin-.eg, ondiiwufnecontrUiutrcl largely to it* growth niid pron]ierity. At tlio fnuernl HorvicB in Boon to imi mbera of the society were pull bearer* nm8-1 mninhcrB pocort il the romatas to St. Ma-ry's Cemetery in Dover. He was highlytMimedforhis integrity tun watchman, andrcmnlned long niter ho heeanie nnahlnto at-tend to hi» dntie>rM WB omployera were lothto give hitn up. H e v u 6 6 yttwofago andloaves a widow md eight children.

tor 23 «Mti at U» Brick Drnf Itore.

To be Repeated.

c Imt ncvcrthekBH Sticklo's Hull in MwVu-'uy wn« fillral with n lar^c ondh'tiri' tn nit-SM the drama of "Eileen Ogo," i«r(oraifd•lonal trilent fortlinhcnrfU nF Hiichnnau'ii

lipali in highest of twins of the niter-alimieiit. They My Unit tho mush- of tbi'mud x.-aadelightful, and that the remlitmiiif Ihp drntim.by local tnlcut under tlm iii-

Tcctiuu of Mr. J£. Davy, wns miirked hy nry liiph dcj;r(ic of merit, liy «IH-C(III ro.-

n> wm-]»revRiitcd liy tlm dtimii from at-

coapniu, it wiJlbo H'iieivt«-il in tlm nameII on Monday evnulnir nuxt.

A lusky Honis Connty Lad.Some time ngo K. R. Hall i , Co., a rlnthhij,'.n nt ClPVfliunl, Oliiu, built ti liruutifultngiiiiiitiiion cligiWo lot iff thnt city, nmlid-.' the aninmncHUMit thnt it would heAtilod by lot to one of their imtronnoti Fri-

.IHT, Filiniar; ir.th. When tho ilrawinK tooke on PrUUy last lliere were Imiudtnhi

(li-'liu-ky ijidiviijujj. Tlieticliotliajijicncd tu!»! tlmt oi Fnmk r . DcTore, latn of UtTkftlilreValley, liiitnow ft nhi]ipiug clerk iu a Cleve-land hofHe. Uc VIIH engng(nl at WM wi>rl

Buniod to Death.natl fntr-lingbofiilloii Mr. S. N. Holmes,of Mr, Jit*. Holmes, of Hoonfan, vtho

siitly went from that jilaec t» Pii-ott, Ariionii, wlietuiiflw«imperenlled the Onily Min A firo ii

tlmt city last Hatiinl

Ingrntion Mr. Holmi

HuHtruyed na• to save tho tnwa>wnup. During thii rootle nn attennt

was linmed to death.ti veiunhla papers in hte office and

A BuocMtral TB«ehar.Prof. Lewis D. MlUcr la meeting with groat

success ng teacher of moaioin the, ^ei^[l]bo^hood ot Hilton, Ford l lbe , Ogfoa Ulbe, Can-iitser, etoskholm, Clinton and Nowfoand-lAad. and Ua -work » Uaober, uktm t ia t LoIs fullj «>a»Bteni for tbo twk he u u taken;making hui visits -woakljr at the plwwi aimed,hiring two tinging tOwHd, oat fti StMttoun

aiCllaton, and about 85 jiunia'aiidl ' ' * V

-Mlii!. Mi. !'. II. Smiili

II! his il.'iith.

n.l «f Mr. nit

•du\ Hr. Jinn

. l iMwalldip!

r hint I ntly•ifh tlm Uily, ftad 'ivlicthi-r Dr. Miirrny'n

th(nij(bl)i-. Ojdcn did (li'tcrtt-nrdrt tnkn thi.i

ery laily for hU vif«.

A Purchase by Mr. Fhelpa,Tiie pajiprs Imve nniioiiiicrfl :h« wile of n

•not of loud on Kiil.iriinni H'ii};hi«, V I H I I -

ifitmi, P . ('., whi^h nltiiicts ^mue jitleiitinn.

h i ' ^ lire tlio hills wliicli ihnind Ihr mirlh-

i»t tin- -ity.i'.v rise ilirenliy from tlm levt'l or th

/eoveied lulh ohl ouk* and lmvo IOIIL;

,-Ti fumoim fr.rliii' view ol tim city nt llu-ii-

I JIJH] nf On- J'wttiiiiin- Hiviii- nml Virginia

i(ie. KaloiTimn wiu nnol iu ihe win- nn Ibn

,-nlrj- liarrin'ks nnd luii Miiei' been wnitinj;

[-(IIIILWM. (In- uwitrtv iihun-ri k<-i-t,U^ their

ecu ii littln beyutid tlii/uilviniciiiK tiilt-.in the tiM iiniiiiit.

ml tiilii'«vith MHHI- nVIif nf

Unit lit- direeth- nt the. hi ;td uf (

nvrnm—tins Kiflh ov.-mu' ut thin

wy , mid tintTim I«IJIIT .tjijii tin- j

in l i ; (

it for hi


il tliiit Mr.

«uee mid thnt (his

<nl it from liiiiiifj c

f! wliii-b uhl-iinu' res


There wnsloihiirriin ln»t Moiidnv iris;!

vid Uni

r it i.ill ffSus^s .in tlm S

in any d'iiili or ch-d drawn by a ini-le ho

iffllJ1 liJtcli or Jmrmwliii.' lioiw d in r t ly

ironl nf iho H]fii;h nr hied, HII Ihat tin- In

.Imil ti-j(v.'l In IL line wiih ilii'i'i'iuiT i.f

ilnifrli. All wiirN of fun «•"« miiih' >,F the 1

Hr. Aniwlmiin. n f f a m d n i , M'mil.1 »i|>|

the hill if Hn»» wmild tulw Hi'1 nii'tiil

deitlii ritUitBiiin! MIIIHV tiiMii hinv (lio i

s rdpiK" «orl!» il. Mr. L'lmpninu, «f J(*i

Cily, f»ii<l lie ni:VL-r knew licfori; tlmt lm

vensliilcliw! bi'liiml Nlcisrli in Hiiwx.

LViidrick, oCWii


liiii'mi, mi ntiemlaiiLiit 1h« Anyluui,

d Hiii.-i.li- «>ii TiK-Hdny «i«hr or i-tirly

Wain, «l/iy BHiniiiiir. by ciittiuj: his thn.tit

with u ni'/or. lie wns n fiwedi-, uhmu thirty-

liv« years nfn^ ' . mid bail br>eu riiiithiyeil us

i aiit. for

el! furV,T («- W


w iltys pn-it anil hail

i'd nn far that n imrwe

c Iitnl lieciiIow-4]iirili-Li

il hnd Tint uliown any

DriiW v,i* rullr

i-hU death, .loht

i, UIHI hud left hi

ow with his f.ithe

AnotLor "Big ad" for Bcatty.n: wnrfeins force "I livutty'n factoryliiiiKlori him been n-duecd to ninnt halfrmer iirniKiriiiuiH, ami thn men were In

ur» for their jmy. Some timcugo lieiiostedtica inhU fitrtor^- that they wnulil hnou aatnrdny last but Ju»tbefore tha timeiitiei'd walked into bin factory, mul with-

ft word of ftxiilniialioii tors down the n^-the, after which ho departed for l'hiladcliihin.

meu ut 11 o'clock than marched ont ofthn factory, nnnonnoing their inteution of not

uraJnjt to TTOTtnntil they worn pdd. Boatty,H Iclegnnihed to and Tory wisely concluded

to pay tlio handa, -whioh f ru done that after-on, and they returned to work.

Esnitiot'i Band Entertainment.In" the hurry of the issue of the programmes

for KroHUert Band entertainment wveraiomkiionB vrere inado and one or two1 ritora-tlDH have since been efleoted.: ThuMtHopeQuartette UoomDOMtl of Mtaaoa tpuaMW andS t b d HawMWfl l i^and Ball andS t e b oineyvill be oooDinpiiniod on fte pWno l yVn. D. B, Ayon, of ItoofctWBy. Mri L. H.Deckar irfU play t&B leading violin ia theorohmtra. 'Amoni tto oSoen of the Boiidthe wtnw of-Mt. Harty Loub, AaibitantLeader, m* iweIi»«nWlyoiiUtt«d. ..

. B*rt Win Jawing.The but. Idnd, at mftnttfWto^W* pHoft, at

Berrj'i Hardware 8to«-«lgn of tic padlock*

Th* Engineering and Ulnlng Journal of

U 0,01st,Axxtftujf Pio—The„.... P o T _tbongt tJw Buwket di»pUyi a (andenor tottiton flgowi, Bawrfnff s l t i e r

tyUbayaodkMfiiaierrijpItU»port*d tlnttbeCnne Company

t u Handing m iU book* siden &r »,«»bnuof pij ]»n, tha hulk of which a u beentakufttgoodflgOMt, Othwmaltertareiim-Ilatly well tff, w to M foundry Irani areCODMEM*. the deraand btdag nor tot imaUlou chJefly. HOI iron* ate bawly iWady.The Crown Point l»n reportod u uU ln tnedally piper* wai chiefly Noa, 8 and*i and

rtJfltipecialUra*. WeqncW:Fomnlry No. 1, «30 ud«23 t No.2,*19-W

BBd$19.60f mi Gray Forge, $UJ0 ami »18.Eeuemer pig !• quiet at *'0JO «sd *». Vl>tl«20 per o*nt Spingel liu boen HIUDK at $38er ship. At the Exchange, no traoiacUoBiwero recorded dnring'tbe week-

A Very ?rop«r Opinion,You will not Ue aide to get decent fflflu to

akc tho office of Freeholder If this U 'i on," remarked & nentihle Demoomtio

nemher of tho Board to us the other day, iojug of the Dlmri;i>s made against that

\>m]y, B,id tun U »wj near the truth. Thes pnys hut *2 per day, with no allowancelhi'r«'*ii«iiBe« thiin mileage, and no manhas« fjcHlnegs woriii any thing C M wallyil !u jit-ylci't it in ordnr to serva tho pe*-

p yooBTtrito tbo t a l u ofadtrartiaiBjr, f/he«doabisdlL EU wealth of ippUoanU for flow-«teeda U the crop from • tnodert BttU »n-BOttnMnjent in Ts» F U H a&d ft ft* otbetBapeM,tbat bebad alijuit6d qnontltj of aMdiwhloh he would bMtow toipplloanU u loan» they b«t*tt. Ha U now mowad underwith le t tm aadpoatsl eardiin oniwer andWnWn't .apply alllfhU entire Bergen Conn.t j ealat« W H derated te horttanltnre. Thenext time Mr. Phelpi ha» any flower »»d« togive 6»r»y ]et him quietly depoiit them withnine dealer Tho don't advarttae. andhewfllbe iure to bare enough for aUappUoant*. and

t t t l P t

I iiii IH tulciit in (lio towiwhlp andmiiilcut U lmld it ato geucrAli; ofi who do nut euro to give ttielrand then lm blatkcuurdod nnd

IH ilinlioni'Ht fur $! per day. Tlio•r Hjiiikiii of above mniio ROUQ T«rj

;streetud bee II lifliiril coincided

itl.v iimiouncud hy


h i '



-inn•,r )•



of the Fith. CommUiioiters.lllLH lllti<l

ctn (lie m

():• htosikhen lire ui

ul tuiml.i

v<> :>V till',

out lliroiigli

in (if W,7Wt

if; our rivw-B

imWr of Sm»

rii/'i^imoVt.• hmulri'd. tli

the Fithliiico 1879,

with toodi{X flttlmon

uhvu ha*

]H>II<IK, IUUI* in:

Hwatm wiih (I,

t-iVdfd in the. I

ui-hii; iho lioltcwt

ckbi^H, liowever,

«vt>r JIIIMHVI), nnd

d Htieiniiti In this

M f]>fvics. While

elnmirn (lie Vwn-

ultn in tint lvattim

Wurreu iiml 8UH-

BorioiiB Accident to Dr. Wood.

nniH r!,v «'t [hi* plune

Wood •( with t

hmlly Iliul l l r . Wo

M i-aiTUKe wi th (tre

»b.idlv li«r), nn unl

hiiL-k ].;irl fi.iin t'.n-

m.ll.v iujmtil. 11.'

