unit 1 biochemistry, properties of water, and enzyme review

Unit 1 Biochemistry, properties of water, and enzyme review

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Page 1: Unit 1 Biochemistry, properties of water, and enzyme review

Unit 1 Biochemistry, properties of water, and enzyme review

Page 2: Unit 1 Biochemistry, properties of water, and enzyme review

1. Which of these work together to break down something?

a. Sugar and glucose b. Amino acid and Protein

c. Fats and Lipids d. Enzymes and substrates

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2. Which of these substances with the following pH is more acidic?

a. Substance A – pH 2b. Substance B -pH 8c. Substance C – pH 5d. Substance D – pH 4

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3. Your saliva measures 7 on the pH scale, it is a(n) ___ solution?

a) acidic

b) . basic

c) . neutral

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4.The ___ property of water helps in the formation of soil.

• a. capillary action • b. expansion during freezing • c. evaporative cooling

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5. Laundry detergent typically has a pH of 3 which indicates a(n) ___ solution?

• a. acidic • b. basic • c. neutral

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6. The ___ property of water removes heat helping to cool your skin through sweating.

• a. capillary action • b. evaporation • c. cohesion

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7. One of the properties of water is that it is polar. Why do you consider water polar?

a. It is clear.b. It is transparent.c. It has charges (positive and negative charges)d. IDK

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8. One of the properties of water is that it has surface tension. Why is this true?

a. Water is polar.b. Water has cohesive and adhesive properties.c. Water has capillary action.d. IDK

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9. Which macro molecule stores the genetic material?

a) Proteinb) Carbohydratec) IDKd) Nucleic acids

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10. All organic compounds contain which element?

• a. calcium • b. carbon • c. chlorine

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11. Is water an organic compound?

• a. yes • b. no • c. sometimes it is and sometimes not

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12. Which macromolecule is made up of amino acids?

• a. carbohydrates • b. lipids • c. proteins

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13. Starches & sugars are both examples of which macromolecules?

• a. carbohydrates • b. lipids • c. proteins

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14. Fats & oils are both examples of which macromolecule?

• a. carbohydrates • b. lipids • c. proteins

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15. What does carbohydrate and fats have in common?

a) They are both sources of energy.b) They are both from the same food.c) They are readily available.d) IDK

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16. Which of the following macro molecules make up your skin, hair and nail?

a) Carbohydrateb) Fats and Lipidsc) Proteinsd) IDK

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17. Which of these foods will give you abundant energy to perform well during a cross country race?

a) Vegetable and broccolib) Tea and Candy barsc) Spaghetti and Juiced) IDK

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18. One of these is not among the four major elements found in our human body are?

a) Carbonb) Oxygenc) Hydrogend) Calcium

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19. Which of these macro molecules help animals to retain or conserve heat?

a) Lipidsb) Proteinc) Carbohydrated) IDK

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20. Which these molecules help in building up tissues?

a) Lipidsb) Protein c) Carbohydrated) IDK

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21. Match the following macro molecules with their functions?

• Carbohydrate a. Build tissues

• Protein b. Slow Source of energy

• Lipids (Fats and Oil). C. genetic information

• Nucleic Acid d. Quick source of energy

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22. An enzyme speeds up a chemical reaction and can therefore be called?

a) catalystb) proteinc) Iond) atom

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23. Which of these factors affect enzyme reactions?

a) Heat and temperature.b) Salt and sugarc) Protein and carbohydrated) IDK

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24. Enzymes are specific because?

a) Each has a specific active site for a particular substance.

b) They can change shape and size during a reaction.

c) They speed chemical reaction.d) IDK

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25. Enzymes are a form of ___.

a) a. carbohydrate b) b. lipid c) c. proteind) IDK

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26. Enzymes can speed up a reaction, so they are called ___.

• a. catalysts • b. reactants • c. inhibitors

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27. The area where the enzyme attaches to the substrate is called the ___.

• a. active site • b. cohesion area • c. vectors

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28. Enzymes work because they lower the -

a. chemical reactant rate b. active site locationc. activation energy

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Answer key1. d2. A3. C4. B5. A6. B7. C8. B9. D10. B11. B12. C13. A14. b

15. A16. C17. C18. D19. A20. B21. carb-d, protein-a, lipid-b, nucleic acid-c22. A23. A24. A25. C26. A27. A28. c