unit 7 daedalus and icarus - nozha language schools 7 daedalus and icarus ... audience group of...

1 Cairo Governorate Department : English Nozha Directorate of Education Form : 5 th Primary Nozha Language Schools Revision Sheet “Ismailia Road” Branch Second Term Unit 7 Daedalus and Icarus I- Vocabulary : disobey to refuse to do something that you are told to do . disobey obey monster an unnatural creature in shape and size that causes fear . maze an area in which you can get easily lost because there are so many similar streets or passages . audience group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play , film … stare to look for a long time with the eyes wide open . huge very big = enormous . spray very small drops of water blown from the sea . chief a leader of group ; a ruler soar fly famous well known . melt to turn from solid into liquid by heating . escape to get free from something low high inside outside shield a large flat object made of metal or wood that soldiers held in front of their bodies to protect themselves . * Language building * A simple sentence is made up of one main clause . e . g : My father is a doctor . * A compound sentence : is made up of two simple sentences . The two simple sentences can be joined by the conjunctions * and * but * or

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Cairo Governorate Department : English Nozha Directorate of Education Form : 5th Primary Nozha Language Schools Revision Sheet “Ismailia Road” Branch Second Term

Unit 7

Daedalus and Icarus I- Vocabulary : disobey to refuse to do something that you are told to do .

disobey ≠ obey monster an unnatural creature in shape and size that causes fear . maze an area in which you can get easily lost because there are

so many similar streets or passages . audience group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a

play , film … stare to look for a long time with the eyes wide open . huge very big = enormous . spray very small drops of water blown from the sea . chief a leader of group ; a ruler soar fly famous well known . melt to turn from solid into liquid by heating . escape to get free from something low ≠ high inside ≠ outside shield a large flat object made of metal or wood that soldiers held

in front of their bodies to protect themselves . * Language building * A simple sentence is made up of one main clause . e . g : My father is a doctor . * A compound sentence : is made up of two simple sentences . The two simple sentences can be joined by the conjunctions * and * but * or


Conversational phrases – agreement Positive : * S0 + auxiliary verb ( do – does – did – am – is – are – can ) + subject . We put the auxiliary according to the verb . e. g : * I like reading stories . - So I do I . * Rana can play tennis . - So can Noha . * I am happy . - So am I . * Me too : We use it when we agree with positive sentences , but we don't want to repeat it . E . g: * Randa usually sleeps early . - Me too Negative Neither + auxiliary + subject We use it when we agree with a negative sentence , but we don't want to repeat it . e. g : I can't drive a car . Neither can I . * My mother isn't a teacher . Neither is my father . Me neither : We use it when we agree with a negative sentence , but we don't want to repeat it . e . g : I don't like swimming . Me neither . * Make compound sentences from these pairs of simple sentences using : " and " – " or " – " but : - 1- My sister doesn't like drawing . She doesn't like doing the washing up . ………………………………………………………………………………..

2- Elephants are huge animals . They have trunks . ………………………………………………………………………………..

3- I went to the cinema . I watched a film . ………………………………………………………………………………..

4- My father doesn't drink coffee . He drinks tea . ………………………………………………………………………………..


Choose : 1- I went to the club [ or – and – but ] I played tennis . 2- You must [ obey – disobey – annoy ] your parents . 3- Two prisoners [ escaped – skipped – explained ] from the prison yesterday . 4- It's very [ danger – dangerous – safe ] to play with matches . 5- Soldiers used to wear [ chiefs – shields – hats ] to protect themselves in wars 6- I can't drive a car . [ So does Rans – So can Rana – Neither can Rana ] . 7- Birds are covered with [ skin – hair – feathers ] . 8- The birds can fly very [ low – high – slow ] in the sky . 9- I'm so happy today. [ So do I – So am I – Me neither ] . 10- I love reading stories. [ Neither do I – So do I – Me neither ] . 11- Ali went to the zoo yesterday . [ Neither did Hany – So can Hany – So did Hany ] . 12- Reem doesn't have many friends . [ So does nour – Neither does Nour – Me too ] . 13- The sun melts the [ wood – wax – iron ] . 14- Al Fayoum is [ famous – intelligent – dangerous ] for its water wheels . 15- I travelled to Paris [ but - on – and ] I didn't see the Eiffel Tower . 16- Yesterday I read a story about an imaginative frightening sea [ master – minister – monster ] . 17- The policemen held up their [ shelves – shields – shells ] against the flying rocks and bricks . 18- All night long fireworks [ soared – soaked - sobbed ] into the sky . Rewrite : 1- I had to travel to London last week . [ when .. ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Hany studied his lessons yesterday . [ usually ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 3- The bird flew too near the sun . [ not ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 4- You want to go to the cinema and I want to go with you . [ So ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 5- Alex likes English , I like English too . [ So ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 6- Tom doesn't play tennis . Suzy doesn't play tennis . [ Neither ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 7- Nour can speak French . I can speak French too . [ So ] …………………………………………………………………………………


8- My advice to you is to study your lessons . [ should ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 9- I didn't travel to china . Hala didn't travel to China either . [ Neither ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 10- I bought a new dress yesterday . I also bought a new bag .[ and ] ………………………………………………………………………………… Give one word : 1- An area of ground where plants or crops are grown . …………….. 2- A person who takes other people's things without permission . ……………. 3- A flat piece of metal carried by a soldier and used for protection. …………. 4- It is the change from solid into liquid by heating . ………………. 5- To run away from . ………………. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues : A) Ali : Nice to see you , Sami .

Sami : ……………………………………… Ali : ……………………….……………… ? Sami : I was in London last week . Ali : …………………………………………? Sami : It was so cold . Ali : …………………………………………..? Sami : Yes , I enjoyed my time there .

B) Mary : Why didn’t you come to school yesterday ?

Sue : ……………………………………………….. Mary : Why didn’t you get up early as usual ? Sue : ………………………………………………. Mary : Were you studying your lessons ? Sue : …………………………………. a new film . Mary : …………………………………………………? Sue : It ended at 2 o’clock .


Sample Test Choose : 1- I didn't go to the club . [ Me too – So did I – Neither did I ] . 2- I can't play football . [ So do I – Neither can I – so can I ] . 3- I like English [ but – or – and ] I don't like Arabic . 4- Amr Diab is a [ famous – familiar – intelligent ] singer.All people love him . 5- A lion has escaped [ at – in – from ] its cage . 6- The [ audience – doctors – players ] clapped their hands for the performance of the actors 7- You must [ disobey – obey – obedient ] your teachers . 8- Don't stare [ in – at – on ] me like that . Rewrite : 1- Ali doesn't eat pizza . Omar doesn't eat pizza either . [ Neither ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Noura likes playing tennis . She doesn't like playing volleyball . [ but ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 3- The bird flew very high in the sky . [ How .. ] ………………………………………………………………………………… 4- Ali has just done his homework . [ yet ] ………………………………………………………………………………… Dialogue : Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Omar : What's your favourite hobby ? Nour : …………………………………………… Omar : …………………………………………. ? Nour : I have been practising tennis since2003 . Composition : My last summer holiday Last summer – travel – England – plane – Big Ben – souvenirs – enjoyed . ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………


Comprehension : Read the passage , then answer the following questions : Hard work and success

We all agree to the fact that hard work is the golden key to success .

Work is the only way to achieve our hopes in life . Thus ,we must do our best

to get what we want . Those who wok honestly , always achieve great progress

Undoubtedly , lazy people can't achieve success and fail in life . They

don't work hard but they sleep and wait for success to come to them . This kind

of people are not productive in our society but they are in fact parasites . In

conclusion , we must work hard and encourage other people to exert great

efforts to be successful in life . hard work is really an honour .

Answer the following questions :

1- What is the golden key to success ?


2- What should we do to achieve our hopes ?


B- Choose the correct answer :

3- The society , whose individuals work hard , always achieves .

a- gold b- progress c- failure

4- We should …………… people to exert efforts to be successful in life .

a- encourage b- discourage c- ignore


E- The Link Readers :

VI- A) Answer the following questions :-

1- Who wrote the story of the Robinson family ? Why ?


2- Why did jack think that the dogs would be useful ?


B) Complete the following :-

3- Mary years ago , lots of families left Europe to …………………

4- Ernest found ………………. and ………….. on the ship .

F- Orthography :

VII) A) Supply the missing lines :

It’s funny how beetles





B) What’s the main idea of the poem ?



G- Handwriting :

VIII- Copy the following sentences in your best handwriting :

A man is known by the company he keeps .


Unit 8 Man on the Moon

I- Vocabulary : Astronaut A traveller into space in a spacecraft . Spacecraft Spaceship Scientist A person who studies or teaches science . Courageous Brave . Tiny Very small Hazardous Dangerous Hatch The door in a plane or a spacecraft . giant Huge . Mankind All the people in the world . Incredible Difficult to believe . Shuffle A way of walking without lifting your feet off the

ground . Charcoal A black substance that is produced from burned wood . peace A situation or a period of time in which there is no war

or violence in a country or area . peace ≠ war Landscape Everything you can see when you look across a large

area of land . The soles of the feet The bottom surface of your feet . Bucket A round , open container , usually made of metal or

plastic with a handle , that is used for carrying something Pride The feeling of pleasure that you have when you do

something good . Collect Gather Prayers The words that you use when you speak to God .


Phrasal verbs : * dream about sth . e. g He usually dreams about the future . * Wait for sth or sb . e. g : she is waiting for the bus now . Put off : to delay doing something = to do it later . Speed up : to do something more quickly .

Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today. Break down : to stop working . Get rid of sth : to throw it away . Pull off : to succeed in doing something difficult . Come back : return .

Grammar Present continuous with future Meaning Usage : We use the present continuous to express what we have planned to do in the near future . e. g. Sally is going to the cinema tomorrow . Ex: Ali is traveling to Alex. next week . Key words : Tomorrow – tonight – today – this morning , evening -, afternoon – next week . Form : positive v. to be [ am – is – are ] + verb + ing e. g Omar is buying a new car today . Negative : V. To be + not + verb + ing e. g. Nour and Rana aren't playing tennis in a week . Question : V. to be + noun or pronoun + verb + ing e. g . Are they watching T. V tonight ?