.V-1 ij;hl lioum Hftut

liirit that I,IN iii.]nrii'

i r llnti, ii.iwfiver, ti

.iml.li-. tun! it iti now

«f J ndpi I-V«-

M-rioim ue.ddent

eek, lit) WIIH

L'nuiitry wlii'ii

i! tbi' uiirs mid

od iviw tlirown

t \io1ener, nml

ik*. UU heud

xtcmliiiK acmnn

, and In- vm ia-

ITptWac Jff TtoMrfwfc'

" It )oek« M tf tha whole Btat« of Mew Ji« y iwitod flower sMda. I have nq/tufrym all the ooontit* in the State, and amalotiwhattodo. OfBonrMlbATenntusdji« o w » for th* d*BMd in my own dlittfot

todo. OfBth* d*BM own diitrio

nda outride i tftnd wuiiiot well aaude to demand* outride i tThat do«t sot trouble me, tut it tnrablM methat t&ue outiide ipplkutavlio «iite cootpntir notM thoold think thar w «ntiw>rceal«t4d, and y«t X oumot s s i f « thorn."

Hi. Phelpjmurtboty this time a thorough

A RrriW* OoateAia.It'iagood thing for the reputation of Joan. OouHh that hs doeu't realde In thUpsrt

of Morrii county. In bit Iwtaw on "Slim-den" at Montetown hut Ttunday eveningha made the borrffyiag itatemeut thet hevoted agalnet tbe prohiL-Ulou ticket In Uaua.l M l u beoause be bad no oan&denoe In the

meaiurea which tbe probtUtiotiliU then wendvocating. Had he dared utter snoh a aen-

tlmcutiuthUooiDEiuiiity the "oranlu" wouldive pounoad upon him, and in all probabU

ly would bave declared tbat this life-long ad-vooate of temperanofl v a i "an ally of thenun power." The lentttnr bad a large audi-ence and tha leatun itaelf WM a delight to «Uwho heard it. The weight of yean has notubduod hb eloquence, oorleaiened UB powera Influence tlm emotions of bta bearem.

Ber. Mr. SchoBold•pending a week witboftbaabienooof Mi

ia wfiie to hove ithe veatfar inton«rei

ered an able sermon,there wore not m

The cytter supperuaooonntitfitbeli

Tight TroniMi to Vuiib," Tight trouaen wUl not be fasblonable tbU

spring," a tailor taid tho other day. " Infoot, comparatively wide trousers will bo the

xtreme style. Tbow moat worn will beluithor very tight nor very wide. FrockimiU will bare a good run ftnd fooi and flvjutton cutaway coat* Trill be worn. Tlio

wny will not be io pronounced u it baan, nnd will ouly ehow one waistcoat btit-. All the ooats, eien to tho Backs, wo

curved1 iuto tbo figuru, and will fit snugly,ip coeta also will be out to show off tlioure. For suits checks and stripe* seem to

l)o favored, and diagonals will bo put intol t "

ing, and as tbo term] hops to nee a Jar

another term. Mr.grand concert for

before long' Biiouldto lie able to

gntfe.They am putting

line whioh in csleulnfate of IS) gallons pei

ar iooond ii ftwt puuTimt'a right Edltli

toy Jmt litatctitol« fffi. Thu niooui


nl and it WUH ft-nn-dw.mhl prove futiil.

• MJJ1

Ohituiry.•\Vonl wiisii'L-fivtil li.v Mr, II. (.'. Titinsy,

•1., ou Hiitiirdn.v, t»f tlie ilt-iitli (if bin MiHter,

•». Mary K V. 3)r,i,vh.ii, (lm IJISI ofhrc fuui-

. ul Ainnlsi, Italy. Mrs. Km.vton wax tlio

linv uftheliil i 'Kov. l.sllu0 II, Drayton, of

fchiiiil, fill..wlicni lie -,VM tho a u w t

iii<l|iiil "f a liiKli icliiwl. Mn . llntytoii

i;iti'i»t>u witli )n r only cliild, n «ou

ili- Kiviii(( Riviil pruniiw of tnrntal ability

« nut Htronc pliy-dculiy. Hat tlio euro

M,H-ii L-l. . i i i , - inotiiiT wuro nun vallhifc, and

i ili«:mtti «jf Uvtulicr lust t i n yoimj; mnn

i-d nt (Jniiou, a t tlm n«i> uf twenty-one yi

r«. })ni.vt..,i vi-jw l.rnvr.l IIIHTK by tlio B

tn, mid ln-ril«atUwitlinuL«lttut>t l ias»«i)t«d

nm priff. Tin- rcmitiuH of both mother

ii, will Uu lire«Kht t.i flioir an t iro Inn

Hofii&ei ot tho Eitravftgnneo,

A i-ouplmif v»rdi*m loohiusaprciraciiB of

o (iiiM.'ti nciMo ntrui^tl into thn SimrifFi

f'cfl nt J[oiTin(<t«n flie oilier iliiy. They

Kt liti(nvin« itlmifes iil.init nt the hnprovti-

I'litritiiat 1I,MI l«'Mi mi.douiid winked Hi«-

llmnlly uUiioli wtlitr. Tlicu tlio ohiqiing

ennark'M attraeteil (hvir ut tent inn nud they

niimi up at thu c»^i» Htmiiouiliiil ubovo t i e

•1'iifl'sdf«U, It WIIH rnoiiHli. " My flnwi!!

ngin' liirds, ton!" wxi'lniniBdoneiiin voice.

OU Hpe line.Tho Btnndard Oil Company, vhttso plbim'fl eruHs Morris ('ounty, is intewaW in so-irLng Homo and provotiting other logialation.r. Mills, of l'asBLiic, lias lntroduocd, a billhluh prolilUits any jiifie line company which

(.-arries oil from laying their plptB over froaiimiter ittmauiH in thu State, ami IIINU providtta

1) Vipe* mw laid sliitlJ ho lakes nj> iiu-U'ly nftei- tlio piuHitgo of tlio att, aud itttMtliif; to knnw thnt alinu dtvuer wrwaavoral ufliioiiKjiuliiirMtt in aald by»U:•IH, " tho tniHincss agont at Trouton,"Coiniiany for tho puriioso of hoc ou ing

butler iti'i|iiutnt«il with so mo ut the iiiomliors,

Ssough to Hake a Has Sick.Williimi Kidflle, of Nuw Ilnmiitou, rctiimodftw diiyn ago from Nevvfouiidland, MorrisJtmty, with twu viTy flue Ihorougli-brod Al-

durney lit-ifi-i-H mid fffty puiinds of plekcnsl.Him-.- IIIK niluru Io lias ton oonflnod with

(iniuKtottl No wotnlorWilliamliidilluitlaiilup witliriii'innalMiii. A imiii who pulhtwn Aldcmey li.-ifera nud fifty poutub of >l«k-

.ut of a Htrenm with liuuk nnd line in ex.

.Iy lucky to got (iff with nothing more *ethau tliorhuuuintisni.—Huiiteriiou Doin.

Wm. Young did notA ntlr ytiu mode in

iventag uy tbe weddl>f Boonton,nnd Miaia> secured n vnluabliia Jnlin. Hay them>y ouo-We hnve three old

widows, enrii ofwhoiigo. Atmtt

try Hmart, audia

The Flower Gardes.Ilutlittlo out-door work canta douo in tho

(iruamontul grounds Oils month. It is imptir-taut to guard against injury to shrub) BtdtreoH hy nnininiB. If pruning ia needed, do.lton mild <Uyi.

Hardy Anauftls.—To have early flowers BOWBoeds in window boxes. Candytuft, TenWiii'ks' Stocks, Psnay and other liitrdy ilndsway he sown and the plants thinned or trans-planted to other boxes. The Pansy, whtab.fails to give fine flowers iu hot weather, if•awn In this mnnnor, may uo had in bloiiinearly, QUII at its best.

ir the dn They liad evidently been wud-Ihi' HANXKH and ilnnbtlpss mielied tbo•Iiwinii tUttt the entiurieH wtw it part nf

- . ^ - « - * .

A Combination Proposed,

lirthev it will niiiiiunt In iinytliiug or not.

eertuiii tlmt tin ro uro inii>ri'4ted imiiviil-

in liiindolnb towiiflliip who nr.' folimiiinj;

rtno!h.-r .•uiiil.iiiuiii.il of tin, Dciimcnitio

tirtciihdck i'orct.'!) nl tli" approiirhiiiK

«(,' dwjtir.n. Wilhiii the pn--icnt week

•fiTHUM have Jiccn bold nnd the muttiT

hccii under liiwusflion. Tlio subject will

j;ive tlie HepubliciuiH ;my fipiirebenHiniiH

(i'i-ei-. Imt will rather pfcaao flreai when

lii.y rfiin-tiionr tlm rmi l t nf tho hintcunibiiin-

nf that wort. Tlnii-e am loin of Deino-

in tliJH tnviifdiip who long ugo were

ired ciftlin idea <if huljiint; to i l e r to a fut

Uci> in ilin Spring, mil v to In-Hhiuslitoriirt by

.l iclpintho fall.

A Leap Year Suggentiou.

Vn rxcliaiiHt: hits rertiiin J'OIUIK innti n

•tty c«nd tap m follnwn: ' 'Luap .yonr

.kin;; IOVP. Vcs, prrJinjift it decs, lint no

ipMabli! yoimc nt.'tii ivill liiifc ini.vtliin): t»

with a young Iitdy whn tnkm a pohflion on

• »ireft miner ami wjuirtH ttilmci-d juice on

• irootit titilM. Nor wmilil It l.mk w.-ll font

((.iinriimroyoiiij^iiKliert tuli.nf armmd iu

til rf a church for an limirniid iiluilf ou

uilav IIIBMH Bj.nrrinK and Un.irkUiE oiii-

,)0irr'- linlrt nlTmiil iliineiuK a tra-lu-la cm

• hidiMviiikiu urilor to kill timn until tho

ill ^ yoiiiiit moil nuil m r t him BHIHP."

Subdued, but not Conquered,!<lllll I'lllllllT, Wll.l WIIH ClllllictCll hlld Wll-

ici-d tmmi 'yea r in Smto prUmi fur Imil-

Tivnti.ii on Monday by Ki'i-per Mrrritt.

: iihihmupliiiiilly reckoned (lmi hy Rood be-

vior bn would Koi out in about titu iiinntlifl,

IIPII ho naid In; •' wouM Eivc i( to HIIC,1' inti-

iitmg thnt hv wuuld aHKimit the woimm with

• tl.iiii; l)t MI Io hm rintHiiexl liiiic. IIotilK.i

itli'd tbat liin p:iwM.ij;f« wns paid ti> thio

ifr.v, leading io tlte bi-lief Ihat lit! is on«

,nt tln^rt of eriiniiuilH whom fon-igu coun-

, p-t rid of easily l>y ^•-Hdin- them to

Home Industrie*.'i tin; three rounli-H (,f tliiH Cinigrt'^iDua!

ofi-MHl>liHhnii>nt«,4!0 ; ropital, *l',T7#,Q29;

li'H nver 1« eniplnyi-O, li,2T)!l; ji-malva over

miphiveil, 7,4(55, wages paid, $8,513,355;

noiif jiuiIiTinK ?m,tRKi,r>3ft; vahio of pro-

-ts, fWJilO.CMl.

In MorriR Count j tliuro nro 13 diffurent in-

,rrit'H according Io thn cmmi*; number of

lbliMimenta, 109; cupitul, *] ,080,100; males

rl6i!mploypil,l ,2»5; fomaloa over lSom-

yep, 218; olifldron employed, 23; wages

k iu a year, 8>137,5&7; YSIUB of watoruOa,

,710,l»0; valueofptmliiots, *ap7fl7,U4.

