unit 1 - foundations of america - explorers main idea3 europeans interest in the new world

Unit 1 - Unit 1 - Foundations of Foundations of America - Explorers America - Explorers Main Idea3 Main Idea3 Europeans Interest in the Europeans Interest in the New World New World

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Page 1: Unit 1 - Foundations of America - Explorers Main Idea3 Europeans Interest in the New World

Unit 1 - Foundations of Unit 1 - Foundations of America - ExplorersAmerica - Explorers

Main Idea3 Main Idea3

Europeans Interest in the New Europeans Interest in the New WorldWorld

Page 2: Unit 1 - Foundations of America - Explorers Main Idea3 Europeans Interest in the New World

Part 1 – The Spanish and Part 1 – The Spanish and Portuguese Reach AmericaPortuguese Reach America

• 600 years ago new navigational skills and technology made it easier to sail farther.

• Gunpowder allowed Europeans to create strong armies

• Interest in trade in Asia (spices) and Africa (gold) encourage nations to explore other lands

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The World in 1400The World in 1400

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Prince Henry of Portugal Prince Henry of Portugal (1394-1460)(1394-1460)

• Established a school of navigation for sailors and mapmakers

• Collected information about stars, tides, and ocean currents.

• Under his direction, the Portuguese began sailing southward, exploring the west coast of Africa.

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Lands explored due to Lands explored due to Prince HenryPrince Henry

• The west coast of Africa will eventually be the staging area for the African slave trade many years after the

Portuguese began

exploring this area

Not even I knew what

was beyond the equator

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Henry the NavigatorHenry the Navigator

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Christopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus(1451-1506)(1451-1506)

• Italian navigator who sailed for Spain

• Thought the lands spotted in the Caribbean was the East Indies, he called the inhabitants “Indians”.

• Made several voyages to the Americas establishing the first Spanish settlement there.

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The Adventures of ColumbusThe Adventures of Columbus

Early Years Later Years

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Ferdinand MagellanFerdinand Magellan(1480-1521)(1480-1521)

• Portuguese sailor, led first

expedition of ships around

the world in 1519

• Was the first to circumnavigate

(sail around) the world during a 3 year, 40,000 mile voyage (only 18 original members survived)

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““Gelling” Around the WorldGelling” Around the World

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““Gelling” Around the WorldGelling” Around the World

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Spain vs. PortugalSpain vs. Portugal

• In order to prevent conflict between the two nations, the Pope created an imaginary line that divided the New World between them.

• This was known as the Line of Demarcation

As a result of the Treaty Of Tordesillas (1494) the line will be moved 800 miles to give

Portugal greater land opportunities.

Portugal got the Eastern Hemisphere

Spain got the Western Hemisphere

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Following the ExplorersFollowing the Explorers

• Following the explorers came the conquerors, missionaries and colonists.

• Conquerors defeated Native Americans and seized their lands and riches (gold + silver)

• Missionaries hoped to convert Native Americans to Christianity

• Colonists looked for new opportunities that did not exist in the home country

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On The Back!On The Back!

• Create a 3 circle Venn Diagram and compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Henry The Navigator, Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan. (take about 5 minutes)



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Europeans vs. Native Europeans vs. Native AmericansAmericans

• Three things will help Europeans defeat Native Americans

• Technology (gun powder, guns, cannons, steel)

• Native American rivalries (recruit Native Americans to fight each other)

• Disease (Native Americans had no immunities to European diseases)

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The Columbian ExchangeThe Columbian Exchange• European explorers and settlers took plants and

animals with them to the America’s.• They also took plants and animals back to Europe

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Part 2 – The English, Dutch + Part 2 – The English, Dutch + French in the New WorldFrench in the New World

Spanish Colonies

Portuguese Colonies

As Spain and Portugal enlarged their empires, England and

France thought it necessary to develop colonies of their own.

As a result English colonies were founded.

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English Colonies – Jamestown English Colonies – Jamestown (1607)(1607)

• The first permanent English settlement founded in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607

• The first colonists hoped to strike it rich by finding gold.

• Within the first year about 2/3’s of the original settlers had died.

• With the help of Native Americans settlers learned to grow corn and fish.

• Jamestown will become rich by growing tobacco to be sold in England.

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Capt. John SmithCapt. John SmithRecord this on the back of the Jamestown notesRecord this on the back of the Jamestown notes

• Was elected leader of Jamestown in 1608

• Ordered that settlers build a fort and work harder to build good housing

• Rewarded hard workers with food

• Made an agreement with Powhatan Indians – helped them fight enemies in exchange for food and farming help

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Images from JamestownImages from Jamestown

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Jamestown – Video ReviewJamestown – Video Review

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The Virginia House of The Virginia House of BurgessesBurgesses

• First representative government group in the American colonies.

• Citizens of Jamestown elected people to represent them.

• The House met for the first time at Jamestown July 30, 1619.

Copy this into your


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The Pilgrims (1620)The Pilgrims (1620)

• Chose to leave England for religious freedom• After a 10 week voyage, 102 men, women and

children landed at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts

• Before going ashore, they pledged to themselves to self-govern, that all laws would need common approval and consent (agreement) – this was known as the

Mayflower Compact

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Mayflower Compact (Political)Mayflower Compact (Political)

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The Pilgrims + Native Americans The Pilgrims + Native Americans (social)(social)

• The Pilgrims survived due to the help of the native Americans who taught them how to hunt, fish and grow crops.

The first Thanksgiving

involved Pilgrims and Native

Americans sharing the bounty of the

fall harvest

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The Pilgrims at PlymouthThe Pilgrims at Plymouth

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The Puritans (1630)The Puritans (1630)

• Larger religious group than the Pilgrims

• Left England and established the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630

• Within a few years more than 10,000 more will follow

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Puritan Beliefs (social)Puritan Beliefs (social)

• Believed they were establishing God’s kingdom on earth and had no need to tolerate other views or opinions

• Church attendance was required

• Sought to “purify” their religion by making services and life as simple and plain as possible – allowed NO dancing or entertainment

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Happy Holidays Puritan Style!Happy Holidays Puritan Style!

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The Puritans – video reviewThe Puritans – video review

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Why Settlers Came to AmericaWhy Settlers Came to America

• Religious Freedom

• Desire For Land

• A Better Life

• Atlantic Slave trade