Choose : 1- I saw an [ amazed – amazing – frightened ] film yesterday . 2- He [ put off – pulled off – broke down ] the meeting till next week . 3- Let's say a [ song – pray – prayer ] for all the people who are ill . 4- This boy is [ coward – courageous – silly ] he saved the injured man bravely 5- Hany's car [ broke down – put off – came back ] on his way to work this morning . 6- Travelling into space is [ tired – hazardous – amazed ] . 7- Her parents watched with [ pride – proud – sadness ] as Noha went up to take her prize . 8- Life in the countryside is very [ peaceful – quite – noisy ] . 9- A / An [ Scientist – astronaut – engineer ] is a person who studies science . 10- Astronauts travel to space in a [ train – parachute – spacecraft ] . 11- We are travelling to London [ yesterday – tonight – every year ] . 12- The astronaut opened the [ hatch – bonnet – seat ] and got out of the spacecraft . 13- This invention is [ useless – incredible – courageous ] It is a dream which has come true to everyone . 14- The pizza is delicious . Did you make it [ yourself – myself – herself ] . 15- Salma [ visited – is visiting – visits ] her aunt in 2 days . Re-write : 1- Mona studied her lessons yesterday . [ this evening ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2- Hany is playing tennis tomorrow . [ not ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3- Rana is travelling to London next week . [ When ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- Ahmed likes reading English stories . I like reading English stories , too .

[ so ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 5- I can clean my room myself . [ we ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 6- My father's car stopped working on his way to work yesterday .

[ broke ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 7- I delayed going to the cinema till next week . [ put ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 8- I threw away my old teddy bear . [ got ] …………………………………………………………………………………..


9- Tom succeeded in achieving his goals . [ off ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 10- Helen has studied French since last year . [ for ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. Give one word : 1- Difficult to believe …………………………….. 2- Someone who studies science . …………………………….. 3- Someone who travels into space …………………………….. 4- brave …………………………….. 5- All the people in the world …………………………….. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues : A) Nada : I’d like a pair of shoes , please .

Shop assistant : …………………………………………? Nada : Size 39 please . Shop assistant : What colour do you like ? Nada : ……………………………………… Shop assistant : ………………………………………. Nada : Thank you .

B) Ben : …………………………………………..? Sam : I read in my spare time . Ben : What books do you like to read ?

Sam : ……………………………………………… Ben : Me too , ……………………………………..? Sam : My favourite is “ The adventures of Sinbad .” Ben : …………………………………………………?

Sam : The part I like best is when sindbad fights the sea monster .


Sample Test on Unit 8 Choose the correct answer :

1- Rana [ swims – swam – is swimming ] in the pool this morning .

2- Let's [ get ride of – put off – speed up ] that old chair and buy a new one .

3- He earns an [ possible – believable – incredible ] salary .

4- Ali walked [ careful – carefully – careless ] across the river .

5- [ Scientists – Astronauts – Actors ] made great inventions for mankind .

6- You have to speed [ of – up – off ] the work because you are late .

7- Most of us always [ get ride of – dream about – put off ] the future .

8- Playing with fire works is [ hazardous – interested – safety ] .

Rewrite : 1- Sarah goes to the club twice a week . [ How .. ]


2- Reem usually studies her lessons . [ not ]


3- The football club succeeded in winning the first cup . [ pull ]


4- Omar went to the cinema last week . [ tonight ]


Dialogue :

Tom : ………………………………………………..?

Sam : I'm traveling to France .

Tom : How are you traveling there ?

Sam : I'm traveling by plane .

Tom : ……………………………………………….. ?

Sam : I'm staying there for week .


Comprehension : Thomas Edison was born in 1847 in America . As a little boy , he wanted to know everything . Very early in life , he showed that he was full of curiosity . He worked for some times as a telephone operator . But soon he became interested in inventing things . His first great invention was a system of telegraph . Soon afterwards , he invented the phonograph .The first form of ' phonograph ' means something that can ' write or record sound . Edison also invented a heated wire called a ' filament ' . The wire is heated by an electric current . This invention allowed people to use electricity to light their homes . Answer the following questions : 1- What was Edison interested in ? ……………………………………………………………….. 2- How did the lamp help people ? ……………………………………………………………….. Choose : 3- A phonograph ………………………….. a- lights houses b- records sound c- sends telegrams 4- Edison spent most of his life as ……………… a- an inventor b- a telephone operator c- an electrician Composition : Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about " Tourism in Egypt " Guiding words : tourism – important – Egypt – tourists – come – enjoy – attractions – sun shine – pyramids – luxor and Aswan – national income . ………………………………………………………………………………..










The Link Readers :

A) Answer the following questions :

1- How did the Robinsons move the large animals ashore ?


2- Why was Jack shouting for help ?


B) Complete the following :

3- The Robinsons put …………………. and other useful things on the raft .

4- Father made a fireplace with ………………………

Orthography :

A) Supply the missing lines :

I’m ten and I’m bored .




B) What’s the main idea of the poem ?


Handwriting :

Copy the following sentences in your best handwriting :

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush .


Unit 9 Poetry I- Vocabulary : - blast off (v.) of spacecraft leaves the ground ; takes off . - wake (n.) The track that a moving ship or plane leaves behind

on the same path of travel . - flame (n.) A tongue of red or yellow burning gas. - swifter (adj) Quicker ; move at great speed without effort . - ace-man (adj) A person who is very good or very skilled in doing

an activity . - shoot (v.) To move somewhere quickly and suddenly . - Cruise (v.) To move but to stay at the same speed on a long

journey or to travel by boat visiting a number of places .

- landscape (n.) Everything you can see when you look across a large area of land

- Scorch (v.) To travel very fast or to burn sth. So that its colour changes but it’s not destroyed .

- mission (n.) A special journey made by a spacecraft to do an important job .

- worth(n.) The value of sb. / sth ; how useful it is . - Haiku (n) A type of Japanese poem of three lines , often on the

subject of nature . - Spaceship (n.) A vehicle that travels in space carrying people . - Fiery (adj) Bright red like fire . - twinkle (v.) To shine through darkness with a soft light . - roar (v.) To make a loud deep sound . - set (v.) = rise To go down below the horizon ( the line where the

earth meets the sky ). - glow (v.) To produce light or heat without smoke or flames . - hatch (n.) An opening in the floor of a ship or the bottom of an


aircraft through which goods are passed . - match (n.) A small stick of wood that’s used for starting a fire . - patch (n.) A piece of material that you use to cover a hole in

clothes . - scratch (v.) To make a mark on a surface or a slight cut on sb’s

skin with sth. Sharp . - stretch(v.) To push out your arms , legs , etc as far as possible .- ditch (n.) A long narrow hole dug along the side of a road for

water to flow along . - snatch (v.) To take sth. with a quick rough movement ; steal . - sketch (n.) A simple , quick drawing without many details . - fetch (v.) To go to a place and bring back sb. / sth. Grammatical structure : So and such * We use “ so” + adjective / adverb. (eg) The book was so interesting that I read it several times . * We use “ such” + adjective + noun . (e.g) It was such an interesting book that I read it several times . Exercises I- Choose the correct answer from between he brackets : 1- The spacecraft blasted [ off – of – on ] making an explosion . 2- The car left clouds of dust in its [ worth – wake – glow ] . 3- He is a [ swift – fiery – haiku ] runner . He runs fast . 4- The thieves [ snatched – cruise – shot ] out through the back door when they saw the police coming . 5- They [ shot – cruised – scratched ] around the Caribbean islands . 6- I [ scorched – scratched – snatched ] my blouse while I was ironing it . 7- The car [ cruised – snatched – scorched ] down the road at 90 miles per hour 8- Our [ mission – patch – ditch ] is to send back information about the enemy’s movement .


9- This ring is [ wake –worth – sketch ] a lot of money .

10- She has booked a direct [ flight – flame – journey ] to Paris .

11- The [ flight – journey – cruise ] to work takes me 45 minutes .

12- Firemen raced to the [ fiery – shining – burning ] building .

13- He watched until the aeroplane was just a [ dot – sketch – patch ] in the sky

14- She has [ ace – swift – fiery ] red hair .

15- They [ roared – scratched – twinkled ] with laughter at the joke .

16- In the winter , the sun [ roars – stretches – sets ] early .

17- The cat’s eyes [ glowed – roared – stretched ] in the darkness .

18- He went through the [ sketch – ditch – hatch ] of the ship to look at the sea

19- I threw the ball and the dog [ caught – stretched – scorched ] it in its mouth

20- She lit the candle with a [ hatch – match – ditch ] .

21- He had a [ hatch – match – patch ] on the elbow of his jacket .

22- The dog is [ stretching – scratching – snatching ] at the door to be let in .

23- She [ scratched – stretched – snatched ] out on the sofa and fell asleep .

24- A boy [ snatched – hatched – fetched ] her handbag and ran off .

25-He sat on the grass and drew a [ patch – ditch – sketch ] of the castle .

26- Could you [ scratch – fetch – stretch ] me a clean shirt from my bedroom .

27- This tea is [ so – such – much ] good that I think I’ll have another cup .

28- It was [ so – such – too ] nice weather that we went to the zoo .

29- It was such [ easy – a test – an easy test ]that I answered it in 15 minutes .

30- The film is so [ boring – interesting – glowing ] . I won’t watch it again .


II- Give one word : 1- A person who is very good in doing an activity . ………………. 2- Everything you can see when you look across a large area of land . ……….. 3- To go to a place and bring back sb./ sth . ………………… 4- An opening in the bottom of an aircraft through which goods are passed . 5- A vehicle that travels in space carrying people . ………………… 6- A long narrow hole for water to flow along . ………………… 7- A type of Japanese poem of three lines . ………………… 8- A simple , quick drawing without many details . ………………… 9- A special journey made by a space craft to do an important job . …………. 10- A piece of material that you use to cover a hole in clothes . ……………….. III- Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1- The stick is very hard . He can’t break it . [ so … that ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 2- The film on T. V was boring . I turned off the TV. [ such … that ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 3- It’s necessary for her to use a dictionary . [ she … ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 4- The teacher spoke quickly . I couldn’t understand her . [ so .. that ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 5- The boy is going to buy some chocolates . [ what ? ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 6- She sends e-mails to her friend . [ E-mails ..] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 7- I was in the kitchen when the thief broke into the house . [ Where .. ?] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 8- We couldn’t catch the plane because we were very late . [ so .. that ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 9- The bag is very heavy . I can’t carry it . [ such .. that ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 10- He was a polite boy so his father bought him a lovely present . [ so.. that ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 11- Mum went shopping . She met her friend . [ while ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 12- I have just finished my H. W . [ ago ] …………………………………………….…………………………………………………


13- He goes to the club three times a week . [ How .. ?] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 14- They bought a new car two months ago . [since ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… 15- The dishes were washed by mum . [ Mum … ] …………………………………………….………………………………………………… IV- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues : A) Mary : …………………………………………………? Ann : Yes , I have . I went to France last summer . Mary : ……………………………………………………..? Ann : I went there by plane . Mary : ……………………………………………………..? Ann : At a small hotel in Paris . Mary : ………………………………………………………?