A. Cnritwity.Mr. P. & Cleiirman, who is employed hi theuncr mill at Chatham, -while sorting sometook n few daya slaee, found a mortgage exe-

cuted early ia 175% on property of TrinityChurch In Now York olty^ It was handsomelywritten on parchment, with a huge seal of

Colony of ITow Turk attached, and hentt: name oEGoorg* tha Third, who, it irill be

nnombend, bed control of New York flit*oiifl after that timo. •" *

Kad Dog Zzoitement Kear Chester.A large, black dog, evidently rabid, nm

through Pleasant Hill, near Chester, at an(inr)y hour yesterday (Thuraduy) marningatidcruutcd ouueiiloriblo ti mi lenient. He bit twodoga bebngliig to Condnetor Snyro of tboCb«8tor Railroad, tore nn oar off tbe cow ofGee. Mflrab, nnd bit n ting belonging to JolinWoi.dlmll, EddiolUury, a boy who worksfor Cunduntor Sayre, followed tho dog andHiiot at liim, Lnt evlileiitiy ilid uot iiiirt him

An Error.'ITio UIIA wnfl iii error ln»t neck when Itiitod tbat tho nunninsof tlie lute JumiiH Ashere eauorted tu their burial by tlm Ancieut•rder nf ilih.-niianit, «f Ml. Hope. Tho «8_

:nrt waa tliuTcnipcrnnco Society ol Mt. Hope,n which uniitio tbit Jute, Mr. AHII WBH nu effi-

<w«i worker. Tha nwnihera of the aooivty]»rcscatctl ngood uppeurnuee In their Imtnl-

»n regnlias ami are iv eroilit to tho worthyk itnvlite.li tlmyitro cngngoil. Tlio mia-is in (iiKistiuii wiiii mainly nm- nwu.

IJeforo tbo prewnt lnll b t h o Iron andrteelttadM >e> 4 | tttf new.pspfln baringfree trade leaning* never tired of nltarstinKfr trade leaning* Kthat dttpii* -Oft tnoonitgatnent «t Ptoteo-tion Atnorioan mannlaetaren wen noablo to«ippljthe"liomo demand. TTov, they stnltifythemMlTs.br snorting ihat ProUmtioo bat

lmulahidmautifaotarutgtoo much, and «t-•ibnta the, existing dopnudon, low wagesnd' sounitr ot eajployment ta thai fiwf.

What, next ^-American MfcnofMtortr.

iA fall, hew line «t Berry'i Hardware Store.

t fn roinil.

ami liiiviufl BVT

lut few vettraiis of

H utory. I rumoiiiL


were all thai* and in tie LOOM before befound It ant A fine dlnuer va i anon prepar-ed, of vbleh all partooi burtily, And after a

d l obat fill itartfd tar homt d

with us again,i family. 'Ooeeo

'ouujt both oongrega-ted lait Babbotb, bw

nnd only-cine wereMr. Sohofleld dellr-

laklng one foot sorryjHont to hear it.* fallen through with,o late in tliegetting top Friday evoninglinmbor out to jolu forlubunnn wunta to glvi

beuollt of tbo Biiboolbo well alteadt'A woDtluuo vn« term fi-c

u aov pump at IIioed to lift water ut tbi

iluuto. Tlireo gnllomi n g . , • •

nale them toe the mark

t., which wasIre. After doltvi

t to the sametick in tho Bhnpe

oUwslfy oa nothingoli an tlio intellec

direethK be Btarteil oil at n lively rate Iu tin

of Flanders.

Busing the Baflroad.The widow of I'oter nigler of Manafieldwiibbip, Wurron couuty, hint instituted B

lit ngaiimt thn »., L. t W. tt. R. for flO.OOOimujjen. Mr. llifilor WIIH oniployed hy tbeinjmny ns n brake sin 0.11, nuil wMlo in the'l-fiiriiiaiiL'e of bin duty oil tho top of a freightir, wan Htrtiek by n bridal' mid killed nearitrkbtistowii. llolhwuy IV. Ilmtt antl HOH.

J.1I1111'. Stockton will conduct tlio Kuil for the

Tlir Ilending Kailrond will not ronew the

linlffiir.- plfti-ictil tit'kHn formerly iHsncd by

thn Nt-w Jerwy Cent nil Unllrond wliontlioyexjiire May 1." When tbi) C'entrnl was leaned

to this lifinilinjj lu June Iimttlie clnricnl tieketB

i»rtlio year Iiml .ill licua Usued ami it Was

Iciidi-d nul t» inteiTcri! with them but Ui

illow tlipm tn run nut. None hus been Usuod

ill"'" that timo und no mum will ho IBHUIXI.

I is naiit tlmt thu iinictico of allowing half

"iiti-M to cldruynieu is Iming iibnndouud by the

iillroudrt K«1 (rally.

A Trillin


wroKiiniulftut from Chloopce,ihat that portion of Uon \V.

eulturul ndarpna ahowiug tbon Aniprican systwn of 1'rotoc-o published

iRiniieut, ami iltBtributoil among WestornrHi.TH. llemyn: "It l« the Utt thing Iir rend in ibut lino, and I think it will bo•ry efficient in convincing wavering fanner*liuru tbdr true, interest* Ho."

newleaji-yenrfentaroiu the wild, wildU'ent in f«r a woman to poate lior own photo>w nun of tlio qiiceiis lu n pack of cardsmil then uballenge the man she would f«innnkc inisLTiiblo to n gunia of eiiouro. If bykillful manoeuvring she eaQ ronko him take

Iho 'leajijennjueen" it it his duty to ato lead bur to tho altar.

ia number of Ulltorate ehlldrou ia NewJersey, as compiled from tbe rooent oenituby tho County Superintendents of PublioSehoo}a. i» given at 37.*8, or 87-100 of one peroat. This CCUBUJ was ordered from a state-leut in tho' newananon that there were

80,000 of that ohua.

Congressman William Walter: Phelpa isvery popular among the rural population Inthe neighbetbood of his New Jeruy farm, be-eaoae ha gou about inths morning in rubberboots, and Is not beyond asking their attvloeiu regard to planting beam end cabbages.—Herald P. I,

Those follows who bare lieen itorin j swaytrade dollar* may reap a neat little profitafter nil. Tho Baiddng Committee ot thoBOOH, at Washington, have favorably re-ported a bill for tha exchange ot trade dollarsfor standard silver dollar* at par by January1.1WS.

Now tt ii In order for tho roperstitioiucrank to uttrftnta the past weather to tbefiut that Febmary ootnmenoei on Friday,tatAm on Friday, and ooni&ina flra TWaoau hear him s a y ^ I t o U TOU to.1

Jadge Dslrymplo h*» Ka.fr Ida law libraryto New York, where it will be sold at auc-tion. There wore 39 large eiaea ot look*.Mr.Dalrympla'i libraryfaM betm vilned »tWOOO.

Bttunx county fanceit, diiguitedrt theirtnatmcmt by New York milk doolora, wQl re-•uma battermaUoi upon the reappearanceofputtim,

ens.Bev. T. C, Yuilng , itOl continue* io join

them together up here.main of tbe d«M oar Bent spoke of The last

gto b* present. *t thedrew near III Tentorelar dropped wooU hatWSM everything. Jottattired in brown auk,

p«aytheJr wedded Ufaua one. They left fo

k h i ddi ty

nuke their wedding to ir.On Friday the guest tbat were at the wad-

atarted for Hwl

mon'i. It did larprii

But one or two re-i L a k c c pe waa that of Julia

H. Balmim and oeeb|r Drow, at Eoonum,whloh h u tireadyhour appointed foro'olcok, and long bsfoiWM oitir. People eoigathered at toe home

he eewtnony w«»tlturiredtheTiUagedng iu all dlieetimu>f the brtSe'e mother

As tbe timd l

MMioo. Asio •» ; that s gold dol-

been heard, M quiett the dot the bride,

and uoompanied bytbe groom, mtde thett appearance^ and were

of QTW «fartj* people-ie a lone and prosper-

New York State to

ittatown, when theyindeit grand •nrpriac pst t j at Suits Bnl-

him, too, for they

Held preBoliod in thefog week a rory ablebeing stormy Itev.

in ou upiiearnucc.LOlivalurt ThursdayI of Hr, Seoloy Prow,Julio Bulroott. Mr. .0.priio In tho person ofunion bo a lung and

ladles living Uere, all. tsovor fourscore yourstophtma, who la 88, In

todoherowu work.Era. MargarotKoUej »gedM, is qiUto Binart,

•» ft pension, liorp ,HI tu the war of 1813.

t war ore left to tellone, Mr. John Poor,ntnofit. Mrs. Chris-

82, is quite ainnrt, ox-thfttBholaiaiLieiroin the effects of o fall

mt Autumn.'Tho wltooplng ;1> has been an opMemle

all nrc doing well. D.

Icinity of Duskii" April, nftor npper Ucrkalire,lnhtor farm for"Oh, my I linw

iliroso wu hear.Houry Spancor

;orgcou8 presout iblioltouB Oror tbi

in » boy.Mra.J.W. Bust

ins been matioat

rpO86H to roniovo to theIdge, ou or nbout the laticli Mr. I-'itihrrliort, ofII take powunalonoi'thoonenlngycar; ,

ful muddy," 1B tho lutont

tJia rtwlpfont of a mostthe fitli inst,, and la veryaniequontml ooourronoe.

of Sohooley'H Moiiatnln,[With friemla and rein-Ioyfbrth6puatwue.lt.irt Urnm, gavo an eduon-r RDhool home on the flth

interostuig anil instruo-

gyiffy for soino time

Jo tiio m. K, Vhi

0111 attending s

are, waa buriediinherufthcMutl

nitUe. Will HUI

Dr. Dullard, Vic

soy Statenext Subbntli iuohurub. Iii tbo o

in tinTho parBounge

Tuesday iii

g thia address he spitndilory BOWS> taffy no Bf politiDH, which we can

mt "long tongue pie,"ml ability of this manthough thepa§try of this»f," After working tliiBI'ottor brought Ilia speechan end. Next.


EDGINGS!which will be found ver/ acceptable to the Ladies by rea-

son of their quality and price.


roll lost Sundayl

uingit "Pnul and Silas inig, "The con version ol

mud UIIHI hindered many. Nu iluuht tlicse whoKumlny uris woleoniod

rs. Mary SlltHO, ngeil 02Tuesday. She was ftat chinch for over forty

lunt, iiuil hcartoil, goodrturo wBfl in peooo. Two

roh hnve, died iu twor fullow uoxt month.

Preaidcnt of the Now Jor-co Alhauoa, will proachi i h M h d i•ning i»


inp; ho will oddreao n un-reabjteriiiuoliuroll.l *oolety WM well attenu1-

Great praise ia due tiny ^unmlttee. for tliu outertaintnent provided.


liost Tuesdaylock, tbe b iiwdor Co.,

At tho oyatur 1Mt Thursday ni

i E JllT

AKZVILLE.Sht, about balf-naflt eightnlll bolonging to tbo A. D.ispoverod to be on firo. Itroom for drying saw dustty tbo overheating of the, Its timely dlncovery bybo gaye the alarm, enabled

d tbo Homes, so hut

About thirty t mveTBbuB aro reported inie Newton U. I ™ 'Wantage township, one of tho L.

iBhlpa In BUB IOZ county, has not h BIplellnqoeat tax-

Two bojfl, agfrobbed a Btore Ind bare been

r o g gpany, for $8,(KXmltlBDotrepoj

Esq., ot Nawtc

jdone.ipor nt tho Baptist Churuh

itwo1nnrntheytoukfn437.if llopotoong, isqulto fliek


twelyB and sixteen yeKrs,Nwton Ihe other nfgbt

publican has completed itsall its fotura years be an

mocessful.Eamor las H bat BoiSea T. Bonatos has

brought «nit egi inat the Oxford Iron Com-f $8(KX 000 W h t i t h e b l f

d ron C.000. What isthebaaliOf

dRev. Dr. Kolt pastor of the Presbyterian

lourca atWasiiDRtCD, hudeaidedto ex-ilads tetmaatei vines fromloommuoloaier*loes la bis ebai oh hereafter.

