unit 2 he used to cause a lot of trouble . dangjia middle school

He used to cause a lot of troub le . Dangjia Middl e School Ai

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Unit 2 He used to cause a lot of trouble . Dangjia Middle School Ai Chuanhong. Teaching analysis. Outline. Teaching aims. Teaching methods. Teaching procedures. lend your pen park my car trouble you offend people. Teaching analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Unit 2 He used to cause a lot of trouble .

Dangjia Middle School Ai Chuanhong


Teaching aims

Teaching methods

Teaching procedures

Teaching analysis

lend your pen

park my car

trouble you

offend people

Teaching analysis In this unit, students learn to talk about what they used to be like. Such topic reminds students of the days of their childhood. They mainly learn how to use the structure “ used to do”. The students can improve their reading skills by learning this text . According to this, I make my teaching aims:

lend your pen

park my car

trouble you

offend people

Teaching aims :1) Knowledge aims: Master the new words from Page 16—17 , and expressions in the text.2) Ability aims: a.Get the students to master the passage b.use the phrases correctly and read the

text easily .3) Emotion aims: Educate the students to study hard and reward their parents .

lend your pen

park my car

trouble you

offend people

Teaching methods ( 根据我校的“五三模式” ) I use student-centered, task-based and Co-operation study teaching methods to deal with the reading . In class, teacher is only a guide.

Section 1 Before You Read

Talk about a time your parents helped you with a problem. Make notes.

1. Liu Qing – didn’t use to study hard at school – got bad grades – father helped him to understand that it was important to do well at school

2. .


2.cause3.himself4. patient5.in the end6.make a decision7.give up 8.waste.

9.head teacher 10. to one’s surprise be surprised11. exactly12. even though13. no longer14. take pride in be proud of15. pay attention to

Learning Strategy: USING CONTEXT

Always use the information around the word or phrase you don’t understand. You can learn newlanguage in this way, or understand what is necessary to complete a task.

He used to cause a lot of trouble

Read the passage quickly and there are 5 sentences missing. Put the sentences into the correct place in the reading. Maybe you will meet some new words, don’t be afraid of them, try to guess them.

A.How was he able to change B.and didn’t give up trying to help himC.That’s when I decided to changeD.after his father’s death a few years a

goE.Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time


lend your pen

park my car

trouble you

offend people

Get the students to listen to the tape and repeat , and then do 3b .

Circle “True”,” False” or “ Don’t know” according to the reading

1.Martin is still a bad boy. T F DK2.There wasn’t enough money T F DK for the family.3.Martin finally understood T F DK what his problem was4.Martin father didn’t use to help him. T F DK5.What his mother said didn’t change Martin’s mind. T F DK

lend your pen

park my car

trouble you

offend people

Get the students to read in guoups , thenGet each group to read one paragraph .

Get the students to take out their notebooks and write down the new words , phrases and sentences that they have learned in this class . ( 可以在组长的带领下完成)

1.Try to recite the passage1.Try to recite the passage2.Prepare the new words in 2.Prepare the new words in the next unit .the next unit .