Ann : Three weeks . Mary : What did you buy there ? Ann : ………………………………………………………

B) Tamer : I phoned you this morning but there was nobody home . Shady : Oh yes . We all ……………………….. Tamer : Why did you go to the airport ? Shady : ……………………………………………. Tamer : ……………………………………………? Shady : My uncle’s plane arrived at 6 o’clock . Tamer : …………………………………………….? Shady : Yes , the airport was very crowded .


Sample Test (9) A-Vocabulary and structure : I- Underline the correct words in brackets : 1- The house was [ in flames – glowing – blasting off ] when the fire engine arrived . 2- The car [ cruised – hatched – stopped ] past me at 100 miles per hour . 3- Stars [ twinkled – roared – scratched ] in the sky . 4- The lion opened its huge mouth and [ glowed – snatched – roared ] . 5- In the evening we sat and watched the sun [ returning – shining – setting ] . 6- I sewed [ patches – sketches – haikus ] on the knees of my jeans . 7- She [ stretched – shot – scratched] the side of the car as she was driving through the gate . 8- He switched off the alarm clock , yawned and [ fetched – stretched – snatched ] . 9- We enjoyed our holiday . It was so [ a good time – relaxing – relax ] . 10- She is [ so – such – much ] a nice person . II- Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1- The boxes were heavy . I couldn’t carry them . [ such .. that ] ………………………………………………………………………. 2- The children cleaned the room . [ the room .. ] ………………………………………………………………………. 3- Yesterday was very cold . I had to wear my coat . [ so .. that ] ………………………………………………………………………. 4- She ate some apples half an hour ago . [ just ] ………………………………………………………………………. B- Language Functions : III- Supply the missing parts in the flowing dialogue : Tim : ………………………………………………..? Mark : My favourite hobby is tennis . Tim : How long have you been playing it ? Mark : ………………………………………………… Tim : ………………………………………………..? Mark : Of course , I can teach you how to play it . Tim : …………………………………………………..? Mark : It takes about two months to learn this game .


C- Reading Comprehension : IV- Read the following passage and answer the questions below : Jim lived with his parents until he was twenty-one years old , and then he got a job in the office of a big factory in another town , so he left home . He found a comfortable little flat and he lived there on his own . At first he cleaned it himself , but he did not want to have to go on doing this , so he determined to find someone else to do it instead of him . He asked a lot of his fellow workers at the factory , what they did about this , and at last one of the men said , “ Mrs Roger comes and cleans my flat regularly . She keeps the place neat and tidy . I’ll introduce her to you , if you like . She does her best but she hasn’t got much energy .” “Well, you’d better ask her to come and see me , please ,” Jim answered . So the next evening Mrs Roger came to see him . She agreed with pleasure to come to his flat every morning for an hour . After she had been working for Jim for two weeks , he looked at the mirror in his bedroom and thought , “That mirror looks very dusty . Mrs Roger’s forgotten to clean it . I can write on it with my finger .” He wrote a message in the dust . “ I’m coughing whenever I breathe because everything in this room is very dusty .” He came home this evening and went into his bedroom and looked at the mirror . It hasn’t been cleaned . Instead of cleaning it , Mrs Roger left him a bottle of cough medicine . A) Answer the following questions : 1- Did Mrs Roger clean Jim’s bedroom ? How do you know ? ………………………………………………………………….. 2- Who suggested Mrs Roger’s name to clean Jim’s flat ? …………………………………………………………………. B) Choose the correct answer : 3- Before Mrs Roger came , the flat was cleaned by ………………… a- an office boy b- Jim’s parents c- Jim himself 4- Mrs Roger worked for Jim for …………… a- two days b- two weeks c- a long time


D- Pictorial Composition : V- Write a paragraph not less than 6 lines on “ How to keep healthy ?” Guiding words : Eat – meals – milk – fruits and vegetables – exercises – practice – doctor – clean . ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. E- The Link Readers : VI- A) Answer the following questions : 1- What did the dog find? ……………………………………………………………. 2- What did father do with the coconut ? ……………………………………………………………. B) Complete the following : 3- They noticed …………. on the trees and father told fritz about ……….. 4- The sea and some ……………… lay on one side of the hill . F- Orthography : VII- A) Supply the missing lines : Some questions they won’t answer . ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. B) What’s the main idea of the poem ? ……………………………………………………………. G- Handwriting : VIII- Copy the following sentences in your best handwriting : When the cat is away , the mice will play .


Unit 10

New Vocabulary : * Shipwreck (n.) : an accident in which a ship is destroyed during a journey . * Roar (v.) : to make a deep , loud continuing sound . * Howl (v.) : to make a loud sound to express pain or sadness . If the wind howls , it blows hard and makes a lot of noise . * Scrape ( n.) : the sound made by rubbing something in a rough way . * Tear (v.) : to pull into pieces by force . * Pour ( v.) : to flow quickly and continuously . * Panic ( n.) : a sudden strong feeling of worry or fear that makes you unable to think clearly or calmly . * Yell (n.) : to shout / cry or say something loudly . * Abandon (v.) : to leave someone / something completely and forever . * Knock over (v.) : to hit someone causing him to fall to the ground . * Hold tightly (v.) : to keep control on something in a strong way . * Explorer (n.) : someone who travels to new places to find out about them . * In the distance : at a point which is far away . * Drag down (v.) : to move something by pulling it along the ground . * Cough (v.) : to push air out from your throat with rough noise . * Splutter (v.) : to speak in a quick and confused way making short unclear noises . * Gasp for breath : to take a short quick breath through the mouth especially because of surprise or pain . * Terrified ( adj. ) : to feel afraid or scared . * Stagger ( v. ) : to walk in an uncontrolled way as if you were going to fall over . * Shiver ( v. ) : to shake strongly because of being afraid or cold . * Exhausted ( adj.) : extremely tired . * Survivor ( n. ) : a person who has kept alive after coming close to death . * Chest ( n. ) : a large strong box in which valuable object are kept . * Grab ( v. ) : to hold something with a sudden rough movement . * Stream ( n. ) : a natural flow of water which is smaller than a river . * Shelter ( n. ) : a building that's made to keep people safe from bad weather ,

danger or attack. * Hut ( n. ) : a small building made of wood and used for living . * Case ( n. ) : a large box in which goods can be stored or moved . * Amazement ( n. ) : feeling of great surprise . * Swamp ( n. ) : an area of soft wet land . * Lagoon ( n. ) : a lake of sea water which is partly or completely separated from the sea . * Pit ( n. ) : a large hole in the ground . * Bay ( n. ) : a part of the sea or of a large lake that's enclosed in a curve of the land . Grammar Reported Speech Speech Direct Speech Indirect Speech ( Reported Speech ) To say what someone has said To report ( re -say ) what was said


using exactly the words they used . without using exactly the same words .ex : Judy said to me , " My parents ex : Judy told me that her parents were are very well." very well . * To change from direct speech into reported ( indirect ) speech follow these steps : 1. Cross out the speech marks "……" . 2. Change [ said to ] into [ told ] . 3. Use [ that ] to join the two parts of the sentence . 4. Change the pronouns according to the meaning :

Indirect Direct he , she I him , her Me his , her My his , hers Mine they , them You They We Them Us Their Our Theirs Ours Their Your

5. Change the present tense into the past . 6. Change the adverbs of time and place as follows:

Indirect Direct That This Those These There Here Then Now that day Today that night Tonight Had to must

Examples : * Jim said , " I'm tired ." Jim said that he was tired . * John said to Tom , " I don't know Peter ." John told Tom that he didn't know Peter . * Sally said to her sister " I can't ride a bike ." Sally told her sister that she couldn't ride a bike .


Exercises I) Choose the correct answer from between the brackets : 1. While they were walking in the forest , they heard the ( panic – howl – roar ) of an angry lion 2. Christopher Columbus was a great ( survivor – explorer – shelter ) . He discovered America and many other countries . 3. The thief ( rescued – shivered – grabbed ) the bag while the lady was shopping . 4.There were many ( jungles – huts – shipwrecks ) because of that rocky coast . 5. It was such a terrible weather that ( lightning – thunder – waves ) started to roar noisily . 6. The car went out of control and skidded on ice then it ( scrapped – crashed – tore ) into another one . 7. She was so angry that she ( labeled – tore – howled ) the photograph into pieces . 8. ( Splutter – Pour – Gasp ) the mixture into a dish and bake for 45 minutes . 9. The children ( yelled – grabbed – rescued ) fearfully when they saw the fierce dog . 10. The great fire caused a terrible ( adventure – stream – panic ) all over the city . 11. The cruel man ( roared – abandoned – screamed ) his wife and children forever . 12. The dog ( splashed – knocked – staggered ) over a chair as it rushed past . 13. They had to ( shiver – stagger – scrape ) all the snow off the car before they went out in it . 14. There have been several ( escapes – panic – distance ) from that prison . 15. The sun ( tore – terrified – disappeared ) behind the clouds . 16. John is driving very fast , hold on ( amazingly – tightly – deeply ) to your seats . 17. Tom was about to drown , he came out of water ( knocking over – gasping for – dragging down ) breath . 18. Sally ( staggered – dragged – spluttered ) her suitcases down the path . 19. He has always looked ( terrified – exhausted – straight ) since he had that terrible accident . 20. Jim was very angry , he ( shivered – spluttered – poured ) some unclear words , then he left the room . 21. Last night , the wind was ( pouring – howling – amazing ) outside that nobody in the village could stay outdoors . 22. The little kid was badly ill and he was ( shivering – terrifying – gasping ) with cold as well . 23. After working for twenty hours without taking any rest , George felt completely ( panic – warm – exhausted ) . 24. The old man has broken his leg , he couldn't walk properly , he was ( shivering – staggering – coughing ) along the street . 25. Ships are mostly made of wood because it ( sinks – floats – rescues ) on water . 26. Mr. Brown kept his valuable books in a big heavy ( chest – pit – stream ) . 27. There were no ( explorers – survivors – shelters ) of the accident , all of them died . 28. The carpenter needed a/an ( axe – hammer – rope ) and some nails to fix the broken chair . 29. A horse bent down to drink from a little ( chest – stream – pit ) in the forest . 30. Because little Jack is her only grandson , grandma spoils him much .She gives him ( some – no – plenty of ) money . II) Give one word for the following definitions : 1. A person who is able to continue living their life successfully despite having difficulties . (………………………..) 2. A sudden strong feeling of fear that stops any reasonable thought or action (………………..………)


3. To be extremely tired . (…………………………) 4. To leave a place , thing or person forever . (………………………..) 5. A small natural flow of water smaller than a river . (…………………………) 6. Great feeling of surprise . (……………………….) 7. Someone who travels to places where no one has ever been in order to find out what is there . (………………………..) 8. A drawing of the earth's surface or part of it showing the shape and position of different countries . (………………………..) 9. To shake because you feel ill , cold or frightened .