John Willing of Bntnburg, Snracz Co.,laugbtftflra aid&haU pound pickerel ialbs Sana poof, reoenlly. Inside the flsh

welgbing three-qoirien

Marlin Orawk of Stonp Bidgf, Bnmexted to commit • suicJdo byfab treetbsnit jilted him.

f ant him down and broughtworld ho TT&g so nnxious to

9 of tbe do i t of tha Kevo-i n p t b t l ) present Uno, tbe lawyers

_ iiTapnwtocd In Boaaex coaatf saw.oer aixty-flve. Tho oldflflt member of the

•, at the pra ent time U Di<rid Thompmn,*bowA9Sdmltted in tbe

JoYamber tan i of tho Suwreme Contt of68S. Tee second oldest member in Dattol

}]0 waa admitted ia 1811.lember is 3iVatioU J. Swayxe,

buys a boy'a e:


O T ra, Tan,17 sort and I* (n ao• the luoat tanhieH

JutobL. Swayza.

DO OratireBS wngoo at Derry'i.

on'i Orlvnial BtimT P l l d

f HamlUoni Orlvnial BtimFraoMaa, Tan, PlmnlM. andrt and I* (n aomytajurtong

Mon«y Is a Rt mt car* fnr *thlnB bnrtu, tint _—— —••— •l.piKxtpluMaon aa schlns tnothit*W.l

lob ra. tliB leut effect. In rut. I'otb-bat IfemUtott'* Twwliwlin Umps,ntod to flora Inaunrolnqte. rricn

• ~ l r t K i » D

J03IN ©AWEsUtnrant oa Blsolwell tinvt aUnniBTMAS TOTB and COSMC-ther with fall linen of tohaeou,

Canndd Gnods and OytttraDTRallon. Order* promptly

BeaaoDaule tenaifcrboardcri.





If 1011 have a COUEI> 'or cold me XX Coutb Srrnmade at


If rou bare an ache or pain me XX CampliorCream made nl


XX COUGH SYRUPIt Hie belt remedy made for Condi and Cold>!aa

hundreds can le&tlly; made nt


XX Camphor Creamwas never known to full in subduing pain. Try






call partlvnlar attention to a very Hue •tovlt of




MEST iv 'run


• ' I " ' ASH TUB




Xloatiug HaTTOvn, Cul-t ivators , &.O.J &C.

,. di-slrrd Kro• Amiil,-tt*


atlcirtrti it< rJ (jr/i>i-flficttlrmct



^ TRUN1AN, t'LATT * . CO., Owoga, Tloga County, N. Y.



S E G A E S .


iioiiRia conNTy ^ O E N T r o n


Sclool Furniture.

J B. PALMER,(>oc,-Ea.on io)

BEEWIER & PALMERit tlio oltl tilainl,Ill cnutlniift Hm Itusilicfifl

uJ tiiibiivor to ltMti a laiunilH in liia lino of tr.ido. c

COAL AND WOOD!S m u t o n ami Lctiif,rti of nil H I ^ H ; H\H, r.i-

i awed RUU pnllt reaiiT fir iini! r,l\w.. <>,, h.,,,,1.

Flag Stones '• Curbing,Orders iroi'ivcrl an.l contractM tiiluu for l.iv-S aidewtllis iiml Bubtiiifr oaib. ami uii ntliVrirk nqn l i ln f i Blue Htunc will !>,• ],u>m,iu-tended to .

MASONS'MATERIALS!Hard nnd IMt HricS, Ume Ceipu.ut r-ti

iliwd Piaster, Hair, Firo ami Pro.ltBrfcfc, J iro Clay. OUKTH wilt bfi

IiromtiHy filled nt I o


Saw MB10ootdI lOMontd wood L ,,)°.





a-Iihinn •>« *u ien,linnocn.l»i,tVtaitoilP t. li,raran.» , 1.1,In tinh»loon,Jiuli,.

Page 4: UNION HALL BUILDING, NOTICE BtMOyHt - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1884/1884-02-23.pdf · I 1 V2. I 2 WKB. 8 WH8. 1 HO. 1 Ill-1 ... vtI L be


A lift) >*r,r full ofUtnL'» UvitduR •A fa i thonly tivavtin uuultl kwi»i

A hope well illuming my 4ay t ime ;A tovo keeping w«t*l. while J »tety

&. l.lesand, y d no ttred ami w<w,v ITbe " roany ll»i«jjt» direful abmii"

TIID toiling ami sjilnoiiig of H U M ,"fill! '-r IIHHIPIIH

So Ulrgawl, yat no imriffltiFti to IilewninHo troubled, and auxloiu ami triod,

ttolfrievrfnttUc grief* that l a w hurt me,

I liuton, Aeut Lord, to Thy aide.

A l»ir.i tired nut will, ite flying,T< t lougint! fur In'iiiior uji *kyi

A uhi.tl wenriuil tint w.tli it" crying,

Would yet ga U> H* Katlicr and cry,

U Futjlicrl Thoa knowuat my weaVum,Thon Ituowoat my ».tin peiil ami miiall,

Tliou litimeit for all «f Hie wniry,TbyjchilJ 1H worth no tiling at all.

I I'riuff Thee the tauitlo ; I mwlo It,Th^tangle ol H(b, Father, MM?—

It is knotted uud twlstod and brtikcD,

Ob, stralgHten it oil out for me!

It lias grown far loo dark hiro to fli it,My jwor eyes but RCIIO witii the strain:

Hut iittlini)*upiu alot-y 'tin l i f t e r ,Ou.JBtralnlitcnit, Father* ogiiinl

I know tliut the iiiglit in for resting,That darkness] uliows heaven above,

That the "BouUliJitlHfiillloatlictlilioiiey"

The lungry IOUI WtteraoaB lovoa;

80 lielp mo to TOHI iu tho night time,TboU|(li fllouda lililo my lieavni anil TJ10

Auil wlion I enn't help it, "ilciir FntlifciPear Father," come help it for me.


I t is ft cold day when ft Wnrrcii countynfHoinl doeau't get nil tha t is coming to Mm.—Uactettfltown Gazette.

An ontarprising German nt Fhfllliih

hatching chicki-us by Bimui.Chaa. Doiitiy, of lit. lletlel, Warren county

iran cuttiug trees, when a Intge Ifrol) fo'-l, andutriking htm on the html killed him.

J>on Ahbctt WalUrs Inn lieen eliriatonoilat Hojie, Warren county. His father will be''reworded" nu tho grottuil that he In one o"the "worker*" forLeos.

A Hidden death is announced in Bcottyitown. Charles Lefler nwofcc to find life unl;child, a babe uf four luontbn, dead. Mrs. he-fler had foil it opou retiring i.nri iiotWd uotliing imasufl] in its niiiiottrauco or actions,wfto liorror-ntrickcn to find it dend at her sideIn the morning.

A liDti drawn Aaron* (lie middle of SCo. beginning at a point an the Delawareriver to an even point ou the Mnrrin tuH M , would ifiow tfuit ntnrty fwo-fh.rdi oithf as«wicd valuation of the county In on thonorth aide ot tho lino, notwithstandingfact that Newton would bo on the South tide.

Where Charity Harriett Oat Beatty,

A short time einoft, when Charley HcrriokorstanlajH-, main Wuhlmrton, M. I - Ju .prior to the downfall of the groat organ eliinfhecaltt'dupuiithtillon. Daniel F. I t wthin waf, fa*™ Charley;

"Tho Hon. Daniel V. Ileatty, MayorWulungton, New Jersey, United SUtesAnii'iica, I believe."

" Yen, bir," smilingly replied the great advertlscr, "aud there la no other name In tlioworld that U read and used on raucli an that.1

" I nni Borry to differ with you, hut I .mint,1

Bold Charlie." How BO," wild tho Hu.vor." Why, wliero is thorn u place in or ont

civilisation that you cannot we or heur uHcrrluVs pilla aud plasters." Charley wennp one,—Suwoi Uefiietor.

A HBW Freight Looomotive.Mr. Chnrloa Orahnni, Master Hcohii

the Deluwaro, Lnckawnnna and Westernshop* at KiuRHton. Fa., recently tnrued nuturw Mogul fn-itfht ei,«tnp, whioh laUiocijrlitnfneli.M of engines l o 1B building, and o•wtkh ho has three more under way. Tbecylinder* aro 10 by 21 judicw, (he ill*wlieols nre 51 Inches diameter. The hoilor 1Bof 0 tin •Wei, tUo firo-ho* nheota aro cgated ana nro 10 feet long, tiie width at tit.fire-box Wnt;:ai.nolie«. Thero ore IBS flm9 Inohoi outride diameter and 11 foot 0 inoheilong. Thcae ongluoi burn onthntilo ooitt.—Railroad ti&iette.

Statement of County Col

Jector for three months,

ending Feb. 12th, 1884,1BS3. BEOEUTti,

Bthuce l i s t r e p o r t , 916,732 IT,M ov.10. r.. H. Hincock, J. F.Ohit*

ham TonoibipJ.A, Olift, J. P. Morrii do.E.J- ADdenoo, Comptroller

1100.000 ipproprmtion 4,135 25M. V. W. Cook, lor oldbHdRo

pUskioldJDcc. IS. P. L Cook, do. do. do, 40 in

Z. B. Bnlth, do. do. .lo, 3 00J. T. BBbont, do. do. Jo. 615ff. 3. Brittio. do. (to. do. SfflJ

13. W. H. Howtll, SliarilT, finoa 73(100II . Btm't Tipnett,Tre*i,I'oar

Homo Committee 10,3317. DlYld 8. Allen, Collector

Binddiph Tawmulp. in_ laUrorSUtaKhoofui B,OTI»91. E Hammond, Co). Doontoa

Townihlp, in tall for•ehool Mia county tax 0,570 St.

£ . P, Beicb, Ool. Book»wiyTbwnihip, In fall fargchool taa count; Ux 7,797 50

TL H. Bum, Col, I W U -DMTowDihip, in foil for•elMtot BD<1 Doantf tax 1,887 7!

31. E Dnffbrd, Ce\ Wishing*ton Towoihip, Butereboot Ux . _ I.1SU3

I. B. Qrcen, Col ItotuutTowptSilp, ou accountMtliQolUx 1,50303

38.1), a Allen, Col. IUnaolpbTQK'P, county Ui in full 0,59901

O, M. t»nnlnR, Ool, Ohtl-b*m Tewaihip, in foilforuliool Ux 0.74B09

31 Cafkey, CoL M' Oliio. Tomnblp, m fall for

Bn, MKeet.oonnJ i P. dwdii, OoD


i .oonn l j lu 3,12311*

3. H. Miltodgc, Col. Mnot.Title TflWMlitp. in fall for•ehool 'nd coaatj Ux 3,511

31. W, R Ifonoiu, Col. Jeffer-•coTowi.»llp> lull for

'•BohoolUx ljai__Do. on icot. oonnty tax 1^66 08& DnlTonl, Ool. WMU inn-

ton Toiraihip, on icoi.county Ux 3,00000

UM.J»n. 8. L.Prtdea, Col, Monli town-

thip, in Inll for wlioo. tax 14.0S314Do. on toot, oonnty Ux 10,916 BSM.n.SntritoB.Ool.Btaonr

Tovaitilp.lnrnUroreeb.•••:,• • t u 5.173M'•',' -..•', Do. nn ktwl. oonoty Ux fi,L»SB8r • X . Butcher, Ool. P.uiiiia

; , Xurnihfp, iu (nil for• . u l ioo l lu 1,87433

i)o.0BMoct.eonatylK 1,821107W. 0 . Norm»n, Ool. Jeffer-

(ton Towniuip, biliooe ufcoanly Ux

a W. fT. tfref a, Ool. BotborrTovnihlp, l*l»ooe ofIChool t u 47318

tf03B57U, J. D.Iindaley.Ool. Hnodlum

, Xpwnship.b fall Tgnoli.

