unit 7. at the kitchen - junta de andalucía · unit 7. at the kitchen ... (infinitivo + -ing)....

TURISMO Y HOSTELERÍA. NIVEL MEDIO. UNIDAD 7 Página 1 UNIT 7. AT THE KITCHEN MISCELLANEA Las expresiones de cantidad - A LOT OF Este adjetivo significa mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas. Se utiliza delante de los sustantivos contables en plural y delante de los incontables. ‘It's awful to drive into the city centre after between 6 and 7 p.m. There is a lot of traffic.’ ‘Have you been to the new store? They have got a lot of clothes at very cheap prices.’ A lot no lleva la preposición of si no va seguido de un sustantivo. ‘Did you take any photographs on your holiday to Egypt? Yes, a lot.’ - MUCH / MANY Much significa mucho/a y se usa delante de los sustantivos incontables. ‘There isn't much entertainment in this town.’ ‘How much sugar do you take in your coffee?’ Many significa muchos/as y precede los sustantivos contables en plural. Why did you fail the exam? I don't know, I didn't make many mistakes. A lot suele usarse generalmente en las frases afirmativas mientras que much y many son más frecuentes en las negaciones y las interrogaciones. - Few / A few Estos dos determinantes acompañan a los contables en plural. Few significa pocos/as y puede ir modificado por very. ‘He's an extremely introvert person. He's got very few friends.’ A few significa unos cuantos y tiene una connotación positiva. (Very) Few al contrario, pueden dar un idea negativa.

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• Las expresiones de cantidad


• Este adjetivo significa mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas. Se utiliza delante de los sustantivos contables en plural y delante de los incontables.

‘It's awful to drive into the city centre after between 6 and 7 p.m. There is a lot of traffic.’

‘Have you been to the new store? They have got a lot of clothes at very cheap prices.’

• A lot no lleva la preposición of si no va seguido de un sustantivo.

‘Did you take any photographs on your holiday to Egypt? Yes, a lot.’


• Much significa mucho/a y se usa delante de los sustantivos incontables.

‘There isn't much entertainment in this town.’

‘How much sugar do you take in your coffee?’

• Many significa muchos/as y precede los sustantivos contables en plural.

Why did you fail the exam? I don't know, I didn't make many mistakes.

A lot suele usarse generalmente en las frases afirmativas mientras que much y many son más frecuentes en las negaciones y las interrogaciones.

- Few / A few

• Estos dos determinantes acompañan a los contables en plural. Few significa pocos/as y puede ir modificado por very.

‘He's an extremely introvert person. He's got very few friends.’

• A few significa unos cuantos y tiene una connotación positiva. (Very) Few al contrario, pueden dar un idea negativa.


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‘Why do you look so happy today? Because I've finished all the exams and I have a few days off. I'm going to go out with my friends every evening!’

- Little / A little

• Estos determinantes preceden a los incontables. Little significa poco y puede ir modificado por very. Normalmente ambos expresan una idea negativa. A little significa un poco de y suele tener una connotación positiva.

‘I've got a little money. Let's diner out tonight!’

‘I can't go out tonight. I've got (very) little money.’

- Enough

• Esta palabra significa bastante / suficiente. Precede a los sustantivos pero va detrás de los adjetivos. Cuando acompaña al sustantivo enough actúa como adjetivo y cuando lo encontramos con un adjetivo tiene función de adverbio.

‘Have you had enough coffee or shall I pour you some more?’

‘I'm not tall enough to reach that window. Would you mind opening it for me?’


• Past Continuous

Este tiempo verbal es un tiempo compuesto. Para conjugar el Past continuous, necesitamos el Past simple del auxiliar to be y el verbo principal en forma de gerundio (infinitivo + -ing).



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The Past Continuous Tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative I was walking I was not (wasn't) walking Was I walking? You were walking You were not (weren't) walking Were you walking? He was walking He was not (wasn't) walking Was he walking? She was walking She was not (wasn't) walking Was she walking? It was walking It was not (wasn't) walking Was it walking? We were walking We were not (weren't) walking Were we walking? You were walking You were not (weren't) walking Were you walking? They were walking They were not (weren’t)walking Were they walking?