( …………………….....) 10. A place built for people to be protected from bad weather and other dangers . ( ………………………)


III) Change the following sentences into reported speech : 1. Mum said , " I get up early ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. She said to me , " I never eat between meals ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Tom said to Jack , " My wife buys everything she needs here ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Dad said to Mary , " She is trying to find a new job ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 5. He said , " They can cook Chinese food ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Mary said to me , " I sometimes write to my friends in Canada ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Mum said to dad , " I don't think it is a good idea ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 8. John said to Sally , " We don't have any children ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Dalia said to him , " Dad is waiting outside . " ………………………………………………………………………………… 10. The station master said to the passengers , " The train leaves at five ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Sally said to Mary , " I'm watching TV now ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 12. Mr. Bob said to us , " I'm not enjoying my job much ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 13. Sam said to his teacher , " I don't have any idea what Ben is doing now ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 14. Mary said to me , " I think this restaurant is expensive ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 15. Charlie said to his uncle , " You can come and stay at my flat , if you are ever in London ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 16. Sharon and Paul said to me , " We are getting married next week ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 17. Meg said to the interviewer , " I can speak a little French ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 18. Jim said to his wife , " I want to go on holiday but I can't afford it ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 19. Tom said to me , " I don't feel well ." ………………………………………………………………………………… 20. Mary said , " I always lend Tom my car . " ………………………………………………………………………………… IV) Rewrite the following sentences using the words between the brackets : 1. The weather was very bad yesterday so we couldn't go out . ( so…….that ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Ali eat two pieces of cake every day . ( by )


………………………………………………………………………………… 3. They will travel to Paris next month . ( already ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 4. I live in a big flat . Mona lives in a big flat as well . ( so ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 5. He eats too many sweets so he suffers from toothache . ( If ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 6. The student said to the teacher , " I don't have my book ." ( told ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 7. His T-shirt is very dirty . He should change it . ( such ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Mum didn't finish lunch . ( yet ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Salma and I feel tired . ( so ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 10. We are staying at home tonight . ( last night ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Sara said to Mona , " I can't see well ." ( told ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 12. Mary bought a new dress yesterday . ( by ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 13. The flight to India has taken more than six hours . ( How ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 14. Dad and mum never read the newspaper . ( neither ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 15. Jill slipped as she was getting off the bus . ( When ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 16. Jimmy plans to go to the cinema . ( tonight ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 17. My advice to you is to read more to improve your English . ( ought ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 18. She intends to visit her granny . next week ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 19. The policeman said to John , " You must put on your helmet." ( told ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 20. Did you bake a cake before ? ( ever ) ………………………………………………………………………………… IV) Complete the following dialogues using the suitable words : 1) Tom : Why are you late ? Jack :……………………………………………………… Tom :Why didn't you catch the bus ? Jack : ……………………………………………………… Tom :………………………………………………………..? Jack : I came by dad's car .


2) Sally : I called you yesterday but you didn't answer , what's the matter ? Mary : ………………………………………………………….. Sally : Why were you in the hospital ? Mary : …………………………………………………………… Sally : How did Little Tom break his leg ? Mary :…………………………………………………………… Sally :……………………………………………………………. Mary : Thank you Sally . 3) Mrs. Nadia : Good morning , sir . I'd like to report my missing bag . Policeman :……………………………………………………. ? Mrs. Nadia : Of course , It is a black rectangular leather bag Policeman :…………………………………………………… ? Mrs. Nadia : Yes , there was about L.E 100 . Policeman :…………………………………………………………. Mrs. Nadia : Ok , my phone number is 598028


4) Doctor : ……………………………………………………. ? Patient : I've been suffering from bad cough for two days . Doctor : ………………………………………………………? Patient : No , I didn't take any medicine . Doctor : You should rest at home as well . Patient : ……………………………………………………? Doctor : For at least three days . Patient : Thanks a lot , doctor . Doctor : ……………………………………………….............. Sample Test A) Vocabulary & Structure I) Choose the correct answer from between the brackets : 1. The brave fireman threw himself into the fire to ( shiver – tear – rescue ) the little child . 2. The Robinsons had to build a ( shelter – case – swamp ) in the forest using the ranches and some ropes . 3. Sally told Meg that she ( is – was – has been ) in Alex then . 4. A large crowd of people ( rescued – gathered – roared ) in front of the hotel waiting for the famous actress . 5. The farmers in the village sleep in small ( maps – chests – huts ) made of wood . 6. While they were watching the magic show , they shook their heads in ( panic – terror – amazement ) . 7. As it was her birthday , she bought an expensive jacket made of ( leather – leaves – branches) 8. Tom told his mum that ( I – he – his ) was going to be late .


II) Rewrite the following sentences using the words between the brackets 1. Sam said to Tina , " I'm studying English at this moment ." ( told ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. This house is very old. It was built 100 years ago . ( such ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Ann and I don't have any money . ( neither ) ………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Adam is going to play a football match . ( just ) ………………………………………………………………………………… B) Language Function III) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues : Mary : Good afternoon . Librarian : ………………….. , ……………………………………………? Mary :Yes , please . I want a book about computers . Librarian : ……………………………………………………………......... C) Reading Comprehension IV) Read the following passage then answer the questions below : A man had a little dog, and he was very fond of it. He would pat its head, and take it on his knee, and talk to it. Then he would give it little bits of food from his own plate. A donkey looked in at the window and saw the man and the dog "Why does he not make a pet of me?" said the donkey. "It is not fair. I work hard, and the dog only wags its tail, and barks, and jumps on its master's knee. It is not fair." Then the donkey said to himself, "If I do what the dog does, he may make a pet of me." So the donkey ran into the room. It brayed as loudly as it could. It wagged its tail so hard that it knocked over a jar on the table. Then it tried to jump on to its master's knee. The master thought the donkey was mad, and he shouted, "Help! Help!" Men came running in with sticks, and they beat the donkey till it ran out of the house, and they drove it back to the field. "I only did what the dog does," said the donkey," and yet they make a pet of the dog, and they beat me with sticks. It is not fair." Answer the following questions : 1. Why did the donkey think that the man was unfair to him ? ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. What did the man do with the donkey when it tried to do as the dog did ? ……………………………………………………………………………… Choose the correct answer : 3. The man thought the donkey was ………………… a. funny . b. nice . c. mad. 4. All the men …………… the donkey . a. fed . b. carried . c. beat . D- Composition V) Write a paragraph on the following : " How useful and important reading is ." You can use the following guiding words :


library – Books – information – interesting – Knowledge – Useful ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


E- The Link Readers ( Swiss Family Robinson ) VI) Answer the following questions : 1. What did the monkeys on the island do when they saw Fritz and his father ? ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Why did Fritz and his father go back to the shipwreck ? ………………………………………………………………………………… Complete the following sentences : 1. The dog found …………………….. among the trees and they took it . 2. Mum used a…………as a………………… to warn them in case of danger . F- Orthography VII) A) Supply the missing lines : Red is a sunset , ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… B) What is the main idea of this poem ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… G- Handwriting VIII) Copy the following sentences in your best handwriting : Where there’s a will , there’s a way .


Unit (11) New Vocabulary : * Geography ( n. ) : the science that studies the surface of the earth . * Explore ( v. ) : to travel around an area of land in order to learn about it or to look for something valuable . * Pick ( v. ) : to choose someone or something from a group . * Report ( n. ) : a spoken or written description of a particular subject , situation or event . * Heading ( n. ) : the title at the top of a page or any other piece of writing . * Introduction ( n. ) : the part at the beginning of a book , report …… that gives a general idea of what it's about . * Location ( n. ) : the place where someone / something is or where something happens . * Population ( n. ) : the number of people who live in a particular area . * Capital City : the most important city in the country where the country has its government . * Landscape ( n. ) : an area of land that has particular features . * Coastline ( n. ) : the land along the edge of the sea . * Plains ( n. ) : large flat areas of land . * Main ( adj. ) : the most important . * Industry ( n. ) : the production of goods in factories . * Tourism ( n. ) : the business of providing services for people who are travelling to places for a holiday . * History ( n. ) : the whole time before the present time. Or : The study of what happened in the past . * Historic ( adj. ) : something which is important enough to be remembered as a part of history . * Site ( n. ) : a place where something interesting or important happened . * Farming ( n. ) : using the land for growing vegetables and fruits or for keeping animals . * Ancient ( adj. ) : very old . * Greek ( adj. ) : whatever related to Greece . * Civilization ( n.) : The type of advanced society of a particular time or place . eg. The ancient Egyptian civilization. * Include ( v. ) : to contain or to have someone as a part . * According to : as said / told by . * Legend ( n. ) : an old story about unreal people and events . * Minotaur ( n. ) : unreal creature , half a man and half a bull ( usually with a bull's head on a human body . * Monster ( n. ) : unreal creature that's large ,ugly and frightening . * Mountainous ( adj. ) : covered with mountains . * Maze ( n. ) : paths with tall walls on either side which is difficult to find your way out of . * Fiction ( n. ) : stories which tell of unreal characters or events . * Precious ( adj. ) : expensive , important or of a great value . * Initial ( adj. ) : of or at the beginning .


* Cautious ( adj. ) : someone who is careful and doesn't get himself into dangers .


Grammar Active & Passive * A simple sentence is mainly made up of : a) Subject . b) verb . c) object . ex : Tom ate his breakfast . S. V. Obj. ** They visited aunt Sue . ( Active Voice ) Active Voice : 1. Subject . 2. Verb . 3. Object . ** Aunt Sue was visited by them . ( Passive Voice ) Passive Voice : 1. Object . 2. Verb to be . 3. Past participle of the verb . 4. by + subject . * To change from the active voice to the passive one : 1. Start with the object . 2. Put the suitable form of verb “to be” according to the tense: Present : am – is – are * Past : was – were * 3. Put the past participle form of the verb . 4. Put " by " followed by the subject . Examples : * A Thief stole a lot of money yesterday . ( Active ) A lot of money was stolen by a thief . ( Passive ) * Sue invited all her friends to her wedding party . ( Active ) All Sue's friends were invited to her wedding party . ( Passive ) * Our parents advised us not to go out alone . ( Active ) We were advised by our parents not to go out alone . ( Passive ) * Tim and Jack cleaned their room . ( Active ) Tim and Jack's room was cleaned by them . ( Passive ) Exercises I) Choose the correct answer from between the brackets : 1. Tom and his friends are getting ready to ( pick – explore – report ) the caves at the edge of the village . 2. He's fond of ( history – geography – science ) , he likes to study the earth including rivers , mountains and oceans . 3. The children were punished because their father wasn't pleased with their monthly ( heading – location – report ) . 4. John is such a greedy boy that he ( included – picked – covered ) the biggest sandwich on the table . 5. The policemen need more ( landscapes – locations – information ) to catch the thief . 6. Mum always ( does – makes – explores ) some notes before she goes shopping . 7. The ( industry – heading – history ) of the unit helps you know what it's about . 8. The compass is important to set your ( size – location – population ) exactly . 9. This dress suits her perfectly , it's the suitable ( heading – size – landscape ) . 10. Egypt has a/an ( introduction – civilization – population ) of over eighty million people .