*" th, oa uet, ooaatr Uxl o l t Fntden, Col. Uorrii

8.000 00tax15. C. H. Htntr, Do!. Cbeiter

TowniUlp In fall tor

- tWonieel.eontily UxB»m'l Tlppett, Treii. Poor

0on*a C'ommlllraW, Q. M. Utmlnft, Gol. Clut-

; bim Torafbip. oa stct.ci-ontjtix 0,30800

3*. V. B . Green, Cut. Roxbarj".- • Tuimibip, on *oct. oonnty

'-• t ix • 4784391. K. OwfceT, Col. ML Olira

Tofftublp, UbBH kxtanty- - 1.00000i u -. .„„

FflbG. R A. Apfir. Elita Bopt.t' aict.^wle iehool Ux f,

d l l l laict.^wle iehool Ux f,.dlilrlbntlun 48,705 fit

S. J. P . ttndtlur, Col. Head-, U^^INp. ou «*.


ol. KorrUUl.ocontTt»x.Ool, HmoTor

H o i . i l . IMJD L S i o '

] & V, T&qrbM

?. Tbuiber



IBD. 8. W. Ii- B . H»TCU


Hoary Deviiug

JM."». A. B - U o p h r

r. I4.PiI.lG. A. Heeler *KK»Jon. O. linck U 2S

IS. JotmA. Cllft 52 It10. Giiorgo8il?er S™M. William Mnrtinid ? If

1>C.13. Dr.S.W.Owni 10 0

?«n. a John A , Van Orden M »»10.3. A. Drake 29 A

n-O-Coruwll lB-'OO

r. 14. r » i d I I . W. Mathe rSamuel Ti|>pet(Wm. V. lAeiAttJamei &< Carrel

Wm. ' j Brillon.Tamea C. r&««or

Deo. IX W. W. OookWra. E. KmcP s l e r l . (took

'». J«moi H. O . m lD H W l l


. 14, r»irt S»Uonal OnionBanknote duo 1 ,1)001X1

H.Do. do. d.. ^ ^ «

Nov. H . Falil J. B. Becra ft Oo. f 20 0015. J.rritina Brown 7515

Dec. 12. H. Ii. GftiriHon 25 00Iku-don & Ciift Sfi (O

LJonhaallrovn 03 39Mra. L. 0. T « i 28 W

i, TlieDoTerPr'tluifDo. 69 DO..HuroiUBllATilljtr _ ^ W

( 3 a f i W

1KCIDESTAU.NOT. 14. l'al.l Jocob Biuon (50 00

O. •W.Jeokiui.aal. 7!iOOLewi»E»tler. " 100 0OIF. n. Unwell, Sli'ff J.01* i»Wro. H.Eusk-B 21H

DUo.l3> J .A.D.Bke. lm. 10 60Edward Killer B(U

Jaa, 10. J. A. Drake, ln<. Q3 7024. OeorK« U. Hw»in 20 DO

J,E.VaDW»Bnet 10 00Fob, U . W . H . Lambert, salwy 2M 00

— - — f 1,891CODhTY »«L AND OQUBT HOUME.

Nov. 14, P a M J . Crnna (1 .5 00C. F. Axttll, Trens.

Mort-iPtown Zi 5515. ff. H.HowHl , Sheriff 131 25

George W. Smith 0 13VoorbetB Bros. 14 S313rnv A WUto 145 00JimetD.Siittrgoc 9 00JameaDouclai 62 40Morris Aiuuduot Co. 10 73MoinitownOaa.Ii.Oa 29 50

22. Pruilea it Durko 145 00Joaeph York 20 4UJobQ Don mm ft Cu. 25 H5VoOTh^Bros. 18 03JIorriH A(]iu<dtict Co. 8 60MmriiitawuGii.iL.Co, »4 60MallhiasPlam GO 00Tlieo. JtiDgileb 14 00

1R84J a n . 3. Ddlrvmple ft L inddcy 210 3D

lQ.A.K.Vootlauea 250Otllfs iOctKhesan ..MOJOWorriB AquednotCo. 000" " ~ L.Co. 3810

LOXiCT.Jan . 24, PaidEngcnu Vanderpool,Te. t3,O99 S31863. IKTEHEBT OK nimpLpi BEVENOE,Nor. 27. raW Hehoti Carter, Co). (140 »

STATE ICH0OLTAX.Jan . 24. Paid Geo. U, WngUl, fil*to

Trettnrcr, t5UBSH__ATE FOUOOL APPB0PEIJ.TIOK. ($100,000]

Nuv. 17. Pali! V , H.OroEtt, O«l. f2i»2 GOSI. L.M. T^nuiDB, " 292 4«

J 11. Vim Dorm,Tf . 402 1HEd. P . Beach, Col. C14T2Divld 8. Allen, Ool. Mi 40

23. W. H . Beam, " 1(13 TO24. LotL Prudeu, " 102 02

Clifts.8. Norriu, Tr. 2312527, Nelson CsKtav, Col. 170 ua

Elijah Boffoi-'d, " 2'MQUI Doc. 1. John D, Lluthluv, Col 133 TO

Sara'IB. narrlson, " 25104i. ls>ui» Koldior, " US UL Wm. D. Norman, " 105 08

C.H.MIDK, " a»«2 i JohnH.MUleilgo, " 110 95

1883 COP11T EIPENflEa.Nov. H . Pali] 1. B. Oenung,

Cunnliible, mooEd. P.Bmm.Oou. 42 50

IS. Wm. II. Howoll, Shoriff 13 99" " feei 002IM>• " costs M5G0

.Tohn' .V.mbWtt .Cm. 63 NlH. B.Brlant , " OSUJ. P. Ilollotr.r, 8 80It. U. Van Dyke. . 3 GO

Deo. !. FranolnCiiifd.JnclBo 166 DO4. » . W, DelHcker • " 100 00

12. S. R. Tan Voorjieea 6 Hi12. W.W. Beera 64 00

Bavlfl WriBfct 3tO1881.Jan . 2. Frsncia CliUd, Jurigo ISO 00

10. Freenmn Wood " 110 0024. W.t t .HonRll .ahori f r 100 60

J o h n W. Dnhhitt 12 0031. F r i n c n CbiW, JudRtt 106 Cfl

F « b , B. D i n i o l Morjraa, Oon, S9 007, A m l d w B . fllBh " S5TS

C i v i d lUnnGvillo « 80 WO. R, Van Voorlieei, Oon. 89 00Ed.P.Bmm " 82 SOJames rf. Frost " S9WW m . H . Howe)l, Sheriff 0816Obtxi. Snight , Stdnog'r 80 00LoviH H. Lone, Con. 85 75

8. JOB. B. WiiiUnw " OS 0012,053 9fl

1833, BLtCTION.MOT. It, r*fd If. N. Oonrter *7 80

Araog Q. Wolverion 6 00AlUri Amerman 7 60LawiuW. LaoKdon OOO.Amoi Leonirtl 7 SOGporBo S. QBrrabrant 9»Eobert QanabraDt G 00Natlunm.lJiolier OD0I.fcwuB.llor ? COHecryH.Ljon 6 00D. D. Tompklna, J r . 0 00irenrrBcardmoni 1020C.F.Axtcl) 6 00David Miller 6 00M.T. BwaoUiimor 000Frank M, StephoQB 0 onAnt lion v TritnmorJoaepli 1J. ParkerR.FDniTordJoliQ V. WIBOF. L Welsh

15. H. A. Pn«man

11. D. Bri .nl"Im w. GoryatiBrlea 0. OATIBF.P.OarterBonrr W, YouaffBaTitfo.NicholB,Jaha L. TV«ogl.David E, Bookorcr

16. Fotar 0. ToltoaTbotnMl" '



Albert Vsn ToortiHiihmiB Milel.ci:Job T. Hill

17. Jibn B,aib»n19. Charlei Bi Eiglea

Jeramo B. TTonng22. Etoorge W. Bower

A. W. ODtlcfWm, H. BensonL. F. HaonwH. O. Pitney, Jr.OliadM mUr

23. 3. WelllBgton BriintU. John A. DrUnt» • KftnbBl H«BO

OHM. OuwnborUinWm. Ooble

38. Eliaa CraterJ im» F. Dnrland

Dec l.aeotjjoH. WolfeJ.Fr.nkllMo

7. Bftmnol P> Roorao12 nsicr A. QiCntid

Wm.O PiCdtntnEaBenoO,Hoppii.ROhai. LowHenry A. WjlleNelioii iSatmon

13. aoowe Colilett

710sss600a «ton7eoooo0(0toogoo



10 20750000ooo

1100BOO7S0000600900OOO000BOOgooaoo600A. P. Oltter

10. 8, D^ker.nn . . _John FUrtey 0 00

» . Wm. H. Hoirell. BhcrltT 811221. John O. Halt B 00

John C. McGrttii 0 0028. Edwiti 8. FUuay 1020SI. Wm, H. Hue 1020

1S34.• i. 8. M«h1on Xlnnan 1060

5. jDhn8panro,Jr. 0009. Cortt.iUm Vroel&nil 10 70

J a c o b F F o r c e 0 DOJ a n u i W. OtvrapbflU 7 GOA.E,Faifoblld 9 40Qeo. B.Bmilh snnBichlKl Tomkina

1883. snwam.too— wara

John F. BlKcoIS. B. U. Euoock

Dljrlou Bildfflo• m m Oorut

t l U O lWctaclUcOnllFttnck UnrubrWm. Barke

1881. M. lljanIn . S. Tlio,. Cnlloo

W. H.SajnD.W. Biidwln

10. J o t o R 81.00

1889.[OT.U. FUdbuenilan

N.». Cr.nntOo.Ttoo. mnthlb

10. Biree) Miller

Iu . 8. obu. o. Bravn10. Jobs Kr!l«y


0U37SO 001900

1» 01atas10 93iffl

II OD(1011130

1717 00I8BS. . n a u t u nnmntp.;OT.ll.P»lilA.Il.Hoplor I 1080

DutnJi Kellsf 38S4718. JohnBibl30. J.W. FruoiMO

B.n. Forrell1884.T . a Ohll. O. Brown

11. k. tax


1J3 75U71


[0>. H. TiiaA.D, Hoptr 1235 00HnujHurtirrllls MO 00Jemmlib Biker 1UO0

Dec.U. A.D.tUl!Bon IT (a



1883 ttAKPM-rH TOWKHB1P.Nov. 14. PaiJ Julia Kallflj I 300 «t

Ifl, F raukOiM )f«K)ft021. A.BwIorer .Jr . 83 (Oas. Jacob D.Bouuetl 1 «

5 00




Timo tatilo Tar puaonger train', to t&ke ofleel

>l,235U1833, OaliTBD TOKSiBIP.

. 1*. Pftid B. C. Pituo? «27 WttT. O1JTE TOWKuHIF.

J<»)>n B. BoJil *lo54Den. 12. W.r .Atao 16 501H84.

