unit 2 exploration whole

During the renaissance_ a time period of learning a book about India and Asia by Marco Polo was published. This book inspired the Italian Sailor Columbus to search for a new route to Asia by traveling West. M he was in India . He referreded to The King and Queen of _Spain sponsored his voyage. After 30 days he landed in what is now the Carribean mistakenly thinking the Taino as " unsuspicious and generous with what they posses." Columbus named the Island _San Salvidor He made four voyages claiming parts of North and South America in the name of Spain still believing it was India. This triggered others to explore the Americas.

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Post on 20-May-2015




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Page 1: Unit 2 Exploration Whole

During the renaissance_ a time period of learning a

book about India and Asia by Marco Polo was published. This book inspired the

Italian Sailor Columbus to search for a new route to Asia by traveling

West. M

he was in India . He referreded to

The King and Queen of _Spain sponsored his

voyage. After 30 days he landed in what is now the

Carribean mistakenly

thinking the Taino as " unsuspicious

and generous with what they posses."

Columbus named the Island _San Salvidor He made four voyages claiming parts of North and South America in the name of Spain still believing it was India. This triggered others to explore the Americas.

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Native Americans gained some new trade networks but in many cases often died from _diseases_ such as small pox, were _enslaved_ by Europeans and converted to _Christianity__.

Due to the high mortality rate of enslaved Natives the Spanish imported _slaves_ from _Africa__ to the _Caribbean_ to mine _gold_ and raise _sugar_ cane.

Columbus discovery lead to

the transfer of people, plants, animals, and

diseases, called the Columbian

Exchange. Europeans gained many advantages such as _Corn Potatoes, Land, ________, and ________.

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After Columbus, in 1519 Spain sent soldiers called _conquistadors_ to conquer the America's and find _gold_. _Cortez_ was the first to conquer a group called the _Aztec_ in the city Tenochtitlan in __Mexico__

Because he came with 500_soldiers_, metal _armor_, _horses_, and _guns and the deadly _small pox_ many mistook Cortez for a God. The Spanish were amazed the Aztec lived in a _floating_ city in a lake with high _temples_.

The _Spanish_ were offended by the Aztec's religious _rituals__. Aided by Native American _rivals_ they defeated the ruler _Montezuma_ and defeated the Aztec. They headed _North_ looking for more _gold_.

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Juan _Ponce De Leon_ discovers gold in Puerto

Rico. Then he goes to La _Florida_ to find the fountain

of _Youth_ in stead he is killed by

Native Americans using poisoned

_arrows_. To protect their

claims the Spanish built forts called _presidios_. The oldest European settlement is the

Presidio _St. Augustine_.

_Coronado_ goes from

_Mexico_ city north to find the rumored Seven golden

cities of Cibola.

Instead in the South

West he finds seven

villages of Adobe cliff dwellings.

In 1532,_Pizarro_ aided by _small pox_ conquered the __Inca_ empire in _Peru_. He captured the ruler __Atahuapla_ and held him for __ransom_. When he received the gold and silver payment he killed the ruler and took over.

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In the _South West_ from Florida to California was the Spanish Borderlands. _Spain_ sent missionaries and settlers to occupy these areas and protect them from being claimed by rival countries.

_Missions_ were built and run by Catholic Priests in order to convert the local Natives to Christianity. The _missions_ relied on farming. Native Americans were enslaved to work the fields and whipped for non _Christian_ practices.

The two sides did exchange _Knowledge_. Natives learned about new tools, foods, and sheep for wool. Spanish learned _irrigation_ in dessert regions. However, slavery and _disease_ reduced the tribes from 100 to 18 by 1700.

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To compete with Spain Jacques _Cartier_ tried to find the North West _passage_. Instead he claims (Canada) _New France_. France makes money from valuable _beaver fur_. Land was given to rich nobles but the harsh conditions made it hard to farm.

_Champlain_ creates the trading post Quebec. Mostly _trappers_ or coureurs de bois " wood rangers" settled in New France. He makes the _Huron_ his business partners even defends them against the Iroquois. _Diseases_ kill many Huron.

Marquette and Joliet hoping to find the North West _passage_ explore the _Mississippi_ river. Latter La _Salle_ claimed the land west of the Mississippi in the name of Louis the XIV and named it Louisiana.

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John _Cabot_ claimed New _foundland_ off of Canada in the name of _England_. He brought back fish and lumber.

Sir _Walter Raleigh_ starts the lost colony of _Roanoke_ off the coast of N.C. The first group of settlers refuse to _fish_ and _farm_ and instead return home.

The second group arrives too late to plant crops. The _leader_ returns to England for _supplies_ and can not return for three years. When he returns the only thing they find is the word _CROATOAN_ carved in a tree and no sign of the settlers.

In 1607 _merchants_ form

the _London_ company and get

permission to start a colony

_James town_ in Virginia to find

lumber and furs.

_144_ settlers of crafts men and

_gentlemen_settle on a mosquito filled swamp , surrounded by

Power Natives.

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The _settlers_ did not want to work and the natives were _hostile_ with settlers. John Smith becomes _governor_ and makes them work in order to get _food_. He is _captured_ by the natives. Before he is killed he is saved by _Pocahontas_ the daughter of Chief Powhatan.

She brings __ between the settlers and natives. When John Smith leaves to __ Indians refuse to trade with the settlers causing __ and death. When Smith returns __ of the 600 are left alive.New settlers arrive but suffer Indian attacks.

Settlers __ Pocahontas and hold her __ to end Indian attacks on settlers. Over the next year she learns, __ and converts to __. John Rolfe who successfully grew the new cash crop Tobacco marries Pocahontas bringing __ between the settlers and Indians.

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Sponsored by __ Hudson explores a river Near __ full of fish. The River is named the __ and the territory is claimed as New __. The West __ Trading Company establishes the profitable trading post for __on __.

Peter __ the governor buys Manhattan Island for iron __, __, blankets, and $24 dollars. Due too their beliefs about__ they laughed and made the trade. The __ also traded the __ guns for furs. Peter __ becomes governor.

Stuyvesant renames it New __.The colony becomes a melting pot for Jews, Africans, Swedish, and Europeans. The __ decide to claim the colony. The Dutch give up without a fight due to a lack of __ The English name it __ after the Duke of York.