unit 3c

Unit 3(c): The circulatory system.

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Unit 3(c): The circulatory system.

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Unit 3(c): The circulatory system.


1. New words2. The circulatory system .3. Parts of the circulatory system.4. Healthy habits.5. Experiment6. Activities.

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1. New words.

Unit 3(b): Human body.

•Blood vessels- Vasos sanguíneos•Arteries- arterias•Veins- venas•Chambers- compartimentos•Capillaries- capilares•the pulses- pulsaciones•Blood pressure- tensión arterial•Heart beat rate- tasa de pulsaciones•Restrug- descansando•Disorder- alteraciones, enfermedades•Hollow- hueco•Fist- puño•Atrium- aurícula•Ventricle- ventrículo•Thick - grueso

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2-º The Circuylatory system.

Unit 3(b): Human body.

The circulatory system.

CIRCULATION consists of transporting nutrients, oxygen and residues around the body

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3. The Circulatory system.

Unit 3(b): Human body.

The circulatory System consists of:

•Blood vessels•Blood•Heart

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1. The Circuylatory system.Unit 3(b): Human body.

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• Blood vessels are the conducts through which the blood circulates, pushed by the heart.

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• VEINS: they transport the blood from the organs to the heart.• ARTERIES: they transport the blood from

the heart to the organs.• CAPILLARIES: They are very small vessels

that connect the veins and arteries and reach all the cells in our body.

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• VEINS are thinner than arteries

• ARTERIES are the thickest

• CAPILLARIES are the thinnest

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• Veins are blue because they are carrying the darker blood without oxygen back to heart.

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• Arteries have oxygenated blood that is bright red colour.

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The oxygen and CO2 are exchanged…in the cells

Oxygen Rich

Oxygen Rich

Oxygen Poor

Oxygen Poor


Gas Exchange Occurs,

Now lets go back to the heart!!!

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The Human Heart

The first person to describe circulation as we know it today was Dr. William Harvey

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The heart is a hollow organ made of muscle.

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The heart is placed in the chest, a little to the left side.

In the adult it weighs 300 grs and it is about the size of a fist.

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It is divided into two unconnected parts the right and left.

Each part is also divided into two:• The upper part is THE ATRIUM• The lower part is THE VENTRICLE• The atrium and the ventricle are connected by a valve.

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The blood.

In an adult´s body there are about five litres of blood.

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Blood is a thick, red liquid composed of:

plasma Blood cells

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Whole Blood Sample

Red blood cells

White blood cells



Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged

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PLASMAPlasma is water with different substances

dissolved in it. It transports the

nutrients and the residues.

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BLOOD CELLSThere are three types:

RED BLOOD CELLS: give blood its colour and transport

oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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WHITE BLOOD CELLS: protect us and defend us from


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PLATELETS: block our wounds so we do not lose too much blood.

Break in Capillary Wall

Clumping of Platelets

Clot Forms

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*Blood transports nutrients and oxygen to the cells and take away the

residues to where they are eliminated.

*It also defends our body from infections.

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Your Heart: The Vital Pump

• At REST, the heart pumps at 70 beats a minute. It is usually faster in children.

• During exercise it may increase to double the resting rate.

• Also emotions and illnesses may cause the heart to beat faster.

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What are the pulses?

In certain places, at the wrists, in the neck on the temples, arteries are near the surface

and cen be felt easily.Doctors take the pulses to know the

regularity of the heart.

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What is blood pressure?

It is the pressure of blood in the arteries which can be too high or to

low in some diseases.A normal blood pressure is 120/80

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Blood Types

Massive loss of blood requires a transfusionFour Types



Inherited from your parents

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Blood Types

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What Makes Our Blood Type?

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Blood Type of Donor





Blood Type of Recipient


Unsuccessful transfusion Successful transfusion

Blood Transfusions

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The CirculatorySystem.Healthy habits

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Current PREVENTION Recommendations

Regular exercise

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Weight control

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Well balanced diet

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Do not eat too much junk food

It contains cholesterol, a fat that collects in our blood vessels and blocks them.

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Do not smoke

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SummaryHealthy Habits

• Regular exercise• Weight control• Well balanced diet• Do not eat too much junk food• Do not smoke