unit v ( digestive system)

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that processes food. In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete waste. Most of the digestive organs (like the stomach and intestines) are tube-like and contain the food as it makes its way through the body. The digestive system is essentially a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus, plus a few other organs (like the liver and pancreas) that produce or store digestive chemicals. The Digestive Process: The start of the process - the mouth: The digestive process begins in the mouth. Food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary enzymes (these enzymes are produced by the salivary glands and break down starches into smaller molecules). On the way to the stomach: the esophagus - After being chewed and swallowed, the food enters the esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. It uses rhythmic, wave-like muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach. This muscle movement

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Page 1: Unit v ( digestive system)



A. Background

The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that

processes food. In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food

down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete waste. Most

of the digestive organs (like the stomach and intestines) are tube-like and contain

the food as it makes its way through the body. The digestive system is essentially

a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus, plus a few other organs

(like the liver and pancreas) that produce or store digestive chemicals. The

Digestive Process:

The start of the process - the mouth: The digestive process begins in the mouth.

Food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action

of salivary enzymes (these enzymes are produced by the salivary glands and break

down starches into smaller molecules). On the way to the stomach: the esophagus

- After being chewed and swallowed, the food enters the esophagus. The

esophagus is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. It uses

rhythmic, wave-like muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the

throat into the stomach. This muscle movement gives us the ability to eat or drink

even when we're upside-down.

In the stomach - The stomach is a large, sack-like organ that churns the food

and bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric acid). Food in the stomach that is partly

digested and mixed with stomach acids is called chyme. In the small intestine -

After being in the stomach, food enters the duodenum, the first part of the small

intestine. It then enters the jejunum and then the ileum (the final part of the small

intestine). In the small intestine, bile (produced in the liver and stored in the gall

bladder), pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes produced by the inner

wall of the small intestine help in the breakdown of food.

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In the large intestine - After passing through the small intestine, food passes into

the large intestine. In the large intestine, some of the water and electrolytes

(chemicals like sodium) are removed from the food.

Many microbes (bacteria like Bacteroides, Lactobacillus acidophilus,

Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella) in the large intestine help in the digestion

process. The first part of the large intestine is called the cecum (the appendix is

connected to the cecum). Food then travels upward in the ascending colon. The

food travels across the abdomen in the transverse colon, goes back down the other

side of the body in the descending colon, and then through the sigmoid colon. The

end of the process - Solid waste is then stored in the rectum until it is excreted via

the anus.

B. Purpose

1.) To know work process of the enzyme amilase

2.) For fat disgention knowing

3.) For protein disgention knowing the prosess.

4.) To knowing the process of lipase the process.

C. Benefit

The results of this lab is expected to be useful is that it can help biology

students to study the role and for the human digestive system.

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The process of digestion, the digested food is broken down into molecules

simpler that is easily absorbed through the intestinal wall and enter the

bloodstream. Digestion is an ongoing process. Starting from the feed retrieval and

ending with disposal of the feed (Indira, 2011).

Enzymes are one or several groups of polypeptides (proteins) that serve as

catalysts (compounds that accelerate the reaction process without completely

reacted) in a chemical reaction. Most of the enzymes typically work, which means

that each type of enzyme can only work on one kind of compound or a chemical

reaction. This is due to differences in the chemical structure of each enzyme is

fixed (Campbell, 1995).

The digestive system in animals is generally equal to humans, which consists

of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. However, the structure

of the digestive system is different in different species of animals, depending on

the high or low level of organization of the animal cells as well as the type of

food. In the digestive tract of invertebrates food generally was simple, done in

phagocytosis and intracellular, whereas in vertebrates already have tools that do a

perfect digestive exstra cell. Parts consists primarily of the mouth, pharynx,

esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine (Guyton, 1995).

In higher animals such as fish, food is digested in the custom channel are

generally already well developed. Thus, digestion of food in these animals takes

place within the gastrointestinal organs (in extracellular). Gastrointestinal system

is composed of various organs that are functionally can be divided into four parts,

namely the reception area, storage area, area of digestion and absorption of

nutrients, as well as regional water absorption and excretion (Isnaeni, 2006).

Generally, in the mouth food gear crushed mechanically by the road chewed.

Meals are eaten in large converted into a smaller size. During the destruction of

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mechanically held, glands located around the mouth produces fluid called saliva

or spit. There are three glands that produce saliva glands are parotid, sub

mandibulare gland and sublingual glands. There are enzymes in saliva salivary

amylase is an enzyme that works to break down starch into maltose molecule by

hydrolysis. This process works better when chewed finer dining. Ptialin enzymes

work optimally at pH 6,6.selain addition, saliva also serves to wet food so as to

facilitate the process of swallowing food (Poedjiadi, 2006).

Saliva also contains enzymes amylase and lipase. Amylase will break down

starch and glycogen into maltose and oligosaccharides, while the enzyme lipase in

human saliva less have a role in the digestive process. In addition to containing

enzymes ptialin, saliva also contains compounds buffer pH (buffer) that is useful

to break down the decrease in pH so the digestive process can run normally (Kent,


After oral food to the esophagus (Zona Progressive) through the pharynx. In

fish, the oral cavity continue to be faring with several pairs of gills as the entry of

food and water. then the food towards the stomach (ventricilus) (Duke, 1995).

