unit 10: solutions · 2013. 5. 21. · 24 define concentration in terms of molarity, molality, and...

Unit 10: Solutions Chapter 15-16

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  • Unit 10: Solutions Chapter 15-16

  • This tutorial is designed to help students understand scientific measurements.

    Objectives for this unit appear on the next slide.

    ◦ Each objective is linked to its description.

    ◦ Select the number at the front of the slide to go directly to its description.

    Throughout the tutorial, key words will be defined.

    ◦ Select the word to see its definition.

  • Objectives

    18 Define solubility including the terms soluble/insoluble and miscible/immiscible; unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated; solute, solvent, and aqueous

    19 Define conductivity including how electrolytes and dissociation affect conductivity

    20 Describe heterogeneous mixtures including suspensions, colloids, and emulsions

    21 Explain how mixtures can be separated by six methods

    22 Explain saturation points regarding liquids and gases and read a solubility curve chart

    23 State Henry’s Law and give examples of the law

    24 Define concentration in terms of molarity, molality, and solve problems

    25 Solve dilution problems involving molarity

    26 Identify and define colligative properties including calculations for boiling point elevation and freezing point depression

  • 18 Defining a Solution

    Two chemicals can often be mixed together to form a solution. ◦ In this case, the chemical that has the larger

    quantity is known as a solvent. If water is the solvent, the solution is known as aqueous.

    ◦ The chemical that has the smaller quantity is known as a solute.

    ◦ It is stated that a solute will dissolve in the solvent This is not limited to a solid dissolved into a liquid.

    Gases can be dissolved in liquids (pop).

    Liquids can be dissolved in liquids (gasoline).

    Gases can be dissolved in gases (air in the room).


  • Defining a solution

    When identifying solutes, they are often

    labeled as:

    ◦ Soluble: will dissolve in a certain solvent

    ◦ Insoluble: will not dissolve in a certain solvent

    If it is a liquid in a liquid, the solutes are

    labeled as:

    ◦ Miscible: will dissolve in a certain liquid

    ◦ Immiscible: will not dissolve in a certain liquid

  • Defining a solution

    When a solution is made, the solute

    dissolves in the solvent.

    The amount of solute can vary.

    ◦ Solvents can only hold so much solute.

    ◦ Once too much is added, the remaining solute sinks to the bottom.

    The terms saturated, unsaturated, and

    supersaturated explain this situation.

  • Unsaturated

    A solution in which more solute can be


  • Saturated

    A solution in which the solution is holding

    as much solute as possible with any extra

    settling to the bottom.

  • Supersaturated

    A unique case where a solution has more

    solute dissolved than in should be allowed


  • 19 Conductivity

    The conductivity of a solution is

    dependent on the presence of


    ◦ An electrolyte is an ion produced when a solid dissociates into a solvent.

    ◦ If electrolytes are present, the solution will conduct electricity.

  • Dissociation

    Ions are found in solution when a

    compound dissociates during the

    dissolving process.

    Each compound will break into a distinct

    number of parts.

    ◦ Covalent molecules remain as one.

    ◦ Ionic molecules break into their ions.

  • Dissociation

    When an ionic compound is placed in

    water, the partially positive hydrogens of

    the water molecule will attract the anion.

    The partially negative oxygen of the water

    molecule will attract the cation.

    These attractions will pull apart the

    compound thus separating it into ions.

  • Dissociation

  • Dissociation Factors

    Each compound will break into certain

    numbers of parts when they dissociate.

    ◦ This is the dissociation factor.

    For covalent molecules, the molecule will

    not break apart so the dissociation factor

    is always 1.

    For ionic compounds, the compound will

    break into its ions so it is determined by

    adding the ions together.

  • Dissociation Factors

    Consider NaCl

    ◦ There is one Na+ and one Cl-.

    ◦ Therefore, the dissociation factor is 2.

    Here are some more examples:






    CH4 1 Covalent

    CaCl2 3 Ionic

    Ca(NO3)2 3 Ionic (polyatomic ions

    remain together)

  • 20 Heterogeneous Mixtures

    Not all mixtures will make solutions.

    Some are not uniform and are called

    heterogeneous mixtures.