Jan.0. J.RnihBmltli

fAH'AId TOWKiHIP..U. PablUMOintl Ortm>a f4f>27

J»bnMcO»th MS2Dec. 13. Joi. leonard a 50

Win.FJDtiiuiaw 4 92Samuel Orlman i.140Ciim P. Grue 31 00

20. l u a c 8. Ooalter 598 20

u,9. A.O. Cornisli10. T.O.4J.V.B0DC

Gefirgo Brown

4 58WOO26 DO


Nov. 14. PftiJ HopU Kelley 1100 00Tbeu.HfuriulbJacob r".Cirev

Don. IS. Theodore Buyro

Jau! 17. Oeo.W.Uowoll

4iB15'12 W20 00

10 00



f. 14, P» i J Quo. B. Bmith *71612ll*rvey KitoheliW. O. D i i o nC. V, N. Hiridnrif. B. WalkerThen. RhKllcli

Dec. 12. Hftrvev KitulicllJJin'l OrantiiHiOOA. M. TuttlaTliotnia B d a n

20. TUomm BjardTl ica BIU«1D1L)

1B84.Jau.!) . Goo. B. Smith

37 7040 0025 00SJSO

510 00»3G


mw101 00103 234S3OO

(. BOKTVItXK TOWSBHIP.M 4 . P * l d Jacob Zeuk »W75

Jalt'is D. BiirnoU 7 B5John ami Sauinet

Blower* 06 40G09. B. Smli l 72 52

Id. Goo. J i co tmi S9 00

•23052BOOHTOK Tom»fDIP.

r. 11. Paid Tlios. Bjard $334 83!. 20. 41



. 11. Paul Qua. HtlfTman (15 00i

1883 tr.en.aeaK xnwssnii1.Nov. 27. Paid David A. Maso f2100DPC, 29. J . J. Fielder WOO

US6. OLM. O. Brown G00 00

Total Brklsoi , • .I1O,SH1G

1883. COtlXTX POOR HOUSE.Nov. 14. Jolw U. Adftinson 11Q 00

O e . W.Jonkhu, Tr .CltlMrcu'd il'fino S13 M

I). D. Tonnklnt , Br. U 01Jacob Z« t 1 0 1 9William Bio.vnl'al'k OnnnloiliilnP. CajwoodHauuel HopklmL Bbpllener

pL. Bbpllenser(Ktollne V-,nrlua<W.B.TornklmJolm I. Eopp

lB.W.H.BO>MtF. W. J .qui

10. Quo. Bicliards &Co21. W. n. Qroflo27. David F. Sliino

Deo. 11. J. H. AuamiouL. BkelloneirO&tlm r a l i c e saamtitll. Sopklu.P l i l uu a<?»oodPal'k OuQnluobani

U 0110019

i 7 &315 08

5 0033 00

10O D313 0033 074120SSOO

1H 0014 01

BOOS7 «78 00

138 8312 00WOO


Jaocftsuuuaaiiil Cittmlur; tlio l i u s s t i HailriAi ^n , t i r Jou . rorAuJoTet ,Nowtonnida t le iLiouB, t i i e l l . , L . & W. U. B . a t Waslilugttutittauakt Cituak,Wator Gsp, Qiiooiiubud c r a n t u u ' l l iuKliaii i ton, U l t ca , Kicbll

o m e t , O c r i l a n d , Byraonne, Oiwft | L o k u f a n n ud U l oind points DO the LaokavranQ* »._

uiiri, and Ueliwaru and Hudsun i.siiroaus;.UoatieuilUpiharB vlthLelilfth VulkjlUil-ruAd and Iitliislt and SuBiiuolift»ua ituJroaOfor Bethlehem, Uauoh Oliuuk, Bt*d!nj{ auil

P l i l uu a<?»oodPal'k OuQnluobani

20. Babbi t t ft Bay H)SdAn.llo.Hldiol.lCo. 1200Uno. l i ekmod*Oo. BO 808.8. Vion B80JOta. W.Jenklm, Tr.

OlilldreD'i Home 2510331. Joienh 11, Williams 30 00HI. flr.D. 8. Ayrca 1000

in. 9. Joun H, AdimEBDOon, B. SmllbL . BkellenRorCharlei P . MorrilWilli B

50 oa12706981


IS 00tm

' J. D. Kltisaland 00010.0«oW.jenklBi,Tr. 31S4O

B.EAIno 70010, JOKpllB.WIlllarai 1300

William BrownOarollco YotxbcclPlilneai OaywoodJohn I . EoppFal 'k CiinnlbsliimBatmiiif [i. Hopkin*J . D. Kitigaland

Total e |italauco In Nat. Union Bank,


EXPESDrXOllESSar/tofl»bll.oSebool., 1 1Pout HoriORlH, ?frml.ol.tr. . SIotereil anil dlieont 40,A l W a I I t l 3AilrorlWogiioa ITIutlw, 39680tuailentaU, 1,59178Oonrt Bonn •odOonnlrJall, 8,188 »Lauao;, 0,090 83Interest onSnrplr.Btto?flnne 118 85Stats BCboolUl H,I83 9D

" *' appropriationH0O.O0O

Cmrl Eipcnie,,Hostloa,Urldgos.onl iPmrUams 2,S08l

124,44099Bilanoc eiBb In Nat. Uolop Sank, 83,178 SI

4,135 352,953 01


1207,219 SIDno from Ool. Obi t l iamTp, ISJXK Of

•' " " Hanovnr '< 800 00" " " Hendlia&l" 428 87" " " Buxbury " 17188" " " W u n H g l o n T p . 78416Or tlio iiuoTfi balance In Bank, 118,703.61 be-

lonoB ID the Pobllo Schoola, and note duo toIUnk 17111 ol this month 120,000. loavlnR t ra i lnljlo balanoo In Bank Fab. Mil,1881,114,013 81.

WM. U.LAJlDEItT,Count ; Collector.


»ml ill work in Mrble and Orauita. AH workof Urn beat order and priopg reaBonable,



Nursery and GreenhousesSIOBOH ST., 1IOBEIBTOHN, M. J .





Thorbnrn's Flower Seeds



af Thomas Scarlcs,deceased.

PtjnSTJiKT totbs order of Iho BnrrogatLof tbc Count; of Morris, marfo on the

utflnt y-flrat d»j of January. A.D. one tfaonundoigbt hundred an I eiftbtj-foBr. notloa Uhereby gtnD to all poriond baring elaimi

JOt the eiltifl ol Tfaotnai Searlet. Uto atntr r M o i d d t t th

tucJOrit the eiltifl ol Tfaotnai Searlet. Uto at,the Ooontr or Morrii, d»eeaud, to preibtit theMine, voder okttt or afl.rmit.on, to tho unlvtcrlbor, on or before the tvraaty-flrat i.»y of Oo-:

loborntat,bcfaKtilQB monthsfrotn fhodatoofiaaldordor;anilanjcreditoriieglMtliigto bringIn tod uliibit hia oi bw oUiin, ondar oath or.fflnnatioD, vilhfa the time >o limited, will hnforever barred DI bla or her aotioo theretortRfclnit tbe AdmlniilralrU.

Dated the tweD.j.ftrat daj of Jaonair A. D.1884. KittOAHETA. SB AHUM,

AJmblitTatrix.Bouaansiu, N.J ,

JOHN DAWEbaa at fall. natAnnnt on SlwilnrflU rtreet aJliiejtodt pi' Umuimas T o n andConKO-T i o m u r ^ n t i i e r vtln flill iiofea ol Tobaofloa,Segivn, Canoiek. Carir,«cl Cooda and OTBterabTthBl0o,qnAnorB>llon. Orders pnmntiv

FiaauoEa aTAXioita:Ix HE* foaK, foot ofLiliertr St., North river.IK BBooaxiJI, (Brooklyn Bridge Pii;r.)la F H I U P I L F I U , depoti 9lh and areon, and

8d aDd BerkB Sti.npTBarxt.


Sew York ' ' 900 ' l!ooBrooklyn It, IMton at 8,15 »•»"

Gor Btb aud Green Bti. 830 S.iB" M a o d B i r k B " 8.80 8.80

Trenton.. . . 0.05 4-WCrk W <•»»EbBabstli ...* 0.80 4,87BonndBrook. 10.09 5.88Hit-hDridBe 7 .H 10.65 0.10OhroB ." 8.0011,08 « »V , ; , ,. 8.0911.H 0.118Uiddle TllleT B l l 11.17 0.83toraan T.II»r 8J» 11.25 4.16 0.89

Rliriolit 8.M 11.30 1.10 0.43JS?"".:. 8.J5 11.80 4 91 0.10Flandera 8.1111.48 4.30 0.55£ , " ? , . . . . . . . . . . . SM 11.44 4.98 BJS8DriB«B»illo 8.» 11.50 4.38 7.01Boon' 8.U8 11,63 U l 7.07TortOram 9J18 1101 4.51 7.17Swer 9.0T 13.07 4.57 7.31B k a W a r " : Arrlte 9.15 H.15 5.IH 7.80


Coleiuan Business College,707,70S, 711 * 71» BBOAD ST.,

OpPMlln Centre Market,H E W A H K ,

necelmalanerLOOtX ana SATI0MLnatrocBBe oombiued tbaa any other Oommel-oial Bchnol in America.

HieatteudaiioQ from E«et and Bdjoinineconotlea la double that or any home Behoof,and It employs more than double theteaohera.

Write for tho lineal icliool catalogue erer< ™ 4 OOLEMAS t PA1UB, Proprletora.

DOVS I B a n a .



.«0 lii t.a» i.ti«.2» 12.07 8.38 8.51«.U> U . I 3 S.81 6.6!• • « 12.13 8.41 6.086.4112.35 11JI0 8.18 6.166.03 U . a l 8.G3 0.106.68 12.89 3.58 « M

?SS4S tStSSStS4.28 6.68*.33 1.115836281-17 fi-WitttM

Tnntati " 9.8S T.1BPhilidelplifa

Cor.aJiinilBerkfl " U .« S"^'• 9th Bti.l Qroec " 10.07 S.05

Broaklj i i f t . Fn i ton B t " 10.00 7.001C.30New York " »-5Q 6-50 8.37

ChesterGorman Taller

6*50 8.05 11.00 S.E2 OOO7.06 8.20 11.18 J.M C1E

Traini ICITO Keuvil for llinniedik atid t ' k r iHopaionnc at 9:00. l . «•; 13:25. CslO p. u. Torill nat ion* to Ogden at 12:35 P.M.

OaavcyatiCL'8 can be {VPCUTBH a t QorniscValley lo and from Sclioolev'a MOOBUIII ( HiPlanueri to and from Brnld'n Lake.

EJBTON CnHNBorioJ.*.—Ooimectlon la madeat lliub Dridje to and from E a i t o n .J. E. WOOTTENjGcn. Manager.

n . P. BAT J ) WIN,Gen. Eastern Pa is . Ag't,O. Q. HAKOO0K, Gen. Pm. A T'o'Ji As ' t


(H0BBI8AND lidUEX DiVIHIOM.)Depots in Now York, fool of Barol»jr Bt. and

roototClirlaiopberBt.U H l ' S G E M l N8Di!USH Alil .ASGEMliNTS.

OommODdns MONDAY, JUNJJ 18tl , im.L E A y E K E W VOItX.

A l J ' H O A . JU. tJittHiOii Ala.l T ru iu ) , oou -motiug willi me riDuiiU.li llranuli a t Dbtivllle

Jiuontoii; tbu OiieaierUrauoh atUovorfurcftsuuuaaiiil Cittmlur; tlio l i u s s t i HailrimiJ


At »'»« A. U. BitJSlurnlm Mail (Dnwlnfllloom Oira Hituhed) (ram Netr Vorli ria. l'at-urBoa and llooDtoa, rum tlirougd to ft'&teiGap, dn-oudaburg, Houston. Greta BomlAudBiugtiatuloa, uoauootiUK til Dover wltLJLesttir Bailrwul, »t Vfntetloo with fiunscjUiilroid for Atuluver, Newton and all sta-tioun : at DeUware with BUlritown By., alkjriaW.withuloomnbarBpivIrilourorrutB.ou, KlngBlon, ffilkoebirre, Dtuvllle, North'

ambttrlmcl, i o , Pusiengerb tabiag thletratufrom New 5fock,P*terB(Jn and Jioontou

ocnceol »t Wubtngton with Irain foi...JlpBbarg, Kuton, ilctuloLup. Ulentoio,iUrrieburniudpolnte oa tbo Ijeb^li Valley,nod Lohigli and BOBquobanna llaitr»i]B j ali'liiUiiiiiiUif; with BelviiJore Vimloa ol PA. U.U-forLamburtviUe, Tnnton aad Philadelphia.

A.t U.oe A. 11, Buffalo and Oavego Eipreit(Drawing Boom CUB) Water Gap, Htromlii.iurg,9crNUtoii, Binguamtun, OIVBKO, Ithoca,WBverly,£lmlra, Uouut Uorrls and Bnthlo.AIBU Byraoaso and Oanregu, oonnectlng at"lugliimtou tee Pitoa »url Siolifiold Spriucs

At 1040 A.'II- Dqyer Aooommodation.

bi^,ltorai.tni»tu.aoUns at Bcrufon v|Ua Uwt. 4 H l w n i a gII. B. farfitlitOR, Wiomtog. Klngalonaal Wllkea-Jlarrs. Pwiracen faking tlila tflin ftom IfewVork.Ittwtonmd Booutoo oan oonntotatWub.inatonrtth train Ho, I.

LeaveNewIom ata.30 P, M (Ballon Ex-preBi)oonuocllng at Waterloo for Andover,Newton and BranohTillo. and at PbUlipabarcnltb liQblgu Vallev Ballroad and Leblgb andyasqufllunc* 3, it. lor Detlilobt/m,Allentown,EleadliiK tnd Hkrrlibnrg.

