unit g324: poster breakdown

Poster Construction – Step By Step Breakdown Leeza Ah-Wan Candidate Number: 6593

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Page 1: Unit G324: Poster Breakdown

Poster Construction – Step By Step Breakdown

Leeza Ah-WanCandidate Number: 6593

Page 2: Unit G324: Poster Breakdown

I used the text tool to “inform” (Katz) an audience of important information, such as the channel, time and days my soap will be distributed on. I used adjectives such as ‘new’ to draw in a pass along audience by denoting I have something fresh and different to offer.

I copy and pasted social networking logos obtained from the search engine Google onto my poster. Both logos originally had a white background, which was removed using the magic eraser tool.

Page 3: Unit G324: Poster Breakdown

I used the text tool to type up the text in the top left corner. I believe using a hashtag will grab the attention of a pass along audience, as it suggests that there’s excitement surrounding ‘Upon Thames’ as people are talking about it all over social media. This will create a sense of hype, prior to the first episode airing.

I inserted the ‘Upon Thames’ logo. Using it across all three of my products increases the likelihood of it becoming more memorable and well established.

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Next, I inserted the BBC 2 Ident. I believe showing the synergy between my soap and BBC 2 will mean I can appeal to a larger demographic, as BBC 2 is such a well acclaimed institution.

I then placed in my first image. I manipulated the lighting slightly to make the shadow effect more dramatic.

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I then placed in my second image. I didn’t have to manipulate the lighting on this photo at all.

Next, I placed in my third image. Similarly to the first image, I manipulated the lighting slightly compared to the original image.

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I used the text tool to type up the tagline: ‘guess who?’. I believed the juxtaposition of using red and white looked effective and added to the overall dramatic mood of the poster. I also added an outer glow effect to the text to add to the interrogation feel created. This tagline was also chosen as ‘guess who’ is the predominant theme in our trailer and I wanted my products to offer consistency.

I included the rhetorical question: ‘how well do you know your neighbours?’ to denote that one of the main themes explored in this soap opera is secrecy and lies.

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Afterwards, I inserted a splat of blood and then used the smudge tool to stretch it out and make it look more realistic.

Finally, I inserted an image of a knife. I chose one with blood as it worked well with the splat of blood underneath. The image of the knife also had a background and this was removed using the quick selection tool and rubber tool.