    Two common varieties of heterogeneous

    mixtures are:

    ◦ Suspensions: will separate if not agitated

    Surfactants and micelles will make up suspensions

    These describe soaps and detergents.

    ◦ Colloids: will not separate

  • 21 Separations

    With the different homogenous (solutions)

    and heterogeneous mixtures that exist, it is

    important to be able to separate the parts.

    There are six main ways to separate


    ◦ Decanting

    ◦ Filtration

    ◦ Evaporation

    ◦ Centrifuge

    ◦ Distillation

    ◦ Chromatography

  • Decanting

    Decanting is a

    separation technique

    where the solid is

    allowed to settle to the


    The liquid is then

    poured off leaving two


    Image from: http://www.sciencequiz.net/jcscience/jcchemistry/practicals/decanting.htm

  • Filtration

    Filtration occurs by pouring a mixture through a porous paper.

    The larger particles are caught in/above the paper.

    The smaller particles pass through to the collection container.

    Image from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vacuum-filtration-diagram.png


  • Evaporation

    Evaporation is the

    removal of the liquid

    from a solution.

    The liquid is heated

    past its boiling point

    driving it away.

    The solute then sinks

    to the bottom.

    Image from: http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/evaporation.htm

  • Centrifuge

    The centrifuge is an instrument in which the mixture is separated based on its densities.

    The sample is spun rapidly forcing the more dense portion to the bottom of the tube.

    After using a centrifuge, the sample is generally decanted.

    Image from: http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/C/centrifuge.html

  • Distillation

    Distillation is used when two or more liquids are present with distinct boiling points.

    The mixture is heated to just above the boiling point of one liquid.

    As it boils, the gas is funneled down a cooling tube causing the gas to condense.

    It is then collected in an additional flask.

    This allows both liquids to be kept.

    Image from: http://glossary.periodni.com/glossary.php?en=distillation

  • Chromatography

    Chromatography is a widely used technique to separate mixtures.

    It is typically used for dyes and organic molecules.

    The sample is added to a mobile phase which is passed over a stationary phase.

    The stationary phase will interact with one part of the mixture thus slowing it down.

    As this occurs, the mobile phase pulls the other part of the mixture further down the column.

    Image from: http://www.waters.com/waters/nav.htm?cid=10048919&locale=en_US

  • Chromatography

    There are several types of


    Here are a few:

    ◦ Gas chromatography

    ◦ High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

    ◦ Ion Chromatography

    ◦ Size-Exclusion Chromatography

    ◦ Thin-Layer Chromatography

  • Separation Recap









    Decanting Yes No

    Filtration Yes No Uses porous paper;

    requires different sizes of


    Evaporation Yes Yes Will lose the liquid

    portion of sample

    Centrifuge Yes No

    Requires the use of

    another technique

    (typically decanting to

    finish the separation)

    Distillation Yes Yes Requires distinct boiling

    points; keeps both liquids

    Chromatography Not Preferred Yes Mostly used with dyes

    and organics

  • 22 Solubility

    Solubility describes how much solute a

    solution is allowed to hold during certain


    The solubility of certain substances can

    be shown using a solubility curve.

    ◦ The curve shows how a solute dissolves in a solvent given certain conditions.

  • Solubility Curves

    The line represents the saturation point at each temperature. ◦ For example: at 20°C, sugar is

    saturated when 200 grams are added to 100 grams of water.

    ◦ Any point below the line is unsaturated.

    ◦ Any point above the line is saturated.

    The curves often show more than one solute for each solvent. ◦ In this case, water is the solvent.

    Image taken from: http://www.btinternet.com/~chemistry.diagrams/solubility_curves.htm


  • 23 Henry’s Law

    Henry’s Law explains a phenomena that

    occurs when a gas is dissolved in a liquid.

    The gas in the liquid is directly

    proportional to the partial pressure of

    the gas above that liquid.

    If the gas above the liquid is removed, gas

    that is dissolved will escape to fill this


  • Henry’s Law Example - POP

    One of the key components of pop is the carbonation.

    The carbonation is caused by dissolving carbon dioxide in the liquid.

    When the lid is removed from a bottle of pop, the gas above the liquid is removed.

    ◦ This will cause some gas in solution to escape and fill the space above the liquid meaning less carbon dioxide is dissolved.