*i30 p . M,, U.tor Eipreea for Summit(BernirdiTllle, JlasilDgrlfJeu and all polnta onPiisalo acd Dolavraro Baltroad.) ubatham.MadiHon, MorrlBtown, Morna Plains, Oenville,Hookaway aad DoVcr.

At 8P»0 I1, i i , (HioietUtowu £xpreoB)atop-ulng ai UllbnrQ, Sammit, Ohullmui, UaaiHon,MotriHtoffn and all atatlotu nest to HackeUn-uwQcoDci l t at IVatoiloo vitlt trait

tindovannilKeffton.TiOOP.U.Oivegoaud Boffnlo Ex. ttom No*

York (aUoping oaraattaohed) via. PateiBon &SooDtou through to Water Gap. Stroodibntv.aonntoii, Bin'jrUairitdn; tJald, Harathon.Cort-lind. Homer, gnapgaonjd OdVefto.AtOlngliamtOQ vim tf»(n torOreene,OiIora,

Marwfch, Bjobtteld Sprlogi, Gtioa, *o. Thistrain rana tbroogU lo Oavego $nffoli> anilKiohltold 3prlafii (but m t to ftkaca) SnndaiuiorDitifii,

At Ti*l p , U, Doior Aooommodiition foiUbatbam, Uorrlitown audDoter.

For Barnar^BTllle, Bftukingridge, Lyons,}UtatiUOlUttSerielevEelBhl

aadalTatat lona on Pkua io and DolawaroB.B. (N. J , Woit Line Itallron-l) 7:60,10:10 A.M. and 4:80 and 5:20 P . U ,

A. BBABONKR.Saperfntenderit.


Trains arrive and deparl from thii stationai foliowa:

ZUTB0VXD A.M. VUTJIOVXP A.M.Oanega Expreia* G.3&Dover Eipreai 7:00Hackettilo7uBxp.7:lEaatcn Eipreis 8:43Dover Acootn. 11:18

Elenira Etp.* 1:87Eaeion Hall 2:44Osnega Expresi* 6:07Dover Aooom, 6:60Buu"4lo Rtproia* 6:07Baaton Aoonm. 8:8fl

Blnub'toQ Usll*Buffalo EiproBB 10:27

Dover Aooom. 1EutonExpma 2-.00Elmfr* Eiprast* 2.-39Eautou Eiproea t:2BDover Exproii 8:9)

tati tno E i p /

•Via. Boontoo Branoh.

CHESTER BRANOH :WEatWAlD. WAtlOKI. BiytWA.M. P . U , A.M. V.K16.21 7.00 Ciieiter 6.00 3,5010.11 fl.69 Hotton 6.07 4.0010.07 6.47 Iroula 8.19 4.109.67 0.43 fiaoMmsna B.17 4.309.47 6,88 MoCtltiiTill. 8.90 4.809.85- fl.80 FortOram 8.3S 4.609.80 6,2fi DOYQI 8.S3 B.00

JOS. TOREwill poilHtely BCII Slorei arnl bis foil fine orHOOM rorebWitfi: Goods at w r j twtrlrn1.*lthey coit, for Iho parpoiB of roauatng; liUImmoDie stock before

His Removal, April 1st, 1884-,to flis Dftr Ihroe-alor? Brick BnUdlae, whichho Ii now ewotinff, and nhlahwlll to epooUlljndapud to hit eodleii variety of goods,

Oppante tlin Telagnpli OiBae, BdjofolngWMbiiigtoaHBll.KDilcloietotbapnbliopark,10-tr M o n n i B T O W s . » , j ,

RUPTUBESUand by Ihe 0OLT4N0B' METHJD in from

80 to SO daji wltboot tpring t rnu or lioppfngwork refiwdlcM o r aoo or period of iffltatlon.

" " " "Eoi05, aia

OrcallatFreDob Boo! flottu),otitK<alta thePreibrtoriai! Cburch. ' "" 39-1,

Notice of Settlement.Notice Ii hereby glren tb^t tbe aecoimti ol

tho inbicribci-, Admlntitr»tOr of .Robert Gor-don, dcCd, will be andllea u d Blated by tbeBnrroirBtn.and nportetl for Bcttlnneni to tbeOrpbtaB' Court of tho Oocnty of Morrla, onMoodu (he third Ja j of Uuoh next.

JOHN P. GOnDON.D»t-a Deo. 111b, 1B88, 4 0w


Neil to Pardee A Oltrk'i, Blankwell Btnet,Durar, Ut#«tumnlMrt«eitfddaJljl P»rii,London and Mew lurk foiliion plate* •TUTmonth I 8tyUib»itB,4to.,TnadcUiortIerirtt£


OYSTERS!and EATABLES el all klida mpjlied at

" EMORY'S"Favorite Restaurant,

Warren S t , Dover, N. J.


SMl'l'H & ECKHART,iyfS to I r a O. Onciper.f


jutrota takun and ipatorlala fornlBued hr


OHIO on Horrli lltott, n u t to former I u >Ena bulldlag, Dorer, N. I.



fttill matutaiuB LIB ropuintion far tfieping fullunil comploU) tttouks of


PROVISIONSof the beat gratJos) ales


Stiangcra vinltlDB Dover aro lovitDd to call andaxuulna mj- good*, popular prlcei plaoe Jthemwithin tie iBteh nt Uioie vbuiewowM »ro limlled,and my Boo auo i t tneu t cinnnt fall tu u l n a e »nd--"-% tlio moft oritlwt iivjon. JOUH ABNDT.






Seeds and FcMUlzeia,











7-8m DOVBR. • . J .


UODHIS Oocim OBPEW'S COCBT.In ibo matlnr of tbs sale of JHL<1I or AlpheoB

Bccmer, deo'd, for the payment of II.B ttobta.

BY Tiltnt) or an order of the Mcrrlt Count;Orphana' Court, cnlcrod in the ibovt

iU.eil matter, on the third day of Dceombrr,1883. we. Exocntoraof Alpheun Docmer, dco'tl,aliaJI sell at pabllo vcrnloe at the hotel of I.Q. Jolley, ID Dover, on TDE3DAY, Ute clfih-tconth flay orMaroU, A.D.I8B1. at two o'clockIn the aflornoou, the folio win B dtdcrtbort [olsor parcela ot land ind prommei, witli tlm tp-f>ar(eaftDce«, I?tiop the t&aie deamttcil in thrtifJ order, tint n to «ay: thoso litres lots uiparcola of land and proraliea, iitnntuin tlmtoTOnbip orilandolph. In Uie Oounty of Mor-rii and fitato at New Jersey, iioattdcJ »ml da-»otlbdtl aa loWotn:

FlEaTLoT-Alotofhndsilatlolnllamlolpbtownship, ftforeunl, near tlie DeUwsro, Luck-iwnniiai WeBtorn Uallroi.il Oar Shop*, En itDover, irliercon aro ilireo tonant IIOU^CB, de-icrlbod in a <loed from Jo*oph Scales loA.plietlt Boomer, clalod April 20>h, IBS), oon-tainlofi about four acroi orlfjinailj, nnt ofwhich, bowe?or,e&id TJcDmercoovojcd one lotto Mich*- lO'Ltngbllu.MUl two lota to BichaidTerrlll.

BIOOXD LCT—A tract of land knoira ai9sjro Faim, cnnttfnlng about furly »or_ _.linr], ooovejed to AlpbcD* Boeiner br JotiJfrom Aaron B*JM. datod At.qo«t 31,187C, undreoordfld In the Mnrrlii Oannty Clerk1* OlUcclo Book O Q ol Bocdi page 517, An.

THIRD LOT—Tlio tionio and lot sitniio onthe aoatb aide or Blackwoil atrcet, in tlie townof Dover, now occupied b j llargarot L. ficcmcr» a i t om pnnthftieil bjr tho eaid AlpheoaBoKPerorMoMtD-'ty.hydeod dated Falirnarylat, 18ffl), and reoorded la tlm Morrii CountyOltlk*a Offloe in Book H 7 ot Deedi. page 321,

U i l f f aboat 8,300 (qnan font,


Zucatora of A. Beetner, dco'd.l S


(huttBLX WILL. BBbirx,)


Qool acegrainiMUtloai for ptmaoent an3Iranaloilt boirilori. GOOD TABCE. Iaf^POBJSD AND DOUESTIO LtQETOBS, WIVK9AXDOiaiBa. LITEBV BIAILZ WILL USADDED. , j ,



Jirrat from a n mllla In VEItONA, N. J., wUoh ire aett if tbs

— Y A R D ATV3O 3POX3Tffr>.——

We a n pomiraontlj located at tie atom fonurl; oooopled by SATHAH HoDAVIT,



—PRY QOOBS^11-at leu than the wholesale prices of regular roods. Call and

examine -»ur goods and prices,


I - .10-Iraf.





tfr HAOEIHElty OILB Wo take ploaaare la iatrodaoiDK to the trade our mloQB Rrailo Bof jfaohlnaryaodotlior Hearf Oila. 1h<m ?o&]« are mactafiioturod bj. usa tour mtlw, aon.aenuently we gire them tlio bonoBt of our iiaraonal enperviBion, ami guarftntoo tliem to ginperfect BaltBfaotloa, botti In quality and price, or no Bain.Bz t r s Kttgme Oil, hriok Pressed Oil,— - • - • • w B Sperm OU,

W.B. WnlqOi],Tallow Engine Oil,No. 1 Engioe,Vat Engine Oil, Prime Xeitsloot Oil,S M l l Oil N l H t o l l OilSperm Machinery Oil,No. 1 Machinery Oil.Dirk Lnbricttlog Oil,Railroad Lubricator,Shafting Lnhricator,

No. 1 Neatatoot Oil,B. Headlight Oil, 150°,No. 1 Laid Oil,W. Pure Salad Oil,Prime White, 116°,

Dark Oar Oil,Sperm Packing Oil,Extra Packing Oil,

"Pasaaio" Dark Oomponnd,Boiling Mill Grease,Axle Grease,Sperm Signal Oil,W. Slrained Primo L«rd Oil,K. HeadliRlit Oil, 150".P. Water While Oil. 120°,W. While Cotton Seed Oil,W. Yellow Cotton Seod Oil,Qasolino, 88o,QwoHne, 80",Painters' Oil,

Orown'Y Wool Oil,Stainless Spindle Oil,No. 1 Spindle Oil,Steam Befhied Paaaulu Cylinder Oil,

A.Kos^im HOT: P r o m l i u u S a f e t y O i l .B8- iLL OPR OUS aDAB STIiBD STBIOTL ppnE. -fft

XQB XoSIRaiH OIL Ob., WnABF rooT or TIJIBO Aye, ffiwAax, S. 1.

Doodoripcd ^aptban, all Oravitioa.

CARPET WEAVING AND MAKING!The nadenlened will hereifloi-devote &l) hit Urns amlatlootlon to the OABPET bnaiutaa.

Firnt-cUsn work ID all klnda of woivlnn; an'l tb-j maklns offolt carpoiB. Highest e u l i prloipaid for old net. A Ions and extensive kuowlodgo or the bqalncua oq&blos mo to do tlie boslwork fttid i i t i i ty . t l l aaa tomen,




Poriitlvo movtDR poppet valvca. Mo IOBH from friytton, no wai t s In port* by elide or 1-0U17, air lutlactlOD vatvea. Hl^Iioitpossible par ooct of lroo air . Koonoralor.1 aud durable. Oi ta-logtie on applfcatian. (Fa i l ; eooErotl Ly pateuts.)

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Fluei Vertical andPortable. Insurance policy -with each.


T H E DOVEK LUMBERoffers to builders the bosb opportunities in the purchase of LUMBEBoi every grade and doaeriphon mdwling LOW PHIOES and the greatadvantage of having

•Lumber Worked to Orderby machinery at the place where it is purchased, greatly lessening the

coat of Wilding by tho grpfit saving in manual labor. Oara took always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of every description, and especial pains are taken

to give satisfaction in every partioular,GBOBOK HiomBDS, Froflident.WM. H. LAKEIET, Beo'y and Troas

I. W. BtABtrto, GOB'1 Manager.

CENTENNUL BUILDING, 215 & 217 Market St.,

t n t l r . ..oi.BO coat ot Fall Courao, lnDlndniK Ilnoto, atitmncrr elc Ml S ™ 4 ™ ' "• '•EoBroBBiug t'A Card WrilluE cijoutod iu tLo IIIBIJCBI BIJID or apt

H . MTJIVEY, A. M., F r l iu ipa l ,PItOF. AMOS ALLOWAT, Ponniac. * • W * W I N K E R , SMratary.