11. English and French are the mostly spoken ( industries – languages – locations ) in Canada . 12. Tourists like to walk along the ( landscape – coastline – mountain ) of Greece . 13. The Mediterranean Sea is ( on – at – in ) the north of Egypt . 14. The ( historic – main – large ) reason of her illness is eating too much unhealthy food . 15. Germany is famous for the ( industry – history – legend ) of cars . 16. There are many historic places in Egypt that are perfect for ( history – tourism – industry ) . 17. The Egyptian Museum is a ( historic – main – capital ) place where you can learn more about Egypt . 18. The policemen took photos of the ( coast – site – note ) of the murder . 19. He bought a large piece of land and he kept it for ( farming – fishing – heading ) 20. ( Historic – Ancient – Main ) Egyptians had built many wonderful things . 21. People from all over the world come to Egypt to watch of the ancient Egyptian's ( introduction – industry – civilization ) 22. The book about Egypt ( includes – explores – covers ) some colourful pictures . 23. People are fond of listening to Greek ( legends – islands – mazes ) . 24. ( Covering – According – Including ) to what's written in the newspaper , it'll be rainy tomorrow . 25. Uncle Brown has a large farm which ( includes – covers – explores ) about one thousand square meters . 26. They had to swim about three more miles to reach the ( landscape – island – introduction ) . 27. It was difficult for Jim to ride his bike through this ( historic – mountainous – ancient ) road . 28. Healthy food is important ( to – by – at ) young kids . 29. Sam suggested going ( farming – fishing – walking ) in the nearby lake . 30. Every winter lots of people go to Luxor and Aswan ( to – for – at ) their holiday II) Give one word for the following definitions : 1.The part that comes in the beginning of a letter , a book or a report . ( ……………………… ) 2. Producing goods for sale , especially in a factory or special area . ( ….……………………) 3. An area in which you can easily get lost because there are so many similar streets . ( …….…………………) 4. A very old story from very old times , which is usually untrue and tells people about famous events or persons . ( ……………………. ) 5. Going on long journeys to visit famous places in different countries . ( ……………………. ) 6. The business of farmers to use land to grow vegetables and fruits . (…………...) 7. The study of the world's weather , mountains , seas , lakes and how countries are arranged . ( …………..…………) 8. Something of great value because of being expensive or important ( ………….) 9. Someone who plays or writes music usually as their job . ( ………………. ) 10. A large area of flat land . ( ……..……………… ) III) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: 1. They gave my little sister a ticket . ( A ticket ) ……………………………………………………………………………………..


2. Tom and Jack showed the visitors the new building . ( were) ……………………………………………………………………………………... 3. I read English stories . ( are) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Someone taught him French . ( was ) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5. He always treats us gently . ( We) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. The farmers water the land every day . ( The land) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Tom carried the basket home . ( The basket ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 8. They didn't believe him . ( He ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Sally keeps her books in the locker . ( are ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 10. We always obey our parents' orders . ( are ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. The police caught the thieves . ( The thieves) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 12. My friends help me . ( I ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 13. A taxi knocked over an old woman . ( An old woman ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14. Jane broke her leg . ( was ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. Miss Mary stacked the books neatly . ( The books) .………………………………………………………………………………………. 16. English people drink a lot of tea . ( A lot of tea ) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 17. Shirly suggests good ideas . ( are ) ………………………………………………………………………………………. 18. The Pharaohs built the pyramids . ( The pyramids ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 19. We visited Spain and Italy . ( were ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 20. I sent her a bunch of flowers . ( A bunch ..) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 21. Tilly suggested going to the cinema . ( Let's )


22. Meg said to her brother , " I need some rest ." ( told )


23. This movie is the most scary movie I've ever seen . ( No other )



24. Tina hasn't gone to the zoo since she was ten . ( for )


25. Sara and I helped the children . ( by )


26. Mr. Phil is a very wise man , everyone asks him for advice . ( such )


27. Mary visited Paris two years ago . ( since )


28. Dan's bag is very heavy . He can't carry it . ( so ….. that )


29. Tom said to Meg , " I can't come to the party ." ( told )


30. It’s necessary for Jane to take her medicine on time . ( must )


31. He has finished his lunch . He still feels hungry . ( but )


32. No other animal is more enormous than the white whale . ( the )


33. Tim hasn’t shaved for a week . ( How ….? )


34. Farmer John used a tractor to farm the land . ( was )


35. They have already visited aunt Em . ( next Thursday )


36. I said to Sue , " Paul and I are getting married next month ." ( told )


37. My school isn’t as near to my house as my cousin’s. ( further )


38. Tommy was very tired , he slept immediately . ( such …… that )



39. They have to come early to watch the show from the beginning . ( If )


40. I always have a shower in the evening . ( Last Thursday evening )


IV) Complete the following dialogues using the suitable words :

1. Dad : Welcome back , Jacky . Was your trip nice ? Jacky

:………………………………………………………… Dad :


Jacky : Yes , this is all my luggage , but ………………………………….. Dad :

Ok , calm down and try to look for it carefully . Jacky : Oh , I

think …………………………………………

Dad : Here’s the phone . Call her and ask about it .

2. Dentist : Mr. Lee this tooth will hurt you a bit . Mr.

Lee : ………………………………………………….? Dentist :

I’ll give you some medicine , but you must …………………………..

Mr. Lee : ………………………………………………….? Dentist

: At least you have to brush them twice a day .

Mr. Lee : Is that all ? Dentist

: You have also to ………………………………………………………...

3. Tommy : I hate science lessons , they are ……………………………………

Mum : Oh , Tommy you always complain about everything .

Tommy : I’m not ……………….. but ………………………………………. Mum :

But science is important , because …………………………………... Tommy :

……………………………………………………..? Mum : Ok , my

advice to you is that you have to understand it properly then study it well .

Tommy : ……………………………………………………..? Mum

: Of course , I’ll help you .


4. Mary : …………………………………………………….?

Sally : I’m sorry I can’t lend you these notes . Mary :

……………………………………………………….? Sally :

Because I have a French test next week . Mary : What

shall I do now ? Sally :

……………………………………………………….. Mary : Thank

you , Sally . Sally :



Sample Test A) Vocabulary & Structure I) Choose the correct answer from between the brackets : 1. I was late for the ( civilization – meeting – heading ) so they had to start without me . 2. We were lost in the ( landscape – maze – report ) for more than an hour . 3. I think Tom is a good driver , may be he isn’t fast enough but he is ( initial – cautious – precious ). 4. The pyramids ( were visiting – are visited – were visited ) by millions of tourists last year . 5. In 1992 the ( population – civilization – landscape ) of Cairo was about six millions . 6. The hotel that Jack has booked in is , in a wonderful ( maze – location – legend ). 7. Mary told her mum that she ( is needed – needs – needed ) to have a rest . 8. The ( industry – heading – fiction ) of the story was really exciting . II) Rewrite the following sentences using the words between the brackets : 1. Mrs. Brown is more talkative than any other lady . ( the ) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. It was a beautiful day .We decided to go to the beach . ( such ……. that) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. I advised them to hang that picture lower , so that people can see it . ( If ) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The Johnsons are coming tomorrow . ( already ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….


B) Language Function III) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues : Mona : I bought this scarf for you when I was in Singapore . Nada : ……………………………. , ……………………………………….? Mona : Yes , it suits you perfectly . Nada : ………………………………………………… Mona : You are welcome . C) Reading Comprehension IV) Read the following passage then answer the questions below : Many years ago a very poor farmer bought a piece of land. One day while he was farming , he came upon an iron box that was buried in the soil. When he opened it, he was surprised to discover that it was filled with valuable stones and coins made of silver and gold . Since he owned the land where it was found, he could have kept the treasure for himself. But the farmer was a truly honest man . He at once went to the person from whom he had bought the land and showed him the treasure. “What is this?” asked the previous owner of the land . The farmer told him the story of how the treasure was found . But the previous owner refused to accept it, saying, “The treasure would have been mine if I had found it. I think it must have been hidden in the land by the people who had the land before me . As you have found it, it belongs to you . Finally, the two men decided to divide the treasure into two equal parts. The farmer and the previous owner of the plot would each take half . Answer the following questions : 1. What was hidden in the land ? …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Why didn't the previous owner of the land want to take the treasure from the farmer ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………


Choose the correct answer : 3. The farmer was ………………… a. funny . b. honest . c. greedy . 4. ……………. Buried the box in the soil . a. The poor farmer . b. The people who owned the land in the past . c. The man from whom the farmer bought the land . D- Composition V) Write a paragraph on the following : " Cairo ,the capital city of Egypt ." You can use the following guiding words : Population – Landscape – Civilization – interesting – Tourism . ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


E- The Link Readers ( Swiss Family Robinson ) VI) Answer the following questions : 1. Did the Robinsons feel homesick ? Why ? ……………………………………………………………………………………..… 2. What did the Robinsons do every day ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Complete the following sentences : 1. The boys helped their father to build ………......... and ………………….. . 2. All the children had ……………. , Fritz kept a ……………….. and gave Ernest ………………………….. but Jack had …………………………… F- Orthography VII) A) Supply the missing lines : I heard a bird at dawn , …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... B) What is the main idea of this poem ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… G- Handwriting VIII) Copy the following sentences in your best handwriting : Great talkers are little doers .


Unit 12 The stream New Vocabulary

m (n.): a small narrow river.

ed (v.): to make air, water or earth dirty or damaged.

ers (n.): people who live in a village (a small town in the country side).

pipe (n.): a tap from which you can get clear, fresh water.

(v.): to go and get something or someone and bring it.

(n.): a large round container for liquids.

(n.): different kinds.

iner (n.): something used for keeping things in.

(adj.): full of people.

t (v.): to start a journey.

(n.): something said or done to make people laugh.

(n.): a short journey in a car or a train or on a bicycle or a horse.

(n.): a small wooden car with two /four wheels and is pulled by a horse.

(n.): lorry.

by (v.): to move near someone or something.

gle (v.): using strength to fight against someone or something. To try hard to do something that is very difficult to do.

er (n.): someone whose job is to turn animals' skins into leather.

ery (n.): the place where leather is made by treating animals' skins with certain ances.

er (n.): the state of a person's feelings, mind at a particular time.

