unit 4. speaking of gender

Unit 4. Speaking of Gender C. BACKGROUND and VOCABULARY

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender. C. BACKGROUND and VOCABULARY. Unit 4. Speaking of Gender. C. BACKGROUND and VOCABULARY. identity : sense of self fairly : equally influenced : guided or changed reflect : to show something clearly masculine : male; manly - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderC. BACKGROUND and VOCABULARY

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• identity : sense of self• fairly : equally• influenced : guided or changed• reflect : to show something clearly• masculine : male; manly• feminine : female; womanly• emphasize : to show that something is spe-

cial or important • compete : to try to be better than others• status : level or position


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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• or: 즉 , 다시 말하면예 ) geology, or the science of the earth's crust : 지질학 , 즉 지각에 대한 학문

• what to do: ‘ 그들이 무엇을 해야만 하는지’ (what they should do)예 ) Experience tells you what to do; confi-dence allows you to do it. 경험은 당신이 무엇을 해야 할지 알려 주고 , 자신감은 그것을 실행할 수 있도록 도와준다 .

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• what it means to be a girl and a boy in this culture: ‘( 미국이라는 ) 이 문화공동체에서 소녀와 소년이라는 것이 무엇을 의미하는 지’

- it-to 진주어 - 가주어 - 의문사 what 으로 이끌어지는 간접의문문예 ) 톰이 써니에게 무엇을 말했는지 아니 ?

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

Do you know what Tom said to Sunny?

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• without sounding bossy: ‘ 우두머리처럼 굴지 않고’ 【설명】여기서 sound 는 ‘ ~ 처럼 들리다’라는 의미로서 보어로 bossy 라는 형용사를 사용하였다 . 즉 사내아이들과는 달리 여자아이들은 명령을 내리기 보다는 함께 하자는 식으로 권유를 하는 경향이 짙고 , 그럴 때 사용하는 언어가 마치 우두머리가 명령하는 것처럼 들리지 않는다는 의미이다 .예 ) His explanation sounds reasonable to me. 그의 설명이 내게는 타당한 것 같다 .

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• who his friends are at school: ‘ 학교에서 누가 그의 친구들인지’ 【설명】 who 로 이끌어지는 간접의문문으로서 전치사 on 의 목적어가 되었다 .예 ) His status does not depend on who his friends are at school. 그의 지위는 학교에서 누가 그의 친구들인지에 달려있지 않다 .

• 간접의문문의 어순 : 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 ( 접속사 )

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• face difficulties: ‘ 어려움들에 직면하다’ 【설명】여기서 face 는 동사로 사용되었다 . 물론 바로 목적어를 취하는 타동사로 사용되었다 .예 ) The company is facing a financial crisis. 그 회사는 재정 위기에 직면해 있다 .

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• 목적어를 바로 취하는 자동사같은 타동사들( 전치사를 쓸 것 같지만 쓰면 안 되는 동사들 )- The space shuttle is approaching the sun.- I discussed the problem with him.- This game will affect the fate of our

team. - He enters his room.- She refused to join the club.- His wife will accompany him on the trip.# He graduated from Kyung Won Univ. 그는 경원대를 졸업했다 .

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• vt. 타동사 / vi. 자동사READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• she will expect him to listen: ‘ 그녀는 그가 듣기를 기대할 것이다 .’ 【설명】 5 형식 문장으로서 주어 (she) 는 목적어 (him) 가 목적보어 (to listen) 하기를 기대할 것이다 .예 ) 외부 요인들로 인해 그녀는 사직했다 .

주어 동사 목적어 목적보어

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

Outside factors influenced her to re-sign.

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• someone with whom they talk fre-quently: ‘ 그들이 자주 이야기를 나누는 사람’

-> talk to A: A 에게 말을 건네다예 ) 말벗• a companion whom one can chat• a companion whom one can chat

예 ) 당신의 꿈을 공유할 수 있는 사람이 있습니까 ?

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

Is there anyone with whom you can share your dream? 


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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• many: pron. 대다수 , 많은 일 ( 것 )예 ) Do you have many to finish? 마무리할 것이 많아요 ?

READING ONE: Different Ways of Talking

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• used to 부정사 : 현재와 대조적으로 과거의 동작이나 상태를 말할 때 쓰임그는 여느 때보다 일찍 왔다 .

그는 이전의 그가 아니다 .

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

He came earlier than he used (to).

He is not what he used to be.

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

After lunch he would take a nap.

점심 식사 후에 그는 흔히 낮잠을 잤다 .

