unit 9 ( ii) reinaissance art

Renaissance art

Upload: francisco-gonzalez

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Renaissance art

The Renaissance style in art-Was inspired by the

artistic models of Antiquity.

-Artists wanted to revive the simple, harmonious forms of the Greeks and Romans.

-They tried to capture the ideal beauty of human beings

Renaissance architecture

-Revived classical elements such as semicircular arches and classical columns belongin to the Doric, Ionic and corinthian orders.

-Buildings were smaller, and not as tall as gothic Constructions.

-Architects wanted to adapt buldings to the proportions of the human body

Renaissance sculpture-Followed the models of

Classical Antiquity.-Great importance was given to

proportions and anatomical studies of figures.

-Great numbers of sculptures of nudes.

Other types:-Portrait sculptures ( busts)

-Equestrian statues.

Were made of bronze or marble.

The figures had idealised bodies and the artist also tried to capture the model’s personality

Moses by Michelangelo S.XVI

Laoconte S. I

Renaissance painting -Painters used colour,

composition and background scenes.

Such as buildings and landscapes, to create an impression of space and depth. They discovered perspective.

-Inspired by classical Antiquity.

Their figures had harmonious proportions and aimed for beauty by idealising faces, bodies and movements.

The artist painted religious, and mythological scenes, nudes and portraits

Describe these works of renaissance art

The Spring by Sandro Botticelli

The birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

The Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

King David

David by DonatelloDavid by Michelangelo

Il Condotiero Gatamelata by Donatello

Compare these cathedrals

The evolution of Painting

Altarpiece from Aviá12th century

Virgin and Child 14th century

The holy FamilyWith a lambBy Rafael16th century

I hope you liked the renaissance style