(v.): to move your hand to say.


n (v.): to move your eyebrows down and closer together because you are angry, ed or thinking hard.

usted (adj.): very tired.

ual: what usually happens in most cases.

ise (v.): to repeat an activity many times so that you become better at it.

(adj.): rising or falling with a sudden angle/quickly.

orest (n.): a thick forest in a hot area where it rains a lot.

(n.): a way made across the ground for the people and animals to pass through.

my (adj.): dark

us (adj.): feeling excited and worried or a little bit afraid.

ble (adj.): very bad./very unkind causing great fear.

(v.): to float or to be driven along by wind, current or waves.

(adj.): terrible = very bad.

iar (adj.): generally known or seen before.

(adj.): bad or ugly.

(n.): a small short tree.

ble (v.): to speak softly to yourself so as no one else can hear.

v.): to move by turning over and over or from side to side.

er (v.): to wish to know something/or to feel very surprised by something .

ht (adj.): directly.

your breath (v.):

ff (v.): to use force to remove something that's fixed somewhere.

.): a cover of a container.


er (v.): to speak quietly or to say something softly.

ry (n.): something strange or that can't be explained.

(v.): to clear up or know the answer to something.


Present Perfect

Usage :

The present perfect connects the past and the present . It’s used to show that an actior situation is in the past but its result is still continuous now. ex : She has lost her key

The present perfect is also used to tell that something started in the past but it has jfinished . ex : I’ve just finished all the housework .

The present perfect is also used to say that something started in the past and didn’tfinish and may continue in the future . ex : Grandma has lived herfor ten years .

The present perfect is used to tell that something happened and finished in the pastbut it isn’t known when exactly it happened . ex : The ancient Egyptians havbuilt the pyramids .

Form :

I We + have They you + Past Participle of the verb

He She + has It

Key Words :

Already – Just – Ever – Never – Yet – For – Since .


a) Just – Already :

They are used between has/have and the past participle . ex : Sharon just come. My cat has already drunall the milk .

b) Ever :

It’s used mostly in questions . ex : Have yoever visited Italy ? It’s the most interestinbook I’ve ever seen

c) Never :

It’s used to in positive sentences to give negative meaning . ex : Tilly hanever played tennis before .

d)Yet :

It’s only used in questions and negative sentences . ex : Has Jareturned back home yet ? Jack hasn’t returned back home yet .

e) Since :

It’s used when we say the start of the action ( ex : 8 o’clock – 1999 ……). ex : Sally hworked in this company since April . I haven’t seen Tom since Monday .

f) For :

It’s used when we say the whole period of time without saying the beginning of the act( ex : two hours – six weeks ……… ) .

ex : Sally has worked in the company for three months . I havenseen Tom for five days .

Time expressions with since Time expressions with for eight o’clock two hours Monday twenty minutes


twelfth May five days April six months 1987 a week summer fifty years lunchtime a long times they were at school ages


oose the correct answer from between the brackets :

e Nile River (passes – runs – fetches) through Egypt and Sudan.

and water are (polluted – fetched – practiced) by the wastes of the factories.

mers use (carts- containers- standpipes) to get water to wash the vegetables.

m is too busy today; she has a lot of (rides- sorts- jobs) to do.

ss Sally and the children (did-went-made) a trip to the pyramids.

m is very ill , please send someone (of – for – at) a doctor.

n forgets his bag, so he went back home to (mumble-roll-fetch) it.

s. Linda stores the oil in large (carts-drums-jokes).


andpa grows different (trucks- tanners- sorts) of plants in his garden.

ty Stars is such a (nasty–familiar-lively) place. It's always crowded with people.

om and Jack got in their cars and (set out- passed by- drifted through) towards

ir work.

nda is really a funny girl; she never stops telling us (jokes- rides- containers).

ally asked uncle Bob to give her a (village- ride-cart) to her work.

ll the cars (struggling- passing-polluting) by had to stop to help the people who were huaccident.

hrowing rubbish everywhere (frowns – fetches – pollutes) the earth.

ll the (containers – villagers – standpipes) helped in putting out the fire that started in the

om and Jack were (whispering – struggling – pouring) to reach the airport before the planoff.

(temper's – tanner's – villager's) job is to make leather using animals' skins.

was such a wonderful story that it was (drifted – turned – solved) into a film.

he old gardener always shouts at the children who play in the garden. He's always usted – bad- tempered – straight).

ommy always (frowns – holds – waves) to his mother before he gets in the school bus.

was (straight – familiar – exhausted) after a long day without a break.

aptain Jack told us that we needed more (bush – practice – container) before the final .

my walks up the (tannery – path – stream) to her house every day.

he thief ran and hid in the (steep – gloomy – awful) garden.

feel a little bit (straight – nervous – horrible) when I travel by air.

he current was very strong, so many boats were (drifted – whispered – struggled)


wn the river.

really smells (steep – gloomy – awful) in here. Please open the window.

his tall man looked (nasty – familiar – horrible) I think, I saw him before where.

he (frowned – mumbled – polluted) some words to herself before she left.

ve one word for the following definitions :

make air, water, soil…etc unclean or damaged. (………………………)

articular state of mind during which you feel angry, worried and nervous. …………….………)

atural flow of water which is smaller than a river. (…………………..…)

be driven along by wind, waves or currents. (…….........................)

speak unclearly usually to yourself. (…………………………..)

expression of the face that shows that someone is angry or sad (…..…………..)

meone whose job is to make things that are made of iron. (……………..……….)

place where animals' skin is turned into leather. ( ………………………)

ing or falling quickly or at a large angle. ( ………………………..)

omething funny that you say in order to make people laugh . ( ……………….. )

omplete the following sentences using since or for :

asn't stopped raining …...................... afternoon.

m's father has been a policeman …………………… ten years.

ve you learnt English ……………………. a long time?

ah has lived in London ………………. 1987.

known Meg …………….. She was a baby.


ase hurry up! We have waited for you ………………… an hour.

e house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it………………… two months.

b and Alice have been married …………………. thirty years.

walked …………………….. three o'clock.

ally hasn't visited her grandfather ………………… she moved into a new house.

ewrite the following sentences using the words between the brackets :

m and I travelled to America. (so…..) ……………………………………………………………………………….

and Martin haven't got cars . ( neither) ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. The bookery good. I couldn't put it down. (so……that)


e boy saw mum as she was cooking. (when) ……………………………………………………………………………….

m and Sally didn't meet each other. (neither) ……………………………………………………..…………………………

g said to her dad," I am doing my homework now". (told) ………………………………………………………………………………..

e engineers built a great bridge over the river. (by) ………………………………………………………………………………..

d you go to the dentist? (yet) ……………………………………………………………………………….

me insects are more dangerous than they look. (as….as) ……………………………………………………………………………….


li can't swim. He can't ride a bike too. (or) ……………………………………………………………………………….

e should stop eating too much to lose weight. (If) ……………………………………………………………………………….

mmy looks tired . Mum advised him to take some rest. (ought) ………………………………………………………………………..............

e had an English test last week. (next) ……………………………………………………………………………….

o other girl is as good as Meg. (the) …………………………………………………………………………………

m hungry; I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. (for) …………………………………………………………………………………

e have had our pet cat for 3 years. (How….?) …………………………………………………………………………………

mer and Amr are good at painting. (so….) …………………………………………………………………………………

can understand Mr. Tom when he speaks slowly. (If) …………………………………………………………………………………

e slipped on the ice .He broke his leg. (and) …………………………………………………………………………………

he was nervous. She couldn't think properly. (so……that) …………………………………………………………………………………


le Test

A) Vocabulary & Structure

oose the correct answer from between the brackets :

ck was (whispering – rolling – practising) the tyre across the road.

a took this photo beside the apple (stream – bush – skin).

m (whispered – frowned – fetched) angrily when Tommy broke the expensive vase.

e lion looked (steep – straight – awful) at the gazelle before attacking it.

e watchers held their (breath – dust – containers) as the footballer was kicking the ball intot.

g (polluted – solved – poured) the coffee into two cups for us.

k opened the door angrily that he pulled the handle (of – out – off) the door.

ey were (frowning – whispering – pouring) quietly not to wake up the baby.

ewrite the following sentences using the words between the brackets :

id to Marry ," I don't like fish". (told) …………………………………………………………………………………

hasn't seen uncle Tom for 3 years. (since) …………………………………………………………………………………

necessary for you to buy a ticket before you get on the train. (must) …………………………………………………………………………………

e baker baked some more bread. (by) …………………………………………………………………………………


B) Language Function

upply the missing parts in the following dialogues :

Plum : This is the third time this week you have been late …………………………………………….? Nina : I’m sorry buarm clock doesn’t work properly . Miss Plum : Ok , you have to …………………………………………… Nina : I promise I’ll not be late agai

C) Reading Comprehension

ead the following passage then answer the questions below :

Rachel looked carefully at the board . Was that five or an eight ? Her friends copiedproblems into their notebook , but Rachel couldn’t see the board from the back of the class .

hel, is something wrong?” Mrs. Grimes asked. “No , Mrs. es .” Rachel slid over in her g to copy the problems from Jenny’s paper . “ Rachel , would you please come to m

?” Mrs. Grimes said . Rachel jumped. She walked up to Mrs. Grimes’s desk at the front of the “I wasn’t trying to cheat.” Rachel lowered her head and whispered, “

an’t see the board .” hat is a problem. Do you have glasses ? Rachel n’t speak . Her parents had taken her for glasses two weeks ago , but she didn’t want to wear in class where everyone would see . Mrs. Grimes sighed. “I think I seoblem. You don’t want your friends to know you need glasses . Is that right ?” l nodded . “Well, there

er solution. I could move your seat to the front of the class.” “But then I wouldn’t be by and Amanda,” Rachel said . You’re going to make your decision , l . Either you wear your glasses or I move your seat . The choice is up to you.” Rachel turnedt Jenny and Amanda. Jenny looked worried . Jenny and Amanda were good friends, and Rachd to continue sitting by them .

nk I’m going to keep my seat in the back ,” Rachel said. Mrs. Grimes nodded. “Okay, but if I see you wearing your glasses when you’re copying problems from the board, I’ll move your “I understand.” Rachel walked back to her seat, wondering how she was going to tell Jenny ada that she needed to wear glasses .

you in trouble?” Jenny asked. “You look scaanda said . “I’m not in trouble. I just hav

my glasses if I’m going to sit back here with you” “Then put them on,” Jenny said , while da was waiting excitedly . Then she put on her glasses : “ They’re so elegant !” said Amanda . Rachel was so happy and she never has her seat moved to the front of the class .

er the following questions :


at did Rachel try to do when she couldn’t see the board ?


at was Mrs. Grimes going to do if Rachel chose not to wear her glasses ?


se the correct answer from between the brackets :

ere was Rachel's seat in the classroom?

n the front b. in the middle

the back d. near Mrs. Grimes' desk

y didn’t Rachel want to wear her glasses ?

doesn't like the way she looks in them .

does not know where she put them .

friends laugh at her when she wears them .

does not want her friends to know she has them .