• ‘would’ 는 특정인의 특성으로서의 과거의 습관적 또는 반복적인 행위를 말할 때 쓰인다 .

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• 여성을 나타내는 접미사-ette : suffragette( 여성 참정권론자 )-ess : stewardess( 스튜어디스 )-ress : wardress( 여교도관 ), waitress(웨이트리스 )

suffragist stewardwardwaiter

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

The blonde stereotype, the stereotypical per-ception of blond-haired women, has two as-pects.

On one hand, over the history, blond hair in women has been considered attractive and desirable.

On the other hand, a blond woman is often perceived as making little use of intelligence, as a "woman who relied rather on her looks rather than on intelligence"

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

Carlyle's comments on Shakespeare in his lecture show his elevation of the poet above all other types of Hero, including monarchs. He claims, for example, that Shakespeare possesses "a true English heart" that "breathes, calm and strong" (110). Not only is Shakespeare a true pa-triot, but he is even more royal than "an English King" because, Carlyle exclaims, "no time or chance, Parliament or combi-nation of Parliaments, can dethrone [him]!" (114).

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

In fact, Carlyle asks if an Englishman had to choose, whether he would "give-up [his] In-dian Empire or [his] Shakspeare?" (113). He answers that Shakespeare is a more impor-tant possession than India, as the "Indian Empire will go ... some day; but this Shake-speare does not go, he lasts for ever with us; we cannot give-up our Shakspeare" (113). "No," he reiterates, "Indian Empire or no Indian Empire; we cannot do without Shakspeare" (113). (5)

from Carlyle's influence on Shakespeare

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

Shakespeare Quotes“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child!” <King Lear>

“The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” <Measure For Measure>

“Neither a borrower nor a lender be;  For loan oft loses both itself and friend,” (Don't borrow or lend money, or you may lose both the money and the friend.) <Hamlet>

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• dozens of words (which were) related to occupa-tions: ‘ 직업과 관련되어 있는 수 십 가지 낱말들’

• The car repaired by that mechanic is mine. = The car (that is) repaired by that mechanic is mine.

• I didn’t open the letter sent to me yesterday. = I didn’t open the letter (which was) sent to me yesterday.

• I bought a car made in Japan. = I bought a car (which was) made in Japan.

• The novel written by Hemingway is interesting. = The novel (which was) written by Hemingway is interesting.

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of GenderREADING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

< 남성어를 여성어로 , 여성어를 남성어로 바꾸시오 .>• ① アラ、驚いた。さちゃんじゃないの。どうしたの?• ② ヤダ、もうこんな時間だわ。これから夕食の支度なのよ。間に合うかしら。 • ③ ねえ、今流れてる曲、すてきだねえ。• ④ お前、どうしたんだよ。ひでえ顔してるじゃないか。• ⑤ ちょっと行って、どやしつけてやれ。• ⑥ しょがねえなあ。ちったあ、ケツの穴に力を入れて、しっかりやれよ。• ① 驚いたなあ。さちゃんじゃないか。どうしたんだ?• ② おや、もうこんな時間か。これから夕食の支度なんだ。間に合うかなあ。 • ③ なあ、今流れてる曲、いい曲だなあ。• ④ あら、どうしたのよ。ひどい顔してるじゃないの。• ⑤ ちょっと行って、ひとこと行ってきてよ。• ⑥ 仕方ないわねえ。少しは気合を入れて、しっかりしてよ。[ 출처 ]  정말로 쓸수 있다! 일본어 연습 노트(本当に使える!日本語練習ノート。)-樋口裕一(히구치 유이치)-(3) | 작성자


READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• p. 681. These words might make women feel less

important than men.2. police officer, firefighter, mail carrier3. They changed as a result of the women’s

movement.4. Women use more words to describe colors.

Women use adjectives that men don’t use such as lovely, cute, and adorable.

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• p. 68~69

Males Females2. commands 3. gossip4. to solve 5. strangers6. doing things 7. tag questions8. purple 9. lovely, cute,

adorable10. ka 10. no

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• p. 70

1. emphasize 6. fairly2. masculine 7. occupation3. influence 8. status4. compete 9. reflect5. feminine 10. women’s


READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• p. 71~72

1. d2. f3. b4. e5. c6. a

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones

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Unit 4. Speaking of Gender

• p. 73

1. as fluently as2. more rapidly than3. more slowly than4. as skillfully as5. more carefully than6. less perfectly than

READING TWO: Speaking of Gender by Keena Jones