    ◦ After time, this will cause the pop to go flat.

  • Henry’s Law Example-POP

    The pop starts

    with some gas

    dissolved and

    some in the space

    above the liquid.

    Once the can is

    opened, gas escapes

    out the top of the can.

    To return to the

    correct relationship,

    some gas will leave

    the solution to fill

    the space again.

  • 24 Concentration

    Since solutions can have more or less

    solute, it is important to know how much

    solute is dissolved.

    This is measured with concentration.

    Concentration is typically given in either

    molarity or molality.

  • Molarity

    Molarity provides a relationship between

    the moles of solute and liters of solution.

    Its mathematical relationship is:

    Molarity = 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒

    𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

    For example:

    Assume each red dot represents one mole.

    Assume there is 500 ml of water.

    The molarity of this solution would be:

  • Molality

    Molarity provides a relationship between

    the moles of solute and kilograms of


    Its mathematical relationship is:

    Molality = 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒

    𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡

    For example:

    Assume each red dot represents one mole.

    Assume there is 450 grams of water.

    The molality of this solution would be:

  • Solving concentration problems

    Assume you 200 ml have a 5 molar solution and you want to know how many moles this would be.

    ◦ 5 molar can be written as 5 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠

    1 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟

    ◦ 200 ml would have to be converted to liters

    So 200 ml x 1 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟

    1000 𝑚𝑙= 0.200 liters

    ◦ Dimensional analysis will allow moles to be calculated.

    0.200 liters x 5 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠

    1 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟= 1 mole

  • 25 Dilutions

    Often, it is necessary to take a

    concentrated solution and make it less


    ◦ This is called a dilution.

    To make a dilution, a portion of the

    concentrated amount is taken and more

    solvent is added.

  • Dilutions

    Suppose a 2 molar solution was desired but only a 4 molar solution was present.

    ◦ Assume that water was the solvent.

    To make the 2 molar solution, take a sample of the concentrated and double the water.

    4 molar solution 2 molar solution

  • Dilutions

    The previous problem can be calculated mathematically as well.

    Assume a 500 ml sample of a 2 molar solution was desired.

    If this was the case, we would need 1 mole of solute.

    ◦ 0.500 liters x 2 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠

    1 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟= 1.0 moles

    To get 1 mole of solute from the 4 molar solution, we would need 250 ml.

    ◦ 1.0 moles x 1 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟

    4 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠= 0.25 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠

    Once we take the 250 ml, we would add an additional 250 ml of water to bring the solution to 500 ml.

  • Dilutions

    The calculation used on the previous slide

    can be condensed to the following:

    M1V1 = M2V2

    It is important to realize that the volume

    of the concentrated is only the volume

    needed. Enough solvent would have to be

    added to reach the desired concentration.

    Desired concentration

    Desired volume

    Volume of

    concentrated required

    Molarity of concentrated sample

  • 26 Colligative Properties

    Colligative properties are physical

    properties that are affected by the

    amount of solute rather than the actual

    identity of that solute.

    Two of the more common properties that

    are affected by the solute are:

    ◦ Freezing points

    ◦ Boiling points

  • Freezing Point Depression

    The freezing point of the solvent will decrease based on the amount of solvent present.

    The change in the freezing point is calculated using the equation:

    ∆T = kfdm

    ∆T = change in temperature

    Kf = freezing constant (find on the PT)

    d = dissociation factor

    m = molality

  • Boiling Point Elevation

    The boiling point of the solvent will increase based on the amount of solvent present.

    The change in the boiling point is calculated using the equation:

    ∆T = kbdm

    ∆T = change in temperature

    Kb = boiling constant (look on back of PT)

    d = dissociation factor

    m = molality

  • Colligative Properties

    Recall that water boils at 100°C and freezes at 0°C.

    If we dissolve NaCl into water (assume 2 m) the freezing a boiling point will change.

    Freezing Boiling ∆T = kfdm ∆T = kbdm

    ∆T = 1.86°C/m x 2 x 2 m ∆T = 0.52°C/m x 2 x 2 m

    ∆T = 7.44 °C ∆T = 2.08°C

    Therefore, the new freezing point is -7.44 °C and the new boiling point is 102.08 °C.

  • This concludes the tutorial on solutions.

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