unit 2 cloning. cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. what is...

Unit 2 Cloning

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Page 1: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Unit 2 Cloning

Page 2: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy
Page 3: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant.

What is Cloning? cop


Page 4: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

______________ : is one that occurs in a natural form of cloning without human help.

__________________:is one that is

produced through human

intervention( 介入 ) .

Two kinds of clones

Warming up

Natural clone

Man-made clone

Page 5: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Look at these

pictures and discuss

which ones are natural clones and

which ones are man-made. Explain

how they differ.


Page 6: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

A strawberry



The new plants that grow from the runners (长匐茎植物) are exact copies of the o______( 原始的 ) plant.



Page 7: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Growing new


___________ clone


Page 8: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy


They are born naturally and identical( 一模一样 )

in ____and ___________.





Page 9: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Dolly was a ______ sheep.cloned

The sheep Dolly

In 1996, Dolly was born. It is the first mammal to be cloned. It is considered to be the greatest success in the development of cloning.

Page 10: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

cloning Where is it leading us?

Book 8 unit 2

Page 11: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

A. The impact of Dolly.

B. Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.

C. People’s reaction to cloning.

D. Cloning has two major uses.

E. The problems of Dolly.






Page 12: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

The main idea of each paragraph.A. The impact of Dolly.

B. Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.

C. People’s reaction to cloning.

D. Cloning has two major uses.

E. The problems of Dolly.






Page 13: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

The main idea of the text is____

A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world.

B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden

C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born.

D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future.

主旨大意 Where is it leading us?

Page 14: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy


Page 15: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.

1. What is cloning ?

2. It happens both in ______ and in_______. They are both _______


Para 1 The definition of cloning

natural clones

Page 16: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

1.The major uses: Firstly, …commercial… Secondly, …research…

Para 2 The major uses and procedures of cloning

2.In this paragraph,

the word “straightforward”

means ____.

A. uncomplicated B. honest

C. frank D. difficult

Cloning plants is straightforward while( 表对比 ) cloning animals is very complicated.

Page 17: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because____. A. it’s easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience

C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money

D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed

细枝末节Their determination and

patience of the scientists paid off.

Page 18: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy
Page 19: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

First, the fact that Dolly developed ______ in a natural way was __________.

Later, the news that Dolly had become seriously ill was __________.

Finally, the problem that occurred to the scientists was that a cloned animal lives_____________ the original one.

Para 3 The problems of Dolly


A. as long as B. shorter than C. longer than


shorter than

Page 20: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

4. The sheep that donated the

somatic cell most probably

lived ____ years.

A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 13


Altogether Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the life of the original sheep.

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The word “controversial” in para.4 probably means :____________.

A. complicated

B. arguable

C. important

D. traditional

Para 4 The impact of Dolly

Its appearance raised and the media and public imagination.

a storm of objectionshad a great impact on

Page 22: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

True or false:1. People feared that Cloned evil leaders would do harm to the world.

2 All the research into human beings will be forbidden.

3 Some countries will use cloning in a wise way.

Para 5 People’s reaction to cloning

some governments forbade research into human beings.

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Further understanding

Page 24: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

the author does not state a

ny personal opinion about cloning.

A. Objective (be fair)

B. Negative (be against it)

C. Positive (be in favor of it)

The writer’s attitude towards cloning



Page 25: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

To Clone or not to clone ,that is a question.

Page 26: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Practice activity: Debate

Are you in favor of cloning or against cloning? State your point

of view on it.

VSFor Against

Page 27: Unit 2 Cloning. Cloning is a way of making an exact _____ of another animal or plant. What is Cloning? copy

Advantage(good points) Disadvantage(bad points)

It can make more profits forgardeners and farmers

We could use cloning to cureillness

Cloning can help saveendangered animals

Cloning can provide a copy of a child for a couple whose child has died

Cloned animals is easy to get ill anddie

youngAgainst nature and moral

Animals clones may develop the illness ofolder

animalsEvil leaders may want toclone themselves

People are afraid that scientists will create thousands of copies of the same person.

Cloning is a great breakthrough to human beings

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Homework : 基础写作写作情景:今天我们班同学讨论了有关克隆的问题。同学们热烈

发表了评论和表达了自己的看法;他们主要有两种不同的意见:写作内容: 请同学们将辩论的内容整理成一篇作文。 开头已给出。 Today ,we have a heated discussion

about cloning and opinions are divided on the question. _______________________________________


personally, I _____________________

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