Este tiempo verbal se utiliza en los siguientes casos:

• Para hablar de aquellas acciones que estaban en curso en un momento determinado del pasado.

‘Yesterday at five I was cleaning my car. And you? What were you doing at five?’

• Para hablar de acciones ya concluidas, utilizamos el Past simple.

‘Yesterday at five I cleaned my car.’

Como puede observar en los ejemplos, el Past continuous nos presenta una parte de la acción, no toda la acción completa; en cambio, el Past simple nos indica que la acción está acabada. En el primer ejemplo, el coche aún se estaba limpiando a las cinco; en el segundo ejemplo, entendemos que la limpieza del coche concluyó a esa hora.

Cuando combinamos estos dos tiempos verbales, se presenta una acción que ya estaba empezada (Past continuous) y que queda interrumpida momentáneamente por otra acción (Past simple).

‘We were waiting at the traffic lights when the car behind crashed into our car.’

‘Cuando el coche de detrás chocó con el nuestro, llevábamos un rato esperando en el semáforo.’

1. Listening. ‘Con la policía’. Después de ser víctimas de un robo, la policía interroga a Ákis, Dímitra y al Sr. Papadopoulous, camarero. Escucha la conversación y lee el diálogo. Subraya las palabras que no conozcas para después buscarlas en un diccionario.

Policeman: So, tell me Mr Yanópoulos, how did the robbery happen?

Ákis: Well, I’m not really sure. I was cooking in the kitchen, so I couldn’t really see what happened. You should ask my wife and the waiters. They were working in the dining room when the robbers came into the restaurant.


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Policeman: Well, Mrs Yanópoulos, what can you tell me about the robbery?

Dímitra: Well, it was about 9.00 p.m. when three men came into the restaurant. They were carrying big guns. They asked Mr Papadopoulous, the head waiter, to lock the door. And then they said to the guests that they would kill them, if they moved or shouted!

Policeman: What did they look like, Mr Papadopoulous?

Mr Papadopoulous: I can’t really say. They were wearing stockings over their heads! But I think they were foreigners because they spoke English with a very strange accent.

Policeman: And what did they do after you locked the door?

Mr Papadopoulous: One of them took out a big brown bag and asked the guests to put all their money, rings, necklaces and anything of value into the bag. Meanwhile the other two were aiming at the customers with their guns. When they finished collecting everything, they went to the cash register and ordered Mrs Yanópoulos to put all the money from the till in the bag!

Policeman: Did they speak to you, Mrs Yanópoulos?

Dímitra: Yes, while they were putting the money into the bag, they asked me where the kitchen was. So I took them there and they started to take out food and bottles of wine from the cold store. They took as much as they could outside through the back door!

Policeman: One moment! You said you were in the kitchen, Mr Yanópoulos.... What were you doing?

Ákis: Well... when I saw what was happening I tried to escape through the back door and get help but there was something blocking it, so I couldn’t do anything and...while I was trying to open the door, they came into the kitchen... errmm...., it’s a bit embarrassing for me... I, I hid in the pantry! That’s why I couldn’t see them!

Dímitra: Oh, you coward!

2. Di si las siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas.

True False

1. There were five robbers in the gang. _____ _____

2. There weren’t many people in the restaurant. _____ _____

3. Ákis didn’t see what happen. _____ _____

4. The men were carrying knives and guns. _____ _____

5. Mrs Yanópoulos locked the restaurant door. _____ _____

6. Mr Papadopoulous is the restaurant manager. _____ _____

7. The robbers took away only the cash in hand. _____ _____


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8. Ákis hid when the robbers entered the kitchen. _____ _____

9. The robbers ran away in a white van. _____ _____

3. Grammar practice. Now fill in the blanks to complete the sentences from the video. Use the following verb forms:

didn’t see were putting saw were working took was cooking

was happening Came asked tried to escape were aiming

1. I __________________ in the kitchen, so I __________________ what happened.

2. They __________________in the dining room when the robbers ___________ into the restaurant.

3. One of them ________________ out a brown bag while the others _____________ at the customers with their guns.

4. While they _________________ all the money in the bag, they _______________ where the kitchen was.

5. When I _______________ what _________________ in the restaurant I ____________ through the back door.

4. Rellena los huecos con some, any, a lot of, much, many, few, (a) little, enough.

1. Hurry up! We don’t have __________ time.

2. I don’t like living in the city. There’s too ____________ pollution and there are too _________ cars.

3. He’s not very sociable. That’s why he has very _________ friends.

4. - I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat?

