unit 14my first class unit 14 my first class part i listening and speaking activitieslistening and...


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Page 1: Unit 14My First Class Unit 14 My First Class  Part I Listening and Speaking ActivitiesListening and Speaking Activities  Part II Reading Comprehension
Page 2: Unit 14My First Class Unit 14 My First Class  Part I Listening and Speaking ActivitiesListening and Speaking Activities  Part II Reading Comprehension

Unit 14Unit 14 My First ClassMy First Class

Part I Listening and Speaking Activities

Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

Part III Extended Activities

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Part I Listening and Speaking Activities


○ Listening Speaking

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Expressions for educational systems: group, class, grade (form in British elementary an

d secondary education),pre-school education, elementary (or primary) / secondary / tertiary education, basic education, compulsory education, higher education, adult education, examination-oriented education, quality-oriented /competence oriented education, universal education, vocational education, school curriculum reform, education reform, higher education, school management system, commercialization of educational functions ( 教育、学校产业化 )

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○ Expressions for educational functions (教育职能部门 ):

nursery, kindergarten, play center, day-care center, kindie (informal, colloquial expression), elementary / primary schools (the former AmE, the latter BrE), junior high School / senior high school (AmE), middle school / high school (Chinese), comprehensive school (BrE), grammar school / public school (mainly BrE), college, university, academy (mainly AmE, a secondary or high school, esp. a private one / a school or college for special instruction or training, such as a military academy), school (for professionals such as school of engineering / law / medicine, etc.), vocational school / institute, institute (for education or research), public/private school, boarding school

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○Expressions for people involved in education: pre-school children, pupil, student, nurse, teacher, head

master, principal, lecturer, assistant lecturer, associate professor, professor, president (in tertiary education), chancellor (BrE)[1], counselor, (Americans also have a set of expressions for university students: freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior), undergraduate, postgraduate (more BrE), graduate (more AmE) researcher, school-leavers (BrE), graduates (AmE), drop-outs, truants

Expressions for school organizations: teaching group, department, center, unit, school, branch,

office, general service / logistic department

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Expressions for school facilities: gymnasium (gym), playground, classroom, library (school / dep

artmental), laboratory, canteen / dining room, hostel, clinic, financial department, bookstore, theatre hall, classroom building, administrative building, student dormitory / hall of residence, teachers' residential area

Expressions for school activities: lecture (n. / v.), discussion, seminar (n.), demonstrate (v.), dem

onstration (n.), presentation, perform / make / do / carry out an experiment, attend, pass / fail / take (exams, courses) / sit exams, sit for (an exam, mainly BrE), earn credits, do well / badly in exams, revise / review lessons, take notes, play truant, special week (Science and Technology Week, Arts Week, etc), society, sorority ( 社团 ) , caucus ( 协会 ), students’ union ( 学生会 ), competition, match, sports meeting, party, ballgetting gifts from parents, getting red envelope / pocket money from parents, playing games, setting off fireworks / fire crackers, wheels (旋转飞舞类的焰火) , rockets (类似于火箭的焰火)

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Pre-listening If you attend a lecture/class, which seat d

o you prefer, one in the front of the lecture room or one at the back? Why?

When will you choose a seat next to the door?

If the lecture is boring, what to you usually do?

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Post-listening activity Listen carefully to the reading and fill in the blan

k spaces in your workbooks. 1. What was the Careers man saying? He was saying: "Boys, you must not feel that y

ou are (1)______, just because you are not one of the (2) _______boys who are good at lessons and all that sort of thing. No, indeed. Your (3) ________to society will be just as valuable, even if you are only (4)________or (5) _______of steel together. Indeed, in my opinion  

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2.What did the boys do while the “Careers man” was speaking?

Mike and the speaker wondered whether the “Careers man” was wearing a (6)____ because his hair was certainly very black and (7)______, which was not natural in a (8)_______ his age according to Mike. Jack gave a (9) ________and when the headmaster hissed “Ssh” from the platform, the speaker (10)_______.