This will occur in the gastric digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Protein digestion in the stomach will undergo denaturation by working HCl and

hydrolyzed by the enzyme pepsin, so that the protein into peptides. Digestion of

proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the stomach is an early stage, but intensively

conducted in the intestine. While the fish that do not have the stomach, intestinal

digestion of proteins made in front of the protease enzyme will break down

protein into amino acids (Gordon, 1979).

Benedict test is a chemical test to determine the content of sugars

(carbohydrates) reducing sugars include all kinds of monosaccharides and some

disaccharides such as lactose and maltose. (Winarno, 1994).

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A. Time and Place

Day/Date :Wednesday, May 28st 2016

Time :16.00 pm – 17.45 pm

Place :Biology Laboratory 3rd floor of the west, faculty of

mathematic and science university of Makassar.

B. Tools and Materials

1. Tools

Test tube 4 piece

Pipette 4 piece

Test tube rack 1 piece

Measure glass 1 piece

Thermometer 1 piece

2. Materials

Saliva 10 ml

Stach solution

Lugol solution

C. Work Procedure

1. Prepare reaction tube and glass lobis 1-4

2. Fill each tube with saliva much 2 ml.

3. Then fill each tube with stach solution as much 2 ml

a.) Test tube I: add saliva 2 ml,shake until bladderthen heaked in water .

In temperature 37cfor 10 minutes ,then add lugol solution 2

ml .Observed the change.

b.) Test tube II : Add 2 ml saliva,shake until bladder then put in the water

for 10 minutes ,add lugol 2 ml .

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c.) Test Tube III : Add 2 ml of saliva ,shaked then put in boiling water for

10 minute then carbohydrate testing with lugol solution 2 ml.

d.) Test Tube IV : like test tube 1 ,but don,t glucose solution ,add benedict

2 ml after that heated in boiling water 5-10 minutes.

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A. Observation Result

Tabel Observation

No Carbohydrate Tube Original Colour The Channge

Before drop lugol After drop lugol

1. In the water 37 c I White Blue

2. In the water II White Blue

3. In the water III White Blue

4. In the water 37 c IV White Blue

Before drop


After drop


White Blue


After doing practical digestive system by using saliva in getting the results

which have been tested saliva remains blue or is positive memngantung amylase

enzyme in it.

The first experiment is to test the saliva amylase enzyme activity

undertaken to observe and determine the ability of minimally amylase breaks

down starch per unit time. In this test using a heating temperature of boiling

water. where after saliva to be put into the tube and treated with a solution, after

averaging the saliva turned into clear murky, and wait for a few minutes later

Adaiah addition menthilen blue when the lab immediately turn blue, after heated

the color changes to blue clear / blue clean. This ultimately leads to the movement

or the occurrence of enzil amylase activity in the digestive process.

The factors that led to incomplete hydrolysis of starch that is the enzyme

concentration was reduced after by dilution carried out repeatedly and is also

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caused by the heating stage is not at a temperature optimum is at 30 ° C but do

exist temperature of 38 ° C, this can lead the enzyme becomes inactive.

An enzyme is a protein molecule that acts as a biocatalyst and serve to

catalyze metabolic reactions that take place in living beings. Several types of

enzymes needed to break down substances organic molecules such as

carbohydrates require amylase enzymes to break down starch, protein and fat

needed a protease enzyme that requires lipase. One enzyme that resides in the

body of the organism, the enzyme amylase in particular can be derived from the

saliva or saliva.

This enzyme has a specific temperature and optimum conditions for work

or react properly. Amylase enzyme has a very important role for the survival of

the organism because it is one of the first digestive tract. Amylase enzyme's

performance can be affected by various factors both from outside and from inside

the body of an organism, these factors are such as temperature, pH and substrate.

so testing the enzyme activity is very important to know the influence of these

factors on the performance of the enzyme. Therefore perform the lab's

Biochemistry on enzyme tests.

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A. Conclussion

Based on the observation ,the conclude that are amylase enzyme activity is

influenced by several factors such as changes ini ph, temperature ,

organic,solvents ,and which caused protein clenaturation.

B. Sugesstion

Based on observation that we have every weak. Apprentice should be

carefully to take a data or make explanation. In order we got the accurate data

and detailed explanation.

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Duke, NH. 1995. The Physiology of Domestic Animal.Comstock Publishing: New York.

F.G.Winarno. 1984. Biokimia. Jakarta: UI-Press

Guyton, D. C. 1995. Fisiologi Hewan, Edisi 2. Jakarta: EGC.

Indira,Fitriliyani.2011. Aktifitas Enzim Saluran Pencernaan Ikan Nila (Oreohromis Niloticus) Dengan Pakan Mengandung Tepung Daun Lamtoro (Leucaena Leucophala) Terhidrolisis Dan Tanpa Hidrolisis Dengan Ekstrak Enzim Cairan Rumen Domba. Jurnal: BIOSCIENTIAE. Vol 8. No. 2. Hal: 16-31.

Isnaeni, Wiwi. 2006. Fisiologi Hewan. Yogyakarta:Kanisius.

Kent, Van De Graf. 1994. Atlas of Fisiology. Penerbit McGraw Hill : USA

Poedjiadi, Anna. 2006. Dasar-Dasar Biokimia. Jakarta: UI