Hamburg Embroideries!

TEBHUNE"TFREEMANliiTOon Mlfl nuoof tbo olioloeat BeleotloBB of


E.MBROIDSRXHSthat t||Cy li .ve cror eliown »nd at pricey fuili

10 to IB per can), k i t Uiau a year apo.TOEUl BTOOK OF

Corsets and Ladies' Muslin

Underwearii nnetealled. and at Ibolr mual loir prises.

NOTTINfiHAM LACESla aoti anil t j tUu jinl.

Swiss Curtain Drapery, Scrim,and all klndi of

WINDOW 1IAX0KGSin im>t ttrlelj, Tkdr atoek of

Soap Factory for Sale.Tho Soap Factory of 8. P.

TomMns, at Horriatown, NewJorsey, will u aold at publicauction, on the premises, on

WEDNESDAY, Hnrch 5th,1884,atl2o'olooknoon. Property inoludes factory buildinglouse-hold of lands, all neces-sary machinery and implo-nunta, oomplete and ia goodTunning order. Establishedbusiness. Oood reasons forselling. For further partiou-lare addroBs Li D, SOHWABZHorriatown, K. J., or inquireof Mm any Saturdar on the

| premises. 9-5w

and Shirtings

7 a nnoAD ST., rawA.nn, K.;.


nUylattiia tlte oaao that tUe menluiuu laoil eitiea mako preparation far an laereaudtonand In alj g j h W te

l l o t A , lBtove, tho LerilI U tBtove, t

AIBO, a Ur

u i H i , Wooden, Ooi>per. l'Uin and JajtaiTISWAHH. Oil (Jlotlii. Oan>otB, LaiPaints end Oile, bird Cages, FcatbcrB.rriAit ra l Oil {noli oiploaiTO.) AUo, ik'feli-iGOA.L. B«ifiB(t, I ' )«IJI I ; I I I« and Job Workiromptlj' otteoded l o . F&irhank'u Hcalcs atnatiufocturer'tt jitlccB. ' i ' ln^ almi liuvu oue»f tho BIIQVO acaiiifl iu front of tlicir r l a ro <i"mdbCEi tor public w.iiulifng. Old Iron, Oop-ior, Br t sa .Lead , J.a(;n %nA Groonbu^ku ttAtiQ eicbiDRO Tar gaodB.


AJiio, m^nafko lnnr i of Btinnell'a HoH-Tlght.e«ing ffiro bjiriiiK Iifd Bottom.

g HH.Dlreattjaflerthe liolldar fmHam u n

bern nrioV, and th« more or lua perlababtapiwnta ban hum euhaogtd, Ua, erf,,,hoaaokMp l over air atpplj ot Imae.


Another Solid and Very Inter-

esting Fact About

„ . Ej?yiit was fort'(jotling n barrel of "COMMERCE'1 willoaasc(i him to " CUIIIIIHO" asfollowri:

BAfiK, Mow E s ^ p t , N . J . , June 12,1OiiTiLi.* MII -UKO Co.:

GENTS :-Dnri i iB the p»at 27 VCI,.-B I li».^aged all tbo promititiut brands of FLOOB buthave novor before found ao nnihtrm a quality

tliB "OotninorcB," no porfeoliy .ulspU'd toy hind or pastry mid cauaiiiR oat* iifilulibDrg

__!ortooic.aJin '' whutbezutiliO orea'Jiy whitebuacui tand bread you nlwaya Imve t u d euob,na!;reeiibleiaBie.

I a;j] now asing my soconi] btrrc) mid.'tirfii! It woa.d not provu BB ROOII as tlio otherbut It oaonot ba utcallcil. Oar merchant did

TB rcveaia " £(n homo." Ever? ounco ol*. .IL alike. I n tlio Drat cITatjloiiB of a young

gltl'safTeotlouB " i t ' s juat lo ro l? . "

. .uOrs Btrnnpon to yoa but fitaanoli fricndiof your "Commorco" Flour. I t IB a mlufortune (or t o y (si^ilj t> b« without i t .

JDJIt ; S. .UJI.LO.'H,Qpnil Mai)'g'r Qakfqrd park ,





E. A. Wllkluton, Pr*i't,


incidentally under th i s l e a d . W, 8. Babbitth u , M naual, la hia largo d r y good, l t o M

ft larger (upp ly O f houMfarai ihlng g o o d i

than lie generally cwHes throughout thayea. . The fov itema he ILM g i , e n to ua forthe 1>eueflt of our l ady tooAeta wilt t e of in-' g t l o i h o s o o f them who ore houMfcfflpe,,. expect anon to lm) oven if t h e / oro nnln-tflUlgiblstotlKJ miijority of the stenitjr aei."—iiral oases of a good atftnikrd h p a a d o f

]p«ched MiiiBjiH, Duch at is uwd tor heavy>tinff, is sold a t flevwi oenti* a yard, and

I in Hid ifiuue jirojiortioii, aa rfgardu quality(I r""!<w, the Viiri<juewii,(.Iiao{eh(!Btiit| l u a y

1'" iHiiiKhl. I11 Uoavlied imidln hia btook in

'cu [.t'oiicii to l;o very laicgo a u d -viiricd,nil 11111 ru-id'u are willinut doulit low wlienItriiiid of niiwlin which o. few weetn ftgo>ld for twelve vmU may BOW he purohaiei]1 HitiiilT (,r ltirj;(> (inttiititieB at ten cents,Wt-. w<i|-(« much Burprised with tho great

aridty of (juiiiitit'B IHH. jjottome dlflplaytd j B

tnt)]L- liiimiH, un ar t ic ls uf which the thrift j,i<>)i.H>[)er in alwnya not a little proud,liMUi jJk'o Ja «oJd a t tiTentj--tiTo valUn t{

il niid iipviurd, wMolt Mirtninly ahowi

luittornH uro rniowii. ' i lio iltimiuik hoginj atf.irty-fiVB ofiiita mtd euda a t fl.35, and l a snirioHH widths, (junlltiei mulpa t tc rna . Tlietraw.vm to ho by fi.rj,h« Imst for nntual \?our 119.tihlo flcitlw. The vorlotyofblcaoLed linou*\iv. 11H lurgc us urt; foiiud iu any Btor« in KPWIITOM'I ,re HCP idiViruiiid, ai»l ccrtHiitly t te f ttiiuiuH to l»r uo IHUMOII wlty Buy howaukoejmriliusld g« to Now York fur her linen, Ths>r(«-8 of t lie .i.i'ftcliciB IlnoiiB ut Sfr. Babbitt'sifint »t fnrty e^Bta mul run tij ift.SO per yard.i i inc uf tlie be t t e r gmdoa—tlml, 1B, abovu)evM.ty-fivo cciito—soein more Hke^orltHOfar t tluiil ti.i.lo elutlia. Nayklnn aro made toiiuitoli the cloths, ao t h a t if you weie toptit^Bhiwo a table cloth with 11 equlrrcl .rUVinsuhout it a t regular inturvalB, the projior cnjiorvaultl he to .iavo tlio little wji.irrela fib MugubaiMpnyouruRpkl i i t .

Mt, Buhhlt t la tely hnd a whole show win-dow in the front of fa.n Btoto devoted to Hueutowel1 oud tho Htiicku rouelitja from the lloortu tbc colling, Yot tlila nuiimut uf liiictitowels wore fully rejireBoutod in I m etook,

•1 l.o was nhlo to funiieh iluztnti wit lion tinterfering with tho display iu the show win-dow. Ho hiiu liitcly oddod to liU nln-mlylargo fltock of towt'ls a n d ie fully itrtjiarcd towant tho Wiutt* *f tho many. Towels «raBOIII from (sight cents oucli to twelve dolluraa dozen. A good article for UBO may bo hudlit eiglitcon ccnta which ununlly ic iada for u([iiarter, and Inrgfi, heavy linon ualh towola

re sold for tw«nty-five eoiitu uiicli.Tlio hlankot* wliloh he Bt> largely edver-HWI, aud whioh Ida custom era advartintd

for him, an) gi-oiitly rodiiood iu quant i ty DtidVBulitary ntnoka j,tantl in tlio plncct, of

Into imuiciiBO cneea.2Jr. IJijlibitt tnkeH his euaiial ijivfsflfflfy («

Fohruary nnd Luioro t h a t eypuV trauitlpti'B lit*ill endeavor \n w\\ liia d.-ogs ttootla ut arodf roduction ra ther than ca r ry thi?m

through tho giiiuintT. He informs m t lmtilreiuly Hie roduetloua jus t inado—in manyuataiie^B th i r ty per <jciit. iuwl mor&—hu.vo ro-

duoed tho BUO of » good numy pieces of d r p ^goods- while of a lar#o porUqa tho tiluQO \hs,\

-) k^ew thoi^ a(u (Hfeii Uy RtWf.gqmUi



PLAMS AND 8 P E G I 7 I 0 \ T I 0 N 8 prepared

for all kindi of btUIdlisRt, and the conntrootloD

ol bnUfllDga •nper ia toudsd .

Will be t t b i t offico In Dovor, Si Floor ol


BH, from9:30l.x. to5$f)P.u.

GEO. MANNInvites a call from all bis frionda to LIB pttcton CLINTON 8TJREET, nhctetor theiTuamemeutlie lias *

PINE POOL TABIEand a well fitted and complete

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEY*H new and [a perfect order. Mao. tbo boitL&OEESt,Qd other diltiks, and tbo choicest8EQABS. All wbo raror no with a call wil"and tkeroioUes agroBably entertainedwril treated. 5E0 MAN


LAGER BEER!on tap a t R E I L L T 8 , BUBBOX St.. Dover, K. J

opp. MQllort Qpon Hoaao.








I hare closed myMusic Store for the(purpose of gettingmystock ready to sell atauction; after whichI will devote mywholeatfcention tomyfactory, which I in-tend to run on fulltime in the Spring.


FOR.SALE.Th» lam torn aa-tkBOlatleaKtog tal



Isaac N. Doty & Co,




SALE,Ladies desiring to avail

themselves of the extraor-

dinary values we are now

giving in DRESS SILKS

should lose no time as this

is an opportunity that will

not again occur for a long

time to come.



than cost of ntannftiotnre,


169 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, N. J.

NEW BAKERY,Confectionery and Restaurant,


FRANK E APGARicHpeetfully announce a that lio hns opened Tiif

I new l-laeo in the Hnrdin Building, next toI tlio Chester House, nud la now roajy to sup-ply tiiu pablio with all kinds of Uakery jiro-dnotanud n very fine. HUD of Coufcotiouer}-i.nd Cuke* for tlm llolidar trade, in hie rrs-taurnnt OYSfEES will bo served, Sue amitreuh, ia STdry style, ^r flnld t y the nnBrt or100, nnd LUJICI1E8 -will be prei-ared at piifliour of t t e day or dyenldg* A dntTli fe-

-V Bp'fepialty (a niailp pf eupplj iug wedding,]iftrti«e r.nd lull, with all l t t ofent^, »ndotter edibles, M r

Notice of Sottloment.Notice iBaiorsliyiiWeiitlut iho uoonntt or

tho BoLaaribor, Adminiatretar of Ir» C.Ooopor, (leceaseil, will bo daditod »nd lUtedby tfiu Sarrogatfl, anil reported for gottterBentto tho Oi-pbanB' Coart of tho Conntj or Mor-ris, on Monday tho seventh day of April nest.

ISAAC W. 8EABIN0.tL188i 99ff

R. F, JOLLEY & Go.,SHIRT wwmm.

- A N D -


831 BROAD St.

NEWARK, 1ST. J.8IOCE Is ioa-«al«.