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3. What was happening at the back of the hall?

There was an (11)______at the back of the hall. A boy shouted something. Chairs started (12)_________on the floor. Jack was now awake. He and Mike jumped up and (13)______towards the back to see what was happening. "Don't (14) ____on him!" a boy shouted. Mike and Jack stood up on their chairs to have a look. I stood up, too. I saw boys (15)________and staring between their legs. And they were pushing towards the windows. A few fell over. “What's up?” someone asked. “It's Peter. His rat got out.” Someone else answered. Peter was (16)_____forward, sending chairs (17)_________. “Don't (18) ______him!” he yelled. “Where's he gone?”

The hall was in an (19)_____. Boys were pretending to be scared and jumping up and down. We felt (20)_______ excited. This was better than an old careers lecture.  

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Suggested Answers

(1)failures (2) academic (3) contribution (4) mixing concrete (5) screwing bits

(6) wig (7) glossy (8) feller (9) snore (10) groaned (11) upheaval (12) squeaking (13) peered (14) tread (15) bending over (16) charging (17) tipping and crashing (18) trample (19) uproar (20) terrifi


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Do you have any anecdotes about your

Middle school life to share with your


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Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

Pre-reading Tasks



Comprehension work

Language work (A, B, C)

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Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

Pre-reading Tasks

(1)What kind of student do you think is a “difficult student” in the teachers’ eyes?

(2) How can society educate a difficult student?

(3) Should we make “corporal punishment” illegal?

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Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

(1)Generally speaking, a “difficult student” is a student with a problem of some sort, such as a lack of discipline, inability to study, or anti-social, violent, or rude behavior.

(2) Understanding the reason for their behavior,

and relating it to their psychological needs. Helping them express the cause of their bad

behavior. Helping them distinguish between right and

wrong; Letting them look for solutions on their own; Helping them establish positive life values; Helping them develop moral judgment; Meeting their needs of love and respect;

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Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

(3) Corporal punishment is harmful to children. a. It could lead to emotional and physical proble

ms; b. It’s an abuse of power, which will encourage

a child to do the same later in life; c. It will lead them into unsatisfying relationships

with others; d .Beating, humiliating and shaming children will

lower their self-esteem; e. Being violent toward children will devalue the

m in society’s eyes; f. It encourages children to resort to violence.


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 Background Knowledge punishment used to be a means of dealing with schoolboys misbehaviour by some teachers in secondary schools. The result was often disastrous. Here is a story about a new teacher who, for the first time, approached a problem class in a boys high school. She was a replacement for a teacher who had left in the middle of the term.                           

My First Class

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by Ursula Bentley Martin came to find me before I had finished. The school was now thudding

with activity and I could see boys streaming out of the assembly hall and into classrooms.

"There you are," said Martin, "are you ready to go? Not nervous, are you?" "Yes." "You won't have any trouble. And if you do, I'm in Upper 6th B. Punishment i

s swift and painful." Carrying books, I followed Martin into the classroom on the top floor in the

most remote wing of the school. The door stood open onto a scene of boyish pandemonium. As we entered, a missile flew from one side of the class to the other.

"Who threw that book?" Martin asked, his jaws lightly grinding together. A moment's silence. Then a hand was slowly raised at the back of the class.

"Riccio, isn't it?" "Yes, Sir." "Stand up, you bastard." The boy got to his feet, in no special hurry. He was

long, thin and sallow and the sleeves of his blazer were too short. "Do you throw books at home, Riccio?"                     

My First Class

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  "No, Sir." "Then why do you think you can do it here?" "Don't know, Sir." "Whom were you trying to hit?" "Swarzenski, Sir." "So, you think books are for hitting people with, do you? It's true you're not likely to apprehend the contents any other way. Very well. Pick up the book and wait outside." The boy reluctantly did as he was told. I stood, quivering with frigh

t. His anger was genuine and terrible to me. Martin allowed a dramatic pause after the door had closed behind Riccio. Then he said, "If I catch anyone else treating a book like that, that boy will carry the scars for the rest of his life. Is that understood?"