- I’ve just made ________ buns. Help yourself!

5. ___________ people think that money can’t buy happiness.

6. The party is a success! If anybody else turns up we won’t have __________ drinks!

7. How ________ children have you got?

8. How ________ sugar do we need for the pancakes? Oh... and how about eggs? Do we need ___________?

9. Melt ____________ butter in the pan and pour a spoonful of the mixture. The pancakes will be ready in __________ minutes.


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• The kitchen

Blender Licuadora Bottle opener Destapador Broiler Asador Burner Quemador de cocina Can opener Abrelatas Canister Bote, lata Casserole Cazuela Coffeemaker Cafetera Colander Colador Counter Encimera Cupboard Alacena Cutting board Tabla para cortar Dish drainer Escurridor Dish towel Secador de platos Dishwasher Lavaplatos Detergent Detergente Freezer Congelador Frying pan Sartén Ice tray Cubitera de hielo Kettle Tetera Microwave Microondas Bowl Cuenco Oven Horno Pot holder Agarradera Peeler Pelador Pot Cacerola Refrigerator Nevera Roasting pan Fuente de horno, asadera Rolling pin Rodillo Saucepan Cacerola Scouring pad Estropajo, esponja de lavarSink Fregadero, pileta Steamer Vaporera Stove Hornilla Toaster Tostador

• Crime

Arson Delito de incendiar Blackmail Chantaje Bribery Soborno Forgery Falsificación Kidnapping Secuestro / rapto Mugging Asalto Murder Asesinato Pickpocketing Robo de carteristasShoplifting Ratería de tiendas Smuggling Contrabando Theft Hurto, robo


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5. Completa la carta siguiente con la forma correcta de Past simple o Past Continuous de los verbos que aparecen entre paréntesis.

6. Vuelve a leer la carta y responde a las siguientes preguntas.

1. What was Peter doing at six o’clock?

2. What was the weather like?


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3. Where did he live?

4. Why was he driving carefully?

5. What did he see? Where?

6. What did the girl ask him?

7. What did he do when she cried ‘Look out!?

8. What happened when we was going back to his car?

9. Why didn’t he finish his question?

10. What happened with the girl?

7. Escoge la forma correcta del verbo en cursiva.

1. I was having / had a shower when the telephone was ringing / rang.

2. What were you doing / did you do when they arrived / were arriving?


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3. When I was arriving / arrived home, I was having / had dinner and went / was going to bed.

4. While Sarah was watching / watched TV, her husband bathed / was bathing the baby.

5. She met / was meeting her husband while they studied / were studying at university.

6. Sue was the most elegant girl at the party. She wore / was wearing a long, black, silk dress.

7. I finished / was finishing my shopping and was going / went home.

8. Corrige las frases que no sean correctas:

1. There are too much people queueing for the cinema. Let’s go somewhere else!

2. How many money did you spend on your holiday?

3. I’d like a little of sugar in my coffee, please.

4. I’m going to buy a new car. The one I’ve got now is giving me a lot of trouble. It’s always breaking down!

5. - How much cigarettes do you smoke a day?

- Not much. About four or five.


9. Responde a las siguientes preguntas sobre ti.

a) What were you doing yesterday morning at 11.00?

b) How much coffee do you drink every day?


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c) Have you ever been robbed? If so, what did the robbers steal?

d) What are you wearing today?

e) Are there many members in your family? Explain it briefly.

10. ¿Qué estabas haciendo ayer a estas horas?

1. 8.00 a.m.

2. 11.30 a.m.

3. Noon.

4. 2.00 p.m.

5. 5.15 p.m.

6. 10.00 p.m.


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7. Midnight.