D- Composition

rite a paragraph on the following :

A story I read and I liked very much .”



E- The Link Readers ( Swiss Family Robinson ) VI) Answer the following questions : 1. How did the family celebrate Thanksgiving ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What did Father see through his telescope ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Complete the following sentences : 1. The family felt …………………… when they saw the snake . 2. Fritz and his father …………… the snake . F- Orthography VII) A) Supply the missing lines : Little old man hunched and grey ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B) What is the main idea of this poem ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… G- Handwriting VIII) Copy the following sentences in your best handwriting: All that glitters is not gold .


Unit 13 Join world watch New Vocabulary: Powerful (adj.): something is very strong \ someone has a lot of power

over other people

Persuade (v.): to make someone agree to do something.

Leaflet (n): a piece of paper that gives information about something.

Problem (n): something that is difficult.

Extinct (adj.): no longer exist.

Pollution (n.): the process of making the air, water or soil dirty and dangerous.

Pass law: to give approval to something by voting to make it law.

Laws (n.): the rules that everyone in a country must obey.

Encourage (v.): to support someone to do something.

Recycle (v.): to use things again instead of throwing them away.

Materials (n.): something that you use to make things with.

Atmosphere (n.): the air around the earth.

Prevent (v.): to stop something to happen.

Spill (v.): to let a liquid fall and pour out.

Protect (v.): to keep someone safe and stop them being hurt.

Wildlife (n.): the animals and plants that live independently from people usually in natural


Reduce (n.): to make something smaller or less.

Difference (n.): a way in which things are not the same.

Receive (v.): to get something or be given something.

Remind (v.): to make someone aware of something they have forgotten.

Regular (adj.): happening or being at fixed times.

Project (n.): a plan to do something.

Advice (n.): suggestion about what someone should do.

Promise (n.): something you have said you will certainly do.

Promise (v.): to say that you certainly do something.

Penny (n.): the smallest unit of money in Britain of which there are 100 in a pound.


Flood (n.): a great quantity of water covering a place that is usually dry.

Famine (n.): a time when there is not enough food for people to eat.

Earthquake (n.): a strong and sudden shaking of the ground.

Orang-utans (n.): a large Ape [monkey] with reddish brown hair and

long arms which live in forests.

Donate (v.): to help person or organization by giving money or goods.


The present perfect continues Form:

I, we, they, you have been

+ v. + -ing

He, she, it has been

Negative form:

I, we, they, you Have been

+ v. + -ing

He , she , it Has been

Question form:

Have + (I, we, they, you)

+ been + v. + -ing?

Has + (he, she, it)


It is used for an action that begins in the past and continues up to the present, the action

may be finished or unfinished.

E.g.: The car has been making strange noises.

*with for, since and how long to emphasize how long an action has been happening.

E.g.: We have been working for hours.

*we can use the present perfect continuous to talk about repeated actions up to now.

E.g.: Sally has been playing the piano since she was four.


Exercise Choose the correct answer:

1. Sorry, I (spelt – slept – spilt) coffee on the table.

2. We have looked for five (different – differences – differ) between the two pictures.

3. Your hair and eyes (remind – reminder – remember) me of your mother.

4. Dinosaurs are (pet – extinct – famine) animals.

5. Wood and stones are building (materials – laws – problems).

6. He shut the door to (recycle – pollute – prevent) every one from leaving.

7. She (reduces – persuades – donates) her friend to make new look.

8. A mother cat will always (encourage – spill – protect) her young.

9. Water and glass are (colourful - colourless – careless).

10. He is not a (help – helpful – helpless) child. He can't do any thing.

11. He is a good man. He (reduces – recycles – donates) money every year.

12. The air in big cities is full of (pollution – population – politicians).

13. She made a (promise - project – pollution) to buy him a bike.

14. Jane (has been writing – has written – wrote) a letter to her friend. She hasn't

finished it yet.

15. How long (have you been looking – have you looked – did you look) for a job since

last week.

16. What have you been doing? I (have been writing - writing am- have wrote) a

summary to a story I have just finished.

17. The baby (slept – has been sleeping - sleeps) since six o’clock.

18. She has been (play – played - playing) tennis for two hours.

19. We (have done – have been doing- did) our home work since afternoon.

20. How long has been (study – studies – studying) English?

21. We (have been waiting – waited – have waited) for the bus for half an hour.

Give one word:


1. To use somethings again instead of throwing them away. […………..……]

2. Something you have to solve. [………………………….]

3. A printed sheet of paper that gives information about something.


4. An opinion that is given to, telling you what is best. [………………….]

5. When you say you will definitely do something. [………………]

6. The animals that no longer exist. [……………………]

7. To stop something to happen. […………………….]

8. The smallest unit of money in Britain. […………………….]

9. A large kind of monkeys and live in forests. […………………..]

10. To make someone think of something they have forgotten.


Rewrite the following sentences using words between brackets:

1. Jane takes tennis lessons. She started in 1991. (for)

2. I have been playing tennis for hours. (How long…...?)

3. Tom plays football for the school team. He started in 2000.


4. Paul draws cartoon. he started in 1989 (for )

5. They cancelled all flights because of the fog. (were)

6. They have played basketball since 6:30. It’s now 8 o’clock.(for)

7. Jenny plays the piano. She started in 1998. (for )

8. The police arrested two hundred people. (were)

9. Tom collects football posters .He started in 2001 ( since )

10. Jack is writing a letter. (What …..?)

11. Maha has just finished her homework. (yet )

12. I bought my car two years ago (when….?)

13. We clean the garage everyday. (is)


14. They paint their house every year .(is)

15. Ann writes poems. she started in 1990 .(since )

16. This shirt costs me fifty pounds. (How much …?)

17. She has stayed in Alex for ten years. (How long …..?)

18. She bought some orange juice .(any)

19. She cleaned the room yesterday. (The room……..)

20. When the thief jumped out of the window ,the policeman was running

after him .(while)

Complete the missing parts in the following dialogues:


Meg: ……………………………………………?

Jane: I’m reading a book about rain forests.

Meg: ……………………………………….

Jane: Yes, it’s very interesting.

Meg: When did you start reading it?

Jane: ……………………………………..

Meg: How often do you go to the library?

Jane: ……………………………………….



Ahmed: Why were you absent yesterday?

Tarek: …………………………………………………

Ahmed: Why didn’t you get up early as usual?

Tarek: I didn’t go to bed until 2 o’clock in the morning.

Ahmed: ……………………………………………?

Tarek I was watching a film.

Ahmed: …………………………………………?

Tarek Yes, it was a very nice film.

Ahmed: You enjoyed the film and ……..............



Safaa: Where did you spend your mid-year holiday?

Hala: ……………………………………………

Safaa: ……………………………………….?

Hala: I went with my parents and my little brother.

Safaa: ……………………………………………?

Hala: We stayed for 5 days in Aswan and 2 days in Luxor.

Safaa: Did you enjoy your time there?

Hala: ……………………………………….



Swiss Family Robinson

Chapter 1

New vocabulary:

Toss: to throw something through the air carelessly.

Crash: the noise of something hitting another thing. Pour: to flow quickly from a container into another container in large amounts. Sink: when a ship goes below the surface of the sea. Drown: when someone dies because he is under water and can't breathe. Cabin: a room for passengers in a ship or an aeroplane.

Shore: the land by the edge of the sea.

Raft: pieces of wood tied together and used as a boat or a floating platform.

Hunt: to chase and kill animals for food or a sport.

Answer the following questions:

1- Why did lots of families leave Europe?


2- What country did the Robinson family come from?


3- How many children did the Robinson family have?


4- Who was the oldest child? Who was the youngest?


5- Where was the Robinson family sailing to?


6- Who decided to write the story of the family? Why?


7- What happened as soon as they had seen land?


8- How did the children feel during the storm?



9- How old was Jack when the ship was wrecked?


10- What happened while the family was sailing?


11- What did the captain ask the sailors to do ? Why ?


12- What did the children do when the storm began to calm down?

……………………………………………………………… 13- How was the cabin end of the ship after the storm ?

……………………………………………………………… 14- What was Fritz’s idea when they saw land ? Why wasn’t it a good idea ?

……………………………………………………………… 15- What did Jack suggest ? Was it good suggestion ?

……………………………………………………………… 16- What did Ernest find on the ship ?

……………………………………………………………… 17- Name four kinds of animals they found on the ship.

……………………………………………………………… 18- Why did Jack think that the dogs would be useful ?


Complete the following sentences :

1- Many years ago , lots of families left Europe to ……………….

2- Family Robinson decided to leave their house in …………….

3- The father wrote the story of their …………………….

4- The sea ……….. their ship up and down .

5- After six days everyone was ……………and …………..

6- During the storm , the children stayed ….. and their faces were ….

7- The ship began to …………… and water ………… in it .


8- The captain lowered the boats as they were going to ……….

9- The cabin end of the ship was ………………..

10- The sea was ……………….. in the sun .

11- Fritz and father were good ……………..

12- Fritz and father looked for ………….. on the ship .

13- Franz and mother came back with …………. and some …….

14- Father wasn’t so ………….. with Jack because he had …………

Chapter two New vocabulary:

Fishing rod: a long thin piece of wood or metal that's used for catching

Belt: a strip of leather or material that you wear round the waist .

Cliff: a steep hill made of rock next to the sea .

Palm: a tree that grows in hot countries .

Stream : a small river .

Fireplace : used for fire to burn in and give out heat .

Tent : a shelter made of cloth that's stretched over poles and

which you can fold and carry with you .

Pool: a small area of water .

Crab : an animal with a hard shell which lives in the sea . Answer the following questions :

1. What did the Robinsons put on the raft ?


2. How did they move the large animals ashore ?


3. How did they move the raft from the ship ?


4. What did father see with the telescope ?



5.Why was it easy to get ashore ?


6.How did they make the fire place ?


7.Who cooked soup? How did they do it ?


8. What did the children do once they arrived at the beach ?


9. Why was Jack shouting for help ?


10.Who ran to Jack where he was standing ? How did he help him?


11.What did they have for dinner on the first night?


12. Where did the Robinson sleep on the first night?

…………………………………………………………………………………… Complete the following sentences :

• The Robinsons put ……… , …………..and ……………….. on the raft .

• The Robinsons made …………… for the lager animals .

• The Robinsons pushed off from ………….. and rowed towards ………. .

• The cliffs were very high , they could see only …… and ………………

• Jack took a ………………. from his pocket .