I felt eager to assure him that it would not be me, but the boys recognised a rhetorical question when they heard one, and kept their eyes down.

My First Class

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His tone brightened. "Now, I've brought your new English teacher along. Miss Slade." Thirty-three pairs of eyes were trained on me. I smiled. No one smiled back, so I was left stranded with the damn thing on my face. "Miss Slade is from London. She's new to the school, of course, and I expect you to give her all the co-operation and respect you had for Mr. Fallowfield. It's not easy to take over in the middle of term and I will be taking a special interest in seeing how well, or how badly, you behave under the circumstances. I've told Miss Slade to send any trouble-makers direct to me.

"All right, Miss Slade, I'll leave them to you. Riccio will be back in a minute."

"Thank you, Mr. Lewis." The boys straggled to their feet as he left the room. "Sit dow

n," I said.                       

My First Class

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As I was trying to talk to the students, Martin's muffled voice could be heard in the corridor. It was followed by the sound of the impact of a large textbook on Riccio's behind and his yelps of agony. After a period of few minutes which seemed like a few years, the sound disappeared and Riccio came back into the classroom. He had evidently been crying...

"I'm sorry, I'm late, Miss." "That's all right. Go and sit down." My eyes must have betrayed my

horror at the sight of what amounted to my first battered child. I felt outraged at having been exposed to such brutality. My feelings towards Martin had suffered a sea-change. The hostility now rippling through the class suggested that he had also buggered my chances of capturing the hearts of 3B.

There was nothing I could do about that at the moment, however. Most of the class was now displaying their sympathies with Riccio, and some even threatening colourful fates for Martin. I heard someone say: "Shut up. She'll punish you."                         

My First Class

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"Don't care, if she does.“     "That's enough talking," I called. A boy in the first row looked up. "You'll have to shout louder than that. M

iss." "I shall knock a few of their heads together. Miss," added the boy next to

him. "That's not necessary." However, I felt slightly comforted at having established some sort of rapport with these two. "Why don't you take names, Miss?"  "All right." I reached for the plan with the legend 3B inscribed at the top.    "Now I'm going to take your names, so pipe down," I shrieked. There was

slight lowering of the noise level. "All right, you at the back with the sweet stuck to your collar, what's your name?"

There was laughter as he indignantly felt for the sweet and raised a threatening fist at a boy across the room.

"Cod," he said, still disgruntled.

My First Class

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"'Cod?' Is that your Christian name or your surname?" Again there was laughter. I was cheered by their willingness to be amused.

    "Cod, Authur."    "Thank you. Next?"    "Baxter, Elvis."   "Gottfield, Richard."    The roll-call took some time, accompanied by my continuous attempts to

subdue the noise. In the end I was exhausted. Surely I did not have to teach them as well? But I still asked "Would one of you please tell me what you did with Mr. Fallowfield."

    "He used to play with us, Miss," one boy shouted.    "A play you mean? Which one? What was it called?"    "No — I mean games. Miss."    "Sit down. I'll find that out with Mr. Lewis. And all of you turn to page 43."    To my surprise some of them actually did. "I'll read you the passage first, and th

en you can go over it again yourselves before we go on to the questions. Pay special attention to the sentence structure and the function of the imagery."

    "What's imagery. Miss?"  

My First Class

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Thudvi.1)  [always + adv/prep] to walk or run with your

 feet making a heavy sound as they touch the ground  发出砰砰声;砰然一声落下

e.g. His feet came thudding up the stairs.  他的脚砰砰砰走上楼梯。

2)  [always + adv/prep] to hit sth with a low sound  砰的一声掉下 ,  轰的一声;飕的一声击中

e.g. The stone thudded to the ground.  石头砰的一声掉在地上。

corporal punishment   [u] punishment that involves hitting someone, especially in schools and prisons  体罚;肉刑

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e.g. A disastrous fire in the city caused loss of life and money. 

