unit 12156


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I have been hired as a Graphic Designer and I am supposed to make a magazine of images for Salford college. The magazine is called City Life.

The images what are needed are scenery around Salford college such as the animals, people, canteen and social area.

The final images is going to be edited in a software called Photoshop and will be saved in the correct file such as a JPEG Image file.

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Salford City College

The aim of the project is to show life at Salford city college which is going to be used as part of a magazine. I am going to take pictures around the college, edit them load them into my magazine. The magazine will be called City Life.

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Salford city college is a college in Salford it is made up of 5 colleges these are, Eccles sixth form centre, Walkden sixth form centre, Pendleton sixth form centre, Future skills, City sixth form centre. In all of these college’s they offer great courses to choose from this is why they are the best 5 colleges around the area. They also have a (outstanding) pass rate for all the A level courses and the BTEC courses.

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These are my 5 images what I have took around the Eccles campus these are different parts of the building and outside of the building. I have took different pictures of different objects I try to get a mixture of images

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Here is the first starting image of the sign I have done some editing to make it better ill tell you what I did. I went on filter then sketch and clicked on charcoal this effect makes it black and white as you can see in the picture provided.

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Here is the same picture again but I have done different adjustments to it. I used the crop tool to just get close to the picture. I also used the lasso tool this lets you get rid of things in the picture. As you can see there were feet in the first one but in the second one I got rid of the feet by using the lasso tool.

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I started off with a basic picture and I made changes to it in the black version of the picture. On the right you can see the tools I have used. I used black and white, Curves tool, And I rotated my picture by using the rotation button. It turned out like that, I am happy i did because I like the dark bits on the floor and also on the walls and doors etc.

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These are the 3 adjustments what I used for my image change.

I used the ‘move’ tool to blur the picture.

Once I have access to the tool I can click on the picture where I want to blur it.

I also moved the contrast bar to make it black and white

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I used the contrast tool to change the color

This is my crop tool I use to get rid of some of the image

This is a smudge tool I have used and I have smudged some of the road markings.

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This is my picture before

This is my edited picture

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This is my original picture

This is my edited picture

I’ve done three edits which are the saturation, brightness and contrast5

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JPEG is an image file it is flattened so it can not be moved. It is only used for image files meaning it can not be used for a different file format. With a JPEG image file you can get them in different resolutions you can get them in small medium or large. With a JPEG you can put it in word, PowerPoint, ECT. It cant be edited most people will use a JPEG file format if they want to put it in a word document because it is the only file format what will go in a document like this.

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The PSD file format basically means that it is has PS in it then it is a adobe Photoshop document. The easiest way to open it is to double click on the document and let your PC decide which default application should open it. Out of all the formats Photoshop supports the PSD file which is the most important. PSD is on of only few that supports all of the powerful features on Photoshop like layers ,layer masks.

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Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it. In 1991, Adobe Systems co-founder John Warnock outlined a system called "Camelot that evolved into PDF.

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The PSD file format basically means that it is has PS in it then it is a adobe Photoshop document. The easiest way to open it is to double click on the document and let your PC decide which default application should open it. Out of all the formats Photoshop supports the PSD file which is the most important. PSD is on of only few that supports all of the powerful features on Photoshop like layers ,layer masks.

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JPEG is an image file it is flattened so it can not be moved. It is only used for image files meaning that you can not open it in a different document because it wont let you. With a JPEG image file you can get the images in different resolutions so the quality of the image is better. Most people use the JPEG file because you can paste the images in a word or PowerPoint document. You can also use it in publisher there are many other documents what you can use a JPEG in but those 3 are the main ones what people use because they find them the easiest to use.

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PNG is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. 848 languages are listed for the country, of which 12 have no known living speakers.[8] Most of the population of over 7 million people live in customary communities, which are as diverse as the languages.[9] It is also one of the most rural, as only 18 per cent of its people live in urban centres.

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Here is my pictures folder as you can see on the screenshot I have lots of pictures stored in their this is organisation keeping everything safe in folders.

In my pictures folder there are separate folders for my pictures. In each folder I have different images stored so I can find them easily.

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I have took a screenshot of all my files what I have. Inside the files I have different pieces of work I set it out like this so my work is all safe and organised inside each of the folders. I have used an arrow to show the folders of my work and to see how I've set them out.

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Copyright means that you cannot copy someone else's work you can only copy it if you have permission from the owner. But if you ask him and he says no and you copy it you can get put in prison. Copyright is a legal right created by the law of the country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution usually a limited time.

your right to use the copyrighted image would likely be permitted. However, there are limits and only a court has the final decision-making ability.

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Check that your final images meet the original client brief and describe why you think it meets your client’s needs.

Is this image in the correct file format? Yes they are in the correct format because they are jPeg

Is it high enough quality? Yes because its not blurry

Do the images promote Salford city college? Yes because it shows off the areas of Salford city college.