• There was a …………………… that flows out of the sea .

• When the penguins saw the Robinsons , they ……………..

• Father made a ………………. with some flat stones .

• Fritz took a …………………. and crossed the stream .

• Ernest didn't like walking , so he …………………. .

• Jack climbed over the rocks looking for …………….

• Jack was standing in …………….when he shouted for help.

• A huge crab had its …………… around jack's …………..


• The Robinsons slept on the soft …………. under their ………….

Chapter three New vocabulary:

Plans: ideas about how to do something in the future .

Explore : to search and discover about something or someplace .

Coconut : a big round hard fruit that grows on palm trees .

Steep: rising or falling at sharp angle .

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Fritz and father go to explore the new land ?



2. What did they notice on the trees ?who told their names ?



3. What did the dog find? what was the monkeys’ reactions?



4. What did father do with the coconut ?



5. What did father know about all these things ?


6- What did they see from the top of a steep hill ?


7- What did Fritz and father show the rest of the family when they

came back ?



8- What did father think about the new land ? How did they feel on

the new land ?


Complete the following sentences :

1- Father and Mother …………. while the children were sleeping .

2- Mother stayed with the …… while Fritz and father went to……

3- Father and Fritz took a ………….. and a ………… with them

while exploring .

4- They noticed ………. on the trees and father told fritz about …

5- When they heard a strange noise , fritz …………………..

6- The monkeys threw …………… on fritz and father .

7- Father showed fritz how to ……… and they drank the ……….

8- Father knew about lot of things from …………….

9- They climbed a ………. and from the top they saw a long way .

10- The sea and some …………….. lay on one side of the hill .

11- There were …………… and …………. on the other side of the

hill , but there weren’t any ………….

12- They rested , then , walked back to their …………..

13- When they came back , Fritz was carrying ……………

14- They were all alone , but were …………………………….

Chapter Four

New Words :

* wreck : something that has been badly damaged .

* camp : a place where people stay in tents for short time .

* signal : a movement or sound that's made by someone and has a special

meaning for another person .


* lower : to move something down .

* seeds : small hard parts produced by a plant that can grow into a new

plant of the same type .

* yacht : a boat that's used for racing or sailing .

* stream : a small river .

* path : a way from one place to another that people can walk along

* woods : forests .

* string : a thin rope that's used for tying things together .

* measure : to find the size of something .

* hammock : a bed that's made of long pieces of cloth that are tied to each end

to a tree .

* Answer the following questions :

1. Where did the father decide to go ? Why ?



2. Who went with the father to the ship's wreck ?



3.What was the mother's idea to warn the father in case of danger ?



4. What did Fritz and his father find on the ship ?



5. What did the mother show the others ?



6. Describe the place that the mother took her family to .



7. What did the mother want to do in this place ? Why ?




8. What did the family build across the stream ? Why ?



9. What was Ernest's idea to measure the log of wood ?



10. What did the father make in addition to the bridge ?



11. How long did it take the family to build the house ?



12. What did the family use to build the house ?



13. Why did the family build their house above the ground ?



14. Describe the house that the family built .



15. What did the mother think about the house ?


16. How did the family feel in their new house ?


* Complete :

1. Father and …………. went back to the ………………..

2. ………….. , ……………. and …………….. didn't go with the others but

they stayed at ………………..


3. They wanted to get some ………….. from the ship's wreck before another


4. Father and Fritz kept going to the wreck for ……………….

5. Mother made a ………….. by using a ……….., she used it as a …………...

6. If there was any danger , mum would …………………………………………..

7. There were many things on the ship like ……………., …………………..,

………………,………………., ……………….., ………………, ……………. and


8. There was a ………………… as well on the ship and it was in pieces .

9. The family was ………………..as they found many useful things .

10. One day , mother was very ……. , she wanted to ……… father something .

11. Mother wanted to ………………. in the beautiful cool place that she found .

12. The family had to make a ……………..first to ……………………………

13. ………………and……………….. pulled the heavy wood .

14. Ernest suggested using some ……………….to measure………………….

15. Father used ……………..and……………… to make a cart .

16. It took them …………………..to build the house .

17. The family built their house above …………………………

18. The new tree house had strong …………..and ……….to …………………

19. They hung their ………………..from the higher branches .

20. Mother was very ……………in the house because ………………………

22. At last the children felt ………………and………………….


New VOC.

Homesick: feeling sad and alone because you are far from home.

Hammock: a long piece of cloth or net that is tied to each end to a tree to

make a bed.

Barn: a large building on a farm where animals, crops or machines are kept.

Dive: to jump into water with your head first and with your arms stretched out

in front of you.

Hut: a small simple shelter or building.


Shipwreck: an accident in which a ship is destroyed during a journey.

Answer the following questions:

1-Why didn't The Robinsons feel homesick?


2-What did they take from the shipwreck?


3-Why didn't they have to sleep on the ground or in hammocks?


4-What did they do all the day that kept them busy?


5-How did the Robinsons get good food to eat?


6-How did the boys spend their play time?


7-Why were the boys healthy and strong?


8-What kind of pets did the children have?


9-What did the family do when the weather changed?


10-How did the Robinsons have fun during the bad weather?


Complete the following sentences:

1-The Robinsons took ……………………………….from the shipwreck.

2-The Robinsons were not homesick because ………………………….


3-The Robinsons took the beds from the shipwreck, so they didn’t ……….

4-The Robinsons had the animals from …………..and found………………….

5-The Robinsons planted ……….and ………….and found……………………


6-The Robinsons were ……………………all day. The mother made ………………and

………………….…… from………………………….

7- The Robinsons looked after ……………..….. and ………….…………and

everyone helped to build ………………….…….. and ……………..………..

8- The boys were good ……. they ……… from the rocks into the …………….

9- All the children had pets . Fritz found …………… and he gave the …………. to Ernest

, …………. had his two dogs and Franz could ride ……………………. everyday .

10- It was not long before Franz could ride …………….. everyday .

11- When the weather changed , there were …………. In the sky , the wind

……………… and it began ………..

12- While they were staying in the tree house Ernest drew ………………….… ,

Fritz and Jack taught …………………………………….……… and the mother


13- The Robinsons liked music , so during staying in the tree house , the wife

…………………………..…… and they all …………….………… together .


Chapter 6

Thanks given

New Vocabulary

Prize : a reward that you get for being successful in a competition or for being

good at something .

Set (v.) : a situation in which something unpleasant might happen .

Danger : a situation in which something unpleasant might happen .

Shake : to make a quick movement up and down or side to side .

Answer the following questions :

1- What was the thanks given day ?


2- How long did they stay on the island ?


3- How did they celebrate this spcial day ?


4- What frightened them ?


5- Why was the snake so frightening ?


6- How did they get off the snake ?


7- Where did the snake disappear ?


Complete the following sentences :

1- On the day they reached land ,The father made a …….… with….. on a tree .

2- They called the day they …………….to the island the ………….

3- Everyone was ……………… to hear that , the time …………… quickly .

4- They played ……………….. , the boys ran ………….and won ………

5- The ………… was ………… with their …………………….

6- They ………….. about everything that had …………… since the …………..


a year before .

7- Few ………….. after their celebration , something …………… them .

8- …………… saw something coming towards …………. through the ……….

9- It was a huge …………….. , …………. , long . It lifted its……..........about ………….

from the ground .

10- All the family were …………. they …………….. their house .

11- …………… and his father took their ……………….. out and when they found the

…………. they …………..………. it …...………….…

12- The snake ……………… into the long ………….. near ……………..

Chapter 7


New Vocabulary :-

rescue : an action of saving someone or something from danger .

acre : a unit for measuring large areas of land .

plan : to think about something that you intend to make and decide how it will

look .

find out : to discover a fact or a piece of information .

set off : to start a journey .

pearl : small round jewel that is white and shiny .

coral reef : small tropical sea animal that lives in large groups that look like plants

albatross : a large white ocean bird with long narrow wings .

decided : to make a choice about what you are going to do .

lead they way: to show other people the way to a place .

fire : to shoot bullets , arrows or missiles .

cliff : a high area of rock with a very steep side often on a coast .

bay : a part of a coast where the land curves inwards so , the sea is surrounded by

land on the three sides .

Answer the following questions : 1- What did they call the island ?


………………………………………………………………………….. 2- Where do they live in winter and in summer ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 3- How long did they stay on the island ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 4- Why did Fritz decide to sail round the island ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 5- What was the interesting story that fritz had ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 6- How did they find the small island ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 7- When did they find the small island ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 8- Who did they find on the small island ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 9- What was Jenny Montros story ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 10- What did Jenny teach them ? When ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 11- What happened when Jack and Franz cleaned their guns ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 12- How did they sail to the English ship ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 13- What did the family do when they saw the English ship ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 14- Why was the English ship there ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 15- Why didn’t the Robinsons leave the island ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 16- Who left the island ? ………………………………………………………………………….. 17- What did Fritz take with him from his father ? ………………………………………………………………………….. Complete the following sentences : 1- The Robinsons called their new island ……………..

2- Their ……………… covered many ……………. of land .


3- They spent …………….. on the ……………………

4- ………………. sailed round …………..…. to find out if ……….


5- Fritz returned home with …………… full of ……………. and had an

interesting ………………. to ……………..

6- While Fritz was ………………. , he came to a ……………… where many

………………… lived .

7- An ………. hit the ……. and fell on ………. and around his leg ………………….

8- Fritz …………….a piece of cloth from …………….. and wrote on it

…………. and …………….. round the………… …… leg .

9- They saw ………… above the trees on …………..

10- They found ……………………. waving from …………….

11- While a ship was sailing to ………………. there was a ………. and the ship


12- During the ……….. Jenny ……… them all to …….. English well .

13- While Jack and Franz were ………….. their guns , they …………… and

…………… a ship’s guns fire back from ……………

14- Fritz and his father ………………. in their boat and after ……………..

they passed some ……………. and in ……………….. was an English ship .

15- The ………… of the English ship had come to …………..

16- The narrator and …………… loved new ………….. so they ……………

17- …………….. and …………. and Jenny decided to leave and the narrator

gave them his ………………. with …………..



I- Upside Down ( P. 20 )

It’s about a boy who would like to be able to do what same animals can

do , but he can’t .

II- Bored (P.22)

It’s about a boy who feels bored of everything .

III- Secrets (P.23)

It’s about children’s questions and thoughts that grown-ups can’t answer

or understand .

IV- What is Red (P.24)

The red colour is shown around us in many ways .

V- The Rivals (P.26 )

It’s about a girl who enjoys singing and completes with birds saying that

her voice is as pretty as theirs .

VI- Little Old Man (P.27 )

When the young boy saw an old man with hunched back and grey hair ,

he imagined that he’ll look like him when he gets old .