城里一场灾难性的火灾造成生命财产的损失。a disastrous mistake/ harvest/ fire/ result  招致大祸的错误 /  严重歉收 /  火灾 /  灾难性的结

disastrousadj. very bad, or ending in failure  极糟的;灾难性的;完全失败的 disastrous effects/consequences/results

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1. I’ ll be back in a flash.   我马上就回来。

   remote adj. remoteness n. [u]1)   far from towns or other places where people live  偏远的;偏僻的;相隔很远的 , 遥远的 remote (from sth)  -synonym isolatede.g. a remote village/ star  穷乡僻壤 /  遥远的星星 remote transmission/ sensing/ control/ signaling  远距离传输 / 遥感 / 遥控 / 遥信 2)  far away in time  遥远的;久远的 ᅳ synonym distant e.g. the remote future 遥远的未来 That happened in the remote past.

 streamvi. always + adv/prep] to move in a continuous flow in the same  direction  鱼贯而行;一个接一个的移动e.g. People streamed past us on all sides.  四面八方的行人川流不息地从我们身旁经过。The students streamed into the auditorium.  学生们络绎不绝地进入礼堂。

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Pandemonium[u] a situation in which there is a lot of noise because people are 

angryconfused or frightened  骚动;群情沸腾;喧嚣;大混乱;大吵大

闹e.g. The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din  was terrific.  整个门厅一片嘈杂,而且喧嚣刺耳。

wing [c] one of the parts of a large building, especially one that sticks out from the main part  侧翼部分;侧厅;耳房;厢房 e.g. performers waiting in the wings 在舞台两侧等着的表演者 onto     prep. used to say that a room, door, or window faces towards sth or allows movement into another place  (与动词连用,表示朝某处或某位置运动)向,朝 e.g. The dining room looks out onto a pretty garden.  餐厅对着一个漂亮的花园。

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Bastard [c] a very offensive word for someone, especially a 

man, who you think is unpleasant. Do not use  this word.  杂种;混蛋;恶棍

got to your feet get/jump/rise etc to your feet:  to stand up after you have been sitting 起立 , 站立;起身

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Apprehendvt. old-fashioned to understand sth  理解;认识到;领会e.g. You are, I apprehend, ready to renew the contract.  据我理解 , 你愿意续订这个合同。    They were slow to apprehend the danger.  他们没有及时意识到危险。

sallowsallowness n. [u] sallow skin looks slightly yellow and unhealthy (皮肤或面色)灰黄的;蜡黄的;菜色 sallow face/skin/complexion

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Dramaticdramatic (of a change, an event, etc.  变化、事情等 ): sudden, very great and often surprising  突然的;巨大的;令

人吃惊的e.g. dramatic change/shift/improvement  剧变 / 巨大的改进   dramatic effect/results  出人意料的结果

quivervi. to shake slightly because you are cold, or because you feel very afraid, angry, excited etc  轻微颤动;抖动;哆嗦 quiver with indignation/anger etc  ᅳ synonym tremblee.g. Her lip quivered, and tears rolled down her cheeks.  她嘴唇微微一颤,眼泪从脸颊上滚落下来。

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 stranded stranded a person or vehicle that is stranded is unable to

 move from the place where they are 搁浅的 ;无依无靠的;束手无策的;进退两难的ᅳ syno

nym stuck be (left) stranded 使处于困境 ;使束手无策 e.g. He was stranded in Paris.  他身困巴黎 ,束手无策

train vt. to aim sth such as a gun or camera at someone or sth  (把枪口、照相机、灯光等)瞄准;对准 train sth on/at sb/sth e.g. She trained her camera on the caged panda. 她把照相机对准笼子里的熊猫。

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Behind[c] informal the part of your body that you sit on  委婉说法,即屁股 ᅳ synonym bottom

stragglevi. to move, grow, or spread out untidily in different directions 蔓生;杂乱地蔓延;散布 straggle along/across/down etce.g. The town straggles out into the country.  该镇零乱地向郊外延伸。     Her hair straggled over her collar.  她的头发散落在衣领上。

