unit 10 review wwii

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Name________________________________________ Date___________________

Name________________________________________ April 22nd, 2015 Period

Unit 10: World War II ReviewThe fighting of World War I ended in 1918 when the Triple Alliance and Central Alliance signed the _________________. The next year the _______________________ officially ended the war and put all of the blame for the war on ___________________. The Allied Powers also punished Germany by making them pay ___________________ to England and France to pay for the cost of the war. The Treaty of Versailles also forced Germany to change its government. The country became a democracy known as the ________________ Republic. The new democracy was ineffective, and the reparations devastated the countrys economy. The poor economy allowed extremists to come to power in politics like Adolf Hitler and the ________ party during the early 1930s.

Hitler blamed the Treaty of ____________ for all of Germanys problems. Hitler came to power by following the example of his idol, Italian dictator ____________________. Both Hitler and Mussolini used a form of government called _________________ which was similar to Joseph Stalins ____________________ but had an emphasis on the building of armies and weapons, or ______________________.

During the 1930s Hitler began to violate the terms of the _________________________ by rebuilding Germanys armies and navies. He also reconquered neighboring countries like Czechoslovakia and Austria because he claimed they had Germans in them. The leaders of England and France followed a policy of ______________________ in which they did not try to stop Hitlers aggression. They hoped giving in to Hitler would satisfy him and prevent ________.

In 1939, Hitler invaded _________________ and started WWII. What followed was the deadliest, most destructive, and most expensive war in the history of mankind. Hitler had shown he incapable of being satisfied with the territory he gained, he even violated the non-aggression pact he signed with Stalin by attacking _____________________ in 1941. Like _________________ in the 1800s, Hitlers attack of Russia was unsuccessful because of the terrible Russian ________________.

In 1944 The USA became involved directly in the European war. America had been at war with Japan since 1941 when the Japanese surprise-attacked the US naval fleet at _______________. In Europe, the Americans, French, British and other _____________ Powers planned a large invasion of German-occupied France. The attack was known as ___________. The plan involved attacking German-held locations and forcing the Germans back to ____________, the capital of Germany. Other Allied troops attacked from Italian/German-occupied Africa and fought their way to _______________, the capital of Italy. The Italians were quickly defeated because of this campaign. The Soviets formed the third part of the attack, and fought the Germans back toward Germany. The tide of the war turned in favor of the _____________________.

By April of 1945 Germany was clearly losing the war. Hitler committed suicide and a few days later Germany formally surrendered. The Allies turned their attention to the last Axis Power country, ________________. Through the strategy of ______________________ where US marines would attack different islands in the Pacific, the Allies worked their way closer to mainland Japan. The US had developed a new, secret powerful weapon, the ______________, and warned Japan to surrender or risk being attacked with it. Japan refused and the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of _______________________ and _______________. The weapon was unbelievably powerful and killed an estimated 200,000 people. Japan surrendered days later and the largest war ever fought was officially over.

Hitler had tremendous pride in his country and felt the Germans were better than any other group of people. He wanted to allow the Master Race of Germans, or ____________, to spread all over Europe and the World. Hitler felt other races were inferior to the Aryans, especially the ______, whom he blamed for many of Germany and the worlds problems in history. Throughout his time in power and World War II, Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews of Europe, as well as other ethnic groups that were inferior to the Aryans.

After WWII ended the League of Nations was replaced by the __________________. They determined Hitlers attempts to wipe out the Jews to be a crime of __________________. Many Nazi leaders who lived through the war were tried for their Human Rights __________________ at the _________________________. This set the precedent that leaders would be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.Word BankReparations










Island Hopping


Atomic Bomb




Treaty of Versailles 2X






United Nations

Allied Powers





D-Day GermanyPearl Harbor


Nuremberg Trials