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e.g  Confusion betrays the guilty. 慌张显出有罪 , 神色慌张必有鬼。 e.g. betray ones country to the enemy卖国 , 做卖国贼

     He was offered money to betray his colleagues.  有人收买他出卖他的同事。 e.g. Dont betray the peoples trust

 in you.  不要辜负人民对你的信任。

betray 1)  [not in progressive or passive] to tell sb or make them aware of a piece of information or to show feelings that you are trying to hide  (无意中)泄露信息,流露情感ᅳ synonym give away 2)  to be disloyal to your country, company etc, for example by giving  secret information to its enemies  出卖;泄露(机密) 3)  to be disloyal to someone who trusts you so that they are harmed  or upset 辜负;对…不忠 betray sb to sb

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e.g. Her answer amounted to a complete refusal.  她的答复相当于完全拒绝。 Ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing.  最终他们的想法是一回事的。 e.g. The bill amou

nted to $75.  账单的金额总数为七十五元。

 amount amount to sth 1)  if an attitude, remark, situation etc amounts to sth, it has the same effect  等于;相当于 2)  if figures, sums etc amount to a particular total, they equal that total when they are added together 总计;共计

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Outragevt. usually passive] to make someone feel very angry

 and shocked 使震怒;激怒e.g. Customers were outraged by the price increases


 battered woman battered woman/wife/husband/baby etc someone who has been violently attacked by their husband, wife, father etc  受到严重虐待的

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 brutality  pl. brutalities [c& u] cruel and violent behaviour, or an  event involving cruel and violent treatment 残忍 ,野蛮;暴虐行为 ,蛮横行为 e.g. the brutalities of war战争的暴行

 exposevt.1)  to make it possible for someone to experience new ideas, ways of life etc 使接触;使体验 expose sb to sthe.g. They consider it almost a crime to expose children to violence and sex on TV.  他们认为让儿童接触暴力和色情电视节目几乎是一种犯罪行为。Some children are never exposed to classical music.  有些孩子从未接触过古典音乐。2)  to put someone in a situation where they are not protected from sth dangerous or unpleasant 使面临;使遭受(危险或不快) expose sb to sth

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 ripple[vi. always + adv/prep] to pass from one person to another like a wave 扩散;涌起ripple throughe.g. Panic rippled through Hollywood as the murders 

were discovered.  当杀人犯被发现时,好莱坞引起一片惊恐。

sea change[c] a very big change in sth  大转变;巨变

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 knock our heads together knock (sbs) heads together:  informal force people  to stop quarrelling and behave sensibly  (口语)强力使人不再争 吵而恢复理智

 bugger(BrE slang) to ruin sth or do sth very badly 毁坏e.g. I think I’ve buggered the computer.  我想我把计算机搞坏了。

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  inscribevt. to carefully cut, print, or write words on something, 

especially on the surface of a stone or coin  在…上写(词语、名字等);提;刻  inscribe A (on/in B)  ~ B (with A)e.g. His name was inscribed on the ring.  他的名字刻在戒指上。


[singular, u] friendly agreement and understanding between people 亲善;融洽;和谐 rapport with/between; establish/build up/develop (a) rapporte.g. She understand the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients.  她懂得与客户建立密切和谐的关系的重要性。

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  roll-call [u, c] the act of reading out an official list of names to check who is there 点名

pipe downto stop talking or making a noise, and become calmer and less excited  安静些;别说话;别嚷嚷e.g. Will you children pipe down and go to sleep?

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Subdue vt. to defeat or control a person or group,  especially using force  制服;征服;控制 e.g. government efforts to subdue inflation  政府控制通货膨胀的努力。    Troops were called in to subdue the rebels.  军队被调来镇压反叛者。

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Comprehension work

Summarize the story What Mr. Martin did in class:

When finding out who the trouble-makerwas, Mr. Martin taunted him withsarcastic remarks and intimidated the other students. He took the opportunity to show the new teacher how powerfuland effective he was in putting down any trouble in class.

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Comprehension work

Summarize the story What Mr. Martin did in class:

When finding out who the trouble-makerwas, Mr. Martin taunted him withsarcastic remarks and intimidated the other students. He took the opportunity to show the new teacher how powerfuland effective he was in putting down any trouble in class.

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Comprehension workSummarize the story

What Miss Slade did to save the situation:First she looked at Riccio sympathetically, noting his pale look and ill-fitting clothes. Later when the boy returned to class, she showed her disgust for Mr. Martin's brutality although she did not say anything. Then, she made attempts to divert the students' attention from the incident by asking them to stop talking, but to no avail. Then, at the suggestion of a student, she took the roll cal

lto get the attention of the class and she finally got the students tolisten. All along she was very friendly and talked humorously, hoping to amuse them and thus regain their trust.

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Language work(A)

In other words1.remote 2. dramatic 3. co-operation

4. Betrayed 5. suggested 6. amused

7. assure

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Language work (B)

1. The child kept his head down in front of his mother since he had broken her favorite vase.

2. They wanted me to take over the job of editing the magazine when Mr. Smith left for his holidays.

3. He went to the office, leaving all the housework to me.

4. The woman almost fainted at the sight of the wound to her son's shoulder.

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Language work (B)

5. The annual output of the steel plant amounts to ten million tons.

6. My sister-in-law has established a good rapport with my mother.

7. The old woman was left stranded in the countryside after her husband died.

8. I wish you’d take a greater interest in your work

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Part III Extended Activities


Read more

Grammar work

Word formation

Vocabulary work


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Dictation Script of the Dictation

In general, children in primitive societies are much loved, and when their childhood is not overshadowed by disease or famine, they grow up free and lively. Their education is based on an imitation of adult life, and on the teachings of their elders. Children learn about their own family and its place within a group of other families. Primitive children are a good deal freer in everyday life than are children in the “civilized” world. Their relations with others in their village are controlled less by rules and regulations than by their own knowledge of what is proper and improper that will be important to them throughout their lives.

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Read more Poem 1 I.T 2. F 3. F (He looks out of the window at the trees for

a long time, breaking his chalk slowly in one hand, forgetting the rules of long division. All these details show that the schoolmaster was absent- minded and couldn't concentrate on the class. The poet hints that the schoolmaster behaved abnormally because his wife had left him.)

4. NM (Although this may be the true reason why his wife left him, it was not mentioned in the poem.)

5. F (Auntie here refers to the woman in the cloakroom, where the schoolmaster left his overcoat. She argued with him because he couldn't find his ticket for the coat. It is a common practice for people to leave their coats in the cloakroom when they go into a building and they will be given a ticket with number so that they can collect their coats when they go out again.

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Grammar work

Poem 2 Notes: 1. Rose, Gardener, Beauty, and Time: Capitalized

at the beginning in spelling, the four words are given special significance in this poem. A possible interpretation is as follows: Rose represents young people such as students; Gardener stands for someone who nurtures the young, such as a teacher; Beauty represents something attractive but ephemeral and Time symbolizes the concept of eternity.

I.T 2. T 3. F 4. NM (It is an inference that the Gardener refers to teachers or educators, but this is not explicit in the poem.)

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Translation At the sight of the general walking towards him, he got to his feet

at once and saluted.

2. “What is this money for?” “It's for helping those children who

have lost the chance of schooling to return to school again.”

3. The knock at my door last night sent me quivering with fright.

4. I can assure you that he is a most reliable person.

5. Everybody hopes that he will take over as dean of the

department when Mr. Martin retires.

6. She tried her best to hide her feelings, but her eyes betrayed her

longing for the prize.

7. It is said that people increase their risk of skin cancer if they are

exposed to the sun too much.